Best junit code snippet using org.hamcrest.Description.NullDescription.toString
...123 MatcherFactory matcherFactory) {124 final List<Matcher<?>> elementMatchers = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());125 int i = 0;126 for (Object value : values) {127 List<String> elementPath = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(fieldPath, ImmutableList.of(Integer.toString(i))));128 elementMatchers.add(matcherFactory.createMatcher(elementSchema, value, elementPath, options));129 i++;130 }131 return elementMatchers;132 }133 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")134 private static Matcher<?> createUnionMatcher(Schema schema, Object value, List<String> fieldPath, Options options) {135 Matcher<?> result = null;136 for (Schema possibleSchema : schema.getTypes()) {137 if (possibleSchema.getType() == Schema.Type.NULL) {138 if (value == null) {139 result = nullValue();140 break;141 }142 } else if (value != null) {143 Class<?> possibleClass = SpecificData.get().getClass(possibleSchema);144 // Avro will return the primitive wrapper which the value will not be compatible with145 if (possibleClass.isPrimitive()) {146 possibleClass = Primitives.wrap(possibleClass);147 }148 if (possibleClass.isInstance(value)) {149 result = createMatcher(possibleSchema, value, fieldPath, options);150 }151 }152 }153 // Below can happen if you don't use builders to create objects.154 Preconditions.checkNotNull(result, "Could not create Matcher. Was a non-nullable field left null? Schema: " + schema + " Value: " + value);155 return result;156 }157 private static Matcher<?> createDoubleMatcher(Double value) {158 if (value.isNaN() || value.isInfinite()) {159 return equalTo(value);160 }161 if (value == 0.0) {162 return closeTo(value, 1e-6);163 }164 return closeTo(value, Math.abs(value) * 1e-8);165 }166 /**167 * Adaptation of {@link org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher}.168 * @param <T>169 */170 private static abstract class AvroDiagnosingMatcher<T> extends BaseMatcher<T> implements InternalMatcher {171 protected final List<String> objectPath;172 protected final Class<?> expectedType;173 public AvroDiagnosingMatcher(Class<?> expectedType, List<String> objectPath) {174 this.expectedType = expectedType;175 this.objectPath = objectPath;176 }177 @Override178 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")179 public final boolean matches(Object item) {180 return item != null181 && expectedType.isInstance(item)182 && matchesSafely((T) item, new Description.NullDescription());183 }184 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")185 @Override186 public final void describeMismatch(Object item, Description mismatchDescription) {187 if (item == null || !expectedType.isInstance(item)) {188 if (mismatchDescription instanceof MismatchList) {189 MismatchList mismatchList = MismatchList.checkArgumentIsMismatchList(mismatchDescription);190 StringDescription stringDescription = new StringDescription();191 super.describeMismatch(item, stringDescription);192 mismatchList.addMismatch(objectPath, stringDescription.toString());193 } else {194 super.describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription);195 }196 } else {197 matchesSafely((T) item, mismatchDescription);198 }199 }200 @Override201 public void describeTo(Description description) {202 }203 protected abstract boolean matchesSafely(T item, Description mismatchDescription);204 @Override205 public void describeMismatch2(Object item, Description mismatchDescription) {206 describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription);207 }208 }209 private static class AvroObjectMatcher<T extends IndexedRecord> extends AvroDiagnosingMatcher<T> {210 protected final T object;211 private final List<Matcher<T>> subMatchers;212 private final Options options;213 /**214 * Simple constructor, will produce a matcher with strict equality checking.215 */216 public AvroObjectMatcher(T object) {217 this(object, new Options());218 }219 /**220 * Constructor.221 *222 * @param object The object to compare to.223 * @param options options224 */225 public AvroObjectMatcher(T object, Options options) {226 this(object, Lists.<String>newArrayList(), options);227 }228 /**229 * Constructor which allows strictness of the match to be controlled.230 *231 * @param object The object to compare to.232 * @param options options233 */234 private AvroObjectMatcher(T object, List<String> objectPath, @Nonnull Options options) {235 super(IndexedRecord.class, objectPath);236 this.object = object;237 this.options = options;238 ImmutableList.Builder<Matcher<T>> subMatcherBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();239 for (Field field : object.getSchema().getFields()) {240 List<String> fieldPath = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(objectPath, ImmutableList.of(;241 if (!options.getExcluder().isExcluded(object, fieldPath)) {242 Object value = object.get(field.pos());243 subMatcherBuilder.add(new FieldMatcher<T>(fieldPath, field.pos(), createMatcher(field.schema(), value, fieldPath, options)));244 }245 }246 subMatchers =;247 }248 @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "ConstantConditions"})249 @Override250 public void describeTo(Description description) {251 // pretty up the output252 String objectJson;253 try {254 ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();255 JsonEncoder jsonEncoder = EncoderFactory.get().jsonEncoder(object.getSchema(), bos, true);256 options.getDatumWriterFactory().apply(object.getSchema()).write(object, jsonEncoder);257 jsonEncoder.flush();258 objectJson = new String(bos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");259 } catch (IOException e) {260 throw new RuntimeException(e);261 }262 description.appendText(object.getSchema().getName()).appendText(": ").appendText(objectJson);263 }264 @Override265 protected boolean matchesSafely(T other, final Description mismatchDescription) {266 if (!object.getClass().isInstance(other)) {267 if (mismatchDescription instanceof MismatchList) {268 ((MismatchList) mismatchDescription).addMismatch(objectPath, "is not instance of " + object.getClass().getName());269 }270 return false;271 }272 boolean matches = true;273 MismatchList mismatchList = null;274 for (Matcher<T> matcher : subMatchers) {275 if (!matcher.matches(other)) {276 if (mismatchDescription instanceof Description.NullDescription) {277 // shortcut and return false278 return false;279 }280 // otherwise continue and catalogue mismatches281 if (mismatchList == null) {282 if (mismatchDescription instanceof MismatchList) {283 mismatchList = (MismatchList) mismatchDescription;284 } else {285 assert objectPath.isEmpty() : "mismatchDescription should be a MismatchList unless this is the root element";286 mismatchList = new MismatchList();287 }288 }289 matcher.describeMismatch(other, mismatchList);290 matches = false;291 }292 }293 if (!matches && objectPath.isEmpty()) { // mismatch and we are the top-level element294 mismatchDescription.appendDescriptionOf(mismatchList);295 }296 return matches;297 }298 }299 private static abstract class AbstractFieldMatcher<T> extends AvroDiagnosingMatcher<T> {300 private final Matcher<?> valueMatcher;301 public AbstractFieldMatcher(Class<?> expectedType, List<String> fieldPath, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {302 super(expectedType, fieldPath);303 this.valueMatcher = valueMatcher;304 }305 @Override306 protected boolean matchesSafely(T item, Description mismatchDescription) {307 Object value = getValue(item);308 if (valueMatcher.matches(value)) {309 return true;310 }311 if (!(mismatchDescription instanceof Description.NullDescription)) {312 MismatchList mismatchList = MismatchList.checkArgumentIsMismatchList(mismatchDescription);313 if (valueMatcher instanceof InternalMatcher) {314 ((InternalMatcher) valueMatcher).describeMismatch2(value, mismatchList);315 } else {316 // we have reached a 'leaf' mismatch, add it to the stack317 StringDescription mismatchError = new StringDescription();318 mismatchError.appendText("Expected: ");319 valueMatcher.describeTo(mismatchError);320 mismatchError.appendText(" but: ");321 valueMatcher.describeMismatch(value, mismatchError);322 mismatchList.addMismatch(objectPath, mismatchError.toString());323 }324 }325 return false;326 }327 protected abstract Object getValue(T item);328 }329 private static class FieldMatcher<T extends IndexedRecord> extends AbstractFieldMatcher<T> {330 private final int fieldPos;331 public FieldMatcher(List<String> fieldPath, int fieldPos, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {332 super(IndexedRecord.class, fieldPath, valueMatcher);333 this.fieldPos = fieldPos;334 }335 @Override336 protected Object getValue(T item) {337 return item.get(fieldPos);338 }339 }340 private static class MapEntryMatcher extends AbstractFieldMatcher<Map<String, ?>> {341 private final String key;342 public MapEntryMatcher(List<String> fieldPath, String key, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {343 super(Map.class, fieldPath, valueMatcher);344 this.key = key;345 }346 @Override347 protected Object getValue(Map<String, ?> item) {348 return item.get(key);349 }350 public boolean hasValue(Map<String, ?> item) {351 return item.containsKey(key);352 }353 }354 private static class ListEntryMatcher extends AbstractFieldMatcher<List<?>> {355 private final int index;356 public ListEntryMatcher(List<String> fieldPath, int index, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {357 super(List.class, fieldPath, valueMatcher);358 this.index = index;359 }360 @Override361 protected Object getValue(List<?> item) {362 return hasValue(item) ? item.get(index) : null;363 }364 private boolean hasValue(List<?> item) {365 return index >= 0 && index < item.size();366 }367 }368 /**369 * Nested class which provides a more informative map matcher.370 *371 * TODO pretty up description372 */373 private static class AvroMapMatcher extends AvroDiagnosingMatcher<Map<String, ?>> {374 private final Map<String, MapEntryMatcher> subMatchers = Maps.newHashMap();375 public AvroMapMatcher(Schema schema, Map<String, ?> map, List<String> objectPath, Options options) {376 super(Map.class, objectPath);377 for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {378 List<String> entryPath = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(objectPath, ImmutableList.of(entry.getKey())));379 subMatchers.put(entry.getKey(), new MapEntryMatcher(entryPath, entry.getKey(), createMatcher(schema, entry.getValue(), entryPath, options)));380 }381 }382 @Override383 protected boolean matchesSafely(Map<String, ?> map, Description mismatchDescription) {384 Set<String> remainingKeys = Sets.newHashSet(map.keySet());385 boolean matches = true;386 for (Map.Entry<String, MapEntryMatcher> entry : subMatchers.entrySet()) {387 MapEntryMatcher matcher = entry.getValue();388 if (!matcher.matches(map)) {389 if (mismatchDescription instanceof Description.NullDescription) {390 // shortcut and return false;391 return false;392 }393 // otherwise continue and catalogue mismatches394 if (matcher.hasValue(map)) {395 remainingKeys.remove(entry.getKey());396 }397 matcher.describeMismatch(map, mismatchDescription);398 matches = false;399 } else {400 remainingKeys.remove(entry.getKey());401 }402 }403 if (remainingKeys.size() > 0) {404 if (!(mismatchDescription instanceof Description.NullDescription)) {405 MismatchList mismatchList = MismatchList.checkArgumentIsMismatchList(mismatchDescription);406 StringDescription mismatchError = new StringDescription();407 mismatchError.appendText("had additional keys: ").appendValueList("[", ",", "]", remainingKeys);408 mismatchList.addMismatch(objectPath, mismatchError.toString());409 }410 matches = false;411 }412 return matches;413 }414 }415 private static class ListMatcher<E> extends AvroDiagnosingMatcher<Iterable<? extends E>> {416 private final List<ListEntryMatcher> matchers;417 public ListMatcher(List<Matcher<? super E>> matchers, List<String> objectPath) {418 super(Iterable.class, objectPath);419 this.matchers = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(matchers.size());420 int i = 0;421 for (Matcher<? super E> matcher : matchers) {422 List<String> elementPath = ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(objectPath, ImmutableList.of(Integer.toString(i))));423 this.matchers.add(new ListEntryMatcher(elementPath, i, matcher));424 i++;425 }426 }427 @Override428 protected boolean matchesSafely(Iterable<? extends E> item, Description mismatchDescription) {429 // not very nice, but we need it to be a list because that's what ListEntryMatcher expects. We430 // use ListEntryMatcher because it is an AbstractFieldMatcher and so handles printing the fieldPath431 // etc nicely432 List<?> itemList = item instanceof List ? (List) item : Lists.newArrayList(item);433 for (ListEntryMatcher matcher : matchers) {434 if (!matcher.matches(itemList)) {435 if (!(mismatchDescription instanceof NullDescription)) {436 matcher.describeMismatch(itemList, mismatchDescription);437 }438 // shortcut439 return false;440 }441 }442 if (itemList.size() > matchers.size()) {443 if (!(mismatchDescription instanceof Description.NullDescription)) {444 MismatchList mismatchList = MismatchList.checkArgumentIsMismatchList(mismatchDescription);445 StringDescription mismatchError = new StringDescription();446 mismatchError.appendText("had additional indices: ");447 List<Integer> indexes = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(itemList.size() - matchers.size());448 for (int i = matchers.size(); i < itemList.size(); i++) {449 indexes.add(i);450 }451 mismatchError.appendText(Joiner.on(", ").join(indexes));452 mismatchList.addMismatch(objectPath, mismatchError.toString());453 }454 return false;455 }456 return true;457 }458 }459 /**460 * Used for {@link #contains(Collection, Options)} matching.461 *462 * @param <E>463 */464 private static class ExternalListMatcher<E> extends ListMatcher<E> {465 public ExternalListMatcher(List<Matcher<? super E>> matchers) {466 super(matchers, ImmutableList.<String>of());467 }468 @Override469 protected boolean matchesSafely(Iterable<? extends E> item, Description mismatchDescription) {470 if (mismatchDescription instanceof NullDescription) {471 return super.matchesSafely(item, mismatchDescription);472 }473 MismatchList mismatchList = new MismatchList();474 boolean matches = super.matchesSafely(item, mismatchList);475 mismatchList.describeTo(mismatchDescription);476 return matches;477 }478 }479 private static class CollectionMatcher<E> extends IsIterableContainingInAnyOrder<E> implements InternalMatcher {480 private final List<String> objectPath;481 public CollectionMatcher(List<Matcher<? super E>> matchers, List<String> objectPath) {482 super(matchers);483 this.objectPath = objectPath;484 }485 @Override486 public void describeTo(Description description) {487 super.describeTo(description);488 }489 @Override490 protected boolean matchesSafely(Iterable<? extends E> items, Description mismatchDescription) {491 if (mismatchDescription instanceof MismatchList) {492 MismatchList list = (MismatchList) mismatchDescription;493 StringDescription desc = new StringDescription();494 boolean matches = super.matchesSafely(items, desc);495 list.addMismatch(objectPath, desc.toString());496 return matches;497 }498 return super.matchesSafely(items, mismatchDescription);499 }500 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")501 @Override502 public void describeMismatch2(Object item, Description mismatchDescription) {503 if (item == null || !(item instanceof Iterable)) {504 MismatchList mismatchList = MismatchList.checkArgumentIsMismatchList(mismatchDescription);505 StringDescription stringDescription = new StringDescription();506 super.describeMismatch(item, stringDescription);507 mismatchList.addMismatch(objectPath, stringDescription.toString());508 } else {509 matchesSafely((Iterable<? extends E>) item, mismatchDescription);510 }511 }512 }513 /**514 * Marker interface.515 */516 private interface InternalMatcher {517 /**518 * Parallels {@link org.hamcrest.Matcher#describeMismatch(Object, Description)} because CollectionMatcher's519 * super-class make this final.520 *521 * @param item item...
...160 description.appendText(describeValue(expected));161 }162 private static String describeValue(Object value) {163 if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Integer) {164 return value.toString();165 } else if (value instanceof Optional) {166 Optional<?> optional = (Optional)value;167 if (optional.isPresent()) {168 return describeValue(optional.get());169 } else {170 return "(empty)";171 }172 } else if (value instanceof List) {173 List<?> list = (List)value;174 return "[" + indentedList(lazyMap(list, DeepReflectionMatcher::describeValue)) + "]";175 } else if (value instanceof Set) {176 Set<?> list = (Set)value;177 return "{" + indentedList(lazyMap(list, DeepReflectionMatcher::describeValue)) + "}";178 } else if (value instanceof Map) {...
...189 method.setAccessible(true);190 assertFalse((boolean) method.invoke(matcher, object, new Description.NullDescription()));191 final StringDescription actualDescription = new StringDescription();192 method.invoke(matcher, object, actualDescription);193 Assertions.assertEquals(expectedDescription, actualDescription.toString());194 }195}...
...76 77 if (message.contains("$1")) {78 final Description subMismatch = new StringDescription();79 if (!matches(matcher, item, subMismatch)) {80 mismatch.appendText(message.replace("$1", subMismatch.toString()));81 return false;82 }83 } else {84 if (!matcher.matches(item)) {85 mismatch.appendText(message);86 return false;87 }88 }89 return true;90 }91 92 public static <T> MatchResult<T> matchResult(Matcher<?> matcher, T item) {93 if (matcher instanceof QuickDiagnosingMatcher) {94 return ((QuickDiagnosingMatcher) matcher).matchResult(item);95 }96 StringDescription mismatch = new StringDescription();97 if (matches(matcher, item, mismatch)) {98 return new MatchResultSuccess<>(item, matcher);99 } else {100 return new MatchResultMismatch<>(item, matcher, mismatch.toString());101 }102 }103 104 public static <T> QuickDiagnosingMatcher<T> matcher(final Matcher<T> matcher) {105 if (matcher instanceof QuickDiagnosingMatcher) {106 return (QuickDiagnosingMatcher) matcher;107 } else {108 return new MatcherProxy<T>() {109 @Override110 protected Matcher<T> matcher() {111 return matcher;112 }113 };114 }
...42 public void testPresenceMismatchDescription()43 {44 Description mismatchMsg = new StringDescription();45 new AbsentMatcher<>().describeMismatch(new RegularPresent<>("3"), mismatchMsg);46 assertThat(mismatchMsg.toString(),"present"));47 }48 @Test49 public void testDescribeTo()50 {51 Description description = new StringDescription();52 new AbsentMatcher<>().describeTo(description);53 assertThat(description, hasToString("absent"));54 }55 private Description.NullDescription desc()56 {57 return new Description.NullDescription();58 }59 private static final class BrokenAbsent implements Optional<Date>60 {...
...46 public void testValueMismatchDescription()47 {48 Description mismatchMsg = new StringDescription();49 new PresentMatcher<>("123").describeMismatch(new Present<>("abc"), mismatchMsg);50 assertThat(mismatchMsg.toString(), is("present, but value was \"abc\""));51 }52 @Test53 public void testPresenceMismatchDescription()54 {55 Description mismatchMsg = new StringDescription();56 new PresentMatcher<>("123").describeMismatch(absent(), mismatchMsg);57 assertThat(mismatchMsg.toString(), is("not present"));58 }59 @Test60 public void testDescribeTo()61 {62 Description description = new StringDescription();63 new PresentMatcher<>("123").describeTo(description);64 assertThat(description, hasToString("present with value \"123\""));65 }66}...
...30 @Test(timeout = 4000)31 public void test2() throws Throwable {32 Character character0 = new Character(';');33 Same same0 = new Same(character0);34 String string0 = same0.toString();35 assertNotNull(string0);36 }37 @Test(timeout = 4000)38 public void test3() throws Throwable {39 Same same0 = new Same((Object) null);40 Description.NullDescription description_NullDescription0 = new Description.NullDescription();41 same0.describeTo(description_NullDescription0);42 assertEquals("", description_NullDescription0.toString());43 }44 @Test(timeout = 4000)45 public void test4() throws Throwable {46 Same same0 = new Same("");47 String string0 = same0.toString();48 assertNotNull(string0);49 }50}...
...6 private final NullDescription nullDescription = new Description.NullDescription();7 @Test public void8 isUnchangedByAppendedText() {9 nullDescription.appendText("myText");10 assertEquals("", nullDescription.toString());11 }12}...
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.hamcrest;2import org.hamcrest.Description;3import org.hamcrest.Description.NullDescription;4public class DescriptionTest {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 Description d = new NullDescription();7 d.appendText("Hello");8 d.appendText(" World");9 System.out.println(d.toString());10 }11}12Related Posts: org.hamcrest.Description.appendValue(Object) method in Java13org.hamcrest.Description.appendText(String) method in Java14org.hamcrest.Description.appendList(String, String, String, Iterable<?>) method in Java15org.hamcrest.Description.appendList(String, String, String, Object[]) method in Java16org.hamcrest.Description.appendList(String, String, String, java.util.Collection<?>) method in Java17org.hamcrest.Description.appendList(String, String, String, java.util.Iterator<?>) method in Java18org.hamcrest.Description.appendList(String, String, String, Enumeration<?>) method in Java19org.hamcrest.Description.appendList(String, String, String, Map<?,?>) method in Java20org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[]) method in Java21org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Iterable<?>) method in Java22org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, java.util.Collection<?>) method in Java23org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, java.util.Iterator<?>) method in Java24org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Enumeration<?>) method in Java25org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Map<?,?>) method in Java26org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], ValueToString<?>[]) method in Java27org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], ValueToString<?>) method in Java28org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], Function<Object, String>) method in Java29org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], Function<Object, String>, String) method in Java30org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], Function<Object, String>, String, String) method in Java31org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], Function<Object, String>, String, String, String) method in Java32org.hamcrest.Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[], Function<Object, String>, String, String, String, String)
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Description;2import org.hamcrest.Description.NullDescription;3public class NullDescriptionExample {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 Description description = new NullDescription();6 String str = description.toString();7 System.out.println("String representation of the null description object: " + str);8 }9}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Description;2import org.hamcrest.Description.NullDescription;3public class NullDescriptionDemo {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 Description d = new NullDescription();6 d.appendValue(null);7 System.out.println(d.toString());8 }9}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Description2import org.hamcrest.Description.NullDescription3def description = new NullDescription()4description.toString()5import org.hamcrest.Description6import org.hamcrest.Description.BaseDescription7def description = new BaseDescription()8description.toString()9Java - Description.toString() Method10Java - Description.appendText(String) Method11Java - Description.appendValue(Object) Method12Java - Description.appendValueList(String, String, String, Object[]) Method13Java - Description.appendList(String, String, String, Iterable) Method14Java - Description.appendDescriptionOf(Description) Method15Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Object) Method16Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Object[]) Method17Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Iterable) Method18Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, String) Method19Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, char) Method20Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, boolean) Method21Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, byte) Method22Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, short) Method23Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, int) Method24Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, long) Method25Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, float) Method26Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, double) Method27Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Object) Method28Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Object[]) Method29Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Iterable) Method30Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, String) Method31Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, char) Method32Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, boolean) Method33Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, byte) Method34Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, short) Method35Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, int) Method36Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, long) Method37Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, float) Method38Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, double) Method39Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Object) Method40Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description, Object[]) Method41Java - Description.appendMismatchOf(Description
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Description2import org.hamcrest.StringDescription3def description = new NullDescription()4description.appendText("This is a text")5String text = description.toString()6import org.hamcrest.Description7import org.hamcrest.StringDescription8def description = new StringDescription()9description.appendText("This is a text")10String text = description.toString()
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