Best junit code snippet using org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched
...8import org.hamcrest.Factory;9import org.hamcrest.Matcher;10import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher;11import static org.hamcrest.Condition.matched;12import static org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched;13import static org.hamcrest.beans.PropertyUtil.NO_ARGUMENTS;14/**15 * Matcher that asserts that a JavaBean property on an argument passed to the16 * mock object meets the provided matcher. This is useful for when objects17 * are created within code under test and passed to a mock object, and you wish18 * to assert that the created object has certain properties.19 * <p/>20 * <h2>Example Usage</h2>21 * Consider the situation where we have a class representing a person, which22 * follows the basic JavaBean convention of having get() and possibly set()23 * methods for it's properties:24 * <pre>25 * public class Person {26 * private String name;27 * public Person(String person) {28 * this.person = person;29 * }30 * public String getName() {31 * return name;32 * }33 * }</pre>34 * 35 * And that these person objects are generated within a piece of code under test36 * (a class named PersonGenerator). This object is sent to one of our mock objects37 * which overrides the PersonGenerationListener interface:38 * <pre>39 * public interface PersonGenerationListener {40 * public void personGenerated(Person person);41 * }</pre>42 * 43 * In order to check that the code under test generates a person with name44 * "Iain" we would do the following:45 * <pre>46 * Mock personGenListenerMock = mock(PersonGenerationListener.class);47 * personGenListenerMock.expects(once()).method("personGenerated").with(and(isA(Person.class), hasProperty("Name", eq("Iain")));48 * PersonGenerationListener listener = (PersonGenerationListener)personGenListenerMock.proxy();</pre>49 * 50 * If an exception is thrown by the getter method for a property, the property51 * does not exist, is not readable, or a reflection related exception is thrown52 * when trying to invoke it then this is treated as an evaluation failure and53 * the matches method will return false.54 * <p/>55 * This matcher class will also work with JavaBean objects that have explicit56 * bean descriptions via an associated BeanInfo description class. See the57 * JavaBeans specification for more information:58 * <p/>59 * *61 * @author Iain McGinniss62 * @author Nat Pryce63 * @author Steve Freeman64 */65public class HasPropertyWithValue<T> extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<T> {66 private static final Condition.Step<PropertyDescriptor,Method> WITH_READ_METHOD = withReadMethod();67 private final String propertyName;68 private final Matcher<Object> valueMatcher;69 public HasPropertyWithValue(String propertyName, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {70 this.propertyName = propertyName;71 this.valueMatcher = nastyGenericsWorkaround(valueMatcher);72 }73 @Override74 public boolean matchesSafely(T bean, Description mismatch) {75 return propertyOn(bean, mismatch)76 .and(WITH_READ_METHOD)77 .and(withPropertyValue(bean))78 .matching(valueMatcher, "property '" + propertyName + "' ");79 }80 @Override81 public void describeTo(Description description) {82 description.appendText("hasProperty(").appendValue(propertyName).appendText(", ")83 .appendDescriptionOf(valueMatcher).appendText(")");84 }85 private Condition<PropertyDescriptor> propertyOn(T bean, Description mismatch) {86 PropertyDescriptor property = PropertyUtil.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, bean);87 if (property == null) {88 mismatch.appendText("No property \"" + propertyName + "\"");89 return notMatched();90 }91 return matched(property, mismatch);92 }93 private Condition.Step<Method, Object> withPropertyValue(final T bean) {94 return new Condition.Step<Method, Object>() {95 @Override96 public Condition<Object> apply(Method readMethod, Description mismatch) {97 try {98 return matched(readMethod.invoke(bean, NO_ARGUMENTS), mismatch);99 } catch (Exception e) {100 mismatch.appendText(e.getMessage());101 return notMatched();102 }103 }104 };105 }106 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")107 private static Matcher<Object> nastyGenericsWorkaround(Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {108 return (Matcher<Object>) valueMatcher;109 }110 private static Condition.Step<PropertyDescriptor,Method> withReadMethod() {111 return new Condition.Step<PropertyDescriptor, java.lang.reflect.Method>() {112 @Override113 public Condition<Method> apply(PropertyDescriptor property, Description mismatch) {114 final Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();115 if (null == readMethod) {116 mismatch.appendText("property \"" + property.getName() + "\" is not readable");117 return notMatched();118 }119 return matched(readMethod, mismatch);120 }121 };122 }123 /**124 * Creates a matcher that matches when the examined object has a JavaBean property125 * with the specified name whose value satisfies the specified matcher.126 * <p/>127 * For example:128 * <pre>assertThat(myBean, hasProperty("foo", equalTo("bar"))</pre>129 * 130 * @param propertyName131 * the name of the JavaBean property that examined beans should possess...
...6import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher;7import java.util.ArrayList;8import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.any;9import static org.hamcrest.extras.Condition.matched;10import static org.hamcrest.extras.Condition.notMatched;11/**12* @author Steve Freeman 2012 http://www.hamcrest.com13*/14public class JsonPathMatcher extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<String> {15 private final String jsonPath;16 private Condition.Step<? super JsonObject, JsonElement> findElement;17 private Matcher<JsonElement> elementContents;18 public JsonPathMatcher(String jsonPath, Matcher<JsonElement> elementContents) {19 this.jsonPath = jsonPath;20 this.findElement = findElementStep(jsonPath);21 this.elementContents = elementContents;22 }23 @Override24 protected boolean matchesSafely(String source, Description mismatch) {25 return parse(source, mismatch)26 .and(findElement)27 .matching(elementContents);28 }29 public void describeTo(Description description) {30 description.appendText("Json with path '").appendText(jsonPath).appendText("'")31 .appendDescriptionOf(elementContents);32 }33 @Factory34 public static Matcher<String> hasJsonPath(final String jsonPath) {35 return new JsonPathMatcher(jsonPath, any(JsonElement.class));36 }37 @Factory38 public static Matcher<String> hasJsonElement(final String jsonPath, final Matcher<String> contentsMatcher) {39 return new JsonPathMatcher(jsonPath, elementWith(contentsMatcher));40 }41 private Condition<JsonObject> parse(String source, Description mismatch) {42 try {43 return matched(new JsonParser().parse(source).getAsJsonObject(), mismatch);44 } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {45 mismatch.appendText(e.getMessage());46 }47 return notMatched();48 }49 private static Matcher<JsonElement> elementWith(final Matcher<String> contentsMatcher) {50 return new TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<JsonElement>() {51 @Override52 protected boolean matchesSafely(JsonElement element, Description mismatch) {53 return jsonPrimitive(element, mismatch).matching(contentsMatcher);54 }55 public void describeTo(Description description) {56 description.appendText("containing ").appendDescriptionOf(contentsMatcher);57 }58 private Condition<String> jsonPrimitive(JsonElement element, Description mismatch) {59 if (element.isJsonPrimitive()) {60 return matched(element.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString(), mismatch);61 }62 mismatch.appendText("element was ").appendValue(element);63 return notMatched();64 }65 };66 }67 private static Condition.Step<JsonElement, JsonElement> findElementStep(final String jsonPath) {68 return new Condition.Step<JsonElement, JsonElement>() {69 public Condition<JsonElement> apply(JsonElement root, Description mismatch) {70 Condition<JsonElement> current = matched(root, mismatch);71 for (JsonPathSegment nextSegment : split(jsonPath)) {72 current = current.then(nextSegment);73 }74 return current;75 }76 };77 }...
...5import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher;6import java.lang.reflect.Method;7import java.lang.reflect.RecordComponent;8import static org.hamcrest.Condition.matched;9import static org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched;10import static org.hamcrest.beans.PropertyUtil.NO_ARGUMENTS;11public class HasRecordComponentWithValue<T> extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<T> {12 private static final Condition.Step<RecordComponent, Method> WITH_READ_METHOD = withReadMethod();13 private final String componentName;14 private final Matcher<Object> valueMatcher;15 public HasRecordComponentWithValue(String componentName, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {16 this.componentName = componentName;17 this.valueMatcher = nastyGenericsWorkaround(valueMatcher);18 }19 @Override20 public boolean matchesSafely(T bean, Description mismatch) {21 return recordComponentOn(bean, mismatch)22 .and(WITH_READ_METHOD)23 .and(withPropertyValue(bean))24 .matching(valueMatcher, "record component '" + componentName + "' ");25 }26 private Condition.Step<Method, Object> withPropertyValue(final T bean) {27 return new Condition.Step<Method, Object>() {28 @Override29 public Condition<Object> apply(Method readMethod, Description mismatch) {30 try {31 return matched(readMethod.invoke(bean, NO_ARGUMENTS), mismatch);32 } catch (Exception e) {33 mismatch.appendText(e.getMessage());34 return notMatched();35 }36 }37 };38 }39 @Override40 public void describeTo(Description description) {41 description.appendText("hasRecordComponent(").appendValue(componentName).appendText(", ")42 .appendDescriptionOf(valueMatcher).appendText(")");43 }44 private Condition<RecordComponent> recordComponentOn(T bean, Description mismatch) {45 RecordComponent[] recordComponents = bean.getClass().getRecordComponents();46 if (recordComponents == null) {47 mismatch.appendValue(bean);48 mismatch.appendText(" is not a record");49 return notMatched();50 }51 for(RecordComponent comp : recordComponents) {52 if(comp.getName().equals(componentName)) {53 return matched(comp, mismatch);54 }55 }56 mismatch.appendText("No record component \"" + componentName + "\"");57 return notMatched();58 }59 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")60 private static Matcher<Object> nastyGenericsWorkaround(Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {61 return (Matcher<Object>) valueMatcher;62 }63 private static Condition.Step<RecordComponent,Method> withReadMethod() {64 return new Condition.Step<RecordComponent, java.lang.reflect.Method>() {65 @Override66 public Condition<Method> apply(RecordComponent property, Description mismatch) {67 final Method readMethod = property.getAccessor();68 if (null == readMethod) {69 mismatch.appendText("record component \"" + property.getName() + "\" is not readable");70 return notMatched();71 }72 return matched(readMethod, mismatch);73 }74 };75 }76 public static <T> Matcher<T> has(String componentName, Matcher<?> valueMatcher) {77 return new HasRecordComponentWithValue<T>(componentName, valueMatcher);78 }79}...
...7import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;8import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;9import java.lang.reflect.Method;10import static org.hamcrest.Condition.matched;11import static org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched;12import static org.hamcrest.beans.PropertyUtil.NO_ARGUMENTS;13public class Matchers {14 public static <T> org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> isPresent() {15 return new IsPresent<>();16 }17 private static class IsPresent<T> extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<T> {18 @Override19 public boolean matchesSafely(T bean, Description mismatch) {20 return propertyOn(bean,"present", mismatch)21 .and(Matchers::withReadMethod)22 .and(withPropertyValue(bean))23 .matching(IS_VALID_MATCHER, mismatchMessage);24 }25 @Override26 public void describeTo(Description description) {27 description.appendText("isPresent()");28 }29 }30 public static <T> org.hamcrest.Matcher<T> isEmpty() {31 return new IsEmpty<>();32 }33 private static class IsEmpty<T> extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<T> {34 @Override35 public boolean matchesSafely(T bean, Description mismatch) {36 return propertyOn(bean,"empty", mismatch)37 .and(Matchers::withReadMethod)38 .and(withPropertyValue(bean))39 .matching(IS_VALID_MATCHER, mismatchMessage);40 }41 @Override42 public void describeTo(Description description) {43 description.appendText("isEmpty()");44 }45 }46 private static <T> Condition<PropertyDescriptor> propertyOn(T bean, String propertyName, Description mismatch) {47 PropertyDescriptor property = PropertyUtil.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, bean);48 if (property == null) {49 mismatch.appendText("Not a valid Optional Class");50 return notMatched();51 }52 return matched(property, mismatch);53 }54 private static final Matcher<Object> IS_VALID_MATCHER = org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo(true);55 private static final String mismatchMessage = "Not a valid Optional Class";56 private static <T> Condition.Step<Method, Object> withPropertyValue(final T bean) {57 return (readMethod, mismatch) -> {58 try {59 return matched(readMethod.invoke(bean, NO_ARGUMENTS), mismatch);60 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {61 mismatch.appendText(mismatchMessage);62 return notMatched();63 } catch (Exception e) {64 throw new IllegalStateException("Calling: '" + readMethod + "' should not have thrown " + e);65 }66 };67 }68 private static Condition<Method> withReadMethod(PropertyDescriptor property, Description mismatch) {69 final Method readMethod = property.getReadMethod();70 if (null == readMethod) {71 mismatch.appendText("Not a valid Optional Class");72 return notMatched();73 }74 return matched(readMethod, mismatch);75 }76}...
...5import org.hamcrest.Description;6import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt;7import static java.lang.String.format;8import static org.hamcrest.extras.Condition.matched;9import static org.hamcrest.extras.Condition.notMatched;10/**11* @author Steve Freeman 2012 http://www.hamcrest.com12*/13public class JsonPathSegment implements Condition.Step<JsonElement, JsonElement> {14 private final String pathSegment;15 private final String pathSoFar;16 public JsonPathSegment(String pathSegment, String pathSoFar) {17 this.pathSegment = pathSegment;18 this.pathSoFar = pathSoFar;19 }20 public Condition<JsonElement> apply(JsonElement current, Description mismatch) {21 if (current.isJsonObject()) {22 return nextObject(current, mismatch);23 }24 if (current.isJsonArray()) {25 return nextArrayElement(current, mismatch);26 }27 mismatch.appendText("no value at '").appendText(pathSoFar).appendText("'");28 return notMatched();29 }30 private Condition<JsonElement> nextObject(JsonElement current, Description mismatch) {31 final JsonObject object = current.getAsJsonObject();32 if (!object.has(pathSegment)) {33 mismatch.appendText("missing element at '").appendText(pathSoFar).appendText("'");34 return notMatched();35 }36 return matched(object.get(pathSegment), mismatch);37 }38 private Condition<JsonElement> nextArrayElement(JsonElement current, Description mismatch) {39 final JsonArray array = current.getAsJsonArray();40 try {41 return arrayElementIn(array, mismatch);42 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {43 mismatch.appendText("index not a number in ").appendText(pathSoFar);44 return notMatched();45 }46 }47 private Condition<JsonElement> arrayElementIn(JsonArray array, Description mismatch) {48 final int index = parseInt(pathSegment);49 if (index > array.size()) {50 mismatch.appendText(format("index %d too large in ", index)).appendText(pathSoFar);51 return notMatched();52 }53 return matched(array.get(index), mismatch);54 }55}...
...13 }14 public final <U> Condition<U> then(Step<? super T, U> mapping) {15 return and(mapping);16 }17 public static <T> Condition<T> notMatched() {18 return NOT_MATCHED;19 }20 public static <T> Condition<T> matched(T theValue, Description mismatch) {21 return new Matched(theValue, mismatch);22 }23 private static final class Matched<T> extends Condition<T> {24 private final Description mismatch;25 private final T theValue;26 private Matched(T theValue2, Description mismatch2) {27 super();28 this.theValue = theValue2;29 this.mismatch = mismatch2;30 }31 @Override // org.hamcrest.Condition32 public boolean matching(Matcher<T> matcher, String message) {33 if (matcher.matches(this.theValue)) {34 return true;35 }36 this.mismatch.appendText(message);37 matcher.describeMismatch(this.theValue, this.mismatch);38 return false;39 }40 @Override // org.hamcrest.Condition41 public <U> Condition<U> and(Step<? super T, U> next) {42 return next.apply(this.theValue, this.mismatch);43 }44 }45 private static final class NotMatched<T> extends Condition<T> {46 private NotMatched() {47 super();48 }49 @Override // org.hamcrest.Condition50 public boolean matching(Matcher<T> matcher, String message) {51 return false;52 }53 @Override // org.hamcrest.Condition54 public <U> Condition<U> and(Step<? super T, U> step) {55 return notMatched();56 }57 }58}...
1package org.devopsix.hamcrest.mail.matchers;2import static java.util.Objects.isNull;3import static org.hamcrest.Condition.matched;4import static org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched;5import javax.mail.Address;6import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;7import org.hamcrest.Condition;8import org.hamcrest.Condition.Step;9import org.hamcrest.Description;10import org.hamcrest.Matcher;11import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher;12/**13 * <p>A matcher for the {@code personal} property of {@code javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress} objects.</p>14 * 15 * @see InternetAddress#getPersonal()16 * @see Address17 * 18 * @author devopsix19 *20 */21public class AddressHasPersonal extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<Address> {22 23 private final Matcher<String> matcher;24 25 public AddressHasPersonal(Matcher<String> matcher) {26 this.matcher = matcher;27 }28 29 @Override30 public boolean matchesSafely(Address address, Description mismatch) {31 return internetAddress(address, mismatch).and(extractPersonal()).matching(matcher);32 }33 @Override34 public void describeTo(Description description) {35 description.appendText("has a personal name which matches: ");36 matcher.describeTo(description);37 }38 39 protected Condition<InternetAddress> internetAddress(Address address, Description mismatch) {40 if (address instanceof InternetAddress) {41 return matched((InternetAddress)address, mismatch);42 } else {43 mismatch.appendText("is not an InternetAddress");44 return notMatched();45 }46 }47 48 private Step<InternetAddress, String> extractPersonal() {49 return new Step<InternetAddress, String>() {50 @Override51 public Condition<String> apply(InternetAddress address, Description mismatch) {52 if (isNull(address)) {53 mismatch.appendText("null");54 return notMatched();55 } else {56 return matched(address.getPersonal(), mismatch);57 }58 }59 };60 }61}...
1package org.devopsix.hamcrest.mail.matchers;2import static java.util.Objects.isNull;3import static org.hamcrest.Condition.matched;4import static org.hamcrest.Condition.notMatched;5import javax.mail.Address;6import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;7import org.hamcrest.Condition;8import org.hamcrest.Condition.Step;9import org.hamcrest.Description;10import org.hamcrest.Matcher;11import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher;12/**13 * <p>A matcher for the {@code address} property of {@code javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress} objects.</p>14 * 15 * @see InternetAddress#getAddress()16 * @see Address17 * 18 * @author devopsix19 *20 */21public class AddressHasAddress extends TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<Address> {22 23 private final Matcher<String> matcher;24 25 public AddressHasAddress(Matcher<String> matcher) {26 this.matcher = matcher;27 }28 29 @Override30 public boolean matchesSafely(Address address, Description mismatch) {31 return internetAddress(address, mismatch).and(extractAddress()).matching(matcher);32 }33 @Override34 public void describeTo(Description description) {35 description.appendText("has an address which matches: ");36 matcher.describeTo(description);37 }38 39 protected Condition<InternetAddress> internetAddress(Address address, Description mismatch) {40 if (address instanceof InternetAddress) {41 return matched((InternetAddress)address, mismatch);42 } else {43 mismatch.appendText("is not an InternetAddress");44 return notMatched();45 }46 }47 48 private Step<InternetAddress, String> extractAddress() {49 return new Step<InternetAddress, String>() {50 @Override51 public Condition<String> apply(InternetAddress address, Description mismatch) {52 if (isNull(address)) {53 mismatch.appendText("null");54 return notMatched();55 } else {56 return matched(address.getAddress(), mismatch);57 }58 }59 };60 }61}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Condition2import org.hamcrest.Matcher3import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert4import org.hamcrest.Matchers5import org.junit.Test6class ConditionTest {7 fun testNotMatched() {8 val condition = Condition("Hello")), "should be equal to Hello")9 MatcherAssert.assertThat("Hello", condition)10 MatcherAssert.assertThat("Hello", condition.notMatched())11 MatcherAssert.assertThat("Hello", Matchers.not(condition))12 MatcherAssert.assertThat("Hello", Matchers.not(condition.notMatched()))13 }14}
Using AI Code Generation
1Condition<String> notEmpty = new Condition<String>("not empty string") {2 public boolean matches(String value) {3 return !value.isEmpty();4 }5};6Condition<String> empty = notEmpty.notMatched();7assertThat("", empty);8assertThat("not empty", notEmpty);9Condition<String> notNull = new Condition<String>("not null") {10 public boolean matches(String value) {11 return value != null;12 }13};14Condition<String> isNull = notNull.notMatched();15assertThat(null, isNull);16assertThat("not null", notNull);17Condition<String> notNullOrEmpty = new Condition<String>("not null or empty string") {18 public boolean matches(String value) {19 return value != null && !value.isEmpty();20 }21};22Condition<String> isNullOrEmpty = notNullOrEmpty.notMatched();23assertThat(null, isNullOrEmpty);24assertThat("", isNullOrEmpty);25assertThat("not null or empty", notNullOrEmpty);26Condition<String> notNullAndNotEmpty = new Condition<String>("not null and not empty string") {27 public boolean matches(String value) {28 return value != null && !value.isEmpty();29 }30};31Condition<String> isNullOrEmpty = notNullAndNotEmpty.notMatched();32assertThat(null, isNullOrEmpty);33assertThat("", isNullOrEmpty);34assertThat("not null and not empty", notNullAndNotEmpty);35Condition<String> notEmpty = new Condition<String>("not empty string") {36 public boolean matches(String value) {37 return !value.isEmpty();38 }39};
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Condition2import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert3import org.hamcrest.Matchers4import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains5def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')6MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())7import org.hamcrest.Condition8import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert9import org.hamcrest.Matchers10import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains11def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')12MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())13import org.hamcrest.Condition14import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert15import org.hamcrest.Matchers16import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains17def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')18MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())19import org.hamcrest.Condition20import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert21import org.hamcrest.Matchers22import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains23def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')24MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())25import org.hamcrest.Condition26import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert27import org.hamcrest.Matchers28import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains29def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')30MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())31import org.hamcrest.Condition32import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert33import org.hamcrest.Matchers34import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains35def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')36MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())37import org.hamcrest.Condition38import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert39import org.hamcrest.Matchers40import org.hamcrest.text.StringContains41def matcher = new Condition<String>(StringContains.containsString('Hello'), 'contains Hello')42MatcherAssert.assertThat(text, matcher.notMatched())
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Condition2import spock.lang.Specification3class ConditionExample extends Specification {4 def "notMatched method"() {5 def condition = new Condition({it > 5}, "greater than 5")6 condition.notMatched(4) == true7 condition.notMatched(6) == false8 }9}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Condition2import org.hamcrest.Matchers3import org.junit.Test4import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat5class ConditionTest {6 void testCondition() {7 def condition = new Condition({ it == 'test' }, 'test')8 assertThat('test', condition)9 assertThat('test1', Matchers.not(condition))10 }11}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.hamcrest.Condition2import org.hamcrest.Matcher3assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {4 !it.matches(pattern)5}6import org.hamcrest.Condition7import org.hamcrest.Matcher8assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {9 !it.matches(pattern)10}11import org.hamcrest.Condition12import org.hamcrest.Matcher13assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {14 !it.matches(pattern)15}16import org.hamcrest.Condition17import org.hamcrest.Matcher18assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {19 !it.matches(pattern)20}21import org.hamcrest.Condition22import org.hamcrest.Matcher23assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {24 !it.matches(pattern)25}26import org.hamcrest.Condition27import org.hamcrest.Matcher28assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {29 !it.matches(pattern)30}31import org.hamcrest.Condition32import org.hamcrest.Matcher33assert new Condition(str, "does not match $pattern") {34 !it.matches(pattern)35}
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Gauge is a free open source test automation framework released by creators of Selenium, ThoughtWorks. Test automation with Gauge framework is used to create readable and maintainable tests with languages of your choice. Users who are looking for integrating continuous testing pipeline into their CI-CD(Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) process for supporting faster release cycles. Gauge framework is gaining the popularity as a great test automation framework for performing cross browser testing.
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Developed in 2004 by Thoughtworks for internal usage, Selenium is a widely used tool for automated testing of web applications. Initially, Selenium IDE(Integrated Development Environment) was being used by multiple organizations and testers worldwide, benefits of automation testing with Selenium saved a lot of time and effort. The major downside of automation testing with Selenium IDE was that it would only work with Firefox. To resolve the issue, Selenium RC(Remote Control) was used which enabled Selenium to support automated cross browser testing.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) has become an essential part of modern software development cycles. As a part of continuous integration, the developer should ensure that the Integration should not break the existing code because this could lead to a negative impact on the overall quality of the project. In order to show how the integration process works, we’ll take an example of a well-known continuous integration tool, TeamCity. In this article, we will learn TeamCity concepts and integrate our test suites with TeamCity for test automation by leveraging LambdaTest cloud-based Selenium grid.
LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.
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