Best EvoMaster code snippet using
...391 }else {392 templateClazz = clazz.getComponentType();393 }394 NamedTypedValue template = build(schema, templateClazz, type,"template", rpcType, depth, customizationDtos, relatedCustomization, null, notNullAnnotations, null, genericTypeMap);395 template.setNullable(false);396 CollectionType ctype = new CollectionType(clazz.getSimpleName(),clazz.getName(), template, clazz);397 ctype.depth = getDepthLevel(clazz, depth, clazzWithGenericTypes);398 namedValue = new ArrayParam(name, ctype, accessibleSchema);399 } else if (clazz == ByteBuffer.class){400 // handle binary of thrift401 namedValue = new ByteBufferParam(name, accessibleSchema);402 } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) || Set.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)){403 if (genericType == null)404 throw new RuntimeException("genericType should not be null for List and Set class");405 Type type = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];406 Class<?> templateClazz = getTemplateClass(type, genericTypeMap);407 NamedTypedValue template = build(schema, templateClazz, type,"template", rpcType, depth, customizationDtos, relatedCustomization, null, notNullAnnotations, null, genericTypeMap);408 template.setNullable(false);409 CollectionType ctype = new CollectionType(clazz.getSimpleName(),clazz.getName(), template, clazz);410 ctype.depth = getDepthLevel(clazz, depth, clazzWithGenericTypes);411 if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz))412 namedValue = new ListParam(name, ctype, accessibleSchema);413 else414 namedValue = new SetParam(name, ctype, accessibleSchema);415 } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)){416 if (genericType == null)417 throw new RuntimeException("genericType should not be null for List and Set class");418 Type keyType = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];419 Type valueType = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[1];420 Class<?> keyTemplateClazz = getTemplateClass(keyType, genericTypeMap);421 NamedTypedValue keyTemplate = build(schema, keyTemplateClazz, keyType,"keyTemplate", rpcType, depth, customizationDtos, relatedCustomization, null, notNullAnnotations, null, genericTypeMap);422 keyTemplate.setNullable(false);423 Class<?> valueTemplateClazz = getTemplateClass(valueType, genericTypeMap);424 NamedTypedValue valueTemplate = build(schema, valueTemplateClazz, valueType,"valueTemplate", rpcType, depth, customizationDtos, relatedCustomization, null, notNullAnnotations, null, genericTypeMap);425 MapType mtype = new MapType(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz.getName(), new PairParam(new PairType(keyTemplate, valueTemplate), null), clazz);426 mtype.depth = getDepthLevel(clazz, depth, clazzWithGenericTypes);427 namedValue = new MapParam(name, mtype, accessibleSchema);428 } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)){429 if (clazz == Date.class)430 namedValue = new DateParam(name, accessibleSchema);431 else432 throw new RuntimeException("NOT support "+clazz.getName()+" date type in java yet");433 } else if (Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) && clazz.getName().startsWith("java")){434 // note that here we only extract class name and message435 StringParam msgField = new StringParam("message", new AccessibleSchema(false, null, "getMessage"));436 ObjectType exceptionType = new ObjectType(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz.getName(), Collections.singletonList(msgField), clazz, genericTypes);437 namedValue = new ObjectParam(name, exceptionType, accessibleSchema);438 } else {439 if (clazz.getName().startsWith("java")){440 throw new RuntimeException("NOT handle "+clazz.getName()+" class in java yet");441 }442 long cycleSize => s.equals(getObjectTypeNameWithFlag(clazz, clazzWithGenericTypes))).count();443 if (cycleSize == 1){444 List<NamedTypedValue> fields = new ArrayList<>();445 Map<Integer, CustomizedRequestValueDto> objRelatedCustomizationDtos = getCustomizationBasedOnSpecifiedType(customizationDtos, clazz.getName());446 // field list447 List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<>();448 getAllFields(clazz, fieldList, rpcType);449 for(Field f: fieldList){450 // skip final field451 if (Modifier.isFinal(f.getModifiers()))452 continue;453 if (doSkipReflection(f.getName()))454 continue;455 AccessibleSchema faccessSchema = null;456 //check accessible457 if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())){458 faccessSchema = new AccessibleSchema();459 } else{460 // find getter and setter461 faccessSchema = new AccessibleSchema(false, findGetterOrSetter(clazz, f, false), findGetterOrSetter(clazz, f, true));462 if (faccessSchema.getterMethodName == null || faccessSchema.setterMethodName == null){463 SimpleLogger.warn("Error: skip the field "+f.getName()+" since its setter/getter is not found");464 continue;465 }466 }467 Class<?> fType = f.getType();468 Class<?> foriginalType = null;469 Type fGType = f.getGenericType();470 if (f.getGenericType() instanceof TypeVariable){471 foriginalType = f.getType();472 Type actualType = getActualType(genericTypeMap, (TypeVariable) f.getGenericType());473 if (actualType instanceof Class){474 fType = (Class<?>) actualType;475 fGType = fType;476 }else if (actualType instanceof ParameterizedType){477 fGType = actualType;478 if (((ParameterizedType) actualType).getRawType() instanceof Class<?>)479 fType = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) actualType).getRawType();480 else481 throw new RuntimeException("Error: Fail to handle actual type of a generic type");482 }483 }484 NamedTypedValue field = build(schema, fType, fGType,f.getName(), rpcType, depth, objRelatedCustomizationDtos, relatedCustomization, faccessSchema, notNullAnnotations, foriginalType, genericTypeMap);485 for (Annotation annotation : f.getAnnotations()){486 handleConstraint(field, annotation, notNullAnnotations);487 }488 fields.add(field);489 }490 handleNativeRPCConstraints(clazz, fields, rpcType);491 ObjectType otype = new ObjectType(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz.getName(), fields, clazz, genericTypes);492 otype.setOriginalType(originalType);493 otype.depth = getDepthLevel(clazz, depth, clazzWithGenericTypes);494 ObjectParam oparam = new ObjectParam(name, otype, accessibleSchema);495 schema.registerType(otype.copy(), oparam);496 namedValue = oparam;497 }else {498 CycleObjectType otype = new CycleObjectType(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz.getName(), clazz, genericTypes);499 otype.depth = getDepthLevel(clazz, depth, clazzWithGenericTypes);500 ObjectParam oparam = new ObjectParam(name, otype, accessibleSchema);501 schema.registerType(otype.copy(), oparam);502 namedValue = oparam;503 }504 }505 }catch (ClassCastException e){506 throw new RuntimeException(String.format("fail to perform reflection on param/field: %s; class: %s; genericType: %s; class of genericType: %s; depth: %s; error info:%s",507 name, clazz.getName(), genericType==null?"null":genericType.getTypeName(), genericType==null?"null":genericType.getClass().getName(), String.join(",", depth), e.getMessage()));508 }509 namedValue.getType().setOriginalType(originalType);510 if (customizationDtos!=null){511 handleNamedValueWithCustomizedDto(namedValue, customizationDtos, relatedCustomization);512 }513 return namedValue;514 }515 private static String getNameEnumConstant(Object object) {516 try {517 Method name = object.getClass().getMethod("name");518 name.setAccessible(true);519 return (String) name.invoke(object);520 } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) {521 SimpleLogger.warn("Driver Error: fail to extract name for enum constant", e);522 return object.toString();523 }524 }525 private static void handleGenericSuperclass(Class clazz, Map<TypeVariable, Type> map){526 if (isNotCustomizedObject(clazz)) return;527 if (clazz.getGenericSuperclass() == null || !(clazz.getGenericSuperclass() instanceof ParameterizedType)) return;528 Type[] actualTypes = ((ParameterizedType) clazz.getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments();529 if (((ParameterizedType) clazz.getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments().length == 0) return;530 TypeVariable[] typeVariables = clazz.getSuperclass().getTypeParameters();531 if (typeVariables.length != actualTypes.length){532 throw new RuntimeException("Error: fail to handle generic types in Dto");533 }534 for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++){535 map.put(typeVariables[i], actualTypes[i]);536 }537 handleGenericSuperclass(clazz.getSuperclass(), map);538 }539 private static List<String> handleGenericType(Class<?> clazz, Type genericType, Map<TypeVariable, Type> map){540 if (isNotCustomizedObject(clazz)) return null;541 if (!(genericType instanceof ParameterizedType)) return null;542 List<String> genericTypes = new ArrayList<>();543 Type[] actualTypes = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments();544 TypeVariable[] typeVariables = clazz.getTypeParameters();545 if (typeVariables.length != actualTypes.length){546 throw new RuntimeException("Error: fail to handle generic types in Dto");547 }548 for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++){549 Type a = actualTypes[i];550 if (a instanceof TypeVariable)551 a = getActualType(map, (TypeVariable) a);552 if (a != null)553 genericTypes.add(a.getTypeName());554 map.put(typeVariables[i], actualTypes[i]);555 }556 return genericTypes;557 }558 private static Type getActualType(Map<TypeVariable, Type> map, TypeVariable typeVariable){559 Type t = map.get(typeVariable);560 if (t == null) return null;561 if (t instanceof TypeVariable)562 return getActualType(map, (TypeVariable) t);563 return t;564 }565 private static void getAllFields(Class<?> clazz, List<Field> fieldList, RPCType type){566 if (type == RPCType.THRIFT && isNativeThriftDto(clazz)){567 getFieldForNativeThriftDto(clazz, fieldList);568 return;569 }570 fieldList.addAll(0, Arrays.asList(clazz.getDeclaredFields()));571 if (!Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) && clazz.getSuperclass() != null && clazz.getSuperclass() != Object.class)572 getAllFields(clazz.getSuperclass(), fieldList, type);573 }574 private static Map<Integer, CustomizedRequestValueDto> getCustomizationBasedOnSpecifiedType(Map<Integer, CustomizedRequestValueDto> customizationDtos, String objTypeName){575 if (customizationDtos == null) return null;576 return customizationDtos.entrySet().stream().filter(s-> s.getValue().specificRequestTypeName == null ||577 s.getValue().specificRequestTypeName.equals(objTypeName)).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));578 }579 private static String findGetterOrSetter(Class<?> clazz, Field field, boolean findGetter){580 List<Method> found;581 if (findGetter){582 found =>583 Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) &&584// (m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("get"+field.getName()) || m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("is"+field.getName())) &&585 isGetter(field.getName(), m.getName(), field.getType().getTypeName()) &&586 m.getParameterCount() == 0587 ).collect(Collectors.toList());588 }else {589 found =>590 Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) &&591// m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("set"+field.getName()) &&592 isSetter(field.getName(), m.getName(), field.getType().getTypeName()) &&593 m.getParameterCount() == 1 &&594 (m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(field.getType()) || m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(PrimitiveOrWrapperParam.getPrimitiveOrWrapper(field.getType())))595 ).collect(Collectors.toList());596 }597 if (found.size() == 1)598 return found.get(0).getName();599 String msg = "RPC extract schema Error: cannot access field property, there exist "+found.size()+" methods to access the field "+ field.getName() + " for the class "+ clazz.getName();600 if (found.size() > 1){601 /*602 instead of throwing the exception,603 provide a warning and use the first one604 */605 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn(msg);606 return found.get(0).getName();607 }608 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn(msg);609 return null;610 }611 private static boolean isSetter(String fieldName, String methodName, String type){612 boolean isBoolean = type.equals(Boolean.class.getName()) || type.equals(boolean.class.getName());613 String fieldText = fieldName;614 if (isBoolean && fieldText.startsWith("is") && fieldText.length() > 2)615 fieldText = fieldText.substring(2);616 String gsMethod = "set";617 return methodName.equalsIgnoreCase(gsMethod+fieldText) || methodName.equalsIgnoreCase(gsMethod+fieldName);618 }619 private static boolean isGetter(String fieldName, String methodName, String type){620 boolean isBoolean = type.equals(Boolean.class.getName()) || type.equals(boolean.class.getName());621 return methodName.equalsIgnoreCase("get"+fieldName) || (isBoolean && (methodName.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName) || methodName.equalsIgnoreCase("is"+fieldName)));622 }623 private static void handleNamedValueWithCustomizedDto(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Map<Integer, CustomizedRequestValueDto> customizationDtos, Set<String> relatedCustomization){624 List<String> candidateReferences = new ArrayList<>();625 List<NamedTypedValue> candidates = new ArrayList<>();626 customizationDtos.forEach((i, dto)->{627 if (dto.combinedKeyValuePairs != null628 // && (dto.specificRequestTypeName == null || dto.specificRequestTypeName.equals(namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName()))629 ){630 dto.combinedKeyValuePairs.forEach(p->{631 if (p.fieldKey.equals(namedTypedValue.getName())){632 NamedTypedValue copy = namedTypedValue.copyStructureWithProperties();633 boolean ok = setNamedValueBasedOnCandidates(copy, p.fieldValue);634 if (ok){635 if (!candidateReferences.contains(""+i)){636 relatedCustomization.add(""+i);637 candidateReferences.add(""+i);638 candidates.add(copy);639 } else640 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: there should not exist same key with the name "+p.fieldKey+"in a combinedKeyValuePairs");641 }642 }643 });644 }645 });646 if (!candidates.isEmpty()){647 namedTypedValue.setCandidateReferences(candidateReferences);648 namedTypedValue.setCandidates(candidates);649 return;650 }651 // check for keyValues652 List<CustomizedRequestValueDto> ikey = customizationDtos.values().stream().filter(s-> s.keyValues!= null && s.keyValues.key.equals(namedTypedValue.getName())653 //&& (s.specificRequestTypeName== null || s.specificRequestTypeName.equals(namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName()))654 ).collect(Collectors.toList());655 if (ikey.size() == 1){656 setCandidatesForNamedValue(namedTypedValue, ikey.get(0));657 } else if (ikey.size() > 1){658 throw new IllegalStateException("Error: more than one Dto for independent key with "+getKeyForCustomizedRequestValueDto(ikey.get(0)));659 }660 }661 private static void setCandidatesForNamedValue(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, CustomizedRequestValueDto customizedRequestValueDto){662 boolean handled = true;663 List<NamedTypedValue> candidates = new ArrayList<>();664 if (namedTypedValue instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam || namedTypedValue instanceof StringParam || namedTypedValue instanceof ByteBufferParam){665 for (String v: customizedRequestValueDto.keyValues.values){666 NamedTypedValue copy= namedTypedValue.copyStructureWithProperties();667 handled = handled && setNamedValueBasedOnCandidates(copy, v);668 candidates.add(copy);669 }670 }else {671 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: Do not support configuring pre-defined values for the type "+namedTypedValue.getType().getFullTypeName());672 return;673 }674 if (handled){675 namedTypedValue.setCandidates(candidates);676 }677 }678 private static boolean setNamedValueBasedOnCandidates(NamedTypedValue copy, String value){679 try {680 if (copy instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperParam){681 ((PrimitiveOrWrapperParam) copy).setValueBasedOnStringValue(value);682 }else if (copy instanceof StringParam)683 copy.setValue(value);684 else if (copy instanceof ByteBufferParam)685 copy.setValue(value.getBytes());686 }catch (RuntimeException exception){687 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: fail to generate candidates with string value "+value+" for "+copy.getName() +" with type "+copy.getType().getFullTypeName());688 return false;689 }690 return true;691 }692 private static void handleConstraint(NamedTypedValue namedTypedValue, Annotation annotation, List<CustomizedNotNullAnnotationForRPCDto> notNullAnnotations){693 if (annotation.annotationType().getName().startsWith("javax.validation.constraints")){694 JavaXConstraintHandler.handleParam(namedTypedValue, annotation);695 } else if (notNullAnnotations != null && !notNullAnnotations.isEmpty()){696 boolean isRequired => isRequired(annotation, a));697 namedTypedValue.setNullable(!isRequired);698 }699 // remove the log for the moment, might need it later700// else {701//"annotation with "+ annotation.annotationType().getName()+" is not handled");702// }703 }704 private static boolean isRequired(Annotation annotation, CustomizedNotNullAnnotationForRPCDto notNullAnnotations){705 if (annotation.annotationType().getName().equals(notNullAnnotations.annotationType)){706 if (notNullAnnotations.annotationMethod != null && notNullAnnotations.equalsTo !=null){707 try {708 return annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethod(notNullAnnotations.annotationMethod).invoke(annotation).equals(notNullAnnotations.equalsTo);709 } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {710 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: fail to invoke the specified method in the annotation with the error msg:"+e.getMessage());711 return false;712 }713 }714 return true;715 }716 return false;717 }718 private static Class<?> getTemplateClass(Type type, Map<TypeVariable, Type> genericTypeMap){719 Type actualType = type;720 if (type instanceof TypeVariable)721 actualType = getActualType(genericTypeMap, (TypeVariable) type);722 if (actualType instanceof ParameterizedType){723 return (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType)actualType).getRawType();724 }else if (actualType instanceof Class)725 return (Class<?>) actualType;726 throw new RuntimeException("unhanded type:"+ type);727 }728 /**729 * there might exist some additional info generated by eg instrumentation730 * then we need to skip reflection on such info with the specified name731 * @param name is a name of object to check732 * @return whether to skip the object733 */734 private static boolean doSkipReflection(String name){735 return name.equals("$jacocoData");736 }737 private static boolean isMetaMap(Field field){738 boolean result = field.getName().equals("metaDataMap")739 && Map.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType());740 if (!result) return result;741 Type genericType = field.getGenericType();742 Type valueType = ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[1];743 return valueType.getTypeName().equals("org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData");744 }745 private final static String NATIVE_THRIFT_DTO_INTERFACE = "org.apache.thrift.TBase";746 private final static String NATIVE_THRIFT_FIELD_SCHEMA = "metaDataMap";747 private static boolean isNativeThriftDto(Class<?> clazz){748 return clazz.getInterfaces().length > 0 &&> i.getName().equals(NATIVE_THRIFT_DTO_INTERFACE));749 }750 private static void getFieldForNativeThriftDto(Class<?> clazz, List<Field> fields){751 try {752 Field metaMap_field = clazz.getDeclaredField(NATIVE_THRIFT_FIELD_SCHEMA);753 if (isMetaMap(metaMap_field)){754 Object metaMap = metaMap_field.get(null);755 if (metaMap instanceof Map){756 for (Object f : ((Map)metaMap).values()){757 Field fname = f.getClass().getDeclaredField("fieldName");758 fname.setAccessible(true);759 String name = (String) fname.get(f);760 fields.add(clazz.getDeclaredField(name));761 }762 }763 }764 } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {765 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: fail to get the metaDataMap field in native dto");766 }767 }768 private static void handleNativeRPCConstraints(Class<?> clazz, List<NamedTypedValue> fields, RPCType type){769 if (type == RPCType.THRIFT && isNativeThriftDto(clazz)){770 try {771 Field metaMap_field = clazz.getDeclaredField(NATIVE_THRIFT_FIELD_SCHEMA);772 if (isMetaMap(metaMap_field))773 handleMetaMap(metaMap_field, fields);774 } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {775 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: fail to get the metaDataMap field in native dto");776 }777 }778 }779 private static void handleMetaMap(Field metaMap_field, List<NamedTypedValue> fields){780 Object metaMap = null;781 try {782 metaMap = metaMap_field.get(null);783 if (metaMap instanceof Map){784 for (Object f : ((Map)metaMap).values()){785 Field fname = f.getClass().getDeclaredField("fieldName");786 fname.setAccessible(true);787 String name = (String) fname.get(f);788 NamedTypedValue field = findFieldByName(name, fields);789 if (field!=null){790 Field frequiredType = f.getClass().getDeclaredField("requirementType");791 frequiredType.setAccessible(true);792 byte required = (byte)frequiredType.get(f);793 if (required == 1)794 field.setNullable(false);795 // TODO for handling default796 }else {797 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: fail to find field in list but exist in metaMap, and the field name is "+ name);798 }799 }800 }801 } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {802 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Error: fail to set isNull based on metaMap of Thrift struct "+e.getMessage());803 }804 }805 private static NamedTypedValue findFieldByName(String name, List<NamedTypedValue> fields){806 for (NamedTypedValue f: fields){807 if (f.getName().equals(name)) return f;808 }...
...94 public abstract Object newInstance() throws ClassNotFoundException;95 public void setValue(V value) {96 this.value = value;97 }98 public void setNullable(boolean nullable) {99 isNullable = nullable;100 }101 public boolean isNullable() {102 return isNullable;103 }104 /**105 * get its dto format in order to further handle it with evomastr core106 * @return its corresponding dto107 */108 public ParamDto getDto(){109 ParamDto dto = new ParamDto();110 = name;111 dto.type = type.getDto();112 dto.isNullable = isNullable;113 if (candidates!=null)114 dto.candidates =;115 if (candidateReferences!=null)116 dto.candidateReferences = new ArrayList<>(candidateReferences);117 dto.isMutable = isMutable;118 if (defaultValue != null)119 dto.defaultValue = defaultValue.getDto();120 return dto;121 }122 public NamedTypedValue<T, V> copyStructureWithProperties(){123 NamedTypedValue copy = copyStructure();124 copyProperties(copy);125 return copy;126 }127 public abstract NamedTypedValue<T, V> copyStructure();128 public void copyProperties(NamedTypedValue copy){129 copy.setNullable(isNullable);130 copy.setHasDependentCandidates(isHasDependentCandidates());131 copy.setMutable(isMutable());132 copy.setDefaultValue(getDefaultValue());133 if (getCandidates() != null && !getCandidates().isEmpty())134 copy.setCandidates(getCandidates().stream().map(c-> c.copyStructureWithProperties()).collect(Collectors.toList()));135 if (getCandidateReferences()!= null && !getCandidateReferences().isEmpty())136 copy.setCandidateReferences(new ArrayList<>(getCandidateReferences()));137 }138 /**139 * it is used to find a param schema based on info specified with dto format140 * @param dto specifies a param to check141 * @return whether [this] param schema info is consistent with the given dto142 */143 public boolean sameParam(ParamDto dto){...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.Objects;3public class NamedTypedValue {4 private String name;5 private String type;6 private boolean nullable;7 public NamedTypedValue() {8 = null;9 this.type = null;10 this.nullable = false;11 }12 public NamedTypedValue(String name, String type, boolean nullable) {13 = name;14 this.type = type;15 this.nullable = nullable;16 }17 public String getName() {18 return name;19 }20 public void setName(String name) {21 = name;22 }23 public String getType() {24 return type;25 }26 public void setType(String type) {27 this.type = type;28 }29 public boolean isNullable() {30 return nullable;31 }32 public void setNullable(boolean nullable) {33 this.nullable = nullable;34 }35 public boolean equals(Object o) {36 if (this == o) return true;37 if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;38 NamedTypedValue that = (NamedTypedValue) o;39 Objects.equals(name, &&40 Objects.equals(type, that.type);41 }42 public int hashCode() {43 return Objects.hash(name, type, nullable);44 }45 public String toString() {46 return "NamedTypedValue{" +47 '}';48 }49}50package;51import java.util.Objects;52public class NamedTypedValue {53 private String name;54 private String type;55 private boolean nullable;56 public NamedTypedValue() {57 = null;58 this.type = null;59 this.nullable = false;60 }61 public NamedTypedValue(String name, String type, boolean nullable) {62 = name;63 this.type = type;64 this.nullable = nullable;65 }66 public String getName() {67 return name;68 }69 public void setName(String name) {70 = name;
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3import;4import;5public class NamedTypedValue extends Param {6 private String name;7 private Object value;8 private String type;9 public NamedTypedValue() {10 super(ParamType.OBJECT);11 }12 public NamedTypedValue(String name, Object value, String type) {13 super(ParamType.OBJECT);14 setName(name);15 setValue(value);16 setType(type);17 }18 public String getName() {19 return name;20 }21 public void setName(String name) {22 = name;23 setNullable(false);24 }25 public Object getValue() {26 return value;27 }28 public void setValue(Object value) {29 this.value = value;30 setNullable(false);31 }32 public String getType() {33 return type;34 }35 public void setType(String type) {36 this.type = type;37 setNullable(false);38 }39 public String toString() {40 return ParamUtil.toString(this);41 }42 public boolean equals(Object o) {43 if (this == o) return true;44 if (!(o instanceof NamedTypedValue)) return false;45 NamedTypedValue that = (NamedTypedValue) o;46 if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) return false;47 if (value != null ? !value.equals(that.value) : that.value != null) return false;48 return type != null ? type.equals(that.type) : that.type == null;49 }50 public int hashCode() {51 int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;52 result = 31 * result + (value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0);53 result = 31 * result + (type != null ? type.hashCode() : 0);54 return result;55 }56}
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