How to use newInstance method of class

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...22 public ObjectParam(String name, ObjectType type, AccessibleSchema accessibleSchema) {23 super(name, type, accessibleSchema);24 }25 @Override26 public Object newInstance() throws ClassNotFoundException {27 if (getValue() == null) return null;28 String clazzName = getType().getFullTypeName();29 Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(clazzName);30 try {31 Object instance = clazz.newInstance();32 for (NamedTypedValue v: getValue()){33 if (v.accessibleSchema == null || v.accessibleSchema.isAccessible){34 Field f = clazz.getField(v.getName());35 f.setAccessible(true);36 Object vins = v.newInstance();37 if (vins != null)38 f.set(instance, vins);39 } else if(v.accessibleSchema.setterMethodName != null){40 Method m = getSetter(clazz, v.accessibleSchema.setterMethodName, v.getType(), v.getType().getClazz(), 0);41 /​/​clazz.getMethod(v.accessibleSchema.setterMethodName, v.getType().getClazz());42 m.invoke(instance, v.newInstance());43 }44 }45 return instance;46 } catch (InstantiationException e) {47 throw new RuntimeException("fail to construct the class:"+clazzName+" with error msg:"+e.getMessage());48 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {49 throw new RuntimeException("fail to access the class:"+clazzName+" with error msg:"+e.getMessage());50 } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {51 throw new RuntimeException("fail to access the field:"+clazzName+" with error msg:"+e.getMessage());52 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {53 throw new RuntimeException("fail to access the method:"+clazzName+" with error msg:"+e.getMessage());54 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {55 throw new RuntimeException("fail to invoke the setter method:"+clazzName+" with error msg:"+e.getMessage());56 }57 }58 private Method getSetter(Class<?> clazz, String setterName, TypeSchema type, Class<?> typeClass, int attemptTimes) throws NoSuchMethodException {59 try {60 Method m = clazz.getMethod(setterName, type.getClazz());61 return m;62 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {63 if (type instanceof PrimitiveOrWrapperType && attemptTimes == 0){64 Type p = PrimitiveOrWrapperParam.getPrimitiveOrWrapper(type.getClazz());65 if (p instanceof Class){66 return getSetter(clazz, setterName, type, (Class)p, 1);67 }68 }69 throw e;70 }71 }72 @Override73 public ObjectParam copyStructure() {74 return new ObjectParam(getName(), getType(), accessibleSchema);75 }76 @Override77 public ParamDto getDto() {78 ParamDto dto = super.getDto();79 if (getValue() != null){80 dto.innerContent = getValue().stream().map(NamedTypedValue::getDto).collect(Collectors.toList());81 dto.setNotNullValue();82 } else83 dto.innerContent = getType().getFields().stream().map(NamedTypedValue::getDto).collect(Collectors.toList());84 return dto;85 }86 @Override87 public void setValueBasedOnDto(ParamDto dto) {88 if (dto.stringValue == null){89 setValue(null);90 return;91 }92 if (dto.innerContent!=null && !dto.innerContent.isEmpty()){93 List<NamedTypedValue> fields = getType().getFields();94 List<NamedTypedValue> values = new ArrayList<>();95 for (ParamDto p: dto.innerContent){96 NamedTypedValue f => s.sameParam(p)).findFirst().get().copyStructureWithProperties();97 f.setValueBasedOnDto(p);98 values.add(f);99 }100 setValue(values);101 }102 }103 @Override104 protected void setValueBasedOnValidInstance(Object instance) {105 List<NamedTypedValue> values = new ArrayList<>();106 List<NamedTypedValue> fields = getType().getFields();107 Class<?> clazz;108 try {109 clazz = Class.forName(getType().getFullTypeName());110 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {111 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to get class with the name"+getType().getFullTypeName()+" Msg:"+e.getMessage());112 }113 for (NamedTypedValue f: fields){114 NamedTypedValue copy = f.copyStructureWithProperties();115 try {116 if (f.accessibleSchema == null || f.accessibleSchema.isAccessible){117 Field fi = clazz.getField(f.getName());118 fi.setAccessible(true);119 Object fiv = fi.get(instance);120 copy.setValueBasedOnInstance(fiv);121 } else if(f.accessibleSchema.getterMethodName != null){122 Method m = clazz.getMethod(f.accessibleSchema.getterMethodName);123 copy.setValueBasedOnInstance(m.invoke(instance));124 }125 } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {126 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to get value of the field with the name ("+ f.getName()+ ") and error Msg:"+e.getMessage());127 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException e) {128 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to get/​invoke getter method for the field with the name ("+ f.getName()+ ") and error Msg:"+e.getMessage());129 }130 values.add(copy);131 }132 setValue(values);133 }134 @Override135 public void setValueBasedOnInstanceOrJson(Object json) throws JsonProcessingException {136 Object instance = json;137 if (json instanceof String)138 instance = parseValueWithJson((String) json);139 if (instance == null){140 setValue(null); return;141 }142 if (isValidInstance(instance)){143 setValueBasedOnValidInstance(instance);144 return;145 }146 List<NamedTypedValue> values = new ArrayList<>();147 List<NamedTypedValue> fields = getType().getFields();148 /​*149 in jackson, object would be extracted as a map150 */​151 if (!(instance instanceof Map))152 throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse the map param "+getName()+ " with the type" + instance.getClass().getName());153 for (NamedTypedValue f: fields){154 NamedTypedValue copy = f.copyStructureWithProperties();155 Object fiv = ((Map)instance).get(f.getName());156 copy.setValueBasedOnInstanceOrJson(fiv);157 values.add(copy);158 }159 setValue(values);160 }161 @Override162 public List<String> newInstanceWithJava(boolean isDeclaration, boolean doesIncludeName, String variableName, int indent) {163 String typeName = getType().getTypeNameForInstance();164 String varName = variableName;165 List<String> codes = new ArrayList<>();166 boolean isNull = (getValue() == null);167 String var = CodeJavaGenerator.oneLineInstance(isDeclaration, doesIncludeName, typeName, varName, null);168 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, var, indent);169 if (isNull) return codes;170 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, "{", indent);171 /​/​ new obj172 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, CodeJavaGenerator.setInstanceObject(typeName, varName), indent+1);173 for (NamedTypedValue f : getValue()){174 if (f.accessibleSchema == null || f.accessibleSchema.isAccessible){175 String fName = varName+"."+f.getName();176 codes.addAll(f.newInstanceWithJava(false, true, fName, indent+1));177 }else{178 String fName = varName;179 boolean fdeclar = false;180 if (f instanceof ObjectParam || f instanceof MapParam || f instanceof CollectionParam || f instanceof DateParam || f instanceof BigDecimalParam || f instanceof BigIntegerParam){181 fName = varName+"_"+f.getName();182 fdeclar = true;183 }184 codes.addAll(f.newInstanceWithJava(fdeclar, true, fName, indent+1));185 if (f instanceof ObjectParam || f instanceof MapParam || f instanceof CollectionParam || f instanceof DateParam || f instanceof BigDecimalParam || f instanceof BigIntegerParam){186 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, CodeJavaGenerator.methodInvocation(varName, f.accessibleSchema.setterMethodName, fName)+CodeJavaGenerator.appendLast(),indent+1);187 }188 }189 }190 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, "}", indent);191 return codes;192 }193 @Override194 public List<String> newAssertionWithJava(int indent, String responseVarName, int maxAssertionForDataInCollection) {195 List<String> codes = new ArrayList<>();196 if (getValue() == null){197 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, CodeJavaGenerator.junitAssertNull(responseVarName), indent);198 return codes;...

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...19 public MapParam(String name, MapType type, AccessibleSchema accessibleSchema) {20 super(name, type, accessibleSchema);21 }22 @Override23 public Object newInstance() throws ClassNotFoundException {24 if (getValue() == null) return null;25 return getValue().stream().map(i-> {26 try {27 return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(i.getValue().getKey().newInstance(), i.getValue().getValue().newInstance());28 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {29 throw new RuntimeException(String.format("MapParam: could not create new instance for key and value (%s,%s)",30 i.getValue().getKey().toString(), i.getValue().getValue().getType()));31 }32 }).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));33 }34 @Override35 public ParamDto getDto() {36 ParamDto dto = super.getDto();37 dto.type.type = RPCSupportedDataType.MAP;38 if (getValue()!=null){39 dto.innerContent = getValue().stream().map(s->s.getDto()).collect(Collectors.toList());40 }41 if (minSize != null)42 dto.minSize = Long.valueOf(minSize);43 if (maxSize != null)44 dto.maxSize = Long.valueOf(maxSize);45 return dto;46 }47 @Override48 public MapParam copyStructure() {49 return new MapParam(getName(), getType(), accessibleSchema);50 }51 @Override52 public void setValueBasedOnDto(ParamDto dto) {53 if (dto.innerContent!= null && !dto.innerContent.isEmpty()){54 PairParam t = getType().getTemplate();55 List<PairParam> values => {56 PairParam c = (PairParam) t.copyStructureWithProperties();57 c.setValueBasedOnDto(s);58 return c;59 }).collect(Collectors.toList());60 setValue(values);61 }62 }63 @Override64 protected void setValueBasedOnValidInstance(Object instance) {65 if (instance == null) return;66 PairParam t = getType().getTemplate();67 List<PairParam> values = new ArrayList<>();68 for (Object e : ((Map) instance).entrySet()){69 PairParam copy = (PairParam) t.copyStructureWithProperties();70 copy.setValueBasedOnInstance(e);71 values.add(copy);72 }73 setValue(values);74 }75 @Override76 public void setValueBasedOnInstanceOrJson(Object json) throws JsonProcessingException {77 Object instance = json;78 if (json instanceof String)79 instance = parseValueWithJson((String) json);80 if (instance == null){81 setValue(null); return;82 }83 if (!isValidInstance(instance))84 throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse Map param "+getName()+" with the type "+json.getClass().getName());85 PairParam t = getType().getTemplate();86 List<PairParam> values = new ArrayList<>();87 for (Object e : ((Map) instance).entrySet()){88 PairParam copy = (PairParam) t.copyStructureWithProperties();89 copy.setValueBasedOnInstanceOrJson(e);90 values.add(copy);91 }92 setValue(values);93 }94 @Override95 public List<String> newInstanceWithJava(boolean isDeclaration, boolean doesIncludeName, String variableName, int indent) {96 String fullName = getType().getTypeNameForInstance();97 List<String> codes = new ArrayList<>();98 String var = CodeJavaGenerator.oneLineInstance(isDeclaration, doesIncludeName, fullName, variableName, null);99 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, var, indent);100 if (getValue() == null) return codes;101 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, "{", indent);102 /​/​ new map103 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes,104 CodeJavaGenerator.setInstance(105 variableName,106 CodeJavaGenerator.newMap()), indent+1);107 int index = 0;108 for (PairParam e: getValue()){109 String eKeyVarName = CodeJavaGenerator.handleVariableName(variableName+"_key_"+index);110 if (e.getValue().getKey() == null)111 throw new RuntimeException("key should not been null");112 codes.addAll(e.getValue().getKey().newInstanceWithJava(true, true, eKeyVarName, indent+1));113 String eValueVarName = CodeJavaGenerator.handleVariableName(variableName+"_value_"+index);114 if (e.getValue().getValue() == null)115 throw new RuntimeException("value should not been null");116 codes.addAll(e.getValue().getValue().newInstanceWithJava(true, true, eValueVarName, indent+1));117 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, variableName+".put("+eKeyVarName+","+eValueVarName+");", indent+1);118 index++;119 }120 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, "}", indent);121 return codes;122 }123 @Override124 public List<String> newAssertionWithJava(int indent, String responseVarName, int maxAssertionForDataInCollection) {125 List<String> codes = new ArrayList<>();126 if (getValue() == null){127 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, CodeJavaGenerator.junitAssertNull(responseVarName), indent);128 return codes;129 }130 CodeJavaGenerator.addCode(codes, CodeJavaGenerator.junitAssertEquals(""+getValue().size(), CodeJavaGenerator.withSize(responseVarName)), indent);...

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1package;2import java.util.Map;3import java.util.HashMap;4import java.util.Set;5import java.util.HashSet;6import java.util.Objects;7import;8import;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import;16import;17import;18import;19import;20import java.lang.reflect.Type;21import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;22import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;23import java.lang.reflect.Type;24import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;25import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;26import java.lang.reflect.Type;27import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;28import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;29import java.lang.reflect.Type;30import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;31import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;32import java.lang.reflect.Type;33import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;34import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;35import java.lang.reflect.Type;36import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;37import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;38import java.lang.reflect.Type;39import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;40import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;41import java.lang.reflect.Type;42import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;43import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;44import java.util.*;45import java.util.*;46import java.util.*;47import java.util.*;48import java.util.*;49import java.util.*;50import java.lang.*;

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1package;2public class MapParam {3 private java.util.Map<String, String> map;4 public MapParam(){}5 public MapParam(java.util.Map<String, String> map){6 = map;7 }8 public java.util.Map<String, String> getMap(){9 return map;10 }11 public void setMap(java.util.Map<String, String> map){12 = map;13 }14 public static MapParam newInstance(java.util.Map<String, String> map){15 return new MapParam(map);16 }17}18package;19public class ArrayParam {20 private java.util.List<String> array;21 public ArrayParam(){}22 public ArrayParam(java.util.List<String> array){23 this.array = array;24 }25 public java.util.List<String> getArray(){26 return array;27 }28 public void setArray(java.util.List<String> array){29 this.array = array;30 }31 public static ArrayParam newInstance(java.util.List<String> array){32 return new ArrayParam(array);33 }34}35package;36public class ObjectParam {37 private String string;38 public ObjectParam(){}39 public ObjectParam(String string){40 this.string = string;41 }42 public String getString(){43 return string;44 }45 public void setString(String string){46 this.string = string;47 }48 public static ObjectParam newInstance(String string){49 return new ObjectParam(string);50 }51}52package;53public class PrimitiveParam {54 private String string;55 public PrimitiveParam(){}56 public PrimitiveParam(String string){57 this.string = string;58 }59 public String getString(){

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Using AI Code Generation


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1public class 2 {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 try {4 MapParam param = (MapParam) Class.forName("").newInstance();5 param.setMapValue(new HashMap<String, String>());6 System.out.println(param.getMapValue());7 } catch (Exception e) {8 e.printStackTrace();9 }10 }11}12public class 3 {13 public static void main(String[] args) {14 try {15 ObjectParam param = (ObjectParam) Class.forName("").newInstance();16 param.setObjectValue(new Object());17 System.out.println(param.getObjectValue());18 } catch (Exception e) {19 e.printStackTrace();20 }21 }22}23public class 4 {24 public static void main(String[] args) {25 try {26 PrimitiveParam param = (PrimitiveParam) Class.forName("").newInstance();27 param.setPrimitiveValue(1);28 System.out.println(param.getPrimitiveValue());29 } catch (Exception e) {30 e.printStackTrace();31 }32 }33}34public class 5 {35 public static void main(String[]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1public class 2 {2 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {3 MapParam mapParam0 = new MapParam();4 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());5 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());6 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());7 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());8 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());9 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());10 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());11 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());12 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());13 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());14 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());15 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());16 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());17 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());18 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());19 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());20 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());21 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());22 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());23 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());24 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());25 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());26 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());27 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());28 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());29 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());30 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());31 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());32 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());33 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());34 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());35 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());36 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());37 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());38 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());39 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());40 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());41 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());42 mapParam0.setMapKeyParam(new Param());43 mapParam0.setMapValueParam(new Param());

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