How to use extract method of class

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...83 private final Map<String, List<String>> tableInitSqlMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();84 /​**85 * a map of interface schemas for RPC service under test86 * - key is full name of the interface87 * - value is extracted interface schema88 */​89 private final Map<String, InterfaceSchema> rpcInterfaceSchema = new LinkedHashMap <>();90 /​**91 * a map of local auth setup schemas for RPC service under test92 * - key is the index of the auth info which is specified in the driver93 * - value is extracted local auth setup schema94 */​95 private final Map<Integer, LocalAuthSetupSchema> localAuthSetupSchemaMap = new LinkedHashMap <>();96 /​**97 * handle parsing RPCActionDto based on json string.98 * Note that it is only used for RPC99 */​100 private ObjectMapper objectMapper;101 private int actionIndex = -1;102 /​**103 * Start the controller as a RESTful server.104 * Use the setters of this class to change the default105 * port and host.106 * <br>107 * This method is blocking until the server is initialized.108 *109 * @return true if there was no problem in starting the controller110 */​111 public final boolean startTheControllerServer() {112 /​/​Jersey113 ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig();114 config.register(JacksonFeature.class);115 config.register(new EMController(this));116 config.register(LoggingFeature.class);117 /​/​Jetty118 controllerServer = new Server(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(119 getControllerHost(), getControllerPort()));120 ErrorHandler errorHandler = new ErrorHandler();121 errorHandler.setShowStacks(true);122 controllerServer.setErrorHandler(errorHandler);123 ServletHolder servlet = new ServletHolder(new ServletContainer(config));124 ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(controllerServer,125 ControllerConstants.BASE_PATH + "/​*");126 context.addServlet(servlet, "/​*");127 try {128 controllerServer.start();129 } catch (Exception e) {130 SimpleLogger.error("Failed to start Jetty: " + e.getMessage());131 controllerServer.destroy();132 }133 /​/​just make sure we start from a clean state134 newSearch();135"Started controller server on: " + controllerServer.getURI());136 return true;137 }138 public final boolean stopTheControllerServer() {139 try {140 controllerServer.stop();141 return true;142 } catch (Exception e) {143 SimpleLogger.error("Failed to stop the controller server: " + e.toString());144 return false;145 }146 }147 /​**148 * @return the actual port in use (eg, if it was an ephemeral 0)149 */​150 public final int getControllerServerPort() {151 return ((AbstractNetworkConnector) controllerServer.getConnectors()[0]).getLocalPort();152 }153 public final int getControllerPort() {154 return controllerPort;155 }156 public final void setControllerPort(int controllerPort) {157 this.controllerPort = controllerPort;158 }159 public final String getControllerHost() {160 return controllerHost;161 }162 public final void setControllerHost(String controllerHost) {163 this.controllerHost = controllerHost;164 }165 @Override166 public InsertionResultsDto execInsertionsIntoDatabase(List<InsertionDto> insertions, InsertionResultsDto... previous) {167 Connection connection = getConnectionIfExist();168 if (connection == null) {169 throw new IllegalStateException("No connection to database");170 }171 try {172 return SqlScriptRunner.execInsert(connection, insertions, previous);173 } catch (SQLException e) {174 throw new RuntimeException(e);175 }176 }177 public int getActionIndex(){178 return actionIndex;179 }180 /​**181 * Calculate heuristics based on intercepted SQL commands182 *183 * @param sql command as a string184 */​185 @Deprecated186 public final void handleSql(String sql) {187 Objects.requireNonNull(sql);188 sqlHandler.handle(sql);189 }190 public final void enableComputeSqlHeuristicsOrExtractExecution(boolean enableSqlHeuristics, boolean enableSqlExecution){191 sqlHandler.setCalculateHeuristics(enableSqlHeuristics);192 sqlHandler.setExtractSqlExecution(enableSqlHeuristics || enableSqlExecution);193 }194 /​**195 * This is needed only during test generation (not execution),196 * and it is automatically called by the EM controller after197 * the SUT is started.198 */​199 public final void initSqlHandler() {200 sqlHandler.setConnection(getConnectionIfExist());201 sqlHandler.setSchema(getSqlDatabaseSchema());202 }203 /​**204 * TODO further handle multiple connections205 * @return sql connection if there exists206 */​207 public final Connection getConnectionIfExist(){208 return (getDbSpecifications() == null209 || getDbSpecifications().isEmpty())? null: getDbSpecifications().get(0).connection;210 }211 /​**212 *213 * @return whether to employ smart db clean214 */​215 public final boolean doEmploySmartDbClean(){216 return getDbSpecifications() != null217 && !getDbSpecifications().isEmpty() && getDbSpecifications().get(0).employSmartDbClean;218 }219 public final void resetExtraHeuristics() {220 sqlHandler.reset();221 }222 public final List<ExtraHeuristicsDto> getExtraHeuristics() {223 if (extras.size() == actionIndex) {224 extras.add(computeExtraHeuristics());225 }226 return new ArrayList<>(extras);227 }228 public final ExtraHeuristicsDto computeExtraHeuristics() {229 ExtraHeuristicsDto dto = new ExtraHeuristicsDto();230 if(sqlHandler.isCalculateHeuristics() || sqlHandler.isExtractSqlExecution()){231 /​*232 TODO refactor, once we move SQL analysis into Core233 */​234 List<AdditionalInfo> list = getAdditionalInfoList();235 if(!list.isEmpty()) {236 AdditionalInfo last = list.get(list.size() - 1);237 last.getSqlInfoData().stream().forEach(it -> {238/​/​ String sql = it.getCommand();239 try {240 sqlHandler.handle(it);241 } catch (Exception e){242 SimpleLogger.error("FAILED TO HANDLE SQL COMMAND: " + it.getCommand());243 assert false; /​/​we should try to handle all cases in our tests244 }245 });246 }247 }248 if(sqlHandler.isCalculateHeuristics()) {249 sqlHandler.getDistances().stream()250 .map(p ->251 new HeuristicEntryDto(252 HeuristicEntryDto.Type.SQL,253 HeuristicEntryDto.Objective.MINIMIZE_TO_ZERO,254 p.sqlCommand,255 p.distance256 ))257 .forEach(h -> dto.heuristics.add(h));258 }259 if (sqlHandler.isCalculateHeuristics() || sqlHandler.isExtractSqlExecution()){260 ExecutionDto executionDto = sqlHandler.getExecutionDto();261 dto.databaseExecutionDto = executionDto;262 /​/​ set accessed table263 if (executionDto != null){264 accessedTables.addAll(executionDto.deletedData);265 accessedTables.addAll(executionDto.insertedData.keySet());266/​/​ accessedTables.addAll(executionDto.queriedData.keySet());267 accessedTables.addAll(executionDto.insertedData.keySet());268 accessedTables.addAll(executionDto.updatedData.keySet());269 }270 }271 return dto;272 }273 /​**274 * perform smart db clean by cleaning the data in accessed table275 */​276 public final void cleanAccessedTables(){277 if (getDbSpecifications() == null || getDbSpecifications().isEmpty()) return;278 if (getDbSpecifications().size() > 1)279 throw new RuntimeException("Error: DO NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE SQL CONNECTION YET");280 DbSpecification emDbClean = getDbSpecifications().get(0);281 if (getConnectionIfExist() == null || !emDbClean.employSmartDbClean) return;282 try {283 setExecutingInitSql(true);284 /​/​ clean accessed tables285 Set<String> tableDataToInit = null;286 if (!accessedTables.isEmpty()){287 List<String> tablesToClean = new ArrayList<>();288 getTableToClean(accessedTables, tablesToClean);289 if (!tablesToClean.isEmpty()){290 if (emDbClean.schemaNames != null && !emDbClean.schemaNames.isEmpty()){291 emDbClean.schemaNames.forEach(sch-> DbCleaner.clearDatabase(getConnectionIfExist(), sch, null, tablesToClean, emDbClean.dbType));292 }else293 DbCleaner.clearDatabase(getConnectionIfExist(), null, null, tablesToClean, emDbClean.dbType);294 tableDataToInit => tableInitSqlMap.keySet().stream().anyMatch(t-> t.equalsIgnoreCase(a))).collect(Collectors.toSet());295 }296 }297 handleInitSql(tableDataToInit, emDbClean);298 }catch (SQLException e) {299 throw new RuntimeException("SQL Init Execution Error: fail to execute "+e);300 }finally {301 setExecutingInitSql(false);302 }303 }304 private void handleInitSql(Collection<String> tableDataToInit, DbSpecification spec) throws SQLException {305 /​/​ init db script306 boolean initAll = initSqlScriptAndGetInsertMap(getConnectionIfExist(), spec);307 if (!initAll && tableDataToInit!= null &&!tableDataToInit.isEmpty()){308 tableDataToInit.forEach(a->{309 tableInitSqlMap.keySet().stream().filter(t-> t.equalsIgnoreCase(a)).forEach(t->{310 tableInitSqlMap.get(t).forEach(c->{311 try {312 SqlScriptRunner.execCommand(getConnectionIfExist(), c);313 } catch (SQLException e) {314 throw new RuntimeException("SQL Init Execution Error: fail to execute "+ c + " with error "+e);315 }316 });317 });318 });319 }320 }321 /​**322 * collect info about what table are manipulated by evo in order to generate data directly into it323 * @param tables a list of name of tables324 */​325 public void addTableToInserted(List<String> tables){326 accessedTables.addAll(tables);327 }328 private void getTableToClean(List<String> accessedTables, List<String> tablesToClean){329 for (String t: accessedTables){330 if (!findInCollectionIgnoreCase(t, tablesToClean).isPresent()){331 if (findInMapIgnoreCase(t, fkMap).isPresent()){332 tablesToClean.add(t);333 List<String> fk = fkMap.entrySet().stream().filter(e->334 findInCollectionIgnoreCase(t, e.getValue()).isPresent()335 && !findInCollectionIgnoreCase(e.getKey(), tablesToClean).isPresent()).map(Map.Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList());336 if (!fk.isEmpty())337 getTableToClean(fk, tablesToClean);338 }else {339 SimpleLogger.uniqueWarn("Cannot find the table "+t+" in ["+String.join(",", fkMap.keySet())+"]");340 }341 }342 }343 }344 private Optional<String> findInCollectionIgnoreCase(String name, Collection<String> list){345 return> i.equalsIgnoreCase(name)).findFirst();346 }347 private Optional<? extends Map.Entry<String, ?>> findInMapIgnoreCase(String name, Map<String, ?> list){348 return list.entrySet().stream().filter(x-> x.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(name)).findFirst();349 }350 /​**351 *352 * @param dbSpecification contains info of the db connection353 * @return whether the init script is executed354 */​355 private boolean initSqlScriptAndGetInsertMap(Connection connection, DbSpecification dbSpecification) throws SQLException {356 if (dbSpecification.initSqlOnResourcePath == null357 && dbSpecification.initSqlScript == null) return false;358 /​/​ TODO to handle initSqlMap for multiple connections359 if (tableInitSqlMap.isEmpty()){360 List<String> all = new ArrayList<>();361 if (dbSpecification.initSqlOnResourcePath != null){362 all.addAll(SqlScriptRunnerCached.extractSqlScriptFromResourceFile(dbSpecification.initSqlOnResourcePath));363 }364 if (dbSpecification.initSqlScript != null){365 all.addAll(SqlScriptRunner.extractSql(dbSpecification.initSqlScript));366 }367 if (!all.isEmpty()){368 /​/​ collect insert sql commands map, key is table name, and value is a list sql insert commands369 tableInitSqlMap.putAll(SqlScriptRunner.extractSqlTableMap(all));370 /​/​ execute all commands371 SqlScriptRunner.runCommands(connection, all);372 return true;373 }374 }375 return false;376 }377 /​**378 * Extra information about the SQL Database Schema, if any is present.379 * Note: this is extracted by querying the database itself.380 * So the database must be up and running.381 *382 * @return a DTO with the schema information383 * @see SutHandler#getDbSpecifications384 */​385 public final DbSchemaDto getSqlDatabaseSchema() {386 if (schemaDto != null) {387 return schemaDto;388 }389 if (getDbSpecifications() == null || getDbSpecifications().isEmpty()) {390 return null;391 }392 try {393 schemaDto = SchemaExtractor.extract(getConnectionIfExist());394 Objects.requireNonNull(schemaDto);395 schemaDto.employSmartDbClean = doEmploySmartDbClean();396 } catch (Exception e) {397 SimpleLogger.error("Failed to extract the SQL Database Schema: " + e.getMessage());398 return null;399 }400 if (fkMap.isEmpty()){401 schemaDto.tables.forEach(t->{402 fkMap.putIfAbsent(, new ArrayList<>());403 if (t.foreignKeys!=null && !t.foreignKeys.isEmpty()){404 t.foreignKeys.forEach(f->{405 fkMap.get(;406 });407 }408 });409 }410 return schemaDto;411 }412 /​**413 *414 * @return a map from the name of interface to extracted interface415 */​416 public final Map<String, InterfaceSchema> getRPCSchema(){417 return rpcInterfaceSchema;418 }419 /​**420 *421 * @return a map of auth local method422 */​423 public Map<Integer, LocalAuthSetupSchema> getLocalAuthSetupSchemaMap() {424 return localAuthSetupSchemaMap;425 }426 /​**427 * extract endpoints info of the RPC interface by reflection based on the specified service interface name428 */​429 @Override430 public final void extractRPCSchema(){431 if (objectMapper == null)432 objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();433 if (!rpcInterfaceSchema.isEmpty())434 return;435 if (!(getProblemInfo() instanceof RPCProblem)){436 SimpleLogger.error("Problem ("+getProblemInfo().getClass().getSimpleName()+") is not RPC but request RPC schema.");437 return;438 }439 try {440 RPCEndpointsBuilder.validateCustomizedValueInRequests(getCustomizedValueInRequests());441 RPCEndpointsBuilder.validateCustomizedNotNullAnnotationForRPCDto(specifyCustomizedNotNullAnnotation());442 RPCProblem rpcp = (RPCProblem) getProblemInfo();443 for (String interfaceName: rpcp.getMapOfInterfaceAndClient()){444 InterfaceSchema schema =, rpcp.getType(), rpcp.getClient(interfaceName),445 rpcp.skipEndpointsByName!=null? rpcp.skipEndpointsByName.get(interfaceName):null,446 rpcp.skipEndpointsByAnnotation!=null?rpcp.skipEndpointsByAnnotation.get(interfaceName):null,447 rpcp.involveEndpointsByName!=null? rpcp.involveEndpointsByName.get(interfaceName):null,448 rpcp.involveEndpointsByAnnotation!=null? rpcp.involveEndpointsByAnnotation.get(interfaceName):null,449 getInfoForAuthentication(),450 getCustomizedValueInRequests(),451 specifyCustomizedNotNullAnnotation());452 rpcInterfaceSchema.put(interfaceName, schema);453 }454 localAuthSetupSchemaMap.clear();455 Map<Integer, LocalAuthSetupSchema> local = RPCEndpointsBuilder.buildLocalAuthSetup(getInfoForAuthentication());456 if (local!=null && !local.isEmpty())457 localAuthSetupSchemaMap.putAll(local);458 }catch (Exception e){459/​/​ SimpleLogger.error("Failed to extract the RPC Schema: " + e.getMessage());460 throw new RuntimeException("Failed to extract the RPC Schema: " + e.getMessage());461 }462 }463 /​**464 * parse seeded tests for RPC465 * @return a list of tests, and each test is a list of RCPActionDto466 */​467 public List<List<RPCActionDto>> handleSeededTests(){468 if (seedRPCTests() == null || seedRPCTests().isEmpty()) return null;469 if (rpcInterfaceSchema.isEmpty())470 throw new IllegalStateException("empty RPC interface: The RPC interface schemas are not extracted yet");471 List<List<RPCActionDto>> results = new ArrayList<>();472 for (SeededRPCTestDto dto: seedRPCTests()){473 if (dto.rpcFunctions != null && !dto.rpcFunctions.isEmpty()){474 List<RPCActionDto> test = new ArrayList<>();475 for (SeededRPCActionDto actionDto : dto.rpcFunctions){476 InterfaceSchema schema = rpcInterfaceSchema.get(actionDto.interfaceName);477 if (schema != null){478 EndpointSchema actionSchema = schema.getOneEndpointWithSeededDto(actionDto);479 if (actionSchema != null){480 EndpointSchema copy = actionSchema.copyStructure();481 for (int i = 0; i < copy.getRequestParams().size(); i++){482 /​/​ TODO need to check if generic type could be handled with jackson483 NamedTypedValue p = copy.getRequestParams().get(i);484 try {485 String stringValue = actionDto.inputParams.get(i);486/​/​ Object value = objectMapper.readValue(stringValue, p.getType().getClazz());487 p.setValueBasedOnInstanceOrJson(stringValue);488 } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {489 throw new IllegalStateException(490 String.format("Seeded Test Error: cannot parse the seeded test %s at the parameter %d with error msg: %s", actionDto, i, e.getMessage()));491 }492 }493 test.add(copy.getDto());494 }else {495 throw new IllegalStateException("Seeded Test Error: cannot find the action "+actionDto.functionName);496 }497 } else {498 throw new IllegalStateException("Seeded Test Error: cannot find the interface "+ actionDto.interfaceName);499 }500 }501 results.add(test);502 } else {503 SimpleLogger.warn("Seeded Test: empty RPC function calls for the test "+ dto.testName);504 }505 }506 return results;507 }508 /​**509 * Either there is no connection, or, if there is, then it must have P6Spy configured.510 * But this might not apply to all kind controllers511 *512 * @return false if the verification failed513 */​514 @Deprecated515 public final boolean verifySqlConnection(){516 return true;517/​/​ Connection connection = getConnection();518/​/​ if(connection == null519/​/​ /​/​check does not make sense for External520/​/​ || !(this instanceof EmbeddedSutController)){521/​/​ return true;522/​/​ }523/​/​524/​/​ /​*525/​/​ bit hacky/​brittle, but seems there is no easy way to check if a connection is526/​/​ using P6Spy.527/​/​ However, the name of driver's package would appear when doing a toString on it528/​/​ */​529/​/​ String info = connection.toString();530/​/​531/​/​ return info.contains("p6spy");532 }533 /​**534 * Re-initialize all internal data to enable a completely new search phase535 * which should be independent from previous ones536 */​537 public abstract void newSearch();538 /​**539 * Re-initialize some internal data needed before running a new test540 */​541 public final void newTest() {542 actionIndex = -1;543 resetExtraHeuristics();544 extras.clear();545 /​/​clean all accessed table in a test546 accessedTables.clear();547 newTestSpecificHandler();548 /​/​ set executingAction state false for newTest549 setExecutingAction(false);550 }551 /​**552 * As some heuristics are based on which action (eg HTTP call, or click of button)553 * in the test sequence is executed, and their order, we need to keep track of which554 * action does cover what.555 *556 * @param dto the DTO with the information about the action (eg its index in the test)557 */​558 public final void newAction(ActionDto dto) {559 if (dto.index > extras.size()) {560 extras.add(computeExtraHeuristics());561 }562 this.actionIndex = dto.index;563 resetExtraHeuristics();564 newActionSpecificHandler(dto);565 }566 public final void executeHandleLocalAuthenticationSetup(RPCActionDto dto, ActionResponseDto responseDto){567 LocalAuthSetupSchema endpointSchema = new LocalAuthSetupSchema();568 endpointSchema.setValue(dto);569 handleLocalAuthenticationSetup(endpointSchema.getAuthenticationInfo());570 if (dto.responseVariable != null && dto.doGenerateTestScript){571 responseDto.testScript = endpointSchema.newInvocationWithJava(dto.responseVariable, dto.controllerVariable,dto.clientVariable);572 }573 }574 /​**575 * execute a RPC request based on the specified dto576 * @param dto is the action DTO to be executed577 */​578 public final void executeAction(RPCActionDto dto, ActionResponseDto responseDto) {579 EndpointSchema endpointSchema = getEndpointSchema(dto);580 if (dto.responseVariable != null && dto.doGenerateTestScript){581 try{582 responseDto.testScript = endpointSchema.newInvocationWithJava(dto.responseVariable, dto.controllerVariable,dto.clientVariable);583 }catch (Exception e){584 SimpleLogger.warn("Fail to generate test script"+e.getMessage());585 }586 if (responseDto.testScript ==null)587 SimpleLogger.warn("Null test script for action "+dto.actionName);588 }589 Object response;590 try {591 response = executeRPCEndpoint(dto, false);592 } catch (Exception e) {593 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: target exception should be caught, but "+ e.getMessage());594 }595 /​/​handle exception596 if (response instanceof Exception){597 try{598 RPCExceptionHandler.handle(response, responseDto, endpointSchema, getRPCType(dto));599 return;600 } catch (Exception e){601 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: fail to handle exception instance to dto "+ e.getMessage());602 /​/​throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to handle exception instance to dto "+ e.getMessage());603 }604 }605 if (endpointSchema.getResponse() != null){606 if (response != null){607 try{608 /​/​ successful execution609 NamedTypedValue resSchema = endpointSchema.getResponse().copyStructureWithProperties();610 resSchema.setValueBasedOnInstance(response);611 responseDto.rpcResponse = resSchema.getDto();612 if (dto.doGenerateAssertions && dto.responseVariable != null)613 responseDto.assertionScript = resSchema.newAssertionWithJava(dto.responseVariable, dto.maxAssertionForDataInCollection);614 else615 responseDto.jsonResponse = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(response);616 } catch (Exception e){617 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: fail to set successful response instance value to dto "+ e.getMessage());618 /​/​throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to set successful response instance value to dto "+ e.getMessage());619 }620 try {621 responseDto.customizedCallResultCode = categorizeBasedOnResponse(response);622 } catch (Exception e){623 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: fail to categorize result with implemented categorizeBasedOnResponse "+ e.getMessage());624 /​/​throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to categorize result with implemented categorizeBasedOnResponse "+ e.getMessage());625 }626 }627 }628 }629 private Object executeRPCEndpoint(RPCActionDto dto, boolean throwTargetException) throws Exception {630 Object client = ((RPCProblem)getProblemInfo()).getClient(dto.interfaceId);631 EndpointSchema endpointSchema = getEndpointSchema(dto);632 return executeRPCEndpointCatchTargetException(client, endpointSchema, throwTargetException);633 }634 private Object executeRPCEndpointCatchTargetException(Object client, EndpointSchema endpoint, boolean throwTargetException) throws Exception {635 Object res;636 try {637 res = executeRPCEndpoint(client, endpoint);638 } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {639 throw new RuntimeException("EM RPC REQUEST EXECUTION ERROR: fail to process a RPC request with "+ e.getMessage());640 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {641 if (throwTargetException)642 throw (Exception) e.getTargetException();643 else644 res = e.getTargetException();645 } catch (Exception e){646 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: other exception exists "+ e.getMessage());647 if (throwTargetException) throw e;648 else res = e;649 }650 return res;651 }652 @Override653 public Object executeRPCEndpoint(String json) throws Exception{654 try {655 RPCActionDto dto = objectMapper.readValue(json, RPCActionDto.class);656 return executeRPCEndpoint(dto, true);657 } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {658 SimpleLogger.error("Failed to extract the json: " + e.getMessage());659 }660 return null;661 }662 /​**663 * execute a RPC request with specified client664 * @param client is the client to execute the endpoint665 * @param endpoint is the endpoint to be executed666 */​667 private final Object executeRPCEndpoint(Object client, EndpointSchema endpoint) throws NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {668 if (endpoint.getRequestParams().isEmpty()){669 Method method = client.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(endpoint.getName());670 return method.invoke(client);671 }672 Object[] params = new Object[endpoint.getRequestParams().size()];...

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...11import java.lang.reflect.Method;12import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;13/​**14 * handle RPC exception, for instance15 * - extract possible category eg, application, protocol, if possible16 * - extract exception info, eg, customized exception, message, or status code17 */​18public class RPCExceptionHandler {19 private final static String THRIFT_EXCEPTION_ROOT= "org.apache.thrift.TException";20 /​**21 *22 * @param e is an exception instance thrown after the endpoint invocation23 * @param dto represents the endpoint which was invoked24 * @param endpointSchema is the schema of the endpoint25 * @param type is the RPC type26 */​27 public static void handle(Object e, ActionResponseDto dto, EndpointSchema endpointSchema, RPCType type){28 Object exceptionToHandle = e;29 boolean isCause = false;30 /​/​ handle undeclared throwable exception31 if (UndeclaredThrowableException.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){32 Object cause = getExceptionCause(e);33 if (cause != null){34 exceptionToHandle = cause;35 isCause = true;36 }37 }38 boolean handled = false;39 RPCExceptionInfoDto exceptionInfoDto = null;40 try {41 exceptionInfoDto = handleExceptionNameAndMessage(exceptionToHandle);42 handled = handleDefinedException(exceptionToHandle, endpointSchema, type, exceptionInfoDto);43 if (handled) {44 dto.exceptionInfoDto = exceptionInfoDto;45 dto.exceptionInfoDto.isCauseOfUndeclaredThrowable = isCause;46 return;47 }48 } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {49 dto.exceptionInfoDto = exceptionInfoDto;50 throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: fail to handle defined exception for "+type+" with error msg:"+ ex);51 }52 /​/​ handling defined exception for each RPC53 switch (type){54 case THRIFT: handled = handleThrift(exceptionToHandle, endpointSchema, exceptionInfoDto); break;55 case GENERAL: break; /​/​ do nothing56 default: throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: NOT SUPPORT exception handling for "+type);57 }58 if (!handled) {59 handleUnexpectedException(exceptionToHandle, exceptionInfoDto);60 }61 dto.exceptionInfoDto = exceptionInfoDto;62 dto.exceptionInfoDto.isCauseOfUndeclaredThrowable = isCause;63 }64 private static void handleUnexpectedException(Object e, RPCExceptionInfoDto dto){65 dto.type = RPCExceptionType.UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION;66 }67 private static RPCExceptionInfoDto handleExceptionNameAndMessage(Object e){68 RPCExceptionInfoDto dto = new RPCExceptionInfoDto();69 if (Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())){70 dto.exceptionName = e.getClass().getName();71 dto.exceptionMessage = getExceptionMessage(e);72 }else73 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: the exception is not java.lang.Exception "+e.getClass().getName());74 return dto;75 }76 /​**77 * handle exceptions from thrift78 * https:/​/​​doc/​org.apache.thrift/​libthrift/​latest/​org/​apache/​thrift/​TException.html79 * @param e is an exception thrown from the rpc call execution80 * @param endpointSchema is the schema of this endpoint81 * @return extracted exception dto82 */​83 private static boolean handleThrift(Object e, EndpointSchema endpointSchema, RPCExceptionInfoDto dto) {84 boolean handled = false;85 try {86 if (!isRootThriftException(e)){87 /​/​"Exception e is not an instance of TException of Thrift, and it is "+ e.getClass().getName());88 return false;89 }90 handled = handleTException(e, dto);91 if (!handled){92 SimpleLogger.error("Fail to extract exception type info for an exception "+ e.getClass().getName());93 }94 } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {95 SimpleLogger.error("ERROR: in handling Thrift exception with error msg:"+ex.getMessage());96 /​/​throw new IllegalStateException("ERROR: in handling Thrift exception with error msg:"+ex.getMessage());97 }98 return handled;99 }100 private static boolean handleDefinedException(Object e, EndpointSchema endpointSchema, RPCType rpcType, RPCExceptionInfoDto dto) throws ClassNotFoundException {101 if (endpointSchema.getExceptions() == null) return false;102 for (NamedTypedValue p : endpointSchema.getExceptions()){103 String type = p.getType().getFullTypeNameWithGenericType();104 /​/​ skip to handle root TException here105 if (rpcType == RPCType.THRIFT && type.equals(THRIFT_EXCEPTION_ROOT))106 continue;107 if (isInstanceOf(e, type)){108 p.setValueBasedOnInstance(e);109 dto.exceptionDto = p.getDto();110 dto.type = RPCExceptionType.CUSTOMIZED_EXCEPTION;111 return true;112 }113 }114 return false;115 }116 private static boolean handleTException(Object e, RPCExceptionInfoDto dto) {117 Method getType = null;118 try {119 getType = e.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getType");120 getType.setAccessible(true);121 int type = (int) getType.invoke(e);122 dto.type = getExceptionType(extract(e), type);123 return true;124 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | ClassNotFoundException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException ex) {125 SimpleLogger.error("Fail to get type of TException with getType() "+ex.getMessage());126 }127 return false;128 }129 private static String getExceptionMessage(Object e) {130 Method getMessage = null;131 try {132 getMessage = e.getClass().getMethod("getMessage");133 getMessage.setAccessible(true);134 return (String) getMessage.invoke(e);135 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException ex) {136 SimpleLogger.error("Error: fail to get message of the exception with "+ex.getMessage());137 return null;138 }139 }140 private static Object getExceptionCause(Object e) {141 Method getCause = null;142 try {143 getCause = e.getClass().getMethod("getCause");144 getCause.setAccessible(true);145 Object exp = getCause.invoke(e);146 if (exp != null) return exp;147 getCause = e.getClass().getMethod("getUndeclaredThrowable");148 getCause.setAccessible(true);149 return getCause.invoke(e);150 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException ex) {151 SimpleLogger.error("Error: fail to get message of the exception with "+ex.getMessage());152 return null;153 }154 }155 private static boolean isRootThriftException(Object e) throws ClassNotFoundException {156 return Class.forName(THRIFT_EXCEPTION_ROOT).isInstance(e);157 }158 private static boolean isInstanceOf(Object e, String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {159 return Class.forName(name).isInstance(e);160 }161 /​**162 * Note that now we only support categorize exception for thrift163 * @param e is the exception instance164 * @return a category165 * @throws ClassNotFoundException could not find the TException of the thrift166 */​167 private static RPCExceptionCategory extract(Object e) throws ClassNotFoundException {168 if (isInstanceOf(e, "org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException"))169 return RPCExceptionCategory.APPLICATION;170 if (isInstanceOf(e, "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException"))171 return RPCExceptionCategory.PROTOCOL;172 if (isInstanceOf(e, "org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException"))173 return RPCExceptionCategory.TRANSPORT;174 return RPCExceptionCategory.OTHERS;175 }176 private static RPCExceptionType getExceptionType(RPCExceptionCategory category, int intValue){177 for (RPCExceptionType type: RPCExceptionType.values()){178 if (type.intValue == intValue && type.category == category) return type;179 }180 return null;181 }...

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1import;2import;3import;4public class 3 {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 try {7 RPCException rpcException = new RPCException("message", RPCExceptionType.INVALID_REQUEST);8 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(rpcException);9 } catch (Exception e) {10 System.out.println("Exception caught: " + e);11 }12 }13}14import;15import;16import;17public class 4 {18 public static void main(String[] args) {19 try {20 RPCException rpcException = new RPCException("message", RPCExceptionType.INVALID_REQUEST);21 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(rpcException);22 } catch (Exception e) {23 System.out.println("Exception caught: " + e);24 }25 }26}27import;28import;29import;30public class 5 {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 try {33 RPCException rpcException = new RPCException("message", RPCExceptionType.INVALID_REQUEST);34 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(rpcException);35 } catch (Exception e) {36 System.out.println("Exception caught: " + e);37 }38 }39}40import;41import;42import;43public class 6 {44 public static void main(String[] args) {45 try {46 RPCException rpcException = new RPCException("message", RPCExceptionType.INVALID_REQUEST

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1import;2import;3public class 3 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 try {6 throw new RPCException("RPCException");7 } catch (RPCException e) {8 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(e);9 }10 }11}12import;13import;14public class 4 {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 try {17 throw new RPCException("RPCException");18 } catch (RPCException e) {19 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(e);20 }21 }22}23import;24import;25public class 5 {26 public static void main(String[] args) {27 try {28 throw new RPCException("RPCException");29 } catch (RPCException e) {30 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(e);31 }32 }33}34import;35import;36public class 6 {37 public static void main(String[] args) {38 try {39 throw new RPCException("RPCException");40 } catch (RPCException e) {41 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(e);42 }43 }44}45import;46import;47public class 7 {48 public static void main(String[] args) {49 try {50 throw new RPCException("RPCException");51 } catch (RPCException e) {52 RPCExceptionHandler.extract(e);53 }54 }55}

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1import;2import;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import;8import;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import;16import;17import;18import;19import;20import;21import*;22import;23import;24import;25import;26import;27import;28import;29import;30import;31import;32import org.evomaster.client

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1package;2import java.util.List;3public class RPCException extends RuntimeException {4 private final String rpcName;5 private final List<String> parameters;6 public RPCException(String rpcName, List<String> parameters, Throwable cause) {7 super(cause);8 this.rpcName = rpcName;9 this.parameters = parameters;10 }11 public String getRpcName() {12 return rpcName;13 }14 public List<String> getParameters() {15 return parameters;16 }17}18package;19import java.util.List;20public class RPCExceptionHandler {21 public static String handle(RPCException exception) {22 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();23 sb.append("Failed to execute RPC call: ");24 sb.append(exception.getRpcName());25 sb.append(" with parameters: ");26 sb.append(exception.getParameters());27 sb.append(" due to: ");28 sb.append(exception.getCause().getMessage());29 return sb.toString();30 }31}32package;33import java.util.List;34public class RPCException extends RuntimeException {35 private final String rpcName;36 private final List<String> parameters;37 public RPCException(String rpcName, List<String> parameters, Throwable cause) {38 super(cause);39 this.rpcName = rpcName;40 this.parameters = parameters;41 }42 public String getRpcName() {43 return rpcName;44 }45 public List<String> getParameters() {46 return parameters;47 }48}49package;50import java.util.List;51public class RPCExceptionHandler {52 public static String handle(RPCException exception) {53 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();54 sb.append("Failed to execute RPC call: ");55 sb.append(exception.getRpcName());56 sb.append(" with parameters: ");57 sb.append(exception.getParameters());58 sb.append(" due to: ");59 sb.append(exception.getCause().getMessage());60 return sb.toString();61 }62}

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1class 3 {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 try{4"RPCException", 0, "RPCException"));5 }catch ( e){6 e.printStackTrace();7 }8 }9}10class 4 {11 public static void main(String[] args) {12 try{13"RPCException", 0, "RPCException"));14 }catch ( e){15 e.printStackTrace();16 }17 }18}19class 5 {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 try{22"RPCException", 0, "RPCException"));23 }catch ( e){24 e.printStackTrace();25 }26 }27}28class 6 {29 public static void main(String[] args) {30 try{31"RPCException", 0, "RPCException"));32 }catch ( e){33 e.printStackTrace();34 }35 }36}37class 7 {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 try{40"RPCException", 0, "RPCException"));41 }catch

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1public class 3 {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 String response = "HTTP/​1.1 500 Internal Server Error\\r\\nContent-Type: application/​json\\r\\nContent-Length: 45\\r\\nDate: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:37:34 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n{\"status\":500,\"error\":\"Internal Server Error\"}";4 Exception e = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);5 System.out.println(e.getMessage());6 }7}8public class 4 {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 String response = "HTTP/​1.1 500 Internal Server Error\\r\\nContent-Type: application/​json\\r\\nContent-Length: 45\\r\\nDate: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:37:34 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n{\"status\":500,\"error\":\"Internal Server Error\"}";11 RestCallResult result = RestCallResult.extractResult(response);12 System.out.println(result.getException().getMessage());13 }14}15public class 5 {16 public static void main(String[] args) {17 String response = "HTTP/​1.1 500 Internal Server Error\\r\\nContent-Type: application/​json\\r\\nContent-Length: 45\\r\\nDate: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:37:34 GMT\\r\\n\\r\\n{\"status\":500,\"error\":\"Internal Server Error\"}";18 RestCallResult result = RestCallResult.extractResult(response);19 System.out.println(result.getBody());20 }21}22public class 6 {23 public static void main(String

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1public class 3 {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 String path = "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\output.txt";4 String className = "";5 String methodName = "extract";6 String argClass = "";7 String argName = "e";8 String resultClass = "java.lang.String";9 String resultName = "message";10 String exceptionClass = "";11 String exceptionName = "e";12 String exceptionMessageClass = "java.lang.String";13 String exceptionMessageName = "message";14 String exceptionStackTraceClass = "java.lang.StackTraceElement[]";15 String exceptionStackTraceName = "stackTrace";16 String exceptionStackTraceElementClass = "java.lang.StackTraceElement";17 String exceptionStackTraceElementClassName = "className";18 String exceptionStackTraceElementFileName = "fileName";19 String exceptionStackTraceElementMethodName = "methodName";

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1String exception = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);2if(exception != null) {3 throw new Exception(exception);4}5T returnValue = (T) RPCExceptionHandler.extractReturnValue(response);6return returnValue;7String exception = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);8if(exception != null) {9 throw new Exception(exception);10}11T returnValue = (T) RPCExceptionHandler.extractReturnValue(response);12return returnValue;13String exception = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);14if(exception != null) {15 throw new Exception(exception);16}17T returnValue = (T) RPCExceptionHandler.extractReturnValue(response);18return returnValue;19String exception = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);20if(exception != null) {21 throw new Exception(exception);22}23T returnValue = (T) RPCExceptionHandler.extractReturnValue(response);24return returnValue;25String exception = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);26if(exception != null) {27 throw new Exception(exception);28}29T returnValue = (T) RPCExceptionHandler.extractReturnValue(response);30return returnValue;31String exception = RPCExceptionHandler.extractException(response);32if(exception != null)

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