How to use reportMatcher method of org.easymock.EasyMock class

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...210 *211 * @return <code>false</code>.212 */213 public static boolean anyBoolean() {214 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);215 return false;216 }217218 /**219 * Expects any byte argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.220 *221 * @return <code>0</code>.222 */223 public static byte anyByte() {224 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);225 return 0;226 }227228 /**229 * Expects any char argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.230 *231 * @return <code>0</code>.232 */233 public static char anyChar() {234 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);235 return 0;236 }237238 /**239 * Expects any int argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.240 *241 * @return <code>0</code>.242 */243 public static int anyInt() {244 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);245 return 0;246 }247248 /**249 * Expects any long argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.250 *251 * @return <code>0</code>.252 */253 public static long anyLong() {254 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);255 return 0;256 }257258 /**259 * Expects any float argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.260 *261 * @return <code>0</code>.262 */263 public static float anyFloat() {264 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);265 return 0;266 }267268 /**269 * Expects any double argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.270 *271 * @return <code>0</code>.272 */273 public static double anyDouble() {274 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);275 return 0;276 }277278 /**279 * Expects any short argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.280 *281 * @return <code>0</code>.282 */283 public static short anyShort() {284 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);285 return 0;286 }287288 /**289 * Expects any Object argument. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.290 *291 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match292 * @return <code>null</code>.293 */294 public static <T> T anyObject() {295 reportMatcher(Any.ANY);296 return null;297 }298299 /**300 * Expects a comparable argument greater than or equal the given value. For details, see301 * the EasyMock documentation.302 *303 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match304 * @param value305 * the given value.306 * @return <code>null</code>.307 */308 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T geq(Comparable<T> value) {309 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<T>(value));310 return null;311 }312313 /**314 * Expects a byte argument greater than or equal to the given value. For315 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.316 *317 * @param value318 * the given value.319 * @return <code>0</code>.320 */321 public static byte geq(byte value) {322 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<Byte>(value));323 return 0;324 }325326 /**327 * Expects a double argument greater than or equal to the given value. For328 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.329 *330 * @param value331 * the given value.332 * @return <code>0</code>.333 */334 public static double geq(double value) {335 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<Double>(value));336 return 0;337 }338339 /**340 * Expects a float argument greater than or equal to the given value. For341 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.342 *343 * @param value344 * the given value.345 * @return <code>0</code>.346 */347 public static float geq(float value) {348 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<Float>(value));349 return 0;350 }351352 /**353 * Expects an int argument greater than or equal to the given value. For354 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.355 *356 * @param value357 * the given value.358 * @return <code>0</code>.359 */360 public static int geq(int value) {361 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<Integer>(value));362 return 0;363 }364365 /**366 * Expects a long argument greater than or equal to the given value. For367 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.368 *369 * @param value370 * the given value.371 * @return <code>0</code>.372 */373 public static long geq(long value) {374 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<Long>(value));375 return 0;376 }377378 /**379 * Expects a short argument greater than or equal to the given value. For380 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.381 *382 * @param value383 * the given value.384 * @return <code>0</code>.385 */386 public static short geq(short value) {387 reportMatcher(new GreaterOrEqual<Short>(value));388 return 0;389 }390391 /**392 * Expects a comparable argument less than or equal the given value. For details, see393 * the EasyMock documentation.394 *395 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match396 * @param value397 * the given value.398 * @return <code>null</code>.399 */400 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T leq(Comparable<T> value) {401 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<T>(value));402 return null;403 }404405 /**406 * Expects a byte argument less than or equal to the given value. For407 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.408 *409 * @param value410 * the given value.411 * @return <code>0</code>.412 */413 public static byte leq(byte value) {414 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<Byte>(value));415 return 0;416 }417418 /**419 * Expects a double argument less than or equal to the given value. For420 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.421 *422 * @param value423 * the given value.424 * @return <code>0</code>.425 */426 public static double leq(double value) {427 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<Double>(value));428 return 0;429 }430431 /**432 * Expects a float argument less than or equal to the given value. For433 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.434 *435 * @param value436 * the given value.437 * @return <code>0</code>.438 */439 public static float leq(float value) {440 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<Float>(value));441 return 0;442 }443444 /**445 * Expects an int argument less than or equal to the given value. For446 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.447 *448 * @param value449 * the given value.450 * @return <code>0</code>.451 */452 public static int leq(int value) {453 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<Integer>(value));454 return 0;455 }456457 /**458 * Expects a long argument less than or equal to the given value. For459 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.460 *461 * @param value462 * the given value.463 * @return <code>0</code>.464 */465 public static long leq(long value) {466 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<Long>(value));467 return 0;468 }469470 /**471 * Expects a short argument less than or equal to the given value. For472 * details, see the EasyMock documentation.473 *474 * @param value475 * the given value.476 * @return <code>0</code>.477 */478 public static short leq(short value) {479 reportMatcher(new LessOrEqual<Short>(value));480 return 0;481 }482483 /**484 * Expects a comparable argument greater than the given value. For details, see485 * the EasyMock documentation.486 *487 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match488 * @param value489 * the given value.490 * @return <code>null</code>.491 */492 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T gt(Comparable<T> value) {493 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<T>(value));494 return null;495 }496497 /**498 * Expects a byte argument greater than the given value. For details, see499 * the EasyMock documentation.500 *501 * @param value502 * the given value.503 * @return <code>0</code>.504 */505 public static byte gt(byte value) {506 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<Byte>(value));507 return 0;508 }509510 /**511 * Expects a double argument greater than the given value. For details, see512 * the EasyMock documentation.513 *514 * @param value515 * the given value.516 * @return <code>0</code>.517 */518 public static double gt(double value) {519 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<Double>(value));520 return 0;521 }522523 /**524 * Expects a float argument greater than the given value. For details, see525 * the EasyMock documentation.526 *527 * @param value528 * the given value.529 * @return <code>0</code>.530 */531 public static float gt(float value) {532 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<Float>(value));533 return 0;534 }535536 /**537 * Expects an int argument greater than the given value. For details, see538 * the EasyMock documentation.539 *540 * @param value541 * the given value.542 * @return <code>0</code>.543 */544 public static int gt(int value) {545 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<Integer>(value));546 return 0;547 }548549 /**550 * Expects a long argument greater than the given value. For details, see551 * the EasyMock documentation.552 *553 * @param value554 * the given value.555 * @return <code>0</code>.556 */557 public static long gt(long value) {558 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<Long>(value));559 return 0;560 }561562 /**563 * Expects a short argument greater than the given value. For details, see564 * the EasyMock documentation.565 *566 * @param value567 * the given value.568 * @return <code>0</code>.569 */570 public static short gt(short value) {571 reportMatcher(new GreaterThan<Short>(value));572 return 0;573 }574575 /**576 * Expects a comparable argument less than the given value. For details, see577 * the EasyMock documentation.578 *579 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match580 * @param value581 * the given value.582 * @return <code>null</code>.583 */584 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T lt(Comparable<T> value) {585 reportMatcher(new LessThan<T>(value));586 return null;587 }588589 /**590 * Expects a byte argument less than the given value. For details, see the591 * EasyMock documentation.592 *593 * @param value594 * the given value.595 * @return <code>0</code>.596 */597 public static byte lt(byte value) {598 reportMatcher(new LessThan<Byte>(value));599 return 0;600 }601602 /**603 * Expects a double argument less than the given value. For details, see the604 * EasyMock documentation.605 *606 * @param value607 * the given value.608 * @return <code>0</code>.609 */610 public static double lt(double value) {611 reportMatcher(new LessThan<Double>(value));612 return 0;613 }614615 /**616 * Expects a float argument less than the given value. For details, see the617 * EasyMock documentation.618 *619 * @param value620 * the given value.621 * @return <code>0</code>.622 */623 public static float lt(float value) {624 reportMatcher(new LessThan<Float>(value));625 return 0;626 }627628 /**629 * Expects an int argument less than the given value. For details, see the630 * EasyMock documentation.631 *632 * @param value633 * the given value.634 * @return <code>0</code>.635 */636 public static int lt(int value) {637 reportMatcher(new LessThan<Integer>(value));638 return 0;639 }640641 /**642 * Expects a long argument less than the given value. For details, see the643 * EasyMock documentation.644 *645 * @param value646 * the given value.647 * @return <code>0</code>.648 */649 public static long lt(long value) {650 reportMatcher(new LessThan<Long>(value));651 return 0;652 }653654 /**655 * Expects a short argument less than the given value. For details, see the656 * EasyMock documentation.657 *658 * @param value659 * the given value.660 * @return <code>0</code>.661 */662 public static short lt(short value) {663 reportMatcher(new LessThan<Short>(value));664 return 0;665 }666667 /**668 * Expects an object implementing the given class. For details, see the669 * EasyMock documentation.670 *671 * @param <T>672 * the accepted type.673 * @param clazz674 * the class of the accepted type.675 * @return <code>null</code>.676 */677 public static <T> T isA(Class<T> clazz) {678 reportMatcher(new InstanceOf(clazz));679 return null;680 }681682 /**683 * Expects a string that contains the given substring. For details, see the684 * EasyMock documentation.685 *686 * @param substring687 * the substring.688 * @return <code>null</code>.689 */690 public static String contains(String substring) {691 reportMatcher(new Contains(substring));692 return null;693 }694695 /**696 * Expects a boolean that matches both given expectations.697 *698 * @param first699 * placeholder for the first expectation.700 * @param second701 * placeholder for the second expectation.702 * @return <code>false</code>.703 */704 public static boolean and(boolean first, boolean second) {705 LastControl.reportAnd(2);706 return false;707 }708709 /**710 * Expects a byte that matches both given expectations.711 *712 * @param first713 * placeholder for the first expectation.714 * @param second715 * placeholder for the second expectation.716 * @return <code>0</code>.717 */718 public static byte and(byte first, byte second) {719 LastControl.reportAnd(2);720 return 0;721 }722723 /**724 * Expects a char that matches both given expectations.725 *726 * @param first727 * placeholder for the first expectation.728 * @param second729 * placeholder for the second expectation.730 * @return <code>0</code>.731 */732 public static char and(char first, char second) {733 LastControl.reportAnd(2);734 return 0;735 }736737 /**738 * Expects a double that matches both given expectations.739 *740 * @param first741 * placeholder for the first expectation.742 * @param second743 * placeholder for the second expectation.744 * @return <code>0</code>.745 */746 public static double and(double first, double second) {747 LastControl.reportAnd(2);748 return 0;749 }750751 /**752 * Expects a float that matches both given expectations.753 *754 * @param first755 * placeholder for the first expectation.756 * @param second757 * placeholder for the second expectation.758 * @return <code>0</code>.759 */760 public static float and(float first, float second) {761 LastControl.reportAnd(2);762 return 0;763 }764765 /**766 * Expects an int that matches both given expectations.767 *768 * @param first769 * placeholder for the first expectation.770 * @param second771 * placeholder for the second expectation.772 * @return <code>0</code>.773 */774 public static int and(int first, int second) {775 LastControl.reportAnd(2);776 return 0;777 }778779 /**780 * Expects a long that matches both given expectations.781 *782 * @param first783 * placeholder for the first expectation.784 * @param second785 * placeholder for the second expectation.786 * @return <code>0</code>.787 */788 public static long and(long first, long second) {789 LastControl.reportAnd(2);790 return 0;791 }792793 /**794 * Expects a short that matches both given expectations.795 *796 * @param first797 * placeholder for the first expectation.798 * @param second799 * placeholder for the second expectation.800 * @return <code>0</code>.801 */802 public static short and(short first, short second) {803 LastControl.reportAnd(2);804 return 0;805 }806807 /**808 * Expects an Object that matches both given expectations.809 *810 * @param <T>811 * the type of the object, it is passed through to prevent casts.812 * @param first813 * placeholder for the first expectation.814 * @param second815 * placeholder for the second expectation.816 * @return <code>null</code>.817 */818 public static <T> T and(T first, T second) {819 LastControl.reportAnd(2);820 return null;821 }822823 /**824 * Expects a boolean that matches one of the given expectations.825 *826 * @param first827 * placeholder for the first expectation.828 * @param second829 * placeholder for the second expectation.830 * @return <code>false</code>.831 */832 public static boolean or(boolean first, boolean second) {833 LastControl.reportOr(2);834 return false;835 }836837 /**838 * Expects a byte that matches one of the given expectations.839 *840 * @param first841 * placeholder for the first expectation.842 * @param second843 * placeholder for the second expectation.844 * @return <code>0</code>.845 */846 public static byte or(byte first, byte second) {847 LastControl.reportOr(2);848 return 0;849 }850851 /**852 * Expects a char that matches one of the given expectations.853 *854 * @param first855 * placeholder for the first expectation.856 * @param second857 * placeholder for the second expectation.858 * @return <code>0</code>.859 */860 public static char or(char first, char second) {861 LastControl.reportOr(2);862 return 0;863 }864865 /**866 * Expects a double that matches one of the given expectations.867 *868 * @param first869 * placeholder for the first expectation.870 * @param second871 * placeholder for the second expectation.872 * @return <code>0</code>.873 */874 public static double or(double first, double second) {875 LastControl.reportOr(2);876 return 0;877 }878879 /**880 * Expects a float that matches one of the given expectations.881 *882 * @param first883 * placeholder for the first expectation.884 * @param second885 * placeholder for the second expectation.886 * @return <code>0</code>.887 */888 public static float or(float first, float second) {889 LastControl.reportOr(2);890 return 0;891 }892893 /**894 * Expects an int that matches one of the given expectations.895 *896 * @param first897 * placeholder for the first expectation.898 * @param second899 * placeholder for the second expectation.900 * @return <code>0</code>.901 */902 public static int or(int first, int second) {903 LastControl.reportOr(2);904 return first;905 }906907 /**908 * Expects a long that matches one of the given expectations.909 *910 * @param first911 * placeholder for the first expectation.912 * @param second913 * placeholder for the second expectation.914 * @return <code>0</code>.915 */916 public static long or(long first, long second) {917 LastControl.reportOr(2);918 return 0;919 }920921 /**922 * Expects a short that matches one of the given expectations.923 *924 * @param first925 * placeholder for the first expectation.926 * @param second927 * placeholder for the second expectation.928 * @return <code>0</code>.929 */930 public static short or(short first, short second) {931 LastControl.reportOr(2);932 return 0;933 }934935 /**936 * Expects an Object that matches one of the given expectations.937 *938 * @param <T>939 * the type of the object, it is passed through to prevent casts.940 * @param first941 * placeholder for the first expectation.942 * @param second943 * placeholder for the second expectation.944 * @return <code>null</code>.945 */946 public static <T> T or(T first, T second) {947 LastControl.reportOr(2);948 return null;949 }950951 /**952 * Expects a boolean that does not match the given expectation.953 *954 * @param first955 * placeholder for the expectation.956 * @return <code>false</code>.957 */958 public static boolean not(boolean first) {959 LastControl.reportNot();960 return false;961 }962963 /**964 * Expects a byte that does not match the given expectation.965 *966 * @param first967 * placeholder for the expectation.968 * @return <code>0</code>.969 */970 public static byte not(byte first) {971 LastControl.reportNot();972 return 0;973 }974975 /**976 * Expects a char that does not match the given expectation.977 *978 * @param first979 * placeholder for the expectation.980 * @return <code>0</code>.981 */982 public static char not(char first) {983 LastControl.reportNot();984 return 0;985 }986987 /**988 * Expects a double that does not match the given expectation.989 *990 * @param first991 * placeholder for the expectation.992 * @return <code>0</code>.993 */994 public static double not(double first) {995 LastControl.reportNot();996 return 0;997 }998999 /**1000 * Expects a float that does not match the given expectation.1001 *1002 * @param first1003 * placeholder for the expectation.1004 * @return <code>0</code>.1005 */1006 public static float not(float first) {1007 LastControl.reportNot();1008 return first;1009 }10101011 /**1012 * Expects an int that does not match the given expectation.1013 *1014 * @param first1015 * placeholder for the expectation.1016 * @return <code>0</code>.1017 */1018 public static int not(int first) {1019 LastControl.reportNot();1020 return 0;1021 }10221023 /**1024 * Expects a long that does not match the given expectation.1025 *1026 * @param first1027 * placeholder for the expectation.1028 * @return <code>0</code>.1029 */1030 public static long not(long first) {1031 LastControl.reportNot();1032 return 0;1033 }10341035 /**1036 * Expects a short that does not match the given expectation.1037 *1038 * @param first1039 * placeholder for the expectation.1040 * @return <code>0</code>.1041 */1042 public static short not(short first) {1043 LastControl.reportNot();1044 return 0;1045 }10461047 /**1048 * Expects an Object that does not match the given expectation.1049 *1050 * @param <T>1051 * the type of the object, it is passed through to prevent casts.1052 * @param first1053 * placeholder for the expectation.1054 * @return <code>null</code>.1055 */1056 public static <T> T not(T first) {1057 LastControl.reportNot();1058 return null;1059 }10601061 /**1062 * Expects a boolean that is equal to the given value.1063 *1064 * @param value1065 * the given value.1066 * @return <code>0</code>.1067 */1068 public static boolean eq(boolean value) {1069 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1070 return false;1071 }10721073 /**1074 * Expects a byte that is equal to the given value.1075 *1076 * @param value1077 * the given value.1078 * @return <code>0</code>.1079 */1080 public static byte eq(byte value) {1081 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1082 return 0;1083 }10841085 /**1086 * Expects a char that is equal to the given value.1087 *1088 * @param value1089 * the given value.1090 * @return <code>0</code>.1091 */1092 public static char eq(char value) {1093 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1094 return 0;1095 }10961097 /**1098 * Expects a double that is equal to the given value.1099 *1100 * @param value1101 * the given value.1102 * @return <code>0</code>.1103 */1104 public static double eq(double value) {1105 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1106 return 0;1107 }11081109 /**1110 * Expects a float that is equal to the given value.1111 *1112 * @param value1113 * the given value.1114 * @return <code>0</code>.1115 */1116 public static float eq(float value) {1117 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1118 return 0;1119 }11201121 /**1122 * Expects an int that is equal to the given value.1123 *1124 * @param value1125 * the given value.1126 * @return <code>0</code>.1127 */1128 public static int eq(int value) {1129 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1130 return 0;1131 }11321133 /**1134 * Expects a long that is equal to the given value.1135 *1136 * @param value1137 * the given value.1138 * @return <code>0</code>.1139 */1140 public static long eq(long value) {1141 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1142 return 0;1143 }11441145 /**1146 * Expects a short that is equal to the given value.1147 *1148 * @param value1149 * the given value.1150 * @return <code>0</code>.1151 */1152 public static short eq(short value) {1153 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1154 return 0;1155 }11561157 /**1158 * Expects an Object that is equal to the given value.1159 *1160 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match1161 * @param value1162 * the given value.1163 * @return <code>null</code>.1164 */1165 public static <T> T eq(T value) {1166 reportMatcher(new Equals(value));1167 return null;1168 }11691170 /**1171 * Expects a boolean array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1172 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1173 *1174 * @param value1175 * the given arry.1176 * @return <code>null</code>.1177 */1178 public static boolean[] aryEq(boolean[] value) {1179 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1180 return null;1181 }11821183 /**1184 * Expects a byte array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1185 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1186 *1187 * @param value1188 * the given arry.1189 * @return <code>null</code>.1190 */1191 public static byte[] aryEq(byte[] value) {1192 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1193 return null;1194 }11951196 /**1197 * Expects a char array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1198 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1199 *1200 * @param value1201 * the given arry.1202 * @return <code>null</code>.1203 */1204 public static char[] aryEq(char[] value) {1205 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1206 return null;1207 }12081209 /**1210 * Expects a double array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1211 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1212 *1213 * @param value1214 * the given arry.1215 * @return <code>null</code>.1216 */1217 public static double[] aryEq(double[] value) {1218 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1219 return null;1220 }12211222 /**1223 * Expects a float array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1224 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1225 *1226 * @param value1227 * the given arry.1228 * @return <code>null</code>.1229 */1230 public static float[] aryEq(float[] value) {1231 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1232 return null;1233 }12341235 /**1236 * Expects an int array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1237 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1238 *1239 * @param value1240 * the given arry.1241 * @return <code>null</code>.1242 */1243 public static int[] aryEq(int[] value) {1244 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1245 return null;1246 }12471248 /**1249 * Expects a long array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1250 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1251 *1252 * @param value1253 * the given arry.1254 * @return <code>null</code>.1255 */1256 public static long[] aryEq(long[] value) {1257 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1258 return null;1259 }12601261 /**1262 * Expects a short array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1263 * have the same length, and each element has to be equal.1264 *1265 * @param value1266 * the given arry.1267 * @return <code>null</code>.1268 */1269 public static short[] aryEq(short[] value) {1270 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1271 return null;1272 }12731274 /**1275 * Expects an Object array that is equal to the given array, i.e. it has to1276 * have the same type, length, and each element has to be equal.1277 *1278 * @param <T>1279 * the type of the array, it is passed through to prevent casts.1280 * @param value1281 * the given arry.1282 * @return <code>null</code>.1283 */1284 public static <T> T[] aryEq(T[] value) {1285 reportMatcher(new ArrayEquals(value));1286 return null;1287 }12881289 /**1290 * Expects null.1291 *1292 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match1293 * @return <code>null</code>.1294 */1295 public static <T> T isNull() {1296 reportMatcher(Null.NULL);1297 return null;1298 }12991300 /**1301 * Expects not null.1302 *1303 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match1304 * @return <code>null</code>.1305 */1306 public static <T> T notNull() {1307 reportMatcher(NotNull.NOT_NULL);1308 return null;1309 }13101311 /**1312 * Expects a string that contains a substring that matches the given regular1313 * expression. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.1314 *1315 * @param regex1316 * the regular expression.1317 * @return <code>null</code>.1318 */1319 public static String find(String regex) {1320 reportMatcher(new Find(regex));1321 return null;1322 }13231324 /**1325 * Expects a string that matches the given regular expression. For details,1326 * see the EasyMock documentation.1327 *1328 * @param regex1329 * the regular expression.1330 * @return <code>null</code>.1331 */1332 public static String matches(String regex) {1333 reportMatcher(new Matches(regex));1334 return null;1335 }13361337 /**1338 * Expects a string that starts with the given prefix. For details, see the1339 * EasyMock documentation.1340 *1341 * @param prefix1342 * the prefix.1343 * @return <code>null</code>.1344 */1345 public static String startsWith(String prefix) {1346 reportMatcher(new StartsWith(prefix));1347 return null;1348 }13491350 /**1351 * Expects a string that ends with the given suffix. For details, see the1352 * EasyMock documentation.1353 *1354 * @param suffix1355 * the suffix.1356 * @return <code>null</code>.1357 */1358 public static String endsWith(String suffix) {1359 reportMatcher(new EndsWith(suffix));1360 return null;1361 }13621363 /**1364 * Expects a double that has an absolute difference to the given value that1365 * is less than the given delta. For details, see the EasyMock1366 * documentation.1367 *1368 * @param value1369 * the given value.1370 * @param delta1371 * the given delta.1372 * @return <code>0</code>.1373 */1374 public static double eq(double value, double delta) {1375 reportMatcher(new EqualsWithDelta(value, delta));1376 return 0;1377 }13781379 /**1380 * Expects a float that has an absolute difference to the given value that1381 * is less than the given delta. For details, see the EasyMock1382 * documentation.1383 *1384 * @param value1385 * the given value.1386 * @param delta1387 * the given delta.1388 * @return <code>0</code>.1389 */1390 public static float eq(float value, float delta) {1391 reportMatcher(new EqualsWithDelta(value, delta));1392 return 0;1393 }13941395 /**1396 * Expects an Object that is the same as the given value. For details, see1397 * the EasyMock documentation.1398 *1399 * @param <T>1400 * the type of the object, it is passed through to prevent casts.1401 * @param value1402 * the given value.1403 * @return <code>null</code>.1404 */1405 public static <T> T same(T value) {1406 reportMatcher(new Same(value));1407 return null;1408 }14091410 /**1411 * Expects a comparable argument equals to the given value according to their1412 * compareTo method. For details, see the EasMock documentation.1413 *1414 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match1415 * @param value1416 * the given value.1417 * @return <code>null</code>.1418 */1419 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T cmpEq(Comparable<T> value) {1420 reportMatcher(new CompareEqual<T>(value));1421 return null;1422 }14231424 /**1425 * Expects an argument that will be compared using the provided comparator.1426 * The following comparison will take place:1427 * <p>1428 * <code>, expected) operator 0</code>1429 * </p>1430 * For details, see the EasyMock documentation.1431 *1432 * @param <T> type of the method argument to match1433 * @param value the given value.1434 * @param comparator Comparator used to compare the actual with expected value.1435 * @param operator The comparison operator.1436 * @return <code>null</code>1437 */1438 public static <T> T cmp(T value, Comparator<? super T> comparator, LogicalOperator operator) {1439 reportMatcher(new Compare<T>(value, comparator, operator));1440 return null;1441 }144214431444 /**1445 * Expects a byte that is equal to the given value.1446 *1447 * @param value1448 * the given value.1449 * @return <code>0</code>.1450 */145114521453 /**1454 * Expect any object but captures it for later use.1455 *1456 * @param <T> Type of the captured object1457 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1458 * @return <code>null</code>1459 */1460 public static <T> T capture(Capture<T> captured) {1461 reportMatcher(new Captures<T>(captured));1462 return null;1463 }14641465 /******************************************************1466 * ANDROID CHANGE - comment out to fix compile error1467 * name clash: capture(org.easymock.Capture<java.lang.Long>) and1468 * <T>capture(org.easymock.Capture<T>) have the same erasure1469 */1470 /**1471 * Expect any int but captures it for later use.1472 *1473 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1474 * @return <code>0</code>1475 */1476// public static int capture(Capture<Integer> captured) {1477// reportMatcher(new Captures<Integer>(captured));1478// return 0;1479// }14801481 /**1482 * Expect any long but captures it for later use.1483 *1484 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1485 * @return <code>0</code>1486 */1487// public static long capture(Capture<Long> captured) {1488// reportMatcher(new Captures<Long>(captured));1489// return 0;1490// }14911492 /**1493 * Expect any float but captures it for later use.1494 *1495 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1496 * @return <code>0</code>1497 */1498// public static float capture(Capture<Float> captured) {1499// reportMatcher(new Captures<Float>(captured));1500// return 0;1501// }15021503 /**1504 * Expect any double but captures it for later use.1505 *1506 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1507 * @return <code>0</code>1508 */1509// public static double capture(Capture<Double> captured) {1510// reportMatcher(new Captures<Double>(captured));1511// return 0;1512// }15131514 /**1515 * Expect any byte but captures it for later use.1516 *1517 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1518 * @return <code>0</code>1519 */1520// public static byte capture(Capture<Byte> captured) {1521// reportMatcher(new Captures<Byte>(captured));1522// return 0;1523// }15241525 /**1526 * Expect any char but captures it for later use.1527 *1528 * @param captured Where the parameter is captured1529 * @return <code>0</code>1530 */1531// public static char capture(Capture<Character> captured) {1532// reportMatcher(new Captures<Character>(captured));1533// return 0;1534// }15351536 /********** END ANDROID CHANGE **********/15371538 /**1539 * Switches the given mock objects (more exactly: the controls of the mock1540 * objects) to replay mode. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.1541 *1542 * @param mocks1543 * the mock objects.1544 */1545 public static void replay(Object... mocks) {1546 for (Object mock : mocks) {1547 getControl(mock).replay();1548 }1549 }15501551 /**1552 * Resets the given mock objects (more exactly: the controls of the mock1553 * objects). For details, see the EasyMock documentation.1554 *1555 * @param mocks1556 * the mock objects.1557 */1558 public static void reset(Object... mocks) {1559 for (Object mock : mocks) {1560 getControl(mock).reset();1561 }1562 }15631564 /**1565 * Resets the given mock objects (more exactly: the controls of the mock1566 * objects) and turn them to a mock with nice behavior. For details, see1567 * the EasyMock documentation.1568 *1569 * @param mocks1570 * the mock objects1571 */1572 public static void resetToNice(Object... mocks) {1573 for (Object mock : mocks) {1574 getControl(mock).resetToNice();1575 }1576 }15771578 /**1579 * Resets the given mock objects (more exactly: the controls of the mock1580 * objects) and turn them to a mock with default behavior. For details, see1581 * the EasyMock documentation.1582 *1583 * @param mocks1584 * the mock objects1585 */1586 public static void resetToDefault(Object... mocks) {1587 for (Object mock : mocks) {1588 getControl(mock).resetToDefault();1589 }1590 }15911592 /**1593 * Resets the given mock objects (more exactly: the controls of the mock1594 * objects) and turn them to a mock with strict behavior. For details, see1595 * the EasyMock documentation.1596 *1597 * @param mocks1598 * the mock objects1599 */1600 public static void resetToStrict(Object... mocks) {1601 for (Object mock : mocks) {1602 getControl(mock).resetToStrict();1603 }1604 }16051606 /**1607 * Verifies the given mock objects (more exactly: the controls of the mock1608 * objects).1609 *1610 * @param mocks1611 * the mock objects.1612 */1613 public static void verify(Object... mocks) {1614 for (Object mock : mocks) {1615 getControl(mock).verify();1616 }1617 }16181619 /**1620 * Switches order checking of the given mock object (more exactly: the1621 * control of the mock object) the on and off. For details, see the EasyMock1622 * documentation.1623 *1624 * @param mock1625 * the mock object.1626 * @param state1627 * <code>true</code> switches order checking on,1628 * <code>false</code> switches it off.1629 */1630 public static void checkOrder(Object mock, boolean state) {1631 getControl(mock).checkOrder(state);1632 }16331634 /**1635 * Reports an argument matcher. This method is needed to define own argument1636 * matchers. For details, see the EasyMock documentation.1637 *1638 * @param matcher1639 */1640 public static void reportMatcher(IArgumentMatcher matcher) {1641 LastControl.reportMatcher(matcher);1642 }16431644 private static MocksControl getControl(Object mock) {1645 return ((ObjectMethodsFilter) Proxy1646 .getInvocationHandler(mock)).getDelegate().getControl();1647 }16481649 /**1650 * Returns the arguments of the current mock method call, if inside an1651 * <code>IAnswer</code> callback - be careful here, reordering parameters of1652 * method changes the semantics of your tests.1653 *1654 * @return the arguments of the current mock method call.1655 * @throws IllegalStateException ...

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1EasyMock.reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {2 public boolean matches(Object argument) {3 return argument instanceof java.util.Date;4 }5 public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {6 buffer.append("any Date");7 }8});9EasyMock.reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {10 private final Date date;11 public boolean matches(Object argument) {12 return argument instanceof java.util.Date && ((Date)argument).after(date);13 }14 public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {15 buffer.append("any Date after ").append(date);16 }17});18EasyMock.reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {19 private final Date date;20 public boolean matches(Object argument) {21 return argument instanceof java.util.Date && ((Date)argument).before(date);22 }23 public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {24 buffer.append("any Date before ").append(date);25 }26});27EasyMock.reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {28 private final Date date1;29 private final Date date2;30 public boolean matches(Object argument) {31 return argument instanceof java.util.Date && ((Date)argument).after(date1) && ((Date)argument).before(date2);32 }33 public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {34 buffer.append("any Date between ").append(date1).append(" and ").append(date2);35 }36});37EasyMock.reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {38 private final Date date1;39 private final Date date2;40 public boolean matches(Object argument) {41 return argument instanceof java.util.Date && ((Date)argument).after(date1) && ((Date)argument).before(date2);42 }

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1import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;2public class EasyMockArgumentMatcherExample {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 MathApplication mathApplication = createMock(MathApplication.class);5 expect(mathApplication.add(10.0,20.0)).andReturn(30.00);6 mathApplication.add(reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {7 public boolean matches(Object argument) {8 if(argument instanceof Double){9 Double doubleValue = (Double) argument;10 if(doubleValue > 0){11 return true;12 }13 }14 return false;15 }16 public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {17 buffer.append("add method argument should be of type Double and greater than 0");18 }19 }),reportMatcher(new IArgumentMatcher() {20 public boolean matches(Object argument) {21 if(argument instanceof Double){22 Double doubleValue = (Double) argument;23 if(doubleValue > 0){24 return true;25 }26 }27 return false;28 }29 public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer) {30 buffer.append("add method argument should be of type Double and greater than 0");31 }32 })).andReturn(30.00);33 replay(mathApplication);34 assertEquals(mathApplication.add(10.0,20.0),30.0,0);35 assertEquals(mathApplication.add(10.0,20.0),30.0,0);36 verify(mathApplication);37 }38}

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