Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectNameAndVersion
...76 contentSQLSB.append(" and bri.seq <= (select seq from buildrevisioninvariant where `system` = '").append(system).append("' and `level` = 2 and `versionname` = '").append(revision).append("' ) ")77 .append(" order by b.Build, bri.seq, b.Application, b.datecre,")78 .append(" b.TicketIDFixed, b.BugIDFixed, b.`Release`").toString();79 String contentSQL = contentSQLSB.toString();80 LOG.debug(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - SQL : " + contentSQL);81 try(ResultSet rsBC = stmtBuildContent.executeQuery(contentSQL)){82 if (rsBC.first()) {83 String bckColor = "#f3f6fa";84 int a = 1;85 do {86 a++;87 int b;88 b = a % 2;89 if (b == 1) {90 bckColor = "#e1e7f3";91 } else {92 bckColor = "White";93 }94 String contentBugURL = "";95 String contentBuild = "";96 String contentAppli = "";97 String contentRev = "";98 String subject = "";99 String release = "";100 String releaseOwner = "";101 String BugIDFixed = " ";102 String TicketIDFixed = " ";103 String Project = " ";104 if (rsBC.getString("a.BugTrackerUrl") != null) {105 contentBugURL = rsBC.getString("a.BugTrackerUrl");106 }107 if (rsBC.getString("") != null) {108 contentBuild = rsBC.getString("");109 }110 if (rsBC.getString("b.Application") != null) {111 contentAppli = rsBC.getString("b.Application");112 }113 if (rsBC.getString("b.Revision") != null) {114 contentRev = rsBC.getString("b.Revision");115 }116 if (rsBC.getString("subject") != null) {117 subject = rsBC.getString("subject");118 }119 if (rsBC.getString("Release") != null) {120 release = rsBC.getString("Release");121 }122 if (rsBC.getString("Name") != null) {123 releaseOwner = rsBC.getString("Name");124 } else {125 releaseOwner = rsBC.getString("ReleaseOwner");126 }127 if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rsBC.getString("Link"))) {128 release = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + rsBC.getString("Link") + "\">" + release + "</a>";129 }130 if (rsBC.getString("BugIDFixed") != null) {131 BugIDFixed = rsBC.getString("BugIDFixed");132 }133 if (rsBC.getString("TicketIDFixed") != null) {134 TicketIDFixed = rsBC.getString("TicketIDFixed");135 }136 if (rsBC.getString("Project") != null) {137 Project = rsBC.getString("Project");138 }139 buildContentTable = buildContentTable + "<tr style=\"background-color:" + bckColor + "; font-size:80%\">"140 + "<td rowspan=\"2\">" + contentBuild + "/" + contentRev + "</td>"141 + "<td>" + contentAppli + "</td>"142 + "<td>" + Project + "</td>";143 if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(contentBugURL)) {144 buildContentTable = buildContentTable + "<td>" + BugIDFixed + "</td>";145 } else {146 buildContentTable = buildContentTable + "<td><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + contentBugURL.replace("%BUGID%", BugIDFixed) + "\">" + BugIDFixed + "</a></td>";147 }148 buildContentTable = buildContentTable + "<td>" + TicketIDFixed + "</td>"149 + "<td>" + releaseOwner + "</td>"150 + "<td>" + release + "</td>"151 + "</tr>"152 + "<tr style=\"background-color:" + bckColor + "; font-size:80%\">"153 + "<td colspan=\"6\">" + subject + "</td>"154 + "</tr>";155 } while (;156 }157 buildContentTable = buildContentTable + "</tbody></table><br>";158 buildContentTemplate = buildContentTable;159 }catch (Exception e) {160 LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", e);161 }162 } catch (Exception e) {163 LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", e);164 }165 return buildContentTemplate;166 }167 @Override168 public String GenerateTestRecapTable(String system, String build, String revision, String country) {169 String TestRecapTable;170 try (Connection conn = databaseSpring.connect();171 Statement stmtBuildContent = conn.createStatement();172 Statement stmtCountryList = conn.createStatement();) {173 List<Application> appliList = applicationService.convert(applicationService.readBySystem(Arrays.asList(system)));174 String inSQL = SqlUtil.getInSQLClause(appliList);175 String contentSQL = "SELECT i.gp1, count(*) nb_exe, OK.c nb_exe_OK, format(OK.c/count(*)*100,0) per_OK"176 + " , DTC.c nb_dtc, DAPP.c nb_dapp"177 + " FROM testcaseexecution t"178 + " JOIN invariant i on i.value=t.Environment and i.idname='ENVIRONMENT'"179 + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( "180 + " SELECT i.gp1 gp1, count(*) c"181 + " FROM testcaseexecution t1 "182 + " JOIN invariant i on i.value=t1.Environment and i.idname='ENVIRONMENT'"183 + " WHERE t1.ControlStatus= 'OK' and t1.Build='" + build + "' and t1.Revision='" + revision + "'";184 if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL") == false) {185 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and'" + country + "'";186 }187 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and Environment not in ('PROD','DEV') "188 + " and (status='WORKING' or status is null) "189 + " and application " + inSQL190 + " GROUP BY gp1 "191 + " order by gp1) as OK"192 + " ON OK.gp1=i.gp1"193 + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( "194 + " select toto.gp1 gp1, count(*) c from "195 + " (SELECT i.gp1 gp1,t1.test, t1.testcase "196 + " FROM testcaseexecution t1 "197 + " JOIN invariant i on i.value=t1.Environment and i.idname='ENVIRONMENT'"198 + " WHERE t1.ControlStatus in ('OK','KO') and t1.Build='" + build + "' and t1.Revision='" + revision + "'";199 if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL") == false) {200 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and'" + country + "'";201 }202 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and Environment not in ('PROD','DEV') "203 + " and (status='WORKING' or status is null) "204 + " and application " + inSQL205 + " GROUP BY gp1 , t1.test, t1.testcase"206 + " order by gp1 , t1.test, t1.testcase ) AS toto"207 + " group by gp1) as DTC"208 + " ON DTC.gp1=i.gp1"209 + " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( "210 + " select toto.gp1 gp1, count(*) c from "211 + " (SELECT i.gp1 gp1,t1.application "212 + " FROM testcaseexecution t1 "213 + " JOIN invariant i on i.value=t1.Environment and i.idname='ENVIRONMENT'"214 + " WHERE t1.ControlStatus in ('OK','KO') and t1.Build='" + build + "' and t1.Revision='" + revision + "'";215 if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL") == false) {216 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and'" + country + "'";217 }218 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and Environment not in ('PROD','DEV') "219 + " and (status='WORKING' or status is null) "220 + " and application " + inSQL221 + " GROUP BY gp1 , t1.application"222 + " order by gp1 , t1.application ) AS toto"223 + " group by gp1) as DAPP"224 + " ON DAPP.gp1=i.gp1"225 + " where 1=1"226 + " and application " + inSQL227 + " and t.ControlStatus in ('OK','KO') and t.Build='" + build + "' and t.Revision='" + revision + "' ";228 if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL") == false) {229 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and'" + country + "'";230 }231 contentSQL = contentSQL + " and Environment not in ('PROD','DEV') "232 + " and (status='WORKING' or status is null) "233 + " group by i.gp1 order by i.sort;";234 LOG.debug(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - SQL : " + contentSQL);235 String CountryListSQL = "SELECT value from invariant where idname='COUNTRY';";236 try(ResultSet rsBC = stmtBuildContent.executeQuery(contentSQL);237 ResultSet rsCountry = stmtCountryList.executeQuery(CountryListSQL);){238 StringBuilder CountryList = new StringBuilder();239 while ( {240 CountryList.append(rsCountry.getString("value"));241 CountryList.append("&Country=");242 }243 if (rsBC.first()) {244 if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) {245 TestRecapTable = "Here is the Test Execution Recap accross all countries for " + build + "/" + revision + " :";246 } else {247 TestRecapTable = "Here is the Test Execution Recap for your country for " + build + "/" + revision + " :";248 }249 TestRecapTable = TestRecapTable + "<table>";250 TestRecapTable = TestRecapTable + "<tr style=\"background-color:#cad3f1; font-style:bold\">"251 + "<td>Env</td><td>Nb Exe</td><td>% OK</td><td>Distinct TestCases</td><td>Distinct Applications</td></tr>";252 String bckColor = "#f3f6fa";253 int a = 1;254 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();255 do {256 a++;257 int b;258 b = a % 2;259 if (b == 1) {260 bckColor = "#e1e7f3";261 } else {262 bckColor = "White";263 }264 String contentEnv = "";265 String contentNBExe = "";266 String contentPerOK = "";267 String contentNBDTC = "";268 String contentNBDAPP = "";269 if (rsBC.getString("gp1") != null) {270 contentEnv = rsBC.getString("gp1");271 }272 if (rsBC.getString("nb_exe") != null) {273 contentNBExe = rsBC.getString("nb_exe");274 }275 if (rsBC.getString("per_OK") != null) {276 contentPerOK = rsBC.getString("per_OK");277 }278 if (rsBC.getString("nb_dtc") != null) {279 contentNBDTC = rsBC.getString("nb_dtc");280 }281 if (rsBC.getString("nb_dapp") != null) {282 contentNBDAPP = rsBC.getString("nb_dapp");283 }284// TestRecapTable = TestRecapTable + "<tr style=\"background-color:" + bckColor + "; font-size:80%\"><td>"285 buf.append("<tr style=\"background-color:").append(bckColor).append("; font-size:80%\"><td>")286 .append(contentEnv).append("</td><td>")287 .append(contentNBExe).append("</td><td>")288 .append(contentPerOK).append("</td><td>")289 .append(contentNBDTC).append("</td><td>")290 .append(contentNBDAPP).append("</td></tr>");291 } while (;292 TestRecapTable += buf.toString() + "</table><br>";293 } else if (country.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) {294 TestRecapTable = "Unfortunatly, no test have been executed for any country for " + build + "/" + revision + " :-(<br><br>";295 } else {296 TestRecapTable = "Unfortunatly, no test have been executed for your country for " + build + "/" + revision + " :-(<br><br>";297 }298 }catch (Exception e) {299 LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", e);300 TestRecapTable = e.getMessage();301 }302 } catch (Exception e) {303 LOG.warn(Infos.getInstance().getProjectNameAndVersion() + " - Exception catched.", e);304 TestRecapTable = e.getMessage();305 }306 return TestRecapTable;307 }308}...
Using AI Code Generation
1String projectNameAndVersion = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectNameAndVersion()2String projectVersion = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectVersion()3String projectName = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectName()4String projectDescription = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectDescription()5String projectUrl = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectUrl()6String projectLicense = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectLicense()7String projectLicenseUrl = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectLicenseUrl()8String projectOrganizationName = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectOrganizationName()9String projectOrganizationUrl = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectOrganizationUrl()10String projectOrganizationLogoUrl = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectOrganizationLogoUrl()11String projectOrganizationLogoPath = org.cerberus.version.Infos.getProjectOrganizationLogoPath()
Using AI Code Generation
1def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()2println(infos.getProjectNameAndVersion())3def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()4println(infos.getProjectVersion())5def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()6println(infos.getProjectName())7def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()8println(infos.getProjectVersionMajor())9def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()10println(infos.getProjectVersionMinor())11def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()12println(infos.getProjectVersionPatch())13def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()14println(infos.getProjectVersionQualifier())15def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()16println(infos.getProjectVersionQualifier())17def infos = new org.cerberus.version.Infos()18println(infos.getProjectVersionQualifier())
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.version.Infos2import org.cerberus.version.Version3def appNameAndVersion = Infos.getProjectNameAndVersion()4def version = appNameAndVersion.substring(appNameAndVersion.lastIndexOf(" ")+1)5def appName = appNameAndVersion.substring(0, appNameAndVersion.lastIndexOf(" "))6def aboutBox = new AboutBoxBuilder()7 .setApplicationName(appName)8 .setApplicationVersion(version)9 .setApplicationIcon(new ImageIcon("src/main/resources/org/cerberus/icons/cerberus.png"))10 .setApplicationDescription("Cerberus is a fully automated regression testing tool. It is designed to be used for functional, integration, and regression testing of web applications.")11 .setApplicationAuthors(["Ludovic Dubost", "Cerberus Team"])12 .setApplicationLicense("GNU General Public License v3.0")13 .setApplicationLicenseType(AboutBoxBuilder.LicenseType.GPL_V3)14 .build()15aboutBox.setVisible(true)
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.version.Infos;2String projectNameAndVersion = Infos.getProjectNameAndVersion();3String fileName = projectNameAndVersion + ".txt";4String fileContent = "Hello " + projectNameAndVersion + " !";5new File(fileName).write(fileContent);6println "File name: " + fileName;7println "File content: " + fileContent;8println "File name: " + fileName;9println "File content: " + fileContent;10println "File name: " + fileName;11println "File content: " + fileContent;12println "File name: " + fileName;13println "File content: " + fileContent;14println "File name: " + fileName;15println "File content: " + fileContent;16println "File name: " + fileName;17println "File content: " + fileContent;18println "File name: " + fileName;19println "File content: " + fileContent;20println "File name: " + fileName;21println "File content: " + fileContent;22println "File name: " + fileName;23println "File content: " + fileContent;
Using AI Code Generation
1public class Infos {2 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Cerberus";3 private static final String PROJECT_VERSION = "4.9";4 public static String getProjectNameAndVersion() {5 return PROJECT_NAME + " " + PROJECT_VERSION;6 }7}8public class Infos {9 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Cerberus";10 private static final String PROJECT_VERSION = "4.9";11 public static String getProjectNameAndVersion() {12 return PROJECT_NAME + " " + PROJECT_VERSION;13 }14}15public class Infos {16 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Cerberus";17 private static final String PROJECT_VERSION = "4.9";18 public static String getProjectNameAndVersion() {19 return PROJECT_NAME + " " + PROJECT_VERSION;20 }21}22public class Infos {23 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Cerberus";24 private static final String PROJECT_VERSION = "4.9";25 public static String getProjectNameAndVersion() {26 return PROJECT_NAME + " " + PROJECT_VERSION;27 }28}29public class Infos {30 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Cerberus";31 private static final String PROJECT_VERSION = "4.9";32 public static String getProjectNameAndVersion() {33 return PROJECT_NAME + " " + PROJECT_VERSION;34 }35}36public class Infos {37 private static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Cerberus";38 private static final String PROJECT_VERSION = "4.9";
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.version.Infos;2def versionFile = new File(, "version.txt");3versionFile.text = Infos.getProjectNameAndVersion(project)4task copyVersionFile(type: Copy) {5 rename { "version.txt" }6}7task copyVersionFileToDist(type: Copy) {8 rename { "version.txt" }9}10task copyVersionFileToDistRoot(type: Copy) {11 rename { "version.txt" }12}13task copyVersionFileToDistRoot(type: Copy) {14 rename { "version.txt" }15}
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