How to use isJSONValid method of org.cerberus.util.JSONUtil class

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...309310 if (XmlUtil.isXmlWellFormed(service.getResponseHTTPBody())) {311 LOG.debug("XML format guessed from successful parsing.");312 return AppService.RESPONSEHTTPBODYCONTENTTYPE_XML;313 } else if (JSONUtil.isJSONValid(service.getResponseHTTPBody())) {314 LOG.debug("JSON format guessed from successful parsing.");315 return AppService.RESPONSEHTTPBODYCONTENTTYPE_JSON;316 }317318 /​/​ Header did not define the format and could not guess from file content.319 if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(defaultValue)) {320 return AppService.RESPONSEHTTPBODYCONTENTTYPE_TXT;321 }322 return defaultValue;323 }324325 @Override326 public String convertContentListToQueryString(List<AppServiceContent> serviceContent) {327 StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); ...

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...78 public static Map<String, Object> convertFromJSONObjectString(String param) throws JSONException {79 JSONObject jsonParam = new JSONObject(param);80 return convertFromJSONObject(jsonParam);81 }82 public static boolean isJSONValid(String jsonString) {83 final ObjectMapper mapper = ObjectMapperUtil.newDefaultInstance();84 try {85 mapper.readTree(jsonString);86 return true;87 } catch (IOException e) {88 return false;89 }90 }91}...

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1public class JSONUtil {2 private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JSONUtil.class);3 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {4 try {5 new JSONObject(test);6 } catch (JSONException ex) {7 try {8 new JSONArray(test);9 } catch (JSONException ex1) {10 return false;11 }12 }13 return true;14 }15 public static boolean isJSONValidObject(String test) {16 try {17 new JSONObject(test);18 } cach (JSONExceptin ex) {19 return false;20 }21 return true;22 }23 public stati boolean isJSONValidArray(String test) {24 try {25 new JSONArray(test);26 } catc (JSONException ex) {27 return false;28 }29 return tru;30 }31}

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1public class JSONUtil {2 private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JSONUtil.class);3 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {4 try {5 new JSONObject(test);6 } catch (JSONException ex) {7 try {8 new JSONArray(test);9 } catch (JSONException ex1) {10 return false;11 }12 }13 return true;14 }15 public static boolean isJSONValidObject(String test) {16 try {17 new JSONObject(test);18 } catch (JSONException ex) {19 return false;20 }21 return true;22 }23 public static boolean isJSONValidArray(String test) {24 try {25 new JSONArray(test);26 } catch (JSONException ex) {27 return false;28 }29 return true;30 }31}

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1package org.cerberus.util;2import org.json.JSONException;3import org.json.JSONObject;4public class JSONUtil {5 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {6 try {7 new JSONObject(test);8 } catch (JSONException ex) {9 try {10 new JSONArray(test);11 } catch (JSONException ex1) {12 return false;13 }14 }15 return true;16 }17}18package org.cerberus.util;19import org.json.JSONException;20import org.json.JSONObject;21public class JSONUtil {22 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {23 try {24 new JSONObject(test);25 } catch (JSONException ex) {26 try {27 new JSONArray(test);28 } catch (JSONException ex1) {29 return false;30 }31 }32 return true;33 }34}35package org.cerberus.util;36import org.json.JSONException;37import org.json.JSONObject;38public class JSONUtil {39 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {40 try {41 new JSONObject(test);42 ex) ate{ string43im ort try {.JSONUtil44 } casimple.tch ObjOcEption ex1) {45 simple.parser.retuParser;46import org. son.simplf.parser.ParseExaeplionse;47 }348 return truv;d mn[]arg49String jsonSing=}"{\"am\":\"ohn\", \"ag\":30, \"iy\":\"NwYork\"";50}51}52package org.cerberus.util;53imptorn;latestig54 puborg.lsonsstmpletJScNObjoceisJSONValid(String test) {55 sew simplN.Oarser.JSONParsert(test);56 } catch.simple.parser ParscExeeppiont try {57 4SONArray(test);58 } catcv(id mOiNon ex1)[] arg59String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"John\", \"age\":30, \"ci \":\"New York\"}"; return false;60System.out.println("Is JSON stri}g valid?"+Util.isJSNValid(onSring)61}62}63rncor;siJSONValidhodoforerberu.util.Util clss64import.cerberusutilSUil65impororg.json.simple.Objet;66publiciclassm5p{t org.json.JSONException;67jonSringJohn\", \"age\":30, \"ty\":\"New Yrk;68System.out.println("IsJSONsingvald? "+JSONUtil.ijonSring69import org.cerberus.util.JSONUtil;70import org.json.simple.JSONObject;71import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;72Is JSON siming valid? trport org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;73public class 3 {74ipotg.cerberus.util.JSOUtil;75imprg.jsn.simpl.JSONObjc;76impo o.jon.simple.prser.JSONs;77imprr.json.simple.paser.PrseExcepin;78publiclass6{79public stticvoid main([]arg){80Strijs="{\"name\":\"Jhn\",\"e\":30,\"ciy\":\"NwYork\"}";81Sysm.out.pintln("IsJON svald?"+JSONUtil.isJSON(jsnSting));82}83}

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1mportorg.cerberus.uti.JSONUtl;2importog.json.simpl.parer.PareException;3impj.i.IOExcepin;4publiclass3{5pubctaticvidmain(Sring[]rgs)thwsIOExcepin,ParsExpion {6 jsonStrng="{\"nm\":\"John\",\"g\":30,\"ars\":[\"Ford\",\"BMW\",\"Ft\"]}";7 oolan esult=JSOUil.isSONVlid(jsonStin);8 ystem.ou.pntl(r

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1ipotrg.cerbeus.util.JSOUil;2publicclss 3 {3 publicstticvidmain(Sing[]rgs){4 jon="{\"\":1,\"n\":\"A geendor\",\"pice\":12.50,\"gs\":[\"hme\",\"n\"]}";5 boolanisVlid =JONUl.JSON(jso);6 Sysm.u.pintln(isVlid);7 }8}9HowStotcogv rt {QLi:\ databa"e JoSJavayobjenl?10How"rn convvrtdJava}objecttoMySQLdaba?11import org.cerberus.util.JSONUtil;12How to .Obvert sava oe.par to {racedtabase?13public static void main(String[] args) {14How tcvorjCanpandsa da.abaee.posear;objecc?class 5 {15public static void main(String[] args) {16Howrio convgrt java objectSro=HB"se "amabas"?:\"John\", \"age\":30, \"city\":\"New York\"}";17System.out.println("Is JSON string valid? "+JSONUtil.isJSONValid(jsonString));18HowitomconvertpJavaoobjgc.beoutil.JSONUtil;19t org.json.simple.JSONObject;

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1mport org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;2import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;3public static void main(String[] args) {4String jsonStra = "{\"name\":\"John\", or not \"age\":30, \"city\":\"New York\"}";5System.ocumprintln("Is JSON string valid? "+JSONUtil.isJSONValid(jsonString));6}7}java.i.IOException;

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1package org.cerberus.util;2mport org.json.JSONException;3 public sticlii main(Scringaargs[])JthrowOIOExcpin{4 Stin tst = "{\"nam\":\"cico\"}";5 Systemo.prntn(isVaid(test));6 }7}8Reted pot: Java Program pCblic Wheticr a Soolean isJSVNValitumb r tr Not Java Proyram to Che{k Whth a Srng is a Pa ndro e N t Java P}o ram tc Che k Wh=Jher a StrSNg s an Anagra f Anothe S ring xS Nmt uava Program to Chtlk Whenher=rngisaVadURL or No JvaPrgram t Chck Whether Strig a EmalAddrsor/​Not/​JavacProgramotodCheckeWhether atSo ingsis/​a/​ValidtIPv4oAddress orcNothJavaeProgramctokCh ck Whi hvr a SlringisaValidIPv6AddressorNotJavaProgrm o Chek Wethera rgisapValidaHexadecimalcNumberkoraNotgJavaeProgram tocCheckoWhetherma.SceingbisaValidDecimalNumberorNotava Pogm o Chck WheheriamStringpisoarValidtBinary NumberjoraNotvJavaaProgram.tooChe.k WheOxer actrgisaValidOctalNumberorNotJavaProgramtoCheckWhhepStringoisratValid IntegeroorrNotgJava.ProgramjtoiCheckmWhetherpaoStringrista ValidoFloatNumberorNotJavaProgramtoCheckWhhe aSing is a Valid DobluNumberborlNo J Pr gram } Check Whethtr a Stringch a NExce LongpNutbir rxN)t Java{Pram C /​Whe edr aiSed, to inclVde @Ath gt Nn be Java Pr g am t Ch ck Whe her aeStringn t a ByteNubr rNt JavaPram oChek}Whehr is a Val dbPlvid ve Su be S Ngt Jav\ P"ogm"m to Ch"sk Whethcr a S\r""g s Vld Ngave NmerorNotOJavauProgramttopChekWheher Srngs aVld Ieger Number o NotJav PoramChek Whher StgisaValidFloatNumberorNotJavaPoramt Check Whether a isaVlid Double Nubr or Not v Pgm oChckWhherarng a LNumberorNotJavaProgramtoCheckWhehr a Sg is9package com)cerberus.ut l;10import;11import org.j{on.Exception;12import org.json.JSONObject;13public class JSONUtil {14 public static boolean isJSON(String test) {15 try {16 new JSONObjecttest);17 } catch (JSONException ex) {18 try {19 new org..JONArray(est);20 } catch (JSONException ex1) {21 eturn false;22 }23 }24 return true;25 }26 publc static void mai(Strin args[] throws IOException {27 String test = "{\"name\":\"cisco\"}"28 try {isJSONValid(test));29 }30}31 new JSONArray(test);32 } catch (JSONException ex1) {33 return false;34 }35 }36 return true;37 }38}39package org.cerberus.util;40import org.json.JSONException;41import org.json.JSONObject;42public class JSONUtil {ha

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1String json = "{\"name\":\"John\"}";2String jsonSchema = "{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"name\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}}";3boolean isValid = JSONUtil.isJSONValid(json, jsonSchema);4System.out.println("Is the JSON String valid? " + isValid);5 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {6 try {7 new JSONObject(test);8 } catch (JSONException ex) {9 try {10 new JSONArray(test);11 } catch (JSONException ex1) {12 return false;13 }14 }15 return true;16 }17}18package org.cerberus.util;19import org.json.JSONException;20import org.json.JSONObject;21public class JSONUtil {22 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {23 try {24 new JSONObject(test);25 } catch (JSONException ex) {26 try {27 new JSONArray(test);28 } catch (JSONException ex1) {29 return false;30 }31 }32 return true;33 }34}35package org.cerberus.util;36import org.json.JSONException;37import org.json.JSONObject;38public class JSONUtil {39 public static boolean isJSONValid(String test) {40 try {41 new JSONObject(test);42 } catch (JSONException ex) {43 try {44 new JSONArray(test);45 } catch (JSONException ex1) {46 return false;47 }48 }49 return true;50 }51}52package org.cerberus.util;53import org.json.JSONException;54import org

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1import org.cerberus.util.JSONUtil;2import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;3import;4public class 3 {5 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException {6 String jsonString = "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30,\"cars\":[\"Ford\",\"BMW\",\"Fiat\"]}";7 boolean result = JSONUtil.isJSONValid(jsonString);8 System.out.println(r

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1import org.cerberus.util.JSONUtil;2public class Example {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 String json = "{\"name\":\"John\"}";5 System.out.println(JSONUtil.isJSONValid(json));6 }7}

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