How to use processRequest method of org.cerberus.servlet.crud.testexecution.ReadExecutionStat class

Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.servlet.crud.testexecution.ReadExecutionStat.processRequest


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...83 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs84 * @throws IOException if an I/​O error occurs85 * @throws org.cerberus.exception.CerberusException86 */​87 protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)88 throws ServletException, IOException, CerberusException {89 String echo = request.getParameter("sEcho");90 ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());91 PolicyFactory policy = Sanitizers.FORMATTING.and(Sanitizers.LINKS);92 response.setContentType("application/​json");93 response.setCharacterEncoding("utf8");94 /​/​ Calling Servlet Transversal Util.95 ServletUtil.servletStart(request);96 /​/​ Default message to unexpected error.97 MessageEvent msg = new MessageEvent(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);98 msg.setDescription(msg.getDescription().replace("%DESCRIPTION%", ""));99 /​**100 * Parsing and securing all required parameters.101 */​102 factoryTestCase = appContext.getBean(IFactoryTestCase.class);103 List<String> system = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("system"), new ArrayList<String>(), "UTF8");104 String from = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecode(request.getParameter("from"), null, "UTF8");105 String to = ParameterParserUtil.parseStringParamAndDecode(request.getParameter("to"), null, "UTF8");106 LOG.debug("from : " + from);107 LOG.debug("to : " + to);108 Date fromD;109 try {110 TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");111 DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);112 df.setTimeZone(tz);113 fromD = df.parse(from);114 } catch (ParseException ex) {115 fromD = Date.from(;116 LOG.debug("Exception when parsing date", ex);117 }118 Date toD;119 try {120 TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");121 DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);122 df.setTimeZone(tz);123 toD = df.parse(to);124 } catch (ParseException ex) {125 toD = Date.from(;126 LOG.debug("Exception when parsing date", ex);127 }128 LOG.debug("from : " + fromD);129 LOG.debug("to : " + toD);130 List<TestCase> ltc = new ArrayList<>();131 List<String> test = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("tests"), new ArrayList<String>(), "UTF8");132 List<String> testCase = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("testcases"), new ArrayList<String>(), "UTF8");133 int i = 0;134 for (String string : test) {135 ltc.add(factoryTestCase.create(string, testCase.get(i++)));136 }137 if (ltc.size() <= 0) {138 ltc.add(factoryTestCase.create("", ""));139 }140 List<String> parties = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("parties"), Arrays.asList("total"), "UTF8");141 List<String> types = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("types"), Arrays.asList("total"), "UTF8");142 List<String> units = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("units"), Arrays.asList("request", "totalsize"), "UTF8");143 List<String> countries = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("countries"), new ArrayList<String>(), "UTF8");144 Boolean countriesDefined = (request.getParameterValues("countries") != null);145 List<String> environments = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("environments"), new ArrayList<String>(), "UTF8");146 Boolean environmentsDefined = (request.getParameterValues("environments") != null);147 List<String> robotDeclis = ParameterParserUtil.parseListParamAndDecode(request.getParameterValues("robotDeclis"), new ArrayList<String>(), "UTF8");148 Boolean robotDeclisDefined = (request.getParameterValues("robotDeclis") != null);149 /​/​ Init Answer with potencial error from Parsing parameter.150 AnswerItem<JSONObject> answer = new AnswerItem<>(msg);151 /​/​ Map of countries, Environments and RobotDeclis (Boolean contains true if requested to be displayed).152 HashMap<String, Boolean> countryMap = new HashMap<>();153 HashMap<String, Boolean> environmentMap = new HashMap<>();154 HashMap<String, Boolean> robotDecliMap = new HashMap<>();155 HashMap<String, Boolean> systemMap = new HashMap<>();156 HashMap<String, TestCase> testCaseMap = new HashMap<>();157 HashMap<String, Boolean> applicationMap = new HashMap<>();158 testCaseExecutionService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionService.class);159 List<TestCaseExecution> exeL = testCaseExecutionService.readByCriteria(null, null, null, null, ltc, fromD, toD);160 for (TestCaseExecution exe : exeL) {161 countryMap.put(exe.getCountry(), countries.contains(exe.getCountry()));162 environmentMap.put(exe.getEnvironment(), environments.contains(exe.getEnvironment()));163 robotDecliMap.put(exe.getRobotDecli(), robotDeclis.contains(exe.getRobotDecli()));164 testCaseMap.put(exe.getTest() + "/​\\" + exe.getTestCase(), factoryTestCase.create(exe.getTest(), exe.getTestCase()));165 systemMap.put(exe.getSystem(), true);166 applicationMap.put(exe.getApplication(), true);167 }168 LOG.debug(countryMap);169 LOG.debug(environmentMap);170 LOG.debug(robotDecliMap);171 try {172 JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();173 testCaseExecutionHttpStatService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionHttpStatService.class);174 answer = testCaseExecutionHttpStatService.readByCriteria("OK", ltc, fromD, toD, system, countries, environments, robotDeclis, parties, types, units);175 jsonResponse = (JSONObject) answer.getItem();176 jsonResponse.put("messageType", answer.getResultMessage().getMessage().getCodeString());177 jsonResponse.put("message", answer.getResultMessage().getDescription());178 jsonResponse.put("sEcho", echo);179 JSONObject jsonResponse1 = new JSONObject();180 answer = findExeStatList(appContext, request, exeL, countries, environments, robotDeclis);181 jsonResponse1 = (JSONObject) answer.getItem();182 jsonResponse.put("datasetExeTime", jsonResponse1.getJSONArray("curvesTime"));183 jsonResponse.put("datasetExeStatusNb", jsonResponse1.getJSONArray("curvesNb"));184 jsonResponse.put("datasetExeStatusNbDates", jsonResponse1.getJSONArray("curvesDatesNb"));185 JSONObject objectdist = getAllDistinct(countryMap, systemMap, testCaseMap, applicationMap, environmentMap, robotDecliMap, countriesDefined, environmentsDefined, robotDeclisDefined);186 objectdist.put("units", jsonResponse.getJSONArray("distinctUnits"));187 objectdist.put("types", jsonResponse.getJSONArray("distinctTypes"));188 objectdist.put("parties", jsonResponse.getJSONArray("distinctParties"));189 jsonResponse.remove("distinctUnits");190 jsonResponse.remove("distinctTypes");191 jsonResponse.remove("distinctParties");192 jsonResponse.put("distinct", objectdist);193 response.getWriter().print(jsonResponse.toString());194 } catch (JSONException e) {195 LOG.warn(e, e);196 /​/​returns a default error message with the json format that is able to be parsed by the client-side197 response.getWriter().print(AnswerUtil.createGenericErrorAnswer());198 }199 }200 private AnswerItem<JSONObject> findExeStatList(ApplicationContext appContext, HttpServletRequest request,201 List<TestCaseExecution> exeList,202 List<String> countries, List<String> environments, List<String> robotDeclis) throws JSONException {203 AnswerItem<JSONObject> item = new AnswerItem<>();204 JSONObject object = new JSONObject();205 testCaseExecutionHttpStatService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseExecutionHttpStatService.class);206 applicationService = appContext.getBean(IApplicationService.class);207 testCaseService = appContext.getBean(ITestCaseService.class);208 factoryTestCase = appContext.getBean(IFactoryTestCase.class);209 HashMap<String, JSONArray> curveMap = new HashMap<>();210 HashMap<String, JSONObject> curveObjMap = new HashMap<>();211 String curveKey = "";212 JSONArray curArray = new JSONArray();213 JSONObject curveObj = new JSONObject();214 JSONObject pointObj = new JSONObject();215 HashMap<String, JSONObject> curveStatusObjMap = new HashMap<>();216 HashMap<String, Boolean> curveDateMap = new HashMap<>();217 HashMap<String, Integer> curveDateStatusMap = new HashMap<>();218 String curveKeyStatus = "";219 JSONObject curveStatObj = new JSONObject();220 for (TestCaseExecution exeCur : exeList) {221 if ((countries.isEmpty() || countries.contains(exeCur.getCountry()))222 && (environments.isEmpty() || environments.contains(exeCur.getEnvironment()))223 && (robotDeclis.isEmpty() || robotDeclis.contains(exeCur.getRobotDecli()))) {224 /​**225 * Curves of testcase response time.226 */​227 curveKey = exeCur.getTest() + "|" + exeCur.getTestCase() + "|" + exeCur.getCountry() + "|" + exeCur.getEnvironment() + "|" + exeCur.getRobotDecli() + "|";228 long y = 0;229 if (!exeCur.getControlStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("PE")) {230 y = exeCur.getEnd() - exeCur.getStart();231 pointObj = new JSONObject();232 Date d = new Date(exeCur.getStart());233 TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");234 DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);235 df.setTimeZone(tz);236 pointObj.put("x", df.format(d));237 pointObj.put("y", y);238 pointObj.put("exe", exeCur.getId());239 pointObj.put("exeControlStatus", exeCur.getControlStatus());240 if (curveMap.containsKey(curveKey)) {241 curArray = curveMap.get(curveKey);242 } else {243 curArray = new JSONArray();244 curveObj = new JSONObject();245 curveObj.put("key", curveKey);246 TestCase a = factoryTestCase.create(exeCur.getTest(), exeCur.getTestCase());247 try {248 a = testCaseService.convert(testCaseService.readByKey(exeCur.getTest(), exeCur.getTestCase()));249 curveObj.put("testcase", a.toJson());250 } catch (CerberusException ex) {251 LOG.error("Exception when getting TestCase details", ex);252 }253 curveObj.put("country", exeCur.getCountry());254 curveObj.put("environment", exeCur.getEnvironment());255 curveObj.put("robotdecli", exeCur.getRobotDecli());256 curveObj.put("system", exeCur.getSystem());257 curveObj.put("application", exeCur.getApplication());258 curveObj.put("unit", "testduration");259 curveObjMap.put(curveKey, curveObj);260 }261 curArray.put(pointObj);262 curveMap.put(curveKey, curArray);263 }264 /​**265 * Bar Charts per control status.266 */​267 curveKeyStatus = exeCur.getControlStatus();268 Date d = new Date(exeCur.getStart());269 TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");270 DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_DAY);271 df.setTimeZone(tz);272 String dday = df.format(d);273 curveDateMap.put(dday, false);274 String keyDateStatus = curveKeyStatus + "-" + dday;275 if (curveDateStatusMap.containsKey(keyDateStatus)) {276 curveDateStatusMap.put(keyDateStatus, curveDateStatusMap.get(keyDateStatus) + 1);277 } else {278 curveDateStatusMap.put(keyDateStatus, 1);279 }280 if (!curveStatusObjMap.containsKey(curveKeyStatus)) {281 curveStatObj = new JSONObject();282 curveStatObj.put("key", curveKeyStatus);283 curveStatObj.put("unit", "nbExe");284 curveStatusObjMap.put(curveKeyStatus, curveStatObj);285 }286 }287 }288 /​**289 * Feed Curves of testcase response time to JSON.290 */​291 JSONArray curvesArray = new JSONArray();292 for (Map.Entry<String, JSONObject> entry : curveObjMap.entrySet()) {293 String key = entry.getKey();294 JSONObject val = entry.getValue();295 JSONObject localcur = new JSONObject();296 localcur.put("key", val);297 localcur.put("points", curveMap.get(key));298 curvesArray.put(localcur);299 }300 object.put("curvesTime", curvesArray);301 /​**302 * Bar Charts per control status to JSON.303 */​304 curvesArray = new JSONArray();305 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : curveDateMap.entrySet()) {306 curvesArray.put(entry.getKey());307 }308 object.put("curvesDatesNb", curvesArray);309 curvesArray = new JSONArray();310 for (Map.Entry<String, JSONObject> entry : curveStatusObjMap.entrySet()) {311 String key = entry.getKey();312 JSONObject val = entry.getValue();313 JSONArray valArray = new JSONArray();314 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry1 : curveDateMap.entrySet()) {315 String key1 = entry1.getKey(); /​/​ Date316 if (curveDateStatusMap.containsKey(key + "-" + key1)) {317 valArray.put(curveDateStatusMap.get(key + "-" + key1));318 } else {319 valArray.put(0);320 }321 }322 JSONObject localcur = new JSONObject();323 localcur.put("key", val);324 localcur.put("points", valArray);325 curvesArray.put(localcur);326 }327 object.put("curvesNb", curvesArray);328 item.setItem(object);329 return item;330 }331 private JSONObject getAllDistinct(332 HashMap<String, Boolean> countryMap,333 HashMap<String, Boolean> systemMap,334 HashMap<String, TestCase> testCaseMap,335 HashMap<String, Boolean> applicationMap,336 HashMap<String, Boolean> environmentMap,337 HashMap<String, Boolean> robotDecliMap,338 Boolean countriesDefined,339 Boolean environmentsDefined,340 Boolean robotDeclisDefined) throws JSONException {341 JSONObject objectdist = new JSONObject();342 JSONArray objectSdinst = new JSONArray();343 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> sys : systemMap.entrySet()) {344 String key = sys.getKey();345 JSONObject objectcount = new JSONObject();346 objectcount.put("name", key);347 objectcount.put("hasData", systemMap.containsKey(key));348 objectSdinst.put(objectcount);349 }350 objectdist.put("systems", objectSdinst);351 JSONArray objectTCdinst = new JSONArray();352 for (Map.Entry<String, TestCase> env : testCaseMap.entrySet()) {353 try {354 String key = env.getKey();355 TestCase tc = env.getValue();356 TestCase a = testCaseService.convert(testCaseService.readByKey(tc.getTest(), tc.getTestCase()));357 objectTCdinst.put(a.toJson());358 } catch (CerberusException ex) {359 LOG.error("Exception when getting TestCase.", ex);360 }361 }362 objectdist.put("testCases", objectTCdinst);363 JSONArray objectAdinst = new JSONArray();364 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> app : applicationMap.entrySet()) {365 try {366 String key = app.getKey();367 Application a = applicationService.convert(applicationService.readByKey(key));368 objectAdinst.put(convertApplicationToJSONObject(a));369 } catch (CerberusException ex) {370 LOG.error("Exception when getting Application.", ex);371 }372 }373 objectdist.put("applications", objectAdinst);374 JSONArray objectCdinst = new JSONArray();375 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> country : countryMap.entrySet()) {376 String key = country.getKey();377 JSONObject objectcount = new JSONObject();378 objectcount.put("name", key);379 objectcount.put("hasData", countryMap.containsKey(key));380 if (countriesDefined) {381 objectcount.put("isRequested", countryMap.get(key));382 } else {383 objectcount.put("isRequested", true);384 }385 objectCdinst.put(objectcount);386 }387 objectdist.put("countries", objectCdinst);388 JSONArray objectdinst = new JSONArray();389 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> env : environmentMap.entrySet()) {390 String key = env.getKey();391 JSONObject objectcount = new JSONObject();392 objectcount.put("name", key);393 objectcount.put("hasData", environmentMap.containsKey(key));394 if (environmentsDefined) {395 objectcount.put("isRequested", environmentMap.get(key));396 } else {397 objectcount.put("isRequested", true);398 }399 objectdinst.put(objectcount);400 }401 objectdist.put("environments", objectdinst);402 objectdinst = new JSONArray();403 for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> env : robotDecliMap.entrySet()) {404 String key = env.getKey();405 JSONObject objectcount = new JSONObject();406 objectcount.put("name", key);407 objectcount.put("hasData", robotDecliMap.containsKey(key));408 if (robotDeclisDefined) {409 objectcount.put("isRequested", robotDecliMap.get(key));410 } else {411 objectcount.put("isRequested", true);412 }413 objectdinst.put(objectcount);414 }415 objectdist.put("robotDeclis", objectdinst);416 return objectdist;417 }418 private JSONObject convertApplicationToJSONObject(Application app) throws JSONException {419 Gson gson = new Gson();420 JSONObject result = new JSONObject(gson.toJson(app));421 return result;422 }423 /​/​ <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.">424 /​**425 * Handles the HTTP <code>GET</​code> method.426 *427 * @param request servlet request428 * @param response servlet response429 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs430 * @throws IOException if an I/​O error occurs431 */​432 @Override433 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)434 throws ServletException, IOException {435 try {436 processRequest(request, response);437 } catch (CerberusException ex) {438 LOG.warn(ex);439 }440 }441 /​**442 * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</​code> method.443 *444 * @param request servlet request445 * @param response servlet response446 * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs447 * @throws IOException if an I/​O error occurs448 */​449 @Override450 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)451 throws ServletException, IOException {452 try {453 processRequest(request, response);454 } catch (CerberusException ex) {455 LOG.warn(ex);456 }457 }458 /​**459 * Returns a short description of the servlet.460 *461 * @return a String containing servlet description462 */​463 @Override464 public String getServletInfo() {465 return "Short description";466 }/​/​ </​editor-fold>467}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.cerberus.servlet.crud.testexecution.ReadExecutionStat;2import org.cerberus.servlet.crud.testexecution.ReadExecutionStatTest;3def processRequest = new ReadExecutionStatTest().processRequest4def result = processRequest("TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TEST")5def processRequest = new ReadExecutionStatTest().processRequest6def result = processRequest("TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TEST", "TEST")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.cerberus.servlet.crud.testexecution.ReadExecutionStat;2import org.cerberus.servlet.crud.testexecution.ReadExecutionStat;3import java.util.List;4import java.util.List;5import java.util.Map;6import java.util.Map;7ReadExecutionStat readExecutionStat = new ReadExecutionStat();

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