Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.dto.TreeNode.getNbCA
...162 }163 public void setNbQU(Integer nbQU) {164 this.nbQU = nbQU;165 }166 public Integer getNbCA() {167 return nbCA;168 }169 public void setNbCA(Integer nbCA) {170 this.nbCA = nbCA;171 }172 public String getType() {173 return type;174 }175 public void setType(String type) {176 this.type = type;177 }178 public String getCounter1WithChildText() {179 return counter1WithChildText;180 }181 public void setCounter1WithChildText(String counter1WithChildText) {182 this.counter1WithChildText = counter1WithChildText;183 }184 public String getNbNodesText() {185 return nbNodesText;186 }187 public void setNbNodesText(String nbNodesText) {188 this.nbNodesText = nbNodesText;189 }190 public String getCounter1Text() {191 return counter1Text;192 }193 public void setCounter1Text(String counter1Text) {194 this.counter1Text = counter1Text;195 }196 public Integer getNbNodesWithChild() {197 return nbNodesWithChild;198 }199 public void setNbNodesWithChild(Integer nbNodesWithChild) {200 this.nbNodesWithChild = nbNodesWithChild;201 }202 public Integer getCounter1WithChild() {203 return counter1WithChild;204 }205 public void setCounter1WithChild(Integer counter1WithChild) {206 this.counter1WithChild = counter1WithChild;207 }208 public List<String> getTags() {209 return tags;210 }211 public void setTags(List<String> tags) {212 this.tags = tags;213 }214 public Integer getCounter1() {215 return counter1;216 }217 public void setCounter1(Integer counter1) {218 this.counter1 = counter1;219 }220 public Integer getId() {221 return id;222 }223 public void setId(Integer id) {224 = id;225 }226 public Integer getParentId() {227 return parentId;228 }229 public void setParentId(Integer parentId) {230 this.parentId = parentId;231 }232 public String getKey() {233 return key;234 }235 public void setKey(String key) {236 this.key = key;237 }238 public List<TreeNode> getNodes() {239 return nodes;240 }241 public void setNodes(List<TreeNode> nodes) {242 this.nodes = nodes;243 }244 public String getText() {245 return text;246 }247 public void setText(String text) {248 this.text = text;249 }250 public String getIcon() {251 return icon;252 }253 public void setIcon(String icon) {254 this.icon = icon;255 }256 public String getHref() {257 return href;258 }259 public void setHref(String href) {260 this.href = href;261 }262 public boolean isSelectable() {263 return selectable;264 }265 public void setSelectable(boolean selectable) {266 this.selectable = selectable;267 }268 private float getP(Integer a, Integer b) {269 float c = ((float) a * (float) 100) / (float) b;270 return c;271 }272 private Integer getPI(Integer a, Integer b) {273 float c = ((float) a * (float) 100) / (float) b;274 return (Integer) Math.round(c);275 }276 public JSONObject toJson() {277 JSONObject result = new JSONObject();278 try {279 result.put("id", this.getId());280 String cnt1Text = "";281 if (this.getCounter1() > 0) {282 cnt1Text = this.getCounter1Text();283 }284 String cnt1WCText = "";285 if ((this.getCounter1WithChild() > 0) && (this.getCounter1WithChild() != this.getCounter1())) {286 cnt1WCText = this.getCounter1WithChildText();287 }288 String nbNodText = "";289 if (this.getNbNodesWithChild() > 0) {290 nbNodText = this.getNbNodesText();291 }292 String statusBar = "";293 if (this.getCounter1WithChild() > 0) {294 statusBar = "<div style='margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;' class=''>";295 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusOK\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"296 + getP(this.getNbOK(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbOK(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";297 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusKO\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"298 + getP(this.getNbKO(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbKO(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";299 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusFA\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"300 + getP(this.getNbFA(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbFA(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";301 if (this.getNbNA() > 0) {302 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusNA\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"303 + getP(this.getNbNA(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbNA(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";304 }305 if (this.getNbNE() > 0) {306 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusNE\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"307 + getP(this.getNbNE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbNE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";308 }309 if (this.getNbWE() > 0) {310 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusWE\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"311 + getP(this.getNbWE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbWE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";312 }313 if (this.getNbPE() > 0) {314 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusPE\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"315 + getP(this.getNbPE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbPE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";316 }317 if (this.getNbQE() > 0) {318 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusQE\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"319 + getP(this.getNbQE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbQE(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";320 }321 if (this.getNbQU() > 0) {322 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusQU\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"323 + getP(this.getNbQU(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbQU(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";324 }325 if (this.getNbCA() > 0) {326 statusBar += "<span class=\"progress-bar statusCA\" role=\"progressbar\" style=\"height : 20px;width:"327 + getP(this.getNbCA(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%\">" + getPI(this.getNbCA(), this.getCounter1WithChild()) + "%</span>";328 }329 statusBar += "</div>";330 }331 result.put(332 "text", this.getText().replace("%COUNTER1TEXT%", cnt1Text)333 .replace("%COUNTER1WITHCHILDTEXT%", cnt1WCText)334 .replace("%NBNODESWITHCHILDTEXT%", nbNodText)335 .replace("%COUNTER1%", this.getCounter1().toString())336 .replace("%COUNTER1WITHCHILD%", this.getCounter1WithChild().toString())337 .replace("%NBNODESWITHCHILD%", this.getNbNodesWithChild().toString())338 .replace("%STATUSBAR%", statusBar)339 .replace("%NBOK%", this.getNbOK().toString())340 .replace("%NBKO%", this.getNbKO().toString())341 .replace("%NBFA%", this.getNbFA().toString())342 .replace("%NBNA%", this.getNbNA().toString())343 .replace("%NBNE%", this.getNbNE().toString())344 .replace("%NBWE%", this.getNbWE().toString())345 .replace("%NBPE%", this.getNbPE().toString())346 .replace("%NBQE%", this.getNbQE().toString())347 .replace("%NBQU%", this.getNbQU().toString())348 .replace("%NBCA%", this.getNbCA().toString())349 );350 result.put("icon", this.getIcon());351 result.put("href", this.getHref());352 result.put("selectable", this.isSelectable());353 JSONObject state = new JSONObject();354 state.put("selected", this.isSelected());355 result.put("state", state);356 result.put("nbNodesWithChild", this.getNbNodesWithChild());357 result.put("counter1", this.getCounter1());358 result.put("counter1WithChild", this.getCounter1WithChild());359 result.put("tags", this.getTags());360 if (this.getLabelObj() != null) {361 result.put("label", this.getLabelObj().toJsonGUI());362 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1# Number of children: ${node.getNbCA()}2# Number of test cases: ${node.getNbTC()}3getNbCA(): returns the number of children of the selected node4getNbTC(): returns the number of test cases of the selected node5getNbTCOK(): returns the number of test cases that have the OK status6getNbTCKO(): returns the number of test cases that have the KO status7getNbTCFA(): returns the number of test cases that have the FA status8getNbTCCN(): returns the number of test cases that have the CN status9getNbTCCA(): returns the number of test cases that have the CA status10getNbTCCU(): returns the number of test cases that have the CU status11getNbTCEX(): returns the number of test cases that have the EX status12getNbTCDI(): returns the number of test cases that have the DI status13getNbTCDN(): returns the number of test cases that have the DN status14getNbTCCQ(): returns the number of test cases that have the CQ status15getNbTCNA(): returns the number of test cases that have the NA status16getNbTCPE(): returns the number of test cases that have the PE status17getNbTCQU(): returns the number of test cases that have the QU status18getNbTCWE(): returns the number of test cases that have the WE status19getNbTCBL(): returns the number of test cases that have the BL status20getNbTCCW(): returns the number of test cases that have the CW status21getNbTCNR(): returns the number of test cases that have the NR status22getNbTCNE(): returns the number of test cases that have the NE status23getNbTCCO(): returns the number of test cases that have the CO status
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.dto.TreeNode;2String[] tree = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N"};3String[] parent = {"", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C", "D", "D", "D", "D"};4int[] level = {0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4};5TreeNode node = new TreeNode(tree, parent, level);6int nbCA = node.getNbCA();7String[][] data = new String[nbCA][2];8int idx = 0;9for (int i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {10 if (node.getLevel(i) == 0) {11 data[idx][0] = node.getTree(i);12 data[idx][1] = Integer.toString(node.getNbChildren(i));13 idx++;14 }15}16String[] header = {"Node", "Nb Children"};17String[][] table = {header, data};18return table;
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