Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue.getTag
...161 @Override162 public AnswerItem<TestCaseExecutionQueue> create(TestCaseExecutionQueue object, boolean withNewDep, long exeQueueId, TestCaseExecutionQueue.State targetState) {163 LOG.debug("Creating Queue entry : " + object.getId() + " From : " + exeQueueId + " targetState : " + targetState.toString());164 // We create the link between the tag and the system if it does not exist yet.165 tagSystemService.createIfNotExist(object.getTag(), object.getSystem(), object.getUsrCreated());166 AnswerItem<TestCaseExecutionQueue> ret;167 if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(object.getTag())) {168 // If tag is not defined, we do not insert any dependencies.169 ret = testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.create(object);170 } else {171 if (withNewDep) {172 // Brand New execution Queue.173 // Inserting the record into the Queue forcing its state to QUWITHDEP (in order to secure it doesnt get triggered).174 object.setState(TestCaseExecutionQueue.State.QUWITHDEP);175 ret = testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.create(object);176 // If insert was done correctly, we will try to add the dependencies.177 if (ret.getItem() != null) {178 // Get the QueueId Result from inserted record.179 long insertedQueueId = ret.getItem().getId();180 // Adding dependencies181 AnswerItem<Integer> retDep = testCaseExecutionQueueDepService.insertFromTestCaseDep(insertedQueueId, object.getEnvironment(), object.getCountry(), object.getTag(), object.getTest(), object.getTestCase());182 LOG.debug("Dep inserted : " + retDep.getItem());183 if (retDep.getItem() < 1) {184 // In case there are no dependencies, we release the execution moving to targetState State185 updateToState(insertedQueueId, "", targetState);186 } else {187 // In case there is at least 1 dependency, we leave the state to QUWITHDEP but move the prio to high so that when dependencies are released execution is triggered ASAP.188 object.setPriority(TestCaseExecutionQueue.PRIORITY_WHENDEPENDENCY); // pass prio to 100 if it's a QUWITHDEP189 updatePriority(insertedQueueId, TestCaseExecutionQueue.PRIORITY_WHENDEPENDENCY);190 }191 }192 } else {193 // New execution Queue from an existing one (duplicated from an existing queue entry).194 object.setState(targetState);195 ret = testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.create(object);196 // We duplicate here the dependencies from the original exeQueue entry.197 if (ret.getItem() != null) {198 // Get the QueueId Result from inserted record.199 long insertedQueueId = ret.getItem().getId();200 // Adding dependencies201 AnswerItem<Integer> retDep = testCaseExecutionQueueDepService.insertFromExeQueueIdDep(insertedQueueId, exeQueueId);202 LOG.debug("Dep inserted from old entries : " + retDep.getItem());203 }204 }205 }206 return ret;207 }208 @Override209 public void checkAndReleaseQueuedEntry(long exeQueueId, String tag) {210 LOG.debug("Checking if we can move QUWITHDEP Queue entry to QUEUED : " + exeQueueId);211 AnswerItem ansNbWaiting = testCaseExecutionQueueDepService.readNbWaitingByExeQueueId(exeQueueId);212 int nbwaiting = (int) ansNbWaiting.getItem();213 if (nbwaiting < 1) {214 // No more waiting dependencies.215 AnswerItem ansNbReleasedNOK = testCaseExecutionQueueDepService.readNbReleasedWithNOKByExeQueueId(exeQueueId);216 int nbReleasedNOK = (int) ansNbReleasedNOK.getItem();217 if (nbReleasedNOK <= 0) {218 // If all execution of RELEASED dep are OK, we update ExeQueue status from QUWITHDEP to QUEUED in order to allow queue entry to be executed.219 updateToQueuedFromQuWithDep(exeQueueId, "All Dependencies RELEASED.");220 } else {221 try {222 String notExecutedMessage = nbReleasedNOK + " RELEASED dependency(ies) not OK.";223 updateToErrorFromQuWithDep(exeQueueId, notExecutedMessage);224 testCaseExecutionQueueDepService.manageDependenciesEndOfQueueExecution(exeQueueId);225 tagService.manageCampaignEndOfExecution(tag);226 } catch (CerberusException ex) {227 LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex);228 }229 }230 }231 }232 @Override233 public Answer update(TestCaseExecutionQueue object) {234 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.update(object);235 }236 @Override237 public Answer updatePriority(long id, int priority) {238 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updatePriority(id, priority);239 }240 @Override241 public Answer updateComment(long id, String comment) {242 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateComment(id, comment);243 }244 @Override245 public Answer updateToState(long id, String comment, TestCaseExecutionQueue.State targetState) {246 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToState(id, comment, targetState);247 }248 @Override249 public Answer updateToQueued(long id, String comment) {250 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToQueued(id, comment);251 }252 @Override253 public Answer updateAllTagToQueuedFromQuTemp(String tag, List<Long> queueIds) {254 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateAllTagToQueuedFromQuTemp(tag, queueIds);255 }256 @Override257 public Answer updateToQueuedFromQuWithDep(long id, String comment) {258 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToQueuedFromQuWithDep(id, comment);259 }260 @Override261 public boolean updateToWaiting(final Long id) throws CerberusException {262 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToWaiting(id);263 }264 @Override265 public void updateToStarting(long id, String selectedRobot, String selectedRobotExt) throws CerberusException {266 testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToStarting(id, selectedRobot, selectedRobotExt);267 }268 @Override269 public void updateToExecuting(long id, String comment, long exeId) throws CerberusException {270 testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToExecuting(id, comment, exeId);271 }272 @Override273 public void updateToError(long id, String comment) throws CerberusException {274 testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToError(id, comment);275 }276 @Override277 public void updateToErrorFromQuWithDep(long id, String comment) throws CerberusException {278 testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToErrorFromQuWithDep(id, comment);279 }280 @Override281 public void updateToDone(long id, String comment, long exeId) throws CerberusException {282 testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToDone(id, comment, exeId);283 }284 @Override285 public Answer updateToCancelled(long id, String comment) {286 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToCancelled(id, comment);287 }288 @Override289 public Answer updateToCancelledForce(long id, String comment) {290 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToCancelledForce(id, comment);291 }292 @Override293 public Answer updateToErrorForce(long id, String comment) {294 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToErrorForce(id, comment);295 }296 @Override297 public Answer delete(TestCaseExecutionQueue object) {298 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.delete(object);299 }300 @Override301 public Answer delete(Long id) {302 return testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.delete(id);303 }304 @Override305 public void cancelRunningOldQueueEntries() {306 /**307 * Automatic Cancellation job. That Job force to CANCELLED queue entries308 * that still in Executing state and too old to be still running.309 */310 Integer timeout = parameterService.getParameterIntegerByKey("cerberus_automaticqueuecancellationjob_timeout", "", 3600);311 testCaseExecutionInQueueDAO.updateToCancelledOldRecord(timeout, "Cancelled by automatic job.");312 }313 @Override314 public TestCaseExecutionQueue convert(AnswerItem<TestCaseExecutionQueue> answerItem) throws CerberusException {315 if (answerItem.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode())) {316 //if the service returns an OK message then we can get the item317 return (TestCaseExecutionQueue) answerItem.getItem();318 }319 throw new CerberusException(new MessageGeneral(MessageGeneralEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR));320 }321 @Override322 public List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> convert(AnswerList<TestCaseExecutionQueue> answerList) throws CerberusException {323 if (answerList.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode())) {324 //if the service returns an OK message then we can get the item325 return (List<TestCaseExecutionQueue>) answerList.getDataList();326 }327 throw new CerberusException(new MessageGeneral(MessageGeneralEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR));328 }329 @Override330 public void convert(Answer answer) throws CerberusException {331 if (answer.isCodeEquals(MessageEventEnum.DATA_OPERATION_OK.getCode())) {332 //if the service returns an OK message then we can get the item333 return;334 }335 throw new CerberusException(new MessageGeneral(MessageGeneralEnum.DATA_OPERATION_ERROR));336 }337 @Override338 public TestCaseExecution convertToTestCaseExecution(TestCaseExecutionQueue testCaseExecutionInQueue) {339 String test = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getTest();340 String testCase = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getTestCase();341 String environment = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getEnvironment();342 String country = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getCountry();343 String browser = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getBrowser();344 String robotDecli = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getRobotDecli();345 if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(robotDecli)) {346 if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(browser)) {347 robotDecli = browser;348 } else {349 robotDecli = "";350 }351 }352 String version = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getBrowserVersion();353 String platform = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getPlatform();354 long start = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getRequestDate() != null ? testCaseExecutionInQueue.getRequestDate().getTime() : 0;355 long end = 0;356 String controlStatus = TestCaseExecution.CONTROLSTATUS_QU;357 String controlMessage = "Queued with State : " + testCaseExecutionInQueue.getState().name() + " - " + testCaseExecutionInQueue.getComment();358 if (testCaseExecutionInQueue.getState().name().equals( || testCaseExecutionInQueue.getState().name().equals( || testCaseExecutionInQueue.getState().name().equals( || testCaseExecutionInQueue.getState().name().equals( {362 controlStatus = TestCaseExecution.CONTROLSTATUS_QU;363 } else {364 controlStatus = TestCaseExecution.CONTROLSTATUS_QE;365 }366 Application applicationObj = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getApplicationObj();367 String application = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getApplicationObj() != null ? testCaseExecutionInQueue.getApplicationObj().getApplication() : "";368 String robotHost = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getRobotIP();369 String robotPort = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getRobotPort();370 String tag = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getTag();371 int verbose = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getVerbose();372 int screenshot = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getScreenshot();373 int pageSource = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getPageSource();374 int seleniumLog = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getSeleniumLog();375 int retry = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getRetries();376 boolean synchroneous = true;377 String timeout = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getTimeout();378 String outputFormat = "";379 TestCase tCase = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getTestCaseObj();380 boolean manualURL = (testCaseExecutionInQueue.getManualURL() >= 1);381 String manualExecution = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getManualExecution();382 String myHost = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getManualHost();383 String myContextRoot = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getManualContextRoot();384 String myLoginRelativeURL = testCaseExecutionInQueue.getManualLoginRelativeURL();...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue;2TestCaseExecutionQueue t = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();3t.getTag();4import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;5TestCaseExecution t = new TestCaseExecution();6t.getTag();7import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;8TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();9t.getTag();10import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;11TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();12t.getTag();13import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;14TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();15t.getTag();16import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;17TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();18t.getTag();19import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;20TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();21t.getTag();22import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;23TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();24t.getTag();25import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;26TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();27t.getTag();28import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueueDep;29TestCaseExecutionQueueDep t = new TestCaseExecutionQueueDep();30t.getTag();
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecutionQueue;2import java.util.Date;3import java.util.List;4List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test");5List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR");6List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA");7List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA", "robot1");8List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA", "robot1", "chrome");9List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA", "robot1", "chrome", "75");10List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA", "robot1", "chrome", "75", "WINDOWS");11List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA", "robot1", "chrome", "75", "WINDOWS", "MyApplication");12List<TestCaseExecutionQueue> queueList = testCaseExecutionQueueService.readAllByTag("test", "FR", "QA", "robot1", "chrome", "75", "WINDOWS", "MyApplication", "test");
Using AI Code Generation
1TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();2String tag = tceq.getTag();3System.out.println("tag = " + tag);4TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();5tceq.setTag("tag");6TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();7String test = tceq.getTest();8System.out.println("test = " + test);9TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();10tceq.setTest("test");11TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();12String testCase = tceq.getTestCase();13System.out.println("testCase = " + testCase);14TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();15tceq.setTestCase("testCase");16TestCaseExecutionQueue tceq = new TestCaseExecutionQueue();
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