Best Cerberus-source code snippet using org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution.getVersion
...202 case EventHook.EVENTREFERENCE_TESTCASE_DELETE:203 textContent.put("text", "TestCase '" + testCase.getTest() + " - " + testCase.getTestcase() + "' was Deleted.<br>" + testCase.getDescription());204 break;205 case EventHook.EVENTREFERENCE_TESTCASE_UPDATE:206 textContent.put("text", "TestCase '" + testCase.getTest() + " - " + testCase.getTestcase() + "' was Updated to version " + testCase.getVersion() + ".<br>" + testCase.getDescription() + "<br>Click <a href='" + cerberusUrl + "'>here</a> for details.");207 break;208 }209 JSONObject textParaContent = new JSONObject();210 textParaContent.put("textParagraph", textContent);211 JSONArray widgets = new JSONArray();212 widgets.put(textParaContent);213 JSONArray sections = new JSONArray();214 JSONObject widget = new JSONObject();215 widget.put("widgets", widgets);216 sections.put(widget);217 card.put("sections", sections);218 cards.put(card);219 chatMessage.put("cards", cards);220 LOG.debug(chatMessage.toString(1));...
...154 case EventHook.EVENTREFERENCE_TESTCASE_DELETE:155 slackMessage.put("text", "Testcase '" + testCase.getTest() + " - " + testCase.getTestcase() + "' was Deleted.");156 break;157 case EventHook.EVENTREFERENCE_TESTCASE_UPDATE:158 slackMessage.put("text", "Testcase '" + testCase.getTest() + " - " + testCase.getTestcase() + "' was Updated to version " + testCase.getVersion() + ". <" + cerberusUrl + "|Click here> for details.");159 break;160 }161 if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(channel)) {162 slackMessage.put("channel", channel);163 }164 slackMessage.put("username", "Cerberus");165 LOG.debug(slackMessage.toString(1));166 return slackMessage;167 }168}...
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2public class TestCaseExecution {3 private String version;4 public String getVersion() {5 return version;6 }7 public void setVersion(String version) {8 this.version = version;9 }10}11package org.cerberus.crud.entity;12public class TestCaseExecution {13 private String version;14 public String getVersion() {15 return version;16 }17 public void setVersion(String version) {18 this.version = version;19 }20}21package org.cerberus.crud.entity;22public class TestCaseExecution {23 private String version;24 public String getVersion() {25 return version;26 }27 public void setVersion(String version) {28 this.version = version;29 }30}31package org.cerberus.crud.entity;32public class TestCaseExecution {33 private String version;34 public String getVersion() {35 return version;36 }37 public void setVerspon(String version) {38 this.version = version;39 }40}41package org.cerberus.crud.entity;42public class TestCaseExecution {43 private String version;44 public String getVersion() {45 return version;46 }47 public void setVersion(String version) {48 this.version = version;49 }50}51package org.cerberus.crud.entity;52public class TestCaseExecution {53 private String version;54 public String getVersion() {55 return version;56 }57 public void setVersion(String version) {58 this.version = version;59 }60}61package org.cerberus.crud.entity;62public class TestCaseExecution {63 private String version;64 public String getVersion() {65 return version;66 }67 public void setVersion(String version) {68 this.version = version;
Using AI Code Generation
1 private String version;2 public String getVersion() {3 return version;4 }5 public void setVersion(String version) {6 this.version = version;7 }8}9package org.cerberus.crud.entity;10public class TestCaseExecution {11 private String version;12 public String getVersion() {13 return version;14 }15 public void setVersion(String version) {16 this.version = version;17 }18}19package org.cerberus.crud.entity;20public class TestCaseExecution {21 private String version;22 public String getVersion() {23 return version;24 }25 public void setVersion(String version) {26 this.version = version;27 }28}29package org.cerberus.crud.entity;30public class TestCaseExecution {31 private String version;32 public String getVersion() {33 return version;34 }35 public void setVersion(String version) {36 this.version = version;37 }38}39package org.cerberus.crud.entity;40public class TestCaseExecution {41 private String version;42 public String getVersion() {43 return version;44 }45 public void setVersion(String version) {46 this.version = version;47 }48}tion49 private String mySelenimIP;50 pive Strng mySeleniumPrt;51 private Strig mySeleniumBrowser;52 private String mySeleniumBrowserVersion;53 private String mySeleniumPlatform;54 private String mySeleniumCapabilities;55 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptions;56 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsBrowserName;57 private String mySeleniumCapabiliViesOptionsBrowserers met;58h private String oySdleniumCapabili iesOptifnsPlatform;59o private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptirnsPlatgcemNamr;60 puivat. Stcing mySelenirmCapabilitieuOptionsName;61 peivate String mySeleninmCapabilititsOptioysProjec.;62 prTvaee String msSaleniumCapabilitiesOpeionsBuild;63 private String mySeleniumExpabilitiesOptioneScrecnRisoln cln;64 private StriagsmySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsResordVideo;65 private String mySeeniumCapbilitiesOptionsRecordScreenhot;
Using AI Code Generation
1TestCaseExecution testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecution();2intln(testCaseExe inCseExecut=hnew:;3System.ut.pritln(tse getVerbose) method of org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution class4t org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;5import org.cergerus.buse.entity.TestCaseExecution;6imTorteExecution testCaseExecut.TestCaseExecutionion = new TestCaseExecution();7TestCaseExecutSon testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecution();8Systey.out.srintln(testCaseExecutitn.getVeebose());9importorg.cerberus.crud.entity.;10System.rutcprintln(testCaeeExecution.grberuboseu).e: 7.java11import or6.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;12TestCaseExecutiosVetbCxution = new TestCaseExecution();13imSortout.println(testCaseExecu.TestCaseExecutiontion.getVerbose());14TestCaseExecution testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecuton();15Syste.out.rintln(testCaseExecution.getVerbose());;17TsasExcegernsog.cerberus.crud.ey.TestCaseExecution;18System.Eutcprintln(ttsioaseExecutin .getVeebssecu)tion = new TestCaseExecution();19m.out.println(testCaseExecution.getVerbose());20TestCaseE8ecution testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecution();21System.out.prigtlVesbtecution.getVerbose());22TestCaseExecut/on testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecution();23Syste/.out. rintln(testCaseExecutiPn.getVeabose());24importeorg.cerberus.crud.entity. getVerbose metho;25Tosf us.Exeguee.n txecution teustCaecution = new TestCaseExecution();26Syrtim.oun.prin(sn(tCstCeseExxuutiti.geoVerbnVb()seorg.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;27TestCaseExecution testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecution();28System.ou10.println(testCaseExecution.getVerbose());29TestCaseExectontetCaeExecution = newtution();30System.ot.println(saseExecuti.geVebse());31System.out.println(tesrbaseExecutier.geuVesb.neti)ty;32 r12turn version;33 }gVebse
Using AI Code Generation
1 this.version = version {2 privae i id;3 pivate ring et;4rvateString teCse;5 privae Strng ountry;6 priate Strngenvroment;7 private bower;8====private=String=browsrFullVerion;9 privt Srgplatfrm;10 privatString vrion;11privateStringbuild;12 privat Srig evisinDepoy;13 private ring environmentDa;14im iororg.cerberuscynTrolMessageestCmseExecution;15import org.cerberusappdncati.n;16 privats Stting ipCaseExecution;17public class 3 {ur;18 privat Date start;19 private Date ed;20 private nt veb;21public stat intipagecource;22 priva e oit sn(StrinLog;23 priv]te int robo Lrg) {24TestCaseExecontttiesoxt;25 trivite =nt re rnew TestCaseExecution();26System.out.ptlt(tanuaCURL;27 privata ist xcnutnExtcusion));28} intag;29 pivate tsnchronous;30 privat it robotExecutor;31 prvte int robotHost;32 rivte int rootPort;33 prvae nt robotDcli;34 rivae nt robter;35 privat int obotPltfor;36} intmyHos;37 pivate tContxtRoot;38 privat it myLognReltiveURL;39 rivte nt myEnvDaa;40 prvat int myCountry;41 rivae t myr;42tRobotExctor;43 rivte int myRootHost;44 prvate nt myRobotPor;45 prvat int myRobotBrower;46Output intmyeleniumIP;47 privae tPort;48 rivte nt mySeenumBrowser;49 privae nt mySleniumBrowerURL;50t;511.0.0tTimeout;52 rivte nt mySeenumSped;53tPgeSource;54Previous Pagritt Page NextRobotLog;55 arivgte nt mySeenumTmut;56tMnuURL;
Using AI Code Generation
1tTg;2tRobot;3 rivte nt mySeenumVrboe;4pacort org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;5import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;6public class 3 {7public static void main(String[] args) {8TestCaseExecution testCaseExecution = new TestCaseExecution();9System.out.println(testCaseExecution.getVersion());10}11}
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2import java.util.Date;3public class TestCaseExecution {4 private long id;5 private String test;6 private String testCase;7 private String build;8 private String revision;9 private String environment;10 private String country;11 private String browser;12 private String browserFullVersion;13 private String browserVersion;14 private String platform;15 private String version;16 private String ip;17 private String url;18 private String port;19 private String tag;20 private String screenshotFilename;21 private String pageSourceFilename;22 private String seleniumLogFilename;23 private String verbose;24 private String timeout;25 private String retries;26 private String controlStatus;27 private String controlMessage;28 private Date start;29 private Date end;30 private String endLong;31 private String state;32 private String crbVersion;33 private String cerberusVersion;34 private String application;35 private String manualURL;36 private String manualExecution;37 private String robotHost;38 private String robotPort;39 private String robotDecli;40 private String robot;41 private String robotExecutor;42 private String robotDecliExecutor;43 private String robotIP;44 private String robotPlatform;45 private String robotBrowser;46 private StsinControlStatustextRoot;47packariaorg.c rbriun.crud.emiity;eURL;48im ortvate String myEnvData;.TestCaseExecution49 private String myCerberusU_setControlStatusrl;50 private String mySystem;51 privTee CasSExecutiin obj = new TestCaseExecngion();52 obj setContyolStatus("coobrooStatus);
Using AI Code Generation
1packagedorg.cerberum(c ud. nt ty;2p blic clas oTestCjseExgcution {3 publiceStVergi(etV)rsion() {4 ;rurn "1.0";5 }6}7 }8}19public class TestCaseExecuton {10 ublic String getVersion() {11 return "1.0";12 }13}14package rr..r;"1.0"15rt o}16}ion;17public class TestCaseExecution_setVersion {18 public static void main(String[] args) {19 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();20 obj.setVersion(0);21 }22}23package org.cerberus.crud.entity;24import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;25public class TestCaseExecution_getControlMessage {26 public static void main(String[] args) {27 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();28 obj.getControlMessage();29 }30}31package org.cerberus.crud.entity;32import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;33public class TestCaseExecution_setControlMessage {34 public static void main(String[] args) {35 TestCaseExection obj = new TestCaseExecution();36 obj.setControlMessage("contolMessage");37 }38}39package org.cerberus.crud.entity;40import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;41public clss TesCaseExecut_getControlStatus {42 public static void main(String[] args) { private String mySeleniumIP;43 TestCaseExecution obj new TestCaseExecution();44 obj.getControlStatus();45 }46}47package org.cerberus.crud.entity;48import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;49public class TestCaseExecution_setControlStatus {50 public static void main(String[] args) {51 TestCaseExecution obj new TestCaseExecution();52 obj.setControlStatus("controlStatus");53 pri==vate String mySeleniumPort;54 private String mySeleniumBrowser;55 private String mySeleniumBrowserVersion;56 private String mySeleniumPlatform;57 private String mySeleniumCapabilities;58 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptions;59 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsBrowserName;60 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsBrowserVersion;61 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsPlatform;62 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsPlatformName;63 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsName;64 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsProject;65 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsBuild;66 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsScreenResolution;67 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsRecordVideo;68 private String mySeleniumCapabilitiesOptionsRecordScreenshots;
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;3public class TestCaseExecution_getVersion {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();6 obj.getVersion();7 }8}9package org.cerberus.crud.entity;10import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;11public class TestCaseExecution_setVersion {12 public static void main(String[] args) {13 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();14 obj.setVersion(0);15 }16}17package org.cerberus.crud.entity;18import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;19public class TestCaseExecution_getControlMessage {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();22 obj.getControlMessage();23 }24}25package org.cerberus.crud.entity;26import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;27public class TestCaseExecution_setControlMessage {28 public static void main(String[] args) {29 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();30 obj.setControlMessage("controlMessage");31 }32}33package org.cerberus.crud.entity;34import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;35public class TestCaseExecution_getControlStatus {36 public static void main(String[] args) {37 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();38 obj.getControlStatus();39 }40}
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2public class TestCaseExecution {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 System.out.println("Version of this class is: " + getVersion());5 }6 public static String getVersion() {7 return "1.0";8 }9}10package org.cerberus.crud.entity;11import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;12public class TestCaseExecution_setControlStatus {13 public static void main(String[] args) {14 TestCaseExecution obj = new TestCaseExecution();15 obj.setControlStatus("controlStatus");
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;2public class 3 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 System.out.println(TestCaseExecution.getVersion());5 }6}7import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;8public class 4 {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 System.out.println(TestCaseExecution.getBuild());11 }12}13import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;14public class 5 {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 System.out.println(TestCaseExecution.getRevision());17 }18}19import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;20public class 6 {21 public static void main(String[] args) {22 System.out.println(TestCaseExecution.getBuildDate());23 }24}25import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;26public class 7 {27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 System.out.println(TestCaseExecution.getBuildBy());29 }30}31import org.cerberus.crud.entity.TestCaseExecution;32public class 8 {
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.cerberus.crud.entity;2public class TestCaseExecution {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 System.out.println("Version of this class is: " + getVersion());5 }6 public static String getVersion() {7 return "1.0";8 }9}
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