Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.internal.DeepDifference_Test.Class2
...72 DeepDifference_Test.Class1 x = new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, Math.tan(((Math.PI) / 4)), 1);73 DeepDifference_Test.Class1 y = new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, 1.0, 1);74 assertHaveNoDifferences(x, y);75 assertHaveDifferences(x, new DeepDifference_Test.Class1());76 DeepDifference_Test.Class2 a = new DeepDifference_Test.Class2(((float) (Math.atan(1.0))), "hello", ((short) (2)), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(false, Math.sin(0.75), 5));77 DeepDifference_Test.Class2 b = new DeepDifference_Test.Class2((((float) (Math.PI)) / 4), "hello", ((short) (2)), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(false, ((2 * (Math.cos((0.75 / 2)))) * (Math.sin((0.75 / 2)))), 5));78 assertHaveNoDifferences(a, b);79 assertHaveDifferences(a, new DeepDifference_Test.Class2(((float) (Math.atan(2.0))), "hello", ((short) (2)), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(false, Math.sin(0.75), 5)));80 }81 @Test82 public void testPrimitiveArrays() {83 int[] array1 = new int[]{ 2, 4, 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 3, 5, 22 };84 int[] array2 = new int[]{ 2, 4, 5, 6, 3, 1, 3, 3, 5, 22 };85 assertHaveNoDifferences(array1, array2);86 int[] array3 = new int[]{ 3, 4, 7 };87 assertHaveDifferences(array1, array3);88 float[] array4 = new float[]{ 3.4F, 5.5F };89 assertHaveDifferences(array1, array4);90 }91 @Test92 public void testOrderedCollection() {93 List<String> a = Lists.newArrayList("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");94 List<String> b = new LinkedList<>();95 b.addAll(a);96 assertHaveNoDifferences(a, b);97 List<Integer> c = Lists.newArrayList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);98 assertHaveDifferences(a, c);99 List<Integer> d = Lists.newArrayList(4, 6);100 assertHaveDifferences(c, d);101 List<DeepDifference_Test.Class1> x1 = Lists.newArrayList(new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, Math.log(Math.pow(Math.E, 2)), 6), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, Math.tan(((Math.PI) / 4)), 1));102 List<DeepDifference_Test.Class1> x2 = Lists.newArrayList(new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, 2, 6), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, 1, 1));103 assertHaveNoDifferences(x1, x2);104 }105 @Test106 public void testUnorderedCollection() {107 Set<String> a = Sets.newLinkedHashSet("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");108 Set<String> b = Sets.newLinkedHashSet("three", "five", "one", "four", "two");109 assertHaveNoDifferences(a, b);110 assertHaveNoDifferences(a, b, ObjectsBaseTest.noFieldComparators(), new TypeComparators());111 Set<Integer> c = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);112 assertHaveDifferences(a, c);113 assertHaveDifferences(a, c, ObjectsBaseTest.noFieldComparators(), null);114 Set<Integer> d = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(4, 2, 6);115 assertHaveDifferences(c, d);116 assertHaveDifferences(c, d, ObjectsBaseTest.noFieldComparators(), null);117 Set<DeepDifference_Test.Class1> x1 = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, Math.log(Math.pow(Math.E, 2)), 6), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, Math.tan(((Math.PI) / 4)), 1));118 Set<DeepDifference_Test.Class1> x2 = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, 1, 1), new DeepDifference_Test.Class1(true, 2, 6));119 assertHaveNoDifferences(x1, x2);120 }121 @Test122 public void testUnorderedCollectionWithCustomComparatorsByType() {123 TypeComparators comparatorsWithBigDecimalComparator = new TypeComparators();124 comparatorsWithBigDecimalComparator.put(BigDecimal.class, BigDecimalComparator.BIG_DECIMAL_COMPARATOR);125 Set<BigDecimal> a = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new BigDecimal("1.0"), new BigDecimal("3"), new BigDecimal("2"), new BigDecimal("4"));126 Set<BigDecimal> b = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new BigDecimal("4"), new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("2.0"), new BigDecimal("3"));127 assertHaveNoDifferences(a, b, ObjectsBaseTest.noFieldComparators(), comparatorsWithBigDecimalComparator);128 Set<BigDecimal> c = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new BigDecimal("4"), new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("2.2"), new BigDecimal("3"));129 assertHaveDifferences(a, c, ObjectsBaseTest.noFieldComparators(), comparatorsWithBigDecimalComparator);130 }131 @Test132 public void testUnorderedCollectionWithCustomComparatorsByFieldName() {133 DeepDifference_Test.SetWrapper a = new DeepDifference_Test.SetWrapper(Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new DeepDifference_Test.Wrapper("one"), new DeepDifference_Test.Wrapper("two")));134 DeepDifference_Test.SetWrapper b = new DeepDifference_Test.SetWrapper(Sets.newLinkedHashSet(new DeepDifference_Test.Wrapper("1"), new DeepDifference_Test.Wrapper("2")));135 Map<String, Comparator<?>> fieldComparators = new HashMap<>();136 fieldComparators.put("set.o", AlwaysEqualComparator.ALWAY_EQUALS_STRING);137 assertHaveNoDifferences(a, b, fieldComparators, TypeComparators.defaultTypeComparators());138 }139 @Test140 public void testEquivalentMaps() {141 Map<String, Integer> map1 = new LinkedHashMap<>();142 fillMap(map1);143 Map<String, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();144 fillMap(map2);145 assertHaveNoDifferences(map1, map2);146 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map2));147 map1 = new TreeMap<>();148 fillMap(map1);149 map2 = new TreeMap<>();150 map2 = Collections.synchronizedSortedMap(((SortedMap<String, Integer>) (map2)));151 fillMap(map2);152 assertHaveNoDifferences(map1, map2);153 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map2));154 }155 @Test156 public void testInequivalentMaps() {157 Map<String, Integer> map1 = new TreeMap<>();158 fillMap(map1);159 Map<String, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();160 fillMap(map2);161 // Sorted versus non-sorted Map162 assertHaveDifferences(map1, map2);163 // Hashcodes are equals because the Maps have same elements164 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map2));165 map2 = new TreeMap<>();166 fillMap(map2);167 map2.remove("kilo");168 assertHaveDifferences(map1, map2);169 // Hashcodes are different because contents of maps are different170 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map1)).isNotEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(map2));171 // Inequality because ConcurrentSkipListMap is a SortedMap172 map1 = new HashMap<>();173 fillMap(map1);174 map2 = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();175 fillMap(map2);176 assertHaveDifferences(map1, map2);177 map1 = new TreeMap<>();178 fillMap(map1);179 map2 = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();180 fillMap(map2);181 assertHaveNoDifferences(map1, map2);182 map2.remove("papa");183 assertHaveDifferences(map1, map2);184 }185 @Test186 public void testEquivalentCollections() {187 // ordered Collection188 Collection<String> col1 = new ArrayList<>();189 fillCollection(col1);190 Collection<String> col2 = new LinkedList<>();191 fillCollection(col2);192 assertHaveNoDifferences(col1, col2);193 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col2));194 // unordered Collections (Set)195 col1 = new LinkedHashSet<>();196 fillCollection(col1);197 col2 = new HashSet<>();198 fillCollection(col2);199 assertHaveNoDifferences(col1, col2);200 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col2));201 col1 = new TreeSet<>();202 fillCollection(col1);203 col2 = new TreeSet<>();204 Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(((SortedSet<String>) (col2)));205 fillCollection(col2);206 assertHaveNoDifferences(col1, col2);207 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col2));208 }209 @Test210 public void testInequivalentCollections() {211 Collection<String> col1 = new TreeSet<>();212 fillCollection(col1);213 Collection<String> col2 = new HashSet<>();214 fillCollection(col2);215 assertHaveDifferences(col1, col2);216 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col2));217 col2 = new TreeSet<>();218 fillCollection(col2);219 col2.remove("lima");220 assertHaveDifferences(col1, col2);221 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col1)).isNotEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(col2));222 assertHaveDifferences(new HashMap<>(), new ArrayList<>());223 assertHaveDifferences(new ArrayList<>(), new HashMap<>());224 }225 @Test226 public void testArray() {227 Object[] a1 = new Object[]{ "alpha", "bravo", "charlie", "delta" };228 Object[] a2 = new Object[]{ "alpha", "bravo", "charlie", "delta" };229 assertHaveNoDifferences(a1, a2);230 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(a1)).isEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(a2));231 a2[3] = "echo";232 assertHaveDifferences(a1, a2);233 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(a1)).isNotEqualTo(DeepDifference.deepHashCode(a2));234 }235 @Test236 public void testHasCustomMethod() {237 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.hasCustomEquals(DeepDifference_Test.EmptyClass.class)).isFalse();238 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.hasCustomHashCode(DeepDifference_Test.Class1.class)).isFalse();239 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.hasCustomEquals(DeepDifference_Test.EmptyClassWithEquals.class)).isTrue();240 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.hasCustomHashCode(DeepDifference_Test.EmptyClassWithEquals.class)).isTrue();241 }242 @Test243 public void shouldBeAbleToUseCustomComparatorForHashMap() {244 class ObjectWithMapField {245 Map<Integer, Boolean> map;246 }247 ObjectWithMapField a = new ObjectWithMapField();248 ObjectWithMapField b = new ObjectWithMapField();249 = new HashMap<>();250, true);251 = new HashMap<>();252, true);253 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")254 class AlwaysEqualMapComparator implements Comparator<Map> {255 @Override256 public int compare(Map o1, Map o2) {257 return 0;258 }259 }260 TypeComparators typeComparators = new TypeComparators();261 typeComparators.put(Map.class, new AlwaysEqualMapComparator());262 Assertions.assertThat(DeepDifference.determineDifferences(a, b, ObjectsBaseTest.noFieldComparators(), typeComparators)).isEmpty();263 }264 private static class EmptyClass {}265 private static class EmptyClassWithEquals {266 @Override267 public boolean equals(Object obj) {268 return obj instanceof DeepDifference_Test.EmptyClassWithEquals;269 }270 @Override271 public int hashCode() {272 return 0;273 }274 }275 private static class Class1 {276 @SuppressWarnings("unused")277 private boolean b;278 @SuppressWarnings("unused")279 private double d;280 @SuppressWarnings("unused")281 int i;282 public Class1() {283 }284 public Class1(boolean b, double d, int i) {285 this.b = b;286 this.d = d;287 this.i = i;288 }289 }290 private static class Class2 {291 @SuppressWarnings("unused")292 private Float f;293 @SuppressWarnings("unused")294 String s;295 @SuppressWarnings("unused")296 short ss;297 @SuppressWarnings("unused")298 DeepDifference_Test.Class1 c;299 public Class2(float f, String s, short ss, DeepDifference_Test.Class1 c) {300 this.f = f;301 this.s = s;302 = ss;303 this.c = c;304 }305 }306 private static class Wrapper {307 @SuppressWarnings("unused")308 private Object o;309 private Wrapper(Object o) {310 this.o = o;311 }312 }313 private static class SetWrapper {...
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.assertj.core.internal;2import org.assertj.core.util.diff.Delta;3import org.assertj.core.util.diff.Delta.TYPE;4import org.assertj.core.util.diff.DiffUtils;5import org.assertj.core.util.diff.Patch;6import java.util.ArrayList;7import java.util.Arrays;8import java.util.List;9import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;10public class DeepDifference_Test {11 private static List<String> asList(String... lines) {12 return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(lines));13 }14 public static void main(String[] args) {15 List<String> original = asList("This is a line", "This is another line", "This is yet another line");16 List<String> revised = asList("This is a line", "This is another line", "This is a third line");17 Patch<String> patch = DiffUtils.diff(original, revised);18 for (Delta<String> delta : patch.getDeltas()) {19 System.out.println(delta);20 }21 }22}
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