Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator.ComparisonState
...56 private static final String DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR = "actual and expected values are %s of different size, actual size=%s when expected size=%s";57 private static final String MISSING_FIELDS = "%s can't be compared to %s as %s does not declare all %s fields, it lacks these: %s";58 private static final Map<Class<?>, Boolean> customEquals = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();59 private static final Map<Class<?>, Boolean> customHash = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();60 private static class ComparisonState {61 // Not using a Set as we want to precisely track visited values, a set would remove duplicates62 List<DualValue> visitedDualValues;63 List<ComparisonDifference> differences = new ArrayList<>();64 DualValueDeque dualValuesToCompare;65 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration;66 public ComparisonState(List<DualValue> visited, RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {67 this.visitedDualValues = visited;68 this.dualValuesToCompare = new DualValueDeque(recursiveComparisonConfiguration);69 this.recursiveComparisonConfiguration = recursiveComparisonConfiguration;70 }71 void addDifference(DualValue dualValue) {72 differences.add(new ComparisonDifference(dualValue.getPath(), dualValue.actual, dualValue.expected));73 }74 void addDifference(DualValue dualValue, String description, Object... args) {75 differences.add(new ComparisonDifference(dualValue.getPath(), dualValue.actual, dualValue.expected,76 format(description, args)));77 }78 public List<ComparisonDifference> getDifferences() {79 Collections.sort(differences);80 return differences;81 }82 public boolean hasDualValuesToCompare() {83 return !dualValuesToCompare.isEmpty();84 }85 public DualValue pickDualValueToCompare() {86 final DualValue dualValue = dualValuesToCompare.removeFirst();87 if (dualValue.hasPotentialCyclingValues()) {88 // visited dual values are here to avoid cycle, java types don't have cycle, there is no need to track them.89 // moreover this would make should_fix_1854_minimal_test to fail (see the test for a detailed explanation)90 visitedDualValues.add(dualValue);91 }92 return dualValue;93 }94 private void registerForComparison(DualValue dualValue) {95 if (!visitedDualValues.contains(dualValue)) dualValuesToCompare.addFirst(dualValue);96 }97 private void initDualValuesToCompare(Object actual, Object expected, List<String> parentPath, boolean isRootObject) {98 DualValue dualValue = new DualValue(parentPath, actual, expected);99 boolean mustCompareFieldsRecursively = mustCompareFieldsRecursively(isRootObject, dualValue);100 if (dualValue.hasNoNullValues() && dualValue.hasNoContainerValues() && mustCompareFieldsRecursively) {101 // disregard the equals method and start comparing fields102 Set<String> nonIgnoredActualFieldsNames = recursiveComparisonConfiguration.getNonIgnoredActualFieldNames(dualValue);103 if (!nonIgnoredActualFieldsNames.isEmpty()) {104 // fields to ignore are evaluated when adding their corresponding dualValues to dualValuesToCompare which filters105 // ignored fields according to recursiveComparisonConfiguration106 Set<String> expectedFieldsNames = getFieldsNames(expected.getClass());107 if (expectedFieldsNames.containsAll(nonIgnoredActualFieldsNames)) {108 // we compare actual fields vs expected, ignoring expected additional fields109 for (String nonIgnoredActualFieldName : nonIgnoredActualFieldsNames) {110 DualValue fieldDualValue = new DualValue(parentPath, nonIgnoredActualFieldName,111 COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(nonIgnoredActualFieldName, actual),112 COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(nonIgnoredActualFieldName, expected));113 dualValuesToCompare.addFirst(fieldDualValue);114 }115 } else {116 dualValuesToCompare.addFirst(dualValue);117 }118 } else {119 dualValuesToCompare.addFirst(dualValue);120 }121 } else {122 dualValuesToCompare.addFirst(dualValue);123 }124 // We need to remove already visited fields pair to avoid infinite recursion in case125 // parent -> set{child} with child having a reference back to parent126 // it occurs to unordered collection where we compare all possible combination of the collection elements recursively127 // --128 // remove visited values one by one, DualValue.equals correctly compare respective actual and expected fields by reference129 visitedDualValues.forEach(visitedDualValue -> .filter(dualValueToCompare -> dualValueToCompare.equals(visitedDualValue))131 .findFirst()132 .ifPresent(dualValuesToCompare::remove));133 }134 private boolean mustCompareFieldsRecursively(boolean isRootObject, DualValue dualValue) {135 boolean noCustomComparisonForDualValue = !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.hasCustomComparator(dualValue)136 && !shouldHonorOverriddenEquals(dualValue, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);137 return isRootObject || noCustomComparisonForDualValue;138 }139 }140 /**141 * Compare two objects for differences by doing a 'deep' comparison. This will traverse the142 * Object graph and perform either a field-by-field comparison on each143 * object (if not .equals() method has been overridden from Object), or it144 * will call the customized .equals() method if it exists.145 * <p>146 *147 * This method handles cycles correctly, for example A->B->C->A.148 * Suppose a and a' are two separate instances of the A with the same values149 * for all fields on A, B, and C. Then a.deepEquals(a') will return an empty list. It150 * uses cycle detection storing visited objects in a Set to prevent endless151 * loops.152 *153 * @param actual Object one to compare154 * @param expected Object two to compare155 * @param recursiveComparisonConfiguration the recursive comparison configuration156 * @return the list of differences found or an empty list if objects are equivalent.157 * Equivalent means that all field values of both subgraphs are the same,158 * either at the field level or via the respectively encountered overridden159 * .equals() methods during traversal.160 */161 public List<ComparisonDifference> determineDifferences(Object actual, Object expected,162 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {163 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.isInStrictTypeCheckingMode() && expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(actual, expected)) {164 return list(expectedAndActualTypeDifference(actual, expected));165 }166 List<String> rootPath = list();167 List<DualValue> visited = list();168 return determineDifferences(actual, expected, rootPath, true, visited, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);169 }170 // TODO keep track of ignored fields in an RecursiveComparisonExecution class ?171 private static List<ComparisonDifference> determineDifferences(Object actual, Object expected, List<String> parentPath,172 boolean isRootObject, List<DualValue> visited,173 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {174 ComparisonState comparisonState = new ComparisonState(visited, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);175 comparisonState.initDualValuesToCompare(actual, expected, parentPath, isRootObject);176 while (comparisonState.hasDualValuesToCompare()) {177 final DualValue dualValue = comparisonState.pickDualValueToCompare();178 final List<String> currentPath = dualValue.getPath();179 final Object actualFieldValue = dualValue.actual;180 final Object expectedFieldValue = dualValue.expected;181 if (actualFieldValue == expectedFieldValue) continue;182 // Custom comparators take precedence over all other types of comparison183 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.hasCustomComparator(dualValue)) {184 if (!propertyOrFieldValuesAreEqual(dualValue, recursiveComparisonConfiguration)) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);185 // since we used a custom comparator we don't need to inspect the nested fields any further186 continue;187 }188 if (actualFieldValue == null || expectedFieldValue == null) {189 // one of the value is null while the other is not as we already know that actualFieldValue != expectedFieldValue190 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);191 continue;192 }193 if (dualValue.isExpectedAnEnum()) {194 compareAsEnums(dualValue, comparisonState, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);195 continue;196 }197 // TODO move hasFieldTypesDifference check into each compareXXX198 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnArray()) {199 compareArrays(dualValue, comparisonState);200 continue;201 }202 // we compare ordered collections specifically as to be matching, each pair of elements at a given index must match.203 // concretely we compare: (col1[0] vs col2[0]), (col1[1] vs col2[1])...(col1[n] vs col2[n])204 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnOrderedCollection()205 && !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.shouldIgnoreCollectionOrder(dualValue)) {206 compareOrderedCollections(dualValue, comparisonState);207 continue;208 }209 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnIterable()) {210 compareUnorderedIterables(dualValue, comparisonState);211 continue;212 }213 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnOptional()) {214 compareOptional(dualValue, comparisonState);215 continue;216 }217 // Compare two SortedMaps taking advantage of the fact that these Maps can be compared in O(N) time due to their ordering218 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldASortedMap()) {219 compareSortedMap(dualValue, comparisonState);220 continue;221 }222 // Compare two Unordered Maps. This is a slightly more expensive comparison because order cannot be assumed, therefore a223 // temporary Map must be created, however the comparison still runs in O(N) time.224 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAMap()) {225 compareUnorderedMap(dualValue, comparisonState);226 continue;227 }228 if (shouldCompareDualValue(recursiveComparisonConfiguration, dualValue)) {229 if (!actualFieldValue.equals(expectedFieldValue)) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);230 continue;231 }232 Class<?> actualFieldValueClass = actualFieldValue.getClass();233 Class<?> expectedFieldClass = expectedFieldValue.getClass();234 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.isInStrictTypeCheckingMode() && expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(dualValue)) {235 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, STRICT_TYPE_ERROR, expectedFieldClass.getName(),236 actualFieldValueClass.getName());237 continue;238 }239 Set<String> actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames = recursiveComparisonConfiguration.getNonIgnoredActualFieldNames(dualValue);240 Set<String> expectedFieldsNames = getFieldsNames(expectedFieldClass);241 // Check if expected has more fields than actual, in that case the additional fields are reported as difference242 if (!expectedFieldsNames.containsAll(actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames)) {243 // report missing fields in actual244 Set<String> actualFieldsNamesNotInExpected = newHashSet(actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames);245 actualFieldsNamesNotInExpected.removeAll(expectedFieldsNames);246 String missingFields = actualFieldsNamesNotInExpected.toString();247 String expectedClassName = expectedFieldClass.getName();248 String actualClassName = actualFieldValueClass.getName();249 String missingFieldsDescription = format(MISSING_FIELDS, actualClassName, expectedClassName,250 expectedFieldClass.getSimpleName(), actualFieldValueClass.getSimpleName(),251 missingFields);252 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, missingFieldsDescription);253 } else { // TODO remove else to report more diff254 // compare actual's fields against expected :255 // - if actual has more fields than expected, the additional fields are ignored as expected is the reference256 for (String actualFieldName : actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames) {257 if (expectedFieldsNames.contains(actualFieldName)) {258 DualValue newDualValue = new DualValue(currentPath, actualFieldName,259 COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(actualFieldName, actualFieldValue),260 COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(actualFieldName, expectedFieldValue));261 comparisonState.registerForComparison(newDualValue);262 }263 }264 }265 }266 return comparisonState.getDifferences();267 }268 private static boolean shouldCompareDualValue(RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration,269 final DualValue dualValue) {270 return !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.shouldIgnoreOverriddenEqualsOf(dualValue)271 && hasOverriddenEquals(dualValue.actual.getClass());272 }273 // avoid comparing enum recursively since they contain static fields which are ignored in recursive comparison274 // this would make different field enum value to be considered the same!275 private static void compareAsEnums(final DualValue dualValue,276 ComparisonState comparisonState,277 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {278 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.isInStrictTypeCheckingMode()) {279 // we can use == for comparison which checks both actual and expected values and types are the same280 if (dualValue.actual != dualValue.expected) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);281 return;282 }283 if (!dualValue.isActualAnEnum()) {284 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an enum"));285 return;286 }287 // both actual and expected are enums288 Enum<?> actualEnum = (Enum<?>) dualValue.actual;289 Enum<?> expectedEnum = (Enum<?>) dualValue.expected;290 // we must only compare actual and expected enum by value but not by type291 if (! comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);292 }293 private static boolean shouldHonorOverriddenEquals(DualValue dualValue,294 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {295 boolean shouldNotIgnoreOverriddenEqualsIfAny = !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.shouldIgnoreOverriddenEqualsOf(dualValue);296 return shouldNotIgnoreOverriddenEqualsIfAny && dualValue.actual != null && hasOverriddenEquals(dualValue.actual.getClass());297 }298 private static void compareArrays(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {299 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnArray()) {300 // at the moment we only allow comparing arrays with arrays but we might allow comparing to collections later on301 // but only if we are not in strict type mode.302 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an array"));303 return;304 }305 // both values in dualValue are arrays306 int actualArrayLength = Array.getLength(dualValue.actual);307 int expectedArrayLength = Array.getLength(dualValue.expected);308 if (actualArrayLength != expectedArrayLength) {309 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "arrays", actualArrayLength, expectedArrayLength);310 // no need to inspect elements, arrays are not equal as they don't have the same size311 return;312 }313 // register each pair of actual/expected elements for recursive comparison314 List<String> arrayFieldPath = dualValue.getPath();315 for (int i = 0; i < actualArrayLength; i++) {316 Object actualElement = Array.get(dualValue.actual, i);317 Object expectedElement = Array.get(dualValue.expected, i);318 // TODO add [i] to the path ?319 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(arrayFieldPath, actualElement, expectedElement));320 }321 }322 /*323 * Deeply compare two Collections that must be same length and in same order.324 */325 private static void compareOrderedCollections(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {326 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnOrderedCollection()) {327 // at the moment if expected is an ordered collection then actual should also be one328 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, ACTUAL_NOT_ORDERED_COLLECTION, dualValue.actual.getClass().getCanonicalName());329 return;330 }331 Collection<?> actualCollection = (Collection<?>) dualValue.actual;332 Collection<?> expectedCollection = (Collection<?>) dualValue.expected;333 if (actualCollection.size() != expectedCollection.size()) {334 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR,335 "collections", actualCollection.size(), expectedCollection.size());336 // no need to inspect elements, arrays are not equal as they don't have the same size337 return;338 }339 // register pair of elements with same index for later comparison as we compare elements in order340 Iterator<?> expectedIterator = expectedCollection.iterator();341 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();342 .map(element -> new DualValue(path, element, .forEach(comparisonState::registerForComparison);345 }346 private static String differentTypeErrorMessage(DualValue dualValue, String actualTypeDescription) {347 return format(DIFFERENT_ACTUAL_AND_EXPECTED_FIELD_TYPES,348 actualTypeDescription, dualValue.actual.getClass().getCanonicalName());349 }350 private static void compareUnorderedIterables(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {351 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnIterable()) {352 // at the moment we only compare iterable with iterables (but we might allow arrays too)353 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an iterable"));354 return;355 }356 Iterable<?> actual = (Iterable<?>) dualValue.actual;357 Iterable<?> expected = (Iterable<?>) dualValue.expected;358 int actualSize = sizeOf(actual);359 int expectedSize = sizeOf(expected);360 if (actualSize != expectedSize) {361 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "collections", actualSize, expectedSize);362 // no need to inspect elements, iterables are not equal as they don't have the same size363 return;364 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:365 // - unexpected actual elements (the ones not matching any expected)366 // - expected elements not found in actual.367 }368 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();369 // copy expected as we will remove elements found in actual370 Collection<?> expectedCopy = new LinkedList<>(toCollection(expected));371 for (Object actualElement : actual) {372 // compare recursively actualElement to all remaining expected elements373 Iterator<?> expectedIterator = expectedCopy.iterator();374 while (expectedIterator.hasNext()) {375 Object expectedElement =;376 // we need to get the currently visited dual values otherwise a cycle would cause an infinite recursion.377 List<ComparisonDifference> differences = determineDifferences(actualElement, expectedElement, path, false,378 comparisonState.visitedDualValues,379 comparisonState.recursiveComparisonConfiguration);380 if (differences.isEmpty()) {381 // we found an element in expected matching actualElement, we must remove it as if actual matches expected382 // it means for each actual element there is one and only matching expected element.383 expectedIterator.remove();384 // jump to next actual element check385 break;386 }387 }388 }389 // expectedCopy not empty = there was at least one actual element not matching any expected elements.390 if (!expectedCopy.isEmpty()) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);391 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:392 // - unexpected actual elements (the ones not matching any expected)393 // - expected elements not found in actual.394 }395 private static <K, V> void compareSortedMap(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {396 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldASortedMap()) {397 // at the moment we only compare iterable with iterables (but we might allow arrays too)398 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "a sorted map"));399 return;400 }401 Map<?, ?> actualMap = (Map<?, ?>) dualValue.actual;402 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")403 Map<K, V> expectedMap = (Map<K, V>) dualValue.expected;404 if (actualMap.size() != expectedMap.size()) {405 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "sorted maps", actualMap.size(), expectedMap.size());406 // no need to inspect entries, maps are not equal as they don't have the same size407 return;408 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:409 // - unexpected actual entries (the ones not matching any expected)410 // - expected entries not found in actual.411 }412 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();413 Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> expectedMapEntries = expectedMap.entrySet().iterator();414 for (Map.Entry<?, ?> actualEntry : actualMap.entrySet()) {415 Map.Entry<?, ?> expectedEntry =;416 // Must split the Key and Value so that Map.Entry's equals() method is not used.417 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getKey(), expectedEntry.getKey()));418 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getValue(), expectedEntry.getValue()));419 }420 }421 private static void compareUnorderedMap(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {422 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAMap()) {423 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "a map"));424 return;425 }426 Map<?, ?> actualMap = (Map<?, ?>) dualValue.actual;427 Map<?, ?> expectedMap = (Map<?, ?>) dualValue.expected;428 if (actualMap.size() != expectedMap.size()) {429 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "maps", actualMap.size(), expectedMap.size());430 // no need to inspect entries, maps are not equal as they don't have the same size431 return;432 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:433 // - unexpected actual entries (the ones not matching any expected)434 // - expected entries not found in actual.435 }436 Map<Integer, Map.Entry<?, ?>> fastLookup = expectedMap.entrySet().stream()437 .collect(toMap(entry -> deepHashCode(entry.getKey()), entry -> entry));438 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();439 for (Map.Entry<?, ?> actualEntry : actualMap.entrySet()) {440 int deepHashCode = deepHashCode(actualEntry.getKey());441 if (!fastLookup.containsKey(deepHashCode)) {442 // TODO add description of the entry in actual not found in expected.443 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);444 return;445 }446 Map.Entry<?, ?> expectedEntry = fastLookup.get(deepHashCode);447 // Must split the Key and Value so that Map.Entry's equals() method is not used.448 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getKey(), expectedEntry.getKey()));449 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getValue(), expectedEntry.getValue()));450 }451 }452 private static void compareOptional(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {453 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnOptional()) {454 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an Optional"));455 return;456 }457 Optional<?> actual = (Optional<?>) dualValue.actual;458 Optional<?> expected = (Optional<?>) dualValue.expected;459 if (actual.isPresent() != expected.isPresent()) {460 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);461 return;462 }463 // either both are empty or present464 if (!actual.isPresent()) return; // both optional are empty => end of the comparison465 // both are present, we have to compare their values recursively466 Object value1 = actual.get();...
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.then;2import java.util.List;3import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifference;4import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;5import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator.ComparisonState;6import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;7class RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculatorTest {8 void should_calculate_difference() {9 ComparisonState state = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator()10 .comparisonStateOf("foo", "bar");11 List<RecursiveComparisonDifference> differences = state.getDifferences();12 then(differences).hasSize(1);13 then(differences.get(0).getActual()).isEqualTo("bar");14 then(differences.get(0).getExpected()).isEqualTo("foo");15 }16}17import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.then;18import java.util.List;19import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifference;20import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;21import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator.ComparisonState;22import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;23class RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculatorTest {24 void should_calculate_difference() {25 ComparisonState state = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator()26 .comparisonStateOf("foo", "bar");27 List<RecursiveComparisonDifference> differences = state.getDifferences();28 then(differences).hasSize(1);29 then(differences.get(0).getActual()).isEqualTo("bar");30 then(differences.get(0).getExpected()).isEqualTo("foo");31 }32}33import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.then;34import java.util.List;35import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifference;36import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;37import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator.ComparisonState;38import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;39class RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculatorTest {40 void should_calculate_difference() {
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator2import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.ComparisonDifference3def obj1 = new Person(name: 'John', age: 20, friends: [new Person(name: 'Paul', age: 21)])4def obj2 = new Person(name: 'John', age: 30, friends: [new Person(name: 'Paul', age: 21)])5def differences = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator().comparisonState(obj1, obj2)6differences.forEach { diff ->7 println "difference: ${diff}"8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.ComparisonState;2import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;3public class Test {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 ComparisonState comparisonState = new ComparisonState();6 RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator recursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();7, new
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator2import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.ComparisonState3class RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculatorTest {4 def "test ComparisonState"() {5 def left = new Person(name: "John", age: 20, address: new Address(street: "1st street", zipCode: "12345"))6 def right = new Person(name: "John", age: 20, address: new Address(street: "2nd street", zipCode: "12345"))7 def calculator = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator()8 def state = calculator.ComparisonState(left, right, null, null)9 differences.size() == 110 }11 class Person {12 }13 class Address {14 }15}16at org.spockframework.runtime.Condition.notSatisfied( org.spockframework.runtime.Condition$NotSatisfiedHandler.handleConditionNotSatisfied( org.spockframework.runtime.Condition$NotSatisfiedHandler.handleConditionNotSatisfied( org.spockframework.runtime.Condition$NotSatisfiedHandler.handleConditionNotSatisfied( org.spockframework.runtime.Condition$NotSatisfiedHandler.handleConditionNotSatisfied(
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.ComparisonState;2import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifference;3import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;4import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculatorTest;5import java.util.List;6import java.util.Objects;7public class AssertJRecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculatorTest {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 Person person1 = new Person("John", "Doe");10 Person person2 = new Person("Jane", "Doe");11 List<RecursiveComparisonDifference> differences = RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator.calculateDifferences(person1, person2);12 ComparisonState comparisonState = differences.get(0).getComparisonState();13 System.out.println(comparisonState.isEqual());14 }15 static class Person {16 private String firstName;17 private String lastName;18 public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {19 this.firstName = firstName;20 this.lastName = lastName;21 }22 public String getFirstName() {23 return firstName;24 }25 public void setFirstName(String firstName) {26 this.firstName = firstName;27 }28 public String getLastName() {29 return lastName;30 }31 public void setLastName(String lastName) {32 this.lastName = lastName;33 }34 public boolean equals(Object o) {35 if (this == o) return true;36 if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;37 Person person = (Person) o;38 return Objects.equals(firstName, person.firstName) &&39 Objects.equals(lastName, person.lastName);40 }41 public int hashCode() {42 return Objects.hash(firstName, lastName);43 }44 public String toString() {45 return "Person{" +
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