Best Serenity jBehave code snippet using net.serenitybdd.jbehave.SerenityReporter.failed
...610 StepEventBus.getEventBus().stepStarted(ExecutedStepDescription.withTitle(normalized(stepTitle)));611 StepEventBus.getEventBus().stepIgnored();612 }613 @Override614 public void failed(String stepTitle, Throwable cause) {615 if (!StepEventBus.getEventBus().testSuiteHasStarted()) {616 declareOutOfSuiteFailure();617 }618 if (!errorOrFailureRecordedForStep(cause.getCause())) {619 StepEventBus.getEventBus().updateCurrentStepTitle(stepTitle);620 Throwable rootCause = new RootCauseAnalyzer(cause.getCause()).getRootCause().toException();621 if (isAssumptionFailure(rootCause)) {622 StepEventBus.getEventBus().assumptionViolated(rootCause.getMessage());623 } else {624 StepEventBus.getEventBus().stepFailed(new StepFailure(ExecutedStepDescription.withTitle(normalized(stepTitle)), rootCause));625 }626 }627 }628 private void declareOutOfSuiteFailure() {629 String storyName = !storyStack.isEmpty() ? storyStack.peek().getName() : "Before or After Story";630 String storyId = !storyStack.isEmpty() ? storyStack.peek().getPath() : null;631 StepEventBus.getEventBus().testStarted(storyName, storyId);632 }633 private boolean isAssumptionFailure(Throwable rootCause) {634 return (AssumptionViolatedException.class.isAssignableFrom(rootCause.getClass()));635 }636 public List<String> processExcludedByFilter(final Story story, final Set<String> exclude) {637 final Meta storyMeta = story.getMeta();638 final List<Scenario> processing = new LinkedList<>();639 final List<String> processed = new LinkedList<>();640 if (isSkipped(storyMeta) || isIgnored(storyMeta)) { //this story should be excluded by filter641 processing.addAll(story.getScenarios());642 } else {643 for (Scenario scenario : story.getScenarios()) {644 final Meta scenarioMeta = scenario.getMeta();645 if (isSkipped(scenarioMeta) || isIgnored(scenarioMeta)) { //this scenario should be excluded by filter646 processing.add(scenario);647 }648 }649 }650 if (processing.size() > 0) {651 final Story beforeStory = new Story();652 beforeStory.namedAs(BEFORE_STORIES);653 final Story afterStory = new Story();654 afterStory.namedAs(AFTER_STORIES);655 final Narrative narrative = story.getNarrative();656 beforeStory(beforeStory, false);657 afterStory(false);658 beforeStory(story, false);659 narrative(narrative);660 for (final Scenario filtered : processing) {661 final String scenarioKey = scenarioKey(story, filtered);662 if (!exclude.contains(scenarioKey)) {663 beforeScenario(filtered);664 final List<String> steps = filtered.getSteps();665 if (ExamplesTable.EMPTY == filtered.getExamplesTable() || filtered.getExamplesTable().getRows().size() == 0) {666 for (final String step : steps) {667 beforeStep(step);668 successful(step);669 }670 } else {671 final ExamplesTable examples = filtered.getExamplesTable();672 beforeExamples(steps, examples);673 for (final Map<String, String> row : examples.getRows()) {674 example(row);675 for (final String step : steps) {676 beforeStep(step);677 successful(step);678 }679 }680 afterExamples();681 }682 afterScenario();683 processed.add(scenarioKey(story, filtered));684 }685 }686 afterStory(false);687 beforeStory(afterStory, false);688 afterStory(false);689 }690 return processed;691 }692 private String scenarioKey(final Story story, final Scenario scenario) {693 return story.getPath().concat(scenario.getTitle());694 }695 @Override696 public void failedOutcomes(String s, OutcomesTable outcomesTable) {697 logger.debug("failedOutcomes");698 }699 @Override700 public void restarted(String s, Throwable throwable) {701 logger.debug("restarted");702 }703 @Override704 public void restartedStory(Story story, Throwable cause) {705 logger.debug("restartedStory");706 }707 @Override708 public void dryRun() {709 logger.debug("dryRun");710 }711 @Override...
1package net.serenitybdd.jbehave.embedders.monitors;2import net.serenitybdd.core.di.WebDriverInjectors;3import net.serenitybdd.jbehave.SerenityReporter;4import net.serenitybdd.jbehave.embedders.ExtendedEmbedder;5import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors;6import net.thucydides.core.util.EnvironmentVariables;7import net.thucydides.core.webdriver.DriverConfiguration;8import org.jbehave.core.embedder.EmbedderControls;9import org.jbehave.core.embedder.EmbedderMonitor;10import org.jbehave.core.embedder.MetaFilter;11import org.jbehave.core.failures.BatchFailures;12import org.jbehave.core.model.*;13import org.jbehave.core.reporters.ReportsCount;14import org.slf4j.Logger;15import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;16import;17import java.util.Collections;18import java.util.List;19import java.util.Properties;20import java.util.Set;21import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;22import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;23/**24 * User: YamStranger25 * Date: 3/25/1626 * Time: 6:35 PM27 */28public class ReportingEmbedderMonitor implements EmbedderMonitor {29 private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReportingEmbedderMonitor.class);30 private SerenityReporter reporter;31 private ExtendedEmbedder embedder;32 private final DriverConfiguration configuration;33 private final Set<String> processedStories=Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>());34 public ReportingEmbedderMonitor(final ExtendedEmbedder embedder) {35 this(configuration(), embedder);36 }37 public ReportingEmbedderMonitor(final DriverConfiguration configuration,38 final ExtendedEmbedder embedder) {39 this.configuration = configuration;40 this.embedder = embedder;41 }42 @Override43 public void runningEmbeddable(String name) {44 }45 @Override46 public void embeddableFailed(String name, Throwable cause) {47 }48 @Override49 public void embeddableNotConfigurable(String name) {50 }51 @Override52 public void embeddablesSkipped(List<String> classNames) {53 }54 @Override55 public void metaNotAllowed(Meta meta, MetaFilter filter) {56 }57 @Override58 public void storyFailed(String path, Throwable cause) {59 }60 @Override61 public void storiesSkipped(List<String> storyPaths) {62 }63 @Override64 public void scenarioNotAllowed(Scenario scenario, MetaFilter filter) {65 }66 @Override67 public void batchFailed(BatchFailures failures) {68 }69 @Override70 public void beforeOrAfterStoriesFailed() {71 }72 @Override73 public void generatingReportsView(File outputDirectory, List<String> formats, Properties viewProperties) {74 }75 @Override76 public void reportsViewGenerationFailed(File outputDirectory, List<String> formats, Properties viewProperties, Throwable cause) {77 }78 @Override79 public void reportsViewGenerated(ReportsCount count) {80 }81 @Override82 public void reportsViewFailures(ReportsCount count) {83 }84 @Override85 public void reportsViewNotGenerated() {86 }87 @Override88 public void runningWithAnnotatedEmbedderRunner(String className) {89 }90 @Override91 public void annotatedInstanceNotOfType(Object annotatedInstance, Class<?> type) {92 }93 @Override94 public void mappingStory(String storyPath, List<String> metaFilters) {95 }96 @Override97 public void generatingMapsView(File outputDirectory, StoryMaps storyMaps, Properties viewProperties) {98 }99 @Override100 public void mapsViewGenerationFailed(File outputDirectory, StoryMaps storyMaps, Properties viewProperties, Throwable cause) {101 }102 @Override103 public void generatingNavigatorView(File outputDirectory, Properties viewResources) {104 }105 @Override106 public void navigatorViewGenerationFailed(File outputDirectory, Properties viewResources, Throwable cause) {107 }108 @Override109 public void navigatorViewNotGenerated() {110 }111 @Override112 public void processingSystemProperties(Properties properties) {113 }114 @Override115 public void systemPropertySet(String name, String value) {116 }117 @Override118 public void storyTimeout(Story story, StoryDuration storyDuration) {119 }120 @Override121 public void usingThreads(int threads) {122 }123 @Override124 public void usingExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService) {125 }126 @Override127 public void usingControls(EmbedderControls embedderControls) {128 }129 @Override130 public void invalidTimeoutFormat(String path) {131 }132 @Override133 public void usingTimeout(String path, long timeout) {134 }135 @Override136 public void runningStory(String path) {137"{}story running with path {}", this.hashCode(), path);138 final Story story = embedder.findStory(path);139 if (story == null) {140 logger.error("can not find any story by path {}", path);141 } else {142 includeInReportSkippedAndIgnoredAndWip(story);143 }144 }145 @Override146 public void storiesNotAllowed(List<Story> notAllowed, MetaFilter filter) {147 logger.debug("processing stories Not Allowed {}", notAllowed);148 for (final Story story : notAllowed) {149 includeInReportSkippedAndIgnoredAndWip(story);150 }151 }152 @Override153 public void storiesNotAllowed(List<Story> notAllowed, MetaFilter filter, boolean verbose) {154 logger.debug("processing stories Not Allowed {}", notAllowed);155 for (final Story story : notAllowed) {156 includeInReportSkippedAndIgnoredAndWip(story);157 }158 }159 private void includeInReportSkippedAndIgnoredAndWip(final Story story) {160 final SerenityReporter reporter = reporter();161 this.processedStories.addAll(162 reporter.processExcludedByFilter(story, this.processedStories)163 );164 }165 public synchronized SerenityReporter reporter() {166 if (this.reporter == null) {167 this.reporter = new SerenityReporter(this.configuration);168 }169 return reporter;170 }171 private static DriverConfiguration configuration() {172 DriverConfiguration<DriverConfiguration> configuration =173 WebDriverInjectors.getInjector().getInstance(DriverConfiguration.class);174 EnvironmentVariables variables =175 Injectors.getInjector().getProvider(EnvironmentVariables.class).get().copy();176 if (variables != null) {177 configuration = configuration.withEnvironmentVariables(variables);178 }179 return configuration;180 }181}...
Using AI Code Generation
1package net.serenitybdd.jbehave;2import java.util.*;3import org.jbehave.core.model.*;4import org.jbehave.core.reporters.*;5import org.jbehave.core.steps.*;6import static java.util.Arrays.*;7public class SerenityReporter extends PrintStreamOutput {8 private final Map<String, Story> stories = new HashMap<String, Story>();9 private final Map<String, List<StepCandidate>> stepCandidates = new HashMap<String, List<StepCandidate>>();10 private final Map<String, StepCandidate> stepCandidateByStep = new HashMap<String, StepCandidate>();11 private final Map<String, Step> steps = new HashMap<String, Step>();12 private final Map<String, ExamplesTable> tables = new HashMap<String, ExamplesTable>();13 private final Map<String, String> outputByStep = new HashMap<String, String>();14 private final Map<String, String> outputByStory = new HashMap<String, String>();15 private String storyPath;16 private String storyName;17 public SerenityReporter() {18 super(System.out);19 }20 public void beforeStory(Story story, boolean givenStory) {21 if (!givenStory) {22 stories.put(story.getName(), story);23 storyPath = story.getPath();24 storyName = story.getName();25 }26 }27 public void beforeScenario(String title) {28 }29 public void beforeStep(String step) {30 }31 public void beforeExamples(List<String> steps, ExamplesTable table) {32 tables.put(table.asString(), table);33 }34 public void example(Map<String, String> tableRow) {35 }36 public void successful(String step) {37 addStep(step, StepResult.SUCCESS);38 }39 public void ignorable(String step) {40 addStep(step, StepResult.IGNORED);41 }42 public void pending(String step) {43 addStep(step, StepResult.PENDING);44 }45 public void notPerformed(String step) {46 addStep(step, StepResult.PENDING);47 }48 public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {49 addStep(step, StepResult.FAILURE);50 }51 public void failedOutcomes(String step, OutcomesTable table) {52 }53 public void restarted(String step, Throwable cause) {54 }55 public void dryRun() {56 }
Using AI Code Generation
1 public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {2 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {3 stepFailed(step, cause);4 } else {5 stepIgnored(step);6 }7 }8 public void failedOutcomes(String step, OutcomesTable table) {9 stepFailed(step, new AssertionError(table.toString()));10 }11 public void failed(String step) {12 stepFailed(step, new AssertionError(step));13 }14 public void notPerformed(String step) {15 stepIgnored(step);16 }17 public void pending(String step) {18 stepPending(step);19 }20 public void successful(String step) {21 stepSucceeded(step);22 }23 public void ignorable(String step) {24 stepIgnored(step);25 }26 public void comment(String step) {27 stepIgnored(step);28 }29 public void stepFailed(String step, Throwable cause) {30 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {31 getStepEventBus().stepFailed(StepFailure.withException(cause));32 } else {33 getStepEventBus().stepFailed(StepFailure.withException(cause));34 }35 }36 public void stepIgnored(String step) {37 getStepEventBus().stepIgnored();38 }39 public void stepPending(String step) {40 getStepEventBus().stepPending();41 }
Using AI Code Generation
1public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {2 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {3 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());4 } else {5 stepFailed(step, cause);6 }7}8public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {9 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {10 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());11 } else {12 stepFailed(step, cause);13 }14}15public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {16 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {17 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());18 } else {19 stepFailed(step, cause);20 }21}22public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {23 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {24 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());25 } else {26 stepFailed(step, cause);27 }28}29public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {30 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {31 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());32 } else {33 stepFailed(step, cause);34 }35}36public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {37 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {38 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());39 } else {40 stepFailed(step, cause);41 }42}43public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {44 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {45 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());46 } else {47 stepFailed(step, cause);48 }49}50public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {51 if (cause instanceof AssertionError) {52 stepFailed(step, cause.getMessage());53 } else {54 stepFailed(step, cause);55 }56}57public void failed(String step, Throwable cause) {
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.jbehave.core.model.Scenario;2import org.jbehave.core.model.Story;3import org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporter;4import org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCandidate;5import org.jbehave.core.steps.StepType;6import org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCandidate.CandidateStep;7import java.util.List;8import java.util.Map;9import java.util.HashMap;10import java.util.ArrayList;11import;12import;13import java.nio.file.Files;14import java.nio.file.Paths;15import java.util.regex.Matcher;16import java.util.regex.Pattern;17import net.thucydides.core.ThucydidesSystemProperty;18import net.thucydides.core.reports.html.HtmlAggregateStoryReporter;19import net.thucydides.core.reports.html.HtmlAggregateStoryReporter.ScenarioTitle;20import net.thucydides.core.steps.StepEventBus;21import net.thucydides.core.steps.StepFailure;22import net.serenitybdd.jbehave.SerenityReporter;23public class SerenityReporterWithCustomScenarioTitle extends SerenityReporter {24 private Map<String, String> storyToFeatureName = new HashMap<String, String>();25 private Map<String, String> featureNameToFeatureFilePath = new HashMap<String, String>();26 private Map<String, String> featureFilePathToFeatureFileContent = new HashMap<String, String>();27 private Map<String, String> featureFileContentToFeatureFileText = new HashMap<String, String>();28 private Map<String, List<String>> featureFileTextToFeatureFileLines = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();29 private Map<String, Integer> scenarioNameToScenarioLineNumber = new HashMap<String, Integer>();30 private Map<String, String> scenarioNameToScenarioLine = new HashMap<String, String>();
How do i execute story files in specific order in serenity BDD Jbehave
Add a JIRA link to karate/cucumber report
How to set up a configured embedder for use of meta filters (-skip) with Serenity, JBehave and Selenium
Serenity Jbehave use single browser for a set of stories?
JBehave Serenity: How to manage baseURL and relative URLs?
How do you exclude @skips from Serenity reports while running JBehave tests?
Before/After Scenario not working in jbehave serenity BDD
why maven-failsafe-plugin doesn't show serenity tests executed?
Serenity Bdd Report not getting generated after testcase is success- (In Eclipse and Jenkins both)
Serenity BDD: Use JBehave steps in dependency for local stories
You can use Meta: to tag stories/scenarios. This is useful if you want to run just subset of stories/scenarios or skip some of them. Example:
Meta: @sometag
Scenario: some scenario
Given something
Then you can use meta filtering and story mapping to include/exclude scenarios marked with certain tags.
You can change story file names so their lexicographical order will match order you want them to execute:
or create separate folders:
There is more nice solution in case when you need some story to execute before another one, GivenStories: clause:
GivenStories: aaa.story
Scenario: requires aaa to run
Given something
This will first execute aaa.story then this story. You can specify several stories in GivenStories
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