How to use getMethodName method of matchers.IsFailure class

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...377 }378 /​**379 * @return The name of the Java method implementing this test, if the test is implemented in Java.380 */​381 public String getMethodName() {382 return methodName;383 }384 public static TestOutcome forTestInStory(final String testName, final Story story) {385 return new TestOutcome(testName, null, story);386 }387 public static TestOutcome forTestInStory(final String testName, final Class<?> testCase, final Story story) {388 return new TestOutcome(testName, testCase, story);389 }390 @Override391 public String toString() {392 return getTitle() + ":" + join(extract(testSteps, on(TestStep.class).toString()));393 }394 /​**395 * Return the human-readable name for this test.396 * This is derived from the test name for tests using a Java implementation, or can also be defined using397 * the Title annotation.398 *399 * @return the human-readable name for this test.400 */​401 public String getTitle() {402 return getTitle(true);403 }404 public String getTitle(boolean qualified) {405 if (title == null) {406 return (qualified) ? obtainQualifiedTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() : getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName();407 } else {408 return (qualified) ? title : getFormatter().stripQualifications(title);409 }410 }411 public TitleBuilder getUnqualified() {412 return new TitleBuilder(this, false);413 }414 public TitleBuilder getQualified() {415 return new TitleBuilder(this, true);416 }417 public void setAllStepsTo(TestResult result) {418 for(TestStep step : testSteps) {419 step.setResult(result);420 }421 }422 public void setAllStepsTo(List<TestStep> steps, TestResult result) {423 for(TestStep step : steps) {424 step.setResult(result);425 if (step.hasChildren()) {426 setAllStepsTo(step.getChildren(), result);427 }428 }429 }430 public class TitleBuilder {431 private final boolean qualified;432 private final TestOutcome testOutcome;433 public TitleBuilder(TestOutcome testOutcome, boolean qualified) {434 this.testOutcome = testOutcome;435 this.qualified = qualified;436 }437 public String getTitleWithLinks() {438 return getFormatter().addLinks(getTitle());439 }440 public String getTitle() {441 return testOutcome.getTitle(qualified);442 }443 }444 public void setDescription(String description) {445 this.description = description;446 }447 public void setBackgroundDescription(String description) {448 this.backgroundDescription = description;449 }450 public String getDescription() {451 return description;452 }453 public String getBackgroundDescription() {454 return backgroundDescription;455 }456 /​**457 * Tests may have a description.458 * This can be defined with the scenarios (e.g. in the .feature files for Cucumber)459 * or defined elsewhere, such as in JIRA for manual tests.460 */​461 public Optional<String> getDescriptionText() {462 if (getDescription() != null) {463 return Optional.of(description);464 } else if (title != null) {465 return getDescriptionFrom(title);466 } else {467 return Optional.absent();468 }469 }470 private Optional<String> getDescriptionFrom(String storedTitle) {471 List<String> multilineTitle = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(Pattern.compile("\r?\n")).split(storedTitle));472 if (multilineTitle.size() > 1) {473 multilineTitle.remove(0);474 return Optional.of(Joiner.on(NEW_LINE).join(multilineTitle));475 } else {476 return Optional.absent();477 }478 }479 public String toJson() {480 JSONConverter jsonConverter = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(JSONConverter.class);481 try(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {482 jsonConverter.toJson(this, outputStream);483 return outputStream.toString();484 } catch (IOException e) {485 return "";486 }487 }488 public String getTitleWithLinks() {489 return getFormatter().addLinks(getTitle());490 }491 private Formatter getFormatter() {492 return new Formatter(issueTracking);493 }494 private String obtainQualifiedTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() {495 if ((qualifier != null) && (qualifier.isPresent())) {496 return qualified(getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName());497 } else {498 return getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName();499 }500 }501 private String obtainUnqualifiedTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() {502 return getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName();503 }504 private String getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() {505 Optional<String> annotatedTitle = TestAnnotations.forClass(testCase).getAnnotatedTitleForMethod(methodName);506 return annotatedTitle.or(NameConverter.humanize(withNoArguments(methodName)));507 }508 private String qualified(String rootTitle) {509 return rootTitle + " [" + qualifier.get() + "]";510 }511 public String getStoryTitle() {512 return (userStory != null) ? getTitleFrom(userStory) : "";513 }514 public String getPath() {515 if (userStory != null) {516 return userStory.getPath();517 } else {518 return null;519 }520 }521 public String getPathId() {522 if (userStory != null) {523 return userStory.getId();524 } else {525 return getPath();526 }527 }528 private String getTitleFrom(final Story userStory) {529 return userStory.getName() == null ? "" : userStory.getName();530 }531 public String getReportName(final ReportType type) {532 return ReportNamer.forReportType(type).getNormalizedTestNameFor(this);533 }534 public String getSimpleReportName(final ReportType type) {535 ReportNamer reportNamer = ReportNamer.forReportType(type);536 return reportNamer.getSimpleTestNameFor(this);537 }538 public String getHtmlReport() {539 return getReportName(HTML);540 }541 public String getReportName() {542 return getReportName(ROOT);543 }544 public String getScreenshotReportName() {545 return getReportName(ROOT) + "_screenshots";546 }547 /​**548 * An acceptance test is made up of a series of steps. Each step is in fact549 * a small test, which follows on from the previous one. The outcome of the550 * acceptance test as a whole depends on the outcome of all of the steps.551 * @return A list of top-level test steps for this test.552 */​553 public List<TestStep> getTestSteps() {554 return ImmutableList.copyOf(testSteps);555 }556 public boolean hasScreenshots() {557 return !getScreenshots().isEmpty();558 }559 public List<ScreenshotAndHtmlSource> getScreenshotAndHtmlSources() {560 List<TestStep> testStepsWithScreenshots = select(getFlattenedTestSteps(),561 having(on(TestStep.class).needsScreenshots()));562 return flatten(extract(testStepsWithScreenshots, on(TestStep.class).getScreenshots()));563 }564 public List<Screenshot> getScreenshots() {565 List<Screenshot> screenshots = new ArrayList<Screenshot>();566 List<TestStep> testStepsWithScreenshots = select(getFlattenedTestSteps(),567 having(on(TestStep.class).needsScreenshots()));568 for (TestStep currentStep : testStepsWithScreenshots) {569 screenshots.addAll(screenshotsIn(currentStep));570 }571 return ImmutableList.copyOf(screenshots);572 }573 private List<Screenshot> screenshotsIn(TestStep currentStep) {574 return convert(currentStep.getScreenshots(), toScreenshotsFor(currentStep));575 }576 private Converter<ScreenshotAndHtmlSource, Screenshot> toScreenshotsFor(final TestStep currentStep) {577 return new Converter<ScreenshotAndHtmlSource, Screenshot>() {578 public Screenshot convert(ScreenshotAndHtmlSource from) {579 return new Screenshot(from.getScreenshotFile().getName(),580 currentStep.getDescription(),581 widthOf(from.getScreenshotFile()),582 currentStep.getException());583 }584 };585 }586 private int widthOf(final File screenshot) {587 try {588 return new SimpleImageInfo(screenshot).getWidth();589 } catch (IOException e) {590 return ThucydidesSystemProperty.DEFAULT_WIDTH;591 }592 }593 public boolean hasNonStepFailure() {594 boolean stepsContainFailure = false;595 for(TestStep step : getFlattenedTestSteps()) {596 if (step.getResult() == FAILURE || step.getResult() == ERROR) {597 stepsContainFailure = true;598 }599 }600 return (!stepsContainFailure && (getResult() == ERROR || getResult() == FAILURE));601 }602 public List<TestStep> getFlattenedTestSteps() {603 List<TestStep> flattenedTestSteps = new ArrayList<TestStep>();604 for (TestStep step : getTestSteps()) {605 flattenedTestSteps.add(step);606 if (step.isAGroup()) {607 flattenedTestSteps.addAll(step.getFlattenedSteps());608 }609 }610 return ImmutableList.copyOf(flattenedTestSteps);611 }612 public List<TestStep> getLeafTestSteps() {613 List<TestStep> leafTestSteps = new ArrayList<TestStep>();614 for (TestStep step : getTestSteps()) {615 if (step.isAGroup()) {616 leafTestSteps.addAll(step.getLeafTestSteps());617 } else {618 leafTestSteps.add(step);619 }620 }621 return ImmutableList.copyOf(leafTestSteps);622 }623 /​**624 * The outcome of the acceptance test, based on the outcome of the test625 * steps. If any steps fail, the test as a whole is considered a failure. If626 * any steps are pending, the test as a whole is considered pending. If all627 * of the steps are ignored, the test will be considered 'ignored'. If all628 * of the tests succeed except the ignored tests, the test is a success.629 * The test result can also be overridden using the 'setResult()' method.630 * @return The outcome of this test.631 */​632 public TestResult getResult() {633 if (annotatedResult != null) {634 return annotatedResult;635 }636 if (testFailureClassname != null) {637 try {638 return new FailureAnalysis().resultFor(Class.forName(testFailureClassname));639 } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {640 return TestResult.ERROR;641 }642 }643 TestResultList testResults = TestResultList.of(getCurrentTestResults());644 return testResults.getOverallResult();645 }646 public TestOutcome recordSteps(final List<TestStep> steps) {647 for(TestStep step : steps) {648 recordStep(step);649 }650 return this;651 }652 /​**653 * Add a test step to this acceptance test.654 * @param step a completed step to be added to this test outcome.655 * @return this TestOucome insstance - this is a convenience to allow method chaining.656 */​657 public TestOutcome recordStep(final TestStep step) {658 checkNotNull(step.getDescription(), "The test step description was not defined.");659 if (inGroup()) {660 getCurrentStepGroup().addChildStep(step);661 renumberTestSteps();662 } else {663 addStep(step);664 }665 return this;666 }667 private void addStep(TestStep step) {668 testSteps.add(step);669 renumberTestSteps();670 }671 private void addSteps(List<TestStep> steps) {672 testSteps.addAll(steps);673 renumberTestSteps();674 }675 private void renumberTestSteps() {676 int count = 1;677 for(TestStep step : testSteps) {678 count = step.renumberFrom(count);679 }680 }681 private TestStep getCurrentStepGroup() {682 return groupStack.peek();683 }684 private boolean inGroup() {685 return !groupStack.empty();686 }687 /​**688 * Get the feature that includes the user story tested by this test.689 * If no user story is defined, no feature can be returned, so the method returns null.690 * If a user story has been defined without a class (for example, one that has been reloaded),691 * the feature will be built using the feature name and id in the user story.692 * @return The Feature defined for this TestOutcome, if any693 */​694 public ApplicationFeature getFeature() {695 if ((getUserStory() != null) && (getUserStory().getFeature() != null)) {696 return getUserStory().getFeature();697 } else {698 return null;699 }700 }701 public void setTitle(final String title) {702 this.title = title;703 }704 private List<TestResult> getCurrentTestResults() {705 return convert(testSteps, new ExtractTestResultsConverter());706 }707 /​**708 * Creates a new step with this name and immediately turns it into a step group.709 */​710 @Deprecated711 public void startGroup(final String groupName) {712 recordStep(new TestStep(groupName));713 startGroup();714 }715 public Optional<String> getQualifier() {716 return qualifier;717 }718 /​**719 * Turns the current step into a group. Subsequent steps will be added as children of the current step.720 */​721 public void startGroup() {722 if (!testSteps.isEmpty()) {723 groupStack.push(currentStep());724 }725 }726 /​**727 * Finish the current group. Subsequent steps will be added after the current step.728 */​729 public void endGroup() {730 if (!groupStack.isEmpty()) {731 groupStack.pop();732 }733 }734 /​**735 * @return The current step is the last step in the step list, or the last step in the children of the current step group.736 */​737 public TestStep currentStep() {738 checkState(!testSteps.isEmpty());739 if (!inGroup()) {740 return lastStepIn(testSteps);741 } else {742 TestStep currentStepGroup = groupStack.peek();743 return lastStepIn(currentStepGroup.getChildren());744/​/​ Optional<TestStep> lastUnfinishedChild = lastUnfinishedStepIn(currentStepGroup.getChildren());745/​/​ return lastUnfinishedChild.or(currentStepGroup);746 }747 }748 public TestStep lastStep() {749 checkState(!testSteps.isEmpty());750 if (!inGroup()) {751 return lastStepIn(testSteps);752 } else {753 TestStep currentStepGroup = groupStack.peek();754 return lastStepIn(currentStepGroup.getChildren());755 }756 }757 private TestStep lastStepIn(final List<TestStep> testSteps) {758 return testSteps.get(testSteps.size() - 1);759 }760 private Optional<TestStep> lastUnfinishedStepIn(final List<TestStep> testSteps) {761 TestStep lastStep = testSteps.get(testSteps.size() - 1);762 if (lastStep.getResult() == null) {763 return Optional.of(lastStep);764 } else {765 return Optional.absent();766 }767 }768 public TestStep currentGroup() {769 checkState(inGroup());770 return groupStack.peek();771 }772 public void setUserStory(Story story) {773 this.userStory = story;774 }775 public void determineTestFailureCause(Throwable cause) {776 if (cause != null) {777 RootCauseAnalyzer rootCauseAnalyser = new RootCauseAnalyzer(cause);778 FailureCause rootCause = rootCauseAnalyser.getRootCause();779 this.testFailureClassname = rootCauseAnalyser.getRootCause().getErrorType();780 this.testFailureMessage = rootCauseAnalyser.getMessage();781 this.setAnnotatedResult(new FailureAnalysis().resultFor(rootCause.exceptionClass()));782 this.testFailureCause = rootCause;783 } else {784 this.testFailureCause = null;785 this.testFailureClassname = "";786 this.testFailureMessage = "";787 }788 }789 public void setTestFailureCause(FailureCause testFailureCause) {790 this.testFailureCause = testFailureCause;791 }792 public void setTestFailureClassname(String testFailureClassname) {793 this.testFailureClassname = testFailureClassname;794 }795 public FailureCause getTestFailureCause() {796 return testFailureCause;797 }798 private boolean isFailureClass(String testFailureClassname) {799 return new FailureAnalysis().isFailure(testFailureClassname);800 }801 public String getErrorMessage() {802 for (TestStep step : getFlattenedTestSteps()) {803 if (isNotBlank(step.getErrorMessage())) {804 return step.getErrorMessage();805 }806 }807 if (testFailureMessage != null) {808 return testFailureMessage;809 }810 return "";811 }812 public void setTestFailureMessage(String testFailureMessage) {813 this.testFailureMessage = testFailureMessage;814 }815 public String getTestFailureMessage() {816 return testFailureMessage;817 }818 public String getTestFailureClassname() {819 return testFailureClassname;820 }821 public void setAnnotatedResult(final TestResult annotatedResult) {822 if (this.annotatedResult != PENDING) {823 this.annotatedResult = annotatedResult;824 }825 }826 public TestResult getAnnotatedResult() {827 return annotatedResult;828 }829 public List<String> getAdditionalVersions() {830 return additionalVersions;831 }832 public List<String> getAdditionalIssues() {833 return additionalIssues;834 }835 private List<String> issues() {836 if (!thereAre(issues)) {837 issues = removeDuplicates(readIssues());838 }839 return issues;840 }841 public List<String> getIssues() {842 List<String> allIssues = new ArrayList(issues());843 if (thereAre(additionalIssues)) {844 allIssues.addAll(additionalIssues);845 }846 return ImmutableList.copyOf(allIssues);847 }848 private List<String> versions() {849 if (!thereAre(versions)) {850 versions = removeDuplicates(readVersions());851 }852 return versions;853 }854 private List<String> readVersions() {855 return TestOutcomeAnnotationReader.forTestOutcome(this).readVersions();856 }857 public List<String> getVersions() {858 List<String> allVersions = new ArrayList(versions());859 if (thereAre(additionalVersions)) {860 allVersions.addAll(additionalVersions);861 }862 addVersionsDefinedInTagsTo(allVersions);863 return ImmutableList.copyOf(allVersions);864 }865 private void addVersionsDefinedInTagsTo(List<String> allVersions) {866 for(TestTag tag : getTags()) {867 if (tag.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("version") && (!allVersions.contains(tag.getName()))) {868 allVersions.add(tag.getName());869 }870 }871 }872 public Class<?> getTestCase() {873 return testCase;874 }875 public String getTestCaseName() {876 return testCaseName;877 }878 private boolean thereAre(Collection<String> anyIssues) {879 return ((anyIssues != null) && (!anyIssues.isEmpty()));880 }881 public TestOutcome addVersion(String version) {882 if (!getVersions().contains(version)){883 additionalVersions.add(version);884 }885 return this;886 }887 public TestOutcome addVersions(List<String> versions) {888 for(String version : versions) {889 addVersion(version);890 }891 return this;892 }893 public TestOutcome forProject(String project) {894 this.project = project;895 return this;896 }897 public String getProject() {898 return project;899 }900 public TestOutcome inTestRunTimestamped(DateTime testRunTimestamp) {901 setTestRunTimestamp(testRunTimestamp);902 return this;903 }904 public void setTestRunTimestamp(DateTime testRunTimestamp) {905 this.testRunTimestamp = testRunTimestamp;906 }907 public void addIssues(List<String> issues) {908 additionalIssues.addAll(issues);909 }910 private List<String> readIssues() {911 return TestOutcomeAnnotationReader.forTestOutcome(this).readIssues();912 }913 public String getFormattedIssues() {914 Set<String> issues = Sets.newHashSet(getIssues());915 if (!issues.isEmpty()) {916 List<String> orderedIssues = sort(issues, on(String.class));917 return "(" + getFormatter().addLinks(StringUtils.join(orderedIssues, ", ")) + ")";918 } else {919 return "";920 }921 }922 public void isRelatedToIssue(String issue) {923 if (!issues().contains(issue)) {924 issues().add(issue);925 }926 }927 public void addFailingExternalStep(Throwable testFailureCause) {928 /​/​ Add as a sibling of the last deepest group929 addFailingStepAsSibling(testSteps, testFailureCause);930 }931 public void addFailingStepAsSibling(List<TestStep> testStepList, Throwable testFailureCause) {932 if (testStepList.isEmpty()) {933 addStep(failingStep(testFailureCause));934 } else {935 TestStep lastStep = lastStepIn(testStepList);936 if (lastStep.hasChildren()) {937 addFailingStepAsSibling(lastStep.children(), testFailureCause);938 } else {939 testStepList.add(failingStep(testFailureCause));940 }941 }942 }943 private TestStep failingStep(Throwable testFailureCause) {944 TestStep failingStep = new TestStep("Failure");945 failingStep.failedWith(testFailureCause);946 return failingStep;947 }948 public void lastStepFailedWith(StepFailure failure) {949 lastStepFailedWith(failure.getException());950 }951 public void lastStepFailedWith(Throwable testFailureCause) {952 determineTestFailureCause(testFailureCause);953 TestStep lastTestStep = testSteps.get(testSteps.size() - 1);954 lastTestStep.failedWith(new StepFailureException(testFailureCause.getMessage(), testFailureCause));955 }956 public Set<TestTag> getTags() {957 if (tags == null) {958 tags = getTagsUsingTagProviders(getTagProviderService().getTagProviders());959 }960 return ImmutableSet.copyOf(tags);961 }962 private Set<TestTag> getTagsUsingTagProviders(List<TagProvider> tagProviders) {963 Set<TestTag> tags = Sets.newHashSet();964 for (TagProvider tagProvider : tagProviders) {965 try {966 tags.addAll(tagProvider.getTagsFor(this));967 } catch(Throwable theTagProviderFailedButThereIsntMuchWeCanDoAboutIt) {968 logger.error("Tag provider " + tagProvider + " failure",969 theTagProviderFailedButThereIsntMuchWeCanDoAboutIt);970 }971 }972 return tags;973 }974 public void setTags(Set<TestTag> tags) {975 this.tags = Sets.newHashSet(tags);976 }977 public void addTags(List<TestTag> tags) {978 Set<TestTag> updatedTags = Sets.newHashSet(getTags());979 updatedTags.addAll(tags);980 this.tags = ImmutableSet.copyOf(updatedTags);981 }982 public List<String> getIssueKeys() {983 return convert(getIssues(), toIssueKeys());984 }985 private Converter<String, String> toIssueKeys() {986 return new Converter<String,String>() {987 public String convert(String issueNumber) {988 String issueKey = issueNumber;989 if (issueKey.startsWith("#")) {990 issueKey = issueKey.substring(1);991 }992 if (StringUtils.isNumeric(issueKey) && (getProjectPrefix() != null)) {993 Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("-");994 issueKey = joiner.join(getProjectPrefix(), issueKey);995 }996 return issueKey;997 }998 };999 }1000 private String getProjectPrefix() {1001 return ThucydidesSystemProperty.THUCYDIDES_PROJECT_KEY.from(getEnvironmentVariables());1002 }1003 public String getQualifiedMethodName() {1004 if ((qualifier != null) && (qualifier.isPresent())) {1005 String qualifierWithoutSpaces = qualifier.get().replaceAll(" ", "_");1006 return getMethodName() + "_" + qualifierWithoutSpaces;1007 } else {1008 return getMethodName();1009 }1010 }1011 /​**1012 * Returns the name of the test prefixed by the name of the story.1013 */​1014 public String getCompleteName() {1015 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getStoryTitle())) {1016 return getStoryTitle() + ":" + getMethodName();1017 } else {1018 return getTestCase() + ":" + getMethodName();1019 }1020 }1021 public void useExamplesFrom(DataTable table) {1022 this.dataTable = table;1023 }1024 public void moveToNextRow() {1025 if (dataTable != null && !dataTable.atLastRow()) {1026 dataTable.nextRow();1027 }1028 }1029 public void updateCurrentRowResult(TestResult result) {1030 dataTable.currentRow().hasResult(result);1031 }1032 public boolean dataIsPredefined() {...

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...137 }138 @Test139 public void a_test_outcome_should_record_the_tested_method_name() {140 TestOutcome outcome = TestOutcome.forTest("should_do_this", SomeTestScenario.class);141 assertThat(outcome.getMethodName(), is("should_do_this"));142 }143 @Test144 public void should_report_failures_or_errors_outside_of_steps() {145 TestOutcome outcome = TestOutcome.forTest("should_do_this", SomeTestScenario.class);146 outcome.recordStep(forASuccessfulTestStepCalled("The user opens the Google search page"));147 assertThat(outcome.hasNonStepFailure(), is(false));148 outcome.determineTestFailureCause(new AssertionError("test failed"));149 assertThat(outcome.hasNonStepFailure(), is(true));150 }151 @Test152 public void a_test_outcome_should_record_the_start_time() {153 DateTime beforeDate =;154 TestOutcome outcome = TestOutcome.forTest("should_do_this", SomeTestScenario.class);155 DateTime afterDate =;...

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...18 this.methodName = methodName;19 }20 @Override21 protected boolean matchesSafely(final Failure item, final Description mismatchDescription) {22 final String actualMethodName = getMethodName(item);23 final Throwable exception = item.getException();24 final Class<? extends Throwable> actualExceptionType =25 exception == null ? null : exception.getClass();26 final String actualMessage = exception == null ? null : item.getMessage();27 describeTo(mismatchDescription, actualMethodName, actualExceptionType, actualMessage);28 return this.methodName.equals(actualMethodName)29 && this.exceptionType.isAssignableFrom(actualExceptionType)30 && this.failureMessage.equals(actualMessage);31 }32 private String getMethodName(final Failure failure) {33 final String actualMethodName;34 if (failure.getDescription() == null) {35 actualMethodName = null;36 } else {37 actualMethodName = failure.getDescription().getMethodName();38 }39 return actualMethodName;40 }41 @Override42 public void describeTo(final Description description) {43 describeTo(description, this.methodName, this.exceptionType, this.failureMessage);44 }45 private void describeTo(final Description description, final String methodName,46 final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType, final String failureMessage) {47 description.appendText("Failure with test name ").appendValue(methodName)48 .appendText(" with exception type ").appendValue(exceptionType).appendText(" and message ")49 .appendValue(failureMessage);50 }51}...

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1import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;2import static;3import org.hamcrest.Matcher;4import org.hamcrest.Matchers;5import org.hamcrest.core.Is;6import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual;7import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;8import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;9import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;10import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;11import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;12import org.junit.Test;13public class GetMethodNameTest {14 public void testGetMethodName() {15 assertThat("test", is("test"));16 assertThat("test","test"));17 assertThat("test","test"));18 assertThat("test", IsEqual.equalTo("test"));19 assertThat("test", IsNot.not("test"));20 assertThat("test", IsSame.sameInstance("test"));21 assertThat("test", StringContains.containsString("test"));22 assertThat("test", StringEndsWith.endsWith("test"));23 assertThat("test", StringStartsWith.startsWith("test"));24 }25}26org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(

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1package org.hamcrest.core;2import static;3import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not;4import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;5import org.hamcrest.Matcher;6import org.hamcrest.core.IsFailure;7import org.junit.Test;8public class IsFailureTest {9 public void testGetMethodName() throws Exception {10 Matcher<String> matcher = IsFailure.failure("message", "method");11 assertThat(matcher.matches("message"), is(true));12 assertThat(matcher.matches("message2"), is(false));13 assertThat(matcher.matches(null), is(false));14 assertThat(matcher.matches("message"), is(true));15 assertThat(matcher.toString(), is("failure(\"message\")"));16 assertThat(matcher.toString(), is(not("failure(\"message2\")")));17 }18}19Expected: is "failure(\"message\")"20 but: was "failure(\"message2\")"21 at org.hamcrest.core.IsFailureTest.testGetMethodName(

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1import org.hamcrest.core.Is;2import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;3import org.junit.Test;4import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;5import static;6import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not;7import static;8public class TestJunit {9 public void testAssertThatBothContainsString() {10 String str1 = "Junit is working fine";11 String str2 = "Junit is working fine";12 assertThat(str1, is(str2));13 }14 public void testAssertThatHasItems() {15 assertThat(new String[] {"one", "two", "three"},16 Is.hasItems("one", "three"));17 }18 public void testAssertThatEveryItemContainsString() {19 assertThat(new String[] {"fun", "ban", "net"},20 IsEvery.everyItem("fun")));21 }22 public void testAssertThatHasItem() {23 assertThat(new String[] {"fun", "ban", "net"},24 Is.hasItem("fun"));25 }26 public void testAssertThatAllOf() {27 assertThat("good", allOf("good"),28 not("bad")));29 }30 public void testAssertThatAnyOf() {31 assertThat("good", anyOf("bad"),32"good")));33 }34 public void testAssertThatNot() {35 assertThat("good", not("bad")));36 }37 public void testAssertThatIs() {38 assertThat(12,;39 assertThat(12L,;40 assertThat(new Long(12),;41 assertThat(0.99,;42 assertThat((short) 1, 1));43 assertThat((byte) 1, 1));44 assertThat(new Object(), Object())));45 }46 public void testAssertThatIsNot() {47 assertThat(12, IsNot.not(11));48 assertThat(12L, IsNot.not(11L));49 assertThat(new Long(12), IsNot.not(11L));50 assertThat(0.99, IsNot.not(0.98));51 assertThat((short) 1, IsNot.not((short

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1package com.automationrhapsody.junit;2import org.junit.Test;3import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;4import static;5public class IsFailureTest {6 public void testIsFailure() {7 String message = "This is an error message";8 try {9 assertThat("This is a test", is("failure"));10 } catch (AssertionError e) {11 assertThat(e, is(IsFailure.failureIn("testIsFailure", message)));12 }13 }14}

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1import org.hamcrest.core.Is;2import org.junit.Test;3import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;4public class TestClass {5 public void test() {6 assertThat(1,;7 }8}9 at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat( at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat( at TestClass.test( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)13 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( at at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.RunBefores.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runNotIgnored( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( at at at at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(RemoteTestRunner

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1package;2import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;3import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;4import;5import;6import java.util.Arrays;7import java.util.List;8import org.junit.Test;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14public class MissingJavadocMethodTest extends AbstractModuleTestSupport {15 protected String getPackageLocation() {16 return "com/​puppycrawl/​tools/​checkstyle/​checks/​javadoc/​missingjavadocmethod";17 }18 public void testGetRequiredTokens() {19 MissingJavadocMethodCheck checkObj = new MissingJavadocMethodCheck();20 int[] expected = { };21 assertArrayEquals(expected, checkObj.getRequiredTokens());22 }23 public void testGetAcceptableTokens() {24 MissingJavadocMethodCheck missingJavadocMethodCheckObj = new MissingJavadocMethodCheck();25 int[] actual = missingJavadocMethodCheckObj.getAcceptableTokens();26 int[] expected = {27 };28 assertArrayEquals(expected, actual);29 }30 public void testScopeInnerInterfaces() throws Exception {31 createModuleConfig(MissingJavadocMethodCheck.class);32 checkConfig.addAttribute("scope", Scope.PROTECTED.getName());33 checkConfig.addAttribute("excludeScope", Scope.PRIVATE.getName());34 checkConfig.addAttribute("allowMissingPropertyJavadoc", "false");35 checkConfig.addAttribute("allowMissingThrowsTags", "false");36 checkConfig.addAttribute("allowMissingParamTags", "false");37 checkConfig.addAttribute("allowMissingReturnTag", "false");38 checkConfig.addAttribute("allowMissing

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1import java.lang.reflect.Method;2import org.hamcrest.Matcher;3import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;4import org.hamcrest.Matchers;5import org.junit.Test;6public class GetMethodNameTest {7 public void testGetMethodName() throws Exception {8 Method method = Matchers.class.getMethod("is", Object.class);9 Matcher<Object> matcher ="Hello");10 MatcherAssert.assertThat(matcher, Matchers.isFailure(method, "Hello", "Hello"));11 }12}13Expected: is a failure calling is("Hello") on "Hello"14 but: is a failure calling is("Hello") on "Hello"15public static Matcher<Matcher<?>> isFailure(Method method, Object actual, Object... args) {16 return new IsFailure(method, actual, args);17 }18import java.lang.reflect.Method;19import org.hamcrest.Matcher;20import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;21import org.hamcrest.Matchers;22import org.junit.Test;23public class GetActualTest {24 public void testGetActual() throws Exception {25 Method method = Matchers.class.getMethod("is", Object.class);26 Matcher<Object> matcher ="Hello");27 MatcherAssert.assertThat(matcher, Matchers.isFailure(method, "Hello", "Hello"));28 }29}30Expected: is a failure calling is("Hello") on "Hello"31 but: is a failure calling is("Hello") on "Hello"32public static Matcher<Matcher<?>> isFailure(Method method, Object actual, Object... args) {33 return new IsFailure(method, actual, args);34 }35import java.lang.reflect.Method;36import org.hamcrest.Matcher;37import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;38import org.hamcrest.Matchers;39import org.junit.Test;40public class GetExpectedTest {41 public void testGetExpected() throws Exception {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1package com.automationtesting;2import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;3import org.hamcrest.Matcher;4import org.hamcrest.core.Is;5import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;6import org.junit.Test;7public class IsFailure {8 public void testIsFailure() {9 Matcher<String> matcher ="a string");10 String string = "another string";11 Matcher<String> notMatcher = IsNot.not(matcher);12 boolean matches = notMatcher.matches(string);13 assertEquals(false, matches);14 assertEquals("is \"a string\"", matcher.toString());15 assertEquals("not is \"a string\"", notMatcher.toString());16 assertEquals("is \"a string\"", matcher.toString());17 assertEquals("not is \"a string\"", notMatcher.toString());18 assertEquals("is \"a string\"", matcher.toString());19 assertEquals("not is \"a string\"", notMatcher.toString());20 assertEquals("is \"a string\"", matcher.toString());21 assertEquals("not is \"a string\"", notMatcher.toString());22 }23}24BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

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1package com.stackroute.pe4;2import org.junit.*;3import static org.junit.Assert.*;4public class TestGetMethodName {5 public void testGetMethodName() {6 IsFailure isFailure = new IsFailure();7 String result = isFailure.getMethodName("This is Harry");8 assertEquals("harry", result);9 }10 public void testGetMethodNameFailure() {11 IsFailure isFailure = new IsFailure();12 String result = isFailure.getMethodName("This is Henry");13 assertNotEquals("harry", result);14 }15}16package com.stackroute.pe4;17public class IsFailure {18 public String getMethodName(String string) {19 String[] str = string.split(" ");20 String str1 = str[2];21 str1 = str1.toLowerCase();22 return str1;23 }24}25package com.stackroute.pe4;26import org.junit.*;27import static org.junit.Assert.*;28public class TestGetMethodName {29 public void testGetMethodName() {30 IsFailure isFailure = new IsFailure();31 String result = isFailure.getMethodName("This is Harry");32 assertEquals("harry", result);33 }34 public void testGetMethodNameFailure() {35 IsFailure isFailure = new IsFailure();36 String result = isFailure.getMethodName("This is Henry");37 assertNotEquals("harry", result);38 }39}40package com.stackroute.pe4;41public class IsFailure {42 public String getMethodName(String string) {43 String[] str = string.split(" ");44 String str1 = str[2];45 str1 = str1.toLowerCase();46 return str1;47 }48}49package com.stackroute.pe4;50import org.junit.*;51import static org.junit.Assert.*;52public class TestGetMethodName {53 public void testGetMethodName() {54 IsFailure isFailure = new IsFailure();55 String result = isFailure.getMethodName("This is Harry");56 assertEquals("harry", result);57 }58 public void testGetMethodNameFailure() {59 IsFailure isFailure = new IsFailure();

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1package com.automationtesting;2import org.junit.Assert;3import org.junit.Test;4public class JunitTest {5 public void test() {6 Assert.assertTrue(false);7 }8}9package com.automationtesting;10import org.junit.Assert;11import org.junit.Test;12import org.junit.internal.matchers.IsFailure;13import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;14import org.junit.runner.Result;15import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;16public class JunitTest2 {17 public void test() {18 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(JunitTest.class);19 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {20 System.out.println(failure.getTestHeader());21 System.out.println(failure.getTrace());22 System.out.println(failure.getException().getMessage());23 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace());24 System.out.println(failure.getException().getLocalizedMessage());25 System.out.println(failure.getException().getCause());26 System.out.println(failure.getException().getClass());27 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName());28 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber());29 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getFileName());30 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName());31 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName());32 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber());33 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getFileName());34 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName());35 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName());36 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber());37 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getFileName());38 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName());39 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getMethodName());40 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber());41 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getFileName());42 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName());43 System.out.println(failure.getException().getStackTrace()[0

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