Best junit code snippet using
...20import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;21import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.JUnitMessages;22import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.launcher.TestKindRegistry;23public class TestRunListenerTest3 extends AbstractTestRunListenerTest {24 private String[] runSequenceTest(IType typeToLaunch) throws Exception {25 TestRunLog log = new TestRunLog();26 final TestRunListener testRunListener = new TestRunListeners.SequenceTest(log);27 JUnitCore.addTestRunListener(testRunListener);28 try {29 return launchJUnit(typeToLaunch, log);30 } finally {31 JUnitCore.removeTestRunListener(testRunListener);32 }33 }34 private String[] runTreeTest(IType typeToLaunch, int step) throws Exception {35 TestRunLog log = new TestRunLog();36 final TestRunListener testRunListener = new TestRunListeners.TreeTest(log, step);37 JUnitCore.addTestRunListener(testRunListener);38 try {39 return launchJUnit(typeToLaunch, TestKindRegistry.JUNIT3_TEST_KIND_ID, log);40 } finally {41 JUnitCore.removeTestRunListener(testRunListener);42 }43 }44 public void testOK() throws Exception {45 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestCase;\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public void testSucceed() { }\n" + "}";46 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");47 String[] expectedSequence = new String[] { "sessionStarted-" + TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, 0), "testCaseStarted-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testSucceed", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 0), "testCaseFinished-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testSucceed", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 0), "sessionFinished-" + TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, 0) };48 String[] actual = runSequenceTest(aTestCase);49 assertEqualLog(expectedSequence, actual);50 }51 public void testFail() throws Exception {52 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestCase;\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public void testFail() { fail(); }\n" + "}";53 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");54 String[] expectedSequence = new String[] { "sessionStarted-" + TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, 0), "testCaseStarted-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testFail", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 0), "testCaseFinished-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testFail", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, new FailureTrace("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError", null, null), 0), "sessionFinished-" + TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, 0) };55 String[] actual = runSequenceTest(aTestCase);56 assertEqualLog(expectedSequence, actual);57 }58 public void testSimpleTest() throws Exception {59 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.*;\n" + "\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " protected int fValue1;\n" + " protected int fValue2;\n" + "\n" + " public ATestCase(String name) {\n" + " super(name);\n" + " }\n" + " protected void setUp() {\n" + " fValue1= 2;\n" + " fValue2= 3;\n" + " }\n" + " public static Test suite() {\n" + " // ensure ordering:\n" + " TestSuite result= new TestSuite(\"ATestCase\");\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testAdd\"));\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testDivideByZero\"));\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testEquals\"));\n" + " return result;\n" + " }\n" + " public void testAdd() {\n" + " double result= fValue1 + fValue2;\n" + " // forced failure result == 5\n" + " assertTrue(result == 6);\n" + " }\n" + " public void testDivideByZero() {\n" + " int zero= 0;\n" + " int result= 8/zero;\n" + " }\n" + " public void testEquals() {\n" + " assertEquals(12, 12);\n" + " assertEquals(12L, 12L);\n" + " assertEquals(new Long(12), new Long(12));\n" + "\n" + " assertEquals(\"Size\", String.valueOf(12), String.valueOf(13));\n" + " }\n" + " public static void main (String[] args) {\n" + ";\n" + " }\n" + "}";60 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");61 String[] expectedSequence = new String[] { "sessionStarted-" + TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, 0), "testCaseStarted-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testAdd", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 0), "testCaseFinished-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testAdd", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, new FailureTrace("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError", null, null), 0), "testCaseStarted-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testDivideByZero", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 0), "testCaseFinished-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testDivideByZero", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.ERROR, new FailureTrace("java.lang.ArithmeticException", null, null), 0), "testCaseStarted-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testEquals", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 0), "testCaseFinished-" + TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testEquals", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, new FailureTrace("junit.framework.ComparisonFailure", "12", "13"), 0), "sessionFinished-" + TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.ERROR, 0) };62 String[] actual = runSequenceTest(aTestCase);63 assertEqualLog(expectedSequence, actual);64 }65 public void testTreeOnSessionStarted() throws Exception {66 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestCase;\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public void testSucceed() { }\n" + "}";67 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");68 String[] expectedTree = new String[] { TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, 0), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.NOT_STARTED, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 1), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testSucceed", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.NOT_STARTED, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 2) };69 String[] actual = runTreeTest(aTestCase, 1);70 assertEqualLog(expectedTree, actual);71 }72 public void testTreeOnSessionEnded() throws Exception {73 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestCase;\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public void testFail() { fail(); }\n" + "}";74 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");75 String[] expectedTree = new String[] { TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, 0), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, null, 1), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testFail", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, new FailureTrace("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError", null, null), 2) };76 String[] actual = runTreeTest(aTestCase, 4);77 assertEqualLog(expectedTree, actual);78 }79 public void testTreeOnSecondTestStarted() throws Exception {80 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.*;\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public static Test suite() {\n" + " // ensure ordering:\n" + " TestSuite result= new TestSuite(\"pack.ATestCase\");\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testSucceed\"));\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testFail\"));\n" + " return result;\n" + " }\n" + " public ATestCase(String name) {\n" + " super(name);\n" + " }\n" + " public void testSucceed() { }\n" + " public void testFail() { fail(); }\n" + "}";81 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");82 String[] expectedTree = new String[] { TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, 0), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 1), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testSucceed", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 2), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testFail", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 2) };83 String[] actual = runTreeTest(aTestCase, 4);84 assertEqualLog(expectedTree, actual);85 }86 public void testTreeOnSecondTestStarted2() throws Exception {87 String source = "package pack;\n" + "import junit.framework.*;\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public static Test suite() {\n" + " // ensure ordering:\n" + " TestSuite result= new TestSuite(\"pack.ATestCase\");\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testFail\"));\n" + " result.addTest(new ATestCase(\"testSucceed\"));\n" + " return result;\n" + " }\n" + " public ATestCase(String name) {\n" + " super(name);\n" + " }\n" + " public void testFail() { fail(); }\n" + " public void testSucceed() { }\n" + "}";88 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");89 String[] expectedTree = new String[] { TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.FAILURE, 0), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.FAILURE, null, 1), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testFail", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, new FailureTrace("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError", null, null), 2), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testSucceed", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.RUNNING, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 2) };90 String[] actual = runTreeTest(aTestCase, 4);91 assertEqualLog(expectedTree, actual);92 }93 public void testTreeUnrootedEnded() throws Exception {94 // regression test for String source = "package pack;\n" + "\n" + "import junit.framework.TestCase;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestResult;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestSuite;\n" + "\n" + "public class ATestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public static class RealTest extends TestCase {\n" + " public RealTest(String name) {\n" + " super(name);\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public void myTest1() throws Exception { }\n" + "\n" + " public void myTest2() throws Exception {\n" + " fail();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public void testAllTests() { }\n" + "\n" + " public void run(TestResult result) {\n" + " TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(\"MySuite\");\n" + " suite.addTest(new RealTest(\"myTest1\"));\n" + " suite.addTest(new RealTest(\"myTest2\"));\n" + ";\n" + " }\n" + "}";96 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "pack", "");97 String[] expectedTree = new String[] { TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("ATestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, 0), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.NOT_STARTED, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 1), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testAllTests", "pack.ATestCase", ProgressState.NOT_STARTED, Result.UNDEFINED, null, 2), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString(JUnitMessages.TestRunSession_unrootedTests, ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, null, 1), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("myTest1", "pack.ATestCase.RealTest", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 2), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("myTest2", "pack.ATestCase.RealTest", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.FAILURE, new FailureTrace("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError", null, null), 2) };98 String[] actual = runTreeTest(aTestCase, 6);99 assertEqualLog(expectedTree, actual);100 }101 public void testTreeJUnit4TestAdapter() throws Exception {102 // regression test for IClasspathEntry cpe = JavaCore.newContainerEntry(JUnitCore.JUNIT4_CONTAINER_PATH);104 JavaProjectHelper.clear(fProject, new IClasspathEntry[] { cpe });105 JavaProjectHelper.addRTJar15(fProject);106 String source = "package test;\n" + "\n" + "import junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestCase;\n" + "import junit.framework.TestSuite;\n" + "\n" + "import org.junit.Test;\n" + "import org.junit.runner.RunWith;\n" + "import org.junit.runners.Suite;\n" + "import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;\n" + "\n" + "public class MyTestSuite {\n" + " public static junit.framework.Test suite() {\n" + " TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();\n" + " suite.addTest(new JUnit4TestAdapter(JUnit4TestSuite.class));\n" + " suite.addTestSuite(JUnit3TestCase.class);\n" + " return suite;\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " @RunWith(Suite.class)\n" + " @SuiteClasses({JUnit4TestCase.class})\n" + " public static class JUnit4TestSuite {}\n" + " \n" + " public static class JUnit4TestCase {\n" + " @Test public void testA() {}\n" + " @Test public void testB() {}\n" + " }\n" + " \n" + " public static class JUnit3TestCase extends TestCase {\n" + " public void testC() {}\n" + " public void testD() {}\n" + " public void testE() {}\n" + " }\n" + "}\n";107 IType aTestCase = createType(source, "test", "");108 String[] expectedTree = new String[] { TestRunListeners.sessionAsString("MyTestSuite", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, 0), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("junit.framework.TestSuite", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 1), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("test.MyTestSuite.JUnit4TestSuite", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 2), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("test.MyTestSuite.JUnit4TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 3), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testA", "test.MyTestSuite.JUnit4TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 4), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testB", "test.MyTestSuite.JUnit4TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 4), TestRunListeners.suiteAsString("test.MyTestSuite.JUnit3TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 2), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testC", "test.MyTestSuite.JUnit3TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 3), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testD", "test.MyTestSuite.JUnit3TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 3), TestRunListeners.testCaseAsString("testE", "test.MyTestSuite.JUnit3TestCase", ProgressState.COMPLETED, Result.OK, null, 3) };109 String[] actual = runTreeTest(aTestCase, 12);110 assertEqualLog(expectedTree, actual);111 }112}...
1package org.junit.internal.runners;2import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;3import junit.extensions.TestDecorator;4import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;5import junit.framework.Test;6import junit.framework.TestCase;7import junit.framework.TestListener;8import junit.framework.TestResult;9import junit.framework.TestSuite;10import org.junit.runner.Describable;11import org.junit.runner.Description;12import org.junit.runner.Runner;13import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;14import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable;15import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;16import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sortable;17import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sorter;18import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;19import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;20public class JUnit38ClassRunner extends Runner implements Filterable, Sortable {21 private volatile Test test;22 /* access modifiers changed from: private */23 public static final class OldTestClassAdaptingListener implements TestListener {24 private final RunNotifier notifier;25 private OldTestClassAdaptingListener(RunNotifier notifier2) {26 this.notifier = notifier2;27 }28 @Override // junit.framework.TestListener29 public void endTest(Test test) {30 this.notifier.fireTestFinished(asDescription(test));31 }32 @Override // junit.framework.TestListener33 public void startTest(Test test) {34 this.notifier.fireTestStarted(asDescription(test));35 }36 @Override // junit.framework.TestListener37 public void addError(Test test, Throwable e) {38 this.notifier.fireTestFailure(new Failure(asDescription(test), e));39 }40 private Description asDescription(Test test) {41 if (test instanceof Describable) {42 return ((Describable) test).getDescription();43 }44 return Description.createTestDescription(getEffectiveClass(test), getName(test));45 }46 /* JADX DEBUG: Type inference failed for r0v0. Raw type applied. Possible types: java.lang.Class<?>, java.lang.Class<? extends junit.framework.Test> */47 private Class<? extends Test> getEffectiveClass(Test test) {48 return test.getClass();49 }50 private String getName(Test test) {51 if (test instanceof TestCase) {52 return ((TestCase) test).getName();53 }54 return test.toString();55 }56 @Override // junit.framework.TestListener57 public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {58 addError(test, t);59 }60 }61 public JUnit38ClassRunner(Class<?> klass) {62 this(new TestSuite(klass.asSubclass(TestCase.class)));63 }64 public JUnit38ClassRunner(Test test2) {65 setTest(test2);66 }67 @Override // org.junit.runner.Runner68 public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {69 TestResult result = new TestResult();70 result.addListener(createAdaptingListener(notifier));71 getTest().run(result);72 }73 public TestListener createAdaptingListener(RunNotifier notifier) {74 return new OldTestClassAdaptingListener(notifier);75 }76 @Override // org.junit.runner.Describable, org.junit.runner.Runner77 public Description getDescription() {78 return makeDescription(getTest());79 }80 private static Description makeDescription(Test test2) {81 if (test2 instanceof TestCase) {82 TestCase tc = (TestCase) test2;83 return Description.createTestDescription(tc.getClass(), tc.getName(), getAnnotations(tc));84 } else if (test2 instanceof TestSuite) {85 TestSuite ts = (TestSuite) test2;86 Description description = Description.createSuiteDescription(ts.getName() == null ? createSuiteDescription(ts) : ts.getName(), new Annotation[0]);87 int n = ts.testCount();88 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {89 description.addChild(makeDescription(ts.testAt(i)));90 }91 return description;92 } else if (test2 instanceof Describable) {93 return ((Describable) test2).getDescription();94 } else {95 if (test2 instanceof TestDecorator) {96 return makeDescription(((TestDecorator) test2).getTest());97 }98 return Description.createSuiteDescription(test2.getClass());99 }100 }101 private static Annotation[] getAnnotations(TestCase test2) {102 try {103 return test2.getClass().getMethod(test2.getName(), new Class[0]).getDeclaredAnnotations();104 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {105 return new Annotation[0];106 }107 }108 private static String createSuiteDescription(TestSuite ts) {109 String example;110 int count = ts.countTestCases();111 if (count == 0) {112 example = "";113 } else {114 example = String.format(" [example: %s]", ts.testAt(0));115 }116 return String.format("TestSuite with %s tests%s", Integer.valueOf(count), example);117 }118 @Override // org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable119 public void filter(Filter filter) throws NoTestsRemainException {120 if (getTest() instanceof Filterable) {121 ((Filterable) getTest()).filter(filter);122 } else if (getTest() instanceof TestSuite) {123 TestSuite suite = (TestSuite) getTest();124 TestSuite filtered = new TestSuite(suite.getName());125 int n = suite.testCount();126 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {127 Test test2 = suite.testAt(i);128 if (filter.shouldRun(makeDescription(test2))) {129 filtered.addTest(test2);130 }131 }132 setTest(filtered);133 if (filtered.testCount() == 0) {134 throw new NoTestsRemainException();135 }136 }137 }138 @Override // org.junit.runner.manipulation.Sortable139 public void sort(Sorter sorter) {140 if (getTest() instanceof Sortable) {141 ((Sortable) getTest()).sort(sorter);142 }143 }144 private void setTest(Test test2) {145 this.test = test2;146 }147 private Test getTest() {148 return this.test;149 }150}...
...40 41 String str2 = "junit.framework.Assert";;42 assertTrue(!TestExecUtils.shouldExclude(str2, p, TestExecUtils.JUNIT_ASSERT));43 44 String str3 = "junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(";45 assertTrue(TestExecUtils.shouldExclude(str3, p, TestExecUtils.JUNIT_ASSERT));46 }47 48 public void testComparingJFreeChartStackTraces() {49 String regex = Main.excludeRegex;50 Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);51 String[] fixedOrders = new String[] {52 "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1.2322332E12> but was:<1.232233199999E12>",53 "",54 "junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(",55 "junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(",56 "junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(",57 "org.jfree.chart.axis.junit.PeriodAxisTests.test2490803(",58 "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)",59 "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(",60 "sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(",61 "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(",62 "junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(",63 "junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(",64 "junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(",65 "junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(",66 "",67 "",68 "junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(",69 "",70 "junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(",71 "",72 "",73 "",74 "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(",75 "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(",76 "",77 "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main("7879 };80 String[] isolations = new String[] {81 "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1.2322332E12> but was:<1.232233199999E12>",82 "",83 "junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(",84 "junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(",85 "junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(",86 "org.jfree.chart.axis.junit.PeriodAxisTests.test2490803(",87 "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)",88 "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(",89 "sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(",90 "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(",91 "junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(",92 "junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(",93 "junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(",94 "junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(",95 "",96 "",97 "",98 "",99 "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(",100 "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(",101 "",102 "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main("103104 };105 String flattenFixed106 = TestExecUtils.flatStrings(fixedOrders, p, TestExecUtils.JUNIT_ASSERT);107 String flattenIsolation108 = TestExecUtils.flatStrings(isolations, p, TestExecUtils.JUNIT_ASSERT);109 assertTrue(flattenFixed.equals(flattenIsolation));110 }111}
...23import java.util.Enumeration;24import junit.framework.TestResult;25/**26 * @author mesbaha27 * This class extends the default junit.framework.TestSuite class and redefines the run() method 28 * in order to run only the test cases that are not in a given exclude list for this test suite.29 */30public class JSR292TestSuite extends junit.framework.TestSuite {31 private String excludeList;32 33 /**34 * Default constructor35 * @param name - Name of the test suite 36 * @param ignoreTestCaseList - A comma separated list of test cases to ignore37 */38 public JSR292TestSuite( String name, String excludeList ) {39 super( name );40 this.excludeList = excludeList;41 }42 43 /* ( non-Javadoc )44 * @see junit.framework.TestSuite#run( junit.framework.TestResult )45 * Overridden version of method which invokes the new run( TestSuite, TestResult ) method 46 * in order to ensure we use test filtering.47 * @param result - This TestResult object to use for result reporting 48 */49 public void run( TestResult result ) {50 run( this, result );51 }52 53 /**54 * This method runs all test cases from this test suite but the ones found in the given ignore list 55 * @param suite - This TestSuite object 56 * @param result - The TestResult object to use57 */58 public void run( junit.framework.TestSuite suite, TestResult result ) {59 @SuppressWarnings( "rawtypes" )60 Enumeration en = suite.tests();61 while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) {62 junit.framework.Test test = ( junit.framework.Test )en.nextElement();63 if ( test instanceof junit.framework.TestSuite ) {64 run( ( junit.framework.TestSuite )test, result );65 } else {66 junit.framework.TestCase testCase = ( junit.framework.TestCase )test;67 //Ignore test cases from the exclude list68 if ( excludeList == null || excludeList.contains( testCase.getName() ) == false ) {69 super.runTest( testCase, result );70 }71 }72 }73 }74}...
1package androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3;2import junit.framework.Test;3import junit.framework.TestResult;4import junit.framework.TestSuite;5import org.junit.Ignore;6import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;7import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;8@Ignore9public class NonExecutingTestSuite extends DelegatingFilterableTestSuite {10 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite11 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void addTest(Test test) {12 super.addTest(test);13 }14 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, junit.framework.Test, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite15 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ int countTestCases() {16 return super.countTestCases();17 }18 @Override // org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingFilterableTestSuite19 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void filter(Filter filter) throws NoTestsRemainException {20 super.filter(filter);21 }22 @Override // androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite23 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ TestSuite getDelegateSuite() {24 return super.getDelegateSuite();25 }26 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite27 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String getName() {28 return super.getName();29 }30 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite31 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void runTest(Test test, TestResult testResult) {32 super.runTest(test, testResult);33 }34 @Override // androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite35 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void setDelegateSuite(TestSuite testSuite) {36 super.setDelegateSuite(testSuite);37 }38 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite39 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ void setName(String str) {40 super.setName(str);41 }42 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite43 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Test testAt(int i) {44 return super.testAt(i);45 }46 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite47 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ int testCount() {48 return super.testCount();49 }50 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite51 public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String toString() {52 return super.toString();53 }54 public NonExecutingTestSuite(Class<?> testClass) {55 this(new TestSuite(testClass));56 }57 public NonExecutingTestSuite(TestSuite s) {58 super(s);59 }60 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, junit.framework.Test, androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3.DelegatingTestSuite61 public void run(TestResult result) {62 NonExecutingTestResult(result));63 }64}...
...23import java.util.Enumeration;24import junit.framework.TestResult;25/**26 * @author mesbaha27 * This class extends the default junit.framework.TestSuite class and redefines the run() method 28 * in order to run only the test cases that are not in a given exclude list for this test suite.29 */30public class DDRTestSuite extends junit.framework.TestSuite{31 private String excludeList;32 33 /**34 * Default constructor35 * @param name - Name of the test suite 36 * @param ignoreTestCaseList - A comma separated list of test cases to ignore37 */38 public DDRTestSuite(String name, String excludeList) {39 super(name);40 this.excludeList = excludeList;41 // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub42 }43 44 /* (non-Javadoc)45 * @see junit.framework.TestSuite#run(junit.framework.TestResult)46 * Overridden version of method which invokes the new run(TestSuite,TestResult) method 47 * in order to ensure we use test filtering.48 * @param result - This TestResult object to use for result reporting 49 */50 public void run(TestResult result) {51 run(this, result);52 }53 54 /**55 * This method runs all test cases from this test suite but the ones found in the given ignore list 56 * @param suite - This TestSuite object 57 * @param result - The TestResult object to use58 */59 public void run(junit.framework.TestSuite suite,TestResult result) {60 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")61 Enumeration en = suite.tests();62 while (en.hasMoreElements()) {63 junit.framework.Test test = (junit.framework.Test)en.nextElement();64 if (test instanceof junit.framework.TestSuite) {65 run((junit.framework.TestSuite)test, result);66 } else {67 junit.framework.TestCase testCase = (junit.framework.TestCase)test;68 //Ignore test cases from the exclude list69 if ( excludeList.contains(testCase.getName()) == false ){70 super.runTest(testCase, result);71 }72 }73 }74 }75}...
1package junit.tests.runner;2import;3import;4import junit.framework.TestCase;5import junit.runner.BaseTestRunner;6public class StackFilterTest extends TestCase {7 String fFiltered;8 String fUnfiltered;9 @Override10 protected void setUp() {11 StringWriter swin = new StringWriter();12 PrintWriter pwin = new PrintWriter(swin);13 pwin.println("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError");14 pwin.println(" at");15 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.Assert.assert(");16 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.Assert.assert(");17 pwin.println(" at MyTest.f(");18 pwin.println(" at MyTest.testStackTrace(");19 pwin.println(" at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)");20 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(");21 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(");22 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(");23 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(");24 pwin.println(" at");25 pwin.println(" at");26 pwin.println(" at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(");27 pwin.println(" at, Compiled Code)");28 pwin.println(" at junit.swingui.TestRunner$");29 fUnfiltered = swin.toString();30 StringWriter swout = new StringWriter();31 PrintWriter pwout = new PrintWriter(swout);32 pwout.println("junit.framework.AssertionFailedError");33 pwout.println(" at MyTest.f(");34 pwout.println(" at MyTest.testStackTrace(");35 fFiltered = swout.toString();36 }37 public void testFilter() {38 assertEquals(fFiltered, BaseTestRunner.getFilteredTrace(fUnfiltered));39 }40}...
1package androidx.test.internal.runner.junit3;2import junit.framework.Test;3import junit.framework.TestResult;4import junit.framework.TestSuite;5import org.junit.Ignore;6/* access modifiers changed from: package-private */7@Ignore8public class DelegatingTestSuite extends TestSuite {9 private TestSuite wrappedSuite;10 public DelegatingTestSuite(TestSuite suiteDelegate) {11 this.wrappedSuite = suiteDelegate;12 }13 public TestSuite getDelegateSuite() {14 return this.wrappedSuite;15 }16 public void setDelegateSuite(TestSuite newSuiteDelegate) {17 this.wrappedSuite = newSuiteDelegate;18 }19 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite20 public void addTest(Test test) {21 this.wrappedSuite.addTest(test);22 }23 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, junit.framework.Test24 public int countTestCases() {25 return this.wrappedSuite.countTestCases();26 }27 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite28 public String getName() {29 return this.wrappedSuite.getName();30 }31 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite32 public void runTest(Test test, TestResult result) {33 this.wrappedSuite.runTest(test, result);34 }35 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite36 public void setName(String name) {37 this.wrappedSuite.setName(name);38 }39 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite40 public Test testAt(int index) {41 return this.wrappedSuite.testAt(index);42 }43 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite44 public int testCount() {45 return this.wrappedSuite.testCount();46 }47 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite48 public String toString() {49 return this.wrappedSuite.toString();50 }51 @Override // junit.framework.TestSuite, junit.framework.Test52 public void run(TestResult result) {53;54 }55}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import junit.framework.Test;2import junit.framework.TestCase;3import junit.framework.TestSuite;4public class TestRunner extends TestCase {5 public static Test suite() {6 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();7 suite.addTestSuite(TestJunit1.class);8 suite.addTestSuite(TestJunit2.class);9 return suite;10 }11 public static void main(String[] args) {12;13 }14}15package com.tutorialspoint.junit;16import junit.framework.Test;17import junit.framework.TestCase;18import junit.framework.TestSuite;19public class TestJunit1 extends TestCase {20 protected double fValue1;21 protected double fValue2;22 protected void setUp() {23 fValue1= 2.0;24 fValue2= 3.0;25 }26 public void testAdd() {27 System.out.println("No of Test Case = "+ this.countTestCases());28 String name= this.getName();29 System.out.println("Test Case Name = "+ name);30 this.setName("testNewAdd");31 String newName= this.getName();32 System.out.println("Updated Test Case Name = "+ newName);33 }34 protected void tearDown( ) {35 }36}37package com.tutorialspoint.junit;38import junit.framework.Test;39import junit.framework.TestCase;40import junit.framework.TestSuite;41public class TestJunit2 extends TestCase {42 protected double fValue1;43 protected double fValue2;44 protected void setUp() {45 fValue1= 2.0;46 fValue2= 3.0;47 }48 public void testAdd() {49 System.out.println("No of Test Case = "+ this.countTestCases());50 String name= this.getName();51 System.out.println("Test Case Name = "+ name);52 this.setName("testNewAdd");53 String newName= this.getName();54 System.out.println("Updated Test Case Name = "+ newName);55 }56 protected void tearDown( ) {57 }58}
Using AI Code Generation
1import junit.framework.Test;2import junit.framework.TestResult;3import junit.framework.TestSuite;4import junit.textui.TestRunner;5public class TestRunner1 {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestJunit1.class);8 TestResult result = new TestResult();9;10 System.out.println("Number of test cases = " + result.runCount());11 }12}13Example 2: Using method14package com.javatpoint.junit; 15import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 16import org.junit.runner.Result; 17import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 18public class Example2 { 19 public static void main(String[] args) { 20 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(TestJunit1.class); 21 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { 22 System.out.println(failure.toString()); 23 } 24 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); 25 } 26}27Example 3: Using method28package com.javatpoint.junit; 29import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 30import org.junit.runner.Result; 31import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 32public class Example3 { 33 public static void main(String[] args) { 34 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(TestJunit2.class); 35 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { 36 System.out.println(failure.toString()); 37 } 38 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); 39 } 40}41Example 4: Using method42package com.javatpoint.junit; 43import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 44import org.junit.runner.Result; 45import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 46public class Example4 { 47 public static void main(String[] args) { 48 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(TestJunit3.class); 49 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { 50 System.out.println(failure.toString()); 51 } 52 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful()); 53 } 54}55Example 5: Using method56package com.javatpoint.junit; 57import org.junit.runner.J
Using AI Code Generation
1import java.lang.reflect.Method;2import junit.framework.Test;3import junit.framework.TestSuite;4import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;5import org.junit.runner.Result;6import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;7public class TestRunner {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 try {10 Class<?> testClass = Class.forName("com.test.TestSuite");11 Method method = testClass.getMethod("suite");12 TestSuite suite = (TestSuite) method.invoke(testClass);13 Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(suite.getClass());14 for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {15 System.out.println(failure.toString());16 }17 System.out.println(result.wasSuccessful());18 } catch (Exception e) {19 e.printStackTrace();20 }21 }22}23In this example, we have used reflection to invoke the suite() method of TestSuite class. This suite()
Using AI Code Generation
1import junit.framework.TestSuite;2import junit.framework.Test;3public class TestSuiteRunner {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestJunit1.class, TestJunit2.class);6 TestResult result = new TestResult();7;8 System.out.println("Number of test cases = " + result.runCount());9 }10}11import junit.framework.TestCase;12import junit.framework.TestSuite;13public class TestJunit1 extends TestCase {14 protected int value1, value2;15 protected void setUp(){16 value1 = 3;17 value2 = 3;18 }19 public void testAdd(){20 double result = value1 + value2;21 assertTrue(result == 6);22 }23}24import junit.framework.TestCase;25import junit.framework.TestSuite;26public class TestJunit2 extends TestCase {27 protected int value1, value2;28 protected void setUp(){29 value1 = 3;30 value2 = 3;31 }32 public void testSubtract(){33 double result = value1 - value2;34 assertTrue(result == 0);35 }36}37import junit.framework.TestSuite;38import junit.framework.TestResult;39import junit.framework.TestSuite;40import junit.framework.Test;41public class TestSuiteRunner {42 public static void main(String[] args) {43 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(TestJunit1.class, TestJunit2.class);44 TestResult result = new TestResult();45;46 System.out.println("Number of test cases = " + result.runCount());47 }48}
Using AI Code Generation
1import junit.framework.TestSuite;2import junit.framework.Test;3import junit.framework.TestResult;4import junit.framework.TestListener;5import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;6import java.util.Enumeration;7import java.util.Vector;8public class RunAllTests {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();11 suite.addTestSuite(TestJunit1.class);12 suite.addTestSuite(TestJunit2.class);13 TestResult result = new TestResult();14 result.addListener(new TextListener(result));15;16 }17}18class TextListener implements TestListener {19 int counter = 0;20 public TextListener(TestResult result) {21 result.addListener(this);22 }23 public void addError(Test test, Throwable t) {24 System.out.println("error occurred in " + test.toString());25 }26 public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t) {27 System.out.println("failure occurred in " + test.toString());28 }29 public void endTest(Test test) {30 System.out.println("finished running test " + test.toString());31 }32 public void startTest(Test test) {33 System.out.println("started running test " + test.toString());34 counter++;35 }36}
Using AI Code Generation
1public void test() {2 TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();3 suite.addTestSuite(FirstTest.class);4 suite.addTestSuite(SecondTest.class);5 suite.addTestSuite(ThirdTest.class);6 TestResult result = new TestResult();7;8 System.out.println("Number of test cases = " + result.runCount());9}
AssertContains on strings in jUnit
junit assertEquals ignore case
Difference between junit-vintage-engine and junit-jupiter-engine?
Mock a constructor with parameter
Can Selenium take a screenshot on test failure with JUnit?
How to run JUnit tests by category in Maven?
Testing for multiple exceptions with JUnit 4 annotations
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: junit/textui/ResultPrinter
How do I ignore certain elements when comparing XML?
Java JUnit: The method X is ambiguous for type Y
If you add in Hamcrest and JUnit4, you could do:
String x = "foo bar";
Assert.assertThat(x, CoreMatchers.containsString("foo"));
With some static imports, it looks a lot better:
assertThat(x, containsString("foo"));
The static imports needed would be:
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
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In today’s digital age, product teams must build products at a brisk pace while maintaining the best quality. Therefore, the methodology to follow and the tool selection to accomplish this can be paramount to get better results. Moreover, software applications don’t just support businesses now; rather, they have become an integral part of a business. Hence, it’s obvious that the product teams deliver a product with speed, reliability, scale, security, quality, and improved collaboration. So companies started following the DevOps model, which is a combination of Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops) teams.
So you are at the beginning of 2020 and probably have committed a new year resolution as a tester to take a leap from Manual Testing To Automation . However, to automate your test scripts you need to get your hands dirty on a programming language and that is where you are stuck! Or you are already proficient in automation testing through a single programming language and are thinking about venturing into new programming languages for automation testing, along with their respective frameworks. You are bound to be confused about picking your next milestone. After all, there are numerous programming languages to choose from.
Both JUnit and TestNG are popular unit testing frameworks that have been widely accepted by Java developers. JUnit was introduced as an open-source unit testing framework for Java way back in 1997. In fact, JUnit is one of the widely used test automation frameworks for test automation. TestNG is another Java-based test automation framework that is not only open-source but also offers awesome features that are best suited for large-scale web automation testing. TestNG was created for a range of testing categories, including (but not limited to) unit testing, functional testing, end-to-end testing, and integration testing.
CI/CD pipelines are here to stay and contribute tremendously to continuous integration and delivery across all global projects. This article will be a guide to configure, set up builds and tests with “GitHub Actions”, primarily using Selenium WebDriver. This article shall also cover some of the most generic GitHub Actions examples, and user flows.
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on JUnit Tutorial.
LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.
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