How to use getValues method of class

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...89 ParameterFormattingUtil parameterFormattingUtil = new ParameterFormattingUtil(configuration);90 List<ObjectFormatter<?>> formatter =91 parameterFormattingUtil.getFormatter(method.getParameterTypes(), getNames(namedArguments),92 method.getParameterAnnotations());93 setArguments(parameterFormattingUtil.toStringList(formatter, getValues(namedArguments)));94 setCaseDescription(testClass, method, namedArguments);95 }96 private void addStepMethod(Method paramMethod, List<NamedArgument> arguments, InvocationMode mode,97 boolean hasNestedSteps) {98 StepModel stepModel = createStepModel(paramMethod, arguments, mode);99 if (parentSteps.empty()) {100 getCurrentScenarioCase().addStep(stepModel);101 } else {102 parentSteps.peek().addNestedStep(stepModel);103 }104 if (hasNestedSteps) {105 parentSteps.push(stepModel);106 discrepancyOnLayer.push(0);107 }108 currentStep = stepModel;109 }110 StepModel createStepModel(Method paramMethod, List<NamedArgument> arguments, InvocationMode mode) {111 StepModel stepModel = new StepModel();112 stepModel.setName(getDescription(paramMethod));113 ExtendedDescription extendedDescriptionAnnotation = paramMethod.getAnnotation(ExtendedDescription.class);114 if (extendedDescriptionAnnotation != null) {115 stepModel.setExtendedDescription(extendedDescriptionAnnotation.value());116 }117 List<NamedArgument> nonHiddenArguments =118 filterHiddenArguments(arguments, paramMethod.getParameterAnnotations());119 ParameterFormattingUtil parameterFormattingUtil = new ParameterFormattingUtil(configuration);120 List<ObjectFormatter<?>> formatters =121 parameterFormattingUtil.getFormatter(paramMethod.getParameterTypes(), getNames(arguments),122 paramMethod.getParameterAnnotations());123 new StepFormatter(stepModel.getName(), nonHiddenArguments, formatters).buildFormattedWords()124 .forEach(sentenceBuilder::addWord);125 stepModel.setWords(sentenceBuilder.getWords());126 sentenceBuilder.clear();127 stepModel.setStatus(mode.toStepStatus());128 return stepModel;129 }130 private List<NamedArgument> filterHiddenArguments(List<NamedArgument> arguments,131 Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations) {132 List<NamedArgument> result = Lists.newArrayList();133 for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnotations.length; i++) {134 if (!AnnotationUtil.isHidden(parameterAnnotations[i])) {135 result.add(arguments.get(i));136 }137 }138 return result;139 }140 @Override141 public void introWordAdded(String value) {142 sentenceBuilder.addIntroWord(value);143 }144 private void addToSentence(String value, boolean joinToPreviousWord, boolean joinToNextWord) {145 if (!sentenceBuilder.hasWords() && currentStep != null && joinToPreviousWord) {146 currentStep.getLastWord().addSuffix(value);147 } else {148 sentenceBuilder.addWord(value, joinToPreviousWord, joinToNextWord);149 }150 }151 private void addStepComment(List<NamedArgument> arguments) {152 if (arguments == null || arguments.size() != 1) {153 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException("A step comment method must have exactly one parameter.");154 }155 if (!(arguments.get(0).getValue() instanceof String)) {156 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException("The step comment method parameter must be a string.");157 }158 if (currentStep == null) {159 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException("A step comment must be added after the corresponding step, "160 + "but no step has been executed yet.");161 }162 stepCommentUpdated((String) arguments.get(0).getValue());163 }164 @Override165 public void stepCommentUpdated(String comment) {166 currentStep.setComment(comment);167 }168 private ScenarioCaseModel getCurrentScenarioCase() {169 if (scenarioCaseModel == null) {170 scenarioStarted("A Scenario");171 }172 return scenarioCaseModel;173 }174 private void incrementDiscrepancy() {175 int discrepancyOnCurrentLayer = discrepancyOnLayer.pop();176 discrepancyOnCurrentLayer++;177 discrepancyOnLayer.push(discrepancyOnCurrentLayer);178 }179 private void decrementDiscrepancy() {180 if (discrepancyOnLayer.peek() > 0) {181 int discrepancyOnCurrentLayer = discrepancyOnLayer.pop();182 discrepancyOnCurrentLayer--;183 discrepancyOnLayer.push(discrepancyOnCurrentLayer);184 }185 }186 @Override187 public void stepMethodInvoked(Method method, List<NamedArgument> arguments, InvocationMode mode,188 boolean hasNestedSteps) {189 if (method.isAnnotationPresent(IntroWord.class)) {190 introWordAdded(getDescription(method));191 incrementDiscrepancy();192 } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(FillerWord.class)) {193 FillerWord fillerWord = method.getAnnotation(FillerWord.class);194 addToSentence(getDescription(method), fillerWord.joinToPreviousWord(), fillerWord.joinToNextWord());195 incrementDiscrepancy();196 } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(StepComment.class)) {197 addStepComment(arguments);198 incrementDiscrepancy();199 } else {200 addTags(method.getAnnotations());201 addTags(method.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotations());202 addStepMethod(method, arguments, mode, hasNestedSteps);203 }204 }205 public void setMethodName(String methodName) {206 scenarioModel.setTestMethodName(methodName);207 }208 public void setArguments(List<String> arguments) {209 scenarioCaseModel.setExplicitArguments(arguments);210 }211 public void setParameterNames(List<String> parameterNames) {212 scenarioModel.setExplicitParameters(removeUnderlines(parameterNames));213 }214 private static List<String> removeUnderlines(List<String> parameterNames) {215 List<String> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(parameterNames.size());216 for (String paramName : parameterNames) {217 result.add(WordUtil.fromSnakeCase(paramName));218 }219 return result;220 }221 private String getDescription(Method paramMethod) {222 if (paramMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Hidden.class)) {223 return "";224 }225 Description description = paramMethod.getAnnotation(Description.class);226 if (description != null) {227 return description.value();228 }229 As as = paramMethod.getAnnotation(As.class);230 AsProvider provider = as != null231 ? ReflectionUtil.newInstance(as.provider())232 : new DefaultAsProvider();233 return, paramMethod);234 }235 public void setStatus(ExecutionStatus status) {236 scenarioCaseModel.setStatus(status);237 }238 private void setException(Throwable throwable) {239 scenarioCaseModel.setErrorMessage(throwable.getClass().getName() + ": " + throwable.getMessage());240 scenarioCaseModel.setStackTrace(getStackTrace(throwable, FILTER_STACK_TRACE));241 }242 private List<String> getStackTrace(Throwable exception, boolean filterStackTrace) {243 StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = exception.getStackTrace();244 ArrayList<String> stackTrace = new ArrayList<>(stackTraceElements.length);245 outer:246 for (StackTraceElement element : stackTraceElements) {247 if (filterStackTrace) {248 for (String filter : STACK_TRACE_FILTER) {249 if (element.getClassName().contains(filter)) {250 continue outer;251 }252 }253 }254 stackTrace.add(element.toString());255 }256 return stackTrace;257 }258 @Override259 public void stepMethodFailed(Throwable t) {260 if (currentStep != null) {261 currentStep.setStatus(StepStatus.FAILED);262 }263 }264 @Override265 public void stepMethodFinished(long durationInNanos, boolean hasNestedSteps) {266 if (hasNestedSteps && !parentSteps.isEmpty()) {267 currentStep = parentSteps.peek();268 }269 if (currentStep != null) {270 if (discrepancyOnLayer.empty() || discrepancyOnLayer.peek() == 0) {271 currentStep.setDurationInNanos(durationInNanos);272 }273 if (hasNestedSteps) {274 if (currentStep.getStatus() != StepStatus.FAILED) {275 currentStep.setStatus(getStatusFromNestedSteps(currentStep.getNestedSteps()));276 }277 parentSteps.pop();278 discrepancyOnLayer.pop();279 }280 }281 if (!hasNestedSteps && !parentSteps.isEmpty()) {282 currentStep = parentSteps.peek();283 }284 decrementDiscrepancy();285 }286 private StepStatus getStatusFromNestedSteps(List<StepModel> nestedSteps) {287 StepStatus status = StepStatus.PASSED;288 for (StepModel nestedModel : nestedSteps) {289 StepStatus nestedStatus = nestedModel.getStatus();290 switch (nestedStatus) {291 case FAILED:292 return StepStatus.FAILED;293 case PENDING:294 status = StepStatus.PENDING;295 break;296 default:297 }298 }299 return status;300 }301 @Override302 public void scenarioFailed(Throwable e) {303 setStatus(ExecutionStatus.FAILED);304 setException(e);305 }306 private void setCaseDescription(Class<?> testClass, Method method, List<NamedArgument> namedArguments) {307 CaseAs annotation = null;308 if (method.isAnnotationPresent(CaseAs.class)) {309 annotation = method.getAnnotation(CaseAs.class);310 } else if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(CaseAs.class)) {311 annotation = testClass.getAnnotation(CaseAs.class);312 }313 if (annotation != null) {314 CaseAsProvider caseDescriptionProvider = ReflectionUtil.newInstance(annotation.provider());315 String value = annotation.value();316 List<?> values;317 if (annotation.formatValues()) {318 values = scenarioCaseModel.getExplicitArguments();319 } else {320 values = getValues(namedArguments);321 }322 String caseDescription =, scenarioModel.getExplicitParameters(), values);323 scenarioCaseModel.setDescription(caseDescription);324 }325 }326 private List<Object> getValues(List<NamedArgument> namedArguments) {327 List<Object> result = Lists.newArrayList();328 for (NamedArgument a : namedArguments) {329 result.add(a.value);330 }331 return result;332 }333 private List<String> getNames(List<NamedArgument> namedArguments) {334 List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList();335 for (NamedArgument a : namedArguments) {336 result.add(;337 }338 return result;339 }340 private void readConfiguration(Class<?> testClass) {...

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...220 scenarioModel.setClassName(testClass.getName());221 scenarioModel.setExplicitParametersWithoutUnderline(ArgumentUtils.getNames(namedArguments));222 scenarioModel.setTestMethodName(method.getName());223 List<ObjectFormatter<?>> formatter = formatterFactory.create(method.getParameters(), namedArguments);224 List<String> arguments = ParameterFormatterUtils.toStringList(formatter, ArgumentUtils.getValues(namedArguments));225 scenarioCaseModel.setExplicitArguments(arguments);226 setCaseDescription(testClass, method, namedArguments);227 }228 private void readConfiguration(Class<?> testClass) {229 configuration = ConfigurationUtil.getConfiguration(testClass);230 initializeDependentOnConfiguration();231 }232 private void readAnnotations(233 Class<?> testClass,234 Method method235 ) {236 String scenarioDescription = descriptionFactory.create(currentScenarioState.getCurrentStage(), method);237 scenarioStarted(scenarioDescription);238 if (method.isAnnotationPresent(ExtendedDescription.class)) {...

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...52 getStringValue(annotation).ifPresent(tag::setValue);53 getStringValueList(annotation).map(Collection::stream)54 .map(stream -> .ifPresent(tag::setValue);56 if (!tag.getValues().isEmpty() && tagConfig.isExplodeArray()) {57 return AnnotationTagUtils.getExplodedTags(tag, tag.getValues().toArray(), annotation, tagConfig);58 }59 tag.setDescription(AnnotationTagUtils.getDescriptionFromGenerator(tagConfig, annotation, tag.getValueString()));60 tag.setHref(AnnotationTagUtils.getHref(tagConfig, annotation, tag.getValueString()));61 return Collections.singletonList(tag);62 }63 private static Optional<String> getStringValue(Annotation annotation) {64 try {65 Method method = annotation.annotationType()66 .getMethod("value");67 if (method.getReturnType() == String.class) {68 return Optional.ofNullable((String) method.invoke(annotation));69 }70 } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) {71 } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalArgumentException e) {...

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1import;2import;3import;4import;5import java.util.List;6public class TagClassExample {7 public static void main(String[] args) {8 ScenarioCaseModel model = new ScenarioCaseModel();9 model.addTag("first", "first");10 model.addTag("second", "second");11 model.addTag("third", "third");12 List<Tag> tags = model.getTags();13 for (Tag tag : tags) {14 System.out.println(tag.getName());15 }16 List<String> values = model.getValues("first");17 for (String value : values) {18 System.out.println(value);19 }20 }21}

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1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4public class Tag {5 private final String name;6 private final List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();7 public Tag( String name ) {8 = name;9 }10 public String getName() {11 return name;12 }13 public List<String> getValues() {14 return values;15 }16}17package;18import java.util.List;19import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Hidden;20import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.WordUtil;21public class Tag {22 private final String name;23 private final List<String> values;24 public Tag( String name ) {25 = name;26 values = null;27 }28 public String getName() {29 return name;30 }31 public List<String> getValues() {32 return values;33 }34 public String getDisplayName() {35 return WordUtil.capitalize( name );36 }37}38package;39import java.util.List;40import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Hidden;41import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.WordUtil;42public class Tag {43 private final String name;44 private final List<String> values;45 public Tag( String name ) {46 = name;47 values = null;48 }49 public String getName() {50 return name;51 }52 public List<String> getValues() {53 return values;54 }55 public String getDisplayName() {56 return WordUtil.capitalize( name );57 }58}59package;60import java.util.List;61import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Hidden;62import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.WordUtil;63public class Tag {64 private final String name;65 private final List<String> values;66 public Tag( String name ) {67 = name;68 values = null;69 }70 public String getName() {

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1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4public class Tag {5 List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();6 public List<String> getValues() {7 return values;8 }9 public void setValues(List<String> values) {10 this.values = values;11 }12 public static void main(String[] args) {13 Tag tag = new Tag();14 List<String> values = tag.getValues();15 System.out.println(values);16 values.add("test");17 System.out.println(values);18 }19}

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1import;2import java.util.List;3public class MyClass {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 Tag tag = new Tag();6 List<String> values = tag.getValues();7 System.out.println(values);8 }9}

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1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import java.util.Map;5import java.util.TreeMap;6public class Tag {7 private String name;8 private Map<String, String> values = new TreeMap<String, String>();9 public Tag() {10 }11 public Tag( String name, Map<String, String> values ) {12 = name;13 this.values = values;14 }15 public String getName() {16 return name;17 }18 public void setName( String name ) {19 = name;20 }21 public Map<String, String> getValues() {22 return values;23 }24 public void setValues( Map<String, String> values ) {25 this.values = values;26 }27 public void addValue( String key, String value ) {28 values.put( key, value );29 }30 public List<String> getValues( String key ) {31 List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();32 for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : values.entrySet() ) {33 if( entry.getKey().startsWith( key ) ) {34 result.add( entry.getValue() );35 }36 }37 return result;38 }39 public String getValue( String key ) {40 for( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : values.entrySet() ) {41 if( entry.getKey().equals( key ) ) {42 return entry.getValue();43 }44 }45 return null;46 }47 public String getValue( String key, String defaultValue ) {48 String value = getValue( key );49 return value != null ? value : defaultValue;50 }51 public int getValueAsInt( String key, int defaultValue ) {52 String value = getValue( key );53 if( value != null ) {54 try {55 return Integer.parseInt( value );56 } catch( NumberFormatException e ) {57 return defaultValue;58 }59 }60 return defaultValue;61 }62 public boolean getValueAsBoolean( String key, boolean defaultValue ) {63 String value = getValue( key );64 if( value != null ) {65 return Boolean.parseBoolean( value );66 }67 return defaultValue;68 }69 public String toString() {70 return name + " " + values;71 }72}

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1package;2import java.util.List;3import java.util.Map;4import;5import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.Strings;6import;7public class Tag {8 public static final String TAG_SEPARATOR = ";";9 private String name;10 private Map<String, String> values;11 public Tag( String name ) {12 = name;13 }14 public Tag( String name, Map<String, String> values ) {15 = name;16 this.values = values;17 }18 public String getName() {19 return name;20 }21 public Map<String, String> getValues() {22 return values;23 }24 public static List<Tag> parse( String tagString ) {25 return Strings.split( tagString, TAG_SEPARATOR ).stream().map( Tag::new ).collect( Collectors.toList() );26 }27 public String toString() {28 return name;29 }30}31package;32import java.util.List;33import java.util.Map;34import;35import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.Strings;36import;37public class Tag {38 public static final String TAG_SEPARATOR = ";";39 private String name;40 private Map<String, String> values;41 public Tag( String name ) {42 = name;43 }44 public Tag( String name, Map<String, String> values ) {45 = name;46 this.values = values;47 }48 public String getName() {49 return name;50 }51 public Map<String, String> getValues() {52 return values;53 }54 public static List<Tag> parse( String tagString ) {55 return Strings.split( tagString, TAG_SEPARATOR ).stream().map( Tag::new ).collect( Collectors.toList() );56 }57 public String toString() {58 return name;59 }60}61package;62import java.util.List;63import java.util.Map;64import;65import com.tng

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1package;2import java.util.Collection;3import java.util.Map;4import java.util.Set;5import java.util.TreeSet;6import;7import;8public class Tag {9 private final String name;10 private final Set<String> values;11 public Tag( String name ) {12 = name;13 this.values = new TreeSet<>();14 }15 public Tag( String name, Collection<String> values ) {16 = name;17 this.values = new TreeSet<>( values );18 }19 public String getName() {20 return name;21 }22 public Set<String> getValues() {23 return values;24 }25 public void addValue( String value ) {26 values.add( value );27 }28 public void addValues( Collection<String> values ) {29 this.values.addAll( values );30 }31 public void addValues( String... values ) {32 this.values.addAll( Stream.of( values ).collect( Collectors.toList() ) );33 }34 public void addValues( Tag tag ) {35 this.values.addAll( tag.getValues() );36 }37 public boolean hasValues() {38 return !values.isEmpty();39 }40 public boolean hasValue( String value ) {41 return values.contains( value );42 }43 public boolean hasValues( Collection<String> values ) {44 return this.values.containsAll( values );45 }46 public boolean hasValues( String... values ) {47 return this.values.containsAll( Stream.of( values ).collect( Collectors.toList() ) );48 }49 public boolean hasValues( Tag tag ) {50 return hasValues( tag.getValues() );51 }52 public boolean hasSameName( Tag tag ) {53 return name.equals( tag.getName() );54 }55 public boolean hasSameNameAndValues( Tag tag ) {56 return hasSameName( tag ) && hasValues( tag );57 }58 public boolean equals( Object o ) {59 if( this == o ) {60 return true;61 }62 if( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) {63 return false;64 }65 Tag tag = (Tag) o;66 return name.equals( ) && values.equals( tag.values );67 }68 public int hashCode() {69 int result = name.hashCode();70 result = 31 * result + values.hashCode();

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1package;2import java.util.List;3import org.junit.Test;4public class TestJGivenGetValuesMethod {5 public void testGetValuesMethod() {6 Tag t = new Tag();7 List<String> values = t.getValues();8 System.out.println("Values: " + values);9 }10}11package;12import java.util.List;13import org.junit.Test;14public class TestJGivenGetValuesMethod {15 public void testGetValuesMethod() {16 ScenarioModel t = new ScenarioModel();17 List<String> values = t.getValues();18 System.out.println("Values: " + values);19 }20}21package;22import java.util.List;23import org.junit.Test;24public class TestJGivenGetValuesMethod {25 public void testGetValuesMethod() {26 ScenarioCaseModel t = new ScenarioCaseModel();27 List<String> values = t.getValues();28 System.out.println("Values: " + values);29 }30}31package;32import java.util.List;33import org.junit.Test;34public class TestJGivenGetValuesMethod {35 public void testGetValuesMethod() {36 StepModel t = new StepModel();37 List<String> values = t.getValues();38 System.out.println("Values: " + values);39 }40}41package;42import java.util.List;43import org.junit.Test;44public class TestJGivenGetValuesMethod {45 public void testGetValuesMethod() {46 StepCaseModel t = new StepCaseModel();47 List<String> values = t.getValues();48 System.out.println("Values:

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1public void getValuesTest() {2 String value = "value";3 Tag tag = new Tag(value);4 assertThat(tag.getValues()).contains(value);5}6public void getValuesTest() {7 String value = "value";8 Tag tag = new Tag(value);9 assertThat(tag.getValues()).contains(value);10}11public void getValuesTest() {12 String value = "value";13 Tag tag = new Tag(value);14 assertThat(tag.getValues()).contains(value);15}16public void getValuesTest() {17 String value = "value";18 Tag tag = new Tag(value);19 assertThat(tag.getValues()).contains(value);20}21public void getValuesTest() {22 String value = "value";23 Tag tag = new Tag(value);24 assertThat(tag.getValues()).contains(value);25}26public void getValuesTest() {27 String value = "value";28 Tag tag = new Tag(value);29 assertThat(tag.getValues()).contains(value);30}31public void getValuesTest() {

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