Best JGiven code snippet using
...57 public String format( Object argumentToFormat, String... formatterArguments ) {58 return formatter.format( argumentToFormat, annotation );59 }60 }61 public static class TableFormatting<F extends TableFormatter> extends Formatting<F, Object> {62 private final Table tableAnnotation;63 private final String parameterName;64 private final Annotation[] annotations;65 public TableFormatting( F formatter, Table tableAnnotation, String parameterName, Annotation... annotations ) {66 super( formatter );67 this.tableAnnotation = tableAnnotation;68 this.parameterName = parameterName;69 this.annotations = annotations;70 }71 @Override72 public String format( Object o ) {73 return null;74 }75 public DataTable formatTable( Object o ) {76 return formatter.format( o, tableAnnotation, parameterName, annotations );77 }78 }79 public static class ChainedFormatting<T> extends Formatting<ObjectFormatter<T>, T> {80 private final List<Formatting<?, String>> formattings = Lists.newArrayList();81 public ChainedFormatting( ObjectFormatter<T> innerFormatting ) {82 super( innerFormatting );83 }84 @Override85 public String format( T o ) {86 String result = getFormatter().format( o );87 for( Formatting<?, String> formatting : formattings ) {88 try {89 result = formatting.format( result );90 } catch( ClassCastException e ) {91 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException( "Could not apply the formatter. " +92 "When using multiple formatters on an argument, all but the last need to apply to strings.", e );93 }94 }95 return result;96 }97 public ChainedFormatting<T> addFormatting( Formatting<?, String> formatting ) {98 formattings.add( formatting );99 return this;100 }101 }102 public StepFormatter( String stepDescription, List<NamedArgument> arguments, List<ObjectFormatter<?>> formatters ) {103 this.stepDescription = stepDescription;104 this.arguments = arguments;105 this.formatters = formatters;106 }107 public List<Word> buildFormattedWords() {108 try {109 return buildFormattedWordsInternal();110 } catch( JGivenWrongUsageException e ) {111 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException( e.getMessage() + ". Step definition: " + stepDescription );112 }113 }114 private List<Word> buildFormattedWordsInternal() {115 List<Word> formattedWords = Lists.newArrayList();116 Set<String> usedArguments = Sets.newHashSet();117 int singlePlaceholderCounter = 0;118 boolean dropNextWhitespace = false;119 StringBuilder currentWords = new StringBuilder();120 for( int i = 0; i < stepDescription.length(); i++ ) {121 boolean dollarMatch = stepDescription.charAt( i ) == '$';122 boolean nextCharExists = ( i + 1 ) < stepDescription.length();123 boolean escapedDollarMatch = nextCharExists && stepDescription.charAt( i + 1 ) == '$';124 String argumentName = nextCharExists ? nextName( stepDescription.substring( i + 1 ) ) : "";125 boolean namedArgumentExists = argumentName.length() > 0;126 boolean namedArgumentMatch = namedArgumentExists && isArgument( argumentName );127 boolean enumArgumentMatch =128 nextCharExists && arguments.size() > nextIndex( stepDescription.substring( i + 1 ), arguments.size() );129 boolean singleDollarCountIndexExists = singlePlaceholderCounter < arguments.size();130 if( dollarMatch ) {131 // e.g $$132 if( escapedDollarMatch ) {133 formattedWords.add( new Word( "$" ) );134 i += 1;135 // e.g $argument136 } else if( namedArgumentMatch ) {137 int argumentIndex = getArgumentIndexByName( argumentName, 0 );138 addArgumentByIndex( argumentIndex, currentWords, formattedWords, usedArguments );139 i += argumentName.length();140 // e.g $1141 } else if( enumArgumentMatch ) {142 int argumentIndex = nextIndex( stepDescription.substring( i + 1 ), arguments.size() );143 addArgumentByIndex( argumentIndex, currentWords, formattedWords, usedArguments );144 i += Integer.toString( argumentIndex ).length();145 // e.g $argumentNotKnown - gets replaced with running counter146 } else if( singleDollarCountIndexExists && namedArgumentExists ) {147 int argumentIndex = singlePlaceholderCounter;148 addArgumentByIndex( argumentIndex, currentWords, formattedWords, usedArguments );149 singlePlaceholderCounter += 1;150 i += argumentName.length();151 // e.g $152 } else if( singleDollarCountIndexExists ) {153 int argumentIndex = singlePlaceholderCounter;154 addArgumentByIndex( argumentIndex, currentWords, formattedWords, usedArguments );155 singlePlaceholderCounter += 1;156 // e.g ($notKnown || $) && counter > argument.size157 } else {158 formattedWords.add( new Word( '$' + argumentName ) );159 i += argumentName.length();160 }161 // unfortunately we need this after every argument so the Joiner can use .join(' ') on the formattedWords162 dropNextWhitespace = true;163 // if no placeholder was detected, check dropNextWhitespace rule and append the next character164 } else {165 if (dropNextWhitespace && stepDescription.charAt( i ) == ' ') {166 dropNextWhitespace = false;167 } else {168 currentWords.append( stepDescription.charAt( i ) );169 }170 }171 }172 flushCurrentWord( currentWords, formattedWords, false );173 formattedWords.addAll( getRemainingArguments( usedArguments ) );174 return formattedWords;175 }176 /**177 * Greedy search for the next String from the start in the {@param description}178 * until a non JavaIdentifierPart or $ is found179 *180 * @param description the searchable {@link String}181 * @return a {@link String} consisting only of JavaIdentifiableParts182 */183 private static String nextName( String description ) {184 StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();185 for( int i = 0; i < description.length(); i++ ) {186 char c = description.charAt( i );187 if( Character.isJavaIdentifierPart( c ) && c != '$' ) {188 result.append( c );189 } else {190 break;191 }192 }193 return result.toString();194 }195 private int getArgumentIndexByName( String argumentName, int defaultIndex ) {196 for( int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++ ) {197 if( arguments.get( i ).name.equals( argumentName ) ) {198 return i;199 }200 }201 return defaultIndex;202 }203 private boolean isArgument( String argumentName ) {204 for( NamedArgument arg : arguments ) {205 if( argumentName ) ) {206 return true;207 }208 }209 return false;210 }211 /**212 * Looks up the argument by index via {@link #argumentIndexToWord(int)}, adds it to formattedWords and usedArguments213 * and flushes the previously accumulated text via {@link #flushCurrentWord(StringBuilder, List, boolean)}.214 *215 * @param index is searchable index216 * @param currentWords this {@link StringBuilder} holds the previously accumulated words217 * @param formattedWords this is the resulting List of Words218 * @param usedArguments this is the set which tracks which arguments were already used219 */220 private void addArgumentByIndex( int index, StringBuilder currentWords, List<Word> formattedWords, Set<String> usedArguments ) {221 flushCurrentWord( currentWords, formattedWords, true );222 Word argument = argumentIndexToWord( index );223 formattedWords.add( argument );224 usedArguments.add( argument.getArgumentInfo().getArgumentName() );225 }226 /**227 * Gets the argument based on the index, uses {@link #toDefaultStringFormat(Object)} and {@link #formatters} to format228 * the value and name of the Word accordingly229 *230 * @param index is the searchable index in {@link #arguments}231 * @return the {@link Word}232 */233 private Word argumentIndexToWord( int index ) {234 Object value = arguments.get( index ).value;235 String defaultFormattedValue = toDefaultStringFormat( value );236 ObjectFormatter<?> formatter = formatters.get( index );237 String formattedValue = formatUsingFormatterOrNull( formatter, value );238 String argumentName = WordUtil.fromSnakeCase( arguments.get( index ).name );239 return Word.argWord( argumentName, defaultFormattedValue, formattedValue );240 }241 /**242 * Appends the accumulated words to the resulting words. Trailing whitespace is removed because of the243 * postprocessing that inserts custom whitespace244 *245 * @param currentWords is the {@link StringBuilder} of the accumulated words246 * @param formattedWords is the list that is being appended to247 */248 private static void flushCurrentWord( StringBuilder currentWords, List<Word> formattedWords, boolean cutWhitespace ) {249 if( currentWords.length() > 0 ) {250 if( cutWhitespace && currentWords.charAt( currentWords.length() - 1 ) == ' ' ) {251 currentWords.setLength( currentWords.length() - 1 );252 }253 formattedWords.add( new Word( currentWords.toString() ) );254 currentWords.setLength( 0 );255 }256 }257 /**258 * Returns the next index of the argument by decrementing 1 from the possibly parsed number259 *260 * @param description this String will be searched from the start for a number261 * @param defaultIndex this will be returned if the match does not succeed262 * @return the parsed index or the defaultIndex263 */264 private static int nextIndex( String description, int defaultIndex ) {265 Pattern startsWithNumber = Pattern.compile( "(\\d+).*" );266 Matcher matcher = startsWithNumber.matcher( description );267 if( matcher.matches() ) {268 return Integer.parseInt( 1 ) ) - 1;269 }270 return defaultIndex;271 }272 private List<Word> getRemainingArguments( Set<String> usedArguments ) {273 List<Word> remainingArguments = Lists.newArrayList();274 for( int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++ ) {275 Object value = arguments.get( i ).value;276 String formattedValue = formatUsingFormatterOrNull( formatters.get( i ), value );277 if( !usedArguments.contains( arguments.get( i ).name ) ) {278 if( formattedValue == null279 && formatters.get( i ) != null280 && ( formatters.get( i ) instanceof TableFormatting ) ) {281 DataTable dataTable = ( (TableFormatting) formatters.get( i ) ).formatTable( value );282 remainingArguments.add( Word.argWord( arguments.get( i ).name, toDefaultStringFormat( value ),283 dataTable ) );284 } else {285 remainingArguments.add( Word.argWord( arguments.get( i ).name, toDefaultStringFormat( value ), formattedValue ) );286 }287 }288 }289 return remainingArguments;290 }291 @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )292 private <T> String formatUsingFormatterOrNull( ObjectFormatter<T> argumentFormatter, Object value ) {293 if( argumentFormatter == null ) {294 return null;295 }...
...90 if( tableAnnotation != null ) {91 ObjectFormatter<?> objectFormatter = foundFormatting.isEmpty()92 ? DefaultFormatter.INSTANCE93 : foundFormatting.get( 0 );94 return getTableFormatting( annotations, parameterName, tableAnnotation, objectFormatter );95 }96 if( foundFormatting.isEmpty() ) {97 return null;98 }99 return foundFormatting.get( 0 );100 }101 private StepFormatter.Formatting<?, ?> getTableFormatting( Annotation[] annotations, String parameterName, Table annotation,102 ObjectFormatter<?> objectFormatter ) {103 Table tableAnnotation = annotation;104 TableFormatterFactory factory = createTableFormatterFactory( parameterName, tableAnnotation );105 TableFormatter tableFormatter = factory.create( configuration, objectFormatter );106 return new StepFormatter.TableFormatting( tableFormatter, tableAnnotation, parameterName, annotations );107 }108 private TableFormatterFactory createTableFormatterFactory( String parameterName, Table tableAnnotation ) {109 Class<? extends TableFormatterFactory> formatterFactoryClass = tableAnnotation.formatter();110 try {111 return ReflectionUtil.newInstance( formatterFactoryClass );112 } catch( Exception e ) {113 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException(114 "Could not create an instance of " + formatterFactoryClass.getName()115 + " which was specified at the @Table annotation for parameter '" + parameterName116 + "'. Most likely this was due to a missing default constructor",117 TableFormatterFactory.class, e );118 }119 }120 public List<String> toStringList( List<ObjectFormatter<?>> formatter, List<?> arguments ) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.junit.Test;5import com.tngtech.jgiven.format.TableFormatter;6public class StepFormatterTest {7 public void testTableFormatting() {8 List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();9 list.add("one");10 list.add("two");11 list.add("three");12 list.add("four");13 list.add("five");14 list.add("six");15 list.add("seven");16 list.add("eight");17 list.add("nine");18 list.add("ten");19 list.add("eleven");20 list.add("twelve");21 list.add("thirteen");22 list.add("fourteen");23 list.add("fifteen");24 list.add("sixteen");25 list.add("seventeen");26 list.add("eighteen");27 list.add("nineteen");28 list.add("twenty");29 list.add("twentyone");30 list.add("twentytwo");31 list.add("twentythree");32 list.add("twentyfour");33 list.add("twentyfive");34 list.add("twentysix");35 list.add("twentyseven");36 list.add("twentyeight");37 list.add("twentynine");38 list.add("thirty");39 list.add("thirtyone");40 list.add("thirtytwo");41 list.add("thirtythree");42 list.add("thirtyfour");43 list.add("thirtyfive");44 list.add("thirtysix");45 list.add("thirtyseven");46 list.add("thirtyeight");47 list.add("thirtynine");48 list.add("forty");49 list.add("fortyone");50 list.add("fortytwo");51 list.add("fortythree");52 list.add("fortyfour");53 list.add("fortyfive");54 list.add("fortysix");55 list.add("fortyseven");56 list.add("fortyeight");57 list.add("fortynine");58 list.add("fifty");59 list.add("fiftyone");60 list.add("fiftytwo");61 list.add("fiftythree");62 list.add("fiftyfour");63 list.add("fiftyfive");64 list.add("fiftysix");65 list.add("fiftyseven");66 list.add("fiftyeight");
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.Arrays;4import java.util.List;5public class TableFormatting {6 public static void main(String args[]) {7 List<String> header = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Name", "Age", "Height"));8 List<List<String>> rows = new ArrayList<List<String>>();9 rows.add(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("John", "25", "5.5")));10 rows.add(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Mary", "30", "5.2")));11 rows.add(new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Peter", "28", "5.7")));12 String table = StepFormatter.tableFormatting(header, rows);13 System.out.println(table);14 }15}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.Arrays;4import java.util.List;5public class TableFormatting {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<>();8 table.add(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"));9 table.add(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));10 table.add(Arrays.asList("x", "y", "z"));11 StepFormatter formatter = new StepFormatter();12 String formattedTable = formatter.formatTable(table);13 System.out.println(formattedTable);14 }15}16List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<>();17table.add(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"));18table.add(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"));19table.add(Arrays.asList("x", "y", "z"));20String formattedTable = formatter.formatTable(table);
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.Arrays;4import java.util.List;5public class TableFormatting {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<>();8 table.add(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"));9 table.add(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f"));10 table.add(Arrays.asList("g", "h", "i"));11 table.add(Arrays.asList("j", "k", "l"));12 table.add(Arrays.asList("m", "n", "o"));13 table.add(Arrays.asList("p", "q", "r"));14 table.add(Arrays.asList("s", "t", "u"));15 table.add(Arrays.asList("v", "w", "x"));16 table.add(Arrays.asList("y", "z", " "));17 System.out.println(StepFormatter.formatTable(table));18 }19}20import;21import java.util.ArrayList;22import java.util.Arrays;23import java.util.List;24public class TableFormatting {25 public static void main(String[] args) {26 List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<>();27 table.add(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"));28 table.add(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f"));29 table.add(Arrays.asList("g", "h", "i"));30 table.add(Arrays.asList("j", "k", "l"));31 table.add(Arrays.asList("m", "n", "o"));32 table.add(Arrays.asList("p", "q", "r"));33 table.add(Arrays.asList("s", "t", "u"));34 table.add(Arrays.asList("v", "w", "x"));35 table.add(Arrays.asList("y", "z", " "));36 System.out.println(StepFormatter.formatTable(table, 1, 1));37 }38}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4public class TableFormattingExample {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 StepFormatter stepFormatter = new StepFormatter();7 List<List<String>> table = new ArrayList<>();8 table.add(new ArrayList<>());9 table.get(0).add("Name");10 table.get(0).add("Age");11 table.add(new ArrayList<>());12 table.get(1).add("John");13 table.get(1).add("30");14 table.add(new ArrayList<>());15 table.get(2).add("Alice");16 table.get(2).add("25");17 table.add(new ArrayList<>());18 table.get(3).add("Bob");19 table.get(3).add("45");20 String formattedTable = stepFormatter.formatTable(table);21 System.out.println(formattedTable);22 }23}
Using AI Code Generation
1import java.util.Arrays;2import java.util.List;3import;4public class 1 {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 List<String> rows = Arrays.asList("row 1", "row 2", "row 3");7 String table = StepFormatter.formatTable(rows);8 System.out.println(table);9 }10}11import java.util.Arrays;12import java.util.List;13import org.junit.platform.commons.util.TableFormatter;14public class 1 {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 List<String> rows = Arrays.asList("row 1", "row 2", "row 3");17 String table = TableFormatter.formatTable(rows);18 System.out.println(table);19 }20}21import java.util.Arrays;22import java.util.List;23import;24public class 1 {
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class TableFormatting {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 String table = "|||a|b|c|d|e|f|g|\\n|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|\\n|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|\\n|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|";5 String formattedTable = StepFormatter.formatTable(table);6 System.out.println(formattedTable);7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class TableFormatting {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 |Dave|19|";5 String formattedTable = StepFormatter.TableFormatting(table);6 System.out.println(formattedTable);7 }8}
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