Best JGiven code snippet using
...49 ScenarioCaseModel scenarioCaseModel = new ScenarioCaseModel();50 scenarioModel.addCase(scenarioCaseModel);51 int i = 0;52 for (String param : scenarioModel.getExplicitParameters()) {53 scenarioCaseModel.addExplicitArguments("arg" + scenarioCaseModel.getCaseNr() + i++);54 }55 scenarioCaseModel56 .addStep(new StepModel("something_happens", Arrays.asList(Word.introWord("given"), new Word("something"))));57 i = 0;58 for (String arg : scenarioCaseModel.getExplicitArguments()) {59 String argumentName = "stepArg" + i++;60 scenarioCaseModel.addStep(new StepModel("something_happens", asList(Word.introWord("when"),61 Word.argWord(argumentName, arg, (String) null))));62 }63 }64 public SELF a_report_model_with_name(String name) {65 a_report_model();66 reportModel.setClassName(name);67 for (ScenarioModel model : reportModel.getScenarios()) {68 model.setClassName(name);69 }70 return self();71 }72 public SELF the_report_has_$_scenarios(int n) {73 reportModel.getScenarios().clear();74 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {75 createScenarioModel("something should happen " + i, "something_should_happen_" + i);76 }77 return self();78 }79 public ReportModel getReportModel() {80 return reportModel;81 }82 public SELF parameters(String... params) {83 return the_scenario_has_parameters(params);84 }85 public SELF the_scenario_has_parameters(String... params) {86 reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().addParameterNames(params);87 return self();88 }89 public SELF the_scenario_has_a_duration_of_$_nano_seconds(long durationInNanos) {90 reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().setDurationInNanos(durationInNanos);91 return self();92 }93 public SELF the_step_$_has_a_duration_of_$_nano_seconds(int step, long durationInNanos) {94 reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().getCase(0).getStep(step).setDurationInNanos(durationInNanos);95 return self();96 }97 public SELF the_scenario_has_$_cases(int ncases) {98 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = reportModel.getLastScenarioModel();99 scenarioModel.clearCases();100 for (int i = 0; i < ncases; i++) {101 scenarioModel.addCase(new ScenarioCaseModel());102 }103 return self();104 }105 public SELF the_scenario_has_$_default_cases(int ncases) {106 reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().clearCases();107 for (int i = 0; i < ncases; i++) {108 addDefaultCase(reportModel.getLastScenarioModel());109 }110 return self();111 }112 public SELF case_$_of_scenario_$_has_failed(int caseNr, int scenarioNr) {113 getCase(scenarioNr, caseNr).setStatus(ExecutionStatus.FAILED);114 return self();115 }116 public SELF case_$_fails_with_error_message(int ncase, String errorMessage) {117 getCase(ncase).setErrorMessage(errorMessage);118 getCase(ncase).setStatus(ExecutionStatus.FAILED);119 return self();120 }121 public SELF case_$_has_arguments(int ncase, String... args) {122 getCase(ncase).setExplicitArguments(Arrays.asList(args));123 return self();124 }125 public SELF case_$_has_description(int ncase, String description) {126 getCase(ncase).setDescription(description);127 return self();128 }129 public SELF all_cases_have_a_step_$_with_argument(String name, String arg) {130 int i = 1;131 for (ScenarioCaseModel caseModel : reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().getScenarioCases()) {132 case_$_has_a_step_$_with_argument(i++, name, arg);133 }134 return self();135 }136 public SELF case_$_has_step_$(int ncase, String name) {137 getCase(ncase).addStep(new StepModel(name, Arrays.asList(Word.introWord("when"), new Word(name))));138 return self();139 }140 public SELF case_$_has_a_step_$_with_argument(int i, String name, String arg) {141 return case_$_has_a_when_step_$_with_argument(i, name, arg);142 }143 private ScenarioCaseModel getCase(int scenarioNr, int caseNr) {144 return reportModel.getScenarios().get(scenarioNr - 1).getCase(caseNr - 1);145 }146 private ScenarioCaseModel getCase(int ncase) {147 return reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().getScenarioCases().get(ncase - 1);148 }149 public SELF step_$_is_named(int i, String name) {150 getCase(1).getStep(i - 1).getWords().get(1).setValue(name);151 return self();152 }153 public SELF step_$_of_case_$_has_status(int stepNr, int caseNr, StepStatus status) {154 getCase(caseNr).getStep(stepNr - 1).setStatus(status);155 return self();156 }157 public SELF step_$_has_status(int stepNr, StepStatus status) {158 return step_$_of_case_$_has_status(stepNr, 1, status);159 }160 public SELF step_$_has_a_duration_of_$_nano_seconds(int i, long durationInNanos) {161 getCase(1).getStep(i - 1).setDurationInNanos(durationInNanos);162 return self();163 }164 public SELF case_$_has_a_when_step_$_with_argument(int ncase, String name, String arg) {165 return case_$_has_a_when_step_$_with_argument_$_and_argument_name_$(ncase, name, arg, "argName");166 }167 public SELF case_$_has_a_when_step_$_with_argument_$_and_argument_name_$(int ncase, @Quoted String name,168 @Quoted String arg,169 @Quoted String argName) {170 lastArgWord = Word.argWord(argName, arg, arg);171 getCase(ncase)172 .addStep(173 new StepModel(name,174 Arrays.asList(Word.introWord("when"), new Word(name), lastArgWord)));175 return self();176 }177 public SELF formatted_value(@Quoted String formattedValue) {178 lastArgWord.getArgumentInfo().setFormattedValue(formattedValue);179 return self();180 }181 public SELF the_first_scenario_has_tag(@Quoted String name) {182 return scenario_$_has_tag_$_with_value_$(1, name, null);183 }184 public SELF scenario_$_has_tag_$_with_value_$(int i, String name, String value) {185 latestTag = new Tag(name, value).setPrependType(true);186 latestTag.setType(name);187 reportModel.getScenarios().get(i - 1).addTag(latestTag);188 reportModel.addTag(latestTag);189 return self();190 }191 public void the_tag_has_prependTpe_set_to(boolean prependType) {192 latestTag.setPrependType(prependType);193 }194 public SELF the_tag_has_style(String style) {195 latestTag.setStyle(style);196 return self();197 }198 @AfterStage199 public void analyzeReport() {200 if (analyze) {201 new CaseArgumentAnalyser().analyze(reportModel);202 }203 }204 public void transpose_set_to(boolean b) {205 }206 public SELF header_type_set_to(Table.HeaderType headerType) {207 latestWord.getArgumentInfo().getDataTable().setHeaderType(headerType);208 return self();209 }210 public SELF step_$_of_scenario_$_has_an_attachment_with_content(int stepNr, int scenarioNr, String content) {211 StepModel step = getStep(stepNr, scenarioNr);212 step.addAttachment(Attachment.fromText(content, MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8));213 return self();214 }215 public SELF step_$_of_case_$_has_an_attachment_with_content_and_media_type(int stepNr, int caseNr, String content) {216 return step_$_of_case_$_has_an_attachment_with_content_and_media_type(stepNr, caseNr, content,217 MediaType.PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8);218 }219 public SELF step_$_of_case_$_has_an_attachment_with_content_and_media_type(int stepNr, int caseNr, String content,220 MediaType mediaType) {221 StepModel step = getStep(stepNr, 1, caseNr);222 step.addAttachment(Attachment.fromText(content, mediaType));223 return self();224 }225 public SELF step_$_of_scenario_$_has_another_attachment_with_content(int stepNr, int scenarioNr, String content) {226 return step_$_of_scenario_$_has_an_attachment_with_content(stepNr, scenarioNr, content);227 }228 private StepModel getStep(int stepNr, int scenarioNr) {229 return getStep(stepNr, scenarioNr, 1);230 }231 private StepModel getStep(int stepNr, int scenarioNr, int caseNr) {232 return reportModel.getScenarios().get(scenarioNr - 1).getScenarioCases().get(caseNr - 1).getStep(stepNr - 1);233 }234 public SELF a_step_has_a_data_table_with_following_values(@Table List<List<String>> dataTable) {235 return step_$_of_scenario_$_has_a_data_table_as_parameter(dataTable);236 }237 public SELF step_$_of_scenario_$_has_a_data_table_as_parameter(@Table List<List<String>> dataTable) {238 StepModel step = getStep(1, 1);239 Word word = Word.argWord("a", "b", new DataTable(Table.HeaderType.HORIZONTAL, dataTable));240 step.addWords(word);241 latestWord = word;242 return self();243 }244 public SELF case_$_has_no_steps(int caseNr) {245 reportModel.getLastScenarioModel().getCase(caseNr - 1).setSteps(Collections.<StepModel>emptyList());246 return self();247 }248 public SELF scenario_$_has_no_steps(int i) {249 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = reportModel.getLastScenarioModel();250 for (ScenarioCaseModel caseModel : scenarioModel.getScenarioCases()) {251 caseModel.setSteps(Collections.<StepModel>emptyList());252 }253 return self();254 }255 public SELF step_$_of_case_$_has_a_formatted_value_$_as_parameter(int stepNr, int caseNr, String formattedValue) {256 StepModel step = getStep(stepNr, 1, caseNr);257 Word word = Word.argWord("a", "dummy value", formattedValue);258 step.addWords(word);259 latestWord = word;...
...61 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = getScenario().getScenarioModel();62 if( scenarioModel.getScenarioCases().size() == 3 ) {63 CaseArgumentAnalyser analyser = new CaseArgumentAnalyser();64 analyser.analyze( scenarioModel );65 Word word = scenarioModel.getCase( 0 ).getStep( 0 ).getWord( 2 );66 assertThat( word.isArg() ).isTrue();67 assertThat( word.getArgumentInfo().isParameter() ).isFalse();68 assertParameter( scenarioModel.getCase( 0 ), 1, scenarioModel.getExplicitParameters().get( 1 ) );69 assertParameter( scenarioModel.getCase( 0 ), 2, scenarioModel.getExplicitParameters().get( 2 ) );70 }71 }72 private void assertParameter( ScenarioCaseModel case0, int step, String parameter ) {73 Word word = case0.getStep( step ).getWords().get( 2 );74 assertThat( word.getArgumentInfo().getParameterName() ).isEqualTo( parameter );75 }76 @Test77 @DataProvider( { "1", "2", "3" } )78 public void derived_parameters_work( Integer arg ) {79 given().some_integer_value( arg )80 .and().another_integer_value( arg * 10 );81 when().multiply_with_two();82 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = getScenario().getScenarioModel();83 if( scenarioModel.getScenarioCases().size() == 3 ) {84 CaseArgumentAnalyser analyser = new CaseArgumentAnalyser();85 analyser.analyze( scenarioModel );86 ScenarioCaseModel case0 = scenarioModel.getCase( 0 );87 assertParameter( case0, 0, scenarioModel.getExplicitParameters().get( 0 ) );88 assertParameter( case0, 1, "secondArg" );89 }90 }91 @Test92 @DataProvider( { "1", "2" } )93 public void arguments_with_the_same_name_but_different_values_are_handled_correctly( Integer arg ) throws Throwable {94 given().some_integer_value( arg + 1 )95 .and().some_integer_value( arg + 2 );96 getScenario().finished();97 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = getScenario().getModel().getLastScenarioModel();98 if( scenarioModel.getScenarioCases().size() == 2 ) {99 CaseArgumentAnalyser analyser = new CaseArgumentAnalyser();100 analyser.analyze( scenarioModel );101 ScenarioCaseModel case0 = scenarioModel.getCase( 0 );102 assertParameter( case0, 0, "someIntValue" );103 assertParameter( case0, 1, "someIntValue2" );104 }105 }106 @Test107 @DataProvider( { "1", "2" } )108 public void differences_in_nested_steps_should_be_detected( Integer methodParameter ) throws Throwable {109 given().a_nested_step( methodParameter + 1 );110 getScenario().finished();111 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = getScenario().getModel().getLastScenarioModel();112 if( scenarioModel.getScenarioCases().size() == 2 ) {113 CaseArgumentAnalyser analyser = new CaseArgumentAnalyser();114 analyser.analyze( scenarioModel );115 ScenarioCaseModel case0 = scenarioModel.getCase( 0 );116 assertParameter( case0, 0, "nestedStepArg" );117 Word word = case0.getStep( 0 ).getNestedSteps().get( 0 ).getWords().get( 1 );118 assertThat( word.getArgumentInfo().getParameterName() ).isEqualTo( "someIntValue" );119 }120 }121 @Test122 @DataProvider( { "1", "2" } )123 public void table_parameters_work_with_primitive_arrays( Integer arg ) {124 given().a_step_with_a_table_parameter_and_primitive_array( 1, 2, 3 );125 }126 @Test127 @DataProvider( { "true", "false" } )128 public void parameters_of_methods_can_be_formatted( @Format( value = BooleanFormatter.class, args = { "foo", "bar" } ) boolean b )129 throws Throwable {...
...26 assertThat( model.getDescription() ).isEqualTo( "given steps are reported" );27 assertThat( model.getExplicitParameters() ).isEmpty();28 assertThat( model.getTagIds() ).isEmpty();29 assertThat( model.getScenarioCases() ).hasSize( 1 );30 ScenarioCaseModel scenarioCase = model.getCase( 0 );31 assertThat( scenarioCase.getExplicitArguments() ).isEmpty();32 assertThat( scenarioCase.getCaseNr() ).isEqualTo( 1 );33 assertThat( scenarioCase.getSteps() ).hasSize( 1 );34 StepModel step = scenarioCase.getSteps().get( 0 );35 assertThat( step.getName() ).isEqualTo( "some test step" );36 assertThat( step.getWords() ).isEqualTo( Arrays.asList( Word.introWord( "Given" ), new Word( "some test step" ) ) );37 assertThat( step.isPending() ).isFalse();38 }39 @Test40 public void steps_annotated_with_Pending_are_recognized() throws Throwable {41 given().some_pending_step();42 getScenario().finished();43 ScenarioModel model = getScenario().getScenarioModel();44 StepModel stepModel = model.getCase( 0 ).getSteps().get( 0 );45 assertThat( stepModel.isPending() ).isTrue();46 assertThat( model.getExecutionStatus() ).isEqualTo( ExecutionStatus.SCENARIO_PENDING );47 }48 @Test49 public void if_some_steps_are_pending_then_scenario_status_is_partially() throws Throwable {50 given().some_test_step();51 given().some_pending_step();52 getScenario().finished();53 ScenarioModel model = getScenario().getScenarioModel();54 assertThat( model.getExecutionStatus() ).isEqualTo( ExecutionStatus.SOME_STEPS_PENDING );55 }56 @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )57 @IsTag( explodeArray = false )58 public @interface TestTag {59 String[] value();60 }61 @Test62 @TestTag( { "foo", "bar", "baz" } )63 public void annotations_are_translated_to_tags() throws Throwable {64 given().some_test_step();65 getScenario().finished();66 ReportModel reportModel = getScenario().getModel();67 ScenarioModel model = reportModel.getLastScenarioModel();68 assertThat( model.getTagIds() ).hasSize( 1 );69 String tagId = model.getTagIds().get( 0 );70 assertThat( tagId ).isEqualTo( this.getClass().getName() + "$TestTag-foo, bar, baz" );71 Tag tag = reportModel.getTagWithId( tagId );72 assertThat( tag ).isNotNull();73 assertThat( tag.getName() ).isEqualTo( "TestTag" );74 assertThat( tag.getValues() ).containsExactly( "foo", "bar", "baz" );75 }76 @DataProvider77 public static Object[][] testValues() {78 return new Object[][] { { 1 }, { 2 } };79 }80 @Test81 @TestTag( { "foo", "bar", "baz" } )82 @UseDataProvider( "testValues" )83 public void annotations_are_translated_to_tags_only_once( int n ) throws Throwable {84 given().some_test_step();85 getScenario().finished();86 ReportModel reportModel = getScenario().getModel();87 ScenarioModel model = getScenario().getScenarioModel();88 assertThat( model.getTagIds() ).hasSize( 1 );89 String tagId = model.getTagIds().get( 0 );90 Tag tag = reportModel.getTagWithId( tagId );91 assertThat( tag ).isNotNull();92 assertThat( tag.getName() ).isEqualTo( "TestTag" );93 assertThat( tag.getValues() ).containsExactly( "foo", "bar", "baz" );94 }95 @Test96 public void hidden_steps_do_not_appear_in_the_report() throws Throwable {97 given().aHiddenStep();98 getScenario().finished();99 ScenarioModel model = getScenario().getScenarioModel();100 assertThat( model.getCase( 0 ).getSteps() ).isEmpty();101 }102 @Test103 public void hidden_arguments_do_not_appear_in_the_report() throws Throwable {104 given().a_step_with_a_hidden_argument( "test arg" );105 getScenario().finished();106 ScenarioModel model = getScenario().getScenarioModel();107 assertThat( model.getCase( 0 ).getStep( 0 ).getWords() ).hasSize( 2 );108 }109 public static class TestSteps extends Stage<TestSteps> {110 public void some_test_step() {111 }112 @Pending113 public TestSteps some_pending_step() {return self();}114 @Hidden115 public void aHiddenStep() {}116 public void a_step_with_a_hidden_argument( @Hidden String arg ) {117 }118 }119}...
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder;3import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case;4import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType;5import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$;6import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$1;7import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$1$;8import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$2;9import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$2$;10import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$3;11import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$3$;12import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$4;13import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$4$;14import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$5;15import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$5$;16import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$6;17import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$6$;18import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$7;19import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$7$;20import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$8;21import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$CaseType$$anonfun$apply$8$;22import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioModelBuilder$Case$
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3public class getCase {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 ScenarioModel model = new ScenarioModel();6 model.getCase();7 }8}9 at at getCase.main(
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2public class ScenarioModel {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = new ScenarioModel();5 System.out.println(scenarioModel.getCase());6 }7 public String getCase() {8 return "test";9 }10}11Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;12at
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class ScenarioModelDemo {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = new ScenarioModel();5 String caseName = scenarioModel.getCase();6 System.out.println(caseName);7 }8}9Java Program to get the number of cases in the given scenario using getCaseCount() method10Java Program to get the case number in the given scenario using getCaseNumber() method11Java Program to get the case name in the given scenario using getCaseName() method12Java Program to get the case description in the given scenario using getCaseDescription() method13Java Program to get the case status in the given scenario using getCaseStatus() method14Java Program to get the case duration in the given scenario using getCaseDuration() method15Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method16Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method17Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method18Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method19Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method20Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method21Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method22Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method23Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method24Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method25Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method26Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method27Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method28Java Program to get the case end time in the given scenario using getCaseEndTime() method29Java Program to get the case start time in the given scenario using getCaseStartTime() method
Using AI Code Generation
1public class GetCaseMethod {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 ScenarioModel model = new ScenarioModel();4 model.getCase();5 }6}7public class GetCaseMethod {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 ScenarioModel.Case caseModel = new ScenarioModel.Case();10 caseModel.getCase();11 }12}13public class GetCaseMethod {14 public static void main(String[] args) {15 ScenarioModel.CaseModel caseModel = new ScenarioModel.CaseModel();16 caseModel.getCase();17 }18}19public class GetCaseMethod {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 ScenarioModel.CaseModel.Case caseModel = new ScenarioModel.CaseModel.Case();22 caseModel.getCase();23 }24}25public class GetCaseMethod {26 public static void main(String[] args) {27 ScenarioModel.CaseModel.Case.Case caseModel = new ScenarioModel.CaseModel.Case.Case();28 caseModel.getCase();29 }30}31public class GetCaseMethod {32 public static void main(String[] args) {33 ScenarioModel.CaseModel.Case.Case.Case caseModel = new ScenarioModel.CaseModel.Case.Case.Case();34 caseModel.getCase();35 }36}37public class GetCaseMethod {38 public static void main(String[] args) {
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