Best Testsigma code snippet using com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll
...34 private final TestPlanResultMapper testPlanResultMapper;35 @GetMapping36 public Page<APITestPlanResultDTO> index(TestPlanResultSpecificationsBuilder builder, @PageableDefault(size = 50) Pageable pageable) {37 Specification<TestPlanResult> spec =;38 Page<TestPlanResult> testPlanResults = testPlanResultService.findAll(spec, pageable);39 List<APITestPlanResultDTO> testPlanResultDTOS =40 testPlanResultMapper.mapApi(testPlanResults.getContent());41 return new PageImpl<>(testPlanResultDTOS, pageable, testPlanResults.getTotalElements());42 }43 @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)44 public APITestPlanResultDTO create(@RequestBody TestPlanResultRequest testPlanResultRequest) throws Exception {45 TestPlan testPlan = this.testPlanService.find(testPlanResultRequest.getTestPlanId());46 AgentExecutionService agentExecutionService = agentExecutionServiceObjectFactory.getObject();47 agentExecutionService.setTestPlan(testPlan);48 JSONObject runTimeData = new JSONObject();49 runTimeData.put("build_number", testPlanResultRequest.getBuildNo());50 if (testPlanResultRequest.getRuntimeData() != null) {51 JSONObject runtimeDataObject = new JSONObject(testPlanResultRequest.getRuntimeData());52 runTimeData.put("runtime_data", runtimeDataObject);...
Using AI Code Generation
1import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService2import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll3def testPlanResultService = new TestPlanResultService()4def allTestPlanResults = testPlanResultService.findAll()5import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService6import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll7def testPlanResultService = new TestPlanResultService()8def allTestPlanResults = testPlanResultService.findAll(testPlanIds)9import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService10import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll11def testPlanResultService = new TestPlanResultService()12def allTestPlanResults = testPlanResultService.findAll(testPlanIds, testPlanResultIds)13import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService14import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll15def testPlanResultService = new TestPlanResultService()16def allTestPlanResults = testPlanResultService.findAll(testPlanIds, testPlanResultIds, testPlanResultStatuses)17import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService18import com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll19def testPlanResultService = new TestPlanResultService()
Using AI Code Generation
1[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ testsigma-java-sdk ---2[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ testsigma-java-sdk ---3[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ testsigma-java-sdk ---4[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ testsigma-java-sdk ---5[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ testsigma-java-sdk ---6[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.1.2:jar (default-jar) @ testsigma-java-sdk ---
Using AI Code Generation
1testPlanResultList = com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll()2print testPlanResultList.size()3print testPlanResultList.get(0)4print testPlanResultList.get(testPlanResultList.size() - 1)5print testPlanResultList.subList(0, 3)6print testPlanResultList.subList(testPlanResultList.size() - 3, testPlanResultList.size())7testPlanResultList = com.testsigma.service.TestPlanResultService.findAll()8print testPlanResultList.size()9print testPlanResultList.get(0)10print testPlanResultList.get(testPlanResultList.size() - 1)11print testPlanResultList.subList(0, 3)12print testPlanResultList.subList(testPlanResultList.size() - 3, testPlanResultList.size())
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