Best Carina code snippet using
...381 *382 * @param text of element to check.383 * @return element with text existence status.384 */385 public boolean isElementWithTextPresent(final String text) {386 return isElementWithTextPresent(text, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);387 }388 public boolean isElementWithTextPresent(final String text, long timeout) {389 boolean result;390 final String decryptedText = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(text, CRYPTO_PATTERN);391 wait = new WebDriverWait(getDriver(), timeout, RETRY_TIME);392 try {393 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> {394 try {395 element = findElement(timeout);396 return element.isDisplayed() && element.getText().contains(decryptedText);397 } catch (Exception e) {398 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());399 return false;400 }401 });402 result = true;403 summary.log(, text));404 } catch (Exception e) {405 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());406 result = false;407 summary.log(Messager.ELEMENT_WITH_TEXT_NOT_PRESENT.error(getNameWithLocator(), text));408 }409 return result;410 }411 public boolean clickIfPresent() {412 return clickIfPresent(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);413 }414 public boolean clickIfPresent(long timeout) {415 boolean result;416 WebDriver drv = getDriver();417 setImplicitTimeout(1);418 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, timeout, RETRY_TIME);419 try {420 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> findElement(timeout).isDisplayed());421 captureElements();422;423 String msg =;424 summary.log(msg);425 result = true;426 } catch (Exception e) {427 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());428 result = false;429 }430 setImplicitTimeout();431 return result;432 }433 /**434 * Types text to specified element.435 *436 * @param text to type.437 */438 public void type(String text) {439 captureElements();440 String msg;441 final String decryptedText = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(text, CRYPTO_PATTERN);442 WebDriver drv = getDriver();443 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIME);444 try {445 element = findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);446 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> element.isDisplayed());447 scrollTo();448 element.clear();449 element.sendKeys(decryptedText);450 msg =, getName());451 summary.log(msg);452 } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {453 element = findStaleElement();454 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());455 element.clear();456 element.sendKeys(decryptedText);457 msg =, getName());458 summary.log(msg);459 } catch (Exception e) {460 msg = Messager.KEYS_NOT_SEND_TO_ELEMENT.error(text, getNameWithLocator());461 summary.log(msg);462 throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);463 }464 Screenshot.capture(drv, msg);465 }466 /**467 * Set implicit timeout to default IMPLICIT_TIMEOUT value.468 */469 public void setImplicitTimeout() {470 setImplicitTimeout(IMPLICIT_TIMEOUT);471 }472 /**473 * Set implicit timeout.474 *475 * @param timeout in seconds. Minimal value - 1 second476 */477 public void setImplicitTimeout(long timeout) {478 if (timeout < 1) {479 timeout = 1;480 }481 try {482 getDriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);483 } catch (Exception e) {484 LOGGER.error("Unable to set implicit timeout to " + timeout, e);485 getDriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);486 }487 }488 /**489 * Safe click on element, used to reduce any problems with that action.490 *491 * @param startTimer Start time492 */493 private void clickSafe(long timeout, boolean startTimer) {494 boolean clicked = false;495 Exception reason = null;496 if (startTimer) {497 timer = System.currentTimeMillis();498 }499 try {500 findElement(timeout).click();501 clicked = true;502 } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) {503 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());504 getDriver().switchTo().alert().accept();505 } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {506 element = findStaleElement();507 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());508 } catch (Exception e) {509 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());510 scrollTo();511 reason = e;512 }513 if (!clicked) {514 pause((double) RETRY_TIME / 1000);515 //repeat again until timeout achieved516 if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer < timeout * 1000) {517 clickSafe(timeout, false);518 } else {519 String msg = Messager.ELEMENT_NOT_CLICKED.error(getNameWithLocator());520 summary.log(msg);521 throw new RuntimeException(msg, reason);522 }523 }524 }525 public void scrollTo() {526 if (Configuration.get(Parameter.DRIVER_TYPE).toLowerCase().contains(SpecialKeywords.MOBILE)) {527 LOGGER.debug("scrollTo javascript is unsupported for mobile devices!");528 return;529 }530 try {531 Locatable locatableElement = (Locatable) findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);532 //[VD] onScreen should be updated onto onPage as only 2nd one returns real coordinates without scrolling... read below material for details533 // //[CB] onPage -> inViewPort535 // int y = locatableElement.getCoordinates().inViewPort().getY();537 int offset = R.CONFIG.getInt("scroll_to_element_y_offset");538 ((JavascriptExecutor) getDriver()).executeScript("window.scrollBy(0," + (y - offset) + ");");539 } catch (Exception e) {540 // TODO: calm error logging as it is too noisy541 //LOGGER.debug("Scroll to element: " + getName() + " not performed!" + e.getMessage());542 }543 }544 /**545 * Inputs file path to specified element.546 *547 * @param filePath path548 */549 public void attachFile(String filePath) {550 String msg;551 final String decryptedFilePath = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(filePath, CRYPTO_PATTERN);552 WebDriver drv = getDriver();553 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIME);554 try {555 element = findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);556 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> element.isDisplayed());557 element.sendKeys(decryptedFilePath);558 msg =;559 summary.log(msg);560 } catch (Exception e) {561 msg = Messager.FILE_NOT_ATTACHED.error(filePath);562 summary.log(msg);563 throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);564 }565 Screenshot.capture(drv, msg);566 }567 /**568 * Check checkbox569 * <p>570 * for checkbox Element571 */572 public void check() {573 if (isElementPresent() && !findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT).isSelected()) {574 click();575 String msg =;576 summary.log(msg);577 Screenshot.capture(getDriver(), msg);578 }579 }580 /**581 * Uncheck checkbox582 * <p>583 * for checkbox Element584 */585 public void uncheck() {586 if (isElementPresent() && findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT).isSelected()) {587 click();588 String msg =;589 summary.log(msg);590 Screenshot.capture(getDriver(), msg);591 }592 }593 /**594 * Get checkbox state.595 *596 * @return - current state597 */598 public boolean isChecked() {599 assertElementPresent();600 element = findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);601 boolean res = element.isSelected();602 if (element.getAttribute("checked") != null) {603 res |= element.getAttribute("checked").equalsIgnoreCase("true");604 }605 return res;606 }607 /**608 * Get selected elements from one-value select.609 *610 * @return selected value611 */612 public String getSelectedValue() {613 assertElementPresent();614 return new Select(findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT)).getAllSelectedOptions().get(0).getText();615 }616 /**617 * Get selected elements from multi-value select.618 *619 * @return selected values620 */621 public List<String> getSelectedValues() {622 assertElementPresent();623 Select s = new Select(findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));624 List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();625 for (WebElement we : s.getAllSelectedOptions()) {626 values.add(we.getText());627 }628 return values;629 }630 private WebDriver getDriver() {631 return driver;632 }633 /**634 * Selects text in specified select element.635 *636 * @param selectText select text637 * @return true if item selected, otherwise false.638 */639 public boolean select(final String selectText) {640 boolean isSelected = false;641 final String decryptedSelectText = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(selectText, CRYPTO_PATTERN);642 WebDriver drv = getDriver();643 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIME);644 645 final Select s = new Select(findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));646 String msg = null;647 try {648 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> {649 try {650 s.selectByVisibleText(decryptedSelectText);651 return true;652 } catch (Exception e) {653 //do nothing654 }655 return false;656 });657 isSelected = true;658 msg =, getName());659 } catch (Exception e) {660 msg = Messager.SELECT_BY_TEXT_NOT_PERFORMED.error(selectText, getNameWithLocator());661 e.printStackTrace();662 }663 summary.log(msg);664 Screenshot.capture(drv, msg);665 return isSelected;666 }667 /**668 * Select multiple text values in specified select element.669 *670 * @param values final String[]671 * @return boolean.672 */673 public boolean select(final String[] values) {674 boolean result = true;675 for (String value : values) {676 if (!select(value)) {677 result = false;678 }679 }680 return result;681 }682 /**683 * Selects value according to text value matcher.684 *685 * @param matcher {@link} BaseMatcher686 * @return true if item selected, otherwise false.687 * <p>688 * Usage example:689 * BaseMatcher<String> match=new BaseMatcher<String>() {690 * {@literal @}Override691 * public boolean matches(Object actual) {692 * return actual.toString().contains(RequiredText);693 * }694 * {@literal @}Override695 * public void describeTo(Description description) {696 * }697 * };698 */699 public boolean selectByMatcher(final BaseMatcher<String> matcher) {700 boolean isSelected = false;701 WebDriver drv = getDriver();702 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIME);703 704 final Select s = new Select(findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));705 String msg = null;706 707 try {708 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> {709 try {710 String fullTextValue = null;711 for (WebElement option : s.getOptions()) {712 if (matcher.matches(option.getText())) {713 fullTextValue = option.getText();714 break;715 }716 }717 s.selectByVisibleText(fullTextValue);718 return true;719 } catch (Exception e) {720 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());721 }722 return false;723 });724 isSelected = true;725 msg =, getName());726 } catch (Exception e) {727 msg = Messager.SELECT_BY_MATCHER_TEXT_NOT_PERFORMED.error(matcher.toString(), getNameWithLocator());728 e.printStackTrace();729 }730 summary.log(msg);731 Screenshot.capture(drv, msg);732 return isSelected;733 }734 /**735 * Selects first value according to partial text value.736 *737 * @param partialSelectText select by partial text738 * @return true if item selected, otherwise false.739 */740 public boolean selectByPartialText(final String partialSelectText) {741 boolean isSelected = false;742 WebDriver drv = getDriver();743 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIME);744 745 final Select s = new Select(findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));746 String msg = null;747 try {748 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> {749 try {750 String fullTextValue = null;751 for (WebElement option : s.getOptions()) {752 if (option.getText().contains(partialSelectText)) {753 fullTextValue = option.getText();754 break;755 }756 }757 s.selectByVisibleText(fullTextValue);758 return true;759 } catch (Exception e) {760 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());761 }762 return false;763 });764 isSelected = true;765 msg =, getName());766 } catch (Exception e) {767 msg = Messager.SELECT_BY_TEXT_NOT_PERFORMED.error(partialSelectText, getNameWithLocator());768 e.printStackTrace();769 }770 summary.log(msg);771 Screenshot.capture(drv, msg);772 return isSelected;773 }774 /**775 * Selects item by index in specified select element.776 *777 * @param index to select by778 * @return true if item selected, otherwise false.779 */780 public boolean select(final int index) {781 boolean isSelected = false;782 WebDriver drv = getDriver();783 wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, RETRY_TIME);784 785 final Select s = new Select(findElement(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));786 String msg = null;787 try {788 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> {789 try {790 s.selectByIndex(index);791 return true;792 } catch (Exception e) {793 LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());794 }795 return false;796 });797 isSelected = true;798 msg =, getName());799 } catch (Exception e) {800 msg = Messager.SELECT_BY_INDEX_NOT_PERFORMED.error(String.valueOf(index), getNameWithLocator());801 e.printStackTrace();802 }803 summary.log(msg);804 Screenshot.capture(drv, msg);805 return isSelected;806 }807 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------808 // Base UI validations809 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------810 public void assertElementPresent() {811 assertElementPresent(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);812 }813 public void assertElementPresent(long timeout) {814 if (isElementPresent(timeout)) {815 Screenshot.capture(getDriver(), Messager.ELEMENT_PRESENT.getMessage(getName()));816 } else {817;818 }819 }820 public void assertElementWithTextPresent(final String text) {821 assertElementWithTextPresent(text, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);822 }823 public void assertElementWithTextPresent(final String text, long timeout) {824 if (isElementWithTextPresent(text, timeout)) {825 Screenshot.capture(getDriver(), Messager.ELEMENT_WITH_TEXT_PRESENT.getMessage(getName(), text));826 } else {827, text));828 }829 }830 /**831 * Find Extended Web Element on page using By starting search from this object.832 *833 * @param by Selenium By locator834 * @return ExtendedWebElement if exists otherwise null.835 */836 public ExtendedWebElement findExtendedWebElement(By by) {837 return findExtendedWebElement(by, by.toString(), EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);838 }...
...330 * @param text331 * of element to check.332 * @return element with text existence status.333 */334 public boolean isElementWithTextPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, final String text) {335 return isElementWithTextPresent(extWebElement, text, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);336 }337 /**338 * Check that element with text present.339 * 340 * @param extWebElement to check if element with text is present341 * @param text342 * of element to check.343 * @param timeout Long344 * @return element with text existence status.345 */346 public boolean isElementWithTextPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, final String text, long timeout) {347 return extWebElement.isElementWithTextPresent(text, timeout);348 }349 /**350 * Check that element not present on page.351 * 352 * @param extWebElement to check if element is not present353 * 354 * @return element non-existence status.355 */356 public boolean isElementNotPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement) {357 return isElementNotPresent(extWebElement, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);358 }359 /**360 * Check that element not present on page.361 * ...
...133 public String successfullogin() 134 {135 txtdashboard.isPresent(timeout);136 String vActualRes=txtdashboard.getText();137 txtdashboard.isElementWithTextPresent(vActualRes);138 return vActualRes; 139 }140 141 public String unSuccessfulLogin() 142 {143 try {144 Thread.sleep(3000);145 } catch (InterruptedException e) {146 // TODO Auto-generated catch block147 e.printStackTrace();148 }149 btnsignIn.isPresent(timeout);150 String vActualRes=btnsignIn.getText();151 System.out.println(vActualRes);152 btnsignIn.isElementWithTextPresent(vActualRes);153 return vActualRes; 154 }155 public void searchLead(String sLeadID) 156 {157;158 159 editSearchLID.type(sLeadID);160 161 ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("mobile: performEditorAction", ImmutableMap.of("action", "Search"));162 163 txtLeadID.isPresent(timeout);164 165 }166 ...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;3import;4import;5import org.testng.Assert;6import org.testng.annotations.Test;7import;8import;9import;10import;11public class Test1 extends DriverListener {12 private ExtendedWebElement welcomeText;13 public void test1() {14 WebDriver driver = getDriver();15 PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);16 Assert.assertTrue(welcomeText.isElementWithTextPresent("Welcome", 10, OpeningStrategy.CLICK, "click"));17 }18}19import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;20import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;21import;22import;23import org.testng.Assert;24import org.testng.annotations.Test;25import;26import;27import;28import;29public class Test2 extends DriverListener {30 private ExtendedWebElement welcomeText;31 public void test1() {32 WebDriver driver = getDriver();33 PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);34 Assert.assertTrue(welcomeText.isElementWithTextPresent("Welcome"));
Using AI Code Generation
1import java.util.List;2import org.openqa.selenium.By;3import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;4import;5import org.testng.Assert;6import org.testng.annotations.Test;7import;8import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.HomePage;9import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPage;10import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase;11import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem;12import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle;13import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText;14import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink;15import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon;16import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage;17import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage.ArticleTitleImageText;18import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage.ArticleTitleImageText.ArticleTitleImageTextLink;19import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage.ArticleTitleImageText.ArticleTitleImageTextLink.ArticleTitleImageTextLinkText;20import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage.ArticleTitleImageText.ArticleTitleImageTextLink.ArticleTitleImageTextLinkText.ArticleTitleImageTextLinkTextIcon;21import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage.ArticleTitleImageText.ArticleTitleImageTextLink.ArticleTitleImageTextLinkText.ArticleTitleImageTextLinkTextIcon.ArticleTitleImageTextLinkTextIconText;22import com.qaprosoft.carina.demo.gui.pages.NewsPageBase.ArticleItem.ArticleTitle.ArticleTitleText.ArticleTitleLink.ArticleTitleIcon.ArticleTitleImage.ArticleTitleImageText.ArticleTitleImageTextLink.ArticleTitle
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;3import;4import;5import org.testng.Assert;6import org.testng.annotations.Test;7import;8import;9import com.qaprosoft.carina.core.gui.AbstractPage;
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