Best Carina code snippet using
...30import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;31import;32import;33import;34import;35import;36/**37 * Created by Patotsky on 16.12.2014.38 */39public class DataProviderFactory {40 private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());41 private DataProviderFactory() {42 }43 public static Object[][] getDataProvider(Annotation[] annotations, ITestContext context, ITestNGMethod m) {44 Map<String, String> testNameArgsMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());45 Map<String, String> testMethodOwnerArgsMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());46 Map<String, String> testRailsArgsMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());47 List<String> doNotRunTests = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());48 Object[][] provider = new Object[][] {};49 for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {50 try {51 Class<? extends Annotation> type = annotation.annotationType();52 String providerClass = "";53 for (Method method : type.getDeclaredMethods()) {54 if (method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("classname")) {55 providerClass = (String) method.invoke(annotation);56 break;57 }58 }59 if (providerClass.isEmpty())60 continue;61 Class<?> clazz;62 Object object = null;63 try {64 clazz = Class.forName(providerClass);65 Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor();66 object = ctor.newInstance();67 } catch (Exception e) {68 LOGGER.error("DataProvider failure", e);69 }70 if (object instanceof {71 BaseDataProvider activeProvider = (BaseDataProvider) object;72 provider = ArrayUtils.addAll(provider, activeProvider.getDataProvider(annotation, context, m));73 testNameArgsMap.putAll(activeProvider.getTestNameArgsMap());74 testMethodOwnerArgsMap.putAll(activeProvider.getTestMethodOwnerArgsMap());75 testRailsArgsMap.putAll(activeProvider.getTestRailsArgsMap());76 doNotRunTests.addAll(activeProvider.getDoNotRunRowsIDs());77 }78 } catch (Exception e) {79 LOGGER.error("DataProvider failure", e);80 }81 }82 if (!GroupByMapper.getInstanceInt().isEmpty() || !GroupByMapper.getInstanceStrings().isEmpty()) {83 provider = getGroupedList(provider);84 }85 context.setAttribute(SpecialKeywords.TEST_NAME_ARGS_MAP, testNameArgsMap);86 // clear group by settings87 GroupByMapper.getInstanceInt().clear();88 GroupByMapper.getInstanceStrings().clear();89 return provider;90 }91 private static Object[][] getGroupedList(Object[][] provider) {92 Object[][] finalProvider;93 if (GroupByMapper.isHashMapped()) {94 if (GroupByMapper.getInstanceStrings().size() == 1) {95 finalProvider = GroupByImpl.getGroupedDataProviderMap(provider, GroupByMapper.getInstanceStrings().iterator().next());96 } else {97 throw new GroupByException("Incorrect groupColumn annotation parameter!");98 }99 } else {100 if (GroupByMapper.getInstanceInt().size() == 1 && !GroupByMapper.getInstanceInt().contains(-1)) {101 finalProvider = GroupByImpl.getGroupedDataProviderArgs(provider, GroupByMapper.getInstanceInt().iterator().next());102 } else {103 throw new GroupByException("Incorrect groupColumn annotation parameter!");104 }105 }106 return finalProvider;107 }108}...
2/**3 * Created by Patotsky on 08.01.2015.4 */5@SuppressWarnings("serial")6public class GroupByException extends RuntimeException {7 public GroupByException() {8 }9 public GroupByException(String message) {10 super(message);11 }12 public GroupByException(String message, Throwable cause) {13 super(message, cause);14 }15 public GroupByException(Throwable cause) {16 super(cause);17 }18 public GroupByException(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace) {19 super(message, cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace);20 }21}...
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1package com.qaprosoft.carina.demo;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.testng.Assert;5import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;6import org.testng.annotations.Test;7import;8public class GroupByExceptionTest {9 @DataProvider(name = "DataProvider", parallel = true)10 public static Object[][] dataProviderMethod() {11 return new Object[][] { { "1", "1" }, { "2", "2" }, { "3", "3" }, { "4", "4" }, { "5", "5" } };12 }13 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")14 public void test1(String data1, String data2) throws GroupByException {15 List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();16 data.add(data1);17 data.add(data2);18 if (data1.equals("1")) {19 throw new GroupByException(data);20 }21 }22 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")23 public void test2(String data1, String data2) throws GroupByException {24 List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();25 data.add(data1);26 data.add(data2);27 if (data1.equals("2")) {28 throw new GroupByException(data);29 }30 }31 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")32 public void test3(String data1, String data2) throws GroupByException {33 List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();34 data.add(data1);35 data.add(data2);36 if (data1.equals("3")) {37 throw new GroupByException(data);38 }39 }40 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")41 public void test4(String data1, String data2) throws GroupByException {42 List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();43 data.add(data1);44 data.add(data2);45 if (data1.equals("4")) {46 throw new GroupByException(data);47 }48 }49 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")50 public void test5(String data1, String data2) throws GroupByException {51 List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();52 data.add(data1);53 data.add(data2);54 if (data1.equals("5")) {55 throw new GroupByException(data);56 }57 }58 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;5import org.testng.annotations.Test;6import;7import;8import;9public class GroupByExceptionTest {10 @DataProvider(name = "DataProvider", parallel = true)11 public Object[][] dataProvider() {12 List<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<Object[]>();13 data.add(new Object[] { 1, "A", "a" });14 data.add(new Object[] { 2, "B", "b" });15 data.add(new Object[] { 3, "C", "c" });16 data.add(new Object[] { 4, "D", "d" });17 return data.toArray(new Object[data.size()][]);18 }19 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")20 @GroupBy(value = { "param2", "param3" }, exception = GroupByException.class)21 public void test(int param1, String param2, String param3) {22 System.out.println("param1: " + param1 + ", param2: " + param2 + ", param3: " + param3);23 }24 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")25 @GroupBy(value = { "param2", "param3" }, exception = GroupByException.class)26 public void test1(int param1, String param2, String param3) {27 System.out.println("param1: " + param1 + ", param2: " + param2 + ", param3: " + param3);28 }29 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")30 @GroupBy(value = { "param2", "param3" }, exception = GroupByException.class)31 public void test2(int param1, String param2, String param3) {32 System.out.println("param1: " + param1 + ", param2: " + param2 + ", param3: " + param3);33 }34 @Test(dataProvider = "DataProvider")35 @GroupBy(value = { "param2", "param3" }, exception = GroupByException.class)
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.testng.annotations.Test;5import;6public class GroupByExceptionTest {7 @Test(groups = { "group1" })8 public void test1() {9 System.out.println("Test1");10 }11 @Test(groups = { "group1" })12 public void test2() {13 System.out.println("Test2");14 }15 @Test(groups = { "group1" })16 public void test3() {17 System.out.println("Test3");18 }19 @Test(groups = { "group2" })20 public void test4() {21 System.out.println("Test4");22 }23 @Test(groups = { "group2" })24 public void test5() {25 System.out.println("Test5");26 }27 @Test(groups = { "group2" })28 public void test6() {29 System.out.println("Test6");30 }31 @Test(groups = { "group3" })32 public void test7() {33 System.out.println("Test7");34 }35 @Test(groups = { "group3" })36 public void test8() {37 System.out.println("Test8");38 }39 @Test(groups = { "group3" })40 public void test9() {41 System.out.println("Test9");42 }43 @Test(groups = { "group4" })44 public void test10() {45 System.out.println("Test10");46 }47 @Test(groups = { "group4" })48 public void test11() {49 System.out.println("Test11");50 }51 @Test(groups = { "group4" })52 public void test12() {53 System.out.println("Test12");54 }55 @Test(groups = { "group5" })56 public void test13() {57 System.out.println("Test13");58 }59 @Test(groups = { "group5" })60 public void test14() {61 System.out.println("Test14");62 }63 @Test(groups = { "group5" })64 public void test15() {65 System.out.println("Test15");66 }67 @Test(groups = { "group6" })68 public void test16() {69 System.out.println("Test16");70 }71 @Test(groups = { "group6" })72 public void test17() {73 System.out.println("Test
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;5import org.testng.annotations.Test;6import;7import;8import;9public class GroupByExceptionMethod {10 @DataProvider(name = "dataProvider1", parallel = true)11 public static Object[][] dataProvider1() {12 return new Object[][] { { "1", "2" }, { "3", "4" }, { "5", "6" }, { "7", "8" }, { "9", "10" }, { "11", "12" },13 { "13", "14" }, { "15", "16" }, { "17", "18" }, { "19", "20" }, { "21", "22" }, { "23", "24" },14 { "25", "26" }, { "27", "28" }, { "29", "30" }, { "31", "32" }, { "33", "34" }, { "35", "36" },15 { "37", "38" }, { "39", "40" }, { "41", "42" }, { "43", "44" }, { "45", "46" }, { "47", "48" },16 { "49", "50" }, { "51", "52" }, { "53", "54" }, { "55", "56" }, { "57", "58" }, { "59", "60" },17 { "61", "62" }, { "63", "64" }, { "65", "66" }, { "67", "68" }, { "69", "70" }, { "71", "72" },18 { "73", "74" }, { "75", "76" }, { "77", "78" }, { "79", "80" }, { "81", "82" }, { "83", "84" },19 { "85", "86" }, { "87", "88"
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.HashMap;4import java.util.List;5import java.util.Map;6import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;7import org.testng.annotations.Test;8import;9public class GroupByExceptionTest {10 @DataProvider(name = "groupByExceptionTest", parallel = true)11 public static Object[][] groupByExceptionTest() {12 return new Object[][] { { "a", "b" }, { "a", "c" }, { "a", "d" }, { "a", "e" }, { "b", "c" }, { "b", "d" },13 { "b", "e" }, { "b", "f" }, { "c", "d" }, { "c", "e" }, { "c", "f" }, { "d", "e" }, { "d", "f" },14 { "d", "g" }, { "e", "f" }, { "e", "g" }, { "e", "h" }, { "f", "g" }, { "f", "h" }, { "f", "i" },15 { "g", "h" }, { "g", "i" }, { "g", "j" }, { "h", "i" }, { "h", "j" }, { "h", "k" }, { "i", "j" },16 { "i", "k" }, { "i", "l" }, { "j", "k" }, { "j", "l" }, { "j", "m" }, { "k", "l" }, { "k", "m" },17 { "k", "n" }, { "l", "m" }, { "l", "n" }, { "l", "o" }, { "m", "n" }, { "m", "o" }, { "m", "p" },18 { "n", "o" }, { "n", "p" }, { "n", "q" }, { "o", "p" }, { "o", "q" }, { "o", "r" }, { "p", "q" },
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class GroupByExceptionTest {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 try {5 throw new GroupByException("Exception message");6 } catch (GroupByException e) {7 System.out.println("Exception message: " + e.getMessage());8 }9 }10}
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public GroupByException(String message)3 {4 super(message);5 }6}7{8 public GroupByException(String message)9 {10 super(message);11 }12}13{14 public GroupByException(String message)15 {16 super(message);17 }18}19{20 public GroupByException(String message)21 {22 super(message);23 }24}25{26 public GroupByException(String message)27 {28 super(message);29 }30}31{32 public GroupByException(String message)33 {34 super(message);35 }36}37{38 public GroupByException(String message)39 {40 super(message);41 }42}43{44 public GroupByException(String message)45 {46 super(message);47 }48}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import org.testng.annotations.Test;4public class GroupByExceptionTest {5 public void test() {6 ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();7 list.add("a");8 list.add("b");9 list.add("c");10 list.add("d");11 list.add("e");12 list.add("f");13 list.add("g");14 list.add("h");15 list.add("i");16 list.add("j");17 list.add("k");18 list.add("l");19 list.add("m");20 list.add("n");21 list.add("o");22 list.add("p");23 list.add("q");24 list.add("r");25 list.add("s");26 list.add("t");27 list.add("u");28 list.add("v");29 list.add("w");30 list.add("x");31 list.add("y");32 list.add("z");33 list.add("aa");34 list.add("ab");35 list.add("ac");36 list.add("ad");37 list.add("ae");38 list.add("af");39 list.add("ag");40 list.add("ah");41 list.add("ai");42 list.add("aj");43 list.add("ak");44 list.add("al");45 list.add("am");46 list.add("an");47 list.add("ao");48 list.add("ap");49 list.add("aq");50 list.add("ar");51 list.add("as");52 list.add("at");53 list.add("au");54 list.add("av");55 list.add("aw");56 list.add("ax");57 list.add("ay");58 list.add("az");59 list.add("ba");60 list.add("bb");61 list.add("bc");62 list.add("bd");63 list.add("be");64 list.add("bf");65 list.add("bg");66 list.add("bh");67 list.add("bi");68 list.add("bj");69 list.add("bk");70 list.add("bl");71 list.add("bm");72 list.add("bn");73 list.add("bo");74 list.add("bp");75 list.add("bq");76 list.add("br");77 list.add("bs");78 list.add("bt");79 list.add("bu");80 list.add("bv
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