How to use highlight method of class

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...75 private Integer retryIntervalOverride = null;76 private Integer retryCountOverride = null;77 /​/​ debug78 protected boolean debug;79 public boolean highlight;80 public int highlightDuration;81 public void setDebug(boolean debug) {82 this.debug = debug;83 }84 public void setHighlight(boolean highlight) {85 this.highlight = highlight;86 }87 public void setHighlightDuration(int highlightDuration) {88 this.highlightDuration = highlightDuration;89 }90 public void disableRetry() {91 retryEnabled = false;92 retryCountOverride = null;93 retryIntervalOverride = null;94 }95 public void enableRetry(Integer count, Integer interval) {96 retryEnabled = true;97 retryCountOverride = count; /​/​ can be null98 retryIntervalOverride = interval; /​/​ can be null99 }100 private int getRetryCount() {101 return retryCountOverride == null ? engine.getConfig().getRetryCount() : retryCountOverride;102 }103 private int getRetryInterval() {104 return retryIntervalOverride == null ? engine.getConfig().getRetryInterval() : retryIntervalOverride;105 }106 private <T> T get(String key, T defaultValue) {107 T temp = (T) options.get(key);108 return temp == null ? defaultValue : temp;109 }110 public Logger getLogger() {111 return logger;112 } 113 public RobotBase(ScenarioRuntime runtime) {114 this(runtime, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);115 }116 public RobotBase(ScenarioRuntime runtime, Map<String, Object> options) {117 this.engine = runtime.engine;118 this.logger = runtime.logger;119 try {120 this.options = options;121 basePath = get("basePath", null);122 highlight = get("highlight", false);123 highlightDuration = get("highlightDuration", Config.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_DURATION);124 autoDelay = get("autoDelay", 0);125 tessData = get("tessData", "tessdata");126 tessLang = get("tessLang", "eng");127 toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();128 dimension = toolkit.getScreenSize();129 screen = new Region(this, 0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height);130 logger.debug("screen dimensions: {}", screen);131 robot = new java.awt.Robot();132 robot.setAutoDelay(autoDelay);133 robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true);134 /​/​==================================================================135 screenshotOnFailure = get("screenshotOnFailure", true);136 autoClose = get("autoClose", true);137 boolean attach = get("attach", true);138 String window = get("window", null);139 if (window != null) {140 currentWindow = window(window, false, false); /​/​ don't retry141 }142 if (currentWindow != null && attach) {143 logger.debug("window found, will re-use: {}", window);144 } else {145 Variable v = new Variable(options.get("fork"));146 if (v.isString()) {147 command = engine.fork(true, v.getAsString());148 } else if (v.isList()) {149 command = engine.fork(true, v.<List>getValue());150 } else if (v.isMap()) {151 command = engine.fork(true, v.<Map>getValue());152 }153 if (command != null) {154 delay(500); /​/​ give process time to start155 if (command.isFailed()) {156 throw new KarateException("robot fork command failed: " + command.getFailureReason().getMessage());157 }158 if (window != null) {159 retryCountOverride = get("retryCount", null);160 retryIntervalOverride = get("retryInterval", null);161 currentWindow = window(window); /​/​ will retry162 logger.debug("attached to process window: {} - {}", currentWindow, command.getArgList());163 }164 }165 if (currentWindow == null && window != null) {166 throw new KarateException("failed to find window: " + window);167 }168 }169 } catch (Exception e) {170 String message = "robot init failed: " + e.getMessage();171 throw new KarateException(message, e);172 }173 }174 public <T> T retry(Supplier<T> action, Predicate<T> condition, String logDescription, boolean failWithException) {175 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();176 int count = 0, max = getRetryCount();177 int interval = getRetryInterval();178 disableRetry(); /​/​ always reset179 T result;180 boolean success;181 do {182 if (count > 0) {183 logger.debug("{} - retry #{}", logDescription, count);184 delay(interval);185 }186 result = action.get();187 success = condition.test(result);188 } while (!success && count++ < max);189 if (!success) {190 long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;191 String message = logDescription + ": failed after " + (count - 1) + " retries and " + elapsedTime + " milliseconds";192 logger.warn(message);193 if (failWithException) {194 throw new RuntimeException(message);195 }196 }197 return result;198 }199 public void setBasePath(String basePath) {200 this.basePath = basePath;201 }202 private byte[] readBytes(String path) {203 if (basePath != null) {204 String slash = basePath.endsWith(":") ? "" : "/​";205 path = basePath + slash + path;206 }207 return engine.fileReader.readFileAsBytes(path);208 }209 @Override210 public void onFailure(StepResult stepResult) {211 if (screenshotOnFailure && !stepResult.isWithCallResults()) {212 byte[] bytes = screenshot();213 214 }215 }216 @Override217 public Robot retry() {218 return retry(null, null);219 }220 @Override221 public Robot retry(int count) {222 return retry(count, null);223 }224 @Override225 public Robot retry(Integer count, Integer interval) {226 enableRetry(count, interval);227 return this;228 }229 @Override230 public Robot delay(int millis) {231 robot.delay(millis);232 return this;233 }234 private static int mask(int num) {235 switch (num) {236 case 2:237 return InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK;238 case 3:239 return InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK;240 default:241 return InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK;242 }243 }244 @Override245 public Robot click() {246 return click(1);247 }248 @Override249 public Robot rightClick() {250 return click(3);251 }252 @Override253 public Robot click(int num) {254 int mask = mask(num);255 robot.mousePress(mask);256 if (highlight) {257 getLocation().highlight(highlightDuration);258 int toDelay = CLICK_POST_DELAY - highlightDuration;259 if (toDelay > 0) {260 RobotUtils.delay(toDelay);261 }262 } else {263 RobotUtils.delay(CLICK_POST_DELAY);264 }265 robot.mouseRelease(mask);266 return this;267 }268 @Override269 public Robot doubleClick() {270 click();271 delay(40);272 click();273 return this;274 }275 @Override276 public Robot press() {277 robot.mousePress(1);278 return this;279 }280 @Override281 public Robot release() {282 robot.mouseRelease(1);283 return this;284 }285 @Override286 public Robot input(String[] values) {287 return input(values, 0);288 }289 @Override290 public Robot input(String chars, int delay) {291 String[] array = new String[chars.length()];292 for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {293 array[i] = Character.toString(chars.charAt(i));294 }295 return input(array, delay);296 }297 @Override298 public Robot input(String[] values, int delay) {299 for (String s : values) {300 if (delay > 0) {301 delay(delay);302 }303 input(s);304 }305 return this;306 }307 @Override308 public Robot input(String value) {309 if (highlight) {310 getFocused().highlight(highlightDuration);311 }312 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();313 for (char c : value.toCharArray()) {314 if (Keys.isModifier(c)) {315 sb.append(c);316 int[] codes = RobotUtils.KEY_CODES.get(c);317 if (codes == null) {318 logger.warn("cannot resolve char: {}", c);319 robot.keyPress(c);320 } else {321 robot.keyPress(codes[0]);322 }323 continue;324 }325 int[] codes = RobotUtils.KEY_CODES.get(c);326 if (codes == null) {327 logger.warn("cannot resolve char: {}", c);328 robot.keyPress(c);329 robot.keyRelease(c);330 } else if (codes.length > 1) {331 robot.keyPress(codes[0]);332 robot.keyPress(codes[1]);333 robot.keyRelease(codes[1]);334 robot.keyRelease(codes[0]);335 } else {336 robot.keyPress(codes[0]);337 robot.keyRelease(codes[0]);338 }339 }340 for (char c : sb.toString().toCharArray()) {341 int[] codes = RobotUtils.KEY_CODES.get(c);342 if (codes == null) {343 logger.warn("cannot resolve char: {}", c);344 robot.keyRelease(c);345 } else {346 robot.keyRelease(codes[0]);347 }348 }349 return this;350 }351 public Robot clearFocused() {352 return input(Keys.CONTROL + "a" + Keys.DELETE);353 }354 protected int getHighlightDuration() {355 return highlight ? highlightDuration : -1;356 }357 @Override358 public Element input(String locator, String value) {359 return locate(locator).input(value);360 }361 @Override362 public byte[] screenshot() {363 return screenshot(screen);364 }365 @Override366 public byte[] screenshotActive() {367 return getActive().screenshot();368 }369 public byte[] screenshot(int x, int y, int width, int height) {370 return screenshot(new Region(this, x, y, width, height));371 }372 public byte[] screenshot(Region region) {373 BufferedImage image = region.capture();374 byte[] bytes = OpenCvUtils.toBytes(image);375 getRuntime().embed(bytes, ResourceType.PNG);376 return bytes;377 }378 @Override379 public Robot move(int x, int y) {380 robot.mouseMove(x, y);381 return this;382 }383 @Override384 public Robot click(int x, int y) {385 return move(x, y).click();386 }387 @Override388 public Element highlight(String locator) {389 return locate(Config.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_DURATION, getSearchRoot(), locator);390 }391 @Override392 public List<Element> highlightAll(String locator) {393 return locateAll(Config.DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_DURATION, getSearchRoot(), locator);394 }395 @Override396 public Element focus(String locator) {397 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator).focus();398 }399 @Override400 public Element locate(String locator) {401 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator);402 }403 @Override404 public List<Element> locateAll(String locator) {405 return locateAll(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator);406 }407 @Override408 public boolean exists(String locator) {409 return optional(locator).isPresent();410 }411 @Override412 public Element optional(String locator) {413 return optional(getSearchRoot(), locator);414 }415 @Override416 public boolean windowExists(String locator) {417 return windowOptional(locator).isPresent();418 }419 @Override420 public Element windowOptional(String locator) {421 return waitForWindowOptional(locator, false);422 }423 @Override424 public Element waitForWindowOptional(String locator) {425 return waitForWindowOptional(locator, true);426 }427 protected Element waitForWindowOptional(String locator, boolean retry) {428 Element prevWindow = currentWindow;429 Element window = window(locator, retry, false); /​/​ will update currentWindow 430 currentWindow = prevWindow; /​/​ so we reset it431 if (window == null) {432 return new MissingElement(this);433 }434 /​/​ note that currentWindow will NOT point to the new window located435 return window;436 }437 protected Element optional(Element searchRoot, String locator) {438 Element found = locateImageOrElement(searchRoot, locator);439 if (found == null) {440 logger.warn("element does not exist: {}", locator);441 return new MissingElement(this);442 }443 if (highlight) {444 found.highlight();445 }446 return found;447 }448 protected Element locate(int duration, Element searchRoot, String locator) {449 Element found;450 if (retryEnabled) {451 found = retryForAny(true, searchRoot, locator);452 } else {453 found = locateImageOrElement(searchRoot, locator);454 if (found == null) {455 String message = "cannot locate: '" + locator + "' (" + searchRoot.getDebugString() + ")";456 logger.error(message);457 throw new RuntimeException(message);458 }459 if (duration > 0) {460 found.getRegion().highlight(duration);461 }462 }463 return found;464 }465 protected List<Element> locateAll(int duration, Element searchRoot, String locator) {466 List<Element> found;467 if (locator.endsWith(".png")) {468 found = locateAllImages(searchRoot, locator);469 } else if (locator.startsWith("{")) {470 found = locateAllText(searchRoot, locator);471 } else {472 found = locateAllInternal(searchRoot, locator);473 }474 if (duration > 0) {475 RobotUtils.highlightAll(searchRoot.getRegion(), found, duration, false);476 }477 return found;478 }479 @Override480 public Element move(String locator) {481 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator).move();482 }483 @Override484 public Element click(String locator) {485 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator).click();486 }487 @Override488 public Element select(String locator) {489 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator).select();490 }491 @Override492 public Element press(String locator) {493 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator).press();494 }495 @Override496 public Element release(String locator) {497 return locate(getHighlightDuration(), getSearchRoot(), locator).release();498 }499 private StringUtils.Pair parseOcr(String raw) { /​/​ TODO make object500 int pos = raw.indexOf('}');501 String lang = raw.substring(1, pos);502 if (lang.length() < 2) {503 lang = lang + tessLang;504 }505 String text = raw.substring(pos + 1);506 return StringUtils.pair(lang, text);507 }508 public List<Element> locateAllText(Element searchRoot, String path) {509 StringUtils.Pair pair = parseOcr(path);510 String lang = pair.left;511 boolean negative = lang.charAt(0) == '-';512 if (negative) {513 lang = lang.substring(1);514 }515 String text = pair.right;516 return Tesseract.findAll(this, lang, searchRoot.getRegion(), text, negative);517 }518 public Element locateText(Element searchRoot, String path) {519 StringUtils.Pair pair = parseOcr(path);520 String lang = pair.left;521 boolean negative = lang.charAt(0) == '-';522 if (negative) {523 lang = lang.substring(1);524 }525 String text = pair.right;526 return Tesseract.find(this, lang, searchRoot.getRegion(), text, negative);527 }528 private static class PathAndStrict {529 final int strictness;530 final String path;531 public PathAndStrict(String path) {532 int pos = path.indexOf(':');533 if (pos > 0 && pos < 3) {534 strictness = Integer.valueOf(path.substring(0, pos));535 this.path = path.substring(pos + 1);536 } else {537 strictness = 10;538 this.path = path;539 }540 }541 }542 public List<Element> locateAllImages(Element searchRoot, String path) {543 PathAndStrict ps = new PathAndStrict(path);544 List<Region> found = OpenCvUtils.findAll(ps.strictness, this, searchRoot.getRegion(), readBytes(ps.path), true);545 List<Element> list = new ArrayList(found.size());546 for (Region region : found) {547 list.add(new ImageElement(region));548 }549 return list;550 }551 public Element locateImage(Region region, String path) {552 PathAndStrict ps = new PathAndStrict(path);553 return locateImage(region, ps.strictness, readBytes(ps.path));554 }555 public Element locateImage(Region searchRegion, int strictness, byte[] bytes) {556 Region region = OpenCvUtils.find(strictness, this, searchRegion, bytes, true);557 if (region == null) {558 return null;559 }560 return new ImageElement(region);561 }562 @Override563 public Element window(String title) {564 return window(title, true, true);565 }566 private Element window(String title, boolean retry, boolean failWithException) {567 return window(new StringMatcher(title), retry, failWithException);568 }569 @Override570 public Element window(Predicate<String> condition) {571 return window(condition, true, true);572 }573 private Element window(Predicate<String> condition, boolean retry, boolean failWithException) {574 try {575 currentWindow = retry ? retry(() -> windowInternal(condition), w -> w != null, "find window", failWithException) : windowInternal(condition);576 } catch (Exception e) {577 if (failWithException) {578 throw e;579 }580 logger.warn("failed to find window: {}", e.getMessage());581 currentWindow = null;582 }583 if (currentWindow != null && highlight) { /​/​ currentWindow can be null584 currentWindow.highlight(getHighlightDuration());585 }586 return currentWindow;587 }588 protected Element getSearchRoot() {589 if (currentWindow == null) {590 logger.warn("using desktop as search root, activate a window or parent element for better performance");591 return getRoot();592 }593 return currentWindow;594 }595 @Override596 public Object waitUntil(Supplier<Object> condition) {597 return waitUntil(condition, true);598 }599 @Override600 public Object waitUntilOptional(Supplier<Object> condition) {601 return waitUntil(condition, false);602 }603 protected Object waitUntil(Supplier<Object> condition, boolean failWithException) {604 return retry(() -> condition.get(), o -> o != null, "waitUntil (function)", failWithException);605 }606 @Override607 public Element waitFor(String locator) {608 return retryForAny(true, getSearchRoot(), locator);609 }610 @Override611 public Element waitForOptional(String locator) {612 return retryForAny(false, getSearchRoot(), locator);613 }614 @Override615 public Element waitForAny(String locator1, String locator2) {616 return retryForAny(true, getSearchRoot(), locator1, locator2);617 }618 @Override619 public Element waitForAny(String[] locators) {620 return retryForAny(true, getSearchRoot(), locators);621 }622 protected Element retryForAny(boolean failWithException, Element searchRoot, String... locators) {623 Element found = retry(() -> waitForAny(searchRoot, locators), r -> r != null, "find by locator(s): " + Arrays.asList(locators), failWithException);624 return found == null ? new MissingElement(this) : found;625 }626 private Element waitForAny(Element searchRoot, String... locators) {627 for (String locator : locators) {628 Element found = locateImageOrElement(searchRoot, locator);629 if (found != null) {630 if (highlight) {631 found.getRegion().highlight(highlightDuration);632 }633 return found;634 }635 }636 return null;637 }638 private Element locateImageOrElement(Element searchRoot, String locator) {639 if (locator.endsWith(".png")) {640 return locateImage(searchRoot.getRegion(), locator);641 } else if (locator.startsWith("{")) {642 return locateText(searchRoot, locator);643 } else if (searchRoot.isImage()) {644 /​/​ TODO645 throw new RuntimeException("todo find non-image elements within region");...

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...50 public final java.awt.Robot robot;51 public final Toolkit toolkit;52 public final Dimension dimension;53 public final Map<String, Object> options;54 public final boolean highlight;55 public final int highlightDuration;56 public final int retryCount;57 public final int retryInterval;58 public String basePath;59 private <T> T get(String key, T defaultValue) {60 T temp = (T) options.get(key);61 return temp == null ? defaultValue : temp;62 }63 public Robot(ScenarioContext context) {64 this(context, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);65 }66 public Robot(ScenarioContext context, Map<String, Object> options) {67 this.context = context;68 try {69 this.options = options;70 basePath = get("basePath", "classpath:");71 highlight = get("highlight", false);72 highlightDuration = get("highlightDuration", 1000);73 retryCount = get("retryCount", 3);74 retryInterval = get("retryInterval", 2000);75 toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();76 dimension = toolkit.getScreenSize();77 robot = new java.awt.Robot();78 robot.setAutoDelay(40);79 robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true);80 String app = (String) options.get("app");81 if (app != null) {82 switchTo(app);83 }84 } catch (Exception e) {85 throw new RuntimeException(e);86 }87 }88 public <T> T retry(Supplier<T> action, Predicate<T> condition, String logDescription) {89 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();90 int count = 0, max = retryCount;91 T result;92 boolean success;93 do {94 if (count > 0) {95 logger.debug("{} - retry #{}", logDescription, count);96 delay(retryInterval);97 }98 result = action.get();99 success = condition.test(result);100 } while (!success && count++ < max);101 if (!success) {102 long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;103 logger.warn("failed after {} retries and {} milliseconds", (count - 1), elapsedTime);104 }105 return result;106 }107 public void setBasePath(String basePath) {108 this.basePath = basePath;109 }110 public byte[] read(String path) {111 if (basePath != null) {112 String slash = basePath.endsWith(":") ? "" : "/​";113 path = basePath + slash + path;114 }115 ScriptValue sv = FileUtils.readFile(path, context);116 return sv.getAsByteArray();117 }118 public Robot delay(int millis) {119 robot.delay(millis);120 return this;121 }122 123 private static int mask(int num) {124 switch (num) {125 case 2: return InputEvent.BUTTON2_DOWN_MASK;126 case 3: return InputEvent.BUTTON3_DOWN_MASK;127 default: return InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK;128 } 129 }130 131 public Robot click() { 132 return click(1); 133 } 134 public Robot click(int num) {135 int mask = mask(num);136 robot.mousePress(mask);137 robot.mouseRelease(mask);138 return this;139 }140 public Robot input(char s) {141 return input(Character.toString(s));142 }143 public Robot input(String mod, char s) {144 return input(mod, Character.toString(s));145 }146 public Robot input(char mod, String s) {147 return input(Character.toString(mod), s);148 }149 public Robot input(char mod, char s) {150 return input(Character.toString(mod), Character.toString(s));151 }152 public Robot input(String mod, String s) { /​/​ TODO refactor153 for (char c : mod.toCharArray()) {154 int[] codes = RobotUtils.KEY_CODES.get(c);155 if (codes == null) {156 logger.warn("cannot resolve char: {}", c);157 robot.keyPress(c);158 } else {159 robot.keyPress(codes[0]);160 }161 }162 input(s);163 for (char c : mod.toCharArray()) {164 int[] codes = RobotUtils.KEY_CODES.get(c);165 if (codes == null) {166 logger.warn("cannot resolve char: {}", c);167 robot.keyRelease(c);168 } else {169 robot.keyRelease(codes[0]);170 }171 }172 return this;173 }174 public Robot input(String s) {175 for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {176 int[] codes = RobotUtils.KEY_CODES.get(c);177 if (codes == null) {178 logger.warn("cannot resolve char: {}", c);179 robot.keyPress(c);180 robot.keyRelease(c);181 } else if (codes.length > 1) {182 robot.keyPress(codes[0]);183 robot.keyPress(codes[1]);184 robot.keyRelease(codes[1]);185 robot.keyRelease(codes[0]);186 } else {187 robot.keyPress(codes[0]);188 robot.keyRelease(codes[0]);189 }190 }191 return this;192 }193 public BufferedImage capture() {194 int width = dimension.width;195 int height = dimension.height;196 Image image = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height));197 BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);198 Graphics g = bi.createGraphics();199 g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null);200 return bi;201 }202 public File captureAndSave(String path) {203 BufferedImage image = capture();204 File file = new File(path);205, file);206 return file;207 }208 209 public Region move(int x, int y) {210 return new Region(x, y).with(this).move(); 211 }212 213 public Region click(int x, int y) {214 return move(x, y).click();215 } 216 public Region move(String path) {217 return find(path).move();218 } 219 public Region click(String path) {220 return find(path).click();221 }222 public Region find(String path) {223 return find(read(path)).with(this);224 }225 public Region find(byte[] bytes) {226 AtomicBoolean resize = new AtomicBoolean();227 Region region = retry(() -> RobotUtils.find(capture(), bytes, resize.getAndSet(true)), r -> r != null, "find by image");228 if (highlight) {229 region.highlight(highlightDuration);230 }231 return region;232 }233 public boolean switchTo(String title) {234 if (title.startsWith("^")) {235 return switchTo(t -> t.contains(title.substring(1)));236 }237 FileUtils.OsType type = FileUtils.getOsType();238 switch (type) {239 case LINUX:240 return RobotUtils.switchToLinuxOs(title);241 case MACOSX:242 return RobotUtils.switchToMacOs(title);243 case WINDOWS:...

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1import;2import org.junit.Test;3import org.junit.runner.RunWith;4import;5@RunWith(Karate.class)6public class 4 {7 public void test(){8 RobotUtils.highlight(1, 1, 100, 100, 10, 10);9 }10}11import;12import org.junit.Test;13import org.junit.runner.RunWith;14import;15@RunWith(Karate.class)16public class 5 {17 public void test(){18 RobotUtils.highlight(1, 1, 100, 100, 10, 10);19 }20}21import;22import org.junit.Test;23import org.junit.runner.RunWith;24import;25@RunWith(Karate.class)26public class 6 {27 public void test(){28 RobotUtils.highlight(1, 1, 100, 100, 10, 10);29 }30}31import;32import org.junit.Test;33import org.junit.runner.RunWith;34import;35@RunWith(Karate.class)36public class 7 {37 public void test(){38 RobotUtils.highlight(1, 1, 100, 100, 10, 10);39 }40}41import;42import org.junit.Test;43import org.junit.runner.RunWith;44import;45@RunWith(Karate.class)46public class 8 {47 public void test(){48 RobotUtils.highlight(1, 1, 100,

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1import;2import java.awt.Color;3import java.awt.Point;4import java.awt.Rectangle;5import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;6import;7import;8import javax.imageio.ImageIO;9public class 4 {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 try {12 BufferedImage image = File("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\screenshot.png"));13 BufferedImage newImage = RobotUtils.highlight(image, new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200),, 2);14 ImageIO.write(newImage, "png", new File("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\highlighted.png"));15 } catch (IOException e) {16 e.printStackTrace();17 }18 }19}20import;21import java.awt.Color;22import java.awt.Point;23import java.awt.Rectangle;24import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;25import;26import;27import javax.imageio.ImageIO;28public class 5 {29 public static void main(String[] args) {30 try {31 BufferedImage image = File("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\screenshot.png"));32 BufferedImage newImage = RobotUtils.highlight(image, new Point(100, 100), 200, 200,, 2);33 ImageIO.write(newImage, "png", new File("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\highlighted.png"));34 } catch (IOException e) {35 e.printStackTrace();36 }37 }38}39import;40import java.awt.Color;41import java.awt.Point;42import java.awt.Rectangle;43import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;44import;45import;46import javax.imageio.ImageIO;47public class 6 {48 public static void main(String[] args) {49 try {50 BufferedImage image = File("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\screenshot.png"));51 BufferedImage newImage = RobotUtils.highlight(image, new Point(100, 100

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1import;2import java.awt.Color;3import java.awt.Rectangle;4import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;5import;6import javax.imageio.ImageIO;7import org.junit.Test;8public class 4 {9public void test() throws Exception {10BufferedImage image = File("c:/​temp/​test.png"));11Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200);12RobotUtils.highlight(image, rect, Color.RED, 2);13ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("c:/​temp/​test2.png"));14}15}16import;17import java.awt.Color;18import java.awt.Rectangle;19import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;20import;21import javax.imageio.ImageIO;22import org.junit.Test;23public class 5 {24public void test() throws Exception {25BufferedImage image = File("c:/​temp/​test.png"));26Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200);27RobotUtils.highlight(image, rect, Color.RED, 2);28ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("c:/​temp/​test2.png"));29}30}31import;32import java.awt.Color;33import java.awt.Rectangle;34import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;35import;36import javax.imageio.ImageIO;37import org.junit.Test;38public class 6 {39public void test() throws Exception {40BufferedImage image = File("c:/​temp/​test.png"));41Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200);42RobotUtils.highlight(image, rect, Color.RED, 2);43ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("c:/​temp/​test2.png"));44}45}46import;47import java.awt.Color;48import java.awt.Rectangle;49import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;50import;51import javax.imageio.ImageIO;52import

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1import java.awt.Color3import java.awt.Rectangle4import java.awt.Robot5import java.awt.Toolkit6import java.awt.image.BufferedImage7import javax.imageio.ImageIO9def robot = new Robot()10def screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()11def screenBounds = new Rectangle(screenSize)12def screen = robot.createScreenCapture(screenBounds)13def image = RobotUtils.highlight(screen, startX, startY, endX, endY, color, thickness)14ImageIO.write(image, 'png', new File('highlight.png'))15import java.awt.Color17import java.awt.Rectangle18import java.awt.Robot19import java.awt.Toolkit20import java.awt.image.BufferedImage21import javax.imageio.ImageIO23def robot = new Robot()24def screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()25def screenBounds = new Rectangle(screenSize)26def screen = robot.createScreenCapture(screenBounds)27def image = RobotUtils.highlight(screen, startX, startY, endX, endY, color, thickness)28ImageIO.write(image, 'png', new File('highlight.png'))29import java.awt.Color31import java.awt.Rectangle32import java.awt.Robot33import java.awt.Toolkit34import java.awt.image.BufferedImage35import javax.imageio.ImageIO37def robot = new Robot()38def screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()39def screenBounds = new Rectangle(screenSize)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.openqa.selenium.By;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;3import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;4import;5import;6public class 4 {7public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {8 System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\prashant\\Downloads\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe");9 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();10 WebElement ele = driver.findElement("q"));11 RobotUtils.highlight(ele);12 Thread.sleep(5000);13 driver.quit();14}15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import;2import java.awt.Color;3import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;4import java.awt.event.InputEvent;5import java.awt.AWTException;6import java.awt.Robot;7import java.awt.Rectangle;8import java.awt.Toolkit;9import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;10import javax.imageio.ImageIO;11import;12import;13import java.awt.Graphics2D;14import java.awt.Graphics;15import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;16import java.awt.Rectangle;17import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;18import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;19import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;20import java.awt.image.Raster;21import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;22import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;23import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;24import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;25import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;26import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;27import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;28import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;29import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;30import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;31import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;32import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;33import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;34import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;35import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;36import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;37import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;38import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;39public class 4 {40 public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException, IOException {41 Robot robot = new Robot();42 robot.setAutoDelay(1000);43 robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true);44 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_WINDOWS);45 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_R);46 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_R);47 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_WINDOWS);48 robot.delay(1000);49 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_C);50 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_O);51 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_M);52 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_P);53 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_U);54 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_T);55 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_E);56 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_R);57 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_C);58 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_O);59 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_M);60 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_P);61 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_U);62 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_T);63 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_E);64 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_R);65 robot.delay(1000);66 robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);67 robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import;2import java.awt.Color;3import java.awt.Rectangle;4import org.junit.Test;5public class 4 {6public void test4() {7RobotUtils.highlight(new Rectangle(0,0,100,100),,1);8}9}10* highlight { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, color: 'red', duration: 1 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import;2RobotUtils.highlight(4, 4, 4, 4);3import;4RobotUtils.highlight(5, 5, 5, 5);5import;6RobotUtils.highlight(6, 6, 6, 6);7import;8RobotUtils.highlight(7, 7, 7, 7);9import;10RobotUtils.highlight(8, 8, 8, 8);11import;12RobotUtils.highlight(9, 9, 9, 9);13import;14RobotUtils.highlight(10, 10, 10, 10);15import;16RobotUtils.highlight(11, 11, 11, 11);17import;18RobotUtils.highlight(12, 12, 12, 12);19import;20RobotUtils.highlight(13, 13,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import;2import org.openqa.selenium.By;3import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;4import;5import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;6import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;7public class 4 {8public static void main(String[] args) {9System.setProperty("", "C:\\chromedriver.exe");10WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();11driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);12WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));13RobotUtils.highlight(element, driver);14}15}16import;17import org.openqa.selenium.By;18import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;19import;20import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;21import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;22public class 5 {23public static void main(String[] args) {24System.setProperty("", "C:\\chromedriver.exe");25WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();26driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);27WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));28RobotUtils.highlight(element, driver);29}30}31import;32import org.openqa.selenium.By;33import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;34import;35import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;36import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;37public class 6 {38public static void main(String[] args) {39System.setProperty("", "C:\\chromedriver.exe");40WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();41driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);42WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));43RobotUtils.highlight(element, driver);44}45}46import;47import org.openqa.selenium.By

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import;2class 4 {3 Karate testUsers() {4 return"4").relativeTo(getClass());5 }6}7 * def driver = createDriver()8 ${driver}= create driver9 ${driver}= driver ${driver} maximize10 ${robotUtils}= get library instance KarateLibrary11 ${robotUtils}= highlight ${robotUtils} ${element} red 500 212 ${driver}= driver ${driver} quit13import;14class 5 {15 Karate testUsers() {16 return"5").relativeTo(getClass());17 }18}

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