Best Karate code snippet using
...166 if (minValue > targetMinVal) {167 logger.debug("no match at scale {}, minVal: {} / {} at {}:{}", scale, minValue, targetMinVal, minData[0], minData[1]);168 if (robot != null && robot.debug) {169 Rect rect = new Rect(minData[0], minData[1], targetWidth, targetHeight);170 Mat temp = drawOnImage(source, rect, Scalar.RED);171 show(temp, scale + " " + minData[0] + ":" + minData[1] + " " + minValue + " / " + targetMinVal);172 }173 return minData[2];174 }175 logger.debug("found match at scale {}, minVal: {} / {} at {}:{}", scale, minValue, targetMinVal, minData[0], minData[1]);176 if (findAll) {177 List<int[]> points = getPointsBelowThreshold(result, targetMinVal);178 for (int[] p : points) {179 Region region = toRegion(robot, p, scale, targetWidth, targetHeight);180 found.add(region);181 }182 } else {183 Region region = toRegion(robot, minData, scale, targetWidth, targetHeight);184 found.add(region);185 }186 return minValue;187 }188 public static List<Region> find(int strictness, boolean findAll, RobotBase robot, Mat source, Mat target, boolean resize) {189 List<Region> found = new ArrayList();190 collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, 1);191 if (!found.isEmpty()) {192 return found;193 }194 int stepUp = collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, 1.1);195 if (!found.isEmpty()) {196 return found;197 }198 int stepDown = collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, 0.9);199 if (!found.isEmpty()) {200 return found;201 }202 boolean goUpFirst = stepUp < stepDown;203 for (int step = 2; step < 6; step++) {204 double scale = 1 + 0.1 * step * (goUpFirst ? 1 : -1);205 collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, scale);206 }207 if (!findAll && !found.isEmpty()) {208 return found;209 }210 for (int step = 2; step < 6; step++) {211 double scale = 1 + 0.1 * step * (goUpFirst ? -1 : 1);212 collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, scale);213 } 214 return found;215 }216 public static Mat loadAndShowOrExit(File file, int flags) {217 Mat image = read(file, flags);218 show(image, file.getName());219 return image;220 }221 public static BufferedImage readImageAsGreyScale(File file) {222 Mat mat = read(file, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);223 return toBufferedImage(mat);224 }225 public static byte[] toBytes(BufferedImage img) {226 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();227 try {228 ImageIO.write(img, "png", baos);229 return baos.toByteArray();230 } catch (Exception e) {231 throw new RuntimeException(e);232 }233 }234 public static Mat read(File file) {235 return read(file, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);236 }237 public static Mat read(byte[] bytes) {238 return read(bytes, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);239 }240 public static Mat read(byte[] bytes, int flags) {241 Mat image = imdecode(new Mat(bytes), flags);242 if (image.empty()) {243 throw new RuntimeException("image decode failed");244 }245 return image;246 }247 public static Mat read(File file, int flags) {248 Mat image = imread(file.getAbsolutePath(), flags);249 if (image.empty()) {250 throw new RuntimeException("image not found: " + file.getAbsolutePath());251 }252 return image;253 }254 public static File save(BufferedImage image, File file) {255 try {256 ImageIO.write(image, "png", file);257 return file;258 } catch (Exception e) {259 throw new RuntimeException(e);260 }261 }262 263 public static void show(byte[] bytes, String title) {264 Mat mat = read(bytes);265 show(toBufferedImage(mat), title);266 } 267 public static void show(Mat mat, String title) {268 show(toBufferedImage(mat), title);269 }270 public static void show(Image image, String title) {271 CanvasFrame canvas = new CanvasFrame(title, 1);272 canvas.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);273 canvas.showImage(image);274 }275 public static void save(Mat image, File file) {276 imwrite(file.getAbsolutePath(), image);277 }278 public static Mat drawOnImage(Mat image, Point2fVector points) {279 Mat dest = image.clone();280 int radius = 5;281 Scalar red = new Scalar(0, 0, 255, 0);282 for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {283 Point2f p = points.get(i);284 circle(dest, new Point(Math.round(p.x()), Math.round(p.y())), radius, red);285 }286 return dest;287 }288 public static Mat drawOnImage(Mat image, Rect overlay, Scalar color) {289 Mat dest = image.clone();290 rectangle(dest, overlay, color);291 return dest;292 }293 294 public static Mat negative(Mat src) {295 Mat dest = new Mat();296 bitwise_not(src, dest);297 return dest;298 }299 300 public static Mat toMat(BufferedImage bi) {301 return Java2DFrameUtils.toMat(bi);302 } ...
Using AI Code Generation
1import static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.opencv.core.Core3import org.opencv.core.Mat4import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs5import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc6import org.opencv.core.Scalar7import org.opencv.core.Point8import org.opencv.core.Size9import org.opencv.core.Rect10import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc11import org.opencv.core.CvType12import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint13 * def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo.png')14 * def imageWithCircle = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, 'circle', '10,10,10,255,5')15 * def imageWithRectangle = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, 'rectangle', '10,10,10,255,5')16 * def imageWithText = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, 'text', '10,10,10,255,5,Hello World')17 * def imageWithLine = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, 'line', '10,10,10,255,5,15,15')18 * def imageWithPolyLine = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, 'polyline', '10,10,10,255,5,15,15,20,20,25,25')19 * match imageWithCircle == OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo_with_circle.png')20 * match imageWithRectangle == OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo_with_rectangle.png')21 * match imageWithText == OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo_with_text.png')22 * match imageWithLine == OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo_with_line.png')23 * match imageWithPolyLine == OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo_with_polyline.png')24 * def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:logo.png')
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.opencv.core.Point2import org.opencv.core.Scalar3import org.opencv.core.Size4import static* def image = read('classpath:sample.png')6* def point1 = new Point(20, 20)7* def point2 = new Point(100, 100)8* def color = new Scalar(0, 0, 255)9* def size = new Size(10, 10)10* def image1 = drawOnImage(image, point1, point2, color, thickness, lineType, shift)11* def image2 = drawOnImage(image, point1, size, color, thickness, lineType, shift)
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.opencv.core.Point3import org.opencv.core.Scalar4def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')5def output = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, { g ->6 g.setColor(Scalar.all(0))7 g.fillOval(new Point(50, 50), new Point(100, 100))8})9OpenCvUtils.saveImage(output, 'target/draw-on-image.jpg')10import org.opencv.core.Point12import org.opencv.core.Scalar13def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')14def output = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, { g ->15 g.setColor(Scalar.all(0))16 g.fillOval(new Point(50, 50), new Point(100, 100))17})18OpenCvUtils.saveImage(output, 'target/draw-on-image.jpg')19import org.opencv.core.Point21import org.opencv.core.Scalar22def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')23def output = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, { g ->24 g.setColor(Scalar.all(0))25 g.fillOval(new Point(50, 50), new Point(100, 100))26})27OpenCvUtils.saveImage(output, 'target/draw-on-image.jpg')28import org.opencv.core.Point30import org.opencv.core.Scalar31def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')32def output = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, { g ->
Using AI Code Generation
1import image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')3def rect = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, [0, 0, 100, 100], [255, 0, 0])4OpenCvUtils.saveImage(rect, 'target/rect.png')5import image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')7def text = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, 'hello world', [255, 0, 0])8OpenCvUtils.saveImage(text, 'target/text.png')9import image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('classpath:karate-logo.png')11def line = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, [0, 0, 100, 100], [255, 0, 0], 2)12OpenCvUtils.saveImage(line, 'target/line.png')13import
Using AI Code Generation
1import static def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')3And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])4Then match imageWithRect == read('classpath:sample-with-rect.jpg')5import static def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')7And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])8Then match imageWithRect == read('classpath:sample-with-rect.jpg')9Given def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')10And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])11Then match imageWithRect == read('classpath:sample-with-rect.jpg')12import static def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')14And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])15Then match imageWithRect == read('classpath:sample-with-rect.jpg')16Given def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')17And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])18Then match imageWithRect == read('classpath:sample-with-rect.jpg')19Given def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')20And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])21Then match imageWithRect == read('classpath:sample-with-rect.jpg')22Given def image = read('classpath:sample.jpg')23And def imageWithRect = drawOnImage(image, 10, 10, 100, 100, 'rect', [255, 0, 0])
Using AI Code Generation
1* def image = read('classpath:logo.png')2* def imageBytes = drawOnImage(image, 'rectangle', 10, 10, 100, 100, 3, 0, 0, 255)3* def image = imageBytesToMat(imageBytes)4* def image = resize(image, 300, 300)5* def image = toBufferedImage(image)6* match image == read('classpath:logo-rectangle.png')
Using AI Code Generation
1import*3def result = drawOnImage(image, logo, 10, 10, 0.5)4def result = drawOnImage(image, logo, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5)5def result = drawOnImage(image, logo, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)6def result = drawOnImage(image, logo, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)7def result = drawOnImage(image, logo, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)8def result = drawOnImage(image, logo, 10, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0
Using AI Code Generation
1def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('src/test/resources/robot/image.png')2def imageWithRect = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, rect, color, thickness)3OpenCvUtils.saveImage(imageWithRect, 'target/image-with-rect.png')4 * def image = OpenCvUtils.loadImage('src/test/resources/robot/image.png')5 * def imageWithRect = OpenCvUtils.drawOnImage(image, rect, color, thickness)6 * OpenCvUtils.saveImage(imageWith
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