Best Karate code snippet using
...100 // ui support101 private Function<CallContext, FeatureResult> callable;102 // async103 private final Object LOCK = new Object();104 private Object signalResult;105 // websocket 106 private List<WebSocketClient> webSocketClients;107 public void logLastPerfEvent(String failureMessage) {108 if (prevPerfEvent != null && executionHooks != null) {109 if (failureMessage != null) {110 prevPerfEvent.setFailed(true);111 prevPerfEvent.setMessage(failureMessage);112 }113 executionHooks.forEach(h -> h.reportPerfEvent(prevPerfEvent));114 }115 prevPerfEvent = null;116 }117 public void capturePerfEvent(PerfEvent event) {118 logLastPerfEvent(null);119 prevPerfEvent = event;120 }121 public List<FeatureResult> getAndClearCallResults() {122 List<FeatureResult> temp = callResults;123 callResults = null;124 return temp;125 }126 public void addCallResult(FeatureResult callResult) {127 if (callResults == null) {128 callResults = new ArrayList();129 }130 callResults.add(callResult);131 }132 public void setScenarioError(Throwable error) {133 scenarioInfo.setErrorMessage(error.getMessage());134 }135 public void setPrevRequest(HttpRequest prevRequest) {136 this.prevRequest = prevRequest;137 }138 public void setPrevResponse(HttpResponse prevResponse) {139 this.prevResponse = prevResponse;140 }141 public HttpRequestBuilder getRequest() {142 return request;143 }144 public HttpRequest getPrevRequest() {145 return prevRequest;146 }147 public HttpClient getHttpClient() {148 return client;149 }150 public int getCallDepth() {151 return callDepth;152 }153 public FeatureContext getFeatureContext() {154 return featureContext;155 }156 public Config getConfig() {157 return config;158 }159 public void setCallable(Function<CallContext, FeatureResult> callable) {160 this.callable = callable;161 }162 public Function<CallContext, FeatureResult> getCallable() {163 return callable;164 }165 public void updateConfigCookies(Map<String, Cookie> cookies) {166 if (cookies == null) {167 return;168 }169 if (config.getCookies().isNull()) {170 config.setCookies(new ScriptValue(cookies));171 } else {172 Map<String, Object> map = config.getCookies().evalAsMap(this);173 map.putAll(cookies);174 config.setCookies(new ScriptValue(map));175 }176 }177 public boolean isPrintEnabled() {178 return config.isPrintEnabled();179 }180 public ScenarioContext(FeatureContext featureContext, CallContext call, Scenario scenario, Logger logger) {181 this.featureContext = featureContext;182 if (logger == null) { // ensure this.logger is set properly183 logger = new Logger();184 }185 this.logger = logger;186 callDepth = call.callDepth;187 reuseParentContext = call.reuseParentContext;188 executionHooks = call.executionHooks;189 perfMode = call.perfMode;190 if (scenario != null) {191 Tags tagsEffective = scenario.getTagsEffective();192 tags = tagsEffective.getTags();193 tagValues = tagsEffective.getTagValues();194 scenarioInfo = scenario.toInfo(featureContext.feature.getPath());195 } else {196 tags = null;197 tagValues = null;198 scenarioInfo = null;199 }200 if (reuseParentContext) {201 parentContext = call.context;202 vars = call.context.vars; // shared context !203 config = call.context.config;204 rootFeatureContext = call.context.rootFeatureContext;205 driver = call.context.driver;206 webSocketClients = call.context.webSocketClients;207 } else if (call.context != null) {208 parentContext = call.context;209 // complex objects like JSON and XML are "global by reference" TODO 210 vars = call.context.vars.copy(false);211 config = new Config(call.context.config);212 rootFeatureContext = call.context.rootFeatureContext;213 } else {214 parentContext = null;215 vars = new ScriptValueMap();216 config = new Config();217 config.setClientClass(call.httpClientClass);218 rootFeatureContext = featureContext;219 }220 client = HttpClient.construct(config, this);221 bindings = new ScriptBindings(this);222 if (call.context == null && call.evalKarateConfig) {223 // base config is only looked for in the classpath224 try {225 Script.callAndUpdateConfigAndAlsoVarsIfMapReturned(false, ScriptBindings.READ_KARATE_CONFIG_BASE, null, this);226 } catch (Exception e) {227 if (e instanceof KarateFileNotFoundException) {228 logger.trace("skipping 'classpath:karate-base.js': {}", e.getMessage());229 } else {230 throw new RuntimeException("evaluation of 'classpath:karate-base.js' failed", e);231 }232 }233 String configDir = System.getProperty(ScriptBindings.KARATE_CONFIG_DIR);234 String configScript = ScriptBindings.readKarateConfigForEnv(true, configDir, null);235 try {236 Script.callAndUpdateConfigAndAlsoVarsIfMapReturned(false, configScript, null, this);237 } catch (Exception e) {238 if (e instanceof KarateFileNotFoundException) {239 logger.warn("skipping bootstrap configuration: {}", e.getMessage());240 } else {241 String message = "evaluation of 'karate-config.js' failed: " + e.getMessage();242 logger.error("{}", message);243 throw new RuntimeException(message, e);244 }245 }246 if (featureContext.env != null) {247 configScript = ScriptBindings.readKarateConfigForEnv(false, configDir, featureContext.env);248 try {249 Script.callAndUpdateConfigAndAlsoVarsIfMapReturned(false, configScript, null, this);250 } catch (Exception e) {251 if (e instanceof KarateFileNotFoundException) {252 logger.trace("skipping bootstrap configuration for env: {} - {}", featureContext.env, e.getMessage());253 } else {254 throw new RuntimeException("evaluation of 'karate-config-" + featureContext.env + ".js' failed", e);255 }256 }257 }258 }259 if (call.callArg != null) { // if call.reuseParentContext is true, arg will clobber parent context260 call.callArg.forEach((k, v) -> vars.put(k, v));261 vars.put(Script.VAR_ARG, call.callArg);262 vars.put(Script.VAR_LOOP, call.loopIndex);263 } else if (call.context != null) {264 vars.put(Script.VAR_ARG, ScriptValue.NULL);265 vars.put(Script.VAR_LOOP, -1);266 }267 logger.trace("karate context init - initial properties: {}", vars);268 }269 public ScenarioContext copy(ScenarioInfo info, Logger logger) {270 return new ScenarioContext(this, info, logger);271 }272 public ScenarioContext copy() {273 return new ScenarioContext(this, scenarioInfo, logger);274 }275 private ScenarioContext(ScenarioContext sc, ScenarioInfo info, Logger logger) {276 featureContext = sc.featureContext;277 this.logger = logger;278 callDepth = sc.callDepth;279 reuseParentContext = sc.reuseParentContext;280 parentContext = sc.parentContext;281 executionHooks = sc.executionHooks;282 perfMode = sc.perfMode;283 tags = sc.tags;284 tagValues = sc.tagValues;285 scenarioInfo = info;286 vars = sc.vars.copy(true); // deep / snap-shot copy287 config = new Config(sc.config); // safe copy288 rootFeatureContext = sc.rootFeatureContext;289 client = HttpClient.construct(config, this);290 bindings = new ScriptBindings(this);291 // state292 request = sc.request.copy();293 driver = sc.driver;294 prevRequest = sc.prevRequest;295 prevResponse = sc.prevResponse;296 prevPerfEvent = sc.prevPerfEvent;297 callResults = sc.callResults;298 webSocketClients = sc.webSocketClients;299 signalResult = sc.signalResult;300 }301 public void configure(Config config) {302 this.config = config;303 client = HttpClient.construct(config, this);304 }305 public void configure(String key, ScriptValue value) { // TODO use enum306 key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(key);307 // if next line returns true, http-client needs re-building308 if (config.configure(key, value)) {309 if (key.startsWith("httpClient")) { // special case310 client = HttpClient.construct(config, this);311 } else {312 client.configure(config, this);313 }314 }315 }316 private List<String> evalList(List<String> values) {317 List<String> list = new ArrayList(values.size());318 try {319 for (String value : values) {320 ScriptValue temp = Script.evalKarateExpression(value, this);321 list.add(temp.getAsString());322 }323 } catch (Exception e) { // hack. for e.g. json with commas would land here324 String joined = StringUtils.join(values, ',');325 ScriptValue temp = Script.evalKarateExpression(joined, this);326 if (temp.isListLike()) {327 return temp.getAsList();328 } else {329 return Collections.singletonList(temp.getAsString());330 }331 }332 return list;333 }334 private Map<String, Object> evalMapExpr(String expr) {335 ScriptValue value = Script.evalKarateExpression(expr, this);336 if (!value.isMapLike()) {337 throw new KarateException("cannot convert to map: " + expr);338 }339 return value.getAsMap();340 }341 private String getVarAsString(String name) {342 ScriptValue sv = vars.get(name);343 if (sv == null) {344 throw new RuntimeException("no variable found with name: " + name);345 }346 return sv.getAsString();347 }348 private static String asString(Map<String, Object> map, String key) {349 Object o = map.get(key);350 return o == null ? null : o.toString();351 }352 public void updateResponseVars() {353 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_STATUS, prevResponse.getStatus());354 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_REQUEST_TIME_STAMP, prevResponse.getStartTime());355 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_TIME, prevResponse.getResponseTime());356 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_COOKIES, prevResponse.getCookies());357 if (config.isLowerCaseResponseHeaders()) {358 Object temp = new ScriptValue(prevResponse.getHeaders()).toLowerCase();359 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_HEADERS, temp);360 } else {361 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_HEADERS, prevResponse.getHeaders());362 }363 byte[] responseBytes = prevResponse.getBody();364 bindings.putAdditionalVariable(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_BYTES, responseBytes);365 String responseString = FileUtils.toString(responseBytes);366 Object responseBody = responseString;367 responseString = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(responseString);368 if (Script.isJson(responseString)) {369 try {370 responseBody = JsonUtils.toJsonDoc(responseString);371 } catch (Exception e) {372 logger.warn("json parsing failed, response data type set to string: {}", e.getMessage());373 }374 } else if (Script.isXml(responseString)) {375 try {376 responseBody = XmlUtils.toXmlDoc(responseString);377 } catch (Exception e) {378 logger.warn("xml parsing failed, response data type set to string: {}", e.getMessage());379 }380 }381 vars.put(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE, responseBody);382 }383 public void invokeAfterHookIfConfigured(boolean afterFeature) {384 if (callDepth > 0) {385 return;386 }387 ScriptValue sv = afterFeature ? config.getAfterFeature() : config.getAfterScenario();388 if (sv.isFunction()) {389 try {390 sv.invokeFunction(this, null);391 } catch (Exception e) {392 String prefix = afterFeature ? "afterFeature" : "afterScenario";393 logger.warn("{} hook failed: {}", prefix, e.getMessage());394 }395 }396 }397 //==========================================================================398 //399 public void configure(String key, String exp) {400 configure(key, Script.evalKarateExpression(exp, this));401 }402 public void url(String expression) {403 String temp = Script.evalKarateExpression(expression, this).getAsString();404 request.setUrl(temp);405 }406 public void path(List<String> paths) {407 for (String path : paths) {408 ScriptValue temp = Script.evalKarateExpression(path, this);409 if (temp.isListLike()) {410 List list = temp.getAsList();411 for (Object o : list) {412 if (o == null) {413 continue;414 }415 request.addPath(o.toString());416 }417 } else {418 request.addPath(temp.getAsString());419 }420 }421 }422 public void param(String name, List<String> values) {423 request.setParam(name, evalList(values));424 }425 public void params(String expr) {426 Map<String, Object> map = evalMapExpr(expr);427 for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {428 String key = entry.getKey();429 Object temp = entry.getValue();430 if (temp == null) {431 request.removeParam(key);432 } else {433 if (temp instanceof List) {434 request.setParam(key, (List) temp);435 } else {436 request.setParam(key, temp.toString());437 }438 }439 }440 }441 public void cookie(String name, String value) {442 ScriptValue sv = Script.evalKarateExpression(value, this);443 Cookie cookie;444 if (sv.isMapLike()) {445 cookie = new Cookie((Map) sv.getAsMap());446 cookie.put(Cookie.NAME, name);447 } else {448 cookie = new Cookie(name, sv.getAsString());449 }450 request.setCookie(cookie);451 }452 public void cookies(String expr) {453 Map<String, Object> map = evalMapExpr(expr);454 for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {455 String key = entry.getKey();456 Object temp = entry.getValue();457 if (temp == null) {458 request.removeCookie(key);459 } else {460 request.setCookie(new Cookie(key, temp.toString()));461 }462 }463 }464 public void header(String name, List<String> values) {465 request.setHeader(name, evalList(values));466 }467 public void headers(String expr) {468 Map<String, Object> map = evalMapExpr(expr);469 for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {470 String key = entry.getKey();471 Object temp = entry.getValue();472 if (temp == null) {473 request.removeHeader(key);474 } else {475 if (temp instanceof List) {476 request.setHeader(key, (List) temp);477 } else {478 request.setHeader(key, temp.toString());479 }480 }481 }482 }483 public void formField(String name, List<String> values) {484 request.setFormField(name, evalList(values));485 }486 public void formFields(String expr) {487 Map<String, Object> map = evalMapExpr(expr);488 for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {489 String key = entry.getKey();490 Object temp = entry.getValue();491 if (temp == null) {492 request.removeFormField(key);493 } else {494 if (temp instanceof List) {495 request.setFormField(key, (List) temp);496 } else {497 request.setFormField(key, temp.toString());498 }499 }500 }501 }502 public void request(ScriptValue body) {503 request.setBody(body);504 }505 public void request(String requestBody) {506 ScriptValue temp = Script.evalKarateExpression(requestBody, this);507 request(temp);508 }509 public void table(String name, List<Map<String, String>> table) {510 int pos = name.indexOf('='); // backward compatibility, we used to require this till v0.5.0511 if (pos != -1) {512 name = name.substring(0, pos);513 }514 List<Map<String, Object>> list = Script.evalTable(table, this);515 DocumentContext doc = JsonPath.parse(list);516 vars.put(name.trim(), doc);517 }518 public void replace(String name, List<Map<String, String>> table) {519 name = name.trim();520 String text = getVarAsString(name);521 String replaced = Script.replacePlaceholders(text, table, this);522 vars.put(name, replaced);523 }524 public void replace(String name, String token, String value) {525 name = name.trim();526 String text = getVarAsString(name);527 String replaced = Script.replacePlaceholderText(text, token, value, this);528 vars.put(name, replaced);529 }530 public void assign(AssignType assignType, String name, String exp) {531 Script.assign(assignType, name, exp, this, true);532 }533 public void assertTrue(String expression) {534 AssertionResult ar = Script.assertBoolean(expression, this);535 if (!ar.pass) {536 logger.error("{}", ar);537 throw new KarateException(ar.message);538 }539 }540 private void clientInvoke() {541 try {542 prevResponse = client.invoke(request, this);543 updateResponseVars();544 } catch (Exception e) {545 String message = e.getMessage();546 logger.error("http request failed: {}", message);547 throw new KarateException(message); // reduce log verbosity548 }549 }550 private void clientInvokeWithRetries() {551 int maxRetries = config.getRetryCount();552 int sleep = config.getRetryInterval();553 int retryCount = 0;554 while (true) {555 if (retryCount == maxRetries) {556 throw new KarateException("too many retry attempts: " + maxRetries);557 }558 if (retryCount > 0) {559 try {560 logger.debug("sleeping before retry #{}", retryCount);561 Thread.sleep(sleep);562 } catch (Exception e) {563 throw new RuntimeException(e);564 }565 }566 clientInvoke();567 ScriptValue sv;568 try {569 sv = Script.evalKarateExpression(request.getRetryUntil(), this);570 } catch (Exception e) {571 logger.warn("retry condition evaluation failed: {}", e.getMessage());572 sv = ScriptValue.NULL;573 }574 if (sv.isBooleanTrue()) {575 if (retryCount > 0) {576 logger.debug("retry condition satisfied");577 }578 break;579 } else {580 logger.debug("retry condition not satisfied: {}", request.getRetryUntil());581 }582 retryCount++;583 }584 }585 public void method(String method) {586 if (!HttpUtils.HTTP_METHODS.contains(method.toUpperCase())) { // support expressions also587 method = Script.evalKarateExpression(method, this).getAsString();588 }589 request.setMethod(method);590 if (request.isRetry()) {591 clientInvokeWithRetries();592 } else {593 clientInvoke();594 }595 String prevUrl = request.getUrl();596 request = new HttpRequestBuilder();597 request.setUrl(prevUrl);598 }599 public void retry(String expression) {600 request.setRetryUntil(expression);601 }602 public void soapAction(String action) {603 action = Script.evalKarateExpression(action, this).getAsString();604 if (action == null) {605 action = "";606 }607 request.setHeader("SOAPAction", action);608 request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");609 method("post");610 }611 public void multipartField(String name, String value) {612 ScriptValue sv = Script.evalKarateExpression(value, this);613 request.addMultiPartItem(name, sv);614 }615 public void multipartFields(String expr) {616 Map<String, Object> map = evalMapExpr(expr);617 map.forEach((k, v) -> {618 ScriptValue sv = new ScriptValue(v);619 request.addMultiPartItem(k, sv);620 });621 }622 public void multipartFile(String name, String value) {623 name = name.trim();624 ScriptValue sv = Script.evalKarateExpression(value, this);625 if (!sv.isMapLike()) {626 throw new RuntimeException("mutipart file value should be json");627 }628 ScriptValue fileValue;629 Map<String, Object> map = sv.getAsMap();630 String read = asString(map, "read");631 if (read == null) {632 Object o = map.get("value");633 fileValue = o == null ? null : new ScriptValue(o);634 } else {635 fileValue = FileUtils.readFile(read, this);636 }637 if (fileValue == null) {638 throw new RuntimeException("mutipart file json should have a value for 'read' or 'value'");639 }640 MultiPartItem item = new MultiPartItem(name, fileValue);641 String filename = asString(map, "filename");642 if (filename == null) {643 filename = name;644 }645 item.setFilename(filename);646 String contentType = asString(map, "contentType");647 if (contentType != null) {648 item.setContentType(contentType);649 }650 request.addMultiPartItem(item);651 }652 public void multipartFiles(String expr) {653 Map<String, Object> map = evalMapExpr(expr);654 map.forEach((k, v) -> {655 ScriptValue sv = new ScriptValue(v);656 multipartFile(k, sv.getAsString());657 });658 }659 public void print(List<String> exps) {660 if (isPrintEnabled()) {661 String prev = ""; // handle rogue commas embedded in string literals662 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();663 sb.append("[print]");664 for (String exp : exps) {665 if (!prev.isEmpty()) {666 exp = prev + StringUtils.trimToNull(exp);667 }668 if (exp == null) {669 sb.append("null");670 } else {671 ScriptValue sv = Script.getIfVariableReference(exp, this);672 if (sv == null) {673 try {674 sv = Script.evalJsExpression(exp, this);675 prev = ""; // evalKarateExpression success, reset rogue comma detector676 } catch (Exception e) {677 prev = exp + ", ";678 continue;679 }680 }681 sb.append(' ').append(sv.getAsPrettyString());682 }683 }684"{}", sb);685 }686 }687 public void status(int status) {688 if (status != prevResponse.getStatus()) {689 String rawResponse = vars.get(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE).getAsString();690 String responseTime = vars.get(ScriptValueMap.VAR_RESPONSE_TIME).getAsString();691 String message = "status code was: " + prevResponse.getStatus() + ", expected: " + status692 + ", response time: " + responseTime + ", url: " + prevResponse.getUri() + ", response: " + rawResponse;693 logger.error(message);694 throw new KarateException(message);695 }696 }697 public void match(MatchType matchType, String name, String path, String expected) {698 AssertionResult ar = Script.matchNamed(matchType, name, path, expected, this);699 if (!ar.pass) {700 logger.error("{}", ar);701 throw new KarateException(ar.message);702 }703 }704 public void set(String name, String path, String value) {705 Script.setValueByPath(name, path, value, this);706 }707 public void set(String name, String path, List<Map<String, String>> table) {708 Script.setByPathTable(name, path, table, this);709 }710 public void remove(String name, String path) {711 Script.removeValueByPath(name, path, this);712 }713 public void call(boolean callonce, String name, String arg) {714 Script.callAndUpdateConfigAndAlsoVarsIfMapReturned(callonce, name, arg, this);715 }716 public void eval(String exp) {717 Script.evalJsExpression(exp, this);718 }719 public Embed getAndClearEmbed() {720 Embed temp = prevEmbed;721 prevEmbed = null;722 return temp;723 }724 public void embed(byte[] bytes, String contentType) {725 Embed embed = new Embed();726 embed.setBytes(bytes);727 embed.setMimeType(contentType);728 prevEmbed = embed;729 }730 public WebSocketClient webSocket(WebSocketOptions options) {731 WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(options);732 if (webSocketClients == null) {733 webSocketClients = new ArrayList();734 }735 webSocketClients.add(webSocketClient);736 return webSocketClient;737 }738 public void signal(Object result) {739 logger.trace("signal called: {}", result);740 synchronized (LOCK) {741 signalResult = result;742 LOCK.notify();743 }744 }745 public Object listen(long timeout, Runnable runnable) {746 if (runnable != null) {747 logger.trace("submitting listen function");748 new Thread(runnable).start();749 }750 synchronized (LOCK) {751 if (signalResult != null) {752 logger.debug("signal arrived early ! result: {}", signalResult);753 Object temp = signalResult;754 signalResult = null;755 return temp;756 }757 try {758 logger.trace("entered listen wait state");759 LOCK.wait(timeout);760 logger.trace("exit listen wait state, result: {}", signalResult);761 } catch (InterruptedException e) {762 logger.error("listen timed out: {}", e.getMessage());763 }764 Object temp = signalResult;765 signalResult = null;766 return temp;767 }768 }769 // driver ================================================================== 770 //771 private void setDriver(Driver driver) {772 this.driver = driver;773 bindings.putAdditionalVariable(ScriptBindings.DRIVER, driver);774 }775 public void driver(String expression) {776 ScriptValue sv = Script.evalKarateExpression(expression, this);777 if (driver == null) {778 Map<String, Object> options = config.getDriverOptions();779 if (options == null) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')2* ws.signal('ping', 'hello')3* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')4* ws.signal('ping', 'hello', 2000)5* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')6* ws.signal('ping', 'hello', 2000, {headers: {header1: 'value1'}})7* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')8* ws.signal('ping', 'hello', 2000, {headers: {header1: 'value1'}}, {param1: 'value1'})9* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')10* ws.signal('ping', 'hello', 2000, {headers: {header1: 'value1'}}, {param1: 'value1'}, 'body')11* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')12* ws.signal('ping', 'hello', 2000, {headers: {header1: 'value1'}}, {param1: 'value1'}, 'body', 'application/json')13* def ws ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')14* ws.signal('ping', '
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1* def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')2* ws.send('hello')3* ws.signal('close')4def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')5ws.send('hello')6ws.signal('close')7* def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')8* ws.send('hello')9* ws.signal('close')10def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')11ws.send('hello')12ws.signal('close')13* def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')14* ws.send('hello')15* ws.signal('close')16def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')17ws.send('hello')18ws.signal('close')19* def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/http/websocket.feature')20* ws.send('hello')21* ws.signal('close')
Using AI Code Generation
1def req = ws.signal('ping')2def res = req.send()3res.text()4def req = ws.signal('ping')5def res = req.send()6res.text()7def req = ws.signal('ping')8def res = req.send()9res.text()10def req = ws.signal('ping')11def res = req.send()12res.text()13def req = ws.signal('ping')14def res = req.send()15res.text()16def req = ws.signal('ping')17def res = req.send()18res.text()19def req = ws.signal('ping')20def res = req.send()21res.text()22def req = ws.signal('ping')23def res = req.send()24res.text()25def req = ws.signal('ping')26def res = req.send()27res.text()28def req = ws.signal('ping')29def res = req.send()30res.text()
Using AI Code Generation
1def signal = ws.signal()2ws.connect()3ws.send('hello')4signal.await(1000)5ws.close()6client.send('hello')7signal.await(1000)8def signal = client.signal()9client.send('hello')10signal.await(1000)11client.send('hello')12signal.await(1000)13def signal = client.signal()14client.send('hello')15signal.await(1000)16def signal = ws.signal()17ws.connect()18ws.send('hello')19signal.await(1000)20ws.close()21def signal = ws.signal()22ws.connect()23ws.send('hello')24signal.await(1000)25ws.close()26def signal = ws.signal()27ws.connect()28ws.send('hello')29signal.await(1000)30ws.close()
Using AI Code Generation
1 * def client ='classpath:com/intuit/karate/websocket/client.feature@client')2 * client.connect(url)3 * client.send(message)4 * match client.receive() == message5 * client.send(message)6 * match client.receive() == message7 * match client.receive() == message8 * client.send(message)9 * match client.receive() == message10 * match client.receive(1000) == message11 * client.send(message)12 * match client.receive() == message13 * match client.receive(1000) == message14 * client.send(message)15 * match client.receive() == message16 * match client.receive(1000) == message17 * client.send(message)18 * match client.receive() == message19 * match client.receive(1000) == message20 * client.send(message)21 * match client.receive() == message22 * match client.receive(1000) == message23 * client.send(message)24 * match client.receive() == message25 * match client.receive(1000) == message26 * client.send(message)27 * match client.receive()
Using AI Code Generation
1def handler = { message ->2}3client.connect(handler)4client.send('hello world')5client.signal('close')6client.close()7def handler = { message ->8}9client.connect(handler)10client.send('hello world')11client.signal('close')12client.close()13def handler = { message ->14}15client.connect(handler)16client.send('hello world')17client.signal('close')18client.close()19def handler = { message ->20}21client.connect(handler)22client.send('hello world')23client.signal('close')24client.close()
Using AI Code Generation
1* ws.signal('hello')2* ws.receive() == 'hello'3* ws.signal('hello')4* ws.receive(5000) == 'hello'5* ws.signal('hello')6* ws.receive(5000) == 'hello'7* ws.receive(5000) == 'hello'8* ws.signal('hello')9* ws.receive(5000) == 'hello'10* ws.receive(5000) == 'hello'11* ws.receive(5000) == 'hello'
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