How to use bodyAppend method of class

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...76 private static final String INIT = "init";77 private static final String CLOSE = "close";78 private static final String CLOSED = "closed";79 private static final String RENDER = "render";80 private static final String BODY_APPEND = "bodyAppend";81 private static final String COPY = "copy";82 private static final String DELAY = "delay";83 private static final String TO_STRING = "toString";84 private static final String TO_LIST = "toList";85 private static final String TO_JSON = "toJson";86 private static final String TO_JSON_PRETTY = "toJsonPretty";87 private static final String FROM_JSON = "fromJson";88 private static final String TEMPLATE = "template";89 private static final String TYPE_OF = "typeOf";90 private static final String IS_PRIMITIVE = "isPrimitive";91 private static final String[] KEYS = new String[]{92 READ, RESOLVER, READ_AS_STRING, EVAL, EVAL_WITH, GET, LOG, UUID, REMOVE, REDIRECT, SWITCH, SWITCHED, AJAX, HTTP, NEXT_ID, SESSION_ID,93 INIT, CLOSE, CLOSED, RENDER, BODY_APPEND, COPY, DELAY, TO_STRING, TO_LIST, TO_JSON, TO_JSON_PRETTY, FROM_JSON, TEMPLATE, TYPE_OF, IS_PRIMITIVE};94 private static final Set<String> KEY_SET = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(KEYS));95 private static final JsArray KEY_ARRAY = new JsArray(KEYS);96 private final ServerConfig config;97 private final Request request;98 private boolean stateless;99 private boolean api;100 private boolean httpGetAllowed;101 private boolean lockNeeded;102 private boolean newSession;103 private Session session; /​/​ can be pre-resolved, else will be set by RequestCycle.init()104 private boolean switched;105 private boolean closed;106 private Supplier<Response> customHandler;107 private int nextId;108 private final Map<String, Object> variables;109 private String redirectPath;110 private List<String> bodyAppends;111 private LogAppender logAppender;112 private RequestCycle mockRequestCycle;113 public ServerContext(ServerConfig config, Request request) {114 this(config, request, null);115 }116 public ServerContext(ServerConfig config, Request request, Map<String, Object> variables) {117 this.config = config;118 this.request = request;119 this.variables = variables;120 HTTP_FUNCTION = args -> {121 HttpClient client = config.getHttpClientFactory().apply(request);122 HttpRequestBuilder http = new HttpRequestBuilder(client);123 if (args.length > 0) {124 http.url((String) args[0]);125 }126 return http;127 };128 RENDER_FUNCTION = o -> {129 KarateEngineContext engineContext = KarateEngineContext.get();130 if (o instanceof String) {131 return TemplateUtils.renderServerPath((String) o, engineContext.getJsEngine(), config.getResourceResolver(), config.isDevMode());132 }133 Map<String, Object> map;134 if (o instanceof Map) {135 map = (Map) o;136 } else {137 logger.warn("invalid argument to render: {}", o);138 return null;139 }140 Map<String, Object> vars = (Map) map.get("vars");141 String path = (String) map.get("path");142 String html = (String) map.get("html");143 Boolean fork = (Boolean) map.get("fork");144 Boolean append = (Boolean) map.get("append");145 if (path == null && html == null) {146 logger.warn("invalid argument to render, 'path' or 'html' needed: {}", map);147 return null;148 }149 JsEngine je;150 if (fork != null && fork) {151 je = JsEngine.local();152 } else {153 je = engineContext.getJsEngine().copy();154 }155 if (vars != null) {156 je.putAll(vars);157 }158 String body;159 if (path != null) {160 body = TemplateUtils.renderServerPath(path, je, config.getResourceResolver(), config.isDevMode());161 } else {162 body = TemplateUtils.renderHtmlString(html, je, config.getResourceResolver());163 }164 if (append != null && append) {165 bodyAppend(body);166 }167 return body;168 };169 }170 public boolean setApiIfPathStartsWith(String prefix) {171 String path = request.getPath();172 if (path.startsWith(prefix)) {173 api = true;174 int length = prefix.length();175 int pos = path.indexOf('/​', length);176 if (pos != -1) {177 request.setResourcePath(path.substring(0, pos) + ".js");178 } else {179 request.setResourcePath(path + ".js");180 }181 request.setPath(path.substring(length - 1));182 return true;183 }184 return false;185 }186 public String getSessionCookieValue() {187 List<String> values = request.getHeaderValues(HttpConstants.HDR_COOKIE);188 if (values == null) {189 return null;190 }191 for (String value : values) {192 Set<Cookie> cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(value);193 for (Cookie c : cookies) {194 if (config.getSessionCookieName().equals( {195 return c.value();196 }197 }198 }199 return null;200 }201 public String readAsString(String resource) {202 InputStream is = config.getResourceResolver().resolve(resource).getStream();203 return FileUtils.toString(is);204 }205 public Object read(String resource) {206 String raw = readAsString(resource);207 ResourceType resourceType = ResourceType.fromFileExtension(resource);208 if (resourceType == ResourceType.JS) {209 return eval(raw);210 } else {211 return JsValue.fromString(raw, false, resourceType);212 }213 }214 public Object eval(String source) {215 return KarateEngineContext.get().getJsEngine().evalForValue(source);216 }217 public Object evalWith(Object o, String source) {218 Value value = Value.asValue(o);219 return KarateEngineContext.get().getJsEngine().evalWith(value, source, true);220 }221 public String toJson(Object o) {222 Value value = Value.asValue(o);223 return new JsValue(value).toJsonOrXmlString(false);224 }225 public String toJsonPretty(Object o) {226 Value value = Value.asValue(o);227 return new JsValue(value).toJsonOrXmlString(true);228 }229 public ServerConfig getConfig() {230 return config;231 }232 public Request getRequest() {233 return request;234 }235 public Map<String, Object> getVariables() {236 return variables;237 }238 public boolean isNewSession() {239 return newSession;240 }241 public void init() {242 long now =;243 long expires = now + config.getSessionExpirySeconds();244 session = config.getSessionStore().create(now, expires);245 newSession = true;246 }247 public Session getSession() {248 return session;249 }250 public void setSession(Session session) {251 this.session = session;252 }253 public boolean isLockNeeded() {254 return lockNeeded;255 }256 public void setLockNeeded(boolean lockNeeded) {257 this.lockNeeded = lockNeeded;258 }259 public boolean isStateless() {260 return stateless;261 }262 public void setStateless(boolean stateless) {263 this.stateless = stateless;264 }265 public boolean isAjax() {266 return request.isAjax();267 }268 public boolean isApi() {269 return api;270 }271 public void setApi(boolean api) {272 this.api = api;273 }274 public boolean isClosed() {275 return closed;276 }277 public boolean isHttpGetAllowed() {278 return httpGetAllowed;279 }280 public void setHttpGetAllowed(boolean httpGetAllowed) {281 this.httpGetAllowed = httpGetAllowed;282 }283 public Supplier<Response> getCustomHandler() {284 return customHandler;285 }286 public void setCustomHandler(Supplier<Response> customHandler) {287 this.customHandler = customHandler;288 }289 public void setMockRequestCycle(RequestCycle mockRequestCycle) {290 this.mockRequestCycle = mockRequestCycle;291 }292 public RequestCycle getMockRequestCycle() {293 return mockRequestCycle;294 }295 public boolean isSwitched() {296 return switched;297 }298 public String getRedirectPath() {299 return redirectPath;300 }301 public List<String> getBodyAppends() {302 return bodyAppends;303 }304 public void bodyAppend(String body) {305 if (bodyAppends == null) {306 bodyAppends = new ArrayList();307 }308 bodyAppends.add(body);309 }310 public LogAppender getLogAppender() {311 return logAppender;312 }313 public void setLogAppender(LogAppender logAppender) {314 this.logAppender = logAppender;315 }316 public void log(Object... args) {317 String log = new LogWrapper(args).toString();318;319 if (logAppender != null) {320 logAppender.append(log);321 }322 }323 private final Methods.FunVar GET_FUNCTION = args -> {324 if (args.length == 0 || args[0] == null) {325 return null;326 }327 String name = args[0].toString();328 KarateEngineContext kec = KarateEngineContext.get();329 Object value;330 if (kec.containsVariable(name)) {331 value = kec.getVariable(name);332 } else {333 JsEngine je = kec.getJsEngine();334 if (je.bindings.hasMember(name)) {335 value = kec.getJsEngine().get(name).getValue();336 } else if (args.length > 1) {337 value = args[1];338 } else {339 value = null;340 }341 }342 return value;343 };344 private static final Supplier<String> UUID_FUNCTION = () -> java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();345 private static final Function<String, Object> FROM_JSON_FUNCTION = s -> JsValue.fromString(s, false, null);346 private final Methods.FunVar HTTP_FUNCTION; /​/​ set in constructor347 private final Function<Object, String> RENDER_FUNCTION; /​/​ set in constructor 348 private final Methods.FunVar LOG_FUNCTION = args -> {349 log(args);350 return null;351 };352 private final Function<Object, Object> COPY_FUNCTION = o -> {353 return JsValue.fromJava(JsonUtils.deepCopy(o));354 };355 private final Consumer<Number> DELAY_FUNCTION = v -> {356 try {357 Thread.sleep(v.longValue());358 } catch (Exception e) {359 logger.error("delay failed: {}", e.getMessage());360 }361 };362 private final Function<Object, Object> TO_STRING_FUNCTION = o -> {363 Variable v = new Variable(o);364 return v.getAsString();365 };366 private final Function<Object, Object> TO_LIST_FUNCTION = o -> {367 if (o instanceof Map) {368 Map map = (Map) o;369 List list = JsonUtils.toList(map);370 return JsValue.fromJava(list);371 } else {372 logger.warn("unable to cast to map: {} - {}", o.getClass(), o);373 return null;374 }375 };376 private final Methods.FunVar SWITCH_FUNCTION = args -> {377 if (switched) {378 logger.warn("context.switch() can be called only once during a request, ignoring: {}", args[0]);379 } else {380 switched = true; /​/​ flag for request cycle render381 KarateEngineContext.get().setRedirect(true); /​/​ flag for template engine382 RequestCycle rc = RequestCycle.get();383 if (args.length > 1) {384 Value value = Value.asValue(args[1]);385 if (value.hasMembers()) {386 JsValue jv = new JsValue(value);387 rc.setSwitchParams(jv.getAsMap());388 }389 }390 String template;391 if (args.length > 0) {392 template = args[0].toString();393 rc.setSwitchTemplate(template);394 } else {395 template = null;396 }397 throw new RedirectException(template);398 }399 return null;400 };401 private final Supplier<String> CLOSE_FUNCTION = () -> {402 closed = true;403 return null;404 };405 private final Supplier<Object> INIT_FUNCTION = () -> {406 init();407 KarateEngineContext.get().getJsEngine().put(RequestCycle.SESSION, session.getData());408 logger.debug("init session: {}", session);409 return null;410 };411 private final Function<String, Object> REDIRECT_FUNCTION = (path) -> {412 redirectPath = path;413 logger.debug("redirect requested to: {}", redirectPath);414 return null;415 };416 private static final BiFunction<Object, Object, Object> REMOVE_FUNCTION = (o, k) -> {417 if (o instanceof Map && k != null) {418 Map in = (Map) o;419 Map out = new HashMap(in);420 Object removed = out.remove(k.toString());421 if (removed == null) {422 logger.warn("nothing removed, key not present: {}", k);423 return o;424 } else {425 return JsValue.fromJava(out);426 }427 } else if (o != null) {428 logger.warn("unable to cast to map: {} - {}", o.getClass(), o);429 }430 return o;431 };432 private final Supplier<String> NEXT_ID_FUNCTION = () -> ++nextId + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();433 private final Function<String, Object> TYPE_OF_FUNCTION = o -> new Variable(o).getTypeString();434 private final Function<Object, Object> IS_PRIMITIVE_FUNCTION = o -> !new Variable(o).isMapOrList();435 @Override436 public Object getMember(String key) {437 switch (key) {438 case READ:439 return (Function<String, Object>) this::read;440 case READ_AS_STRING:441 return (Function<String, String>) this::readAsString;442 case EVAL:443 return (Function<String, Object>) this::eval;444 case EVAL_WITH:445 return (BiFunction<Object, String, Object>) this::evalWith;446 case GET:447 return GET_FUNCTION;448 case LOG:449 return LOG_FUNCTION;450 case UUID:451 return UUID_FUNCTION;452 case COPY:453 return COPY_FUNCTION;454 case DELAY:455 return DELAY_FUNCTION;456 case TO_STRING:457 return TO_STRING_FUNCTION;458 case TO_LIST:459 return TO_LIST_FUNCTION;460 case TO_JSON:461 return (Function<Object, String>) this::toJson;462 case TO_JSON_PRETTY:463 return (Function<Object, String>) this::toJsonPretty;464 case FROM_JSON:465 return FROM_JSON_FUNCTION;466 case REMOVE:467 return REMOVE_FUNCTION;468 case REDIRECT:469 return REDIRECT_FUNCTION;470 case SWITCH:471 return SWITCH_FUNCTION;472 case SWITCHED:473 return switched;474 case AJAX:475 return isAjax();476 case HTTP:477 return HTTP_FUNCTION;478 case NEXT_ID:479 return NEXT_ID_FUNCTION;480 case SESSION_ID:481 return session == null ? null : session.getId();482 case INIT:483 return INIT_FUNCTION;484 case CLOSE:485 return CLOSE_FUNCTION;486 case CLOSED:487 return closed || session == null || session.isTemporary();488 case RENDER:489 return RENDER_FUNCTION;490 case BODY_APPEND:491 return (Consumer<String>) this::bodyAppend;492 case RESOLVER:493 return config.getResourceResolver();494 case TEMPLATE:495 return KarateEngineContext.get().getTemplateName();496 case TYPE_OF:497 return TYPE_OF_FUNCTION;498 case IS_PRIMITIVE:499 return IS_PRIMITIVE_FUNCTION;500 default:501 logger.warn("no such property on context object: {}", key);502 return null;503 }504 }505 @Override...

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')2def response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')3response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')4response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')5response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')6response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')7response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')8response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')9response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')10response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')11response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')12response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')13response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')14response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')15response = server.bodyAppend('Hello World')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')2* server.bodyAppend('hello')3* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')4* server.bodyAppend('hello')5* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')6* server.bodyAppend('hello')7* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')8* server.bodyAppend('hello')9* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')10* server.bodyAppend('hello')11* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')12* server.bodyAppend('hello')13* def server ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​http/​server.feature')14* server.bodyAppend('hello

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Using AI Code Generation


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1def server = new'{"name":"John"}')3server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jane"}')4server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jack"}')5server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jill"}')6server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Joe"}')7server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jenny"}')8server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jen"}')9server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Josh"}')10server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jodie"}')11server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jacob"}')12server.bodyAppend('{"name":"Jude"}')13server.bodyAppend('{"nam

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def server = call read('classpath:server.feature')2* server.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')3* def response ='/​post')4* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')5* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')6* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')7* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')8* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')9* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')10* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')11* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')12* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')13* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')14* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')15* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')16* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')17* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')18* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')19* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')20* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')21* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')22* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')23* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')24* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')25* response.bodyAppend('{"name":"John"}')26* def response = call read('classpath:server.feature')

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