How to use Object method of class

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...65 private boolean initialized;66 private boolean terminated;67 private String browserGuid;68 private String browserContextGuid;69 private final Object LOCK = new Object();70 private void lockAndWait() {71 synchronized (LOCK) {72 try {73 LOCK.wait();74 } catch (Exception e) {75 throw new RuntimeException(e);76 }77 }78 }79 protected void unlockAndProceed() {80 initialized = true;81 synchronized (LOCK) {82 LOCK.notify();83 }84 }85 private int nextId;86 public int nextId() {87 return ++nextId;88 }89 public void waitSync() {90 client.waitSync();91 }92 public static PlaywrightDriver start(Map<String, Object> map, ScenarioRuntime sr) {93 DriverOptions options = new DriverOptions(map, sr, 4444, "playwright");94 String playwrightUrl;95 Command command;96 if (options.start) {97 Map<String, Object> pwOptions = options.playwrightOptions == null ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP : options.playwrightOptions;98 options.arg(options.port + "");99 String browserType = (String) pwOptions.get("browserType");100 if (browserType == null) {101 browserType = "chromium";102 }103 options.arg(browserType);104 if (options.headless) {105 options.arg("true");106 }107 CompletableFuture<String> future = new CompletableFuture();108 command = options.startProcess(s -> {109 int pos = s.indexOf("ws:/​/​");110 if (pos != -1) {111 s = s.substring(pos).trim();112 pos = s.indexOf(' ');113 if (pos != -1) {114 s = s.substring(0, pos);115 }116 future.complete(s);117 }118 });119 try {120 playwrightUrl = future.get();121 } catch (Exception e) {122 throw new RuntimeException(e);123 }124 options.processLogger.debug("playwright server url ready: {}", playwrightUrl);125 } else {126 command = null;127 playwrightUrl = options.playwrightUrl;128 if (playwrightUrl == null) {129 throw new RuntimeException("playwrightUrl is mandatory if start == false");130 }131 }132 return new PlaywrightDriver(options, command, playwrightUrl);133 }134 public PlaywrightDriver(DriverOptions options, Command command, String webSocketUrl) {135 this.options = options;136 logger = options.driverLogger;137 this.command = command;138 wait = new PlaywrightWait(this, options);139 WebSocketOptions wsOptions = new WebSocketOptions(webSocketUrl);140 wsOptions.setMaxPayloadSize(options.maxPayloadSize);141 wsOptions.setTextConsumer(text -> {142 if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {143 logger.trace("<< {}", text);144 } else {145 /​/​ to avoid swamping the console when large base64 encoded binary responses happen146 logger.debug("<< {}", StringUtils.truncate(text, 1024, true));147 }148 Map<String, Object> map = Json.of(text).value();149 PlaywrightMessage pwm = new PlaywrightMessage(this, map);150 receive(pwm);151 });152 client = new WebSocketClient(wsOptions, logger);153 lockAndWait();154 logger.debug("contexts ready, frame: {}, page: {}, browser-context: {}, browser: {}",155 currentFrame, currentPage, browserContextGuid, browserGuid);156 }157 private PlaywrightMessage method(String method, String guid) {158 return new PlaywrightMessage(this, method, guid);159 }160 public void send(PlaywrightMessage pwm) {161 String json = JsonUtils.toJson(pwm.toMap());162 logger.debug(">> {}", json);163 client.send(json);164 }165 private String currentDialog;166 private String currentDialogText;167 private String currentDialogType;168 private boolean dialogAccept = true;169 private String dialogInput = "";170 private String currentFrame;171 private String currentPage;172 private final Map<String, Set<String>> pageFrames = new LinkedHashMap();173 private final Map<String, Frame> frameInfo = new HashMap();174 private PlaywrightMessage page(String method) {175 return method(method, currentPage);176 }177 private PlaywrightMessage frame(String method) {178 return method(method, currentFrame);179 }180 private static class Frame {181 final String frameGuid;182 final String url;183 final String name;184 Frame(String frameGuid, String url, String name) {185 this.frameGuid = frameGuid;186 this.url = url;187 = name;188 }189 }190 public void receive(PlaywrightMessage pwm) {191 if (pwm.methodIs("frameAttached")) {192 String pageGuid = pwm.getGuid();193 String frameGuid = pwm.getParam("frame.guid");194 Set<String> frames = pageFrames.get(pageGuid);195 if (frames == null) {196 frames = new LinkedHashSet(); /​/​ order important !!197 pageFrames.put(pageGuid, frames);198 }199 frames.add(frameGuid);200 } else if (pwm.methodIs("frameDetached")) {201 String pageGuid = pwm.getGuid();202 String frameGuid = pwm.getParam("frame.guid");203 frameInfo.remove(frameGuid);204 Set<String> frames = pageFrames.get(pageGuid);205 frames.remove(frameGuid);206 } else if (pwm.methodIs("navigated")) {207 String frameGuid = pwm.getGuid();208 String url = pwm.getParam("url");209 String name = pwm.getParam("name");210 frameInfo.put(frameGuid, new Frame(frameGuid, url, name));211 } else if (pwm.methodIs("__create__")) {212 if (pwm.paramHas("type", "Page")) {213 String pageGuid = pwm.getParam("guid");214 String frameGuid = pwm.getParam("initializer.mainFrame.guid");215 Set<String> frames = pageFrames.get(pageGuid);216 if (frames == null) {217 frames = new LinkedHashSet(); /​/​ order important !!218 pageFrames.put(pageGuid, frames);219 }220 frames.add(frameGuid);221 if (!initialized) {222 currentPage = pageGuid;223 currentFrame = frameGuid;224 unlockAndProceed();225 }226 } else if (pwm.paramHas("type", "Dialog")) {227 currentDialog = pwm.getParam("guid");228 currentDialogText = pwm.getParam("initializer.message");229 currentDialogType = pwm.getParam("initializer.type");230 if ("alert".equals(currentDialogType)) {231 method("dismiss", currentDialog).sendWithoutWaiting();232 } else {233 if (dialogInput == null) {234 dialogInput = "";235 }236 method(dialogAccept ? "accept" : "dismiss", currentDialog)237 .param("promptText", dialogInput).sendWithoutWaiting();238 }239 } else if (pwm.paramHas("type", "RemoteBrowser")) {240 browserGuid = pwm.getParam("initializer.browser.guid");241 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap();242 if (!options.headless) {243 map.put("noDefaultViewport", false);244 }245 if (options.playwrightOptions != null) {246 Map<String, Object> temp = (Map) options.playwrightOptions.get("context");247 if (temp != null) {248 map.putAll(temp);249 }250 }251 method("newContext", browserGuid).params(map).sendWithoutWaiting();252 } else if (pwm.paramHas("type", "BrowserContext")) {253 browserContextGuid = pwm.getParam("guid");254 method("newPage", browserContextGuid).sendWithoutWaiting();255 } else {256 logger.trace("ignoring __create__: {}", pwm);257 }258 } else {259 wait.receive(pwm);260 }261 }262 public PlaywrightMessage sendAndWait(PlaywrightMessage pwm, Predicate<PlaywrightMessage> condition) {263 boolean wasSubmit = submit;264 if (condition == null && submit) {265 submit = false;266 condition = PlaywrightWait.DOM_CONTENT_LOADED;267 }268 /​/​ do stuff inside wait to avoid missing messages269 PlaywrightMessage result = wait.send(pwm, condition);270 if (result == null && !wasSubmit) {271 throw new RuntimeException("failed to get reply for: " + pwm);272 }273 return result;274 }275 @Override276 public DriverOptions getOptions() {277 return options;278 }279 @Override280 public Driver timeout(Integer millis) {281 options.setTimeout(millis);282 return this;283 }284 @Override285 public Driver timeout() {286 return timeout(null);287 }288 private static final Map<String, Object> NO_ARGS = Json.of("{ value: { v: 'undefined' }, handles: [] }").value();289 private PlaywrightMessage evalOnce(String expression, boolean quickly, boolean fireAndForget) {290 PlaywrightMessage toSend = frame("evaluateExpression")291 .param("expression", expression)292 .param("isFunction", false)293 .param("arg", NO_ARGS);294 if (quickly) {295 toSend.setTimeout(options.getRetryInterval());296 }297 if (fireAndForget) {298 toSend.sendWithoutWaiting();299 return null;300 }301 return toSend.send();302 }303 private PlaywrightMessage eval(String expression) {304 return eval(expression, false);305 }306 private PlaywrightMessage eval(String expression, boolean quickly) {307 PlaywrightMessage pwm = evalOnce(expression, quickly, false);308 if (pwm.isError()) {309 String message = "js eval failed once:" + expression310 + ", error: " + pwm.getResult();311 logger.warn(message);312 options.sleep();313 pwm = evalOnce(expression, quickly, false); /​/​ no wait condition for the re-try314 if (pwm.isError()) {315 message = "js eval failed twice:" + expression316 + ", error: " + pwm.getResult();317 logger.error(message);318 throw new RuntimeException(message);319 }320 }321 return pwm;322 }323 @Override324 public Object script(String expression) {325 return eval(expression).getResultValue();326 }327 @Override328 public String elementId(String locator) {329 return frame("querySelector").param("selector", locator).send().getResult("element.guid");330 }331 @Override332 public List<String> elementIds(String locator) {333 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); /​/​To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.334 }335 private void retryIfEnabled(String locator) {336 if (options.isRetryEnabled()) {337 waitFor(locator); /​/​ will throw exception if not found338 }339 if (options.highlight) {340 /​/​ highlight(locator, options.highlightDuration); /​/​ instead of this341 String highlightJs = options.highlight(locator, options.highlightDuration);342 evalOnce(highlightJs, true, true); /​/​ do it safely, i.e. fire and forget343 }344 }345 @Override346 public void setUrl(String url) {347 frame("goto").param("url", url).param("waitUntil", "load").send();348 }349 @Override350 public void activate() {351 page("bringToFront").send();352 }353 @Override354 public void refresh() {355 page("reload").param("waitUntil", "load").send();356 }357 @Override358 public void reload() {359 refresh(); /​/​ TODO ignore cache ?360 }361 @Override362 public void back() {363 page("goBack").param("waitUntil", "load").send();364 }365 @Override366 public void forward() {367 page("goForward").param("waitUntil", "load").send();368 }369 @Override370 public void maximize() {371 /​/​ https:/​/​​microsoft/​playwright/​issues/​1086372 }373 @Override374 public void minimize() {375 /​/​ see maximize()376 }377 @Override378 public void fullscreen() {379 /​/​ TODO JS380 }381 @Override382 public void close() {383 page("close").send();384 }385 @Override386 public void quit() {387 if (terminated) {388 return;389 }390 terminated = true;391 method("close", browserGuid).sendWithoutWaiting();392 client.close();393 if (command != null) {394 /​/​ cannot force else node process does not terminate gracefully395 command.close(false);396 }397 }398 @Override399 public String property(String id, String name) {400 retryIfEnabled(id);401 return eval(DriverOptions.selector(id) + "['" + name + "']").getResultValue();402 }403 @Override404 public String html(String id) {405 return property(id, "outerHTML");406 }407 @Override408 public String text(String id) {409 return property(id, "textContent");410 }411 @Override412 public String value(String locator) {413 return property(locator, "value");414 }415 @Override416 public String getUrl() {417 return eval("document.location.href").getResultValue();418 }419 @Override420 public void setDimensions(Map<String, Object> map) {421 /​/​ todo422 }423 @Override424 public String getTitle() {425 return eval("document.title").getResultValue();426 }427 @Override428 public Element click(String locator) {429 retryIfEnabled(locator);430 eval(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + ".click()");431 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);432 }433 @Override434 public Element value(String locator, String value) {435 retryIfEnabled(locator);436 eval(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + ".value = '" + value + "'");437 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);438 }439 @Override440 public String attribute(String id, String name) {441 retryIfEnabled(id);442 return eval(DriverOptions.selector(id) + ".getAttribute('" + name + "')").getResultValue();443 }444 @Override445 public boolean enabled(String id) {446 retryIfEnabled(id);447 PlaywrightMessage pwm = eval(DriverOptions.selector(id) + ".disabled");448 Boolean disabled = pwm.getResultValue();449 return !disabled;450 }451 @Override452 public boolean waitUntil(String expression) {453 return options.retry(() -> {454 try {455 return eval(expression, true).getResultValue();456 } catch (Exception e) {457 logger.warn("waitUntil evaluate failed: {}", e.getMessage());458 return false;459 }460 }, b -> b, "waitUntil (js)", true);461 }462 @Override463 public Driver submit() {464 submit = true;465 return this;466 }467 @Override468 public Element focus(String locator) {469 retryIfEnabled(locator);470 eval(options.focusJs(locator));471 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);472 }473 @Override474 public Element clear(String locator) {475 eval(DriverOptions.selector(locator) + ".value = ''");476 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);477 }478 @Override479 public Map<String, Object> position(String locator) {480 return position(locator, false);481 }482 @Override483 public Map<String, Object> position(String locator, boolean relative) {484 boolean submitTemp = submit; /​/​ in case we are prepping for a submit().mouse(locator).click()485 submit = false;486 retryIfEnabled(locator);487 Map<String, Object> map = eval(relative ? DriverOptions.getRelativePositionJs(locator) : DriverOptions.getPositionJs(locator)).getResultValue();488 submit = submitTemp;489 return map;490 }491 private PlaywrightMessage evalFrame(String frameGuid, String expression) {492 return method("evaluateExpression", frameGuid)493 .param("expression", expression)494 .param("isFunction", false)495 .param("arg", NO_ARGS).send();496 }497 @Override498 public void switchPage(String titleOrUrl) {499 if (titleOrUrl == null) {500 return;501 }502 for (String pageGuid : pageFrames.keySet()) {503 String frameGuid = pageFrames.get(pageGuid).iterator().next();504 String title = evalFrame(frameGuid, "document.title").getResultValue();505 if (title != null && title.contains(titleOrUrl)) {506 currentPage = pageGuid;507 currentFrame = frameGuid;508 activate();509 return;510 }511 String url = evalFrame(frameGuid, "document.location.href").getResultValue();512 if (url != null && url.contains(titleOrUrl)) {513 currentPage = pageGuid;514 currentFrame = frameGuid;515 activate();516 return;517 }518 }519 logger.warn("failed to find page by title /​ url: {}", titleOrUrl);520 }521 @Override522 public void switchPage(int index) {523 if (index == -1 || index >= pageFrames.size()) {524 logger.warn("not switching page for size {}: {}", pageFrames.size(), index);525 return;526 }527 List<String> temp = getPages();528 currentPage = temp.get(index);529 currentFrame = pageFrames.get(currentPage).iterator().next();530 activate();531 }532 private void waitForFrame(String previousFrame) {533 String previousFrameUrl = frameInfo.get(previousFrame).url;534 logger.debug("waiting for frame url to switch from: {} - {}", previousFrame, previousFrameUrl);535 Integer retryInterval = options.getRetryInterval();536 options.setRetryInterval(1000); /​/​ reduce retry interval for this special case537 options.retry(() -> evalFrame(currentFrame, "document.location.href"),538 pwm -> !pwm.isError() && !pwm.getResultValue().equals(previousFrameUrl), "waiting for frame context", false);539 options.setRetryInterval(retryInterval); /​/​ restore540 }541 @Override542 public void switchFrame(int index) {543 String previousFrame = currentFrame;544 List<String> temp = new ArrayList(pageFrames.get(currentPage));545 index = index + 1; /​/​ the root frame is always zero, api here is consistent with webdriver etc546 if (index < temp.size()) {547 currentFrame = temp.get(index);548 logger.debug("switched to frame: {} - pages: {}", currentFrame, pageFrames);549 waitForFrame(previousFrame);550 } else {551 logger.warn("not switching frame for size {}: {}", temp.size(), index);552 }553 }554 @Override555 public void switchFrame(String locator) {556 String previousFrame = currentFrame;557 if (locator == null) {558 switchFrame(-1);559 } else {560 if (locator.startsWith("#")) { /​/​ TODO get reference to frame element via locator561 locator = locator.substring(1);562 }563 for (Frame frame : frameInfo.values()) {564 if (frame.url.contains(locator) || {565 currentFrame = frame.frameGuid;566 logger.debug("switched to frame: {} - pages: {}", currentFrame, pageFrames);567 waitForFrame(previousFrame);568 return;569 }570 }571 }572 }573 @Override574 public Map<String, Object> getDimensions() {575 logger.warn("getDimensions() not supported");576 return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;577 }578 @Override579 public List<String> getPages() {580 return new ArrayList(pageFrames.keySet());581 }582 @Override583 public String getDialogText() {584 return currentDialogText;585 }586 @Override587 public byte[] screenshot(boolean embed) {588 return screenshot(null, embed);589 }590 @Override591 public Map<String, Object> cookie(String name) {592 List<Map> list = getCookies();593 if (list == null) {594 return null;595 }596 for (Map<String, Object> map : list) {597 if (map != null && name.equals(map.get("name"))) {598 return map;599 }600 }601 return null;602 }603 @Override604 public void cookie(Map<String, Object> cookie) {605 if (cookie.get("url") == null && cookie.get("domain") == null) {606 cookie = new HashMap(cookie); /​/​ don't mutate test607 cookie.put("url", getUrl());608 }609 method("addCookies", browserContextGuid).param("cookies", Collections.singletonList(cookie)).send();610 }611 @Override612 public void deleteCookie(String name) {613 List<Map> cookies = getCookies();614 List<Map> filtered = new ArrayList(cookies.size());615 for (Map m : cookies) {616 if (!name.equals(m.get("name"))) {617 filtered.add(m);618 }619 }620 clearCookies();621 method("addCookies", browserContextGuid).param("cookies", filtered).send();622 }623 @Override624 public void clearCookies() {625 method("clearCookies", browserContextGuid).send();626 }627 @Override628 public List<Map> getCookies() {629 return method("cookies", browserContextGuid).param("urls", Collections.EMPTY_LIST).send().getResult("cookies", List.class);630 }631 @Override632 public void dialog(boolean accept) {633 dialog(accept, null);634 }635 @Override636 public void dialog(boolean accept, String input) {637 this.dialogAccept = accept;638 this.dialogInput = input;639 }640 @Override641 public Element input(String locator, String value) {642 retryIfEnabled(locator);643 /​/​ focus644 eval(options.focusJs(locator));645 Input input = new Input(value);646 Set<String> pressed = new HashSet();647 while (input.hasNext()) {648 char c =;649 String keyValue = Keys.keyValue(c);650 if (keyValue != null) {651 if (Keys.isModifier(c)) {652 pressed.add(keyValue);653 page("keyboardDown").param("key", keyValue).send();654 } else {655 page("keyboardPress").param("key", keyValue).send();656 }657 } else {658 page("keyboardType").param("text", c + "").send();659 }660 }661 for (String keyValue : pressed) {662 page("keyboardUp").param("key", keyValue).send();663 }664 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);665 }666 protected int currentMouseXpos;667 protected int currentMouseYpos;668 @Override669 public void actions(List<Map<String, Object>> sequence) {670 boolean submitRequested = submit;671 submit = false; /​/​ make sure only LAST action is handled as a submit()672 for (Map<String, Object> map : sequence) {673 List<Map<String, Object>> actions = (List) map.get("actions");674 if (actions == null) {675 logger.warn("no actions property found: {}", sequence);676 return;677 }678 Iterator<Map<String, Object>> iterator = actions.iterator();679 while (iterator.hasNext()) {680 Map<String, Object> action =;681 String type = (String) action.get("type");682 if (type == null) {683 logger.warn("no type property found: {}", action);684 continue;685 }686 String pageAction;687 switch (type) {688 case "pointerMove":689 pageAction = "mouseMove";690 break;691 case "pointerDown":692 pageAction = "mouseDown";693 break;694 case "pointerUp":695 pageAction = "mouseUp";696 break;697 default:698 logger.warn("unexpected action type: {}", action);699 continue;700 }701 Integer x = (Integer) action.get("x");702 Integer y = (Integer) action.get("y");703 if (x != null) {704 currentMouseXpos = x;705 }706 if (y != null) {707 currentMouseYpos = y;708 }709 Integer duration = (Integer) action.get("duration");710 PlaywrightMessage toSend = page(pageAction);711 if ("mouseMove".equals(pageAction) && x != null && y != null) {712 toSend.param("x", x).param("y", y);713 } else {714 toSend.params(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);715 }716 if (!iterator.hasNext() && submitRequested) {717 submit = true;718 }719 toSend.send();720 if (duration != null) {721 options.sleep(duration);722 }723 }724 }725 }726 @Override727 public Element select(String locator, String text) {728 retryIfEnabled(locator);729 eval(options.optionSelector(locator, text));730 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);731 }732 @Override733 public Element select(String locator, int index) {734 retryIfEnabled(locator);735 eval(options.optionSelector(locator, index));736 return DriverElement.locatorExists(this, locator);737 }738 @Override739 public byte[] screenshot(String locator, boolean embed) {740 PlaywrightMessage toSend = page("screenshot").param("type", "png");741 if (locator != null) {742 toSend.param("clip", position(locator));743 }744 PlaywrightMessage pwm = toSend.send();745 String data = pwm.getResult("binary");746 byte[] bytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(data);747 if (embed) {748 getRuntime().embed(bytes, ResourceType.PNG);749 }750 return bytes;751 }752 @Override753 public byte[] pdf(Map<String, Object> options) {754 if (options == null) {755 options = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;756 }757 PlaywrightMessage pwm = page("pdf").params(options).send();758 String temp = pwm.getResult("pdf");759 return Base64.getDecoder().decode(temp);760 }761 @Override762 public boolean isTerminated() {763 return terminated;764 }765}...

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1import * def options = PlaywrightOptions.builder()10 * options.viewport = Viewport.builder().width(375).height(812).deviceScaleFactor(3).isMobile(true).hasTouch(true).isLandscape(false).build()11 * def driver = PlaywrightDriver.start(options)12 * driver.waitForLoad()13 * driver.findElement('input[title="Search"]').sendKeys('Playwright')14 * driver.findElement('input[title="Search"]').sendKeys('\uE007')15 * driver.waitForLoad()16 * driver.findElement('h3').text.contains('Playwright')17 * driver.quit()18import

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1import driver = new PlaywrightDriver()3driver.waitForLoad()4driver.waitForVisible('input[name="q"]')5driver.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello')'input[value="Google Search"]')7driver.waitForVisible('div#search')8driver.close()9import driver = new PlaywrightDriver()11driver.waitForLoad()12driver.waitForVisible('input[name="q"]')13driver.type('input[name="q"]', 'hello')'input[value="Google Search"]')15driver.waitForVisible('div#search')16driver.close()

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1* driver.isPlaywright() == true2* driver.isSelenium() == false3* driver.isAppium() == false4* driver.isCypress() == false5* driver.isPuppeteer() == false6* page.isPlaywright() == true7* page.isSelenium() == false8* page.isAppium() == false9* page.isCypress() == false10* page.isPuppeteer() == false11* browser.isPlaywright() == true12* browser.isSelenium() == false13* browser.isAppium() == false14* browser.isCypress() == false15* browser.isPuppeteer() == false16* context.isPlaywright() == true17* context.isSelenium() == false18* context.isAppium() == false19* context.isCypress() == false20* context.isPuppeteer() == false21* playwright.isPlaywright() == true22* playwright.isSelenium() == false23* playwright.isAppium() == false24* playwright.isCypress() == false25* playwright.isPuppeteer() == false26* driver.isPlaywright() == true27* driver.isSelenium() == false28* driver.isAppium() == false29* driver.isCypress() == false30* driver.isPuppeteer() == false31* page.isPlaywright() == true32* page.isSelenium() == false33* page.isAppium() == false34* page.isCypress() == false35* page.isPuppeteer() == false36* browser.isPlaywright() == true37* browser.isSelenium() == false38* browser.isAppium() == false39* browser.isCypress() == false40* browser.isPuppeteer() == false41* context.isPlaywright() == true42* context.isSelenium() == false43* context.isAppium() == false

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1import*2def driver = PlaywrightDriver.start()'text=I agree')'input[aria-label="Search"]')5page.fill('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')7page.waitForNavigation()8driver.close()9import*10def driver = PlaywrightDriver.start()'text=I agree')'input[aria-label="Search"]')13page.fill('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')15page.waitForNavigation()16driver.close()17import*18def driver = PlaywrightDriver.start()'text=I agree')'input[aria-label="Search"]')21page.fill('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')23page.waitForNavigation()24driver.close()25import*26def driver = PlaywrightDriver.start()'text=I agree')'input[aria-label="Search"]')29page.fill('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')31page.waitForNavigation()32driver.close()33import*34def driver = PlaywrightDriver.start()'text=I agree')'input[aria-label="Search"]')37page.fill('input[aria-label="Search"]', 'karate')'input[value="

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1def driver ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { options: { headless: false } }).driver2def element = page.$('div')3def result = element.evaluateHandle("function(e) { return e }")4result.dispose()5def driver ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { options: { headless: false } }).driver6def element = page.$('div')7def result = element.evaluateHandle("function(e) { return e }")8result.dispose()9def driver ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { options: { headless: false } }).driver10def element = page.$('div')11def result = element.evaluateHandle("function(e) { return e }")12result.dispose()13def driver ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { options: { headless: false } }).driver14def element = page.$('div')15def result = element.evaluateHandle("function(e) { return e }")16result.dispose()17def driver ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { options: { headless: false } }).driver18def element = page.$('div')19def result = element.evaluateHandle("function(e) { return e }")20result.dispose()21def driver ='classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { options: { headless: false } }).driver

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Using AI Code Generation


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1def driver = karate.callSingle('classpath:com/​intuit/​karate/​driver/​playwright/​playwright.feature', { driver: 'playwright' })2def element = page.$('#some-element-id')3def object = element.asObject()'some text')'Enter')9object.check()10object.uncheck()11object.selectOption('some option')12object.setInputFiles('some-file-path')13object.type('some text')14object.focus()15object.boundingBox()16object.screenshot()17object.innerHTML()18object.innerText()19object.textContent()20object.getAttribute('some-attribute')21object.isVisible()22object.isIntersectingViewport()23object.isDisabled()24object.isEditable()25object.isChecked()26object.isFocused()27object.isPressed()28object.isDragging()29object.isDropTarget()30object.isContentEditable()31object.hasAttribute('some-attribute')32object.hasText('some text')33object.hasSelector('#some-selector')34object.hasFocus()35object.hasAttribute('some-attribute', 'some-value')36object.hasText('some text', { exact: true })37object.hasText('some text', { ignore: 'some text to ignore' })38object.hasText('some text', { case: true })39object.hasText('some text', { trim: true })40object.hasText('some text', { word: true })41object.hasText('some text', { normalize: true })42object.hasText('some text', { collapse: true })43object.hasText('some text', { hidden: true })44object.hasText('some text', { timeout: 1000 })45object.hasText('some text', { timeout: 1000, interval: 200 })46object.waitForFunction("() => document.querySelector('#some-element-id').innerText === 'some text'")47object.waitForFunction("() => document.querySelector('#some-element-id').innerText === 'some text'", { timeout: 1000 })48object.waitForFunction("() => document.querySelector('#some-element-id').innerText === 'some text'", { polling: 200 })49object.waitForFunction("() => document.querySelector('#some-element-id').innerText === 'some text'", { timeout: 1000, polling: 200 })50object.waitForFunction("() => document.querySelector('#some-element-id').innerText === 'some text'", { timeout: 1000, polling: 200, state: 'attached' })51object.waitForFunction("() => document.querySelector('#some-element-id').innerText

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Using AI Code Generation


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1def driver = karate.driver('playwright')2def element = page.locator('css=#myElement')3def obj = element.asElement()4def result = obj.boundingBox()5def driver = karate.driver('playwright')6def element = page.locator('css=#myElement')7def result = element.boundingBox()

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