How to use matchVar method of class

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...37 assertFalse(sr.result.isFailed());38 }39 return sr;40 }41 private void matchVar(String name, Object expected) {42 match(get(name), expected);43 }44 @Test45 void testDefAndMatch() {46 run(47 "def a = 1 + 2",48 "match a == 3"49 );50 assertEquals(3, get("a"));51 fail = true;52 run(53 "def a = 1 + 2",54 "match a == 4"55 );56 }57 @Test58 void testConfigAndEnv() {59 System.clearProperty("karate.env");60 System.clearProperty("karate.config.dir");61 run("def foo = configSource");62 matchVar("foo", "normal");63 System.setProperty("karate.config.dir", "src/​test/​java/​com/​intuit/​karate/​core");64 run(65 "def foo = configSource",66 "def bar = karate.env"67 );68 matchVar("foo", "custom");69 matchVar("bar", null);70 System.setProperty("karate.env", "dev");71 run(72 "def foo = configSource",73 "def bar = karate.env"74 );75 matchVar("foo", "custom-env");76 matchVar("bar", "dev");77 /​/​ reset for other tests 78 System.clearProperty("karate.env");79 System.clearProperty("karate.config.dir");80 }81 @Test82 void testFunctionsFromGlobalConfig() {83 System.setProperty("karate.config.dir", "src/​test/​java/​com/​intuit/​karate/​core");84 run(85 "def foo = configUtilsJs.someText",86 "def bar = configUtilsJs.someFun()",87 "def res = call read('called2.feature')"88 );89 matchVar("foo", "hello world");90 matchVar("bar", "hello world");91 Match.that(get("res")).contains("{ calledBar: 'hello world' }");92 System.clearProperty("karate.env");93 System.clearProperty("karate.config.dir");94 }95 @Test96 void testReadFunction() {97 run(98 "def foo = read('data.json')",99 "def bar = karate.readAsString('data.json')"100 );101 matchVar("foo", "{ hello: 'world' }");102 Variable bar = sr.engine.vars.get("bar");103 Match.that(bar.getValue()).isEqualTo("{ hello: 'world' }");104 /​/​ fixed for windows105 assertEquals(((String) bar.getValue()).trim(), "{ \"hello\": \"world\" }");106 }107 @Test108 void testReadFilesWithExpressions() {109 run(110 "def foo = 'fooValue'",111 "def bar = 'barValue'",112 "def dataFromYml = read('read-expressions.yml')",113 "def dataFromJson = read('read-expressions.json')"114 );115 Variable dataFromYml = sr.engine.vars.get("dataFromYml");116 Variable dataFromJson = sr.engine.vars.get("dataFromJson");117 assertEquals(dataFromYml.getAsString(), dataFromJson.getAsString());118 assertEquals(dataFromYml.getAsString(), "[{\"item\":{\"foo\":\"fooValue\",\"nested\":{\"bar\":\"barValue\",\"notfound\":\"#(baz)\"}}}]");119 assertEquals(dataFromJson.getAsString(), "[{\"item\":{\"foo\":\"fooValue\",\"nested\":{\"bar\":\"barValue\",\"notfound\":\"#(baz)\"}}}]");120 }121 @Test122 void testCallJsFunction() {123 run(124 "def fun = function(a){ return a + 1 }",125 "def foo = call fun 2"126 );127 matchVar("foo", 3);128 }129 @Test130 void testCallJsFunctionFromFile() {131 run(132 "def nextId = call read('increment.js')",133 "def res1 = nextId()",134 "def res2 = nextId()"135 );136 matchVar("res1", 1);137 matchVar("res2", 2);138 matchVar("_curId", 2);139 }140 @Test141 void testCallKarateFeature() {142 run(143 "def b = 'bar'",144 "def res = call read('called1.feature')"145 );146 matchVar("res", "{ a: 1, foo: { hello: 'world' } }");147 run(148 "def b = 'bar'",149 "def res = call read('called1.feature') { foo: 'bar' }"150 );151 matchVar("res", "{ a: 1, foo: { hello: 'world' } }");152 run(153 "def b = 'bar'",154 "def res = call read('called1.feature') [{ foo: 'bar' }]"155 );156 matchVar("res", "[{ a: 1, foo: { hello: 'world' } }]");157 run(158 "def b = 'bar'",159 "def fun = function(i){ if (i == 1) return null; return { index: i } }",160 "def res = call read('called1.feature') fun"161 );162 matchVar("res", "[{ a: 1, foo: { hello: 'world' }, index: 0 }]");163 }164 @Test165 void testCallOnce() {166 run(167 "def uuid = function(){ return java.util.UUID.randomUUID() + '' }",168 "def first = callonce uuid",169 "def second = callonce uuid"170 );171 matchVar("first", get("second"));172 }173 @Test174 void testCallSingle() {175 run(176 "def first = karate.callSingle('uuid.js')",177 "def second = karate.callSingle('uuid.js')"178 );179 matchVar("first", get("second"));180 }181 @Test182 void testCallSingleThatReturnsJson() {183 run(184 "def res = karate.callSingle('called3.js')"185 );186 matchVar("res", "{ varA: '2', varB: '3' }");187 }188 @Test189 void testKarateCallThatReturnsJson() {190 run(191 "def res ='called3.js')"192 );193 matchVar("res", "{ varA: '2', varB: '3' }");194 }195 @Test196 void testCallSingleWithinJs() {197 run(198 "def res ='called3-caller1.js')"199 );200 matchVar("res", "2");201 }202 @Test203 void testKarateCallWithinJs() {204 run(205 "def res ='called3-caller2.js')"206 );207 matchVar("res", "2");208 }209 @Test210 void testCallFromJs() {211 run(212 "def res ='called1.feature')"213 );214 matchVar("res", "{ a: 1, foo: { hello: 'world' } }");215 }216 @Test217 void testCallWithJsonArgument() {218 run(219 "def fun = function(arg){ return [arg.first, arg.second] }",220 "def res = call fun { first: 'foo', second: 'bar' }"221 );222 matchVar("res", "['foo', 'bar']");223 }224 @Test225 void testToString() {226 run(227 "def foo = { hello: 'world' }",228 "def fooStr = karate.toString(foo)",229 "def fooPretty = karate.pretty(foo)",230 "def fooXml = karate.prettyXml(foo)"231 );232 assertEquals(get("fooStr"), "{\"hello\":\"world\"}");233 assertEquals(get("fooPretty"), "{\n \"hello\": \"world\"\n}\n");234 /​/​ fixed for windows235 assertEquals(((String) get("fooXml")).trim(), "<hello>world</​hello>");236 }237 @Test238 void testGetSetAndRemove() {239 run(240 "karate.set('foo', 1)",241 "karate.set('bar', { hello: 'world' })",242 "karate.set({ a: 2, b: 'hey' })",243 "karate.setXml('fooXml', '<foo>bar</​foo>')",244 "copy baz = bar",245 "karate.set('baz', '$.a', 1)",246 "karate.remove('baz', 'hello')",247 "copy bax = fooXml",248 "karate.setXml('bax', '/​foo', '<a>1</​a>')",249 "def getFoo = karate.get('foo')",250 "def getNull = karate.get('blah')",251 "def getDefault = karate.get('blah', 'foo')",252 "def getPath = karate.get('bar.hello')"253 );254 assertEquals(get("foo"), 1);255 assertEquals(get("a"), 2);256 assertEquals(get("b"), "hey");257 matchVar("bar", "{ hello: 'world' }");258 Object fooXml = get("fooXml");259 assertTrue(Match.that(fooXml).isXml());260 matchVar("fooXml", "<foo>bar</​foo>");261 matchVar("baz", "{ a: 1 }");262 Match.that(get("bax")).isEqualTo("<foo><a>1</​a></​foo>");263 assertEquals(get("getFoo"), 1);264 assertEquals(get("getNull"), null);265 assertEquals(get("getDefault"), "foo");266 assertEquals(get("getPath"), "world");267 }268 @Test269 void testRemoveNotExistentPath() {270 run(271 "def foo = { a: 1 }",272 "remove foo.b"273 ); 274 matchVar("foo", "{ a: 1 }");275 }276 277 @Test278 void testDelete() {279 run(280 "def foo = { a: 1 }",281 "delete foo.b",282 "delete foo.a"283 ); 284 matchVar("foo", "{}");285 } 286 287 @Test288 void testCollections() {289 run(290 "def foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }",291 "def fooSize = karate.sizeOf(foo)",292 "def bar = [1, 2, 3]",293 "def barSize = karate.sizeOf(bar)",294 "def fooKeys = karate.keysOf(foo)",295 "def fooVals = karate.valuesOf(foo)"296 );297 assertEquals(get("fooSize"), 3);298 assertEquals(get("barSize"), 3);299 matchVar("fooKeys", "['a', 'b', 'c']");300 matchVar("fooVals", "[1, 2, 3]");301 }302 @Test303 void testMatch() {304 run(305 "def foo = { a: 1 }",306 "def mat1 = karate.match(foo, {a: 2})",307 "def mat2 = karate.match('foo == { a: 1 }')",308 "def bar = []",309 "def mat3 = karate.match(bar, [])"310 311 );312 matchVar("mat1", "{ pass: false, message: '#notnull' }");313 matchVar("mat2", "{ pass: true, message: '#null' }");314 matchVar("mat3", "{ pass: true, message: '#null' }");315 }316 @Test317 void testForEach() {318 run(319 "def foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }",320 "def res1 = { value: '' }",321 "def fun = function(k, v, i){ res1.value += k + v + i }",322 "karate.forEach(foo, fun)",323 "def foo = ['a', 'b', 'c']",324 "def res2 = { value: '' }",325 "def fun = function(v, i){ res2.value += v + i }",326 "karate.forEach(foo, fun)"327 );328 matchVar("res1", "{ value: 'a10b21c32' }");329 matchVar("res2", "{ value: 'a0b1c2' }");330 }331 @Test332 void testMap() {333 run(334 "def foo = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]",335 "def fun = function(x){ return x.a }",336 "def res =, fun)"337 );338 matchVar("res", "[1, 2, 3]");339 run(340 "def foo = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]",341 "def res =, x => x.a)"342 );343 matchVar("res", "[1, 2, 3]");344 run(345 "def foo = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]",346 "def fun = (x, i) => `${x.a}${i}`",347 "def res1 =, fun)",348 "def res2 = => x.a)"349 );350 matchVar("res1", "['10', '21', '32']");351 matchVar("res2", "[1, 2, 3]");352 }353 @Test354 void testFilter() {355 run(356 "def foo = [{ a: 0 }, { a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]",357 "def res = karate.filter(foo, x => x.a > 0)"358 );359 matchVar("res", "[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }]");360 }361 @Test362 void testFilterKeys() {363 run(364 "def foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }",365 "def res1 = karate.filterKeys(foo, 'a')",366 "def res2 = karate.filterKeys(foo, 'a', 'c')",367 "def res3 = karate.filterKeys(foo, ['b', 'c'])",368 "def res4 = karate.filterKeys(foo, { a: 2, c: 5})"369 );370 matchVar("res1", "{ a: 1 }");371 matchVar("res2", "{ a: 1, c: 3 }");372 matchVar("res3", "{ b: 2, c: 3 }");373 matchVar("res4", "{ a: 1, c: 3 }");374 }375 @Test376 void testRepeat() {377 run(378 "def res1 = karate.repeat(3, i => i + 1 )",379 "def res2 = karate.repeat(3, i => ({ a: 1 }))",380 "def res3 = karate.repeat(3, i => ({ a: i + 1 }))"381 );382 matchVar("res1", "[1, 2, 3]");383 matchVar("res2", "[{ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }, { a: 1 }]");384 matchVar("res3", "[{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]");385 }386 @Test387 void testMapWithKey() {388 run(389 "def foo = [1, 2, 3]",390 "def res = karate.mapWithKey(foo, 'val')"391 );392 matchVar("res", "[{ val: 1 }, { val: 2 }, { val: 3 }]");393 }394 @Test395 void testMergeAndAppend() {396 run(397 "def foo = { a: 1 }",398 "def res1 = karate.merge(foo, { b: 2 })",399 "def bar = [1, 2]",400 "def res2 = karate.append(bar, [3, 4])",401 "def res3 = [1, 2]",402 "karate.appendTo('res3', [3, 4])",403 "def res4 = [1, 2]",404 "karate.appendTo(res4, [3, 4])" /​/​ append to variable reference !405 );406 matchVar("res1", "{ a: 1, b: 2 }");407 matchVar("res2", "[1, 2, 3, 4]");408 matchVar("res3", "[1, 2, 3, 4]");409 matchVar("res4", "[1, 2, 3, 4]");410 }411 @Test412 void testJsonPath() {413 run(414 "def foo = { a: 1, b: { a: 2 } }",415 "def res1 = karate.jsonPath(foo, '$..a')"416 );417 matchVar("res1", "[1, 2]");418 }419 @Test420 void testLowerCase() {421 run(422 "def foo = { HELLO: 'WORLD' }",423 "def res1 = karate.lowerCase(foo)"424 );425 matchVar("res1", "{ hello: 'world' }");426 }427 @Test428 void testXmlPath() {429 run(430 "def foo = <bar><a><b>c</​b></​a></​bar>",431 "def res1 = karate.xmlPath(foo, '/​bar/​a')"432 );433 matchVar("res1", "<a><b>c</​b></​a>");434 }435 @Test436 void testJsonToString() {437 run(438 "def original = '{\"echo\":\"\",\"lambda\":\"Lambda\",\"bravo\":\"1980-01-01\"}'",439 "json asJson = original",440 "string asString = asJson",441 "match original == asString"442 );443 }444 @Test445 void testToBean() {446 run(447 "def foo = { foo: 'hello', bar: 5 }",448 "def res1 = karate.toBean(foo, '')"449 );450 SimplePojo sp = (SimplePojo) get("res1");451 assertEquals(sp.getFoo(), "hello");452 assertEquals(sp.getBar(), 5);453 }454 @Test455 void testToJson() {456 run(457 "def SP = Java.type('')",458 "def pojo = new SP()",459 "def res1 = karate.toJson(pojo)",460 "def res2 = karate.toJson(pojo, true)"461 );462 matchVar("res1", "{ bar: 0, foo: null }");463 matchVar("res2", "{ bar: 0 }");464 }465 @Test466 void testToBeanAdvanced() {467 run(468 "def pojoType = ''",469 "def Pojo = Java.type(pojoType)",470 "def toPojo = function(x){ return karate.toBean(x, pojoType) }",471 "def toJson = function(x){ return karate.toJson(x, true) }",472 "def bean = new Pojo()",473 " = 'hello'",474 "def pojo = toPojo({ bar: 5 })",475 "def json = toJson(pojo)"476 );477 matchVar("json", "{ bar: 5 }");478 SimplePojo bean = (SimplePojo) get("bean");479 assertEquals(0, bean.getBar());480 assertEquals("hello", bean.getFoo());481 SimplePojo pojo = (SimplePojo) get("pojo");482 assertEquals(5, pojo.getBar());483 assertNull(pojo.getFoo());484 }485 @Test486 void testToCsv() {487 run(488 "def foo = [{a: 1, b: 2}, { a: 3, b: 4 }]",489 "def res = karate.toCsv(foo)"490 );491 /​/​ fixed for windows492 match(((String) get("res")).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "@"), "a,b@1,2@3,4@");493 }494 @Test495 void testEval() {496 run(497 "def foo = karate.eval('() => 1 + 2')",498 "def bar = foo()"499 );500 assertTrue(sr.engine.vars.get("foo").isJsFunction());501 matchVar("bar", 3);502 }503 @Test504 void testFromString() {505 run(506 "def foo = karate.fromString('{ hello: \"world\" }')",507 "def bar = karate.typeOf(foo)"508 );509 assertTrue(sr.engine.vars.get("foo").isMap());510 matchVar("bar", "map");511 }512 @Test513 void testEmbed() {514 run(515 "karate.embed('<h1>hello world</​h1>', 'text/​html')"516 );517 List<StepResult> results = sr.result.getStepResults();518 assertEquals(1, results.size());519 List<Embed> embeds = results.get(0).getEmbeds();520 assertEquals(1, embeds.size());521 assertEquals(embeds.get(0).getAsString(), "<h1>hello world</​h1>");522 assertEquals(embeds.get(0).getResourceType(), ResourceType.HTML);523 }524 @Test525 void testStepLog() {526 run(527 "print 'hello world'"528 );529 List<StepResult> results = sr.result.getStepResults();530 assertEquals(1, results.size());531 String log = results.get(0).getStepLog();532 assertTrue(log.contains("[print] hello world"));533 }534 @Test535 void testWrite() {536 run(537 "def file = karate.write('hello world', 'runtime-test.txt')"538 );539 File file = (File) get("file");540 assertEquals(file.getParentFile().getName(), "target");541 assertEquals(file.getName(), "runtime-test.txt");542 assertEquals(FileUtils.toString(file), "hello world");543 }544 @Test545 void testJavaClassAsVariable() {546 run(547 "def Utils = Java.type('')",548 "def res = Utils.testBytes"549 );550 assertEquals(get("res"), MockUtils.testBytes);551 }552 @Test553 void testCallJsFunctionShared() {554 run(555 "def myFn = function(x){ return { myVar: x } }",556 "call myFn 'foo'"557 );558 assertEquals(get("myVar"), "foo");559 }560 @Test561 void testCallJsFunctionSharedJson() {562 run(563 "def myFn = function(x){ return { myVar: } }",564 "call myFn { foo: 'bar' }"565 );566 assertEquals(get("myVar"), "bar");567 }568 @Test569 void testSelfValidationWithVariables() {570 run(571 "def date = { month: 3 }",572 "def min = 1",573 "def max = 12",574 "match date == { month: '#? _ >= min && _ <= max' }"575 );576 }577 @Test578 void testReadAndMatchBytes() {579 run(580 "bytes data = read('karate-logo.png')",581 "match data == read('karate-logo.png')"582 );583 }584 @Test585 void testJsonEmbeddedExpressionFailuresAreNotBlockers() {586 run(587 "def expected = { a: '#number', b: '#(_$.a * 2)' }",588 "def actual = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 4}]",589 "match each actual == expected"590 );591 }592 @Test593 void testXmlEmbeddedExpressionFailuresAreNotBlockers() {594 run(595 "def expected = <foo att='#(bar)'>#(bar)</​foo>",596 "def actual = <foo att=\"test\">test</​foo>",597 "def bar = 'test'",598 "match actual == expected"599 );600 }601 @Test602 void testMatchEachMagicVariablesDontLeak() {603 run(604 "def actual = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 2, b: 4}]",605 "match each actual == { a: '#number', b: '#(_$.a * 2)' }",606 "def res = { b: '#(_$.a * 2)' }"607 );608 matchVar("res", "{ b: '#string' }");609 }610 @Test611 void testMatchMagicVariables() {612 run(613 "def temperature = { celsius: 100, fahrenheit: 212 }",614 "match temperature contains { fahrenheit: '#($.celsius * 1.8 + 32)' }"615 );616 }617 618 @Test619 void testArrayOnLhs() {620 run(621 "match [] == '#[]'"622 ); 623 }624 @Test625 void testMatchContainsArrayOnLhs() {626 run(627 "match ['foo', 'bar'] contains 'foo'"628 );629 } 630 631 @Test632 void testMatchEmbeddedOptionalObject() {633 run(634 "def foo = { a: 1 }",635 "def bar = { foo: '##(foo)' }",636 "match bar == { foo: { a: 1 } }"637 );638 }639 @Test640 void testMatchSchema() {641 run(642 "def dogSchema = { id: '#string', color: '#string' }",643 "def schema = ({ id: '#string', name: '#string', dog: '##(dogSchema)' })",644 "def response1 = { id: '123', name: 'foo' }",645 "match response1 == schema",646 "def response2 = { id: '123', name: 'foo', dog: { id: '456', color: 'brown' } }",647 "match response2 == schema"648 );649 }650 @Test651 void testMatchSchemaArray() {652 run(653 "def temp = { foo: '#string' }",654 "def schema = '#[] temp'",655 "match [] == schema",656 "match [{ foo: 'bar' }] == schema"657 );658 }659 660 @Test661 void testMatchSchemaMagicVariables() {662 run(663 "def response = { odds: [1, 2], count: 2 }",664 "match response == { odds: '#[$.count]', count: '#number' }"665 );666 }667 @Test668 void testJavaInteropStatic() {669 run(670 "def Utils = Java.type('')",671 "def array = ['a', 'b', 'c']",672 "def res = Utils.concat(array)"673 );674 matchVar("res", "abc");675 }676 @Test677 void testJavaInteropBase64() {678 run(679 "def Base64 = Java.type('java.util.Base64')",680 "def res = Base64.encoder.encodeToString('hello'.getBytes())"681 );682 matchVar("res", java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("hello".getBytes()));683 }684 @Test685 void testTypeConversionCsvEmpty() {686 run(687 "csv temp = ''"688 );689 matchVar("temp", "[]");690 }691 @Test692 void testJavaInteropParameters() {693 run(694 "def Utils = Java.type('')",695 "def res1 = Utils.fromInt(2)",696 "def res2 = Utils.fromDouble(2)",697 "def res3 = Utils.fromDouble(2.0)",698 "def res4 = Utils.fromNumber(2.0)"699 );700 matchVar("res1", "value is 2");701 matchVar("res2", "value is 2.0");702 matchVar("res3", "value is 2.0");703 matchVar("res4", "value is 2.0");704 }705 @Test706 void testTableWithInvalidVariableName() {707 fail = true;708 run(709 "table table1 =",710 "| col |",711 "| foo |"712 );713 }714 @Test715 void testReplace() {716 run(717 "def text = 'words that need to be {replaced}'",718 "replace text.{replaced} = 'correct'",719 "match text == 'words that need to be correct'",720 "match text.toString() == 'words that need to be correct'"721 );722 matchVar("text", "words that need to be correct");723 }724 @Test725 void testDistinct() {726 run(727 "def list1 = ['abc', 'def', 'abc', 'def', 'ghi']",728 "def res1 = karate.distinct(list1)",729 "match res1 == ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']",730 "def list2 = [1, 2, 1, 2, 3]",731 "def res2 = karate.distinct(list2)",732 "match res2 == [1, 2, 3]"733 );734 }735 @Test736 void testSort() {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')2def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')3def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')4def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')5def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')6def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')7def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')8def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')9def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')10def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')11def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')12def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')13def matchVar = matchVar('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1def name1 = matchVar("name")2def name2 = matchVar('name')3def name3 = matchVar(/​name/​)4def name4 = matchVar(~/​name/​)5def name5 = matchVar(/​name/​)6def name6 = matchVar(~/​name/​)7def name7 = matchVar('name', 'default')8def name8 = matchVar(/​name/​, 'default')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 * matchVar('myVar', myVar)2package;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import java.util.HashMap;8import java.util.Map;9import org.junit.runner.RunWith;10@RunWith(Karate.class)11public class ScenarioRuntimeTest {12 public static void main(String[] args) {13 Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<>();14 vars.put("myVar", "myVar");15 ScenarioRuntime runtime = new ScenarioRuntime(new File("ScenarioRuntimeTest.feature"), vars);16;17 ScriptValue value = runtime.matchVar("myVar");18 System.out.println("value = " + value);19 }20}21 * matchVar('myVar', myVar)22 * matchVar('myVar', myVar)

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