Best Karate code snippet using
...1697 return StringUtils.pair(name, path);1698 }1699 public Match.Result match(Match.Type matchType, String expression, String path, String rhs) {1700 String name = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(expression);1701 if (isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(name) || isXmlPath(name)) { //1702 path = name;1703 name = RESPONSE;1704 }1705 if (name.startsWith("$")) { // in case someone used the dollar prefix by mistake on the LHS1706 name = name.substring(1);1707 }1708 path = StringUtils.trimToNull(path);1709 if (path == null) {1710 StringUtils.Pair pair = parseVariableAndPath(name);1711 name = pair.left;1712 path = pair.right;1713 }1714 if ("header".equals(name)) { // convenience shortcut for asserting against response header1715 return matchHeader(matchType, path, rhs);1716 }1717 Variable actual;1718 // karate started out by "defaulting" to JsonPath on the LHS of a match so we have this kludge1719 // but we now handle JS expressions of almost any shape on the LHS, if in doubt, wrap in parentheses1720 // actually it is not too bad - the XPath function check is the only odd one out1721 // rules:1722 // if not XPath function, wrapped in parentheses, involves function call1723 // [then] JS eval1724 // else if XPath, JsonPath, JsonPath wildcard ".." or "*" or "[?"1725 // [then] eval name, and do a JsonPath or XPath using the parsed path1726 if (isXmlPathFunction(path)1727 || (!name.startsWith("(") && !path.endsWith(")") && !path.contains(")."))1728 && (isDollarPrefixed(path) || isJsonPath(path) || isXmlPath(path))) {1729 actual = evalKarateExpression(name);1730 // edge case: java property getter, e.g. "driver.cookies"1731 if (!actual.isMap() && !actual.isList() && !isXmlPath(path) && !isXmlPathFunction(path)) {1732 actual = evalKarateExpression(expression); // fall back to JS eval of entire LHS1733 path = "$";1734 }1735 } else {1736 actual = evalKarateExpression(expression); // JS eval of entire LHS1737 path = "$";1738 }1739 if ("$".equals(path) || "/".equals(path)) {1740 // we have eval-ed the entire LHS, so proceed to match RHS to "$"1741 } else {1742 if (isDollarPrefixed(path)) { // json-path1743 actual = evalJsonPath(actual, path);1744 } else { // xpath1745 actual = evalXmlPath(actual, path);1746 }1747 }1748 Variable expected = evalKarateExpression(rhs);1749 return match(matchType, actual.getValue(), expected.getValue());1750 }1751 // TODO document that match header is case-insensitive at last1752 private Match.Result matchHeader(Match.Type matchType, String name, String exp) {1753 Variable expected = evalKarateExpression(exp);1754 String actual = response.getHeader(name);1755 return match(matchType, actual, expected.getValue());1756 }1757 public Match.Result match(Match.Type matchType, Object actual, Object expected) {1758 return Match.execute(JS, matchType, actual, expected);1759 }1760 private static final Pattern VAR_AND_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\w+");1761 private static final String VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING = "[a-zA-Z][\\w]*";1762 private static final Pattern VARIABLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING);1763 private static final Pattern FUNCTION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^function[^(]*\\(");1764 private static final Pattern JS_PLACEHODER = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{.*?\\}");1765 public static boolean isJavaScriptFunction(String text) {1766 return FUNCTION_PATTERN.matcher(text).find();1767 }1768 public static boolean isValidVariableName(String name) {1769 return VARIABLE_PATTERN.matcher(name).matches();1770 }1771 public static boolean hasJavaScriptPlacehoder(String exp) {1772 return JS_PLACEHODER.matcher(exp).find();1773 }1774 public static final boolean isVariableAndSpaceAndPath(String text) {1775 return text.matches("^" + VARIABLE_PATTERN_STRING + "\\s+.+");1776 }1777 public static final boolean isVariable(String text) {1778 return VARIABLE_PATTERN.matcher(text).matches();1779 }1780 public static final boolean isWithinParentheses(String text) {1781 return text != null && text.startsWith("(") && text.endsWith(")");1782 }1783 public static final boolean isCallSyntax(String text) {1784 return text.startsWith("call ");1785 }1786 public static final boolean isCallOnceSyntax(String text) {1787 return text.startsWith("callonce ");1788 }1789 public static final boolean isGetSyntax(String text) {1790 return text.startsWith("get ") || text.startsWith("get[");1791 }1792 public static final boolean isJson(String text) {1793 return text.startsWith("{") || text.startsWith("[");1794 }1795 public static final boolean isXml(String text) {1796 return text.startsWith("<");1797 }1798 public static boolean isXmlPath(String text) {1799 return text.startsWith("/");1800 }1801 public static boolean isXmlPathFunction(String text) {1802 return text.matches("^[a-z-]+\\(.+");1803 }1804 public static final boolean isJsonPath(String text) {1805 return text.indexOf('*') != -1 || text.contains("..") || text.contains("[?");1806 }1807 public static final boolean isDollarPrefixed(String text) {1808 return text.startsWith("$");1809 }1810 public static final boolean isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(String text) {1811 return text.startsWith("$.") || text.startsWith("$[") || text.equals("$");1812 }1813 public static StringUtils.Pair parseCallArgs(String line) {1814 int pos = line.indexOf("read(");1815 if (pos != -1) {1816 pos = line.indexOf(')');1817 if (pos == -1) {1818 throw new RuntimeException("failed to parse call arguments: " + line);1819 }1820 return new StringUtils.Pair(line.substring(0, pos + 1), StringUtils.trimToNull(line.substring(pos + 1)));1821 }1822 pos = line.indexOf(' ');1823 if (pos == -1) {1824 return new StringUtils.Pair(line, null);1825 }1826 return new StringUtils.Pair(line.substring(0, pos), StringUtils.trimToNull(line.substring(pos)));1827 }1828 public Variable call(Variable called, Variable arg, boolean sharedScope) {1829 switch (called.type) {1830 case JS_FUNCTION:1831 case JAVA_FUNCTION:1832 return arg == null ? executeFunction(called) : executeFunction(called, new Object[] {arg.getValue()});1833 case FEATURE:1834 Variable res = callFeature(called.getValue(), arg, -1, sharedScope);1835 recurseAndAttach(res.getValue()); // will always be a map, we update entries within1836 return res;1837 default:1838 throw new RuntimeException("not a callable feature or js function: " + called);1839 }1840 }1841 public Variable call(boolean callOnce, String exp, boolean sharedScope) {1842 StringUtils.Pair pair = parseCallArgs(exp);1843 Variable called = evalKarateExpression(pair.left);1844 Variable arg = pair.right == null ? null : evalKarateExpression(pair.right);1845 Variable result;1846 if (callOnce) {1847 result = callOnce(exp, called, arg, sharedScope);1848 } else {1849 result = call(called, arg, sharedScope);1850 }1851 if (sharedScope && result.isMap()) {1852 setVariables(result.getValue());1853 }1854 return result;1855 }1856 private Variable result(ScenarioCall.Result result, boolean sharedScope) {1857 if (sharedScope) { // if shared scope1858 vars.clear(); // clean slate1859 vars.putAll(copy(result.vars, false)); // clone for safety1860 init(); // this will also insert magic variables1861 setConfig(new Config(result.config)); // re-apply config from time of snapshot1862 return Variable.NULL; // since we already reset the vars above we return null1863 // else the call() routine would try to do it again1864 // note that shared scope means a return value is meaningless1865 } else {1866 return result.value.copy(false); // clone result for safety1867 }1868 }1869 private Variable callOnce(String cacheKey, Variable called, Variable arg, boolean sharedScope) {1870 // IMPORTANT: the call result is always shallow-cloned before returning1871 // so that call result (especially if a java Map) is not mutated by other scenarios1872 final Map<String, ScenarioCall.Result> CACHE = runtime.featureRuntime.FEATURE_CACHE;1873 ScenarioCall.Result result = CACHE.get(cacheKey);1874 if (result != null) {1875 logger.trace("callonce cache hit for: {}", cacheKey);1876 return result(result, sharedScope);1877 }1878 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();1879 logger.trace("callonce waiting for lock: {}", cacheKey);1880 synchronized (CACHE) {1881 result = CACHE.get(cacheKey); // retry1882 if (result != null) {1883 long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;1884 logger.warn("this thread waited {} milliseconds for callonce lock: {}", endTime, cacheKey);1885 return result(result, sharedScope);1886 }1887 // this thread is the 'winner'1888">> lock acquired, begin callonce: {}", cacheKey);1889 Variable resultValue = call(called, arg, sharedScope);1890 // we clone result (and config) here, to snapshot state at the point the callonce was invoked1891 // this prevents the state from being clobbered by the subsequent steps of this1892 // first scenario that is about to use the result1893 Map<String, Variable> clonedVars = called.isFeature() && sharedScope ? detachVariables() : null;1894 Config clonedConfig = new Config(config);1895 clonedConfig.detach();1896 result = new ScenarioCall.Result(resultValue.copy(false), clonedConfig, clonedVars);1897 CACHE.put(cacheKey, result);1898"<< lock released, cached callonce: {}", cacheKey);1899 return resultValue; // another routine will apply globally if needed1900 }1901 }1902 public Variable callFeature(Feature feature, Variable arg, int index, boolean sharedScope) {1903 if (arg == null || arg.isMap()) {1904 ScenarioCall call = new ScenarioCall(runtime, feature, arg);1905 call.setLoopIndex(index);1906 call.setSharedScope(sharedScope);1907 FeatureRuntime fr = new FeatureRuntime(call);1908;1909 // VERY IMPORTANT ! switch back from called feature js context1910 THREAD_LOCAL.set(this);1911 FeatureResult result = fr.result;1912 runtime.addCallResult(result);1913 if (result.isFailed()) {1914 KarateException ke = result.getErrorMessagesCombined();1915 throw ke;1916 } else {1917 return new Variable(result.getVariables());1918 }1919 } else if (arg.isList() || arg.isJsOrJavaFunction()) {1920 List result = new ArrayList();1921 List<String> errors = new ArrayList();1922 int loopIndex = 0;1923 boolean isList = arg.isList();1924 Iterator iterator = isList ? arg.<List> getValue().iterator() : null;1925 while (true) {1926 Variable loopArg;1927 if (isList) {1928 loopArg = iterator.hasNext() ? new Variable( : Variable.NULL;1929 } else { // function1930 loopArg = executeFunction(arg, new Object[] {loopIndex});1931 }1932 if (!loopArg.isMap()) {1933 if (!isList) {1934"feature call loop function ended at index {}, returned: {}", loopIndex, loopArg);1935 }1936 break;1937 }1938 try {1939 Variable loopResult = callFeature(feature, loopArg, loopIndex, sharedScope);1940 result.add(loopResult.getValue());1941 } catch (Exception e) {1942 String message = "feature call loop failed at index: " + loopIndex + ", " + e.getMessage();1943 errors.add(message);1944 runtime.logError(message);1945 if (!isList) { // this is a generator function, abort infinite loop !1946 break;1947 }1948 }1949 loopIndex++;1950 }1951 if (errors.isEmpty()) {1952 return new Variable(result);1953 } else {1954 String errorMessage = StringUtils.join(errors, '\n');1955 throw new KarateException(errorMessage);1956 }1957 } else {1958 throw new RuntimeException("feature call argument is not a json object or array: " + arg);1959 }1960 }1961 public Variable evalJsonPath(Variable v, String path) {1962 Json json = Json.of(v.getValueAndForceParsingAsJson());1963 try {1964 return new Variable(json.get(path));1965 } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {1966 return Variable.NOT_PRESENT;1967 }1968 }1969 public static Variable evalXmlPath(Variable xml, String path) {1970 NodeList nodeList;1971 Node doc = xml.getAsXml();1972 try {1973 nodeList = XmlUtils.getNodeListByPath(doc, path);1974 } catch (Exception e) {1975 // hack, this happens for xpath functions that don't return nodes (e.g. count)1976 String strValue = XmlUtils.getTextValueByPath(doc, path);1977 Variable v = new Variable(strValue);1978 if (path.startsWith("count")) { // special case1979 return new Variable(v.getAsInt());1980 } else {1981 return v;1982 }1983 }1984 int count = nodeList.getLength();1985 if (count == 0) { // xpath / node does not exist !1986 return Variable.NOT_PRESENT;1987 }1988 if (count == 1) {1989 return nodeToValue(nodeList.item(0));1990 }1991 List list = new ArrayList();1992 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {1993 Variable v = nodeToValue(nodeList.item(i));1994 list.add(v.getValue());1995 }1996 return new Variable(list);1997 }1998 private static Variable nodeToValue(Node node) {1999 int childElementCount = XmlUtils.getChildElementCount(node);2000 if (childElementCount == 0) {2001 // hack assuming this is the most common "intent"2002 return new Variable(node.getTextContent());2003 }2004 if (node.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {2005 return new Variable(node);2006 } else { // make sure we create a fresh doc else future xpath would run against original root2007 return new Variable(XmlUtils.toNewDocument(node));2008 }2009 }2010 public Variable evalJsonPathOnVariableByName(String name, String path) {2011 return evalJsonPath(vars.get(name), path);2012 }2013 public Variable evalXmlPathOnVariableByName(String name, String path) {2014 return evalXmlPath(vars.get(name), path);2015 }2016 public Variable evalKarateExpression(String text) {2017 text = StringUtils.trimToNull(text);2018 if (text == null) {2019 return Variable.NULL;2020 }2021 // don't re-evaluate if this is clearly a direct reference to a variable2022 // this avoids un-necessary conversion of xml into a map in some cases2023 // e.g. 'Given request foo' - where foo is a Variable of type XML2024 if (vars.containsKey(text)) {2025 return vars.get(text);2026 }2027 boolean callOnce = isCallOnceSyntax(text);2028 if (callOnce || isCallSyntax(text)) { // special case in form "callBegin foo arg"2029 if (callOnce) {2030 text = text.substring(9);2031 } else {2032 text = text.substring(5);2033 }2034 return call(callOnce, text, false);2035 } else if (isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(text)) {2036 return evalJsonPathOnVariableByName(RESPONSE, text);2037 } else if (isGetSyntax(text) || isDollarPrefixed(text)) { // special case in form2038 // get json[*].path2039 // $json[*].path2040 // get /xml/path2041 // get xpath-function(expression)2042 int index = -1;2043 if (text.startsWith("$")) {2044 text = text.substring(1);2045 } else if (text.startsWith("get[")) {2046 int pos = text.indexOf(']');2047 index = Integer.valueOf(text.substring(4, pos));2048 text = text.substring(pos + 2);2049 } else {2050 text = text.substring(4);2051 }2052 String left;2053 String right;2054 if (isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(text)) { // edge case get[0] $..foo2055 left = RESPONSE;2056 right = text;2057 } else if (isVariableAndSpaceAndPath(text)) {2058 int pos = text.indexOf(' ');2059 right = text.substring(pos + 1);2060 left = text.substring(0, pos);2061 } else {2062 StringUtils.Pair pair = parseVariableAndPath(text);2063 left = pair.left;2064 right = pair.right;2065 }2066 Variable sv;2067 if (isXmlPath(right) || isXmlPathFunction(right)) {2068 sv = evalXmlPathOnVariableByName(left, right);...
Using AI Code Generation
1* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)2* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)3* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)4* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)5* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)6* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)7* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)8* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)9* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)10* def isDollarPrefixed = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath(jsonPath)
Using AI Code Generation
1import* def json = read('some.json')3import* def json = read('some.json')5import* def json = read('some.json')7import* def json = read('some.json')9import* def json = read('some.json')11import* def json = read('some
Using AI Code Generation
1* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')2* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')3* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')4* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')5* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')6* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')7* def result = engine.isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$[1]')
Using AI Code Generation
1* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$') == '$'2* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$.name') == '$.name'3* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('') == '$'4* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('.name') == '$.name'5* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$') == '$'6* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$.name') == '$.name'7* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('') == '$'8* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('.name') == '$.name'9* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$') == '$'10* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$.name') == '$.name'11* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('') == '$'12* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('.name') == '$.name'13* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$') == '$'14* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$.name') == '$.name'15* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('') == '$'16* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('.name') == '$.name'17* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$') == '$'18* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$.name') == '$.name'19* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('') == '$'20* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('.name') == '$.name'21* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$') == '$'22* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('$.name') == '$.name'23* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('') == '$'24* assert isDollarPrefixedJsonPath('.name') == '$.name'
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