Best Karate code snippet using
...31 runtime = runScenario(e -> client, lines);32 assertFalse(runtime.isFailed(), runtime.result.getFailureMessageForDisplay());33 return runtime;34 }35 private void matchVar(String name, Object expected) {36 match(get(name), expected);37 }38 @Test39 void testSimpleGet() {40 background().scenario(41 "pathMatches('/hello')",42 "def response = 'hello world'");43 run(44 URL_STEP,45 "path 'hello'",46 "method get"47 );48 matchVar("response", "hello world");49 }50 @Test51 void testSimplePost() {52 background().scenario(53 "pathMatches('/hello')",54 "def response = requestHeaders");55 run(56 URL_STEP,57 "path 'hello'",58 "request { foo: 'bar' }",59 "method post"60 );61 matchVar("response", "{ 'Content-Type': ['application/json; charset=UTF-8'] }");62 }63 @Test64 void testPathSubstitution() {65 background().scenario(66 "pathMatches('/hello/{id}')",67 "def response = pathParams");68 run(69 URL_STEP,70 "def id = 42",71 "path 'hello', id",72 "method get"73 );74 matchVar("response", "{ id: '42' }");75 }76 @Test77 void testParam() {78 background().scenario(79 "pathMatches('/hello')",80 "def response = requestParams");81 run(82 URL_STEP,83 "param foo = 'bar'",84 "path 'hello'",85 "method get"86 );87 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar'] }");88 }89 @Test90 void testParams() {91 background().scenario(92 "pathMatches('/hello')",93 "def response = requestParams");94 run(95 URL_STEP,96 "params { foo: 'bar' }",97 "path 'hello'",98 "method get"99 );100 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar'] }");101 }102 @Test103 void testParamWithEmbeddedCommas() {104 background().scenario(105 "pathMatches('/hello')",106 "def response = requestParams");107 run(108 URL_STEP,109 "param foo = 'bar,baz'",110 "path 'hello'",111 "method get"112 );113 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar,baz'] }");114 }115 @Test116 void testParamMultiValue() {117 background().scenario(118 "pathMatches('/hello')",119 "def response = requestParams");120 run(121 URL_STEP,122 "param foo = ['bar', 'baz']",123 "path 'hello'",124 "method get"125 );126 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar', 'baz'] }");127 }128 @Test129 void testRequestBodyAsInteger() {130 background().scenario(131 "pathMatches('/hello')",132 "def response = request");133 run(134 URL_STEP,135 "path '/hello'",136 "request 42",137 "method post"138 );139 matchVar("response", "42");140 }141 @Test142 void testHeaders() {143 background().scenario(144 "pathMatches('/hello')",145 "def response = requestHeaders");146 run(147 URL_STEP,148 "path 'hello'",149 "header foo = 'bar'",150 "method get"151 );152 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar'] }");153 }154 @Test155 void testHeaderMultiValue() {156 background().scenario(157 "pathMatches('/hello')",158 "def response = requestHeaders");159 run(160 URL_STEP,161 "path 'hello'",162 "def fun = function(arg){ return [arg.first, arg.second] }",163 "header Authorization = call fun { first: 'foo', second: 'bar' }",164 "method get"165 );166 matchVar("response", "{ Authorization: ['foo', 'bar'] }");167 }168 @Test169 void testRequestContentTypeForJson() {170 background().scenario(171 "pathMatches('/hello')",172 "def response = requestHeaders");173 run(174 URL_STEP,175 "path 'hello'",176 "request { foo: 'bar' }",177 "method post"178 );179 matchVar("response", "{ 'Content-Type': ['application/json; charset=UTF-8'] }");180 }181 @Test182 void testResponseContentTypeForJson() {183 background().scenario(184 "pathMatches('/hello')",185 "def responseHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }",186 "def response = '{ \"foo\": \"bar\"}'");187 run(188 URL_STEP,189 "path 'hello'",190 "method get",191 "match responseHeaders == { 'Content-Type': ['application/json'] }",192 "match header content-type == 'application/json'",193 "match responseType == 'json'",194 "match karate.responseHeader('content-type') == 'application/json'"195 );196 }197 @Test198 void testCookie() {199 background().scenario(200 "pathMatches('/hello')",201 "def response = requestHeaders");202 run(203 URL_STEP,204 "cookie foo = 'bar'",205 "path 'hello'",206 "method get"207 );208 matchVar("response", "{ Cookie: ['foo=bar'] }");209 }210 @Test211 void testCookieWithDateInThePast() {212 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();213 calendar.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, -1);214 String pastDate = sdf.format(calendar.getTime());215 background().scenario(216 "pathMatches('/hello')",217 "def response = requestHeaders");218 run(219 URL_STEP,220 "cookie foo = {value:'bar', expires: '" + pastDate + "'}",221 "path 'hello'",222 "method get"223 );224 matchVar("response", "{ Cookie: ['foo=bar'] }");225 }226 @Test227 void testCookieWithDateInTheFuture() {228 Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();229 calendar.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, +1);230 String futureDate = sdf.format(calendar.getTime());231 background().scenario(232 "pathMatches('/hello')",233 "def response = requestHeaders");234 run(235 URL_STEP,236 "cookie foo = { value: 'bar', expires: '" + futureDate + "' }",237 "path 'hello'",238 "method get"239 );240 matchVar("response", "{ Cookie: ['foo=bar'] }");241 }242 @Test243 void testCookieWithMaxAgeZero() {244 background().scenario(245 "pathMatches('/hello')",246 "def response = requestHeaders");247 run(248 URL_STEP,249 "cookie foo = { value: 'bar', max-age: '0' }",250 "path 'hello'",251 "method get"252 );253 matchVar("response", "{ Cookie: ['#string'] }");254 }255 256 @Test257 void testCookieMalformed() {258 background().scenario(259 "pathMatches('/hello')",260 "def responseHeaders = { 'Set-Cookie': '; Secure; HttpOnly' }");261 run(262 URL_STEP,263 "path 'hello'",264 "method get"265 );266 matchVar("responseHeaders", "{'Set-Cookie': ['; Secure; HttpOnly']}"); 267 }268 @Test269 void testFormFieldGet() {270 background().scenario(271 "pathMatches('/hello')",272 "def response = requestParams");273 run(274 URL_STEP,275 "form field foo = 'bar'",276 "path 'hello'",277 "method get"278 );279 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar'] }");280 }281 @Test282 void testFormFieldPost() {283 background().scenario(284 "pathMatches('/hello')",285 "def response = request");286 run(287 URL_STEP,288 "form field foo = 'bar'",289 "path 'hello'",290 "method post"291 );292 matchVar("response", "foo=bar");293 }294 @Test295 void testFormFieldAsArray() {296 background().scenario(297 "pathMatches('/hello')",298 "def response = request");299 run(300 URL_STEP,301 "form field foo = ['bar1', 'bar2']",302 "path 'hello'",303 "method post"304 );305 matchVar("response", "foo=bar1&foo=bar2");306 }307 @Test308 void testMultiPartField() {309 background().scenario(310 "pathMatches('/hello')",311 "def response = requestParams");312 run(313 URL_STEP,314 "multipart field foo = 'bar'",315 "path 'hello'",316 "method post"317 );318 matchVar("response", "{ foo: ['bar'] }");319 }320 @Test321 void testMultiPartFile() {322 background().scenario(323 "pathMatches('/hello')",324 "def response = requestParts");325 run(326 URL_STEP,327 "multipart file foo = { filename: 'foo.txt', value: 'hello' }",328 "path 'hello'",329 "method post"330 );331 matchVar("response", "{ foo: [{ name: 'foo', value: '#notnull', contentType: 'text/plain', charset: 'UTF-8', filename: 'foo.txt', transferEncoding: '7bit' }] }");332 }333 @Test334 void testMultiPartFileNullCharset() {335 background().scenario(336 "pathMatches('/hello')",337 "def response = requestParts");338 run(339 "configure charset = null",340 URL_STEP,341 "multipart file foo = { filename: 'foo.txt', value: 'hello' }",342 "path 'hello'",343 "method post"344 );345 matchVar("response", "{ foo: [{ name: 'foo', value: '#notnull', contentType: 'text/plain', charset: 'UTF-8', filename: 'foo.txt', transferEncoding: '7bit' }] }");346 }347 @Test348 void testConfigureResponseHeaders() {349 background("configure responseHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }")350 .scenario(351 "pathMatches('/hello')",352 "def response = ''");353 run(354 URL_STEP,355 "path 'hello'",356 "method get"357 );358 matchVar("responseHeaders", "{ 'Content-Type': ['text/html'] }");359 }360 @Test361 void testConfigureLowerCaseResponseHeaders() {362 background().scenario(363 "pathMatches('/hello')",364 "def responseHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }",365 "def response = ''");366 run(367 "configure lowerCaseResponseHeaders = true",368 URL_STEP,369 "path 'hello'",370 "method get"371 );372 matchVar("responseHeaders", "{ 'content-type': ['text/html'] }");373 }374 @Test375 void testResponseContentTypeForXml() {376 background().scenario(377 "pathMatches('/hello')",378 "def responseHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/xml' }",379 "def response = '<hello>world</hello>'");380 run(381 URL_STEP,382 "path 'hello'",383 "method get",384 "match header content-type == 'application/xml'",385 "match responseType == 'xml'",386 "match response.hello == 'world'"...
Using AI Code Generation
1import mockHandler = new KarateMockHandlerTest().matchVar('mockHandler')4def mockResponse = mockHandler.mockResponse('mockResponse')5mockResponse.setResponseBody('{"status": "success"}')6mockResponse.setResponseStatusCode(200)7mockResponse.setResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')8mockResponse.setResponseDelay(1000)9mockResponse.setResponseBody('{"status": "success"}')10mockResponse.setResponseStatusCode(200)11mockResponse.setResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')12mockResponse.setResponseDelay(1000)13mockResponse.setResponseBody('{"status": "success"}')14mockResponse.setResponseStatusCode(200)15mockResponse.setResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')16mockResponse.setResponseDelay(1000)17mockResponse.setResponseBody('{"status": "success"}')18mockResponse.setResponseStatusCode(200)19mockResponse.setResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')20mockResponse.setResponseDelay(1000)21mockResponse.setResponseBody('{"status": "success"}')
Using AI Code Generation
1def mockHandler = new matchVarMethod = matchVar.getClass().getMethod("matchVar", String.class, String.class)3def result = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "abc")4def result2 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a.*")5def result3 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a.?")6def result4 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2}")7def result5 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4}")8def result6 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2,}")9def result7 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4,}")10def result8 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2,3}")11def result9 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4,6}")12def result10 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2,3}?")13def result11 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4,6}?")14def result12 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2,3}+")15def result13 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4,6}+")16def result14 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2,3}*")17def result15 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4,6}*")18def result16 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{2,3}?+")19def result17 = matchVarMethod.invoke(matchVar, "abc", "a{4,6}?+")
Using AI Code Generation
1def mockResponse = read('classpath:mockResponse.json')2def mockHandler = new matchVar = mockHandler.matchVar(mockResponse, '$.name')4def mockResponse = read('classpath:mockResponse.json')5def mockHandler = new matchVar = mockHandler.matchVar(mockResponse, '$.name')7def mockResponse = read('classpath:mockResponse.json')8def mockHandler = new matchVar = mockHandler.matchVar(mockResponse, '$.name')10def mockResponse = read('classpath:mockResponse.json')11def mockHandler = new matchVar = mockHandler.matchVar(mockResponse, '$.name')13def mockResponse = read('classpath:mockResponse.json')14def mockHandler = new matchVar = mockHandler.matchVar(mockResponse, '$.name')16def mockResponse = read('classpath:mockResponse.json')17def mockHandler = new matchVar = mockHandler.matchVar(mockResponse, '$.name')
Using AI Code Generation
1def mockHandler = new mockResponse = mockHandler.matchVar(request, response)3assertNotNull(mockResponse)4assertEquals(mockResponse, response)5def mockHandler = new mockResponse = mockHandler.match(request, response)7assertNotNull(mockResponse)8assertEquals(mockResponse, response)9def mockHandler = new mockResponse = mockHandler.match(request, response)11assertNotNull(mockResponse)12assertEquals(mockResponse, response)13def mockHandler = new mockResponse = mockHandler.match(request, response)15assertNotNull(mockResponse)16assertEquals(mockResponse, response)17def mockHandler = new mockResponse = mockHandler.match(request, response)19assertNotNull(mockResponse)20assertEquals(mockResponse, response)
Using AI Code Generation
1def mockHandler = new mockRequest = new mockResponse = new, mockResponse, 'myVar', 'myValue')5def myVar = karate.get('myVar')6def mockHandler = new mockRequest = new mockResponse = new, mockResponse, 'myVar', 'myValue')10def myVar = karate.get('myVar')11def mockHandler = new mockRequest = new mockResponse = new, mockResponse, 'myVar', 'myValue')15def myVar = karate.get('myVar')
Using AI Code Generation
1* matchVar('hello', 'hello') == true2* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world') == true3* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test') == true4* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test') == true5* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true6* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true7* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true8* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true9* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true10* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true11* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test') == true12* matchVar('hello', 'hello', 'world', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test'
Using AI Code Generation
1def matchVar(varName) {2 if (request != null) {3 if (vars != null) {4 value = vars.get(varName)5 }6 }7}8def matchVar(varName) {9 if (request != null) {10 if (vars != null) {11 value = vars.get(varName)12 }13 }14}15def matchVar(varName) {16 if (request != null) {17 if (vars != null) {18 value = vars.get(varName)19 }20 }21}22def matchVar(varName) {23 if (request != null) {24 if (vars != null) {25 value = vars.get(varName)26 }27 }28}29def matchVar(varName) {30 if (request != null) {31 if (vars != null) {32 value = vars.get(varName)33 }34 }35}36def matchVar(varName) {
Using AI Code Generation
1* def mock = call read('classpath:mocks/mock.feature')2* def mockResponse = { "id": "123" }3* mockHandler.matchVar('id',* def mock = call read('classpath:mocks/mock.feature')5* def mockResponse = { "id": "123" }6* mockHandler.matchVar('id',* def mock = call read('classpath:mocks/mock.feature')8* def mockResponse = { "id": "123" }9* mockHandler.matchVar('id',* def mock = call read('classpath:mocks/mock.feature')11* def mockResponse = { "id": "123" }12* mockHandler.matchVar('id',
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