Best Galen code snippet using com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo.getName
...108 }109 protected List<String> formatValidationObjectsForWiki(List<ValidationObject> validationObjects) {110 List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();111 for (ValidationObject error : validationObjects) {112 names.add(error.getName());113 }114 return names;115 }116 protected Map<String, List<String>> formatErrorForWiki(Spec spec, ValidationError error) {117 String key = error.isOnlyWarn() ? "warning" : "error";118 key += " on: " + spec.toText();119 Map<String, List<String>> messageMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();120 List<String> messages = error.getMessages();121 messageMap.put(key, new ArrayList<>(messages));122 return messageMap;123 }124 protected void addAllCurrentValues(Map<String, List<String>> value, Map<String, List<String>> currentValue) {125 for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> currentEntries : currentValue.entrySet()) {126 String currentKey = currentEntries.getKey();127 List<String> currentValues = currentEntries.getValue();128 List<String> newValues = value.get(currentKey);129 if (newValues == null) {130 value.put(currentKey, currentValues);131 } else {132 newValues.addAll(currentValues);133 }134 }135 }136 public List<String> includedTags() {137 return includedTags;138 }139 public void setIncludedTags(List<String> includedTags) {140 this.includedTags = includedTags;141 }142 public List<String> excludedTags() {143 return excludedTags;144 }145 public void setExcludedTags(List<String> excludedTags) {146 this.excludedTags = excludedTags;147 }148 public void setLayoutCheckName(String testName) {149 this.layoutCheckName = testName;150 }151 protected String layoutCheckName() {152 return layoutCheckName;153 }154 protected String report() throws IOException {155 generateHtmlReports();156 int testCount = ALL_TESTS.size();157 GalenTestInfo last = ALL_TESTS.get(testCount - 1);158 return createLinkToGalenReport(testCount, last);159 }160 protected String createLinkToGalenReport(int testCount, GalenTestInfo last) {161 String baseName = GalenUtils.convertToFileName(last.getName());162 String fileName = String.format("%s-%s.HTML", testCount, baseName);163 String testPath = new File(getReportBase(), fileName).getPath();164 return String.format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", getWikiUrl(testPath), fileName);165 }166 protected void generateHtmlReports() throws IOException {167 String dir = getReportBase();168 new HtmlReportBuilder().build(ALL_TESTS, dir);169 FileUtil.ensureNoHtmlFiles(dir);170 String link = createRelativeLinkToOverallReport(dir);171 getEnvironment().setSymbol(REPORT_OVERVIEW_SYMBOL, link);172 }173 protected String createRelativeLinkToOverallReport(String dir) {174 String report = new File(dir, "report.HTML").getPath();175 String rootDir = getEnvironment().getFitNesseRootDir();...
...57 = name;58 this.screenSize = screenSize;59 this.tags = tags;60 }61 public String getName() {62 return name;63 }64 public Dimension getScreenSize() {65 return screenSize;66 }67 public List<String> getTags() {68 return tags;69 }70 }71 72 public void checklayout(List<String> browserSizes, List<String> tagsToBeTested)73 {74 for(String browserSize:browserSizes)75 {...
...76 }77 return driver;78 }79 public void initReport(){80 GalenTestInfo ti = GalenTestInfo.fromString(scenario.getName());81 testInfo.set(ti);82 report.set(GalenReportsContainer.get().registerTest(ti));83 }84}...
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.galenframework.reports;2public class GalenTestInfo {3 public String getName() {4 return name;5 }6}7package com.galenframework.reports;8public class GalenTestInfo {9 public void setName(String name) {10 = name;11 }12}13package com.galenframework.reports;14public class GalenTestInfo {15 public GalenHtmlReportBuilder getReport() {16 return report;17 }18}19package com.galenframework.reports;20public class GalenTestInfo {21 public void setReport(GalenHtmlReportBuilder report) {22 = report;23 }24}25package com.galenframework.reports;26public class GalenTestInfo {27 public LayoutReport getLayout() {28 return layout;29 }30}31package com.galenframework.reports;32public class GalenTestInfo {33 public void setLayout(LayoutReport layout) {34 this.layout = layout;35 }36}37package com.galenframework.reports;38public class GalenTestInfo {39 public List<JavascriptError> getJavascriptErrors() {40 return javascriptErrors;41 }42}43package com.galenframework.reports;44public class GalenTestInfo {45 public void setJavascriptErrors(List<JavascriptError> javascriptErrors) {46 this.javascriptErrors = javascriptErrors;47 }48}49package com.galenframework.reports;
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.galenframework.reports;2import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;3public class GalenTestInfo_getName{4 public static void main(String args[]){5 GalenTestInfo galenTestInfo = new GalenTestInfo("testName", "testTitle");6 String name = galenTestInfo.getName();7 System.out.println("Name: "+name);8 }9}10Related posts: Java String | charAt() method Java String | concat() method Java String | endsWith() method Java String | equals() method Java String | equalsIgnoreCase() method Java String | getBytes() method Java String | hashCode() method Java String | indexOf() method Java String | intern() method Java String | isEmpty() method Java String | lastIndexOf() method Java String | length() method Java String | matches() method Java String | replace() method Java String | replaceAll() method Java String | replaceFirst() method Java String | split() method Java String | startsWith() method Java String | substring() method Java String | toCharArray() method Java String | toLowerCase() method Java String | toUpperCase() method Java String | trim() method Java String | valueOf() method Java String | compareTo() method Java String | compareToIgnoreCase() method Java String | contains() method Java String | contentEquals() method Java String | copyValueOf() method Java String | format() method Java String | join() method Java String | offsetByCodePoints() method Java String | regionMatches() method Java String | strip() method Java String | stripLeading() method Java String | stripTrailing() method Java String | subSequence() method Java String | translateEscapes() method Java String | CodePointAt() method Java String | codePointBefore() method Java String | codePointCount() method Java String
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.galenframework.reports;2public class GalenTestInfo {3 public String getName() {4 return name;5 }6}7package com.galenframework.reports;8public class GalenTestInfo {9 public String getName() {10 return name;11 }12}
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.galenframework.reports;2public class GalenTestInfo {3 public String getName() {4 return "GalenTestInfo";5 }6}7package com.galenframework.reports;8import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;9public class GalenTestInfo {10 public String getName() {11 return "GalenTestInfo";12 }13}14package com.galenframework.reports;15import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;16public class GalenTestInfo {17 public String getName() {18 return "GalenTestInfo";19 }20}21package com.galenframework.reports;22import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;23public class GalenTestInfo {24 public String getName() {25 return "GalenTestInfo";26 }27}28package com.galenframework.reports;29import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;30public class GalenTestInfo {31 public String getName() {32 return "GalenTestInfo";33 }34}35package com.galenframework.reports;36import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;37public class GalenTestInfo {38 public String getName() {39 return "GalenTestInfo";40 }41}42package com.galenframework.reports;43import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;44public class GalenTestInfo {45 public String getName() {46 return "GalenTestInfo";47 }48}49package com.galenframework.reports;50import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;
Using AI Code Generation
1public class Test {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");4 System.out.println(test.getName());5 }6}7public class Test {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");10 test.setName("newName");11 System.out.println(test.getName());12 }13}14public class Test {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");17 System.out.println(test.getReport());18 }19}20public class Test {21 public static void main(String[] args) {22 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");23 test.setReport(new GalenTestReport());24 System.out.println(test.getReport());25 }26}27public class Test {28 public static void main(String[] args) {29 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");30 System.out.println(test.getTags());31 }32}33public class Test {34 public static void main(String[] args) {35 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");36 test.setTags(new ArrayList<String>());37 System.out.println(test.getTags());38 }39}40public class Test {41 public static void main(String[] args) {42 GalenTestInfo test = new GalenTestInfo("testName");43 System.out.println(test.getLayoutReports());44 }45}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;3public class GalenTestInfoGetName {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("Mobile Test");6 System.out.println(test.getName());7 }8}9package;10import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;11public class GalenTestInfoGetReport {12 public static void main(String[] args) {13 GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("Mobile Test");14 System.out.println(test.getReport());15 }16}17package;18import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;19public class GalenTestInfoGetReport {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("Mobile Test");22 System.out.println(test.getReport());23 }24}25package;26import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;27public class GalenTestInfoGetReport {28 public static void main(String[] args) {29 GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("Mobile Test");30 System.out.println(test.getReport());31 }32}33package;34import com.galenframework.reports.GalenTestInfo;
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.galenframework.reports;2import;3import;4import org.testng.annotations.Test;5import com.galenframework.api.Galen;6public class GalenTestInfo {7 public void test() throws IOException {8 GalenTestInfo testInfo = new GalenTestInfo("testName", "testTags");9 System.out.println("The name of the test is: " + testInfo.getName());10 System.out.println("The tags of the test are: " + testInfo.getTags());11 System.out.println("The report folder is: " + testInfo.getReportFolder());12 System.out.println("The report file is: " + testInfo.getReportFile());13 System.out.println("The report url is: " + testInfo.getReportUrl());14 System.out.println("The report url is: " + testInfo.getReportUrl());15 GalenTestInfo subTestInfo = testInfo.createSubTest("subTestName", "subTestTags");16 System.out.println("The name of the sub test is: " + subTestInfo.getName());17 System.out.println("The tags of the sub test are: " + subTestInfo.getTags());18 System.out.println("The report folder of the sub test is: " + subTestInfo.getReportFolder());19 System.out.println("The report file of the sub test is: " + subTestInfo.getReportFile());20 System.out.println("The report url of the sub test is: " + subTestInfo.getReportUrl());21 System.out.println("The report url of the sub test is: " + subTestInfo.getReportUrl());22 }23}
Using AI Code Generation
1 public void testLayout() throws IOException {2 GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("testLayout");3 checkLayout("specs", test.getName(), Arrays.asList("desktop"));4 }5 public void testLayout() throws IOException {6 GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("testLayout");7 checkLayout("specs", test.getReportName(), Arrays.asList
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