How to use objectName method of com.galenframework.parser.Expectations class

Best Galen code snippet using com.galenframework.parser.Expectations.objectName


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...121 }122 String attrValue = value.replaceFirst(attributeName + "(,|=|:| )", "");123 return new SpecAttribute(attributeName, type, attrValue);124 }125 public SpecInside getSpecInside(String objectName, String value, Boolean isPartly) {126 SpecInside spec = new SpecInside(objectName, Parser.parseLocation(value));127 spec.setPartly(isPartly);128 return spec;129 }130 public SpecNear getSpecNear(String objectName, String value) {131 List<Location> locations = Parser.parseLocation(value);132 if (locations == null || locations.isEmpty()) {133 throw new SyntaxException("There is no location defined");134 }135 return new SpecNear(objectName, Parser.parseLocation(value));136 }137 public SpecAbove getSpecAbove(String objectName, String value) {138 return new SpecAbove(objectName, Parser.parseRange(value));139 }140 public SpecBelow getSpecBelow(String objectName, String value) {141 return new SpecBelow(objectName, Parser.parseRange(value));142 }143 public SpecLeftOf getSpecLeftOf(String objectName, String value) {144 return new SpecLeftOf(objectName, Parser.parseRange(value));145 }146 public SpecRightOf getSpecRightOf(String objectName, String value) {147 return new SpecRightOf(objectName, Parser.parseRange(value));148 }149 public SpecHorizontally getSpecHorizontally(String objectName, String value) {150 return (SpecHorizontally) processAlignment(objectName, value, "horizontally");151 }152 public SpecVertically getSpecVertically(String objectName, String value) {153 return (SpecVertically) processAlignment(objectName, value, "vertically");154 }155 private Spec processAlignment(String objectName, String value, String type) {156 StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(value);157 String[] words = ExpectWord.readAllWords(reader);158 Alignment alignment = Alignment.ALL;159 int errorRate = 0;160 if (words.length == 1) {161 errorRate = Parser.parseInt(words[0]);162 if (errorRate == 0) {163 alignment = Alignment.parse(words[0]);164 }165 } else if (words.length == 2) {166 alignment = Alignment.parse(words[0]);167 errorRate = Parser.parseInt(words[1]);168 }169 switch (type) {170 case "horizontally":171 if (alignment.isOneOf(CENTERED, TOP, BOTTOM, ALL)) {172 return new SpecHorizontally(alignment, objectName).withErrorRate(errorRate);173 } else {174 throw new SyntaxException("Horizontal alignment doesn't allow this side: " + alignment.toString());175 }176 case "vertically":177 if (alignment.isOneOf(CENTERED, LEFT, RIGHT, ALL)) {178 return new SpecVertically(alignment, objectName).withErrorRate(errorRate);179 } else {180 throw new SyntaxException("Verticall alignment doesn't allow this side: " + alignment.toString());181 }182 default:183 throw new SyntaxException("Unknown alignment: " + type);184 }185 }186 public SpecCentered getSpecCentered(String objectName, String value, SpecCentered.Location location, SpecCentered.Alignment alignment) {187 int errorRate = Parser.parseRange(value).getFrom().asInt();188 errorRate = errorRate == -1 ? 2 : errorRate;189 return new SpecCentered(objectName, alignment, location).withErrorRate(errorRate);190 }191 public SpecOn getSpecOn(String objectName, Side sideHorizontal, Side sideVertical, String value) {192 List<Location> locations = Parser.parseLocation(value);193 if (locations == null || locations.isEmpty()) {194 throw new SyntaxException("There is no location defined");195 }196 return new SpecOn(objectName, sideHorizontal, sideVertical, locations);197 }198 public SpecColorScheme getSpecColorScheme(String value) {199 List<ColorRange> colorRanges = Parser.parseColorRanges(value);200 if (colorRanges == null || colorRanges.isEmpty()) {201 throw new SyntaxException("There are no colors defined");202 }203 SpecColorScheme spec = new SpecColorScheme();204 spec.setColorRanges(colorRanges);205 return spec;206 }207 public SpecImage getSpecImage(String pageName, String objectName, String value) {208 SpecImage spec = new SpecImage();209 spec.setImagePaths(getImagepath(pageName, objectName));210 spec.setErrorRate(GalenConfig.getConfig().getImageSpecDefaultErrorRate());211 spec.setTolerance(GalenConfig.getConfig().getImageSpecDefaultTolerance());212 getImageParameters(spec, value);213 return spec;214 }215 private void getImageParameters(SpecImage spec, String Data) {216 List<Pair<String, String>> parameters = Expectations.commaSeparatedRepeatedKeyValues().read(new StringCharReader(Data));217 for (Pair<String, String> parameter : parameters) {218 if (null != parameter.getKey()) {219 switch (parameter.getKey()) {220 case "file":221 spec.getImagePaths().add(parameter.getValue());222 break;223 case "error":224 spec.setErrorRate(SpecImage.ErrorRate.fromString(parameter.getValue()));225 break;226 case "tolerance":227 spec.setTolerance(parseIntegerParameter("tolerance", parameter.getValue()));228 break;229 case "stretch":230 spec.setStretch(true);231 break;232 case "area":233 spec.setSelectedArea(parseRect(parameter.getValue()));234 break;235 case "filter": {236 ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());237 spec.getOriginalFilters().add(filter);238 spec.getSampleFilters().add(filter);239 }240 break;241 case "filter-a": {242 ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());243 spec.getOriginalFilters().add(filter);244 break;245 }246 case "filter-b": {247 ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());248 spec.getSampleFilters().add(filter);249 }250 break;251 case "map-filter": {252 ImageFilter filter = parseImageFilter(parameter.getValue());253 spec.getMapFilters().add(filter);254 }255 break;256 case "crop-if-outside":257 spec.setCropIfOutside(true);258 break;259 default:260 throw new SyntaxException("Unknown parameter: " + parameter.getKey());261 }262 }263 }264 }265 private Rect parseRect(String text) {266 Integer[] numbers = new Integer[4];267 StringCharReader reader = new StringCharReader(text);268 for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {269 numbers[i] = new ExpectNumber().read(reader).intValue();270 }271 return new Rect(numbers);272 }273 private Integer parseIntegerParameter(String name, String value) {274 if (StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) {275 return Integer.parseInt(value);276 } else {277 throw new SyntaxException(name + " parameter should be integer: " + value);278 }279 }280 private List<String> getImagepath(String pageName, String objectName) {281 List<String> path = new ArrayList<>();282 File[] files = new File(FilePath.getORimagestorelocation() + File.separator + pageName + File.separator + objectName).listFiles();283 if (files == null || files.length == 0) {284 return path;285 }286 for (File file : files) {287 if (file.isFile()) {288 path.add(file.getAbsolutePath());289 } else {290 for (File file2 : file.listFiles()) {291 if (file2.isFile()) {292 path.add(file2.getAbsolutePath());293 }294 }295 }296 }...

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1import com.galenframework.parser.Expectations;2Expectations objectName = new Expectations();3objectName.objectName("objectName");4import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;5Expectation objectName = new Expectation();6objectName.objectName("objectName");7import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;8Expectation objectName = new Expectation();9objectName.objectName("objectName");10import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;11Expectation objectName = new Expectation();12objectName.objectName("objectName");13import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;14Expectation objectName = new Expectation();15objectName.objectName("objectName");16import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;17Expectation objectName = new Expectation();18objectName.objectName("objectName");19import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;20Expectation objectName = new Expectation();21objectName.objectName("objectName");22import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;23Expectation objectName = new Expectation();24objectName.objectName("objectName");25import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;26Expectation objectName = new Expectation();27objectName.objectName("objectName");28import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;29Expectation objectName = new Expectation();30objectName.objectName("objectName");31import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;32Expectation objectName = new Expectation();33objectName.objectName("objectName");34import com.galenframework.validation.Expectation;35Expectation objectName = new Expectation();36objectName.objectName("objectName

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