How to use getName method of com.galenframework.generator.suggestions.SizeSpecSuggestion class

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...50 public SuggestionTestResult suggestSpecsForMultipleObjects(List<PageItemNode> pins, List<SpecSuggestion> suggestions, SpecGeneratorOptions specGeneratorOptions) {51 SuggestionTestResult globalResult = new SuggestionTestResult();52 List<PageItemNode[]> pinsVariations = generateSequentialVariations(pins.toArray(new PageItemNode[pins.size()]));53 for (PageItemNode[] pinsVariation : pinsVariations) {54 String[] namesArray = -> p.getPageItem().getName()).toArray(String[]::new);55 for (SpecSuggestion suggestion : suggestions) {56 if (!matchesExcludedFilter(suggestion.getName(), namesArray)) {57 SuggestionTestResult result = suggestion.test(options, specGeneratorOptions, pinsVariation);58 globalResult.merge(result);59 if (result != null && result.isValid()) {60 if (result.getFilters() != null) {61 excludedFilters.addAll(result.getFilters());62 }63 }64 }65 }66 }67 return globalResult;68 }69 private List<PageItemNode[]> generateSequentialVariations(PageItemNode[] pageItemNodes) {70 List<PageItemNode[]> variations = new LinkedList<>();71 if (pageItemNodes != null && pageItemNodes.length > 1) {72 variations.add(pageItemNodes);73 }74 for (int amount = pageItemNodes.length - 1; amount > 1; amount --) {75 for (int offset = 0; offset <= pageItemNodes.length - amount; offset ++) {76 PageItemNode[] variation = new PageItemNode[amount];77 for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {78 variation[i] = pageItemNodes[offset + i];79 }80 variations.add(variation);81 }82 }83 return variations;84 }85 public SuggestionTestResult suggestSpecsForTwoObjects(List<PageItemNode> pins, List<SpecSuggestion> suggestions, SpecGeneratorOptions specGeneratorOptions) {86 SuggestionTestResult globalResult = new SuggestionTestResult();87 for (int i = 0; i < pins.size() - 1; i++) {88 for (int j = i + 1; j < pins.size(); j++) {89 for (SpecSuggestion suggestion : suggestions) {90 if (!matchesExcludedFilter(suggestion.getName(), pins.get(i).getPageItem().getName(), pins.get(j).getPageItem().getName())) {91 SuggestionTestResult result = suggestion.test(options, specGeneratorOptions, pins.get(i), pins.get(j));92 globalResult.merge(result);93 if (result != null && result.isValid()) {94 if (result.getFilters() != null) {95 excludedFilters.addAll(result.getFilters());96 }97 }98 }99 }100 }101 }102 return globalResult;103 }104 public SuggestionTestResult suggestSpecsForSingleObject(List<PageItemNode> pins, List<SpecSuggestion> suggestions, SpecGeneratorOptions specGeneratorOptions) {105 SuggestionTestResult globalResult = new SuggestionTestResult();106 for (PageItemNode pin: pins) {107 for (SpecSuggestion suggestion : suggestions) {108 if (!matchesExcludedFilter(suggestion.getName(), pin.getPageItem().getName())) {109 SuggestionTestResult result = suggestion.test(options, specGeneratorOptions, pin);110 globalResult.merge(result);111 if (result != null && result.isValid()) {112 if (result.getFilters() != null) {113 excludedFilters.addAll(result.getFilters());114 }115 }116 }117 }118 }119 return globalResult;120 }121 public SuggestionTestResult suggestSpecsRayCasting(PageItemNode parent, List<PageItemNode> pins, SpecGeneratorOptions specGeneratorOptions) {122 SuggestionTestResult globalResult = new SuggestionTestResult();123 EdgesContainer edges = EdgesContainer.create(parent, pins);124 Map<String, CompositeSpecBuilder> allSpecBuilders = new HashMap<>();125 for (PageItemNode pin : pins) {126 Point[] points = pin.getPageItem().getArea().getPoints();127 Edge closestRightEdge = rayCastRight(pin, new Edge(pin, points[1], points[2]), edges.getRightEdges());128 Edge closestLeftEdge = rayCastLeft(pin, new Edge(pin, points[0], points[3]), edges.getLeftEdges());129 Edge closestBottomEdge = rayCastBottom(pin, new Edge(pin, points[3], points[2]), edges.getBottomEdges());130 Edge closestTopEdge = rayCastTop(pin, new Edge(pin, points[0], points[1]), edges.getTopEdges());131 CompositeSpecBuilder compositeSpecBuilder = new CompositeSpecBuilder();132 allSpecBuilders.put(pin.getPageItem().getName(), compositeSpecBuilder);133 SpecBuilderInside sbInside = new SpecBuilderInside(pin, pin.getParent());134 compositeSpecBuilder.add(sbInside);135 if (closestRightEdge != null) {136 if (closestRightEdge.itemNode == pin.getParent()) {137 closestRightEdge.itemNode.updateMinimalPaddingRight(closestRightEdge.p1.getLeft() - points[1].getLeft());138 sbInside.addRightEdge();139 } else {140 compositeSpecBuilder.add(new SpecBuilderLeftOf(pin.getPageItem(), closestRightEdge));141 }142 }143 if (closestLeftEdge != null) {144 if (closestLeftEdge.itemNode == pin.getParent()) {145 closestLeftEdge.itemNode.updateMinimalPaddingLeft(points[0].getLeft() - closestLeftEdge.p1.getLeft());146 sbInside.addLeftEdge();...

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...24import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;25public class SizeSpecSuggestion extends SingleArgSpecSuggestion {26 public static final String S_SIZE = "s_size";27 @Override28 public String getName() {29 return S_SIZE;30 }31 @Override32 protected SuggestionTestResult testIt(SuggestionOptions options, SpecGeneratorOptions specGeneratorOptions, PageItemNode pin) {33 String itemName = pin.getPageItem().getName();34 Rect area = pin.getPageItem().getArea();35 if (area.getWidth() == area.getHeight() && area.getWidth() <= 200 && specGeneratorOptions.isUseGalenExtras()) {36 return new SuggestionTestResult().addGeneratedRule(37 itemName,38 new SpecStatement(39 format("| %s should be squared with %dpx size", pin.getPageItem().getName(), area.getWidth()),40 asList(41 new SpecAssertion(AssertionEdge.left(itemName), AssertionEdge.right(itemName)),42 new SpecAssertion(, AssertionEdge.bottom(itemName))43 )44 )45 );46 } else {47 List<SpecStatement> specs = new LinkedList<>();48 if (area.getWidth() <= 90) {49 specs.add(new SpecStatement(50 format("width %dpx", area.getWidth()),51 singletonList(new SpecAssertion(AssertionEdge.left(itemName), AssertionEdge.right(itemName)))52 ));53 }54 if (area.getHeight() <= 90) {55 specs.add(new SpecStatement(56 format("height %dpx", area.getHeight()),57 singletonList(new SpecAssertion(, AssertionEdge.bottom(itemName)))58 ));59 }60 if (specs.size() > 0) {61 return new SuggestionTestResult().addObjectSpecs(pin.getPageItem().getName(), specs);62 }63 }64 return null;65 }66}...

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1package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;2public class SizeSpecSuggestion {3 public String getName() {4 return name;5 }6}7package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;8public class SizeSpecSuggestion {9 public String getName() {10 return name;11 }12}13package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;14public class SizeSpecSuggestion {15 public String getName() {16 return name;17 }18}19package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;20public class SizeSpecSuggestion {21 public String getName() {22 return name;23 }24}25package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;26public class SizeSpecSuggestion {27 public String getName() {28 return name;29 }30}31package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;32public class SizeSpecSuggestion {33 public String getName() {34 return name;35 }36}37package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;38public class SizeSpecSuggestion {39 public String getName() {40 return name;41 }42}43package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;44public class SizeSpecSuggestion {45 public String getName() {46 return name;47 }48}49package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;50public class SizeSpecSuggestion {51 public String getName() {52 return name;53 }54}

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1package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;2public class SizeSpecSuggestion {3 public String getName() {4 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";5 }6}7package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;8public class SizeSpecSuggestion {9 public String getName() {10 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";11 }12}13package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;14public class SizeSpecSuggestion {15 public String getName() {16 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";17 }18}19package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;20public class SizeSpecSuggestion {21 public String getName() {22 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";23 }24}25package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;26public class SizeSpecSuggestion {27 public String getName() {28 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";29 }30}31package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;32public class SizeSpecSuggestion {33 public String getName() {34 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";35 }36}37package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;38public class SizeSpecSuggestion {39 public String getName() {40 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";41 }42}43package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;44public class SizeSpecSuggestion {45 public String getName() {46 return "SizeSpecSuggestion";47 }48}49package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;50public class SizeSpecSuggestion {

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1package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;2public class SizeSpecSuggestion {3 public String getName() {4 return name;5 }6}7package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;8public class SizeSpecSuggestion {9 public String getName() {10 return name;11 }12}13package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;14public class SizeSpecSuggestion {15 public String getName() {16 return name;17 }18}19package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;20public class SizeSpecSuggestion {21 public String getName() {22 return name;23 }24}25package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;26public class SizeSpecSuggestion {27 public String getName() {28 return name;29 }30}31package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;32public class SizeSpecSuggestion {33 public String getName() {34 return name;35 }36}37package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;38public class SizeSpecSuggestion {39 public String getName() {40 return name;41 }42}43package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;44public class SizeSpecSuggestion {45 public String getName() {46 return name;47 }48}49package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;50public class SizeSpecSuggestion {51 public String getName() {52 return name;53 }54}

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1package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;2public class SizeSpecSuggestion {3 private String name;4 public String getName() {5 return name;6 }7 public void setName(String name) {8 = name;9 }10}11package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;12public class SizeSpecSuggestion {13 private String name;14 public String getName() {15 return name;16 }17 public void setName(String name) {18 = name;19 }20}21package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;22public class SizeSpecSuggestion {23 private String name;24 public String getName() {25 return name;26 }27 public void setName(String name) {28 = name;29 }30}31package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;32public class SizeSpecSuggestion {33 private String name;34 public String getName() {35 return name;36 }37 public void setName(String name) {38 = name;39 }40}41package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;42public class SizeSpecSuggestion {43 private String name;44 public String getName() {45 return name;46 }47 public void setName(String name) {48 = name;49 }50}51package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;52public class SizeSpecSuggestion {53 private String name;54 public String getName() {55 return name;56 }

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1public class Test {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 SizeSpecSuggestion sizeSpecSuggestion = new SizeSpecSuggestion();4 System.out.println(sizeSpecSuggestion.getName());5 }6}7The getName() method of the SizeSpecSuggestion

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1import com.galenframework.generator.suggestions.SizeSpecSuggestion;2import com.galenframework.generator.suggestions.SizeSpecSuggestion.SizeSpecType;3public class Main {4public static void main(String[] args) {5SizeSpecSuggestion sizeSpecSuggestion = new SizeSpecSuggestion(SizeSpecType.HEIGHT, "100px");6System.out.println(sizeSpecSuggestion.getName());7}8}

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1public class 1 {2 public void 1() {3 SizeSpecSuggestion obj = new SizeSpecSuggestion();4 obj.getName();5 }6}

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1public class Test {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 SizeSpecSuggestion s = new SizeSpecSuggestion();4 System.out.println(s.getName());5 }6}

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1package com.galenframework.generator.suggestions;2public class SizeSpecSuggestion {3 public String getName() {4 return "name";5 }6}

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