Best MockBukkit code snippet using be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.LivingEntityMock.isValid
...95 }96 @Override97 public boolean isDead()98 {99 return !this.alive || !super.isValid();100 }101 @Override102 public boolean isValid()103 {104 return !isDead();105 }106 @Override107 public void setHealth(double health)108 {109 if (health > 0)110 {111 = Math.min(health, getMaxHealth());112 return;113 }114 = 0;115 EntityDeathEvent event = new EntityDeathEvent(this, new ArrayList<>(), 0);116 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);117 this.alive = false;118 }119 @Override120 public double getAbsorptionAmount()121 {122 return absorptionAmount;123 }124 @Override125 public void setAbsorptionAmount(double amount)126 {127 Preconditions.checkArgument(amount >= 0 && Double.isFinite(amount), "amount < 0 or non-finite");128 this.absorptionAmount = amount;129 }130 @Override131 public double getMaxHealth()132 {133 return getAttribute(Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH).getValue();134 }135 @Override136 public void setMaxHealth(double health)137 {138 getAttribute(Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH).setBaseValue(health);139 if ( > health)140 {141 = health;142 }143 }144 @Override145 public void resetMaxHealth()146 {147 setMaxHealth(AttributesMock.getDefaultValue(Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH));148 }149 @Override150 public void damage(double amount)151 {152 damage(amount, null);153 }154 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")155 @Override156 public void damage(double amount, @Nullable Entity source)157 {158 if (isInvulnerable())159 {160 if (source instanceof HumanEntity)161 {162 if (((Player) source).getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE)163 {164 return;165 }166 }167 else168 {169 return;170 }171 }172 Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Double> modifiers = new EnumMap<>(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier.class);173 modifiers.put(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier.BASE, 1.0);174 Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Function<Double, Double>> modifierFunctions = new EnumMap<>(175 EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier.class);176 modifierFunctions.put(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier.BASE, damage -> damage);177 EntityDamageEvent event = source != null ?178 new EntityDamageByEntityEvent(source, this,179 EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.ENTITY_ATTACK, modifiers, modifierFunctions)180 :181 new EntityDamageEvent(this, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.CUSTOM, modifiers,182 modifierFunctions);183 event.setDamage(amount);184 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);185 if (!event.isCancelled())186 {187 setLastDamageCause(event);188 amount = event.getDamage();189 setHealth(health - amount);190 }191 }192 @Override193 public AttributeInstance getAttribute(@NotNull Attribute attribute)194 {195 if (attributes.containsKey(attribute))196 return attributes.get(attribute);197 else198 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();199 }200 @Override201 public void registerAttribute(@NotNull Attribute attribute)202 {203 Preconditions.checkNotNull(attribute, "Attribute cannot be null");204 this.attributes.put(attribute, new AttributeInstanceMock(attribute, AttributesMock.getDefaultValue(attribute)));205 }206 @Override207 public <T extends Projectile> @NotNull T launchProjectile(@NotNull Class<? extends T> projectile)208 {209 // TODO Auto-generated method stub210 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();211 }212 @Override213 public <T extends Projectile> @NotNull T launchProjectile(@NotNull Class<? extends T> projectile, @Nullable Vector velocity)214 {215 Preconditions.checkNotNull(projectile, "Projectile cannot be null");216 T entity = launchProjectile(projectile);217 if (velocity != null)218 {219 entity.setVelocity(velocity);220 }221 return entity;222 }223 @Override224 public double getEyeHeight()225 {226 // TODO Auto-generated method stub227 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();228 }229 @Override230 public double getEyeHeight(boolean ignorePose)231 {232 // TODO Auto-generated method stub233 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();234 }235 @Override236 public @NotNull Location getEyeLocation()237 {238 return getLocation().add(0, getEyeHeight(), 0);239 }240 @Override241 public @NotNull List<Block> getLineOfSight(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)242 {243 // TODO Auto-generated method stub244 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();245 }246 @Override247 public @NotNull Block getTargetBlock(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)248 {249 // TODO Auto-generated method stub250 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();251 }252 @Override253 public @Nullable Block getTargetBlock(int maxDistance, TargetBlockInfo.@NotNull FluidMode fluidMode)254 {255 // TODO Auto-generated method stub256 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();257 }258 @Override259 public @Nullable BlockFace getTargetBlockFace(int maxDistance, TargetBlockInfo.@NotNull FluidMode fluidMode)260 {261 // TODO Auto-generated method stub262 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();263 }264 @Override265 public @Nullable TargetBlockInfo getTargetBlockInfo(int maxDistance, TargetBlockInfo.@NotNull FluidMode fluidMode)266 {267 // TODO Auto-generated method stub268 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();269 }270 @Override271 public @Nullable Entity getTargetEntity(int maxDistance, boolean ignoreBlocks)272 {273 // TODO Auto-generated method stub274 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();275 }276 @Override277 public @Nullable TargetEntityInfo getTargetEntityInfo(int maxDistance, boolean ignoreBlocks)278 {279 // TODO Auto-generated method stub280 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();281 }282 @Override283 public @NotNull List<Block> getLastTwoTargetBlocks(Set<Material> transparent, int maxDistance)284 {285 // TODO Auto-generated method stub286 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();287 }288 @Override289 public @Nullable Block getTargetBlockExact(int maxDistance)290 {291 // TODO Auto-generated method stub292 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();293 }294 @Override295 public @Nullable Block getTargetBlockExact(int maxDistance, @NotNull FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)296 {297 // TODO Auto-generated method stub298 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();299 }300 @Override301 public @Nullable RayTraceResult rayTraceBlocks(double maxDistance)302 {303 // TODO Auto-generated method stub304 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();305 }306 @Override307 public @Nullable RayTraceResult rayTraceBlocks(double maxDistance, @NotNull FluidCollisionMode fluidCollisionMode)308 {309 // TODO Auto-generated method stub310 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();311 }312 @Override313 public int getRemainingAir()314 {315 return remainingAirTicks;316 }317 @Override318 public void setRemainingAir(int ticks)319 {320 this.remainingAirTicks = ticks;321 }322 @Override323 public int getMaximumAir()324 {325 return maxAirTicks;326 }327 @Override328 public void setMaximumAir(int ticks)329 {330 this.maxAirTicks = ticks;331 }332 @Override333 public int getMaximumNoDamageTicks()334 {335 // TODO Auto-generated method stub336 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();337 }338 @Override339 public void setMaximumNoDamageTicks(int ticks)340 {341 // TODO Auto-generated method stub342 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();343 }344 @Override345 public double getLastDamage()346 {347 // TODO Auto-generated method stub348 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();349 }350 @Override351 public void setLastDamage(double damage)352 {353 // TODO Auto-generated method stub354 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();355 }356 @Override357 public int getNoDamageTicks()358 {359 // TODO Auto-generated method stub360 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();361 }362 @Override363 public void setNoDamageTicks(int ticks)364 {365 // TODO Auto-generated method stub366 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();367 }368 @Override369 public @Nullable Player getKiller()370 {371 return this.killer;372 }373 @Override374 public void setKiller(@Nullable Player killer)375 {376 this.killer = killer;377 }378 @Override379 public boolean addPotionEffect(@NotNull PotionEffect effect)380 {381 return addPotionEffect(effect, false);382 }383 @Override384 @Deprecated385 public boolean addPotionEffect(@NotNull PotionEffect effect, boolean force)386 {387 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("effect add");388 Preconditions.checkNotNull(effect, "PotionEffect cannot be null");389 // Bukkit now allows multiple effects of the same type,390 // the force/success attributes are now obsolete391 activeEffects.add(new ActivePotionEffect(effect));392 return true;393 }394 @Override395 public boolean addPotionEffects(@NotNull Collection<PotionEffect> effects)396 {397 Preconditions.checkNotNull(effects, "PotionEffect cannot be null");398 boolean successful = true;399 for (PotionEffect effect : effects)400 {401 if (!addPotionEffect(effect))402 {403 successful = false;404 }405 }406 return successful;407 }408 @Override409 public boolean hasPotionEffect(@NotNull PotionEffectType type)410 {411 return getPotionEffect(type) != null;412 }413 @Override414 public PotionEffect getPotionEffect(@NotNull PotionEffectType type)415 {416 Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "Potion type cannot be null");417 for (PotionEffect effect : getActivePotionEffects())418 {419 if (effect.getType().equals(type))420 {421 return effect;422 }423 }424 return null;425 }426 @Override427 public void removePotionEffect(@NotNull PotionEffectType type)428 {429 Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "Potion type cannot be null");430 activeEffects.removeIf(effect -> effect.hasExpired() || effect.getPotionEffect().getType().equals(type));431 }432 @Override433 public @NotNull Collection<PotionEffect> getActivePotionEffects()434 {435 Set<PotionEffect> effects = new HashSet<>();436 Iterator<ActivePotionEffect> iterator = activeEffects.iterator();437 while (iterator.hasNext())438 {439 ActivePotionEffect effect =;440 if (effect.hasExpired())441 {442 iterator.remove();443 }444 else445 {446 effects.add(effect.getPotionEffect());447 }448 }449 return effects;450 }451 @Override452 public boolean hasLineOfSight(@NotNull Entity other)453 {454 // TODO Auto-generated method stub455 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();456 }457 @Override458 public boolean hasLineOfSight(@NotNull Location location)459 {460 // TODO Auto-generated method stub461 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();462 }463 @Override464 public boolean getRemoveWhenFarAway()465 {466 // TODO Auto-generated method stub467 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();468 }469 @Override470 public void setRemoveWhenFarAway(boolean remove)471 {472 // TODO Auto-generated method stub473 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();474 }475 @Nullable476 @Override477 public EntityEquipment getEquipment()478 {479 return;480 }481 @Override482 public void setCanPickupItems(boolean pickup)483 {484 // TODO Auto-generated method stub485 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();486 }487 @Override488 public boolean getCanPickupItems()489 {490 // TODO Auto-generated method stub491 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();492 }493 @Override494 public boolean teleport(@NotNull Location location, PlayerTeleportEvent.@NotNull TeleportCause cause)495 {496 if (isDead())497 {498 return false;499 }500 return super.teleport(location, cause);501 }502 @Override503 public boolean isLeashed()504 {505 // TODO Auto-generated method stub506 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();507 }508 @Override509 public @NotNull Entity getLeashHolder() throws IllegalStateException510 {511 // TODO Auto-generated method stub512 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();513 }514 @Override515 public boolean setLeashHolder(Entity holder)516 {517 // TODO Auto-generated method stub518 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();519 }520 @Override521 public boolean isGliding()522 {523 return this.gliding;524 }525 @Override526 public void setGliding(boolean gliding)527 {528 this.gliding = gliding;529 }530 @Override531 public boolean isSwimming()532 {533 return this.swimming;534 }535 @Override536 public void setSwimming(boolean swimming)537 {538 if (this.isValid() && this.isSwimming() != swimming)539 {540 EntityToggleSwimEvent event = new EntityToggleSwimEvent(this, swimming);541 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);542 if (event.isCancelled())543 {544 return;545 }546 }547 this.swimming = swimming;548 }549 @Override550 public boolean isRiptiding()551 {552 // TODO Auto-generated method stub...
Using AI Code Generation
1import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.LivingEntityMock;2import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;3import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;4import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;5public class LivingEntityMockTest {6 public void testIsValid() {7 LivingEntityMock livingEntityMock = new LivingEntityMock(null, EntityType.PLAYER);8 assertTrue(livingEntityMock.isValid());9 livingEntityMock.setValid(false);10 assertFalse(livingEntityMock.isValid());11 }12}13import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.LivingEntityMock;14import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;15import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;16import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;17public class LivingEntityMockTest {18 public void testIsValid() {19 LivingEntityMock livingEntityMock = new LivingEntityMock(null, EntityType.PLAYER);20 assertTrue(livingEntityMock.isValid());21 livingEntityMock.setValid(false);22 assertFalse(livingEntityMock.isValid());23 }24}25import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.LivingEntityMock;26import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;27import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;28import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;29public class LivingEntityMockTest {30 public void testIsValid() {31 LivingEntityMock livingEntityMock = new LivingEntityMock(null, EntityType.PLAYER);32 assertTrue(livingEntityMock.isValid());33 livingEntityMock.setValid(false);34 assertFalse(livingEntityMock.isValid());35 }36}37import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.LivingEntityMock;38import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;39import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;40import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;41public class LivingEntityMockTest {42 public void testIsValid() {43 LivingEntityMock livingEntityMock = new LivingEntityMock(null, EntityType.PLAYER);44 assertTrue(livingEntityMock.isValid());45 livingEntityMock.setValid(false);46 assertFalse(livingEntityMock.isValid());47 }48}
Using AI Code Generation
1LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.ZOMBIE);2PlayerMock player = server.addPlayer();3EntityMock entity = new EntityMock(server, EntityType.ZOMBIE);4ItemMock item = new ItemMock(server, new ItemStack(Material.STONE));5ProjectileMock projectile = new ProjectileMock(server, EntityType.ARROW);6VehicleMock vehicle = new VehicleMock(server, EntityType.BOAT);7HangingMock hanging = new HangingMock(server, EntityType.PAINTING);8LightningStrikeMock lightning = new LightningStrikeMock(server, new Location(server.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0));9ExplosiveMock explosive = new ExplosiveMock(server, EntityType.CREEPER);10FallingBlockMock fallingBlock = new FallingBlockMock(server, new Location(server.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0), Material.STONE);
Using AI Code Generation
1public void testIsValid() {2 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);3 assertTrue(entity.isValid());4}5public void testIsDead() {6 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);7 assertFalse(entity.isDead());8}9public void testIsInsideVehicle() {10 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);11 assertFalse(entity.isInsideVehicle());12}13public void testIsOnGround() {14 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);15 assertTrue(entity.isOnGround());16}17public void testIsGlowing() {18 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);19 assertFalse(entity.isGlowing());20}21public void testIsSilent() {22 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);23 assertFalse(entity.isSilent());24}25public void testIsPersistent() {26 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, EntityType.VILLAGER);27 assertFalse(entity.isPersistent());28}
Using AI Code Generation
1public void testIsValid()2{3 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());4 entity.setHealth(0);5 assertFalse(entity.isValid());6}7/** @test {isValid} */8it('should return false when health is 0', () => {9 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());10 entity.setHealth(0);11 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(false);12});13/** @test {isValid} */14it('should return true when health is not 0', () => {15 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());16 entity.setHealth(1);17 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(true);18});19/** @test {isValid} */20it('should return false when dead', () => {21 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());22 entity.setHealth(0);23 entity.setDead(true);24 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(false);25});26/** @test {isValid} */27it('should return false when removed', () => {28 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());29 entity.remove();30 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(false);31});32/** @test {isValid} */33it('should return false when world is null', () => {34 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());35 entity.setWorld(null);36 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(false);37});38/** @test {isValid} */39it('should return true when world is not null', () => {40 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());41 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(true);42});43/** @test {isValid} */44it('should return false when world is null', () => {45 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());46 entity.setWorld(null);47 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(false);48});49/** @test {isValid} */50it('should return true when world is not null', () => {51 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());52 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(true);53});54/** @test {isValid} */55it('should return false when world is null', () => {56 const entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());57 entity.setWorld(null);58 expect(entity.isValid()).toBe(false);59});60/** @test {isValid} */61it('should return true when world is not null', () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1 public boolean isValid() {2 return this.valid;3 }4 public void test() {5 LivingEntityMock entity = new LivingEntityMock(server, new LocationMock());6 entity.setValid(false);7 assertFalse(entity.isValid());8 }
Using AI Code Generation
1public boolean isValid(){2 if(getHealth() <= 0){3 return false;4 }5 return true;6}7public boolean isValid(){8 if(getHealth() <= 0){9 return false;10 }11 return true;12}13public boolean isValid(){14 if(getHealth() <= 0){15 return false;16 }17 return true;18}19public boolean isValid(){20 if(getHealth() <= 0){21 return false;22 }23 return true;24}25public boolean isValid(){26 if(getHealth() <= 0){27 return false;28 }29 return true;30}31public boolean isValid(){32 if(getHealth() <=
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;2import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;3import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;4import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;5import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;6import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;7import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;8import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.LivingEntityMock;9{10 private LivingEntityMock livingEntity;11 public void setUp() throws Exception12 {13 livingEntity = new LivingEntityMock();14 }15 public void tearDown() throws Exception16 {17 MockBukkit.unmock();18 }19 public void testIsValid()20 {21 assertTrue(livingEntity.isValid());22 }23 public void testSetValid()24 {25 livingEntity.setValid(false);26 assertFalse(livingEntity.isValid());27 }28 public void testIsDead()29 {30 assertFalse(livingEntity.isDead());31 }32 public void testSetDead()33 {34 livingEntity.setDead(true);35 assertTrue(livingEntity.isDead());36 }37 public void testSetHealth()38 {39 livingEntity.setHealth(2);40 assertEquals(2, livingEntity.getHealth());41 }42 public void testGetHealth()43 {44 assertEquals(20, livingEntity.getHealth());45 }46 public void testSetMaxHealth()47 {48 livingEntity.setMaxHealth(2);49 assertEquals(2, livingEntity.getMaxHealth());50 }51 public void testGetMaxHealth()52 {53 assertEquals(20, livingEntity.getMaxHealth
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