How to use Location method of be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.HumanEntityMock class

Best MockBukkit code snippet using be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.HumanEntityMock.Location


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...34import org.bukkit.GameEvent;35import org.bukkit.GameMode;36import org.bukkit.GameRule;37import org.bukkit.Instrument;38import org.bukkit.Location;39import org.bukkit.Material;40import org.bukkit.Note;41import org.bukkit.Particle;42import org.bukkit.Sound;43import org.bukkit.SoundCategory;44import org.bukkit.Statistic;45import org.bukkit.Tag;46import org.bukkit.WeatherType;47import org.bukkit.World;48import org.bukkit.WorldBorder;49import org.bukkit.advancement.Advancement;50import org.bukkit.advancement.AdvancementProgress;51import org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute;52import org.bukkit.block.Block;53import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;54import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;55import;56import org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation;57import org.bukkit.conversations.ConversationAbandonedEvent;58import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;59import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;60import org.bukkit.entity.Firework;61import org.bukkit.entity.Item;62import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;63import org.bukkit.entity.Player;64import org.bukkit.entity.Pose;65import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;66import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockDamageEvent;67import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent;68import org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent;69import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;70import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction;71import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;72import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;73import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;74import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;75import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChangedWorldEvent;76import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent;77import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent;78import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent;79import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent;80import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerLevelChangeEvent;81import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;82import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;83import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent;84import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent;85import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent;86import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent;87import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent;88import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent;89import;90import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;91import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot;92import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;93import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;94import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;95import org.bukkit.inventory.MainHand;96import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;97import;98import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;99import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.StandardMessenger;100import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard;101import org.bukkit.util.BoundingBox;102import org.bukkit.util.RayTraceResult;103import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;104import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;105import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;106import;107import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;108import java.util.ArrayList;109import java.util.Arrays;110import java.util.Collection;111import java.util.HashMap;112import java.util.HashSet;113import java.util.LinkedHashMap;114import java.util.LinkedList;115import java.util.List;116import java.util.Locale;117import java.util.Map;118import java.util.Objects;119import java.util.Queue;120import java.util.Random;121import java.util.Set;122import java.util.UUID;123import java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue;124import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;125import java.util.function.Predicate;126import static;127public class PlayerMock extends HumanEntityMock implements Player, SoundReceiver128{129 private static final Component DEFAULT_KICK_COMPONENT = Component.text("You are not whitelisted on this server!");130 private @NotNull GameMode gamemode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;131 private @NotNull GameMode previousGamemode = gamemode;132 private boolean online;133 private final @NotNull ServerMock server;134 private @Nullable Component displayName = null;135 private @Nullable Component playerListName = null;136 private @Nullable Component playerListHeader = null;137 private @Nullable Component playerListFooter = null;138 private int expTotal = 0;139 private float exp = 0;140 private boolean sneaking = false;141 private boolean sprinting = false;142 private boolean allowFlight = false;143 private boolean flying = false;144 private Location compassTarget;145 private @Nullable Location bedSpawnLocation;146 private long firstPlayed = 0;147 private long lastPlayed = 0;148 private @Nullable InetSocketAddress address;149 private final PlayerSpigotMock playerSpigotMock = new PlayerSpigotMock();150 private final List<AudioExperience> heardSounds = new LinkedList<>();151 private final Map<UUID, Set<Plugin>> hiddenPlayers = new HashMap<>();152 private final Set<UUID> hiddenPlayersDeprecated = new HashSet<>();153 private final Queue<String> title = new LinkedTransferQueue<>();154 private final Queue<String> subitles = new LinkedTransferQueue<>();155 private Scoreboard scoreboard;156 private final StatisticsMock statistics = new StatisticsMock();157 private final Set<String> channels = new HashSet<>();158 private final List<ItemStack> consumedItems = new LinkedList<>();159 public PlayerMock(@NotNull ServerMock server, @NotNull String name)160 {161 this(server, name, UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + name).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));162 = false;163 this.firstPlayed = 0;164 this.scoreboard = server.getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard();165 }166 public PlayerMock(@NotNull ServerMock server, @NotNull String name, @NotNull UUID uuid)167 {168 super(server, uuid);169 Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Name cannot be null");170 setName(name);171 setDisplayName(name);172 = true;173 this.server = server;174 this.firstPlayed = System.currentTimeMillis();175 if (Bukkit.getWorlds().isEmpty())176 {177 MockBukkit.getMock().addSimpleWorld("world");178 }179 setLocation(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation().clone());180 setCompassTarget(getLocation());181 closeInventory();182 Random random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();183 address = new InetSocketAddress("192.0.2." + random.nextInt(255), random.nextInt(32768, 65535));184 scoreboard = server.getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard();185 }186 /​**187 * Simulates a disconnection from the server.188 *189 * @return True if the player was disconnected, false if they were already offline.190 */​191 public boolean disconnect()192 {193 if (!online)194 {195 return false;196 }197 = false;198 this.lastPlayed = System.currentTimeMillis();199 Component message = MiniMessage.miniMessage()200 .deserialize("<name> has left the Server!", Placeholder.component("name", this.displayName()));201 PlayerQuitEvent playerQuitEvent = new PlayerQuitEvent(this, message, PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason.DISCONNECTED);202 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerQuitEvent);203 this.server.getPlayerList().disconnectPlayer(this);204 return true;205 }206 /​**207 * Simulates a connection to the server.208 *209 * @return True if the player was connected, false if they were already online.210 */​211 public boolean reconnect()212 {213 if (firstPlayed == 0)214 {215 throw new IllegalStateException("Player was never online");216 }217 if (server.hasWhitelist() && !server.getWhitelistedPlayers().contains(this))218 {219 return false;220 }221 if (online)222 {223 return false;224 }225 = true;226 this.lastPlayed = System.currentTimeMillis();227 server.addPlayer(this);228 return true;229 }230 /​**231 * Simulates a Player consuming an Edible Item232 *233 * @param consumable The Item to consume234 */​235 public void simulateConsumeItem(@NotNull ItemStack consumable)236 {237 Preconditions.checkNotNull(consumable, "Consumed Item can't be null");238 Preconditions.checkArgument(consumable.getType().isEdible(), "Item is not Consumable");239 /​/​Since we have no Bukkit way of differentiating between drinks and food, here is a rough estimation of240 /​/​how it would sound like241 /​/​Drinks:Slurp Slurp Slurp242 /​/​Food: Yum Yum Yum243 GenericGameEvent consumeStartEvent =244 new GenericGameEvent(245 GameEvent.ITEM_INTERACT_START,246 this.getLocation(),247 this,248 16,249 !Bukkit.isPrimaryThread());250 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(consumeStartEvent);251 PlayerItemConsumeEvent event = new PlayerItemConsumeEvent(this, consumable);252 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);253 if (event.isCancelled())254 {255 GenericGameEvent stopConsumeEvent =256 new GenericGameEvent(257 GameEvent.ITEM_INTERACT_FINISH,258 this.getLocation(),259 this,260 16,261 !Bukkit.isPrimaryThread());262 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(stopConsumeEvent);263 }264 consumedItems.add(consumable);265 }266 /​**267 * Asserts a Player has consumed the given Item268 *269 * @param consumable The Item to asserts has been consumed270 */​271 public void assertItemConsumed(@NotNull ItemStack consumable)272 {273 Preconditions.checkNotNull(consumable, "Consumed Item can't be null");274 if (!consumedItems.contains(consumable))275 {276 fail();277 }278 }279 @Override280 public @NotNull EntityType getType()281 {282 return EntityType.PLAYER;283 }284 /​**285 * Simulates the player damaging a block just like {@link #simulateBlockDamage(Block)}. However, if286 * {@code InstaBreak} is enabled, it will not automatically fire a {@link BlockBreakEvent}. It will also still fire287 * a {@link BlockDamageEvent} even if the player is not in survival mode.288 *289 * @param block The block to damage.290 * @return The event that has been fired.291 */​292 protected @NotNull BlockDamageEvent simulateBlockDamagePure(@NotNull Block block)293 {294 Preconditions.checkNotNull(block, "Block cannot be null");295 BlockDamageEvent event = new BlockDamageEvent(this, block, getItemInHand(), false);296 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);297 return event;298 }299 /​**300 * Simulates the player damaging a block. Note that this method does not anything unless the player is in survival301 * mode. If {@code InstaBreak} is set to true by an event handler, a {@link BlockBreakEvent} is immediately fired.302 * The result will then still be whether or not the {@link BlockDamageEvent} was cancelled or not, not the later303 * {@link BlockBreakEvent}.304 *305 * @param block The block to damage.306 * @return the event that was fired, {@code null} if the player was not in307 * survival gamemode.308 */​309 public @Nullable BlockDamageEvent simulateBlockDamage(@NotNull Block block)310 {311 Preconditions.checkNotNull(block, "Block cannot be null");312 if (gamemode != GameMode.SURVIVAL)313 {314 return null;315 }316 BlockDamageEvent event = simulateBlockDamagePure(block);317 if (event.getInstaBreak())318 {319 BlockBreakEvent breakEvent = new BlockBreakEvent(block, this);320 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(breakEvent);321 if (!breakEvent.isCancelled())322 block.setType(Material.AIR);323 }324 return event;325 }326 /​**327 * Simulates the player breaking a block. This method will not break the block if the player is in adventure or328 * spectator mode. If the player is in survival mode, the player will first damage the block.329 *330 * @param block The block to break.331 * @return The event that was fired, {@code null} if it wasn't or if the player was in adventure mode332 * or in spectator mode.333 */​334 public @Nullable BlockBreakEvent simulateBlockBreak(@NotNull Block block)335 {336 Preconditions.checkNotNull(block, "Block cannot be null");337 if ((gamemode == GameMode.SPECTATOR || gamemode == GameMode.ADVENTURE)338 || (gamemode == GameMode.SURVIVAL && simulateBlockDamagePure(block).isCancelled()))339 return null;340 BlockBreakEvent event = new BlockBreakEvent(block, this);341 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);342 if (!event.isCancelled())343 block.setType(Material.AIR);344 return event;345 }346 /​**347 * Simulates the player placing a block. This method will not place the block if the player is in adventure or348 * spectator mode.349 *350 * @param material The material of the location to set to351 * @param location The location of the material to set to352 * @return The event that was fired. {@code null} if it wasn't or the player was in adventure353 * mode.354 */​355 public @Nullable BlockPlaceEvent simulateBlockPlace(@NotNull Material material, @NotNull Location location)356 {357 Preconditions.checkNotNull(material, "Material cannot be null");358 Preconditions.checkNotNull(location, "Location cannot be null");359 if (gamemode == GameMode.ADVENTURE || gamemode == GameMode.SPECTATOR)360 return null;361 Block block = location.getBlock();362 BlockState blockState = block.getState();363 block.setType(material);364 BlockPlaceEvent event = new BlockPlaceEvent(block, blockState, null, getItemInHand(), this, true, EquipmentSlot.HAND);365 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);366 if (event.isCancelled() || !event.canBuild())367 {368 blockState.update(true, false);369 }370 return event;371 }372 /​**373 * Simulates the player clicking an Inventory.374 *375 * @param slot The slot in the player's open inventory376 * @return The event that was fired.377 */​378 public @NotNull InventoryClickEvent simulateInventoryClick(int slot)379 {380 return simulateInventoryClick(getOpenInventory(), slot);381 }382 /​**383 * Simulates the player clicking an Inventory.384 *385 * @param inventoryView The inventory view we want to click386 * @param slot The slot in the provided Inventory387 * @return The event that was fired.388 */​389 public @NotNull InventoryClickEvent simulateInventoryClick(@NotNull InventoryView inventoryView, int slot)390 {391 return simulateInventoryClick(inventoryView, ClickType.LEFT, slot);392 }393 /​**394 * Simulates the player clicking an Inventory.395 *396 * @param inventoryView The inventory view we want to click397 * @param clickType The click type we want to fire398 * @param slot The slot in the provided Inventory399 * @return The event that was fired.400 */​401 public @NotNull InventoryClickEvent simulateInventoryClick(@NotNull InventoryView inventoryView, @NotNull ClickType clickType, int slot)402 {403 Preconditions.checkNotNull(inventoryView, "InventoryView cannot be null");404 InventoryClickEvent inventoryClickEvent = new InventoryClickEvent(inventoryView, InventoryType.SlotType.CONTAINER, slot, clickType, InventoryAction.UNKNOWN);405 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(inventoryClickEvent);406 return inventoryClickEvent;407 }408 /​**409 * This method simulates the {@link Player} respawning and also calls a {@link PlayerRespawnEvent}. Should the410 * {@link Player} not be dead (when {@link #isDead()} returns false) then this will throw an411 * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. Otherwise, the {@link Location} will be set to412 * {@link Player#getBedSpawnLocation()} or {@link World#getSpawnLocation()}. Lastly the health of this413 * {@link Player} will be restored and set to the max health.414 */​415 public void respawn()416 {417 Location respawnLocation = getBedSpawnLocation();418 boolean isBedSpawn = respawnLocation != null;419 /​/​ TODO: Respawn Anchors are not yet supported.420 boolean isAnchorSpawn = false;421 if (!isBedSpawn)422 {423 respawnLocation = getLocation().getWorld().getSpawnLocation();424 }425 PlayerRespawnEvent event = new PlayerRespawnEvent(this, respawnLocation, isBedSpawn, isAnchorSpawn);426 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);427 /​/​ Reset location and health428 setHealth(getAttribute(Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH).getValue());429 setLocation(event.getRespawnLocation().clone());430 alive = true;431 }432 /​**433 * This method moves player instantly with respect to PlayerMoveEvent434 *435 * @param moveLocation Location to move player to436 * @return The event that is fired437 */​438 public @NotNull PlayerMoveEvent simulatePlayerMove(@NotNull Location moveLocation)439 {440 Preconditions.checkNotNull(moveLocation, "Location cannot be null");441 PlayerMoveEvent event = new PlayerMoveEvent(this, this.getLocation(), moveLocation);442 this.setLocation(event.getTo());443 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);444 if (event.isCancelled())445 this.setLocation(event.getFrom());446 return event;447 }448 @Override449 public @NotNull GameMode getGameMode()450 {451 return this.gamemode;452 }453 @Override454 public void setGameMode(@NotNull GameMode mode)455 {456 Preconditions.checkNotNull(mode, "GameMode cannot be null");457 if (this.gamemode == mode)458 return;459 PlayerGameModeChangeEvent event = new PlayerGameModeChangeEvent(this, mode, PlayerGameModeChangeEvent.Cause.UNKNOWN, null);460 if (!event.callEvent())461 return;462 this.previousGamemode = this.gamemode;463 this.gamemode = mode;464 }465 @Override466 public boolean isWhitelisted()467 {468 return server.getWhitelistedPlayers().contains(this);469 }470 @Override471 public void setWhitelisted(boolean value)472 {473 if (value)474 {475 server.getWhitelistedPlayers().add(this);476 }477 else478 {479 server.getWhitelistedPlayers().remove(this);480 }481 }482 @Override483 public Player getPlayer()484 {485 return (isOnline()) ? this : null;486 }487 @Override488 public boolean isOnline()489 {490 return getServer().getPlayer(getUniqueId()) != null;491 }492 @Override493 public boolean isBanned()494 {495 return MockBukkit.getMock().getBanList(BanList.Type.NAME).isBanned(getName());496 }497 /​**498 * This method is an assertion for the currently open {@link InventoryView} for this {@link Player}. The499 * {@link Predicate} refers to the top inventory, not the {@link PlayerInventory}. It uses the method500 * {@link InventoryView#getTopInventory()}.501 *502 * @param message The message to display upon failure503 * @param type The {@link InventoryType} you are expecting504 * @param predicate A custom {@link Predicate} to check the opened {@link Inventory}.505 */​506 public void assertInventoryView(String message, InventoryType type, @NotNull Predicate<Inventory> predicate)507 {508 InventoryView view = getOpenInventory();509 if (view.getType() == type && predicate.test(view.getTopInventory()))510 {511 return;512 }513 fail(message);514 }515 /​**516 * This method is an assertion for the currently open {@link InventoryView} for this {@link Player}. The517 * {@link Predicate} refers to the top inventory, not the {@link PlayerInventory}. It uses the method518 * {@link InventoryView#getTopInventory()}.519 *520 * @param type The {@link InventoryType} you are expecting521 * @param predicate A custom {@link Predicate} to check the opened {@link Inventory}.522 */​523 public void assertInventoryView(InventoryType type, @NotNull Predicate<Inventory> predicate)524 {525 assertInventoryView("The InventoryView Assertion has failed", type, predicate);526 }527 /​**528 * This method is an assertion for the currently open {@link InventoryView} for this {@link Player}.529 *530 * @param type The {@link InventoryType} you are expecting531 */​532 public void assertInventoryView(InventoryType type)533 {534 assertInventoryView("The InventoryView Assertion has failed", type, inv -> true);535 }536 /​**537 * This method is an assertion for the currently open {@link InventoryView} for this {@link Player}.538 *539 * @param message The message to display upon failure540 * @param type The {@link InventoryType} you are expecting541 */​542 public void assertInventoryView(String message, InventoryType type)543 {544 assertInventoryView(message, type, inv -> true);545 }546 @Override547 public void updateInventory()548 {549 /​/​ Normally a packet would be sent here to update the player's inventory.550 /​/​ We just pretend that this happened!551 }552 @Override553 public boolean performCommand(@NotNull String command)554 {555 Preconditions.checkNotNull(command, "Command cannot be null");556 return Bukkit.dispatchCommand(this, command);557 }558 @Override559 public void showDemoScreen()560 {561 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub562 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();563 }564 @Override565 public boolean isAllowingServerListings()566 {567 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub568 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();569 }570 @Override571 public double getEyeHeight()572 {573 return getEyeHeight(false);574 }575 @Override576 public double getEyeHeight(boolean ignorePose)577 {578 if (isSneaking() && !ignorePose)579 return 1.54D;580 return 1.62D;581 }582 @Override583 public @Nullable TargetEntityInfo getTargetEntityInfo(int maxDistance, boolean ignoreBlocks)584 {585 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub586 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();587 }588 @Override589 public int getNoDamageTicks()590 {591 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub592 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();593 }594 @Override595 public void setNoDamageTicks(int ticks)596 {597 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub598 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();599 }600 @Override601 public EntityEquipment getEquipment()602 {603 return (EntityEquipment) getInventory();604 }605 @Override606 public boolean isConversing()607 {608 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub609 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();610 }611 @Override612 public void acceptConversationInput(@NotNull String input)613 {614 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub615 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();616 }617 @Override618 public boolean beginConversation(@NotNull Conversation conversation)619 {620 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub621 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();622 }623 @Override624 public void abandonConversation(@NotNull Conversation conversation)625 {626 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub627 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();628 }629 @Override630 public void abandonConversation(@NotNull Conversation conversation, @NotNull ConversationAbandonedEvent details)631 {632 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub633 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();634 }635 @Override636 public long getFirstPlayed()637 {638 return firstPlayed;639 }640 @Override641 public long getLastPlayed()642 {643 return lastPlayed;644 }645 @Override646 public boolean hasPlayedBefore()647 {648 return firstPlayed > 0;649 }650 public void setLastPlayed(long time)651 {652 if (time > 0)653 {654 lastPlayed = time;655 /​/​ Set firstPlayed if this is the first time656 if (firstPlayed == 0)657 {658 firstPlayed = time;659 }660 }661 }662 @Override663 public @NotNull Map<String, Object> serialize()664 {665 Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();666 result.put("name", getName());667 return result;668 }669 @Override670 public void sendPluginMessage(@NotNull Plugin source, @NotNull String channel, byte[] message)671 {672 Preconditions.checkNotNull(source, "Source cannot be null");673 Preconditions.checkNotNull(channel, "Channel cannot be null");674 StandardMessenger.validatePluginMessage(getServer().getMessenger(), source, channel, message);675 }676 @Override677 public @NotNull Set<String> getListeningPluginChannels()678 {679 return ImmutableSet.copyOf(channels);680 }681 @Override682 public @NotNull Component displayName()683 {684 return this.displayName;685 }686 @Override687 public void displayName(@Nullable Component displayName)688 {689 this.displayName = displayName;690 }691 @Override692 @Deprecated693 public @NotNull String getDisplayName()694 {695 return LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().serialize(this.displayName);696 }697 @Override698 @Deprecated699 public void setDisplayName(@NotNull String name)700 {701 this.displayName = LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(name);702 }703 @Override704 public @NotNull String getScoreboardEntry()705 {706 return getName();707 }708 @Override709 public void playerListName(@Nullable Component name)710 {711 this.playerListName = name;712 }713 @Override714 public @NotNull Component playerListName()715 {716 return this.playerListName == null ? name() : this.playerListName;717 }718 @Override719 public @Nullable Component playerListHeader()720 {721 return this.playerListHeader;722 }723 @Override724 public @Nullable Component playerListFooter()725 {726 return this.playerListFooter;727 }728 @Override729 @Deprecated730 public @NotNull String getPlayerListName()731 {732 return this.playerListName == null ? getName() : LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().serialize(this.playerListName);733 }734 @Override735 @Deprecated736 public void setPlayerListName(@Nullable String name)737 {738 this.playerListName = name == null ? null : LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(name);739 }740 @Override741 public void setCompassTarget(@NotNull Location loc)742 {743 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");744 this.compassTarget = loc;745 }746 @NotNull747 @Override748 public Location getCompassTarget()749 {750 return this.compassTarget;751 }752 /​**753 * Sets the {@link InetSocketAddress} returned by {@link #getAddress}.754 *755 * @param address The address to set.756 */​757 public void setAddress(@Nullable InetSocketAddress address)758 {759 this.address = address;760 }761 @Override762 public @Nullable InetSocketAddress getAddress()763 {764 return (isOnline()) ? address : null;765 }766 @Override767 public int getProtocolVersion()768 {769 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub770 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();771 }772 @Override773 public @Nullable InetSocketAddress getVirtualHost()774 {775 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub776 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();777 }778 @Override779 public void sendRawMessage(@Nullable String message)780 {781 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub782 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();783 }784 @Override785 public void sendRawMessage(@Nullable UUID sender, @NotNull String message)786 {787 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub788 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();789 }790 @Override791 @Deprecated792 public void kickPlayer(String message)793 {794 kick(Component.text(message));795 }796 @Override797 public void kick()798 {799 kick(DEFAULT_KICK_COMPONENT);800 }801 @Override802 public void kick(@Nullable Component message)803 {804 kick(message, PlayerKickEvent.Cause.PLUGIN);805 }806 @Override807 public void kick(@Nullable Component message, PlayerKickEvent.@NotNull Cause cause)808 {809 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("player kick");810 if (!isOnline()) return;811 PlayerKickEvent event =812 new PlayerKickEvent(this,813 Component.text("Plugin"),814 message == null ? net.kyori.adventure.text.Component.empty() : message,815 cause);816 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);817 server.getPlayerList().disconnectPlayer(this);818 }819 @Override820 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")821 public void chat(@NotNull String msg)822 {823 Preconditions.checkNotNull(msg, "Message cannot be null");824 Set<Player> players = new HashSet<>(Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers());825 AsyncPlayerChatEvent asyncEvent = new AsyncPlayerChatEvent(true, this, msg, players);826 AsyncChatEvent asyncChatEvent = new AsyncChatEvent(827 true,828 this,829 new HashSet<>(Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()),830 ChatRenderer.defaultRenderer(),831 Component.text(msg),832 Component.text(msg)833 );834 PlayerChatEvent syncEvent = new PlayerChatEvent(this, msg);835 server.getScheduler().executeAsyncEvent(asyncChatEvent);836 server.getScheduler().executeAsyncEvent(asyncEvent);837 server.getPluginManager().callEvent(syncEvent);838 }839 @Override840 public boolean isSneaking()841 {842 return sneaking;843 }844 @Override845 public void setSneaking(boolean sneaking)846 {847 this.sneaking = sneaking;848 }849 public @NotNull PlayerToggleSneakEvent simulateSneak(boolean sneak)850 {851 PlayerToggleSneakEvent event = new PlayerToggleSneakEvent(this, sneak);852 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);853 if (!event.isCancelled())854 {855 this.sneaking = event.isSneaking();856 }857 return event;858 }859 @Override860 public boolean isSprinting()861 {862 return sprinting;863 }864 @Override865 public void setSprinting(boolean sprinting)866 {867 this.sprinting = sprinting;868 }869 public @NotNull PlayerToggleSprintEvent simulateSprint(boolean sprint)870 {871 PlayerToggleSprintEvent event = new PlayerToggleSprintEvent(this, sprint);872 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);873 if (!event.isCancelled())874 {875 this.sprinting = event.isSprinting();876 }877 return event;878 }879 @Override880 public void saveData()881 {882 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub883 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();884 }885 @Override886 public void loadData()887 {888 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub889 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();890 }891 @Override892 public boolean isSleepingIgnored()893 {894 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub895 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();896 }897 @Override898 public void setSleepingIgnored(boolean isSleeping)899 {900 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub901 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();902 }903 @Override904 @Deprecated905 public void playNote(@NotNull Location loc, byte instrument, byte note)906 {907 playNote(loc, Instrument.getByType(instrument), note);908 }909 @Override910 public void playNote(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull Instrument instrument, @NotNull Note note)911 {912 playNote(loc, instrument, note.getId());913 }914 private void playNote(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull Instrument instrument, byte note)915 {916 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");917 Preconditions.checkNotNull(instrument, "Instrument cannot be null");918 Sound sound = switch (instrument)919 {920 case BANJO -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BANJO;921 case BASS_DRUM -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASEDRUM;922 case BASS_GUITAR -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS;923 case BELL -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BELL;924 case BIT -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BIT;925 case CHIME -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_CHIME;926 case COW_BELL -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_COW_BELL;927 case DIDGERIDOO -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_DIDGERIDOO;928 case FLUTE -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_FLUTE;929 case GUITAR -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_GUITAR;930 case IRON_XYLOPHONE -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_IRON_XYLOPHONE;931 case PIANO -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP;932 case PLING -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;933 case SNARE_DRUM -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_SNARE;934 case STICKS -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HAT;935 case XYLOPHONE -> Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_XYLOPHONE;936 default ->937 /​/​ This should never be reached unless Mojang adds new instruments938 throw new UnimplementedOperationException("Instrument '" + instrument + "' has no implementation!");939 };940 float pitch = (float) Math.pow(2.0D, (note - 12.0D) /​ 12.0D);941 playSound(loc, sound, SoundCategory.RECORDS, 3, pitch);942 }943 @Override944 public void playSound(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull String sound, float volume, float pitch)945 {946 Preconditions.checkNotNull(location, "Location cannot be null");947 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sound, "Sound cannot be null");948 heardSounds.add(new AudioExperience(sound, SoundCategory.MASTER, location, volume, pitch));949 }950 @Override951 public void playSound(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull Sound sound, float volume, float pitch)952 {953 playSound(location, sound, SoundCategory.MASTER, volume, pitch);954 }955 @Override956 public void playSound(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Sound sound, float volume, float pitch)957 {958 playSound(entity, sound, SoundCategory.MASTER, volume, pitch);959 }960 @Override961 public void playSound(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull String sound, @NotNull SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch)962 {963 Preconditions.checkNotNull(location, "Location cannot be null");964 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sound, "Sound cannot be null");965 Preconditions.checkNotNull(category, "Category cannot be null");966 heardSounds.add(new AudioExperience(sound, category, location, volume, pitch));967 }968 @Override969 public void playSound(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull Sound sound, @NotNull SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch)970 {971 Preconditions.checkNotNull(location, "Location cannot be null");972 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sound, "Sound cannot be null");973 Preconditions.checkNotNull(category, "Category cannot be null");974 heardSounds.add(new AudioExperience(sound, category, location, volume, pitch));975 }976 @Override977 public void playSound(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Sound sound, @NotNull SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch)978 {979 Preconditions.checkNotNull(entity, "Entity cannot be null");980 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sound, "Sound cannot be null");981 Preconditions.checkNotNull(category, "Category cannot be null");982 heardSounds.add(new AudioExperience(sound, category, entity.getLocation(), volume, pitch));983 }984 @Override985 public @NotNull List<AudioExperience> getHeardSounds()986 {987 return heardSounds;988 }989 @Override990 public void addHeardSound(@NotNull AudioExperience audioExperience)991 {992 Preconditions.checkNotNull(audioExperience, "AudioExperience cannot be null");993 SoundReceiver.super.addHeardSound(audioExperience);994 }995 @Override996 public void stopSound(@NotNull Sound sound)997 {998 stopSound(sound, SoundCategory.MASTER);999 }1000 @Override1001 public void stopSound(@NotNull String sound)1002 {1003 stopSound(sound, SoundCategory.MASTER);1004 }1005 @Override1006 public void stopSound(@NotNull Sound sound, @Nullable SoundCategory category)1007 {1008 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sound, "Sound cannot be null");1009 /​/​ We will just pretend the Sound has stopped.1010 }1011 @Override1012 public void stopSound(@NotNull String sound, @Nullable SoundCategory category)1013 {1014 Preconditions.checkNotNull(sound, "Sound cannot be null");1015 /​/​ We will just pretend the Sound has stopped.1016 }1017 @Override1018 public void stopSound(@NotNull SoundCategory category)1019 {1020 /​/​ We will just pretend the Sound has stopped.1021 }1022 @Override1023 public void stopAllSounds()1024 {1025 /​/​ We will just pretend all Sounds have stopped.1026 }1027 @Override1028 @Deprecated1029 public void playEffect(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull Effect effect, int data)1030 {1031 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");1032 Preconditions.checkNotNull(effect, "Effect cannot be null");1033 /​/​ Pretend packet gets sent.1034 }1035 @Override1036 public <T> void playEffect(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull Effect effect, @Nullable T data)1037 {1038 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");1039 Preconditions.checkNotNull(effect, "Effect cannot be null");1040 if (data != null)1041 {1042 Preconditions.checkArgument(effect.getData() != null && effect.getData().isAssignableFrom(data.getClass()), "Wrong kind of data for this effect!");1043 }1044 else1045 {1046 /​/​ The axis is optional for ELECTRIC_SPARK1047 Preconditions.checkArgument(effect.getData() == null || effect == Effect.ELECTRIC_SPARK, "Wrong kind of data for this effect!");1048 }1049 }1050 @Override1051 public boolean breakBlock(@NotNull Block block)1052 {1053 Preconditions.checkNotNull(block, "Block cannot be null");1054 Preconditions.checkArgument(block.getWorld().equals(getWorld()), "Cannot break blocks across worlds");1055 BlockBreakEvent event = new BlockBreakEvent(block, this);1056 boolean swordNoBreak = getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE && getEquipment().getItemInMainHand().getType().name().contains("SWORD");1057 event.setCancelled(swordNoBreak);1058 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);1059 if (!event.isCancelled())1060 {1061 block.setType(Material.AIR);1062 /​/​ todo: BlockDropItemEvent when BlockMock#getDrops is implemented.1063 }1064 return !event.isCancelled();1065 }1066 @Override1067 @Deprecated1068 public void sendBlockChange(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull Material material, byte data)1069 {1070 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");1071 Preconditions.checkNotNull(material, "Material cannot be null");1072 /​/​ Pretend we sent the block change.1073 }1074 @Override1075 public void sendBlockChange(@NotNull Location loc, @NotNull BlockData block)1076 {1077 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");1078 Preconditions.checkNotNull(block, "Block cannot be null");1079 /​/​ Pretend we sent the block change.1080 }1081 @Override1082 public void sendSignChange(@NotNull Location loc, @Nullable List<Component> lines, @NotNull DyeColor dyeColor, boolean hasGlowingText) throws IllegalArgumentException1083 {1084 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");1085 Preconditions.checkNotNull(dyeColor, "DyeColor cannot be null");1086 if (lines == null)1087 {1088 lines = new ArrayList<>(4);1089 }1090 if (lines.size() < 4)1091 {1092 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have at least 4 lines");1093 }1094 }1095 @Override1096 @Deprecated1097 public void sendSignChange(@NotNull Location loc, String[] lines)1098 {1099 this.sendSignChange(loc, lines, DyeColor.BLACK);1100 }1101 @Override1102 public void sendSignChange(@NotNull Location loc, String[] lines, @NotNull DyeColor dyeColor) throws IllegalArgumentException1103 {1104 this.sendSignChange(loc, lines, dyeColor, false);1105 }1106 @Override1107 public void sendSignChange(@NotNull Location loc, @Nullable String @Nullable [] lines, @NotNull DyeColor dyeColor, boolean hasGlowingText) throws IllegalArgumentException1108 {1109 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");1110 Preconditions.checkNotNull(dyeColor, "DyeColor cannot be null");1111 if (lines == null)1112 {1113 lines = new String[4];1114 }1115 if (lines.length < 4)1116 {1117 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have at least 4 lines");1118 }1119 }1120 @Override1121 public void sendMap(@NotNull MapView map)1122 {1123 Preconditions.checkNotNull(map, "Map cannot be null");1124 if (!(map instanceof MapViewMock mapView))1125 return;1126 mapView.render(this);1127 /​/​ Pretend the map packet gets sent.1128 }1129 @Override1130 @Deprecated1131 public void sendActionBar(@NotNull String message)1132 {1133 Preconditions.checkNotNull(message, "Message cannot be null");1134 /​/​ Pretend we sent the action bar.1135 }1136 @Override1137 @Deprecated1138 public void sendActionBar(char alternateChar, @NotNull String message)1139 {1140 Preconditions.checkNotNull(message, "Message cannot be null");1141 /​/​ Pretend we sent the action bar.1142 }1143 @Override1144 @Deprecated1145 public void sendActionBar(@NotNull BaseComponent... message)1146 {1147 Preconditions.checkNotNull(message, "Message cannot be null");1148 /​/​ Pretend we sent the action bar.1149 }1150 @Override1151 @Deprecated1152 public void setPlayerListHeaderFooter(BaseComponent @NotNull [] header, BaseComponent @NotNull [] footer)1153 {1154 this.playerListHeader = BungeeComponentSerializer.get().deserialize([]::new));1155 this.playerListFooter = BungeeComponentSerializer.get().deserialize([]::new));1156 }1157 @Override1158 @Deprecated1159 public void setPlayerListHeaderFooter(@Nullable BaseComponent header, @Nullable BaseComponent footer)1160 {1161 this.playerListHeader = BungeeComponentSerializer.get().deserialize(new BaseComponent[]{ header });1162 this.playerListFooter = BungeeComponentSerializer.get().deserialize(new BaseComponent[]{ footer });1163 }1164 @Override1165 @Deprecated1166 public void setTitleTimes(int fadeInTicks, int stayTicks, int fadeOutTicks)1167 {1168 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1169 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1170 }1171 @Override1172 @Deprecated1173 public void setSubtitle(BaseComponent[] subtitle)1174 {1175 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1176 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1177 }1178 @Override1179 @Deprecated1180 public void setSubtitle(BaseComponent subtitle)1181 {1182 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1183 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1184 }1185 @Override1186 @Deprecated1187 public void showTitle(@Nullable BaseComponent[] title)1188 {1189 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1190 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1191 }1192 @Override1193 @Deprecated1194 public void showTitle(@Nullable BaseComponent title)1195 {1196 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1197 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1198 }1199 @Override1200 @Deprecated1201 public void showTitle(@Nullable BaseComponent[] title, @Nullable BaseComponent[] subtitle, int fadeInTicks, int stayTicks, int fadeOutTicks)1202 {1203 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1204 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1205 }1206 @Override1207 @Deprecated1208 public void showTitle(@Nullable BaseComponent title, @Nullable BaseComponent subtitle, int fadeInTicks, int stayTicks, int fadeOutTicks)1209 {1210 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1211 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1212 }1213 @Override1214 @Deprecated1215 public void sendTitle(@NotNull Title title)1216 {1217 Preconditions.checkNotNull(title, "Title is null");1218 }1219 @Override1220 @Deprecated1221 public void updateTitle(@NotNull Title title)1222 {1223 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1224 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1225 }1226 @Override1227 @Deprecated1228 public void hideTitle()1229 {1230 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1231 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1232 }1233 @Override1234 public @Nullable GameMode getPreviousGameMode()1235 {1236 return previousGamemode;1237 }1238 @Override1239 public void incrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic)1240 {1241 statistics.incrementStatistic(statistic, 1);1242 }1243 @Override1244 public void decrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic)1245 {1246 statistics.decrementStatistic(statistic, 1);1247 }1248 @Override1249 public void incrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, int amount)1250 {1251 statistics.incrementStatistic(statistic, amount);1252 }1253 @Override1254 public void decrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, int amount)1255 {1256 statistics.decrementStatistic(statistic, amount);1257 }1258 @Override1259 public void setStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, int newValue)1260 {1261 statistics.setStatistic(statistic, newValue);1262 }1263 @Override1264 public int getStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic)1265 {1266 return statistics.getStatistic(statistic);1267 }1268 @Override1269 public void incrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull Material material)1270 {1271 statistics.incrementStatistic(statistic, material, 1);1272 }1273 @Override1274 public void decrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull Material material)1275 {1276 statistics.decrementStatistic(statistic, material, 1);1277 }1278 @Override1279 public int getStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull Material material)1280 {1281 return statistics.getStatistic(statistic, material);1282 }1283 @Override1284 public void incrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull Material material, int amount)1285 {1286 statistics.incrementStatistic(statistic, material, amount);1287 }1288 @Override1289 public void decrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull Material material, int amount)1290 {1291 statistics.decrementStatistic(statistic, material, amount);1292 }1293 @Override1294 public void setStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull Material material, int newValue)1295 {1296 statistics.setStatistic(statistic, material, newValue);1297 }1298 @Override1299 public void incrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull EntityType entityType)1300 {1301 statistics.incrementStatistic(statistic, entityType, 1);1302 }1303 @Override1304 public void decrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull EntityType entityType)1305 {1306 statistics.decrementStatistic(statistic, entityType, 1);1307 }1308 @Override1309 public int getStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull EntityType entityType)1310 {1311 return statistics.getStatistic(statistic, entityType);1312 }1313 @Override1314 public void incrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull EntityType entityType, int amount)1315 {1316 statistics.incrementStatistic(statistic, entityType, amount);1317 }1318 @Override1319 public void decrementStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull EntityType entityType, int amount)1320 {1321 statistics.decrementStatistic(statistic, entityType, amount);1322 }1323 @Override1324 public void setStatistic(@NotNull Statistic statistic, @NotNull EntityType entityType, int newValue)1325 {1326 statistics.setStatistic(statistic, entityType, newValue);1327 }1328 @Override1329 public void setPlayerTime(long time, boolean relative)1330 {1331 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1332 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1333 }1334 @Override1335 public long getPlayerTime()1336 {1337 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1338 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1339 }1340 @Override1341 public long getPlayerTimeOffset()1342 {1343 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1344 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1345 }1346 @Override1347 public boolean isPlayerTimeRelative()1348 {1349 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1350 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1351 }1352 @Override1353 public void resetPlayerTime()1354 {1355 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1356 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1357 }1358 @Override1359 public WeatherType getPlayerWeather()1360 {1361 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1362 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1363 }1364 @Override1365 public void setPlayerWeather(@NotNull WeatherType type)1366 {1367 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1368 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1369 }1370 @Override1371 public void resetPlayerWeather()1372 {1373 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1374 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1375 }1376 @Override1377 public void giveExp(int amount)1378 {1379 this.exp += (float) amount /​ (float) this.getExpToLevel();1380 setTotalExperience(this.expTotal + amount);1381 while (this.exp < 0.0F)1382 {1383 float total = this.exp * this.getExpToLevel();1384 boolean shouldContinue = this.expLevel > 0;1385 this.giveExpLevels(-1);1386 if (shouldContinue)1387 {1388 this.exp = 1.0F + (total /​ this.getExpToLevel());1389 }1390 }1391 while (this.exp >= 1.0F)1392 {1393 this.exp = (this.exp - 1.0F) * this.getExpToLevel();1394 this.giveExpLevels(1);1395 this.exp /​= this.getExpToLevel();1396 }1397 }1398 @Override1399 public void giveExp(int amount, boolean applyMending)1400 {1401 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1402 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1403 }1404 @Override1405 public int applyMending(int amount)1406 {1407 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1408 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1409 }1410 @Override1411 public void giveExpLevels(int amount)1412 {1413 int oldLevel = this.expLevel;1414 this.expLevel += amount;1415 if (this.expLevel < 0)1416 {1417 this.expLevel = 0;1418 this.exp = 0.0F;1419 }1420 if (oldLevel != this.expLevel)1421 {1422 PlayerLevelChangeEvent event = new PlayerLevelChangeEvent(this, oldLevel, this.expLevel);1423 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);1424 }1425 }1426 @Override1427 public float getExp()1428 {1429 return exp;1430 }1431 @Override1432 public void setExp(float exp)1433 {1434 if (exp < 0.0 || exp > 1.0)1435 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Experience progress must be between 0.0 and 1.0");1436 this.exp = exp;1437 }1438 @Override1439 public int getLevel()1440 {1441 return expLevel;1442 }1443 @Override1444 public void setLevel(int level)1445 {1446 this.expLevel = level;1447 }1448 @Override1449 public int getTotalExperience()1450 {1451 return expTotal;1452 }1453 @Override1454 public void setTotalExperience(int exp)1455 {1456 this.expTotal = Math.max(0, exp);1457 }1458 @Nullable1459 @Override1460 public Location getBedSpawnLocation()1461 {1462 return bedSpawnLocation;1463 }1464 @Override1465 public long getLastLogin()1466 {1467 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1468 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1469 }1470 @Override1471 public long getLastSeen()1472 {1473 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1474 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1475 }1476 @Override1477 public void setBedSpawnLocation(@Nullable Location loc)1478 {1479 setBedSpawnLocation(loc, false);1480 }1481 @Override1482 public void setBedSpawnLocation(@Nullable Location loc, boolean force)1483 {1484 if (force || loc == null || Tag.BEDS.isTagged(loc.getBlock().getType()))1485 {1486 this.bedSpawnLocation = loc;1487 }1488 }1489 @Override1490 public boolean getAllowFlight()1491 {1492 return allowFlight;1493 }1494 @Override1495 public void setAllowFlight(boolean flight)1496 {1497 if (this.isFlying() && !flight)1498 {1499 flying = false;1500 }1501 this.allowFlight = flight;1502 }1503 @Override1504 @Deprecated1505 public void hidePlayer(@NotNull Player player)1506 {1507 Preconditions.checkNotNull(player, "Player cannot be null");1508 hiddenPlayersDeprecated.add(player.getUniqueId());1509 }1510 @Override1511 public void hidePlayer(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Player player)1512 {1513 Preconditions.checkNotNull(plugin, "Plugin cannot be null");1514 Preconditions.checkNotNull(player, "Player cannot be null");1515 hiddenPlayers.putIfAbsent(player.getUniqueId(), new HashSet<>());1516 Set<Plugin> blockingPlugins = hiddenPlayers.get(player.getUniqueId());1517 blockingPlugins.add(plugin);1518 }1519 @Override1520 @Deprecated1521 public void showPlayer(@NotNull Player player)1522 {1523 Preconditions.checkNotNull(player, "Player cannot be null");1524 hiddenPlayersDeprecated.remove(player.getUniqueId());1525 }1526 @Override1527 public void showPlayer(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Player player)1528 {1529 Preconditions.checkNotNull(plugin, "Plugin cannot be null");1530 Preconditions.checkNotNull(player, "Player cannot be null");1531 if (hiddenPlayers.containsKey(player.getUniqueId()))1532 {1533 Set<Plugin> blockingPlugins = hiddenPlayers.get(player.getUniqueId());1534 blockingPlugins.remove(plugin);1535 if (blockingPlugins.isEmpty())1536 {1537 hiddenPlayers.remove(player.getUniqueId());1538 }1539 }1540 }1541 @Override1542 public boolean canSee(@NotNull Player player)1543 {1544 Preconditions.checkNotNull(player, "Player cannot be null");1545 return !hiddenPlayers.containsKey(player.getUniqueId()) &&1546 !hiddenPlayersDeprecated.contains(player.getUniqueId());1547 }1548 @Override1549 @ApiStatus.Experimental1550 public void hideEntity(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Entity entity)1551 {1552 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1553 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1554 }1555 @Override1556 @ApiStatus.Experimental1557 public void showEntity(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Entity entity)1558 {1559 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1560 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1561 }1562 @Override1563 public boolean canSee(@NotNull Entity entity)1564 {1565 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1566 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1567 }1568 @Override1569 public boolean isFlying()1570 {1571 return flying;1572 }1573 @Override1574 public void setFlying(boolean value)1575 {1576 if (!this.getAllowFlight() && value)1577 {1578 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot make player fly if getAllowFlight() is false");1579 }1580 this.flying = value;1581 }1582 public @NotNull PlayerToggleFlightEvent simulateToggleFlight(boolean fly)1583 {1584 PlayerToggleFlightEvent event = new PlayerToggleFlightEvent(this, fly);1585 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);1586 if (!event.isCancelled())1587 {1588 this.flying = event.isFlying();1589 }1590 return event;1591 }1592 @Override1593 public float getFlySpeed()1594 {1595 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1596 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1597 }1598 @Override1599 public void setFlySpeed(float value)1600 {1601 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1602 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1603 }1604 @Override1605 public float getWalkSpeed()1606 {1607 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1608 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1609 }1610 @Override1611 public void setWalkSpeed(float value)1612 {1613 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1614 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1615 }1616 @Override1617 @Deprecated1618 public void setTexturePack(@NotNull String url)1619 {1620 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1621 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1622 }1623 @Override1624 @Deprecated1625 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url)1626 {1627 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1628 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1629 }1630 @Override1631 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, byte[] hash)1632 {1633 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1634 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1635 }1636 @Override1637 @Deprecated1638 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, @Nullable byte[] hash, @Nullable String prompt)1639 {1640 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1641 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1642 }1643 @Override1644 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, byte[] hash, boolean force)1645 {1646 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1647 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1648 }1649 @Override1650 @Deprecated1651 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, @Nullable byte[] hash, @Nullable String prompt, boolean force)1652 {1653 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1654 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1655 }1656 @Override1657 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, byte @Nullable [] hash, @Nullable Component prompt, boolean force)1658 {1659 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1660 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1661 }1662 @Override1663 public @NotNull Scoreboard getScoreboard()1664 {1665 return this.scoreboard;1666 }1667 @Override1668 public void setScoreboard(@NotNull Scoreboard scoreboard)1669 {1670 Preconditions.checkNotNull(scoreboard, "Scoreboard cannot be null");1671 this.scoreboard = scoreboard;1672 }1673 @Override1674 public @Nullable WorldBorder getWorldBorder()1675 {1676 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1677 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1678 }1679 @Override1680 public void setWorldBorder(@Nullable WorldBorder border)1681 {1682 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1683 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1684 }1685 @Override1686 public void setHealth(double health)1687 {1688 if (health > 0)1689 {1690 = Math.min(health, getMaxHealth());1691 return;1692 }1693 = 0;1694 List<ItemStack> drops = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(getInventory().getContents()));1695 PlayerDeathEvent event = new PlayerDeathEvent(this, drops, 0, getName() + " got killed");1696 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);1697 /​/​ Terminate any InventoryView and the cursor item1698 closeInventory();1699 /​/​ Clear the Inventory if keep-inventory is not enabled1700 if (!getWorld().getGameRuleValue(GameRule.KEEP_INVENTORY))1701 {1702 getInventory().clear();1703 /​/​ Should someone try to provoke a RespawnEvent, they will now find the Inventory to be empty1704 }1705 setLevel(0);1706 setExp(0);1707 setFoodLevel(0);1708 alive = false;1709 }1710 @Override1711 public boolean isHealthScaled()1712 {1713 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1714 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1715 }1716 @Override1717 public void setHealthScaled(boolean scale)1718 {1719 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1720 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1721 }1722 @Override1723 public double getHealthScale()1724 {1725 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1726 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1727 }1728 @Override1729 public void setHealthScale(double scale)1730 {1731 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1732 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1733 }1734 @Override1735 public void sendHealthUpdate(double health, int foodLevel, float saturationLevel)1736 {1737 /​/​ Pretend we sent the health update.1738 }1739 @Override1740 public void sendHealthUpdate()1741 {1742 /​/​ Pretend we sent the health update.1743 }1744 @Override1745 public Entity getSpectatorTarget()1746 {1747 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1748 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1749 }1750 @Override1751 public void setSpectatorTarget(Entity entity)1752 {1753 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1754 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1755 }1756 @Override1757 @Deprecated1758 public void sendTitle(String title, String subtitle)1759 {1760 this.title.add(title);1761 this.subitles.add(subtitle);1762 }1763 @Override1764 @Deprecated1765 public void sendTitle(String title, String subtitle, int fadeIn, int stay, int fadeOut)1766 {1767 sendTitle(title, subtitle);1768 }1769 public @Nullable String nextTitle()1770 {1771 return title.poll();1772 }1773 public @Nullable String nextSubTitle()1774 {1775 return subitles.poll();1776 }1777 @Override1778 public void resetTitle()1779 {1780 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1781 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1782 }1783 @Override1784 public void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @NotNull Location location, int count)1785 {1786 this.spawnParticle(particle, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), count);1787 }1788 @Override1789 public void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, double x, double y, double z, int count)1790 {1791 this.spawnParticle(particle, x, y, z, count, null);1792 }1793 @Override1794 public <T> void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @NotNull Location location, int count, T data)1795 {1796 this.spawnParticle(particle, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), count, data);1797 }1798 @Override1799 public <T> void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, double x, double y, double z, int count, T data)1800 {1801 this.spawnParticle(particle, x, y, z, count, 0, 0, 0, data);1802 }1803 @Override1804 public void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @NotNull Location location, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY,1805 double offsetZ)1806 {1807 this.spawnParticle(particle, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ);1808 }1809 @Override1810 public void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX,1811 double offsetY, double offsetZ)1812 {1813 this.spawnParticle(particle, x, y, z, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, null);1814 }1815 @Override1816 public <T> void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @NotNull Location location, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY,1817 double offsetZ, T data)1818 {1819 this.spawnParticle(particle, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, data);1820 }1821 @Override1822 public <T> void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX,1823 double offsetY, double offsetZ, T data)1824 {1825 this.spawnParticle(particle, x, y, z, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, 1, data);1826 }1827 @Override1828 public void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @NotNull Location location, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY,1829 double offsetZ, double extra)1830 {1831 this.spawnParticle(particle, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, extra);1832 }1833 @Override1834 public void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX,1835 double offsetY, double offsetZ, double extra)1836 {1837 this.spawnParticle(particle, x, y, z, count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, extra, null);1838 }1839 @Override1840 public <T> void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @NotNull Location location, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY,1841 double offsetZ, double extra, T data)1842 {1843 this.spawnParticle(particle, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), count, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, data);1844 }1845 @Override1846 public <T> void spawnParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX,1847 double offsetY, double offsetZ, double extra, @Nullable T data)1848 {1849 Preconditions.checkNotNull(particle, "Particle cannot be null");1850 if (data != null && !particle.getDataType().isInstance(data))1851 {1852 throw new IllegalArgumentException("data should be " + particle.getDataType() + " got " + data.getClass());1853 }1854 }1855 @Override1856 public @NotNull AdvancementProgress getAdvancementProgress(@NotNull Advancement advancement)1857 {1858 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1859 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1860 }1861 @Override1862 public @NotNull String getLocale()1863 {1864 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1865 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1866 }1867 @Override1868 public boolean getAffectsSpawning()1869 {1870 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1871 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1872 }1873 @Override1874 public void setAffectsSpawning(boolean affects)1875 {1876 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1877 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1878 }1879 @Override1880 public int getViewDistance()1881 {1882 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1883 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1884 }1885 @Override1886 public void setViewDistance(int viewDistance)1887 {1888 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1889 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1890 }1891 @Override1892 public int getSimulationDistance()1893 {1894 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1895 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1896 }1897 @Override1898 public void setSimulationDistance(int simulationDistance)1899 {1900 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1901 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1902 }1903 @Override1904 @Deprecated1905 public int getNoTickViewDistance()1906 {1907 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1908 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1909 }1910 @Override1911 @Deprecated1912 public void setNoTickViewDistance(int viewDistance)1913 {1914 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1915 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1916 }1917 @Override1918 public int getSendViewDistance()1919 {1920 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1921 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1922 }1923 @Override1924 public void setSendViewDistance(int viewDistance)1925 {1926 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1927 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1928 }1929 @Override1930 public String getPlayerListHeader()1931 {1932 return LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().serialize(this.playerListHeader);1933 }1934 @Override1935 public void setPlayerListHeader(@Nullable String header)1936 {1937 this.playerListHeader = header == null ? null : LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(header);1938 }1939 @Override1940 public String getPlayerListFooter()1941 {1942 return LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().serialize(this.playerListFooter);1943 }1944 @Override1945 public void setPlayerListFooter(@Nullable String footer)1946 {1947 this.playerListFooter = footer == null ? null : LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(footer);1948 }1949 @Override1950 public void setPlayerListHeaderFooter(@Nullable String header, @Nullable String footer)1951 {1952 this.playerListHeader = header == null ? null : LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(header);1953 this.playerListFooter = footer == null ? null : LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(footer);1954 }1955 @Override1956 public void updateCommands()1957 {1958 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1959 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1960 }1961 @Override1962 public int getClientViewDistance()1963 {1964 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1965 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1966 }1967 @Override1968 public @NotNull Locale locale()1969 {1970 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1971 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1972 }1973 @Override1974 public void openBook(@NotNull ItemStack book)1975 {1976 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1977 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1978 }1979 @Override1980 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, @NotNull String hash)1981 {1982 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1983 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1984 }1985 @Override1986 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, @NotNull String hash, boolean required)1987 {1988 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1989 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1990 }1991 @Override1992 public void setResourcePack(@NotNull String url, @NotNull String hash, boolean required, @Nullable Component resourcePackPrompt)1993 {1994 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub1995 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1996 }1997 @Override1998 public PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.@Nullable Status getResourcePackStatus()1999 {2000 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2001 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2002 }2003 @Override2004 @Deprecated2005 public @Nullable String getResourcePackHash()2006 {2007 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2008 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2009 }2010 @Override2011 public boolean hasResourcePack()2012 {2013 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2014 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2015 }2016 @Override2017 public @NotNull PlayerProfile getPlayerProfile()2018 {2019 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2020 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2021 }2022 @Override2023 public void setPlayerProfile(@NotNull PlayerProfile profile)2024 {2025 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2026 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2027 }2028 @Override2029 public float getCooldownPeriod()2030 {2031 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2032 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2033 }2034 @Override2035 public float getCooledAttackStrength(float adjustTicks)2036 {2037 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2038 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2039 }2040 @Override2041 public void resetCooldown()2042 {2043 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2044 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2045 }2046 @Override2047 public <T> @NotNull T getClientOption(@NotNull ClientOption<T> option)2048 {2049 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2050 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2051 }2052 @Override2053 public @Nullable Firework boostElytra(@NotNull ItemStack firework)2054 {2055 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2056 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2057 }2058 @Override2059 public void sendOpLevel(byte level)2060 {2061 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2062 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2063 }2064 @Override2065 public void addAdditionalChatCompletions(@NotNull Collection<String> completions)2066 {2067 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2068 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2069 }2070 @Override2071 public void removeAdditionalChatCompletions(@NotNull Collection<String> completions)2072 {2073 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2074 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2075 }2076 @Override2077 public @Nullable String getClientBrandName()2078 {2079 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2080 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2081 }2082 @Override2083 public boolean teleport(@NotNull Location location, PlayerTeleportEvent.@NotNull TeleportCause cause, boolean ignorePassengers, boolean dismount, @NotNull RelativeTeleportFlag @NotNull ... teleportFlags)2084 {2085 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2086 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2087 }2088 @Override2089 public void lookAt(double x, double y, double z, @NotNull LookAnchor playerAnchor)2090 {2091 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2092 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2093 }2094 @Override2095 public void lookAt(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull LookAnchor playerAnchor, @NotNull LookAnchor entityAnchor)2096 {2097 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2098 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2099 }2100 @Override2101 public void attack(@NotNull Entity target)2102 {2103 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub2104 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();2105 }2106 @Override2107 public void sendExperienceChange(float progress)2108 {2109 this.sendExperienceChange(progress, this.getLevel());2110 }2111 @Override2112 public void sendExperienceChange(float progress, int level)2113 {2114 Preconditions.checkArgument(progress >= 0.0 && progress <= 1.0, "Experience progress must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (%s)", progress);2115 Preconditions.checkArgument(level >= 0, "Experience level must not be negative (%s)", level);2116 }2117 @Override2118 public void sendBlockDamage(@NotNull Location loc, float progress)2119 {2120 Preconditions.checkNotNull(loc, "Location cannot be null");2121 Preconditions.checkArgument(progress >= 0.0 && progress <= 1.0, "progress must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive)");2122 }2123 @Override2124 public void sendMultiBlockChange(@NotNull Map<Location, BlockData> blockChanges)2125 {2126 Preconditions.checkNotNull(blockChanges, "BlockChanges cannot be null");2127 /​/​ Pretend we sent the block change.2128 }2129 @Override2130 public void sendMultiBlockChange(@NotNull Map<Location, BlockData> blockChanges, boolean suppressLightUpdates)2131 {2132 Preconditions.checkNotNull(blockChanges, "BlockChanges cannot be null");2133 /​/​ Pretend we sent the block change.2134 }2135 @Override2136 public int getPing()2137 {2138 /​*2139 * This PlayerMock and the ServerMock exist within2140 * the same machine, therefore there would most2141 * likely be a ping of 0ms.2142 */​2143 return 0;2144 }2145 @Override2146 public boolean teleport(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause, boolean ignorePassengers, boolean dismount)2147 {2148 Preconditions.checkNotNull(location, "Location cannot be null");2149 Preconditions.checkNotNull(location.getWorld(), "World cannot be null");2150 Preconditions.checkNotNull(cause, "Cause cannot be null");2151 location.checkFinite();2152 if (isDead() || (!ignorePassengers && hasPassengers()))2153 {2154 return false;2155 }2156 if (location.getWorld() != getWorld())2157 {2158 /​/​ Don't allow teleporting between worlds while keeping passengers2159 /​/​ and if remaining on vehicle.2160 if ((ignorePassengers && hasPassengers())2161 || (!dismount && isInsideVehicle()))2162 {2163 return false;2164 }2165 }2166 PlayerTeleportEvent event = new PlayerTeleportEvent(this, getLocation(), location, cause);2167 if (!event.callEvent())2168 {2169 return false;2170 }2171 /​/​ Close any foreign inventory2172 if (getOpenInventory().getType() != InventoryType.CRAFTING)2173 {2174 closeInventory(InventoryCloseEvent.Reason.TELEPORT);2175 }2176 World previousWorld = getWorld();2177 teleportWithoutEvent(event.getTo(), cause);2178 /​/​ Detect player dimension change2179 if (!location.getWorld().equals(previousWorld))2180 {...

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...10import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.SimpleInventoryViewMock;11import;12import org.bukkit.Bukkit;13import org.bukkit.GameMode;14import org.bukkit.Location;15import org.bukkit.Material;16import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;17import org.bukkit.block.Sign;18import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;19import org.bukkit.entity.Firework;20import org.bukkit.entity.FishHook;21import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;22import org.bukkit.entity.Villager;23import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;24import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;25import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;26import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;27import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;28import org.bukkit.inventory.MainHand;29import org.bukkit.inventory.Merchant;30import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;31import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;32import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;33import java.util.Collection;34import java.util.Collections;35import java.util.Set;36import java.util.UUID;37import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;38public abstract class HumanEntityMock extends LivingEntityMock implements HumanEntity39{40 private final PlayerInventoryMock inventory = new PlayerInventoryMock(this);41 private final EnderChestInventoryMock enderChest = new EnderChestInventoryMock(this);42 private InventoryView inventoryView;43 private @Nullable ItemStack cursor = null;44 private @NotNull GameMode gameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;45 private @Nullable Location lastDeathLocation = new Location(new WorldMock(), 0, 0, 0);46 protected int expLevel = 0;47 private float saturation = 5.0F;48 private int foodLevel = 20;49 protected HumanEntityMock(@NotNull ServerMock server, @NotNull UUID uuid)50 {51 super(server, uuid);52 }53 /​**54 * Assert that the player is in a specific gamemode.55 *56 * @param expectedGamemode The gamemode the player should be in.57 */​58 public void assertGameMode(GameMode expectedGamemode)59 {60 assertEquals(expectedGamemode, gameMode);61 }62 @Override63 public @NotNull PlayerInventory getInventory()64 {65 return this.inventory;66 }67 @Override68 public @NotNull Inventory getEnderChest()69 {70 return this.enderChest;71 }72 @Override73 public @NotNull MainHand getMainHand()74 {75 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub76 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();77 }78 @Override79 public void closeInventory()80 {81 closeInventory(InventoryCloseEvent.Reason.PLUGIN);82 }83 @Override84 public void closeInventory(InventoryCloseEvent.@NotNull Reason reason)85 {86 if (inventoryView instanceof PlayerInventoryViewMock)87 {88 new InventoryCloseEvent(inventoryView, reason).callEvent();89 if (inventoryView.getTopInventory() instanceof InventoryMock inventoryMock)90 {91 inventoryMock.removeViewer(this);92 }93 }94 /​/​ reset the cursor as it is a new InventoryView95 this.cursor = null;96 inventoryView = new SimpleInventoryViewMock(this, null, inventory, InventoryType.CRAFTING);97 }98 @Override99 public @NotNull InventoryView getOpenInventory()100 {101 return this.inventoryView;102 }103 @Override104 public void openInventory(@NotNull InventoryView inventory)105 {106 Preconditions.checkNotNull(inventory, "Inventory cannot be null");107 closeInventory();108 inventoryView = inventory;109 }110 @Override111 public InventoryView openInventory(@NotNull Inventory inventory)112 {113 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("open inventory");114 Preconditions.checkNotNull(inventory, "Inventory cannot be null");115 closeInventory();116 if (inventory instanceof InventoryMock inventoryMock)117 {118 inventoryMock.addViewers(this);119 }120 inventoryView = new PlayerInventoryViewMock(this, inventory);121 return inventoryView;122 }123 @Override124 public @NotNull ItemStack getItemOnCursor()125 {126 return cursor == null ? new ItemStack(Material.AIR, 0) : cursor.clone();127 }128 @Override129 public void setItemOnCursor(@Nullable ItemStack item)130 {131 this.cursor = item == null ? null : item.clone();132 }133 @Override134 public @Nullable Location getLastDeathLocation()135 {136 return lastDeathLocation;137 }138 @Override139 public void setLastDeathLocation(@Nullable Location location)140 {141 this.lastDeathLocation = location;142 }143 @Override144 public @Nullable Firework fireworkBoost(@NotNull ItemStack fireworkItemStack)145 {146 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub147 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();148 }149 @Override150 public @NotNull GameMode getGameMode()151 {152 return this.gameMode;153 }154 @Override155 public void setGameMode(@NotNull GameMode mode)156 {157 Preconditions.checkNotNull(mode, "GameMode cannot be null");158 if (this.gameMode == mode)159 return;160 this.gameMode = mode;161 }162 @Override163 public boolean setWindowProperty(@NotNull InventoryView.Property prop, int value)164 {165 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub166 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();167 }168 @Override169 public InventoryView openWorkbench(Location location, boolean force)170 {171 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub172 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();173 }174 @Override175 public InventoryView openEnchanting(Location location, boolean force)176 {177 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub178 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();179 }180 @Override181 public InventoryView openMerchant(@NotNull Villager trader, boolean force)182 {183 Preconditions.checkNotNull(trader, "Trader cannot be null");184 return openMerchant((Merchant) trader, force);185 }186 @Override187 public InventoryView openMerchant(@NotNull Merchant merchant, boolean force)188 {189 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub190 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();191 }192 @Override193 public @Nullable InventoryView openAnvil(@Nullable Location location, boolean force)194 {195 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub196 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();197 }198 @Override199 public @Nullable InventoryView openCartographyTable(@Nullable Location location, boolean force)200 {201 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub202 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();203 }204 @Override205 public @Nullable InventoryView openGrindstone(@Nullable Location location, boolean force)206 {207 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub208 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();209 }210 @Override211 public @Nullable InventoryView openLoom(@Nullable Location location, boolean force)212 {213 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub214 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();215 }216 @Override217 public @Nullable InventoryView openSmithingTable(@Nullable Location location, boolean force)218 {219 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub220 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();221 }222 @Override223 public @Nullable InventoryView openStonecutter(@Nullable Location location, boolean force)224 {225 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub226 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();227 }228 @Override229 public @NotNull ItemStack getItemInHand()230 {231 return getInventory().getItemInMainHand();232 }233 @Override234 public void setItemInHand(@Nullable ItemStack item)235 {236 getInventory().setItemInMainHand(item);237 }238 @Override239 public boolean hasCooldown(@NotNull Material material)240 {241 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub242 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();243 }244 @Override245 public int getCooldown(@NotNull Material material)246 {247 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub248 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();249 }250 @Override251 public void setCooldown(@NotNull Material material, int ticks)252 {253 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub254 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();255 }256 @Override257 public boolean isDeeplySleeping()258 {259 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub260 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();261 }262 @Override263 public boolean isSleeping()264 {265 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub266 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();267 }268 @Override269 public int getSleepTicks()270 {271 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub272 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();273 }274 @Override275 public @Nullable Location getPotentialBedLocation()276 {277 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub278 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();279 }280 @Override281 public @Nullable FishHook getFishHook()282 {283 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub284 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();285 }286 @Override287 public boolean sleep(@NotNull Location location, boolean force)288 {289 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub290 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();291 }292 @Override293 public void wakeup(boolean setSpawnLocation)294 {295 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub296 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();297 }298 @Override299 public @NotNull Location getBedLocation()300 {301 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub302 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();303 }304 @Override305 public boolean isBlocking()306 {307 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub308 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();309 }310 @Override311 public boolean isHandRaised()312 {313 /​/​ TODO Auto-generated method stub...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1package com.example.test;2import org.bukkit.Location;3import org.bukkit.entity.Player;4import org.junit.Assert;5import org.junit.Test;6import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;7import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock;8import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.HumanEntityMock;9{10 private ServerMock server;11 private HumanEntityMock player;12 public TestMockBukkit()13 {14 server = MockBukkit.mock();15 player = server.addPlayer();16 }17 public void testLocation()18 {19 Location loc = player.getLocation();20 Assert.assertNotNull(loc);21 Assert.assertEquals(0, loc.getX(), 0.0);22 Assert.assertEquals(0, loc.getY(), 0.0);23 Assert.assertEquals(0, loc.getZ(), 0.0);24 }25}26package com.example.test;27import org.bukkit.Location;28import org.bukkit.entity.Player;29import org.junit.Assert;30import org.junit.Test;31import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;32import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock;33import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMock;34{35 private ServerMock server;36 private PlayerMock player;37 public TestMockBukkit()38 {39 server = MockBukkit.mock();40 player = server.addPlayer();41 }42 public void testLocation()43 {44 Location loc = player.getLocation();45 Assert.assertNotNull(loc);46 Assert.assertEquals(0, loc.getX(), 0.0);47 Assert.assertEquals(0, loc.getY(), 0.0);48 Assert.assertEquals(0, loc.getZ(), 0.0);49 }50}51package com.example.test;52import org.bukkit.Location;53import org.bukkit.entity.Player;54import org.junit.Assert;55import org.junit.Test;56import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;57import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock;58import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMock;59{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1package com.mine.test;2import org.bukkit.Location;3import org.bukkit.entity.Player;4import org.junit.Assert;5import org.junit.Before;6import org.junit.Test;7import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;8import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock;9import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.HumanEntityMock;10public class TestLocation {11 private ServerMock server;12 private Player player;13 public void setUp()14 {15 server = MockBukkit.mock();16 player = new HumanEntityMock(server, "TestPlayer");17 }18 public void testLocation()19 {20 Location loc = new Location(player.getWorld(), 1, 2, 3);21 player.teleport(loc);22 Assert.assertEquals(loc, player.getLocation());23 }24}25package com.mine.test;26import org.bukkit.Location;27import org.bukkit.entity.Player;28import org.junit.Assert;29import org.junit.Before;30import org.junit.Test;31import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;32import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock;33import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.HumanEntityMock;34public class TestLocation {35 private ServerMock server;36 private Player player;37 public void setUp()38 {39 server = MockBukkit.mock();40 player = new HumanEntityMock(server, "TestPlayer");41 }42 public void testLocation()43 {44 Location loc = new Location(player.getWorld(), 1, 2, 3);

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