TestNG automation testing framework index.
TestNG is a popular open-source Java-based testing framework. It covers a broader range of test categories: unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, etc.
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This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium Cucumber Tutorial.
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Jenkins Tutorial.
Capturing screenshots is pivotal to realize whether your web-application is rendering seamlessly or not. If not, where is it failing? Traditionally, testers were accustomed to capturing screenshots manually for each and every test they ran, which was painstakingly exhausting and time-consuming. However, the introduction of Selenium allowed testers to automated browser testing and testers relied on Selenium screenshots to automatically capture their web-application in multiple browsers or environments without the extra hassle.
There are a lot of tools in the market who uses Selenium as a base and create a wrapper on top of it for more customization, better readability of code and less maintenance for eg., Watir, Protractor etc., To know more details about Watir please refer Cross Browser Automation Testing using Watir and Protractor please refer Automated Cross Browser Testing with Protractor & Selenium.
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium Locators Tutorial.
TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.
You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.
Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.
TestNG is lincensed under the Apache License 2.0
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Testng: Skip/Failed Rest of Tests If There is An Exception
Run a single test method with maven
NullPointerException in maven-surefire-plugin when running testng suite xml with maven
How to use testng annotations in java
Parameterized unit test suites
How to run testng.xml from Maven command line
Running a certain TestNG test group with IntelliJ IDEA
Turning off test-output in TestNG
Can I specify a class wide group on a TestNG test case?
Testing strategy when working with external webservices
Check dependsOnMethods
in the TestNG documentation:
If you add this parameter to the second and third test, they won't get executed if the first test failed:
@Test(priority = 1)
public void login() {
@Test(priority = 2, dependsOnMethods = {"login"})
public void checkLoginResult() {
@Test(priority = 3, dependsOnMethods = {"login"})
public void submitImage() {
Verify that the API correctly handles authorization based on user roles or permissions.
Table columns should have description information available (except for audit columns like created date, created by, etc.)
Verify that the API correctly handles API scalability and returns the correct resources for each API scalability metric.
Validate all page HTML and avoid significant validation/parsing errors.
TestNG can be downloaded from it’s GitHub repository - https://github.com/cbeust/testng
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JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is a Java based framework and is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.
Serenity framework allows for cleaner and more maintainable automated acceptance and makes regression tests faster. This is an integration with JUnit.
Serenity framework allows for cleaner and more maintainable automated acceptance and makes regression tests faster. This is an integration with JBehave.
Serenity framework allows for cleaner and more maintainable automated acceptance and makes regression tests faster. This is an integration with Cucumber.
Selenium is one of the most renowned open-source test automation frameworks. It allows test automation of web-apps across different browsers & operating systems.
Capybara helps you test web applications by simulating how a real user would interact with your app. It is agnostic about the driver running your tests and comes with Rack::Test and Selenium support built in.
Simulate system and network conditions using a TCP proxy to perform testing
factory_bot is a fixtures replacement with a straightforward definition syntax , support for multiple build strategies and support for multiple factories.
RR is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax.
Gherkin is a parser and compiler for the Gherkin language. Gherkin PHP can be used either through its command line interface (CLI) or as a library.
Perform automation testing with TestNG on LambdaTest, the most powerful, fastest, and secure cloud-based platform to accelerate test execution speed.
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