public class DrawPanel extends JPanel {
//TODO not much
Best Testng code snippet using org.testng.xml.Xml
1package test.timeout;2import org.testng.annotations.Test;3import org.testng.xml.SuiteXmlParser;4import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;5import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;6import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;7import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;8import test.BaseTest;9import;10import;11import java.util.ArrayList;12import java.util.Collections;13import java.util.List;14public class TimeOutFromXmlTest extends BaseTest {15 private void timeOutTest(boolean onSuite) {16 addClass(TestTimeOutSampleTest.class);17 if (onSuite) {18 setSuiteTimeOut(1_000);19 } else {20 setTestTimeOut(1_000);21 }22 run();23 verifyPassedTests();24 verifyFailedTests("timeoutTest");25 }26 @Test27 public void timeOutOnSuiteTag() {28 timeOutTest(true /* on suite */);29 }30 @Test31 public void timeOutOnTestTag() {32 timeOutTest(false /* on test */);33 }34 @Test35 public void noTimeOut() {36 addClass(TestTimeOutSampleTest.class);37 run();38 verifyPassedTests("timeoutTest");39 verifyFailedTests();40 }41 @Test42 public void twoDifferentTests() {43 XmlSuite result = new XmlSuite();44 result.setName("Suite");45 createXmlTest(result, "WithoutTimeOut");46 createXmlTest(result, "WithTimeOut").setTimeOut(1_000);47 setSuite(result);48 run();49 verifyPassedTests("timeoutTest");50 verifyFailedTests("timeoutTest");51 }52 private XmlTest createXmlTest(XmlSuite suite, String name) {53 XmlTest result = new XmlTest(suite);54 result.setName(name);55 List<XmlClass> classes = new ArrayList<>();56 XmlClass cls = new XmlClass(TestTimeOutSampleTest.class);57 cls.setIncludedMethods(58 Collections.singletonList(new XmlInclude("timeoutTest")));59 classes.add(cls);60 result.setXmlClasses(classes);61 return result;62 }63 @Test64 public void timeOutInParallelTestsFromXml() throws IOException {65 String file = "src/test/java/test/timeout/issue575.xml";66 try (FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file)) {67 SuiteXmlParser suiteParser = new SuiteXmlParser();68 XmlSuite suite = suiteParser.parse(file, stream, true);69 setSuite(suite);70 run();71 verifyPassedTests("timeoutShouldPass");72 verifyFailedTests("timeoutShouldFailByException", "timeoutShouldFailByTimeOut");73 }74 }75}...
1package org.testng.xml.dom;2import org.testng.xml.ISuiteParser;3import org.testng.xml.XMLParser;4import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;5import org.w3c.dom.Document;6import org.xml.sax.SAXException;7import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;8import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;9import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;10import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;11import;12import;13public class DomXmlParser extends XMLParser<XmlSuite> implements ISuiteParser {14 @Override15 public XmlSuite parse(String currentFile, InputStream inputStream, boolean loadClasses) {16 XmlSuite result = null;17 try {18 result = parse2(currentFile, inputStream, loadClasses);19 } catch (Exception e) {20 e.printStackTrace();21 }22 return result;23 }24 @Override25 public boolean accept(String fileName) {26 return fileName.endsWith(".xml");27 }28 public XmlSuite parse2(String currentFile, InputStream inputStream,29 boolean loadClasses) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException,30 IOException, XPathExpressionException {31 DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();32 factory.setNamespaceAware(true); // never forget this!33 DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();34 Document doc = builder.parse(inputStream);35 DomUtil xpu = new DomUtil(doc);36 XmlSuite result = new XmlSuite();37 xpu.populate(result);38// XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();39// XPath xpath = xpathFactory.newXPath();40//41// {42// XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//suite");43// Object result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);44// NodeList nodes = (NodeList) result;45// for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {46// Node node = nodes.item(i);47// for (int j = 0; j < node.getAttributes().getLength(); j++) {48// System.out.println(node.getAttributes().item(j));49// }50// }51// }52// {53// XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//suite/@name");54// Object result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.STRING);55// System.out.println("NAME:" + result);56// }57 System.out.println(result.toXml());58 return result;59 }60}...
...6import org.testng.annotations.Test;7import org.testng.collections.Lists;8import org.testng.reporters.FailedReporter;9import org.testng.xml.Parser;10import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;11import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;12import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;13import org.xml.sax.SAXException;14import test.SimpleBaseTest;15import;16import;17import;18import java.util.Collection;19public class FailedReporterTest extends SimpleBaseTest {20 private static final String XML = "<suite name=\"Suite\">\n"21 + "<parameter name=\"n\" value=\"42\"/>\n"22 + "<test name=\"Test\">\n"23 + "<classes>\n"24 + "<parameter name=\"o\" value=\"43\"/>\n"25 + "<class name=\"test.reports.FailedSampleTest\">\n"26 + "<parameter name=\"p\" value=\"44\"/>\n"27 + "</class>"28 + "</classes>"29 + "</test></suite>";30 @Test31 public void failedFile() throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {32 TestNG tng = new TestNG();33 tng.setVerbose(0);34 Collection<XmlSuite> suites = 35 new Parser(new ByteArrayInputStream(XML.getBytes())).parse();36 tng.setXmlSuites(Lists.newArrayList(suites));37 TestListenerAdapter tla = new TestListenerAdapter();38 File f = new File("/tmp");39 tng.setOutputDirectory(f.getAbsolutePath());40 tng.addListener(tla);41;42 Collection<XmlSuite> failedSuites =43 new Parser(new File(f, FailedReporter.TESTNG_FAILED_XML).getAbsolutePath()).parse();44 XmlSuite failedSuite = failedSuites.iterator().next();45 Assert.assertEquals("42", failedSuite.getParameter("n"));46 XmlTest test = failedSuite.getTests().get(0);47 Assert.assertEquals("43", test.getParameter("o"));48 XmlClass c = test.getClasses().get(0);49 Assert.assertEquals("44", c.getAllParameters().get("p"));50 }51}
1package test.parameters;2import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter;3import org.testng.TestNG;4import org.testng.annotations.Test;5import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;6import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;7import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;8import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;9import test.SimpleBaseTest;10import java.util.Arrays;11public class ShadowTest extends SimpleBaseTest {12 @Test13 public void parametersShouldNotBeShadowed() {14 XmlSuite s = createXmlSuite("s");15 XmlTest t = createXmlTest(s, "t");16 {17 XmlClass c1 = new XmlClass(Shadow1SampleTest.class.getName());18 XmlInclude include1 = new XmlInclude("test1");19 include1.setXmlClass(c1);20 c1.getLocalParameters().put("a", "First");21 c1.getIncludedMethods().add(include1);22 t.getXmlClasses().add(c1);23 }24 {25 XmlClass c2 = new XmlClass(Shadow2SampleTest.class.getName());26 XmlInclude include2 = new XmlInclude("test2");27 include2.setXmlClass(c2);28 c2.getLocalParameters().put("a", "Second");29 c2.getIncludedMethods().add(include2);30 t.getXmlClasses().add(c2);31 }32 TestNG tng = create();33 tng.setXmlSuites(Arrays.asList(s));34 TestListenerAdapter tla = new TestListenerAdapter();35 tng.addListener(tla);36;37// System.out.println(s.toXml());38 assertTestResultsEqual(tla.getPassedTests(), Arrays.asList("test1", "test2"));39 }40}...
2import org.testng.Assert;3import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter;4import org.testng.TestNG;5import org.testng.annotations.Test;6import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;7import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;8import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;9import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;10import test.SimpleBaseTest;11import java.util.Arrays;12public class VerifyTest extends SimpleBaseTest {13 @Test14 public void verify() {15 XmlSuite suite = new XmlSuite();16 suite.setName("Suite");17 XmlTest test = new XmlTest(suite);18 test.setName("Test");19 XmlClass c1 = new XmlClass(B.class);20 c1.setIncludedMethods(Arrays.asList(new XmlInclude[] { new XmlInclude("b")}));21 XmlClass c2 = new XmlClass(Base.class);22 c2.setIncludedMethods(Arrays.asList(new XmlInclude[] { new XmlInclude("b")}));23 test.setXmlClasses(Arrays.asList(new XmlClass[] { c1, c2 }));24 TestNG tng = new TestNG();25 tng.setVerbose(0);26 tng.setXmlSuites(Arrays.asList(new XmlSuite[] { suite }));27 TestListenerAdapter tla = new TestListenerAdapter();28 tng.addListener(tla);29;30 Assert.assertEquals(tla.getPassedTests().size(), 2);31 }32}...
...3import java.util.ArrayList;4import java.util.List;56import org.testng.TestNG;7import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;8import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;9import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;1011public class suiteRun {1213 public static void main(String arg[]) {14 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();15 XmlSuite xmlSuite = new XmlSuite();16 xmlSuite.setName("Test");17 xmlSuite.setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode.TESTS);18 xmlSuite.setPreserveOrder(false);19 xmlSuite.setThreadCount(5);20 xmlSuite.setVerbose(1);21 XmlTest test = new XmlTest(xmlSuite);22 test.setName("TmpTest");23 List<XmlClass> classes = new ArrayList<XmlClass>();24 classes.add(new XmlClass("RestPost.multipleTest"));25 test.setXmlClasses(classes) ;26 List<XmlSuite> suiteList = new ArrayList<>();27 suiteList.add(xmlSuite);28;29 }3031}
1package test.bug90;2import org.testng.Assert;3import org.testng.TestNG;4import org.testng.annotations.Test;5import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;6import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;7import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;8import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;9import test.SimpleBaseTest;10import java.util.Arrays;11public class Bug90Test extends SimpleBaseTest {12 @Test(description = "Fix for")13 public void afterClassShouldRun() {14 XmlSuite s = createXmlSuite("Bug90");15 XmlTest t = createXmlTest(s, "Bug90 test", Sample.class.getName());16 XmlClass c = t.getClasses().get(0);17 c.setIncludedMethods(Arrays.asList(new XmlInclude("test1")));18 TestNG tng = create();19 tng.setXmlSuites(Arrays.asList(s));20 Sample.m_afterClassWasRun = false;21;22 Assert.assertTrue(Sample.m_afterClassWasRun);23 }24}...
1package test.jason;2import org.testng.Assert;3import org.testng.TestNG;4import org.testng.annotations.Test;5import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;6import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;7import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;8import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;9import test.SimpleBaseTest;10import java.util.Arrays;11public class MainTest extends SimpleBaseTest {12 @Test13 public void afterClassShouldRun() {14 XmlSuite s = createXmlSuite("S");15 XmlTest t = createXmlTest(s, "T", Main.class.getName());16 XmlClass c = t.getXmlClasses().get(0);17 c.getIncludedMethods().add(new XmlInclude("test1"));18 t.setPreserveOrder("true");19 TestNG tng = create();20 tng.setXmlSuites(Arrays.asList(new XmlSuite[] { s }));21 Main.m_passed = false;22;23 Assert.assertTrue(Main.m_passed);24 }25}...
Using AI Code Generation
1XmlSuite suite = new XmlSuite();2suite.setName("MySuite");3XmlTest test = new XmlTest(suite);4test.setName("MyTest");5test.setPreserveOrder("true");6List<XmlClass> classes = new ArrayList<>();7classes.add(new XmlClass("com.test.Test1"));8classes.add(new XmlClass("com.test.Test2"));9test.setXmlClasses(classes);10List<XmlSuite> suites = new ArrayList<>();11suites.add(suite);12TestNG tng = new TestNG();13tng.setXmlSuites(suites);;15package com.test;16import org.testng.annotations.Test;17public class Test1 {18public void test1() {19System.out.println("Test 1");20}21}22package com.test;23import org.testng.annotations.Test;24public class Test2 {25public void test2() {26System.out.println("Test 2");27}28}
Using AI Code Generation
1XmlSuite suite = new XmlSuite();2suite.setName("MySuite");3XmlTest test = new XmlTest(suite);4test.setName("MyTest");5test.setParallel("tests");6test.setThreadCount(3);7List<XmlClass> classes = new ArrayList<XmlClass>();8classes.add(new XmlClass("test1"));9classes.add(new XmlClass("test2"));10classes.add(new XmlClass("test3"));11test.setXmlClasses(classes);12List<XmlSuite> suites = new ArrayList<XmlSuite>();13suites.add(suite);14TestNG tng = new TestNG();15tng.setXmlSuites(suites);;17setName() – to set the name of the suite18setParallel() – to set the parallel mode19setThreadCount() – to set the number of threads20setXmlClasses() – to set the list of classes to be executed21setXmlSuites() – to set the list of suites to be executed22setName() – to set the name of the suite23setParallel() – to set the parallel mode24setThreadCount() – to set the number of threads25setXmlClasses() – to set the list of classes to be executed26setXmlSuites() – to set the list of suites to be executed27setParallel() – to set the parallel mode for the test methods28setThreadCount() – to set the number of threads for the test methods29setTimeOut() – to set the time out for the test methods30public void test1() {31 System.out.println("test1");32}33public void test2() {34 System.out.println("test2");35}36public void test3() {37 System.out.println("test3");38}39setParallel() – to set the parallel mode for the test methods40setThreadCount() – to set the number of threads for the
1public class DrawPanel extends JPanel {2 //TODO not much3}4
java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to org.testng.xml.XmlClass - This error is thrown while running the script
if else condition on Assert.assertEquals selenium testNG
Testing for multiple exceptions with JUnit 4 annotations
How to use System.lineSeparator() as a constant in Java tests
IDEA 10.5 Command line is too long
Getting different results for getStackTrace()[2].getMethodName()
TestNG dataproviders with a @BeforeClass
How to print logs by using ExtentReports listener in java?
Where can I find open source web application implementations online that contain (mostly) complete unit test suites in Java?
TestNG + Mockito + PowerMock - verifyStatic() does not work
is a list of XmlClass
, It can't be cast to a single XmlClass
. You need to iterate over the list
for (XmlClass xmlClass : classesToRun) {
Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:
Unlike Selenium WebDriver which allows you automated browser testing in a sequential manner, a Selenium Grid setup will allow you to run test cases in different browsers/ browser versions, simultaneously.
I believe that to work as a QA Manager is often considered underrated in terms of work pressure. To utilize numerous employees who have varied expertise from one subject to another, in an optimal way. It becomes a challenge to bring them all up to the pace with the Agile development model, along with a healthy, competitive environment, without affecting the project deadlines. Skills for QA manager is one umbrella which should have a mix of technical & non-technical traits. Finding a combination of both is difficult for organizations to find in one individual, and as an individual to accumulate the combination of both, technical + non-technical traits are a challenge in itself.
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Automation Testing Tutorial.
In the past few years, the usage of the web has experienced tremendous growth. The number of internet users increases every single day, and so does the number of websites. We are living in the age of browser wars. The widespread use of the internet has given rise to numerous browsers and each browser interprets a website in a unique manner due to their rendering engines. These rendering engines serves as pillars for cross browser compatibility.
Cross browser testing can turn out to be stressful and time consuming if performed manually. Imagine the amount of manual efforts required to test an application on multiple browsers and versions. Infact, you will be amused to believe a lot of test estimation efforts are accounted for while considering multiple browsers compatibility with the application under test.
TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.
You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.
Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.
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