How to use GenericContainerRuleTest class of org.testcontainers.junit package

Best Testcontainers-java code snippet using org.testcontainers.junit.GenericContainerRuleTest


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...29import org.testcontainers.utility.TestEnvironment;30/​**31 * Tests for GenericContainerRules32 */​33public class GenericContainerRuleTest {34 private static final int REDIS_PORT = 6379;35 private static final String RABBIQMQ_TEST_EXCHANGE = "TestExchange";36 private static final String RABBITMQ_TEST_ROUTING_KEY = "TestRoutingKey";37 private static final String RABBITMQ_TEST_MESSAGE = "Hello world";38 private static final int RABBITMQ_PORT = 5672;39 private static final int MONGO_PORT = 27017;40 /​**41 * Redis42 */​43 @ClassRule44 public static GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:3.0.2").withExposedPorts(GenericContainerRuleTest.REDIS_PORT);45 /​**46 * RabbitMQ47 */​48 @ClassRule49 public static GenericContainer rabbitMq = new GenericContainer("rabbitmq:3.5.3").withExposedPorts(GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBITMQ_PORT);50 /​**51 * MongoDB52 */​53 @ClassRule54 public static GenericContainer mongo = new GenericContainer("mongo:3.1.5").withExposedPorts(GenericContainerRuleTest.MONGO_PORT);55 /​**56 * Pass an environment variable to the container, then run a shell script that exposes the variable in a quick and57 * dirty way for testing.58 */​59 @ClassRule60 public static GenericContainer alpineEnvVar = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withExposedPorts(80).withEnv("MAGIC_NUMBER", "4").withEnv("MAGIC_NUMBER", ( oldValue) -> (oldValue.orElse("")) + "2").withCommand("/​bin/​sh", "-c", "while true; do echo \"$MAGIC_NUMBER\" | nc -l -p 80; done");61 /​**62 * Pass environment variables to the container, then run a shell script that exposes the variables in a quick and63 * dirty way for testing.64 */​65 @ClassRule66 public static GenericContainer alpineEnvVarFromMap = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withExposedPorts(80).withEnv(ImmutableMap.of("FIRST", "42", "SECOND", "50")).withCommand("/​bin/​sh", "-c", "while true; do echo \"$FIRST and $SECOND\" | nc -l -p 80; done");67 /​**68 * Map a file on the classpath to a file in the container, and then expose the content for testing.69 */​70 @ClassRule71 public static GenericContainer alpineClasspathResource = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withExposedPorts(80).withClasspathResourceMapping("mappable-resource/​test-resource.txt", "/​content.txt", BindMode.READ_ONLY).withCommand("/​bin/​sh", "-c", "while true; do cat /​content.txt | nc -l -p 80; done");72 /​**73 * Map a file on the classpath to a file in the container, and then expose the content for testing.74 */​75 @ClassRule76 public static GenericContainer alpineClasspathResourceSelinux = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withExposedPorts(80).withClasspathResourceMapping("mappable-resource/​test-resource.txt", "/​content.txt", BindMode.READ_WRITE, SelinuxContext.SHARED).withCommand("/​bin/​sh", "-c", "while true; do cat /​content.txt | nc -l -p 80; done");77 /​**78 * Create a container with an extra host entry and expose the content of /​etc/​hosts for testing.79 */​80 @ClassRule81 public static GenericContainer alpineExtrahost = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withExposedPorts(80).withExtraHost("somehost", "").withCommand("/​bin/​sh", "-c", "while true; do cat /​etc/​hosts | nc -l -p 80; done");82 /​/​ @Test83 /​/​ public void simpleRedisTest() {84 /​/​ String ipAddress = redis.getContainerIpAddress();85 /​/​ Integer port = redis.getMappedPort(REDIS_PORT);86 /​/​ 87 /​/​ /​/​ Use Redisson to obtain a List that is backed by Redis88 /​/​ Config redisConfig = new Config();89 /​/​ redisConfig.useSingleServer().setAddress(ipAddress + ":" + port);90 /​/​ 91 /​/​ Redisson redisson = Redisson.create(redisConfig);92 /​/​ 93 /​/​ List<String> testList = redisson.getList("test");94 /​/​ testList.add("foo");95 /​/​ testList.add("bar");96 /​/​ testList.add("baz");97 /​/​ 98 /​/​ List<String> testList2 = redisson.getList("test");99 /​/​ assertEquals("The list contains the expected number of items (redis is working!)", 3, testList2.size());100 /​/​ assertTrue("The list contains an item that was put in (redis is working!)", testList2.contains("foo"));101 /​/​ assertTrue("The list contains an item that was put in (redis is working!)", testList2.contains("bar"));102 /​/​ assertTrue("The list contains an item that was put in (redis is working!)", testList2.contains("baz"));103 /​/​ }104 @Test105 public void testIsRunning() {106 try (GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer().withCommand("top")) {107 assertFalse("Container is not started and not running", container.isRunning());108 container.start();109 assertTrue("Container is started and running", container.isRunning());110 }111 }112 @Test113 public void withTmpFsTest() throws Exception {114 try (GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer().withCommand("top").withTmpFs(Collections.singletonMap("/​testtmpfs", "rw"))) {115 container.start();116 /​/​ check file doesn't exist117 String path = "/​testtmpfs/​test.file";118 Container.ExecResult execResult = container.execInContainer("ls", path);119 assertEquals("tmpfs inside container works fine", execResult.getStderr(), "ls: /​testtmpfs/​test.file: No such file or directory\n");120 /​/​ touch && check file does exist121 container.execInContainer("touch", path);122 execResult = container.execInContainer("ls", path);123 assertEquals("tmpfs inside container works fine", execResult.getStdout(), (path + "\n"));124 }125 }126 @Test127 public void simpleRabbitMqTest() throws IOException, TimeoutException {128 ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();129 factory.setHost(GenericContainerRuleTest.rabbitMq.getContainerIpAddress());130 factory.setPort(GenericContainerRuleTest.rabbitMq.getMappedPort(GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBITMQ_PORT));131 Connection connection = factory.newConnection();132 Channel channel = connection.createChannel();133 channel.exchangeDeclare(GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBIQMQ_TEST_EXCHANGE, "direct", true);134 String queueName = channel.queueDeclare().getQueue();135 channel.queueBind(queueName, GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBIQMQ_TEST_EXCHANGE, GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBITMQ_TEST_ROUTING_KEY);136 /​/​ Set up a consumer on the queue137 final boolean[] messageWasReceived = new boolean[1];138 channel.basicConsume(queueName, false, new DefaultConsumer(channel) {139 @Override140 public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {141 messageWasReceived[0] = Arrays.equals(body, GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBITMQ_TEST_MESSAGE.getBytes());142 }143 });144 /​/​ post a message145 channel.basicPublish(GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBIQMQ_TEST_EXCHANGE, GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBITMQ_TEST_ROUTING_KEY, null, GenericContainerRuleTest.RABBITMQ_TEST_MESSAGE.getBytes());146 /​/​ check the message was received147 assertTrue("The message was received", Unreliables.retryUntilSuccess(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, () -> {148 if (!(messageWasReceived[0])) {149 throw new IllegalStateException("Message not received yet");150 }151 return true;152 }));153 }154 @Test155 public void simpleMongoDbTest() {156 MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(GenericContainerRuleTest.mongo.getContainerIpAddress(), GenericContainerRuleTest.mongo.getMappedPort(GenericContainerRuleTest.MONGO_PORT));157 MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test");158 MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("testCollection");159 Document doc = new Document("name", "foo").append("value", 1);160 collection.insertOne(doc);161 Document doc2 = collection.find(new Document("name", "foo")).first();162 assertEquals("A record can be inserted into and retrieved from MongoDB", 1, doc2.get("value"));163 }164 @Test165 public void environmentAndCustomCommandTest() throws IOException {166 String line = getReaderForContainerPort80(GenericContainerRuleTest.alpineEnvVar).readLine();167 assertEquals("An environment variable can be passed into a command", "42", line);168 }169 @Test170 public void environmentFromMapTest() throws IOException {171 String line = getReaderForContainerPort80(GenericContainerRuleTest.alpineEnvVarFromMap).readLine();172 assertEquals("Environment variables can be passed into a command from a map", "42 and 50", line);173 }174 @Test175 public void customLabelTest() {176 try (final GenericContainer alpineCustomLabel = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withLabel("our.custom", "label").withCommand("top")) {177 alpineCustomLabel.start();178 Map<String, String> labels = alpineCustomLabel.getCurrentContainerInfo().getConfig().getLabels();179 assertTrue("org.testcontainers label is present", labels.containsKey("org.testcontainers"));180 assertTrue("our.custom label is present", labels.containsKey("our.custom"));181 assertEquals("our.custom label value is label", labels.get("our.custom"), "label");182 }183 }184 @Test185 public void exceptionThrownWhenTryingToOverrideTestcontainersLabels() {186 assertThrows("When trying to overwrite an 'org.testcontainers' label, withLabel() throws an exception", IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {187 new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2").withLabel("", "false");188 });189 }190 @Test191 public void customClasspathResourceMappingTest() throws IOException {192 /​/​ Note: This functionality doesn't work if you are running your build inside a Docker container;193 /​/​ in that case this test will fail.194 String line = getReaderForContainerPort80(GenericContainerRuleTest.alpineClasspathResource).readLine();195 assertEquals("Resource on the classpath can be mapped using calls to withClasspathResourceMapping", "FOOBAR", line);196 }197 @Test198 public void customClasspathResourceMappingWithSelinuxTest() throws IOException {199 String line = getReaderForContainerPort80(GenericContainerRuleTest.alpineClasspathResourceSelinux).readLine();200 assertEquals("Resource on the classpath can be mapped using calls to withClasspathResourceMappingSelinux", "FOOBAR", line);201 }202 @Test203 public void exceptionThrownWhenMappedPortNotFound() throws IOException {204 assertThrows("When the requested port is not mapped, getMappedPort() throws an exception", IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {205 return GenericContainerRuleTest.redis.getMappedPort(666);206 });207 }208 @Test209 public void testExecInContainer() throws Exception {210 /​/​ The older "lxc" execution driver doesn't support "exec". At the time of writing (2016/​03/​29),211 /​/​ that's the case for CircleCI.212 /​/​ Once they resolve the issue, this clause can be removed.213 Assume.assumeTrue(TestEnvironment.dockerExecutionDriverSupportsExec());214 final GenericContainer.ExecResult result = GenericContainerRuleTest.redis.execInContainer("redis-cli", "role");215 assertTrue("Output for \"redis-cli role\" command should start with \"master\"", result.getStdout().startsWith("master"));216 assertEquals("Stderr for \"redis-cli role\" command should be empty", "", result.getStderr());217 /​/​ We expect to reach this point for modern Docker versions.218 }219 @Test220 public void extraHostTest() throws IOException {221 BufferedReader br = getReaderForContainerPort80(GenericContainerRuleTest.alpineExtrahost);222 /​/​ read hosts file from container223 StringBuffer hosts = new StringBuffer();224 String line = br.readLine();225 while (line != null) {226 hosts.append(line);227 hosts.append("\n");228 line = br.readLine();229 } 230 Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^\\s.*somehost", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(hosts.toString());231 assertTrue("The hosts file of container contains extra host", matcher.find());232 }233 @Test234 public void createContainerCmdHookTest() {235 /​/​ Use random name to avoid the conflicts between the tests236 String randomName = Base58.randomString(5);237 try (GenericContainer container = /​/​ Allows to override pre-configured values by GenericContainer238 /​/​ Preserves the order239 new GenericContainer("redis:3.0.2").withCommand("redis-server", "--help").withCreateContainerCmdModifier(( cmd) -> cmd.withName("overrideMe")).withCreateContainerCmdModifier(( cmd) -> cmd.withName(randomName)).withCreateContainerCmdModifier(( cmd) -> cmd.withCmd("redis-server", "--port", "6379"))) {240 container.start();241 assertEquals("Name is configured", ("/​" + randomName), container.getContainerInfo().getName());242 assertEquals("Command is configured", "[redis-server, --port, 6379]", Arrays.toString(container.getContainerInfo().getConfig().getCmd()));243 }244 }245 @Test246 public void addExposedPortAfterWithExposedPortsTest() {247 GenericContainerRuleTest.redis.addExposedPort(8987);248 assertThat("Both ports should be exposed", GenericContainerRuleTest.redis.getExposedPorts().size(), CoreMatchers.equalTo(2));249 assertTrue("withExposedPort should be exposed", GenericContainerRuleTest.redis.getExposedPorts().contains(GenericContainerRuleTest.REDIS_PORT));250 assertTrue("addExposedPort should be exposed", GenericContainerRuleTest.redis.getExposedPorts().contains(8987));251 }252 @Test253 public void sharedMemorySetTest() {254 try (GenericContainer containerWithSharedMemory = new GenericContainer("busybox:1.29").withSharedMemorySize((1024L * (FileUtils.ONE_MB)))) {255 containerWithSharedMemory.start();256 HostConfig hostConfig = containerWithSharedMemory.getDockerClient().inspectContainerCmd(containerWithSharedMemory.getContainerId()).exec().getHostConfig();257 assertEquals("Shared memory not set on container", hostConfig.getShmSize(), (1024 * (FileUtils.ONE_MB)));258 }259 }260}...

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1import org.junit.ClassRule;2import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;3import org.testcontainers.junit.GenericContainerRuleTest;4public class GenericContainerRuleTest {5public static GenericContainer redis = new GenericContainer("redis:3.0.2")6.withExposedPorts(6379);7}8}

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1 public GenericContainerRuleTest redis = new GenericContainerRuleTest(new ImageFromDockerfile()2 .withDockerfileFromBuilder(builder -> builder3 .from("redis:3.2.6")4 .build()));5 public void testSimple() throws Exception {6 try (Jedis jedis = new Jedis(redis.getContainerIpAddress(), redis.getFirstMappedPort())) {7 jedis.set("foo", "bar");8 assertThat(jedis.get("foo"), is("bar"));9 }10 }11 }12 @RunWith(Theories.class)13 public class GenericContainerRuleTheoryTest {14 public GenericContainerRuleTest redis = new GenericContainerRuleTest(new ImageFromDockerfile()15 .withDockerfileFromBuilder(builder -> builder16 .from("redis:3.2.6")17 .build()));18 public static String[] data() {19 return new String[] {"foo", "bar"};20 }21 public void testTheory(String data) throws Exception {22 try (Jedis jedis = new Jedis(redis.getContainerIpAddress(), redis.getFirstMappedPort())) {23 jedis.set(data, data);24 assertThat(jedis.get(data), is(data));25 }26 }27 }28 public class GenericContainerRuleTest extends GenericContainer<GenericContainerRuleTest> {29 public GenericContainerRuleTest(ImageFromDockerfile image) {30 super(image);31 }32 }33}

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1import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;2import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;3public class GenericContainerRuleTest {4 public void testGenericContainer() {5 try (GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.5")6 .withCommand("ping", "

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1 public GenericContainerRuleTest container = new GenericContainerRuleTest("couchbase/​server:6.0.2")2 .withExposedPorts(8091, 8092, 8093, 8094, 11210, 11207, 18091, 18092, 18093, 18094, 18095, 18096, 18097, 18098, 18099)3 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_MEMORY_QUOTA_MB", "256")4 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_INDEX_MEMORY_QUOTA_MB", "256")5 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_RAMSIZE_MB", "256")6 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_CLUSTER_INDEX_RAMSIZE_MB", "256")7 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_EVENTING_MEMORY_QUOTA_MB", "256")8 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_FTS_MEMORY_QUOTA_MB", "256")9 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_ANALYTICS_MEMORY_QUOTA_MB", "256")10 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_AUTO_REPROVISION", "true")11 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_AUTOFAIL_OVER_SERVERS", "0")12 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_INDEX_STORAGE_MODE", "memory_optimized")13 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_MAX_NUM_ROLLBACKS", "10")14 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_MAX_NUM_INDEX_ROLLBACKS", "10")15 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_INDEXER_REPLICAS", "0")16 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_INDEXER_PARTITIONS", "8")17 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_KV_REPLICAS", "0")18 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_EVENTING_REPLICAS", "0")19 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_FTS_REPLICAS", "0")20 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_ANALYTICS_REPLICAS", "0")21 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_INDEXER_THREADS", "0")22 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_EVENTING_THREADS", "0")23 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_FTS_THREADS", "0")24 .withEnv("COUCHBASE_NUM_ANALYTICS_THREADS", "0")25 .withEnv("COUCH

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