How to use ConfigException class of org.openqa.selenium.grid.config package

Best Selenium code snippet using org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.ConfigException

ConfigException org.openqa.selenium.grid.config

The ConfigException is an exception that occur when the grid is not able start or register node for the given configurable attribute of the Selenium Grid.


It is an example for throwing ConfigException when webdriver.gecko.driver is not found at correct path.

1public synchronized WebDriver setUp(String browser, String 2nodePort, String hubPort) throws MalformedURLException{ 3 4DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); 5capabilities.setPlatform(Platform.MAC); 6capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, browser); 7capabilities.setCapability(ForSeleniumServer.PROXYING_EVERYTHING, 8true); 9capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true); 10capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.SUPPORTS_ALERTS, true); 11capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.SUPPORTS_JAVASCRIPT, 12true); 13 14if(browser.equals("firefox")) 15 System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", 16System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//geckoDriver//geckodriver"); 17else if(browser.equals("chrome")) 18 System.setProperty("", 19System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//chromeDriver//chromeDriver"); 20driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new 21URL("http://localhost:"+nodePort+"/wd/hub"), capabilities); 22driver.get(""); 23driver.manage().window().maximize(); 24driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 25System.out.println(driver.toString()); 26return driver;


  • Provide adequate memory to java process
  • Set and Verify the environment variables for driver paths
  • Verify configurations of selenium hub settings params.

Code Snippets

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...15/​/​ specific language governing permissions and limitations16/​/​ under the License.17package org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionqueue.config;18import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.Config;19import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.ConfigException;20import org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionqueue.NewSessionQueuer;21import;22import;23import java.util.Optional;24public class NewSessionQueuerOptions {25 private static final String SESSION_QUEUER_SECTION = "sessionqueuer";26 private final Config config;27 public NewSessionQueuerOptions(Config config) {28 this.config = config;29 }30 public URI getSessionQueuerUri() {31 Optional<URI> host = config.get(SESSION_QUEUER_SECTION, "host").map(str -> {32 try {33 return new URI(str);34 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {35 throw new ConfigException("Session queuer server URI is not a valid URI: " + str);36 }37 });38 if (host.isPresent()) {39 return host.get();40 }41 Optional<Integer> port = config.getInt(SESSION_QUEUER_SECTION, "port");42 Optional<String> hostname = config.get(SESSION_QUEUER_SECTION, "hostname");43 if (!(port.isPresent() && hostname.isPresent())) {44 throw new ConfigException("Unable to determine host and port for the session queuer server");45 }46 try {47 return new URI(48 "http",49 null,50 hostname.get(),51 port.get(),52 "",53 null,54 null);55 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {56 throw new ConfigException(57 "Session queuer server uri configured through host (%s) and port (%d) is not a valid URI",58 hostname.get(),59 port.get());60 }61 }62 public NewSessionQueuer getSessionQueuer(String implementation) {63 return config64 .getClass(SESSION_QUEUER_SECTION, "implementation", NewSessionQueuer.class, implementation);65 }66}...

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...15/​/​ specific language governing permissions and limitations16/​/​ under the License.17package org.openqa.selenium.grid.server;18import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.Config;19import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.ConfigException;20import;21import;22import;23import;24import java.util.Optional;25public class BaseServerOptions {26 private final Config config;27 private int port = -1;28 public BaseServerOptions(Config config) {29 this.config = config;30 }31 public Optional<String> getHostname() {32 return config.get("server", "hostname");33 }34 public int getPort() {35 if (port != -1) {36 return port;37 }38 int port = config.getInt("server", "port")39 .orElseGet(PortProber::findFreePort);40 if (port < 0) {41 throw new ConfigException("Port cannot be less than 0: " + port);42 }43 this.port = port;44 return port;45 }46 public int getMaxServerThreads() {47 int count = config.getInt("server", "max-threads")48 .orElse(200);49 if (count < 0) {50 throw new ConfigException("Maximum number of server threads cannot be less than 0: " + count);51 }52 return count;53 }54 public URI getExternalUri() {55 /​/​ Assume the host given is addressable if it's been set56 String host = getHostname()57 .orElseGet(() -> new NetworkUtils().getNonLoopbackAddressOfThisMachine());58 int port = getPort();59 try {60 return new URI("http", null, host, port, null, null, null);61 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {62 throw new ConfigException("Cannot determine external URI: " + e.getMessage());63 }64 }65}...

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...15/​/​ specific language governing permissions and limitations16/​/​ under the License.17package org.openqa.selenium.grid.sessionmap;18import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.Config;19import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.ConfigException;20import;21import;22import java.util.Optional;23public class SessionMapOptions {24 private final Config config;25 public SessionMapOptions(Config config) {26 this.config = config;27 }28 public URI getSessionMapUri() {29 Optional<URI> host = config.get("sessions", "host").map(str -> {30 try {31 return new URI(str);32 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {33 throw new ConfigException("Sesion map server URI is not a valid URI: " + str);34 }35 });36 if (host.isPresent()) {37 return host.get();38 }39 Optional<Integer> port = config.getInt("sessions", "port");40 Optional<String> hostname = config.get("sessions", "hostname");41 if (!(port.isPresent() && hostname.isPresent())) {42 throw new ConfigException("Unable to determine host and port for the session map server");43 }44 try {45 return new URI(46 "http",47 null,48 hostname.get(),49 port.get(),50 null,51 null,52 null);53 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {54 throw new ConfigException(55 "Session map server uri configured through host (%s) and port (%d) is not a valid URI",56 hostname.get(),57 port.get());58 }59 }60}...

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...15/​/​ specific language governing permissions and limitations16/​/​ under the License.17package org.openqa.selenium.grid.distributor;18import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.Config;19import org.openqa.selenium.grid.config.ConfigException;20import;21import;22import java.util.Optional;23public class DistributorOptions {24 private final Config config;25 public DistributorOptions(Config config) {26 this.config = config;27 }28 public URI getDistributorUri() {29 Optional<URI> host = config.get("distributor", "host").map(str -> {30 try {31 return new URI(str);32 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {33 throw new ConfigException("Distributor URI is not a valid URI: " + str);34 }35 });36 if (host.isPresent()) {37 return host.get();38 }39 Optional<Integer> port = config.getInt("distributor", "port");40 Optional<String> hostname = config.get("distributor", "hostname");41 if (!(port.isPresent() && hostname.isPresent())) {42 throw new ConfigException("Unable to determine host and port for the distributor");43 }44 try {45 return new URI(46 "http",47 null,48 hostname.get(),49 port.get(),50 null,51 null,52 null);53 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {54 throw new ConfigException(55 "Distributor uri configured through host (%s) and port (%d) is not a valid URI",56 hostname.get(),57 port.get());58 }59 }60}...

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1package org.openqa.selenium.grid.config;2import java.util.Optional;3public interface Config {4 Optional<String> get(String section, String name);5 default Optional<String> get(String section) {6 return get(section, null);7 }8 default Optional<String> get(String section, String name, String defaultValue) {9 return get(section, name).orElse(Optional.of(defaultValue));10 }11 default Optional<String> get(String section, String defaultValue) {12 return get(section, null).orElse(Optional.of(defaultValue));13 }14 default Optional<String> get(String section, String name, String defaultValue, String... fallbacks) {15 return get(section, name).orElse(get(section, defaultValue)).orElse(get(fallbacks));16 }17 default Optional<String> get(String section, String defaultValue, String... fallbacks) {18 return get(section, defaultValue).orElse(get(fallbacks));19 }20 default Optional<String> get(String... fallbacks) {21 for (String fallback : fallbacks) {22 Optional<String> value = get(fallback);23 if (value.isPresent()) {24 return value;25 }26 }27 return Optional.empty();28 }29}30package org.openqa.selenium.grid.config;31public class ConfigException extends RuntimeException {32 public ConfigException(String message) {33 super(message);34 }35 public ConfigException(String message, Throwable cause) {36 super(message, cause);37 }38}39package org.openqa.selenium.grid.config;40import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;41import java.lang.annotation.Retention;42import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;43import java.lang.annotation.Target;44@Target(ElementType.FIELD)45@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)46public @interface ConfigProperty {47 String section();48 String name() default "";49 String defaultValue() default "";50 String[] fallbacks() default {};51}52package org.openqa.selenium.grid.config;53import java.lang.reflect.Field;54import java.util.Arrays;55import java.util.Objects;56import java.util.Optional;57public class ConfigValue {58 private final Config config;59 private final Field field;60 public ConfigValue(Config config, Field field) {61 this.config = Objects.requireNonNull(config);62 this.field = Objects.requireNonNull(field);63 }64 public Object getValue() {65 ConfigProperty property = field.getAnnotation(ConfigProperty.class);66 if (property == null) {67 throw new ConfigException(String.format(

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1try {2}3catch (ConfigException e) {4}5catch (ConfigException e) {6}7catch (ConfigException e) {8}9catch (ConfigException e) {10}11catch (ConfigException e) {12}13catch (ConfigException e) {14}15catch (ConfigException e) {16}17catch (ConfigException e) {18}19catch (ConfigException e) {20}21catch (ConfigException e) {22}23catch (ConfigException e) {24}25catch (ConfigException e) {26}27catch (ConfigException e) {

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1public static void main(String[] args) {2 String usage = "--day|-d day --mon|-m month [--year|-y year][--dir|-ds directoriesToSearch]";3 ArgumentParser argParser = new ArgumentParser(usage, InputData.class);4 InputData inputData = (InputData) argParser.parse(args);5 showData(inputData);67 new StatsGenerator().generateStats(inputData);8}9
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1maven_jar(2 name = "com_google_guava_guava",3 artifact = "",4 server = "maven2_server",5)67maven_jar(8 name = "com_github_pcj_google_options",9 artifact = "com.github.pcj:google-options:jar:1.0.0",10 server = "maven2_server",11)1213maven_server(14 name = "maven2_server",15 url = "http:/​/​​maven2/​",16)17
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StackOverFlow community discussions


Selenium Web Driver : Handle Confirm Box using Java

Selenium not finding element

Using regexp in assertEquals() does not work

Test if an element is present using Selenium WebDriver

How to click a link whose href has a certain substring in Selenium?

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different dialogs handling using selenium webDriver:

import org.openqa.selenium.Alert;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class JavaScriptAlertTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    WebDriver myTestDriver = new FirefoxDriver();


    myTestDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value = 'alert']")).click();

    Alert javascriptAlert = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();
    System.out.println(javascriptAlert.getText()); // Get text on alert box


    myTestDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value = 'prompt']")).click();

    Alert javascriptprompt = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();
    javascriptprompt.sendKeys("This is Selenium Training");

    System.out.println(javascriptprompt.getText()); // Get text on alert box

    javascriptprompt = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();

    System.out.println(javascriptprompt.getText()); // Get text on alert box

    myTestDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value = 'prompt']")).click();

    javascriptprompt = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();

    System.out.println(javascriptprompt.getText()); // Get text on alert box

    javascriptprompt = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();

    System.out.println(javascriptprompt.getText()); // Get text on alert box

    System.out.println("***********************************confirm dialog box****************************");
    myTestDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value = 'confirm']")).click();

    Alert javascriptconfirm = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();

    javascriptconfirm = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();
    System.out.println(javascriptconfirm.getText()); // Get text on alert box

    myTestDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@value = 'confirm']")).click();
    javascriptconfirm = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();

    javascriptconfirm = myTestDriver.switchTo().alert();
    System.out.println(javascriptconfirm.getText()); // Get text on alert box


Hope it helps you:)


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Selenium 4 Tutorial:

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  1. Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.

  2. What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.

  3. Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.

  4. Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.

  5. How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.

  6. Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.

  7. Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.

Selenium 101 certifications:

LambdaTest also provides certification for Selenium testing to accelerate your career in Selenium automation testing.

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