How to use Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory class of org.junit.runners package

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1/​*2 * Copyright 2015 Hartmut Jürgens3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16package de.juergens.util;17import org.junit.Ignore;18import org.junit.runner.Description;19import org.junit.runner.Runner;20import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;21import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;22import org.junit.runners.ParentRunner;23import org.junit.runners.Suite;24import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;25import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;26import org.junit.runners.model.TestClass;27import org.junit.runners.parameterized.BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters;28import org.junit.runners.parameterized.BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory;29import org.junit.runners.parameterized.ParametersRunnerFactory;30import org.junit.runners.parameterized.TestWithParameters;31import;32import;33import java.lang.annotation.*;34import;35import java.nio.file.Path;36import java.nio.file.Paths;37import java.text.MessageFormat;38import java.util.*;39@Ignore40public class SuiteWithParameters extends ParentRunner<Suite> {41 private final Class<?> testClass;42 private final Path rootPath;43 public SuiteWithParameters(Class<?> testClass) throws InitializationError {44 super(testClass); /​/​ TODO check this testClass45 this.testClass = testClass;46 try {47 rootPath = Paths.get(testClass.getResource("/​").toURI());48 } catch (URISyntaxException e) {49 throw new InitializationError(e);50 }51 }52 @Override53 protected List<Suite> getChildren() {54 List<Suite> list = new LinkedList<Suite>();55 try {56 for(String dirname : getAnnotatedClasses(testClass)) {57 /​/​getTestClass() /​/​ TODO check this out58 File directory = new File(rootPath.toFile(), dirname);59 for (File file : directory.listFiles()) {60 if (file.isFile()) {61 Path relPath = rootPath.relativize(Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath()));62 list.add(new ParameterizedFromFile(FibonacciTest.class, relPath.toFile()));63 }64 else65 list.add(new ParameterizedFromFile(testClass, file));66 }67 }68 } catch (InitializationError initializationError) {69 initializationError.printStackTrace();70 } catch (Throwable throwable) {71 throwable.printStackTrace();72 }73 return list; /​/​ Collections.unmodifiableList(list);74 }75 @Override76 protected Description describeChild(Suite parameterized) {77 System.out.println(((ParameterizedFromFile) parameterized).fFile.toString());78 return parameterized.getDescription();79 }80 @Override81 protected void runChild(Suite suite, RunNotifier notifier) {82;83 }84 private static String[] getAnnotatedClasses(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {85 SuiteWithParameters.SuiteDirectories annotation = klass.getAnnotation(SuiteWithParameters.SuiteDirectories.class);86 if(annotation == null) {87 throw new InitializationError(String.format("class \'%s\' must have a SuiteDirectories annotation", new Object[]{klass.getName()}));88 } else {89 return annotation.value();90 }91 }92 private static final List<Runner> NO_RUNNERS = Collections.emptyList();93 static class ParameterizedFromFile extends /​*Parameterized*/​ Suite {94 private final File fFile;95 private static final ParametersRunnerFactory DEFAULT_FACTORY = new BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory();96 private static final List<Runner> NO_RUNNERS = Collections.emptyList();97 private final List<Runner> runners;98 public ParameterizedFromFile(Class<?> klass, File file) throws Throwable {99 super(klass, NO_RUNNERS);100 fFile = file;101 ParametersRunnerFactory runnerFactory = this.getParametersRunnerFactory(klass);102 Parameterized.Parameters parameters = (Parameterized.Parameters)this.getParametersMethod().getAnnotation(Parameterized.Parameters.class);103 this.runners = Collections.unmodifiableList(this.createRunnersForParameters(this.allParameters(),, runnerFactory));104 }105 private ParametersRunnerFactory getParametersRunnerFactory(Class<?> klass) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {106 Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory annotation = (Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory)klass.getAnnotation(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class);107 if(annotation == null) {108 return DEFAULT_FACTORY;109 } else {110 Class factoryClass = annotation.value();111 return (ParametersRunnerFactory)factoryClass.newInstance();112 }113 }114 protected List<Runner> getChildren() {115 return this.runners;116 }117 private TestWithParameters createTestWithNotNormalizedParameters(String pattern, int index, Object parametersOrSingleParameter) {118 Object[] parameters = parametersOrSingleParameter instanceof Object[]?(Object[])((Object[])parametersOrSingleParameter):new Object[]{parametersOrSingleParameter};119 return createTestWithParameters(this.getTestClass(), pattern, index, parameters);120 }121 private Iterable<Object> allParameters() throws Throwable {122/​/​ Object parameters = this.getParametersMethod().invokeExplosively((Object)null, new Object[0]);123/​/​ if(parameters instanceof Iterable) {124/​/​ return (Iterable)parameters;125/​/​ } else if(parameters instanceof Object[]) {126/​/​ return Arrays.asList((Object[]) ((Object[]) parameters));127/​/​ } else {128/​/​ throw this.parametersMethodReturnedWrongType();129/​/​ }130 List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();131 String resourceName = "/​" + fFile.toString();132 InputStream stream = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceName);133 Scanner sc = new Scanner(stream);134 while(sc.hasNext()) {135 list.add(sc.nextLine());136 }137 return list;138 }139 private FrameworkMethod getParametersMethod() throws Exception {140 List methods = this.getTestClass().getAnnotatedMethods(Parameterized.Parameters.class);141 Iterator i$ = methods.iterator();142 FrameworkMethod each;143 do {144 if(!i$.hasNext()) {145 throw new Exception("No public static parameters method on class " + this.getTestClass().getName());146 }147 each = (FrameworkMethod)i$.next();148 } while(!each.isStatic() || !each.isPublic());149 return each;150 }151 private List<Runner> createRunnersForParameters(Iterable<Object> allParameters, String namePattern, ParametersRunnerFactory runnerFactory) throws InitializationError, Exception {152 try {153 List e = this.createTestsForParameters(allParameters, namePattern);154 ArrayList runners = new ArrayList();155 Iterator i$ = e.iterator();156 while(i$.hasNext()) {157 TestWithParameters test = (TestWithParameters)i$.next();158 runners.add(runnerFactory.createRunnerForTestWithParameters(test));159 }160 return runners;161 } catch (ClassCastException var8) {162 throw this.parametersMethodReturnedWrongType();163 }164 }165 private List<TestWithParameters> createTestsForParameters(Iterable<Object> allParameters, String namePattern) throws Exception {166 int i = 0;167 ArrayList children = new ArrayList();168 Iterator i$ = allParameters.iterator();169 while(i$.hasNext()) {170 Object parametersOfSingleTest = i$.next();171 children.add(this.createTestWithNotNormalizedParameters(namePattern, i++, parametersOfSingleTest));172 }173 return children;174 }175 private Exception parametersMethodReturnedWrongType() throws Exception {176 String className = this.getTestClass().getName();177 String methodName = this.getParametersMethod().getName();178 String message = MessageFormat.format("{0}.{1}() must return an Iterable of arrays.", new Object[]{className, methodName});179 return new Exception(message);180 }181 private static TestWithParameters createTestWithParameters(TestClass testClass, String pattern, int index, Object[] parameters) {182 String finalPattern = pattern.replaceAll("\\{index\\}", Integer.toString(index));183 String name = MessageFormat.format(finalPattern, parameters);184 return new TestWithParameters("[" + name + "]", testClass, Arrays.asList(parameters));185 }186 }187 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)188 @Target({ElementType.TYPE})189 @Inherited190 public @interface SuiteDirectories {191 String[] value();192 }193}...

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1package org.junit.runners;23import java.text.MessageFormat;4import java.util.ArrayList;5import java.util.Arrays;6import java.util.Collections;7import java.util.Iterator;8import java.util.List;9import org.junit.runner.Runner;10import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;11import org.junit.runners.model.TestClass;12import org.junit.runners.parameterized.BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory;13import org.junit.runners.parameterized.ParametersRunnerFactory;14import org.junit.runners.parameterized.TestWithParameters;1516public class Parameterized17 extends Suite18{19 private static final ParametersRunnerFactory DEFAULT_FACTORY = new BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory();20 private static final List<Runner> NO_RUNNERS = Collections.emptyList();21 private final List<Runner> runners;22 23 public Parameterized(Class<?> paramClass)24 {25 super(paramClass, NO_RUNNERS);26 paramClass = getParametersRunnerFactory(paramClass);27 Parameterized.Parameters localParameters = (Parameterized.Parameters)getParametersMethod().getAnnotation(Parameterized.Parameters.class);28 this.runners = Collections.unmodifiableList(createRunnersForParameters(allParameters(),, paramClass));29 }30 31 private Iterable<Object> allParameters()32 {33 Object localObject = getParametersMethod().invokeExplosively(null, new Object[0]);34 if ((localObject instanceof Iterable)) {35 return (Iterable)localObject;36 }37 if ((localObject instanceof Object[])) {38 return Arrays.asList((Object[])localObject);39 }40 throw parametersMethodReturnedWrongType();41 }42 43 private List<Runner> createRunnersForParameters(Iterable<Object> paramIterable, String paramString, ParametersRunnerFactory paramParametersRunnerFactory)44 {45 try46 {47 paramString = createTestsForParameters(paramIterable, paramString);48 paramIterable = new ArrayList();49 paramString = paramString.iterator();50 while (paramString.hasNext()) {51 paramIterable.add(paramParametersRunnerFactory.createRunnerForTestWithParameters((TestWithParameters);52 }53 return paramIterable;54 }55 catch (ClassCastException paramIterable)56 {57 label58:58 break label58;59 }60 paramIterable = parametersMethodReturnedWrongType();61 for (;;)62 {63 throw paramIterable;64 }65 }66 67 private TestWithParameters createTestWithNotNormalizedParameters(String paramString, int paramInt, Object paramObject)68 {69 if ((paramObject instanceof Object[])) {70 paramObject = (Object[])paramObject;71 } else {72 paramObject = new Object[] { paramObject };73 }74 return createTestWithParameters(getTestClass(), paramString, paramInt, paramObject);75 }76 77 private static TestWithParameters createTestWithParameters(TestClass paramTestClass, String paramString, int paramInt, Object[] paramArrayOfObject)78 {79 paramString = MessageFormat.format(paramString.replaceAll("\\{index\\}", Integer.toString(paramInt)), paramArrayOfObject);80 StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();81 localStringBuilder.append("[");82 localStringBuilder.append(paramString);83 localStringBuilder.append("]");84 return new TestWithParameters(localStringBuilder.toString(), paramTestClass, Arrays.asList(paramArrayOfObject));85 }86 87 private List<TestWithParameters> createTestsForParameters(Iterable<Object> paramIterable, String paramString)88 {89 ArrayList localArrayList = new ArrayList();90 paramIterable = paramIterable.iterator();91 int i = 0;92 while (paramIterable.hasNext())93 {94 localArrayList.add(createTestWithNotNormalizedParameters(paramString, i,;95 i += 1;96 }97 return localArrayList;98 }99 100 private FrameworkMethod getParametersMethod()101 {102 Object localObject = getTestClass().getAnnotatedMethods(Parameterized.Parameters.class).iterator();103 while (((Iterator)localObject).hasNext())104 {105 FrameworkMethod localFrameworkMethod = (FrameworkMethod)((Iterator)localObject).next();106 if ((localFrameworkMethod.isStatic()) && (localFrameworkMethod.isPublic())) {107 return localFrameworkMethod;108 }109 }110 localObject = new StringBuilder();111 ((StringBuilder)localObject).append("No public static parameters method on class ");112 ((StringBuilder)localObject).append(getTestClass().getName());113 localObject = new Exception(((StringBuilder)localObject).toString());114 for (;;)115 {116 throw ((Throwable)localObject);117 }118 }119 120 private ParametersRunnerFactory getParametersRunnerFactory(Class<?> paramClass)121 {122 paramClass = (Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory)paramClass.getAnnotation(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class);123 if (paramClass == null) {124 return DEFAULT_FACTORY;125 }126 return (ParametersRunnerFactory)paramClass.value().newInstance();127 }128 129 private Exception parametersMethodReturnedWrongType()130 {131 return new Exception(MessageFormat.format("{0}.{1}() must return an Iterable of arrays.", new Object[] { getTestClass().getName(), getParametersMethod().getName() }));132 }133 134 protected List<Runner> getChildren()135 {136 return this.runners;137 }138}139140 141/​* Location: L:\local\mybackup\temp\qq_apk\com.tencent.mobileqq\classes16.jar 142 * Qualified Name: org.junit.runners.Parameterized 143 * JD-Core Version: ...

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1/​*2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license3 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding4 * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the5 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a6 * copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License11 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express12 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under13 * the License.14 */​15package org.apache.geode.javac;16import java.util.Set;17import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;18import javax.annotation.processing.Messager;19import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;20import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;21import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;22import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;23import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;24import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;25import javax.lang.model.element.Element;26import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;27import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;28import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;29import javax.lang.model.type.MirroredTypeException;30import;31import org.junit.runner.RunWith;32import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;33@SupportedAnnotationTypes("org.junit.runner.RunWith")34@SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8)35public class EnsureCorrectRunsWithProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {36 private static final String FACTORY_CANONICAL_NAME = "org.apache.geode.test.junit.runners.CategoryWithParameterizedRunnerFactory";37 private static final String FACTORY_SIMPLE_NAME = "CategoryWithParameterizedRunnerFactory";38 private static final String RUNWITH = RunWith.class.getCanonicalName();39 private Messager messager;40 @Override41 public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment env) {42 super.init(env);43 messager = env.getMessager();44 }45 @Override46 public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {47 boolean hasErrors = false;48 for (Element annotatedElement : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(RunWith.class)) {49 if (annotatedElement.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS) {50 continue;51 }52 TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) annotatedElement;53 boolean hasUseParameterizedRunnerFactory = false;54 boolean hasRunWithParameterized = false;55 for (AnnotationMirror am : typeElement.getAnnotationMirrors()) {56 String clazz = am.getAnnotationType().toString();57 if (clazz.equals(RunWith.class.getCanonicalName())) {58 hasRunWithParameterized = isRunWithParameterized(typeElement);59 }60 if (clazz.equals(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class.getCanonicalName())) {61 hasUseParameterizedRunnerFactory = isUseParameterizedRunnerFactory(typeElement);62 }63 }64 if (hasRunWithParameterized && !hasUseParameterizedRunnerFactory) {65 error(typeElement, "class is annotated with @RunWith(Parameterized.class) but is missing the annotation @Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory(CategoryWithParameterizedRunnerFactory.class)");66 hasErrors = true;67 }68 }69 return hasErrors;70 }71 private boolean isRunWithParameterized(TypeElement typeElement) {72 RunWith runWith = typeElement.getAnnotation(RunWith.class);73 String runWithValue;74 try {75 runWithValue = runWith.value().getSimpleName();76 } catch (MirroredTypeException mex) {77 DeclaredType classTypeMirror = (DeclaredType) mex.getTypeMirror();78 TypeElement classTypeElement = (TypeElement) classTypeMirror.asElement();79 runWithValue = classTypeElement.getSimpleName().toString();80 }81 if (runWithValue == null) {82 return false;83 }84 return runWithValue.equals(Parameterized.class.getCanonicalName())85 || runWithValue.equals(Parameterized.class.getSimpleName());86 }87 private boolean isUseParameterizedRunnerFactory(TypeElement typeElement) {88 Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory89 runnerFactory = typeElement.getAnnotation(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class);90 String runnerFactoryValue;91 try {92 runnerFactoryValue = runnerFactory.value().getSimpleName();93 } catch (MirroredTypeException mex) {94 DeclaredType classTypeMirror = (DeclaredType) mex.getTypeMirror();95 TypeElement classTypeElement = (TypeElement) classTypeMirror.asElement();96 runnerFactoryValue = classTypeElement.getSimpleName().toString();97 }98 if (runnerFactoryValue == null) {99 return false;100 }101 return runnerFactoryValue.equals(FACTORY_CANONICAL_NAME)102 || runnerFactoryValue.equals(FACTORY_SIMPLE_NAME);103 }104 private void error(Element e, String msg, Object... args) {105 messager.printMessage(106 Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR,107 String.format(msg, args),108 e);109 }110}...

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1/​*2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16package com.hazelcast.quorum.semaphore;17import com.hazelcast.config.Config;18import com.hazelcast.core.ISemaphore;19import com.hazelcast.quorum.AbstractQuorumTest;20import com.hazelcast.quorum.QuorumException;21import com.hazelcast.quorum.QuorumType;22import com.hazelcast.test.HazelcastSerialParametersRunnerFactory;23import com.hazelcast.test.TestHazelcastInstanceFactory;24import com.hazelcast.test.annotation.ParallelTest;25import com.hazelcast.test.annotation.QuickTest;26import org.junit.AfterClass;27import org.junit.BeforeClass;28import org.junit.Test;29import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;30import org.junit.runner.RunWith;31import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;32import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;33import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;34import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory;35import static java.util.Arrays.asList;36@RunWith(Parameterized.class)37@UseParametersRunnerFactory(HazelcastSerialParametersRunnerFactory.class)38@Category({QuickTest.class, ParallelTest.class})39public class SemaphoreQuorumReadTest extends AbstractQuorumTest {40 @Parameters(name = "classLoaderType:{0}")41 public static Iterable<Object[]> parameters() {42 return asList(new Object[][]{{QuorumType.READ}, {QuorumType.READ_WRITE}});43 }44 @Parameter45 public static QuorumType quorumType;46 @BeforeClass47 public static void setUp() {48 initTestEnvironment(new Config(), new TestHazelcastInstanceFactory());49 }50 @AfterClass51 public static void tearDown() {52 shutdownTestEnvironment();53 }54 @Test55 public void availablePermits_successful_whenQuorumSize_met() {56 semaphore(0).availablePermits();57 }58 @Test(expected = QuorumException.class)59 public void availablePermits_successful_whenQuorumSize_notMet() {60 semaphore(3).availablePermits();61 }62 protected ISemaphore semaphore(int index) {63 return semaphore(index, quorumType);64 }65}...

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1/​*2 * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 NS Solutions Corporation3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16package com.htmlhifive.pitalium.junit;17import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;18import java.lang.annotation.Retention;19import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;20import java.lang.annotation.Target;21/​**22 * <p>23 * {@link org.junit.runners.Parameterized}テストにおいて、各パラメーター毎に全てのメソッド始まる前と後をフック出来るメソッドまたはフィールドを指定します。24 * </​p>25 * 以下のサンプルのように利用してください。26 * 27 * <pre>28 * &#064;RunWith(Parameterized.class)29 * &#064;Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory(PtlBlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory.class)30 * public class SampleTest {31 * 32 * &#064;Parameterized.Parameters33 * public static Collection&lt;Object[]&gt; parameters() {34 * return Arrays.asList(new Object[] { &quot;1&quot;, 1 }, new Object[] { &quot;2&quot;, 2 });35 * }36 * 37 * &#064;ParameterizedClassRule38 * public static ParameterizedTestWatcher parameterizedWatcher = new ParameterizedTestWatcher() {39 * }40 * 41 * }42 * </​pre>43 * 44 * @see org.junit.ClassRule45 * @see ParameterizedTestRule46 * @author nakatani47 */​48@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)49@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD })50public @interface ParameterizedClassRule {51}...

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1/​*2 * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 NS Solutions Corporation3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16package com.htmlhifive.pitalium.junit;17import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;18import java.lang.annotation.Retention;19import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;20import java.lang.annotation.Target;21/​**22 * <p>23 * {@link org.junit.runners.Parameterized}テストにおいて、各パラメーター毎に全てのメソッドが始まる前に一度だけ呼ばれるメソッドを指定します。24 * </​p>25 * 以下のサンプルのように利用してください。26 * 27 * <pre>28 * &#064;RunWith(Parameterized.class)29 * &#064;Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory(PtlBlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory.class)30 * public class SampleTest {31 * 32 * &#064;Parameterized.Parameters33 * public static Collection&lt;Object[]&gt; parameters() {34 * return Arrays.asList(new Object[] {&quot;1&quot;, 1}, new Object[] {&quot;2&quot;, 2});35 * }36 * 37 * &#064;ParameterizedBeforeClass38 * public static void parameterizedBeforeClass(<b>String param1, int param2</​b>) {39 * 40 * }41 * 42 * }43 * </​pre>44 * 45 * @see ParameterizedBeforeClass46 * @author nakatani47 */​48@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)49@Target(ElementType.METHOD)50public @interface ParameterizedBeforeClass {51}...

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1/​*2 * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 NS Solutions Corporation3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.09 *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */​16package com.htmlhifive.pitalium.junit;17import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;18import java.lang.annotation.Retention;19import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;20import java.lang.annotation.Target;21/​**22 * <p>23 * {@link org.junit.runners.Parameterized}テストにおいて、各パラメーター毎に全てのメソッドが終わった時に一度だけ呼ばれるメソッドを指定します。24 * </​p>25 * 以下のサンプルのように利用してください。26 * 27 * <pre>28 * &#064;RunWith(Parameterized.class)29 * &#064;Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory(PtlBlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory.class)30 * public class SampleTest {31 * 32 * &#064;Parameterized.Parameters33 * public static Collection&lt;Object[]&gt; parameters() {34 * return Arrays.asList(new Object[] {&quot;1&quot;, 1}, new Object[] {&quot;2&quot;, 2});35 * }36 * 37 * &#064;ParameterizedAfterClass38 * public static void parameterizedAfterClass(<b>String param1, int param2</​b>) {39 * 40 * }41 * 42 * }43 * </​pre>44 * 45 * @see org.junit.AfterClass46 * @author nakatani47 */​48@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)49@Target(ElementType.METHOD)50public @interface ParameterizedAfterClass {51}...

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1package org.junit.runners;23import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;4import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;5import java.lang.annotation.Retention;6import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;7import java.lang.annotation.Target;8import org.junit.runners.parameterized.BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory;9import org.junit.runners.parameterized.ParametersRunnerFactory;1011@Inherited12@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)13@Target({java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE})14public @interface Parameterized$UseParametersRunnerFactory15{16 Class<? extends ParametersRunnerFactory> value() default BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParametersFactory.class;17}1819 20/​* Location: L:\local\mybackup\temp\qq_apk\com.tencent.mobileqq\classes16.jar 21 * Qualified Name: org.junit.runners.Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory 22 * JD-Core Version: ...

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Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory

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1import org.junit.Test;2import org.junit.runner.RunWith;3import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;4import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;5import java.util.Arrays;6import java.util.Collection;7@RunWith(Parameterized.class)8public class ParameterizedTest {9 private int a;10 private int b;11 private int c;12 public ParameterizedTest(int a, int b, int c) {13 this.a = a;14 this.b = b;15 this.c = c;16 }17 public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){18 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{19 {1, 2, 3},20 {2, 3, 5},21 {3, 4, 7},22 {4, 5, 9},23 {5, 6, 11}24 });25 }26 public void testAdd(){27 System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + c);28 }29}30import org.junit.Test;31import org.junit.runner.RunWith;32import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;33import java.util.Arrays;34import java.util.Collection;35@RunWith(Parameterized.class)36public class ParameterizedTest {37 private int a;38 private int b;39 private int c;40 public ParameterizedTest(int a, int b, int c) {41 this.a = a;42 this.b = b;43 this.c = c;44 }45 public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){46 return DataProvider.getData();47 }48 public void testAdd(){49 System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + c);50 }51}52class DataProvider {53 public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){54 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{55 {1, 2, 3},56 {2, 3, 5},57 {3, 4, 7},58 {4, 5, 9},59 {5, 6,

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Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory

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1import org.junit.runner.RunWith;2import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory;3import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;4import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;5import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;6import org.junit.Test;7import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;8@RunWith(Parameterized.class)9@UseParametersRunnerFactory(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class)10public class ParameterizedTest {11 @Parameter(0)12 public int m1;13 @Parameter(1)14 public int m2;15 @Parameter(2)16 public int result;17 public static Object[][] data() {18 return new Object[][] { { 1, 1, 2 }, { 5, 2, 7 }, { 121, 4, 125 } };19 }20 public void testAdd() {21 assertEquals(result, new MyClass().add(m1, m2));22 }23}24import org.junit.runner.RunWith;25import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory;26import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;27import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;28import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;29import org.junit.Test;30import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;31@RunWith(Parameterized.class)32@UseParametersRunnerFactory(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class)33public class ParameterizedTest {34 @Parameter(0)35 public int m1;36 @Parameter(1)37 public int m2;38 @Parameter(2)39 public int result;40 public static Object[][] data() {41 return new Object[][] { { 1, 1, 2 }, { 5, 2, 7 }, { 121, 4, 125 } };42 }43 public void testAdd() {44 assertEquals(result, new MyClass().add(m1, m2));45 }46}47import org.junit.runner.RunWith;48import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory;49import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;50import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;51import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;52import org.junit.Test;53import static org.junit.Assert

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Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory

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1public class ParameterizedTest {2 public static Collection<Object[]> data() {3 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {4 { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 3, 3 }, { 4, 4 }, { 5, 5 }5 });6 }7 private int fInput;8 private int fExpected;9 public ParameterizedTest(int input, int expected) {10 fInput= input;11 fExpected= expected;12 }13 public void test() {14 assertEquals(fExpected, fInput);15 }16}17@RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class)18public class ParameterizedTest {19 private int fInput;20 private int fExpected;21 public ParameterizedTest(int input, int expected) {22 fInput= input;23 fExpected= expected;24 }25 @Parameters(method = "parametersToTestWith")26 public void test(int input, int expected) {27 assertEquals(expected, input);28 }29 private static Object[] parametersToTestWith() {30 return $(31 $(0, 0),32 $(1, 1),33 $(2, 2),34 $(3, 3),35 $(4, 4),36 $(5, 5)37 );38 }39}40@RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class)41public class ParameterizedTest {42 public void test(int input, int expected) {43 assertEquals(expected, input);44 }45 private static Object[] parametersForTest() {46 return $(47 $(0, 0),48 $(1, 1),49 $(2, 2),50 $(3, 3),51 $(4, 4),52 $(5, 5)53 );54 }55}56@RunWith(JUnitParamsRunner.class)57public class ParameterizedTest {58 public void test(int input, int expected) {59 assertEquals(expected, input);60 }61 private static Object[] parametersForTest() {62 return new Object[] {63 new Object[] { 0, 0 },64 new Object[] { 1,

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Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory

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1@RunWith(Parameterized.class)2public class TestClass {3 private int num1;4 private int num2;5 private int expected;6 public TestClass(int num1, int num2, int expected) {7 this.num1 = num1;8 this.num2 = num2;9 this.expected = expected;10 }11 public static Collection<Object[]> data() {12 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{13 {1, 1, 2},14 {2, 2, 4},15 {3, 3, 6},16 {4, 4, 8},17 {5, 5, 10},18 {6, 6, 12},19 {7, 7, 14},20 {8, 8, 16},21 {9, 9, 18},22 {10, 10, 20},23 });24 }25 public void test() {26 assertEquals(expected, num1 + num2);27 }28}29@RunWith(Parameterized.class)30public class TestClass {31 private int num1;32 private int num2;33 private int expected;34 public TestClass(int num1, int num2, int expected) {35 this.num1 = num1;36 this.num2 = num2;37 this.expected = expected;38 }39 public static Collection<Object[]> data() {40 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{41 {1, 1, 2

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Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory

Using AI Code Generation


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1@RunWith(Parameterized.class)2public class TestParameters {3 public static Collection<Object[]> data() {4 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { 5 { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } 6 });7 }8 private int fInput;9 private int fExpected;10 public TestParameters(int input, int expected) {11 fInput= input;12 fExpected= expected;13 }14 public void test() {15 assertEquals(fExpected, fInput);16 }17}18test(TestParameters) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec <<< ERROR!19test(TestParameters) Time elapsed: 0 sec <<< ERROR!20test(TestParameters) Time elapsed: 0 sec <<< ERROR!21package com.journaldev.junit.parameters;22import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;23import java.util.Arrays;24import java.util.Collection;25import org.junit.Test;26import org.junit.runner.RunWith;27import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;28import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;29@RunWith(Parameterized.class)30public class ParameterizedTest {31 private int numberA;32 private int numberB;33 private int expectedSum;34 public ParameterizedTest(int numberA, int numberB, int expectedSum) {35 this.numberA = numberA;36 this.numberB = numberB;37 this.expectedSum = expectedSum;38 }39 public static Collection<Object[]> data() {40 Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { 1, 2,

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Annotation Type Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory

Using AI Code Generation


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1@UseParametersRunnerFactory(Parameterized.UseParametersRunnerFactory.class)2public class ParameterizedTest {3 public static Collection<Object[]> data() {4 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{5 {0, false},6 {1, true},7 {2, true},8 {3, false},9 {4, true},10 {5, false},11 {6, false},12 {7, false},13 {8, true},14 {9, false},15 {10, true}});16 }17 public int input;18 @Parameter(1)19 public boolean expected;20 public void test() {21 System.out.println(input + " is prime number? " + expected);22 assertEquals(expected, isPrimeNumber(input));23 }24 private boolean isPrimeNumber(int num) {25 for (int i = 2; i <= num /​ 2; i++) {26 if (num % i == 0) {27 return false;28 }29 }30 return true;31 }32}

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JUnit Tutorial:

LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.

JUnit Tutorial Chapters:

Here are the detailed JUnit testing chapters to help you get started:

  • Importance of Unit testing - Learn why Unit testing is essential during the development phase to identify bugs and errors.
  • Top Java Unit testing frameworks - Here are the upcoming JUnit automation testing frameworks that you can use in 2023 to boost your unit testing.
  • What is the JUnit framework
  • Why is JUnit testing important - Learn the importance and numerous benefits of using the JUnit testing framework.
  • Features of JUnit - Learn about the numerous features of JUnit and why developers prefer it.
  • JUnit 5 vs. JUnit 4: Differences - Here is a complete comparison between JUnit 5 and JUnit 4 testing frameworks.
  • Setting up the JUnit environment - Learn how to set up your JUnit testing environment.
  • Getting started with JUnit testing - After successfully setting up your JUnit environment, this chapter will help you get started with JUnit testing in no time.
  • Parallel testing with JUnit - Parallel Testing can be used to reduce test execution time and improve test efficiency. Learn how to perform parallel testing with JUnit.
  • Annotations in JUnit - When writing automation scripts with JUnit, we can use JUnit annotations to specify the type of methods in our test code. This helps us identify those methods when we run JUnit tests using Selenium WebDriver. Learn in detail what annotations are in JUnit.
  • Assertions in JUnit - Assertions are used to validate or test that the result of an action/functionality is the same as expected. Learn in detail what assertions are and how to use them while performing JUnit testing.
  • Parameterization in JUnit - Parameterized Test enables you to run the same automated test scripts with different variables. By collecting data on each method's test parameters, you can minimize time spent on writing tests. Learn how to use parameterization in JUnit.
  • Nested Tests In JUnit 5 - A nested class is a non-static class contained within another class in a hierarchical structure. It can share the state and setup of the outer class. Learn about nested annotations in JUnit 5 with examples.
  • Best practices for JUnit testing - Learn about the best practices, such as always testing key methods and classes, integrating JUnit tests with your build, and more to get the best possible results.
  • Advanced Use Cases for JUnit testing - Take a deep dive into the advanced use cases, such as how to run JUnit tests in Jupiter, how to use JUnit 5 Mockito for Unit testing, and more for JUnit testing.

JUnit Certification:

You can also check out our JUnit certification if you wish to take your career in Selenium automation testing with JUnit to the next level.

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