Source:How can I upload files to a server using JSP/Servlet?
16797:M 03 Aug 2020 09:11:11.246 # Error accepting a client connection: (null)
Best junit code snippet using org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories
...7/**8 * Annotating an array or iterable-typed field or method with @DataPoints9 * will cause the values in the array or iterable given to be used as potential10 * parameters for theories in that class when run with the11 * {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories Theories} runner.12 * <p>13 * DataPoints will only be considered as potential values for parameters for14 * which their types are assignable. When multiple sets of DataPoints exist with15 * overlapping types more control can be obtained by naming the DataPoints using16 * the value of this annotation, e.g. with17 * <code>@DataPoints({"dataset1", "dataset2"})</code>, and then specifying18 * which named set to consider as potential values for each parameter using the19 * {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.FromDataPoints @FromDataPoints}20 * annotation.21 * <p>22 * Parameters with no specified source (i.e. without @FromDataPoints or23 * other {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.ParametersSuppliedBy24 * @ParameterSuppliedBy} annotations) will use all DataPoints that are25 * assignable to the parameter type as potential values, including named sets of26 * DataPoints.27 * <p>28 * DataPoints methods whose array types aren't assignable from the target29 * parameter type (and so can't possibly return relevant values) will not be30 * called when generating values for that parameter. Iterable-typed datapoints31 * methods must always be called though, as this information is not available32 * here after generic type erasure, so expensive methods returning iterable33 * datapoints are a bad idea.34 * 35 * <pre>36 * @DataPoints37 * public static String[] dataPoints = new String[] { ... };38 * 39 * @DataPoints40 * public static String[] generatedDataPoints() {41 * return new String[] { ... };42 * }43 * 44 * @Theory45 * public void theoryMethod(String param) {46 * ...47 * }48 * </pre>49 * 50 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories51 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory52 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint53 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.FromDataPoints54 */55@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)56@Target({ FIELD, METHOD })57public @interface DataPoints {58 String[] value() default {};59 Class<? extends Throwable>[] ignoredExceptions() default {};60}...
...7/**8 * Annotating an field or method with @DataPoint will cause the field value9 * or the value returned by the method to be used as a potential parameter for10 * theories in that class, when run with the11 * {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories Theories} runner.12 * <p>13 * A DataPoint is only considered as a potential value for parameters for14 * which its type is assignable. When multiple {@code DataPoint}s exist 15 * with overlapping types more control can be obtained by naming each DataPoint 16 * using the value of this annotation, e.g. with17 * <code>@DataPoint({"dataset1", "dataset2"})</code>, and then specifying18 * which named set to consider as potential values for each parameter using the19 * {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.FromDataPoints @FromDataPoints}20 * annotation.21 * <p>22 * Parameters with no specified source (i.e. without @FromDataPoints or23 * other {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.ParametersSuppliedBy24 * @ParameterSuppliedBy} annotations) will use all {@code DataPoint}s that are25 * assignable to the parameter type as potential values, including named sets of26 * {@code DataPoint}s.27 * 28 * <pre>29 * @DataPoint30 * public static String dataPoint = "value";31 * 32 * @DataPoint("generated")33 * public static String generatedDataPoint() {34 * return "generated value";35 * }36 * 37 * @Theory38 * public void theoryMethod(String param) {39 * ...40 * }41 * </pre>42 * 43 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories44 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory45 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint46 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.FromDataPoints47 */48@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)49@Target({FIELD, METHOD})50public @interface DataPoint {51 String[] value() default {};52 Class<? extends Throwable>[] ignoredExceptions() default {};53}...
1package org.junit.experimental.theories;2import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;3import java.lang.annotation.Retention;4import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;5import java.lang.annotation.Target;6import org.junit.experimental.theories.internal.SpecificDataPointsSupplier;7/**8 * Annotating a parameter of a {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory9 * @Theory} method with <code>@FromDataPoints</code> will limit the10 * datapoints considered as potential values for that parameter to just the11 * {@link org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints DataPoints} with the given12 * name. DataPoint names can be given as the value parameter of the13 * @DataPoints annotation.14 * <p>15 * DataPoints without names will not be considered as values for any parameters16 * annotated with @FromDataPoints.17 * <pre>18 * @DataPoints19 * public static String[] unnamed = new String[] { ... };20 * 21 * @DataPoints("regexes")22 * public static String[] regexStrings = new String[] { ... };23 * 24 * @DataPoints({"forMatching", "alphanumeric"})25 * public static String[] testStrings = new String[] { ... }; 26 * 27 * @Theory28 * public void stringTheory(String param) {29 * // This will be called with every value in 'regexStrings',30 * // 'testStrings' and 'unnamed'.31 * }32 * 33 * @Theory34 * public void regexTheory(@FromDataPoints("regexes") String regex,35 * @FromDataPoints("forMatching") String value) {36 * // This will be called with only the values in 'regexStrings' as 37 * // regex, only the values in 'testStrings' as value, and none 38 * // of the values in 'unnamed'.39 * }40 * </pre>41 * 42 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory43 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint44 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints45 */46@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)47@Target(ElementType.PARAMETER)48@ParametersSuppliedBy(SpecificDataPointsSupplier.class)49public @interface FromDataPoints {50 String value();51}...
1public class org.junit.experimental.theories.internal.Assignments {2 public static org.junit.experimental.theories.internal.Assignments allUnassigned(java.lang.reflect.Method, org.junit.runners.model.TestClass);3 public boolean isComplete();4 public org.junit.experimental.theories.ParameterSignature nextUnassigned();5 public org.junit.experimental.theories.internal.Assignments assignNext(org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment);6 public java.lang.Object[] getActualValues(int, int) throws org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment$CouldNotGenerateValueException;7 public java.util.List<org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment> potentialsForNextUnassigned() throws java.lang.Throwable;8 public java.lang.Object[] getConstructorArguments() throws org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment$CouldNotGenerateValueException;9 public java.lang.Object[] getMethodArguments() throws org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment$CouldNotGenerateValueException;10 public java.lang.Object[] getAllArguments() throws org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment$CouldNotGenerateValueException;11 public java.lang.Object[] getArgumentStrings(boolean) throws org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment$CouldNotGenerateValueException;12}...
1package org.junit.experimental.theories.suppliers;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.junit.experimental.theories.ParameterSignature;5import org.junit.experimental.theories.ParameterSupplier;6import org.junit.experimental.theories.PotentialAssignment;7/**8 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.suppliers.TestedOn9 * @see org.junit.experimental.theories.ParameterSupplier10 */11public class TestedOnSupplier extends ParameterSupplier {12 @Override13 public List<PotentialAssignment> getValueSources(ParameterSignature sig) {14 List<PotentialAssignment> list = new ArrayList<PotentialAssignment>();15 TestedOn testedOn = sig.getAnnotation(TestedOn.class);16 int[] ints = testedOn.ints();17 for (final int i : ints) {18 list.add(PotentialAssignment.forValue("ints", i));19 }20 return list;21 }22}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint;2import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints;3import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories;4import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory;5import org.junit.runner.RunWith;6import org.junit.runners.Suite;7import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;8@RunWith(Theories.class)9public class TheoriesTest {10 public static int INT_PARAM_1 = 5;11 public static int INT_PARAM_2 = 10;12 public static int INT_PARAM_3 = 15;13 public static int INT_PARAM_4 = 20;14 public static int INT_PARAM_5 = 25;15 public static int INT_PARAM_6 = 30;16 public static int INT_PARAM_7 = 35;17 public static int INT_PARAM_8 = 40;18 public static int INT_PARAM_9 = 45;19 public static int INT_PARAM_10 = 50;20 public static int INT_PARAM_11 = 55;21 public static int INT_PARAM_12 = 60;22 public static int INT_PARAM_13 = 65;23 public static int INT_PARAM_14 = 70;24 public static int INT_PARAM_15 = 75;25 public static int INT_PARAM_16 = 80;26 public static int INT_PARAM_17 = 85;27 public static int INT_PARAM_18 = 90;28 public static int INT_PARAM_19 = 95;29 public static int INT_PARAM_20 = 100;30 public static int[] INT_PARAMS = new int[]{INT_PARAM_1, INT_PARAM_2, INT_PARAM_3, INT_PARAM_4, INT_PARAM_5, INT_PARAM_6, INT_PARAM_7, INT_PARAM_8, INT_PARAM_9, INT_PARAM_10, INT_PARAM_11, INT_PARAM_12, INT_PARAM_13, INT_PARAM_14, INT_PARAM_15, INT_PARAM_16, INT_PARAM_17, INT_PARAM_18, INT_PARAM_19, INT_PARAM_20};31 public void testTheory(int param1,
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.javatpoint;2import org.junit.Test;3import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint;4import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints;5import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories;6import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory;7import org.junit.runner.RunWith;8@RunWith(Theories.class)9public class JunitTheoriesExample {10 public static int int1 = 1;11 public static int int2 = 2;12 public static int int3 = 3;13 public static int[] ints = { 4, 5, 6 };14 public void test(int i, int j) {15 System.out.println("i = " + i + ", j = " + j);16 }17}
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.journaldev.junit.theories;2import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint;3import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories;4import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory;5import org.junit.runner.RunWith;6@RunWith(Theories.class)7public class TestTheories {8 public static int INT_PARAM_1 = 5;9 public static int INT_PARAM_2 = 10;10 public static String STRING_PARAM_1 = "Hello";11 public static String STRING_PARAM_2 = "World";12 public void testTheory(int i, String s) {13 System.out.println("i=" + i + ", s=" + s);14 }15}
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.javacodegeeks.junit;2import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;3import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;4import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;5import java.util.Arrays;6import java.util.List;7import org.junit.Before;8import org.junit.Test;9import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint;10import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints;11import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories;12import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory;13import org.junit.runner.RunWith;14@RunWith(Theories.class)15public class TheoriesTest {16 private List<Integer> list;17 public void setUp() {18 list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);19 }20 public static int INT1 = 1;21 public static int INT2 = 2;22 public static int INT3 = 3;23 public void testTheory(int value) {24 assertTrue(list.contains(value));25 }26 public static int[] INT_ARRAY = { 1, 2, 3 };27 public void testTheoryWithArray(int value) {28 assertTrue(list.contains(value));29 }30 public static int[] INT_ARRAY1 = { 1, 2, 3 };31 public static int[] INT_ARRAY2 = { 4, 5, 6 };32 public void testTheoryWithMultipleArrays(int value) {33 assertTrue(list.contains(value));34 }35 public static int[] INT_ARRAY1 = { 1, 2, 3 };36 public static int[] INT_ARRAY2 = { 4, 5, 6 };37 public void testTheoryWithMultipleArrays(int value) {38 assertTrue(list.contains(value));39 }40 public static int[] INT_ARRAY1 = { 1, 2, 3 };41 public static int[] INT_ARRAY2 = { 4, 5, 6 };42 public void testTheoryWithMultipleArrays(int value) {43 assertTrue(list.contains(value));44 }45 public static int[] INT_ARRAY1 = { 1, 2, 3 };
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TheoriesTest {2 public static int[] data() {3 return new int[]{1, 2, 3};4 }5 public void testMultiply(int n) {6 assertTrue(n * n > 0);7 }8}9import spock.lang.Specification10import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints11import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories12import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory13import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoint14class TheoriesTest extends Specification {15 void testMultiply(int n) {16 }17}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestClass {2 public static String[] data = {"", "a", "ab", "abc"};3 public void testTheory(String s) {4 System.out.println("s = " + s);5 }6}7[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.0:test (default-test) @ junit-theories-example ---8@RunWith(Theories.class)9public class TestClass {10}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestJunit {2 public void testMethod(int x, int y) {3 assertTrue(x + y == y + x);4 }5}6public Theories.ParameterSupplier dataPointSupplier(ParameterSupplier supplier) method7public Theories.ParameterSupplier dataPoints(String name, Object... dataPoints) method8public Theories.ParameterSupplier dataPoints(String name, Object[] firstDataPoints, Object[]... moreDataPoints) method9The dataPointSupplier(ParameterSupplier supplier) method is used to define the values of the parameters using a custom parameter supplier. The dataPoints(String name, Object... dataPoints) method is used to define the values of the parameters using an array of objects. The dataPoints(String name, Object[] firstDataPoints, Object[]... moreDataPoints) method
116797:M 03 Aug 2020 09:11:11.246 # Error accepting a client connection: (null)2
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