How to use CombinableMatcher class of org.hamcrest.core package

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1package org.hamcrest;2import org.hamcrest.core.AllOf;3import org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf;4import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher;5import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.CombinableBothMatcher;6import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.CombinableEitherMatcher;7import org.hamcrest.core.DescribedAs;8import org.hamcrest.core.Every;9import org.hamcrest.core.Is;10import org.hamcrest.core.IsAnything;11import org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining;12import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual;13import org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf;14import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;15import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;16import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;17import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;18import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;19import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;20public class CoreMatchers {21 public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Iterable<Matcher<? super T>> matchers) {22 return AllOf.allOf((Iterable) matchers);23 }24 @SafeVarargs25 public static <T> Matcher<T> allOf(Matcher<? super T>... matchers) {26 return AllOf.allOf((Matcher[]) matchers);27 }28 public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Iterable<Matcher<? super T>> matchers) {29 return AnyOf.anyOf((Iterable) matchers);30 }31 @SafeVarargs32 public static <T> AnyOf<T> anyOf(Matcher<? super T>... matchers) {33 return AnyOf.anyOf((Matcher[]) matchers);34 }35 public static <LHS> CombinableBothMatcher<LHS> both(Matcher<? super LHS> matcher) {36 return CombinableMatcher.both(matcher);37 }38 public static <LHS> CombinableEitherMatcher<LHS> either(Matcher<? super LHS> matcher) {39 return CombinableMatcher.either(matcher);40 }41 public static <T> Matcher<T> describedAs(String description, Matcher<T> matcher, Object... values) {42 return DescribedAs.describedAs(description, matcher, values);43 }44 public static <U> Matcher<Iterable<? extends U>> everyItem(Matcher<U> itemMatcher) {45 return Every.everyItem(itemMatcher);46 }47 public static <T> Matcher<T> is(Matcher<T> matcher) {48 return matcher);49 }50 public static <T> Matcher<T> is(T value) {51 return value);52 }53 public static void is(Class<?> cls) {...

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2import org.hamcrest.StringDescription;3import org.junit.Assert;4import org.junit.Test;5import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;6import static org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.both;7import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;8import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not;9import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNull.notNullValue;10import static org.hamcrest.number.OrderingComparison.greaterThan;11import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;12public class CombinableTest {13 private static final CombinableMatcher<Integer> EITHER_3_OR_4 = CombinableMatcher.<Integer>either(equalTo(3)).or(equalTo(4));14 private static final CombinableMatcher<Integer> NOT_3_AND_NOT_4 = CombinableMatcher.<Integer>both(not(equalTo(3))).and(not(equalTo(4)));15 @Test16 public void bothAcceptsAndRejects() {17 assertThat(2, NOT_3_AND_NOT_4);18 assertThat(3, not(NOT_3_AND_NOT_4));19 }20 @Test21 public void acceptsAndRejectsThreeAnds() {22 CombinableMatcher<? super Integer> tripleAnd = NOT_3_AND_NOT_4.and(equalTo(2));23 assertThat(2, tripleAnd);24 assertThat(3, not(tripleAnd));25 }26 @Test27 public void bothDescribesItself() {28 assertEquals("(not <3> and not <4>)", NOT_3_AND_NOT_4.toString());29 StringDescription mismatch = new StringDescription();30 NOT_3_AND_NOT_4.describeMismatch(3, mismatch);31 assertEquals("was <3>", mismatch.toString());32 }33 @Test34 public void eitherAcceptsAndRejects() {35 assertThat(3, EITHER_3_OR_4);36 assertThat(6, not(EITHER_3_OR_4));37 }38 @Test39 public void acceptsAndRejectsThreeOrs() {40 final CombinableMatcher<Integer> orTriple = EITHER_3_OR_4.or(greaterThan(10));41 assertThat(11, orTriple);42 assertThat(9, not(orTriple));43 }44 @Test45 public void eitherDescribesItself() {46 Assert.assertEquals("(<3> or <4>)", EITHER_3_OR_4.toString());47 StringDescription mismatch = new StringDescription();48 EITHER_3_OR_4.describeMismatch(6, mismatch);49 Assert.assertEquals("was <6>", mismatch.toString());50 }51 @Test52 public void picksUpTypeFromLeftHandSideOfExpression() {53 assertThat("yellow", both(equalTo("yellow")).and(notNullValue()));54 }...

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1public class org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher<T> extends org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<T> {2 public org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher(org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>);3 protected boolean matchesSafely(T, org.hamcrest.Description);4 public void describeTo(org.hamcrest.Description);5 public org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher<T> and(org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>);6 public org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher<T> or(org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>);7 public static <LHS> org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher$CombinableBothMatcher<LHS> both(org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super LHS>);8 public static <LHS> org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher$CombinableEitherMatcher<LHS> either(org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super LHS>);9}...

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1import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;2import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher;3import org.junit.Test;4import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;5public class CombinableMatcherTest {6 public void testCombinableMatcher() {7 assertThat("good", both(containsString("oo")).and(containsString("od")));8 assertThat("good", either(containsString("oo")).or(containsString("od")));9 assertThat("good", not(containsString("oo")));10 }11}12As you can see, the testCombinableMatcher() method is using the CombinableMatcher class from the org.hamcrest.core package. This class provides a number of static methods that create a CombinableMatcher object. The CombinableMatcher object is then used to create a matcher that can be passed to the assertThat() method. The CombinableMatcher class provides the following static methods:13both(Matcher<? super T> matcher)14either(Matcher<? super T> matcher)15not(Matcher<? super T> matcher)16public void testCombinableMatcher2() {17 assertThat("good", allOf(containsString("oo"), containsString("od")));18 assertThat("good", anyOf(containsString("oo"), containsString("od")));19}20public void testCombinableMatcher3() {21 assertThat("good", not(containsString("oo")));22}23public void testCombinableMatcher4() {24 assertThat("good", not(containsString("oo")));25}26public void testCombinableMatcher5() {27 assertThat("good", not(containsString("oo")));28}

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1import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher;2import org.hamcrest.core.Every;3import org.hamcrest.core.IsAnything;4import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual;5import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;6import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;7import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;8import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;9import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;10import org.hamcrest.core.SubstringMatcher;11import org.hamcrest.core.AllOf;12import org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf;13import org.hamcrest.core.DescribedAs;14import org.hamcrest.core.Is;15import org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining;16import org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf;17import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;18import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;19import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;20import org.hamcrest.core.Is;21import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;22import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;23import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;24import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;25import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;26import org.hamcrest.core.SubstringMatcher;27import org.hamcrest.core.AllOf;28import org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf;29import org.hamcrest.core.DescribedAs;30import org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining;31import org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf;32import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;33import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;34import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;35import org.hamcrest.core.Is;36import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;37import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;38import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;39import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;40import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;41import org.hamcrest.core.SubstringMatcher;42import org.hamcrest.core.AllOf;43import org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf;44import org.hamcrest.core.DescribedAs;45import org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining;46import org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf;47import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;48import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;49import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;50import org.hamcrest.core.Is;51import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;52import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;53import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;54import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;55import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;56import org.hamcrest.core.SubstringMatcher;57import org.hamcrest.core.AllOf;58import org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf;59import org.hamcrest.core.DescribedAs;60import org.hamcrest.core.IsCollectionContaining;61import org.hamcrest.core.IsInstanceOf;62import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;63import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;64import org.hamcrest.core.IsSame;65import org.hamcrest.core.Is;66import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;67import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;68import org.hamcrest.core.StringContains;69import org.hamcrest.core.StringEndsWith;70import org.hamcrest.core.StringStartsWith;

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1import static org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.both;2import static org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.either;3import static org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.either;4import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher;5import org.junit.Test;6import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;7import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;8public class CombinableMatcherTest {9 public void testCombinableMatcher(){10 assertThat("good", both(equalTo("good")).and(equalTo("good")));11 assertThat("good", either(equalTo("good")).or(equalTo("bad")));12 }13}

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1package com.journaldev.junit;2import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;3import static org.junit.Assert.*;4import org.junit.Test;5public class CombinableMatcherTest {6 public void testCombinableMatcher() {7 String str = "Hello World";8 assertThat(str, both(containsString("Hello")).and(containsString("World")));9 assertThat(str, either(containsString("Hello")).or(containsString("World")));10 assertThat(str, not(containsString("Java")));11 }12}13Expected: (a string containing "Hello" and a string containing "World")

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1assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));2assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));3assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));4assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));5assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));6assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));7assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));8assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));9assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));10assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));11assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));12assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));13assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));14assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));15assertThat("foo", both(containsString("f")).and(containsString("o")));

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1import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher;2class Person {3 private String name;4 private int age;5 private int height;6 private int weight;7 public Person(String name, int age, int height, int weight) {8 = name;9 this.age = age;10 this.height = height;11 this.weight = weight;12 }13 public String getName() {14 return name;15 }16 public int getAge() {17 return age;18 }19 public int getHeight() {20 return height;21 }22 public int getWeight() {23 return weight;24 }25}26class PersonTest {27 public void testPerson() {28 Person person = new Person("John", 25, 180, 80);29 assertThat(person, allOf(30 hasProperty("name", equalTo("John")),31 hasProperty("age", equalTo(25)),32 hasProperty("height", equalTo(180)),33 hasProperty("weight", equalTo(80))34 ));35 }36 public void testPerson2() {37 Person person = new Person("John", 25, 180, 80);38 assertThat(person, allOf(39 hasProperty("name", equalTo("John")),40 hasProperty("age", equalTo(25)),41 hasProperty("height", equalTo(180)),42 hasProperty("weight", equalTo(80))43 ));44 }45 public void testPerson3() {46 Person person = new Person("John", 25, 180, 80);47 assertThat(person, allOf(48 hasProperty("name", equalTo("John")),49 hasProperty("age", equalTo(25)),50 hasProperty("height", equalTo(180)),51 hasProperty("weight", equalTo(80))52 ));53 }54 public void testPerson4() {55 Person person = new Person("John", 25, 180, 80);56 assertThat(person, allOf(57 hasProperty("name", equalTo("John")),58 hasProperty("age", equalTo(25)),59 hasProperty("height", equalTo(180)),60 hasProperty("weight", equalTo(80))61 ));62 }

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1import java.awt.*;2import java.awt.event.*;3import java.util.ArrayList;4import java.util.Arrays;5import java.util.Collections;6import java.util.Random;78import javax.swing.*;910public class MainFrame {1112 public static void main(String[] args) {13 JFrame frame = new JFrame("8 Puzzle");14 frame.setVisible(true);15 frame.setSize(600, 600);16 frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);1718 PieceManager pm = new PieceManager();19 frame.add(pm);2021 }22}2324class PieceManager extends JPanel {2526 int[] possmoves;27 GameTile[] pieces;28 int openSpot;2930 public PieceManager() {31 this.setSize(600, 600);32 this.setBackground(new Color(255, 255, 255));33 this.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 3));34 pieces = new GameTile[9];35 this.init();36 this.addMouseListener(new ClickAction());37 }3839 public void init() {40 ArrayList<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<Integer>();41 Random rand = new Random();42 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {43 nums.add(i);44 }45 for (int i = 0, j = 8; i < 8; i++, j--) {46 int p = rand.nextInt(j);47 GameTile x = new GameTile(i, nums.remove(p));48 pieces[i] = x;49 nums.removeAll(Collections.singleton(null));50 }51 GameTile z = new GameTile(8, nums.get(0));52 pieces[8] = z;53 possmoves = new int[4];54 boolean found = false;55 for (int i = 0; i < 9 || found; i++) {56 if (pieces[i].getID() == 0) {57 openSpot = pieces[i].getPos();58 }59 }60 setOpenSpot();61 paint();62 }6364 public void paint() {65 this.removeAll();66 for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {67 this.add(pieces[i]);68 pieces[i].setVisible(true);69 }70 revalidate(); /​/​ !!71 repaint(); /​/​ !!72 }7374 public void setOpenSpot() {75 Arrays.fill(possmoves, -1);76 if (openSpot == 0) {77 possmoves[0] = 1;78 possmoves[1] = 3;79 } else if (openSpot == 1) {80 possmoves[0] = 0;81 possmoves[1] = 2;82 possmoves[3] = 4;83 } else if (openSpot == 2) {84 possmoves[0] = 1;85 possmoves[1] = 5;86 } else if (openSpot == 3) {87 possmoves[0] = 0;88 possmoves[1] = 4;89 possmoves[2] = 6;90 } else if (openSpot == 4) {91 possmoves[0] = 1;92 possmoves[1] = 3;93 possmoves[2] = 5;94 possmoves[3] = 7;95 } else if (openSpot == 5) {96 possmoves[0] = 2;97 possmoves[1] = 4;98 possmoves[3] = 8;99 } else if (openSpot == 6) {100 possmoves[0] = 3;101 possmoves[1] = 7;102 } else if (openSpot == 7) {103 possmoves[0] = 6;104 possmoves[1] = 4;105 possmoves[2] = 8;106 } else if (openSpot == 8) {107 possmoves[0] = 5;108 possmoves[1] = 7;109 }110111 }112113 public void checkCorrect() {114115 }116117 public class ClickAction implements MouseListener {118119 @Override120 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {121122 int x = e.getX();123 int y = e.getY();124 int pX = (int) Math.floor(x /​ 200);125 int pY = (int) Math.floor(y /​ 200);126 int piecepressed = (pY * 3) + pX;127 boolean moveable = false;128 int toBeMoved = -1;129 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {130 if (piecepressed == possmoves[i]) {131 moveable = true;132 toBeMoved = possmoves[i];133 }134 }135 if (moveable) {136 GameTile saved = pieces[openSpot];137 pieces[openSpot] = pieces[toBeMoved];138 pieces[toBeMoved] = saved;139 openSpot = toBeMoved;140 setOpenSpot();141 paint();142 checkCorrect();143 }144 }145146 @Override147 public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {148149 }150151 @Override152 public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {153154 }155156 @Override157 public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {158159 }160161 @Override162 public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {163164 }165 }166}167168class GameTile extends JComponent {169170 private int id;171 private int position;172173 public GameTile(int id, int initpos) {174 setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("" + id)); /​/​ !!175 setLayout(new BorderLayout()); /​/​ !! so the added JLabel will show176 if (id == 0) {177 = id;178 this.position = initpos;179 } else {180 = id;181 this.position = initpos;182 String label = Integer.toString(id);183 /​/​ !! setSize(200, 200);184 setOpaque(true); /​/​ !!185 setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200)); /​/​ !!186 setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0));187 /​/​ !! Label l = new Label(label, Label.CENTER);188 JLabel l = new JLabel(label, SwingConstants.CENTER); /​/​ !!189 this.add(l);190 l.setVisible(true);191 }192 }193194 public void setPos(int position) {195 this.position = position;196 }197198 public int getPos() {199 return position;200 }201202 public int getID() {203 return id;204 }205}206
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1if (getIntent().getExtras() != null) {2 for (String key : getIntent().getExtras().keySet()) {3 String value = getIntent().getExtras().getString(key);4 Log.d(TAG, "Key: " + key + " Value: " + value);5 }6}7
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1 <service android:name=".MyFirebaseMessagingService">2 <intent-filter>3 <action android:name="" /​>4 </​intent-filter>5 </​service>6 <service android:name=".MyFirebaseInstanceIDService">7 <intent-filter>8 <action android:name="" /​>9 </​intent-filter>10 </​service> 11
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JUnit Tutorial:

LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.

JUnit Tutorial Chapters:

Here are the detailed JUnit testing chapters to help you get started:

  • Importance of Unit testing - Learn why Unit testing is essential during the development phase to identify bugs and errors.
  • Top Java Unit testing frameworks - Here are the upcoming JUnit automation testing frameworks that you can use in 2023 to boost your unit testing.
  • What is the JUnit framework
  • Why is JUnit testing important - Learn the importance and numerous benefits of using the JUnit testing framework.
  • Features of JUnit - Learn about the numerous features of JUnit and why developers prefer it.
  • JUnit 5 vs. JUnit 4: Differences - Here is a complete comparison between JUnit 5 and JUnit 4 testing frameworks.
  • Setting up the JUnit environment - Learn how to set up your JUnit testing environment.
  • Getting started with JUnit testing - After successfully setting up your JUnit environment, this chapter will help you get started with JUnit testing in no time.
  • Parallel testing with JUnit - Parallel Testing can be used to reduce test execution time and improve test efficiency. Learn how to perform parallel testing with JUnit.
  • Annotations in JUnit - When writing automation scripts with JUnit, we can use JUnit annotations to specify the type of methods in our test code. This helps us identify those methods when we run JUnit tests using Selenium WebDriver. Learn in detail what annotations are in JUnit.
  • Assertions in JUnit - Assertions are used to validate or test that the result of an action/functionality is the same as expected. Learn in detail what assertions are and how to use them while performing JUnit testing.
  • Parameterization in JUnit - Parameterized Test enables you to run the same automated test scripts with different variables. By collecting data on each method's test parameters, you can minimize time spent on writing tests. Learn how to use parameterization in JUnit.
  • Nested Tests In JUnit 5 - A nested class is a non-static class contained within another class in a hierarchical structure. It can share the state and setup of the outer class. Learn about nested annotations in JUnit 5 with examples.
  • Best practices for JUnit testing - Learn about the best practices, such as always testing key methods and classes, integrating JUnit tests with your build, and more to get the best possible results.
  • Advanced Use Cases for JUnit testing - Take a deep dive into the advanced use cases, such as how to run JUnit tests in Jupiter, how to use JUnit 5 Mockito for Unit testing, and more for JUnit testing.

JUnit Certification:

You can also check out our JUnit certification if you wish to take your career in Selenium automation testing with JUnit to the next level.

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