Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.extractor.ByNameMultipleExtractor
...22import org.assertj.core.test.Name;23import org.assertj.core.util.introspection.IntrospectionError;24import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;25import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;26@DisplayName("ByNameMultipleExtractor")27class ByNameMultipleExtractorTest {28 private static final Employee YODA = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);29 @Test30 void should_extract_tuples_from_fields_or_properties() {31 // GIVEN32 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor("id", "age");33 // WHEN34 Tuple result = underTest.apply(YODA);35 // THEN36 then(result).isEqualTo(tuple(1L, 800));37 }38 @Test39 void should_extract_tuples_with_consistent_iteration_order() {40 // GIVEN41 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor("id", "name.first", "age");42 // WHEN43 Tuple result = underTest.apply(YODA);44 // THEN45 then(result).isEqualTo(tuple(1L, "Yoda", 800));46 }47 @Test48 void should_throw_error_when_no_property_nor_public_field_match_one_of_given_names() {49 // GIVEN50 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor("id", "name.first", "unknown");51 // WHEN52 Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> underTest.apply(YODA));53 // THEN54 then(thrown).isInstanceOf(IntrospectionError.class);55 }56 @Test57 void should_throw_exception_when_given_name_is_null() {58 // GIVEN59 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor((String[]) null);60 // WHEN61 Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> underTest.apply(YODA));62 // THEN63 then(thrown).isInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class)64 .hasMessage("The names of the fields/properties to read should not be null");65 }66 @Test67 void should_throw_exception_when_given_name_is_empty() {68 // GIVEN69 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor(); // empty vararg array70 // WHEN71 Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> underTest.apply(YODA));72 // THEN73 then(thrown).isInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class)74 .hasMessage("The names of the fields/properties to read should not be empty");75 }76 @Test77 void should_throw_exception_when_no_object_is_given() {78 // GIVEN79 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor("id", "name.first", "age");80 // WHEN81 Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> underTest.apply(null));82 // THEN83 then(thrown).isInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class)84 .hasMessage("The object to extract fields/properties from should not be null");85 }86 @Test87 void should_extract_multiple_values_from_map_by_keys() {88 // GIVEN89 Employee luke = new Employee(2L, new Name("Luke"), 22);90 Map<String, Employee> map = mapOf(entry("key1", YODA), entry("key2", luke), entry("key3", null));91 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor("key1", "key2", "key3");92 // WHEN93 Tuple result = underTest.apply(map);94 // THEN95 then(result).isEqualTo(tuple(YODA, luke, null));96 }97 @Test98 void should_throw_error_with_map_when_non_existing_key_is_given() {99 // GIVEN100 Employee luke = new Employee(2L, new Name("Luke"), 22);101 Map<String, Employee> map = mapOf(entry("key1", YODA), entry("key2", luke));102 ByNameMultipleExtractor underTest = new ByNameMultipleExtractor("key1", "key2", "bad key");103 // WHEN104 Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> underTest.apply(YODA));105 // THEN106 then(thrown).isInstanceOf(IntrospectionError.class);107 }108}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.assertj.core.extractor.Extractors.byNameMultiple;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3import java.util.List;4import java.util.Map;5import java.util.Set;6import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;7import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;8import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert;9import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert.Entry;10import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert.EntryAssert;11import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert.MapEntryAssert;12import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert.ValueAssert;13import org.assertj.core.extractor.Extractors;14import org.assertj.core.groups.Tuple;15import org.assertj.core.util.Lists;16import org.assertj.core.util.Maps;17import org.assertj.core.util.Sets;18import org.junit.Test;19public class MapAssertTest {20 private Map<String, Object> map = Maps.newHashMap("name", "Yoda", "color", "green", "age", 800, "power", "the force");21 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_keys() {22 assertThat(map).extractingByKey("name").isEqualTo("Yoda");23 }24 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_values() {25 assertThat(map).extractingByValue("Yoda").isEqualTo("Yoda");26 }27 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_entries() {28 assertThat(map).extractingByKey("name").isEqualTo("Yoda");29 }30 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_entries_using_extractors() {31 assertThat(map).extracting(Extractors.byName("name")).isEqualTo("Yoda");32 }33 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_entries_using_multiple_extractors() {34 assertThat(map).extracting(Extractors.byNameMultiple("name", "age")).containsExactly("Yoda", 800);35 }36 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_entries_using_multiple_extractors_with_tuples() {37 assertThat(map).extracting(Extractors.byNameMultiple("name", "age")).containsExactly(Tuple.tuple("Yoda", 800));38 }39 public void should_allow_assertions_on_map_entries_using_multiple_extractors_with_tuples_and_condition() {40 assertThat(map).extracting(Extractors.byNameMultiple("name", "age")).areExactly(1, new Condition<Tuple>() {41 public boolean matches(Tuple
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.extractor.*;2List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();3persons.add(new Person("John", 25));4persons.add(new Person("Jane", 22));5persons.add(new Person("Adam", 23));6persons.add(new Person("Adam", 27));7List<String> names = ByNameMultipleExtractor.extract(persons, "name");8assertThat(names).containsExactly("John", "Jane", "Adam", "Adam");9The ByNameMultipleExtractor class has a static method named extract() that takes two parameters:10import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;11import java.util.*;12class Person {13 private String name;14 private int age;15 public Person(String name, int age) {16 = name;17 this.age = age;18 }19 public String getName() {20 return name;21 }22 public int getAge() {23 return age;24 }25}26class Test {27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();29 persons.add(new Person("John", 25));30 persons.add(new Person("Jane", 22));31 persons.add(new Person("Adam", 23));32 persons.add(new Person("Adam", 27));33 List<Integer> ages = ByNameMultipleExtractor.extract(persons, "age");34 assertThat(ages).containsExactly(25, 22, 23, 27);35 }36}
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;2import static org.assertj.core.extractor.Extractors.byNameMultiple;3import java.util.List;4import org.junit.Test;5import;6public class ByNameMultipleExtractorTest {7 public void byNameMultipleExtractorTest() {8 List<Employee> employees = Lists.newArrayList(9 new Employee("John", "Doe", 30),10 new Employee("Jane", "Doe", 29),11 new Employee("Jack", "Doe", 2));12 List<String> firstNames = assertThat(employees).extracting(byNameMultiple("firstName", "lastName")).asList();13 assertThat(firstNames).containsExactly("John Doe", "Jane Doe", "Jack Doe");14 }15 public class Employee {16 private String firstName;17 private String lastName;18 private int age;19 public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, int age) {20 this.firstName = firstName;21 this.lastName = lastName;22 this.age = age;23 }24 public String getFirstName() {25 return firstName;26 }27 public String getLastName() {28 return lastName;29 }30 public int getAge() {31 return age;32 }33 }34}35import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;36import static org.assertj.core.extractor.Extractors.byIndex;37import java.util.List;38import org.junit.Test;39import;40public class ByIndexExtractorTest {41 public void byIndexExtractorTest() {42 List<String> names = Lists.newArrayList("John", "Jane", "Jack");43 String name = assertThat(names).extracting(byIndex(1)).asString();44 assertThat(name).isEqualTo("Jane");45 }46}47import static
Using AI Code Generation
1public void whenExtractingNames_thenCorrect() {2 List<Employee> employees = getEmployees();3 List<String> names = Extractors.byNameMultiple("name", String.class).extract(employees);4 assertThat(names).contains("John", "Jane", "Dave");5}6public void whenExtractingNames_thenCorrect() {7 List<Employee> employees = getEmployees();
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.extractor.*;2import org.assertj.core.api.*;3import org.assertj.core.util.*;4public class ByNameMultipleExtractorTest {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();7 persons.add(new Person("John", "Doe", 40));8 persons.add(new Person("Jane", "Doe", 35));9 persons.add(new Person("John", "Smith", 45));10 List<String> firstNames = ByNameMultipleExtractor.extract(persons, "firstName");11 System.out.println(firstNames);12 }13}14class Person {15 private String firstName;16 private String lastName;17 private int age;18 public Person(String firstName, String lastName, int age) {19 this.firstName = firstName;20 this.lastName = lastName;21 this.age = age;22 }23 public String getFirstName() {24 return firstName;25 }26 public String getLastName() {27 return lastName;28 }29 public int getAge() {30 return age;31 }32}
Using AI Code Generation
1 people.extracting("name", "age").asList();2peopleNameAndAge.forEach(map -> map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println("key: " + k + " value: " + v)));3 people.extracting("name", "age").asList();4peopleNameAndAge.forEach(map -> map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println("key: " + k + " value: " + v)));5 people.extracting("name", "age").asList();6peopleNameAndAge.forEach(map -> map.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println("key: " + k + " value: " + v)));
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