How to use ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce_create_Test class of org.assertj.core.error package

Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.error.ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce_create_Test


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...20import org.assertj.core.presentation.StandardRepresentation;21import org.assertj.core.test.CaseInsensitiveStringComparator;22import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;23import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;24class ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce_create_Test {25 private ErrorMessageFactory factoryWithSeveralOccurrences;26 private ErrorMessageFactory factoryWithNoOccurrence;27 @BeforeEach28 public void setUp() {29 factoryWithSeveralOccurrences = shouldContainOnlyOnce("aaamotifmotifaabbbmotifaaa", "motif", 3);30 factoryWithNoOccurrence = shouldContainOnlyOnce("aaamodifmoifaabbbmotfaaa", "motif", 0);31 }32 @Test33 void should_create_error_message_when_string_to_search_appears_several_times() {34 /​/​ WHEN35 String message = factoryWithSeveralOccurrences.create(new TestDescription("Test"), new StandardRepresentation());36 /​/​ THEN37 then(message).isEqualTo(format("[Test] %nExpecting actual:%n \"motif\"%nto appear only once in:%n \"aaamotifmotifaabbbmotifaaa\"%nbut it appeared 3 times "));38 }...

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1package org.assertj.core.error;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce.shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce;4import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.newArrayList;5import static org.assertj.core.util.Sets.newLinkedHashSet;6import org.assertj.core.description.Description;7import org.assertj.core.description.TextDescription;8import org.assertj.core.presentation.StandardRepresentation;9import org.junit.Test;10public class ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce_create_Test {11 public void should_create_error_message() {12 ErrorMessageFactory factory = shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce("Yoda", newArrayList("Yoda", "Yoda"), newLinkedHashSet("Yoda"));13 String message = factory.create(new TextDescription("Test"), new StandardRepresentation());14 assertThat(message).isEqualTo(String.format("[Test] %n" +15 " \"Yoda\""));16 }17}18package org.assertj.core.error;19import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;20import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce.shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce;21import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.newArrayList;22import static org.assertj.core.util.Sets.newLinkedHashSet;23import org.assertj.core.description.Description;24import org.assertj.core.description.TextDescription;25import org.assertj.core.presentation.StandardRepresentation;26import org.junit.Test;27public class ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce_create_Test {28 public void should_create_error_message() {29 ErrorMessageFactory factory = shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce("Yoda", newArrayList("Yoda", "Yoda"), newLinkedHashSet("Yoda"));30 String message = factory.create(new TextDescription("Test"), new StandardRepresentation());31 assertThat(message).isEqualTo(String.format("[Test] %n" +

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1[][]: package org.assertj.core.error;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce.shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce;4import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.newArrayList;5import static org.assertj.core.util.Sets.newLinkedHashSet;6import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;7import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;8import java.util.List;9import org.assertj.core.description.Description;10import org.assertj.core.presentation.Representation;11import org.assertj.core.presentation.StandardRepresentation;12import org.junit.Test;13public class ShouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce_create_Test {14 private static final String ACTUAL = "Yoda";15 private static final String SEQUENCE = "od";16 private static final String SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND = "Han";17 public void should_create_error_message_when_sequence_is_found_more_than_once() {18 ErrorMessageFactory factory = shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce(ACTUAL, SEQUENCE, newLinkedHashSet(1, 3));19 String message = factory.create(new TestDescription("Test"), new StandardRepresentation());20 assertThat(message).isEqualTo(String.format("[Test] %n" +21 " <[1, 3]>"));22 }23 public void should_create_error_message_when_sequence_is_not_found() {24 ErrorMessageFactory factory = shouldContainCharSequenceOnlyOnce(ACTUAL, SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND, newLinkedHashSet());25 String message = factory.create(new TestDescription("Test"), new StandardRepresentation());26 assertThat(message).isEqualTo(String.format("[Test] %n" +27 "but it did not appear at all"));28 }29 private static class TestDescription implements Description {30 private final String value;31 TestDescription(String value) {32 this.value = value;33 }34 public String value() {35 return value;36 }37 public Description appendText(String text) {38 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();39 }

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