Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom
...11 * Copyright 2012-2015 the original author or authors.12 */13package org.assertj.core.error;14import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;15import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom.shouldBeAssignableFrom;16import org.assertj.core.presentation.StandardRepresentation;17import org.junit.Before;18import org.junit.Test;19import org.assertj.core.description.TextDescription;20import org.assertj.core.util.Sets;21/**22 * Tests for23 * <code>{@link org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom#shouldBeAssignableFrom(Class, java.util.Set, java.util.Set)}</code>24 * 25 * @author William Delanoue26 */27public class ShouldBeAssignableFrom_create_Test {28 private ErrorMessageFactory factory;29 @Before30 public void setUp() {31 factory = shouldBeAssignableFrom(ShouldBeAssignableFrom_create_Test.class,32 Sets.<Class<?>> newLinkedHashSet(String.class, Integer.class), Sets.<Class<?>> newLinkedHashSet((String.class)));33 }34 @Test35 public void should_create_error_message() {36 String message = factory.create(new TextDescription("Test"), new StandardRepresentation());37 assertThat(message).isEqualTo(String.format(38 "[Test] %n"39 + "Expecting%n"40 + " <org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom_create_Test>%n"41 + "to be assignable from:%n"42 + " <[java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer]>%n"43 + "but was not assignable from:%n"44 + " <[java.lang.String]>"));45 }46}...
Using AI Code Generation
1public class ShouldBeAssignableFrom extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {2 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldBeAssignableFrom(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {3 return new ShouldBeAssignableFrom(actual, expected);4 }5 private ShouldBeAssignableFrom(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {6 super("%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto be assignable from:%n <%s>", actual, expected);7 }8}9public void test() {10 assertThat(String.class).isAssignableFrom(Integer.class);11}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;2import org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom;3import org.assertj.core.internal.Failures;4import org.assertj.core.internal.Objects;5import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom.shouldBeAssignableFrom;6public class MyAssert extends AbstractAssert<MyAssert, Object> {7 protected MyAssert(Object actual) {8 super(actual, MyAssert.class);9 }10 public static MyAssert assertThat(Object actual) {11 return new MyAssert(actual);12 }13 public MyAssert isAssignableFrom(Class<?> type) {14 Objects.instance().assertNotNull(info, actual);15 if (!type.isAssignableFrom(actual.getClass())) {16 throw Failures.instance().failure(info, shouldBeAssignableFrom(actual, type));17 }18 return this;19 }20}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.*;2import org.assertj.core.error.*;3import org.assertj.core.internal.*;4import org.assertj.core.presentation.*;5import org.assertj.core.util.*;6import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom.shouldBeAssignableFrom;7public class ShouldBeAssignableFromClass extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {8 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldBeAssignableFromClass(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {9 return new ShouldBeAssignableFromClass(actual, expected);10 }11 private ShouldBeAssignableFromClass(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {12 super("%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto be assignable from:%n <%s>", actual, expected);13 }14}15import org.assertj.core.api.*;16import org.assertj.core.error.*;17import org.assertj.core.internal.*;18import org.assertj.core.presentation.*;19import org.assertj.core.util.*;20import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldBeAssignableFrom.shouldBeAssignableFrom;21public class ShouldBeAssignableFromClass extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {22 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldBeAssignableFromClass(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {23 return new ShouldBeAssignableFromClass(actual, expected);24 }25 private ShouldBeAssignableFromClass(Class<?> actual, Class<?> expected) {26 super("%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto be assignable from:%n <%s>", actual, expected);27 }28}
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