How to use MappedCondition class of org.assertj.core.condition package

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...15import static java.lang.System.lineSeparator;16import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.then;17import static org.assertj.core.api.BDDAssertions.thenNullPointerException;18import static org.assertj.core.condition.AllOf.allOf;19import static org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition.mappedCondition;20import java.util.Optional;21import java.util.function.Function;22import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;23import org.assertj.core.description.Description;24import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;25class MappedConditionTest {26 private static final String INNER_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION = "isString and BAR";27 private static final String BAR = "bar";28 private static final String FOO = "foo";29 private final static Condition<String> isBarString = new Condition<>(s -> BAR.equals(s), INNER_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION);30 private final static String BAR_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION = format("mapped%n" +31 " using: ::toString%n" +32 " from: <StringBuilder> " + BAR + "%n" +33 " to: <String> " + BAR + "%n" +34 " then checked:%n" +35 " " + INNER_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION);36 private final static String BAR_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION_PLAIN = format("mapped%n" +37 " from: <StringBuilder> " + BAR + "%n" +38 " to: <String> " + BAR + "%n" +39 " then checked:%n" +40 " " + INNER_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION);41 private final static String FOO_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION = format("mapped%n" +42 " using: ::toString%n" +43 " from: <StringBuilder> " + FOO + "%n" +44 " to: <String> " + FOO + "%n" +45 " then checked:%n" +46 " " + INNER_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION);47 private final static String FOO_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION_STATUS = format("[✗] mapped%n" +48 " using: ::toString%n" +49 " from: <StringBuilder> a -%n" +50 " to: <String> a -%n" +51 " then checked:%n" +52 " [✗] all of:[%n" +53 " [✓] has -,%n" +54 " [✗] is longer than 4%n" +55 " ]%n");56 @Test57 void mappedCondition_withDescription_works() {58 // WHEN59 Condition<StringBuilder> mappedCondition = mappedCondition(StringBuilder::toString, isBarString, "%stoString", "::");60 // THEN61 then(mappedCondition.matches(new StringBuilder(BAR))).isTrue();62 then(mappedCondition).hasToString(BAR_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION);63 then(mappedCondition.matches(new StringBuilder(FOO))).isFalse();64 then(mappedCondition).hasToString(FOO_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION);65 }66 @Test67 void mappedCondition_withoutDescription_works() {68 // WHEN69 Condition<StringBuilder> mappedCondition = mappedCondition(StringBuilder::toString, isBarString);70 // THEN71 then(mappedCondition.matches(new StringBuilder(BAR))).isTrue();72 then(mappedCondition).hasToString(BAR_CONDITION_DESCRIPTION_PLAIN);73 }74 @Test75 void mappedCondition_with_description_and_null_condition_should_throw_NPE() {76 // GIVEN77 Condition<String> nullCondition = null;78 // WHEN/THEN79 thenNullPointerException().isThrownBy(() -> mappedCondition(StringBuilder::toString, nullCondition, "::toString"))80 .withMessage("The given condition should not be null");81 }82 @Test83 void mappedCondition_with_description_and_null_mapping_function_should_throw_NPE() {84 thenNullPointerException().isThrownBy(() -> mappedCondition(null, isBarString, "::toString"))85 .withMessage("The given mapping function should not be null");86 }87 @Test88 void mappedCondition_without_description_and_null_condition_should_throw_NPE() {89 // GIVEN90 Condition<String> nullCondition = null;91 // WHEN/THEN92 thenNullPointerException().isThrownBy(() -> mappedCondition(StringBuilder::toString, nullCondition))93 .withMessage("The given condition should not be null");94 }95 @Test96 void mappedCondition_without_description_and_null_mapping_function_should_throw_NPE() {97 thenNullPointerException().isThrownBy(() -> mappedCondition(null, isBarString))98 .withMessage("The given mapping function should not be null");99 }100 @Test101 void mappedCondition_with_null_description_and_should_throw_NPE() {102 // GIVEN103 String nullDescription = null;104 // WHEN/THEN105 thenNullPointerException().isThrownBy(() -> mappedCondition(StringBuilder::toString, isBarString, nullDescription))106 .withMessage("The given mappingDescription should not be null");107 }108 @Test109 void mappedCondition_should_handle_null_values_in_description() {110 // GIVEN111 Condition<Object> isNull = new Condition<>(o -> o == null, "is null");112 MappedCondition<Object, Object> mapped = mappedCondition(Function.identity(), isNull, "identity");113 // WHEN114 mapped.matches(null);115 // THEN116 then(mapped).hasToString(format("mapped%n" +117 " using: identity%n" +118 " from: null%n" +119 " to: null%n" +120 " then checked:%n" +121 " is null "));122 }123 @Test124 void example() {125 // GIVEN126 Condition<String> hasLineSeparator = new Condition<>(text -> text.contains(lineSeparator()), "has lineSeparator");...

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...24 * <p>25 * Example:26 * <pre><code class='java'> Condition&lt;String&gt; hasLineSeparator = new Condition&lt;&gt;(t -&gt; t.contains(System.lineSeparator()), "has lineSeparator");27 *28 * Condition&lt;Optional&lt;String&gt;&gt; optionalWithLineSeparator = MappedCondition.mappedCondition(Optional::get, hasLineSeparator, "optional value has lineSeparator");29 *30 * // assertion succeeds31 * assertThat(Optional.of("a" + System.lineSeparator())).is(optionalWithLineSeparator);32 * // returns true33 * optionalWithLineSeparator.matches(Optional.of("a" + System.lineSeparator()));34 *35 * // assertion fails36 * assertThat(Optional.of("a")).is(optionalWithLineSeparator);37 * // returns false38 * optionalWithLineSeparator.matches(Optional.of("a"));</code></pre>39 *40 * @param <FROM> the type of object this condition accepts.41 * @param <TO> the type of object the nested condition accepts.42 *43 * @author Stefan Bischof44 */45@Beta46public class MappedCondition<FROM, TO> extends Condition<FROM> {47 private Condition<TO> condition;48 private Function<FROM, TO> mapping;49 private String mappingDescription;50 /**51 * Creates a new <code>{@link MappedCondition}</code>.52 * <p>53 * Example:54 * <pre><code class='java'> Condition&lt;String&gt; hasLineSeparator = new Condition&lt;&gt;(t -&gt; t.contains(System.lineSeparator()), "has lineSeparator");55 *56 * Condition&lt;Optional&lt;String&gt;&gt; optionalWithLineSeparator = MappedCondition.mappedCondition(Optional::get, hasLineSeparator, "optional value has lineSeparator");57 *58 * // assertion succeeds59 * assertThat(Optional.of("a" + System.lineSeparator())).is(optionalWithLineSeparator);60 * // returns true61 * optionalWithLineSeparator.matches(Optional.of("a" + System.lineSeparator()));62 *63 * // assertion fails64 * assertThat(Optional.of("a")).is(optionalWithLineSeparator);65 * // returns false66 * optionalWithLineSeparator.matches(Optional.of("a"));</code></pre>67 * <p>68 * Note that the mappingDescription argument follows {@link String#format(String, Object...)} syntax.69 *70 * @param <FROM> the type of object the given condition accept.71 * @param <TO> the type of object the nested condition accept.72 * @param mapping the Function that maps the value to test to the a value for the nested condition.73 * @param condition the nested condition to evaluate.74 * @param mappingDescription describes the mapping, follows {@link String#format(String, Object...)} syntax.75 * @param args for describing the mapping as in {@link String#format(String, Object...)} syntax.76 * @return the created {@code MappedCondition}.77 * @throws NullPointerException if the given condition is {@code null}.78 * @throws NullPointerException if the given mapping is {@code null}.79 */80 public static <FROM, TO> MappedCondition<FROM, TO> mappedCondition(Function<FROM, TO> mapping, Condition<TO> condition,81 String mappingDescription, Object... args) {82 requireNonNull(mappingDescription, "The given mappingDescription should not be null");83 return new MappedCondition<>(mapping, condition, format(mappingDescription, args));84 }85 /**86 * Creates a new <code>{@link MappedCondition}</code>87 *88 * @param <FROM> the type of object the given condition accept.89 * @param <TO> the type of object the nested condition accept.90 * @param mapping the Function that maps the value to test to the a value for the nested condition.91 * @param condition the nested condition to evaluate.92 * @return the created {@code MappedCondition}.93 * @throws NullPointerException if the given condition is {@code null}.94 * @throws NullPointerException if the given mapping is {@code null}.95 */96 public static <FROM, TO> MappedCondition<FROM, TO> mappedCondition(Function<FROM, TO> mapping, Condition<TO> condition) {97 return mappedCondition(mapping, condition, "");98 }99 private MappedCondition(Function<FROM, TO> mapping, Condition<TO> condition, String mappingDescription) {100 requireNonNull(condition, "The given condition should not be null");101 requireNonNull(mapping, "The given mapping function should not be null");102 this.mapping = mapping;103 this.mappingDescription = mappingDescription;104 this.condition = condition;105 }106 /**107 * Maps the value with the given function and verifies that it satisfies the nested <code>{@link Condition}</code>.108 *109 * @param value the value to map110 * @return {@code true} if the given mapped value satisfies the nested condition; {@code false} otherwise.111 */112 @Override113 public boolean matches(FROM value) {...

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1import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;2import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;3import java.util.List;4import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;5public class MappedConditionExample {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 List<String> names = List.of("John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo");8 Condition<String> startsWithJ = new Condition<>(name -> name.startsWith("J"), "starts with J");9 Condition<String> startsWithP = new Condition<>(name -> name.startsWith("P"), "starts with P");10 Condition<String> startsWithG = new Condition<>(name -> name.startsWith("G"), "starts with G");11 Condition<String> startsWithR = new Condition<>(name -> name.startsWith("R"), "starts with R");12 assertThat(names).haveAtLeastOne(startsWithJ);13 assertThat(names).haveAtLeastOne(startsWithP);14 assertThat(names).haveAtLeastOne(startsWithG);15 assertThat(names).haveAtLeastOne(startsWithR);16 Condition<String> startsWith = new MappedCondition<>(name -> name.substring(0, 1), startsWithJ, startsWithP, startsWithG, startsWithR);17 assertThat(names).haveAtLeastOne(startsWith);18 }19}

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1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;2import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;3import org.junit.Test;4public class MappedConditionTest {5 public void testMappedCondition() {6 MappedCondition<String, Integer> mappedCondition = new MappedCondition<>(s -> s.length(), n -> n > 5);7 assertThat("Hello").is(mappedCondition);8 assertThat("Hi").isNot(mappedCondition);9 }10}

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1import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;2import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;3public class MappedConditionExample {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 Condition<String> condition = new MappedCondition<>(s -> s.length(), new Condition<>(i -> i > 5, "string length > 5"));6 System.out.println(condition.matches("AssertJ"));7 }8}

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1package org.example;2import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;3import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;4import java.util.Arrays;5import java.util.List;6import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;7import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.atIndex;8import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.entry;9public class App {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);12 assertThat(numbers).are(new MappedCondition<>(i -> i % 2 == 0, "even"));

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1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;2import static org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition.mappedCondition;3import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.within;4public class MappedConditionExample {5 public static void main(String args[]) {6 Condition<Double> isCloseToZero = mappedCondition(7 (Double d) -> d,8 (Double d) -> assertThat(d).isCloseTo(0.0, within(0.1))9 );10 assertThat(0.05).is(isCloseToZero);11 }12}

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1import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;2import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;3import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;4public class MappedConditionExample {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 Condition<String> condition = new Condition<String>(str -> str.startsWith("A"), "Starts with A");7 MappedCondition<String, String> mappedCondition = new MappedCondition<>(condition, str -> str.substring(0, 2));8 Assertions.assertThat("ABC").is(mappedCondition);9 Assertions.assertThat("BCD").isNot(mappedCondition);10 }11}

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1package org.assertj.core.condition;2import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;3import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;4import org.assertj.core.api.ThrowableAssert.ThrowingCallable;5import org.testng.annotations.Test;6import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;7import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy;8import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.catchThrowable;9import static;10import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.catchThrowableOfType;11public class MappedConditionTest {12 public void testMappedCondition() {13 SoftAssertions softly = new SoftAssertions();14 Condition<String> condition1 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.length() > 5, "string length is greater than 5");15 Condition<String> condition2 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.length() < 10, "string length is less than 10");16 Condition<String> condition3 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.contains("a"), "string contains a");17 Condition<String> condition4 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.contains("b"), "string contains b");18 Condition<String> condition5 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.contains("c"), "string contains c");19 MappedCondition<String, Integer> length = new MappedCondition<>(String::length, "string length");20 MappedCondition<String, Character> firstChar = new MappedCondition<>(s -> s.charAt(0), "first char");21 Condition<String> condition6 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.contains("a"), "string contains a");22 Condition<String> condition7 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.contains("b"), "string contains b");23 Condition<String> condition8 = new Condition<String>(s -> s.contains("c"), "string contains c");24 softly.assertThat("abcdef").is(condition1).is(condition2).is(condition3).is(condition4).is(condition5)25 .is(length.isGreaterThan(4)).is(length.isLessThan(7)).is(firstChar.isEqualTo('a'))26 .is(firstChar.isNotEqualTo('b')).is(firstChar.isIn('a', 'b', 'c'))27 .is(firstChar.isNotIn('d', 'e', 'f')).is(firstChar.isIn('a', 'b', 'c'))28 .is(firstChar.isNotIn('d', 'e', '

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1import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;2import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;3import java.util.function.Function;4public class MappedConditionDemo {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 Condition<String> condition = new Condition<>(s -> s.startsWith("A"), "starts with A");7 MappedCondition<String, Integer> mappedCondition = new MappedCondition<>(condition, String::length);8 System.out.println("Result: " + mappedCondition.matches("ABC"));9 }10}11import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;12import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;13import java.util.function.Function;14public class MappedConditionDemo {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 Condition<String> condition = new Condition<>(s -> s.startsWith("A"), "starts with A");17 MappedCondition<String, Integer> mappedCondition = new MappedCondition<>(condition, String::length);18 System.out.println("Result: " + mappedCondition.matches("BCD"));19 }20}21AssertJ - AbstractAssert isNotNull()22AssertJ - AbstractAssert isNull()23AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue()24AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasFieldOrProperty()25AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasMessage()26AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasMessageContaining()27AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasMessageStartingWith()28AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasMessageEndingWith()29AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasMessageMatching()30AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasCause()31AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasCauseInstanceOf()32AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasNoCause()33AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasStackTraceContaining()34AssertJ - AbstractAssert hasSameClassAs()

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1package org.kodejava.example.assertj;2import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;3import org.assertj.core.condition.MappedCondition;4import java.util.Arrays;5import java.util.List;6public class MappedConditionExample {7 public static void main(String[] args) {8 List<Person> persons = Arrays.asList(9 new Person("John", 30),10 new Person("Jane", 25),11 new Person("Peter", 35),12 new Person("Mark", 30));13 Condition<Person> age30 = new MappedCondition<>(14 person -> person.getAge(), age -> age == 30);15 org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat(persons)16 .are(age30);17 }18}19class Person {20 private String name;21 private int age;22 public Person(String name, int age) {23 = name;24 this.age = age;25 }26 public String getName() {27 return name;28 }29 public int getAge() {30 return age;31 }32}33at org.assertj.core.error.ConditionAndGroupGenericParameterTypeShouldBeTheSame.create( org.assertj.core.error.ConditionAndGroupGenericParameterTypeShouldBeTheSame.create(

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