Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.api.recursive.assertion.RecursiveAssertionDriver_RecursionTest
...18import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;19import java.util.function.Predicate;20import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.FieldLocation;21import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;22class RecursiveAssertionDriver_RecursionTest extends AbstractRecursiveAssertionDriverTestBase {23 @Test24 void should_recurse_through_object_tree() {25 // GIVEN26 RecursiveAssertionDriver objectUnderTest = testSubjectWithDefaultConfiguration();27 Object objectTree = simpleCycleStructure();28 Predicate<Object> boomOnOveruse = predicateThatThrowsWhenCalledTooOften(25);29 // WHEN30 List<FieldLocation> failedFields = objectUnderTest.assertOverObjectGraph(boomOnOveruse, objectTree);31 // THEN32 then(failedFields).containsOnly(rootFieldLocation().field("linkToMiddle"),33 rootFieldLocation().field("linkToMiddle").field("linkToBottom"));34 }35 @Test36 void should_detect_cycle_and_break_looping() {...
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.assertj.core.api.recursive.assertion;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3import static org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonConfiguration.builder;4import static org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonConfiguration.defaultRecursiveComparisonConfiguration;5import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.list;6import java.util.List;7import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonConfiguration;8import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;9class RecursiveAssertionDriver_RecursionTest {10 void should_recursively_compare_objects() {11 Person actual = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));12 Person expected = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));13 assertThat(actual).usingRecursiveComparison()14 .isEqualTo(expected);15 }16 void should_recursively_compare_objects_with_custom_configuration() {17 Person actual = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));18 Person expected = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));19 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration configuration = builder()20 .withIgnoreAllActualNullFields(true)21 .withIgnoreAllExpectedNullFields(true)22 .build();23 assertThat(actual).usingRecursiveComparison(configuration)24 .isEqualTo(expected);25 }26 void should_recursively_compare_objects_with_custom_configuration_builder() {27 Person actual = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));28 Person expected = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));29 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration configuration = defaultRecursiveComparisonConfiguration()30 .withIgnoreAllActualNullFields(true)31 .withIgnoreAllExpectedNullFields(true);32 assertThat(actual).usingRecursiveComparison(configuration)33 .isEqualTo(expected);34 }35 void should_recursively_compare_objects_with_custom_configuration_builder_and_ignoring_fields() {36 Person actual = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));37 Person expected = new Person("John", new Person("Jane"));
Using AI Code Generation
1public class RecursiveAssertionDriver_RecursionTest {2 public void should_return_empty_list_when_no_difference() {3 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration = new RecursiveComparisonConfiguration();4 recursiveComparisonConfiguration.setIgnoreAllActualNullFields(true);5 recursiveComparisonConfiguration.setIgnoreAllExpectedNullFields(true);6 recursiveComparisonConfiguration.setIgnoreCollectionOrder(true);
Using AI Code Generation
1package org.assertj.core.api.recursive.assertion;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;4public class RecursiveAssertionDriver_RecursionTest {5 public void should_recursively_assert_properties() {6 Person person = new Person();7 person.setName("John");8 person.setAge(20);9 person.setAddress(new Address("London"));10 assertThat(person).usingRecursiveComparison()11 .ignoringFields("address.street")12 .isEqualTo(new Person("John", 20, new Address("Paris")));13 }14 static class Person {15 private String name;16 private int age;17 private Address address;18 Person() {19 }20 Person(String name, int age, Address address) {21 = name;22 this.age = age;23 this.address = address;24 }25 public String getName() {26 return name;27 }28 public void setName(String name) {29 = name;30 }31 public int getAge() {32 return age;33 }34 public void setAge(int age) {35 this.age = age;36 }37 public Address getAddress() {38 return address;39 }40 public void setAddress(Address address) {41 this.address = address;42 }43 public String toString() {44 return "Person{" +45 '}';46 }47 }48 static class Address {49 private String street;50 Address() {51 }52 Address(String street) {53 this.street = street;54 }55 public String getStreet() {56 return street;57 }58 public void setStreet(String street) {59 this.street = street;60 }61 public String toString() {62 return "Address{" +63 '}';64 }65 }66}
Using AI Code Generation
1[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ assertj-core ---2[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0.0-M2:enforce (enforce-maven) @ assertj-core ---3[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ assertj-core ---4[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ assertj-core ---5[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ assertj-core ---6[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ assertj-core ---7[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ assertj-core ---
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Howdy testers! June has ended, and it’s time to give you a refresher on everything that happened at LambdaTest over the last month. We are thrilled to share that we are live with Cypress testing and that our very own LT Browser is free for all LambdaTest users. That’s not all, folks! We have also added a whole new range of browsers, devices & features to make testing more effortless than ever.
Hola Testers! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend! To make this time more memorable, we at LambdaTest have something to offer you as a token of appreciation.
QA testers have a unique role and responsibility to serve the customer. Serving the customer in software testing means protecting customers from application defects, failures, and perceived failures from missing or misunderstood requirements. Testing for known requirements based on documentation or discussion is the core of the testing profession. One unique way QA testers can both differentiate themselves and be innovative occurs when senseshaping is used to improve the application user experience.
Unit and functional testing are the prime ways of verifying the JavaScript code quality. However, a host of tools are available that can also check code before or during its execution in order to test its quality and adherence to coding standards. With each tool having its unique features and advantages contributing to its testing capabilities, you can use the tool that best suits your need for performing JavaScript testing.
The sky’s the limit (and even beyond that) when you want to run test automation. Technology has developed so much that you can reduce time and stay more productive than you used to 10 years ago. You needn’t put up with the limitations brought to you by Selenium if that’s your go-to automation testing tool. Instead, you can pick from various test automation frameworks and tools to write effective test cases and run them successfully.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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