How to use DataTable class of cucumber.api package

Best Karate code snippet using cucumber.api.DataTable


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1package ru.sbtqa.tag.stepdefs;2import cucumber.api.DataTable;3import java.util.Map;4import ru.sbtqa.tag.apifactory.ApiFactory;5import ru.sbtqa.tag.apifactory.exception.ApiException;6/​**7 * Basic step definitions, that should be available on every project8 *9 * <p>10 * To pass a Cucumber {@link cucumber.api.DataTable} as a parameter to method,11 * supply a table in the following format after a step ini feature:12 * <p>13 * | header 1| header 2 | | value 1 | value 2 |14 * <p>15 * This table will be converted to a {@link cucumber.api.DataTable} object.16 * First line is not enforced to be a header.17 * <p>18 * To pass a list as parameter, use flattened table as follows: | value 1 | }19 * value 2 |20 *21 * @see <a href="https:/​/​​docs/​reference#step-definitions">Cucumber22 * documentation</​a>23 */​24public class ApiGenericStepDefs extends ApiSetupSteps{25 /​**26 * Execute api entry action (request) with no parameters27 *28 * @param action title value of the api entry annotation to execute29 * @throws ApiException if there is an error while api entry executing30 */​31 public void userSendRequestNoParams(String action) throws ApiException {32 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getApiEntry(action);33 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getCurrentApiEntry().fireRequest();34 }35 /​**36 * Execute api entry action (request) with parameters from given37 * {@link cucumber.api.DataTable}38 *39 * @param action title value of the api entry annotation to execute40 * @param dataTable table of parameters41 * @throws ApiException if there is an error while api entry executing42 */​43 public void userSendRequestTableParam(String action, DataTable dataTable) throws ApiException {44 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getApiEntry(action);45 for (Map.Entry<String, String> dataTableRow : dataTable.asMap(String.class, String.class).entrySet()) {46 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getCurrentApiEntry().setParamValueByTitle(dataTableRow.getKey(), dataTableRow.getValue());47 }48 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getCurrentApiEntry().fireRequest();49 }50 /​**51 * Execute a validation rule annotated by52 * {@link ru.sbtqa.tag.apifactory.annotation.ApiValidationRule} on current53 * api entry54 *55 * @param rule name of the validation rule (title value of the56 * {@link ru.sbtqa.tag.apifactory.annotation.ApiValidationRule} annotation)57 * @throws ApiException if there is an error while validation rule executing58 */​59 public void userValidate(String rule) throws ApiException {60 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getCurrentApiEntry().fireValidationRule(rule);61 }62 /​**63 * Execute a validation rule annotated by64 * {@link ru.sbtqa.tag.apifactory.annotation.ApiValidationRule} on current65 * api entry with parameters from given {@link cucumber.api.DataTable}66 *67 * @param rule name of the validation rule (title value of the68 * {@link ru.sbtqa.tag.apifactory.annotation.ApiValidationRule} annotation)69 * @param dataTable table of parameters70 * @throws ApiException if there is an error while validation rule executing71 */​72 public void userValidateTable(String rule, DataTable dataTable) throws ApiException {73 ApiFactory.getApiFactory().getCurrentApiEntry().fireValidationRule(rule, dataTable);74 }75}...

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...19 @Autowired20 private MockMvc mockMvc;21 @Given("user wants to create an employee with the following attributes")22 public void user_wants_to_create_an_employee_with_the_following_attributes(23 io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable dataTable) {24 for (Object o : dataTable.asLists()) {25 System.out.println(o);26 }27 }28 @Given("with the following phone numbers")29 public void with_the_following_phone_numbers(io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable dataTable) {30 for (Object o : dataTable.asList()) {31 System.out.println(o);32 }33 }34 @When("user saves the new employee {string}")35 public void user_saves_the_new_employee(String string) {36 System.out.println(string);37 }38 @Then("the save {string}")39 public void the_save(String string) throws Exception {40 System.out.println(string);41 mockMvc.perform(get("/​module1")).andDo(print()).andExpect(status().isOk())42 .andExpect(content().string(equalTo(c.home())));43 }...

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1package com.basic.datatableSD;23import org.junit.runner.RunWith;45import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;6import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;78@RunWith(Cucumber.class)9@CucumberOptions(10 11 monochrome=true,12 dryRun=false,13 features= {"src/​test/​resources/​com/​basic/​datatableFF"},14 glue={"com/​basic/​datatableSD"},15 plugin={"pretty","html:target/​cucumber-htmlreport",16 "json:target/​cucumber-report3.json",17 "com.aventstack.extentreports.cucumber.adapter.ExtentCucumberAdapter:target/​extentreport3.html"18 }19 20 )2122public class RunDatatableTest {23 24} ...

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1import cucumber.api.DataTable;2import;3import;4import;5import org.junit.Assert;6import java.util.HashMap;7import java.util.List;8import java.util.ListIterator;9import java.util.ArrayList;10import java.util.Iterator;11import java.util.Set;12import java.util.Map;13public class Stepdefs {14 DataTable table;15 List<List<String>> list;16 ListIterator<List<String>> listIterator;17 ArrayList<String> arrayList;18 Iterator<String> iterator;19 Set<Map<String, String>> set;20 Iterator<Map<String, String>> setIterator;21 Map<String, String> map;22 @Given("^I have the following data$")23 public void i_have_the_following_data(DataTable table) throws Throwable {24 this.table = table;25 list = table.asLists(String.class);26 listIterator = list.listIterator();27 arrayList = table.asList(String.class);28 iterator = arrayList.iterator();29 set = table.asMaps(String.class, String.class);30 setIterator = set.iterator();31 }32 @When("^I print the data$")33 public void i_print_the_data() throws Throwable

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1package stepdefinition;2import;3import;4import;5import;6import io.cucumber.datatable.DataTable;7import java.util.List;8import java.util.Map;9public class stepdefinition {10 @Given("user is on the login page")11 public void user_is_on_the_login_page() {12 System.out.println("user is on the login page");13 }14 @When("user enters the following credentials")15 public void user_enters_the_following_credentials(DataTable datatable) {16 List<Map<String, String>> list = datatable.asMaps();17 System.out.println("username is: " + list.get(0).get("username"));18 System.out.println("password is: " + list.get(0).get("password"));19 }20 @Then("user is logged in")21 public void user_is_logged_in() {22 System.out.println("user is logged in");23 }24}25package runner;26import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;27import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;28import org.junit.runner.RunWith;29@RunWith(Cucumber.class)30@CucumberOptions(features = "src/​test/​resources/​features", glue = "stepdefinition")31public class 4Runner {32}

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1package stepdefinations;2import java.util.List;3import cucumber.api.DataTable;4import;5import;6import;7public class DataTableStepDefination {8 @Given("^User is on login page$")9 public void user_is_on_login_page() throws Throwable {10 }11 @When("^User enters username and password$")12 public void user_enters_username_and_password(DataTable credentials) throws Throwable {13 List<List<String>> data = credentials.raw();14 System.out.println("Username is "+data.get(0).get(0));15 System.out.println("Password is "+data.get(0).get(1));16 }17 @Then("^User is on home page$")18 public void user_is_on_home_page() throws Throwable {19 }20}21package stepdefinations;22import java.util.List;23import java.util.Map;24import cucumber.api.DataTable;25import;26import;27import;28public class DataTableMapStepDefination {29 @Given("^User is on login page$")30 public void user_is_on_login_page() throws Throwable {31 }32 @When("^User enters username and password$")33 public void user_enters_username_and_password(DataTable credentials) throws Throwable {34 List<Map<String, String>> data = credentials.asMaps(String.class, String.class);35 System.out.println("Username is "+data.get(0).get("username"));36 System.out.println("Password is "+data.get(0).get("password"));37 }38 @Then("^User is on home page$")39 public void user_is_on_home_page() throws Throwable {40 }41}

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1package com.sahitest.datatable;2import cucumber.api.DataTable;3import;4import;5import;6import java.util.List;7public class DataTableStepDef {8@Given("^user is on login page$")9public void user_is_on_login_page() throws Throwable {10System.out.println("user is on login page");11}12@When("^user enters username and password$")13public void user_enters_username_and_password(DataTable table) throws Throwable {14List<List<String>> data = table.raw();15System.out.println(data.get(0).get(0) + " " + data.get(0).get(1));16System.out.println(data.get(1).get(0) + " " + data.get(1).get(1));17}18@Then("^user should be able to login$")19public void user_should_be_able_to_login() throws Throwable {20System.out.println("user should be able to login");21}22}23package com.sahitest.datatable;24import cucumber.api.DataTable;25import;26import;27import;28import java.util.List;29import java.util.Map;30public class DataTableStepDef {31@Given("^user is on login page$")32public void user_is_on_login_page() throws Throwable {33System.out.println("user is on login page");34}35@When("^user enters username and password$")36public void user_enters_username_and_password(DataTable table) throws Throwable {37List<Map<String, String>> data = table.asMaps(String.class, String.class);38System.out.println(data.get(0).get("username") + " " + data.get(0).get("password"));39System.out.println(data.get(1).get("username") + " " + data.get(1).get("password"));40}41@Then("^user should be able to login$")42public void user_should_be_able_to_login() throws Throwable {43System.out.println("user should be able to login");44}45}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1package stepDefinitions;2import cucumber.api.DataTable;3import;4import;5import;6public class DataTableStepDefinition {7@Given("^user is on deal page$")8public void user_is_on_deal_page() throws Throwable {9 System.out.println("user is on deal page");10}11@When("^user fills the deal form$")12public void user_fills_the_deal_form(DataTable arg1) throws Throwable {13 System.out.println("user fills the deal form");14}15@Then("^deal is created$")16public void deal_is_created() throws Throwable {17 System.out.println("deal is created");18}19}20package stepDefinitions;21import cucumber.api.DataTable;22import;23import;24import;25public class DataTableStepDefinition {26@Given("^user is on deal page$")27public void user_is_on_deal_page() throws Throwable {28 System.out.println("user is on deal page");29}30@When("^user fills the deal form$")31public void user_fills_the_deal_form(DataTable arg1) throws Throwable {32 System.out.println("user fills the deal form");33}34@Then("^deal is created$")35public void deal_is_created() throws Throwable {36 System.out.println("deal is created");37}38}39package stepDefinitions;40import cucumber.api.DataTable;41import;42import;43import;44public class DataTableStepDefinition {45@Given("^user is on deal page$")46public void user_is_on_deal_page() throws Throwable {

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