Best JGiven code snippet using
...109 @Override110 public void addStepMethod(111 Method paramMethod,112 List<NamedArgument> arguments,113 InvocationMode mode,114 boolean hasNestedSteps115 ) {116 ExtendedStepModel stepModel = stepModelFactory.create(paramMethod, arguments, mode, introWord);117 DescriptionData description = DescriptionData.of(stepModel);118 descriptionQueue.add(description);119 if (introWord != null) {120 introWord = null;121 }122 if (!paramMethod.isAnnotationPresent(InlineWithNext.class)) {123 stepModel.setDescription(descriptionQueue.join());124 if (parentSteps.empty()) {125 getCurrentScenarioCase().addStep(stepModel);126 } else {127 parentSteps.peek()128 .addNestedStep(stepModel);129 }130 if (hasNestedSteps) {131 parentSteps.push(stepModel);132 }133 currentStep = stepModel;134 }135 }136 @Override137 public void introWordAdded(String value) {138 introWord = new Word();139 introWord.setIntroWord(true);140 introWord.setValue(value);141 }142 @Override143 public void stepCommentAdded(List<NamedArgument> arguments) {144 if (currentStep == null) {145 throw new JGivenWrongUsageException("A step comment must be added after the corresponding step, "146 + "but no step has been executed yet.");147 }148 currentStep.setComment(stepCommentFactory.create(arguments));149 }150 private ScenarioCaseModel getCurrentScenarioCase() {151 if (scenarioCaseModel == null) {152 scenarioStarted("A Scenario");153 }154 return scenarioCaseModel;155 }156 @Override157 public void stepMethodInvoked(158 Method method,159 List<NamedArgument> arguments,160 InvocationMode mode,161 boolean hasNestedSteps162 ) {163 if (method.isAnnotationPresent(IntroWord.class)) {164 introWordAdded(descriptionFactory.create(currentScenarioState.getCurrentStage(), method));165 } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(StepComment.class)) {166 stepCommentAdded(arguments);167 } else {168 addTags(method.getAnnotations());169 addTags(method.getDeclaringClass()170 .getAnnotations());171 addStepMethod(method, arguments, mode, hasNestedSteps);172 }173 }174 @Override...
1package com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.intercept;2import static;3import static;4import static;5import java.lang.reflect.Method;6import java.util.Arrays;7import java.util.List;8import java.util.Stack;9import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ThrowableUtil;10import org.slf4j.Logger;11import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;12import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.DoNotIntercept;13import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Hidden;14import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.NestedSteps;15import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Pending;16import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.ScenarioExecutor;17import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.ParameterNameUtil;18import;19import;20public class StepInterceptorImpl implements StepInterceptor {21 private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( StepInterceptorImpl.class );22 private static final int INITIAL_MAX_STEP_DEPTH = 1;23 private ScenarioExecutor scenarioExecutor;24 private StageTransitionHandler stageTransitionHandler;25 private ScenarioListener listener;26 /**27 * Contains the stack of call receivers. This is used to update28 * the state of a parent stage after a call to a child stage has returned29 */30 protected final Stack<Object> stageStack = new Stack<Object>();31 private int maxStepDepth = INITIAL_MAX_STEP_DEPTH;32 private InvocationMode defaultInvocationMode = InvocationMode.NORMAL;33 /**34 * Whether methods should be intercepted or not35 */36 private boolean interceptingEnabled;37 /**38 * Whether step methods are actually executed or just skipped39 */40 private boolean methodExecutionEnabled = true;41 /**42 * Whether all exceptions should be suppressed and not be rethrown43 */44 private boolean suppressExceptions = true;45 public StepInterceptorImpl(ScenarioExecutor scenarioExecutor, ScenarioListener listener, StageTransitionHandler stageTransitionHandler) {46 this.scenarioExecutor = scenarioExecutor;47 this.listener = listener;48 this.stageTransitionHandler = stageTransitionHandler;49 }50 public final Object intercept( final Object receiver, Method method, final Object[] parameters, Invoker invoker ) throws Throwable {51 if( !shouldInterceptMethod( method ) ) {52 return invoker.proceed();53 }54 int currentStackDepth = stageStack.size();55 Object parentStage = null;56 if( !stageStack.isEmpty() ) {57 parentStage = stageStack.peek();58 }59 stageStack.push( receiver );60 try {61 stageTransitionHandler.enterStage( parentStage, receiver );62 return doIntercept( receiver, method, parameters, invoker, currentStackDepth );63 } finally {64 stageStack.pop();65 stageTransitionHandler.leaveStage( parentStage, receiver );66 }67 }68 private Object doIntercept(Object receiver, Method method, Object[] parameters, Invoker invoker, int currentStackDepth )69 throws Throwable {70 long started = System.nanoTime();71 InvocationMode mode = getInvocationMode( receiver, method );72 boolean hasNestedSteps = method.isAnnotationPresent( NestedSteps.class );73 boolean handleMethod = shouldHandleMethod( method );74 if( handleMethod ) {75 handleMethod( receiver, method, parameters, mode, hasNestedSteps );76 }77 if( mode == SKIPPED || mode == PENDING ) {78 return returnReceiverOrNull( receiver, method );79 }80 if( hasNestedSteps ) {81 maxStepDepth++;82 }83 try {84 return invoker.proceed();85 } catch( Exception e ) {86 return handleThrowable( receiver, method, e, System.nanoTime() - started, handleMethod );87 } catch( AssertionError e ) {88 return handleThrowable( receiver, method, e, System.nanoTime() - started, handleMethod );89 } finally {90 if( hasNestedSteps ) {91 maxStepDepth--;92 }93 if( handleMethod ) {94 handleMethodFinished( System.nanoTime() - started, hasNestedSteps );95 }96 }97 }98 private boolean shouldHandleMethod( Method method ) {99 if( method.isSynthetic() && !method.isBridge() ) {100 return false;101 }102 if( method.isAnnotationPresent( Hidden.class ) ) {103 return false;104 }105 if( stageStack.size() > maxStepDepth ) {106 return false;107 }108 return true;109 }110 private boolean shouldInterceptMethod( Method method ) {111 return interceptingEnabled112 && method.getDeclaringClass() != Object.class113 && !method.isAnnotationPresent(DoNotIntercept.class);114 }115 protected Object handleThrowable( Object receiver, Method method, Throwable t, long durationInNanos, boolean handleMethod )116 throws Throwable {117 if( handleMethod ) {118 handleThrowable( t );119 return returnReceiverOrNull( receiver, method );120 }121 throw t;122 }123 protected Object returnReceiverOrNull( Object receiver, Method method ) {124 // we assume here that the implementation follows the fluent interface125 // convention and returns the receiver object. If not, we fall back to null126 // and hope for the best.127 if( !method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom( receiver.getClass() ) ) {128 if( method.getReturnType() != Void.class ) {129 log.warn( "The step method " + method.getName()130 + " of class " + method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()131 + " does not follow the fluent interface convention of returning "132 + "the receiver object. Please change the return type to the SELF type parameter." );133 }134 return null;135 }136 return receiver;137 }138 protected InvocationMode getInvocationMode( Object receiver, Method method ) {139 if( !methodExecutionEnabled ) {140 return SKIPPED;141 }142 if( method.isAnnotationPresent( Pending.class )143 || method.getDeclaringClass().isAnnotationPresent( Pending.class )144 || receiver.getClass().isAnnotationPresent( Pending.class ) ) {145 return PENDING;146 }147 return defaultInvocationMode;148 }149 public void enableMethodInterception(boolean b ) {150 interceptingEnabled = b;151 }152 public void disableMethodExecution() {153 methodExecutionEnabled = false;154 }155 public boolean enableMethodExecution( boolean b ) {156 boolean previousMethodExecution = methodExecutionEnabled;157 methodExecutionEnabled = b;158 return previousMethodExecution;159 }160 public void setSuppressExceptions(boolean b) {161 suppressExceptions = b;162 }163 public void setDefaultInvocationMode(InvocationMode defaultInvocationMode) {164 this.defaultInvocationMode = defaultInvocationMode;165 }166 private void handleMethod(Object stageInstance, Method paramMethod, Object[] arguments, InvocationMode mode,167 boolean hasNestedSteps ) throws Throwable {168 List<NamedArgument> namedArguments = ParameterNameUtil.mapArgumentsWithParameterNames( paramMethod,169 Arrays.asList( arguments ) );170 listener.stepMethodInvoked( paramMethod, namedArguments, mode, hasNestedSteps );171 }172 private void handleThrowable( Throwable t ) throws Throwable {173 if( ThrowableUtil.isAssumptionException(t) ) {174 throw t;175 }176 listener.stepMethodFailed( t );177 scenarioExecutor.failed( t );178 if (!suppressExceptions) {179 throw t;180 }...
...7import;8import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.ExtendedDescription;9import com.tngtech.jgiven.format.ObjectFormatter;10import com.tngtech.jgiven.impl.util.AnnotationUtil;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import xyz.multicatch.mockgiven.core.scenario.methods.DescriptionFactory;16import xyz.multicatch.mockgiven.core.scenario.methods.arguments.ParameterFormatterFactory;17import xyz.multicatch.mockgiven.core.scenario.state.CurrentScenarioState;18public class StepModelFactory {19 private final CurrentScenarioState currentScenarioState;20 private final ParameterFormatterFactory parameterFormatterFactory;21 private final DescriptionFactory descriptionFactory;22 public StepModelFactory(23 CurrentScenarioState currentScenarioState,24 ParameterFormatterFactory parameterFormatterFactory,25 DescriptionFactory descriptionFactory26 ) {27 this.currentScenarioState = currentScenarioState;28 this.parameterFormatterFactory = parameterFormatterFactory;29 this.descriptionFactory = descriptionFactory;30 }31 public ExtendedStepModel create(32 Method paramMethod,33 List<NamedArgument> arguments,34 InvocationMode mode,35 Word introWord36 ) {37 ExtendedStepModel stepModel = new ExtendedStepModel();38 createModelDescription(stepModel, paramMethod);39 createModelName(stepModel, paramMethod);40 createModelWords(stepModel, introWord, paramMethod.getParameters(), arguments);41 stepModel.setStatus(mode.toStepStatus());42 return stepModel;43 }44 private void createModelDescription(45 ExtendedStepModel stepModel,46 Method paramMethod47 ) {48 ExtendedDescription extendedDescriptionAnnotation = paramMethod.getAnnotation(ExtendedDescription.class);...
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import;3import;4import;5public class JgivenExample1 {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 ScenarioModel scenarioModel = new ScenarioModel();8 scenarioModel.setName("JGiven Example");9 StageModel stageModel = new StageModel();10 stageModel.setName("Given");11 StepModel stepModel = new StepModel();12 stepModel.setName("I have entered 50 into the calculator");13 stepModel.setInvocationMode(InvocationMode.EXECUTED);14 stageModel.addStep(stepModel);15 scenarioModel.addStage(stageModel);16 stageModel = new StageModel();17 stageModel.setName("When");18 stepModel = new StepModel();19 stepModel.setName("I press add");20 stepModel.setInvocationMode(InvocationMode.EXECUTED);21 stageModel.addStep(stepModel);22 scenarioModel.addStage(stageModel);23 stageModel = new StageModel();24 stageModel.setName("Then");25 stepModel = new StepModel();26 stepModel.setName("the result should be 100 on the screen");
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import$;3public class Test {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 InvocationMode invocationMode = InvocationMode$.MODULE$.INHERIT();6 System.out.println(invocationMode);7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import$;3import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Stage;4import;5public class GivenStage {6 public GivenStage some_given_method() {7 return self();8 }9 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg) {10 return self();11 }12 public GivenStage some_given_method(int arg) {13 return self();14 }15 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2) {16 return self();17 }18 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3) {19 return self();20 }21 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4) {22 return self();23 }24 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4, long arg5) {25 return self();26 }27 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4, long arg5, boolean arg6) {28 return self();29 }30 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4, long arg5, boolean arg6, char arg7) {31 return self();32 }33 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4, long arg5, boolean arg6, char arg7, byte arg8) {34 return self();35 }36 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4, long arg5, boolean arg6, char arg7, byte arg8, short arg9) {37 return self();38 }39 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2, double arg3, float arg4, long arg5, boolean arg6, char arg7, byte arg8, short arg9, Object arg10) {40 return self();41 }42 public GivenStage some_given_method(String arg1, int arg2,
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3public class InvocationModeTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 InvocationMode invocationMode = InvocationMode.STANDARD;6 System.out.println(invocationMode);7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3import;4public class InvocationMode {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 InvocationMode invocationMode = new InvocationMode();7 invocationMode.setMode("mode");8 invocationMode.setMode("mode");9 invocationMode.setMode("mode");10 invocationMode.setMode("mode");11 invocationMode.setMode("mode");12 }13}14package;15import;16import;17public class InvocationMode {18 public static void main(String[] args) {19 InvocationMode invocationMode = new InvocationMode();20 invocationMode.setMode("mode");21 invocationMode.setMode("mode");22 invocationMode.setMode("mode");23 invocationMode.setMode("mode");24 invocationMode.setMode("mode");25 }26}27package;28import;29import;30public class InvocationMode {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 InvocationMode invocationMode = new InvocationMode();33 invocationMode.setMode("mode");34 invocationMode.setMode("mode");35 invocationMode.setMode("mode");36 invocationMode.setMode("mode");37 invocationMode.setMode("mode");38 }39}40package;41import;42import;43public class InvocationMode {44 public static void main(String[] args) {45 InvocationMode invocationMode = new InvocationMode();46 invocationMode.setMode("mode");47 invocationMode.setMode("mode");48 invocationMode.setMode("mode");49 invocationMode.setMode("mode");50 invocationMode.setMode("mode");51 }52}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3public class InvocationModeTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 InvocationMode invocationMode = InvocationMode.STANDARD;6 System.out.println(invocationMode);7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class Example {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 String mode = InvocationMode.ANNOTATION.toString();5 System.out.println(mode);6 }7}8Recommended Posts: Java | Enum.values() method9Java | Enum.valueOf() method10Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf()11Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants()12Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values()num.getEnumConstants()
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import;8import java.util.ArrayList;9import java.util.Collection;10import java.util.Collectios;11import java.til.List;12import java.util.Map;13import java.util.Set;14import org.slf4j.Logger;15iport org.slf4jLoggerFactory;16public class InvocationMode {17 private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( InvocationMode.class );18 private static final Map<String, InvocationMode> nameToInvocationMode = Maps.newHashMap();19 private static final Map<Class<?>, InvocationMode> classToInvocationMode = Maps.newHashMap();20 private static final Map<String, InvocationMode> aliasToInvocationMode = Maps.newHashMap();21 private static final Map<String, InvocationMode> nameToInvocationModeWithAliases = Maps.newHashMap();22 public static final InvocationMode GIVEN = new InvocationMode( "ivn", "given", Given.class );23 public satic final InvocationMode WHN = ew InvocationMode( "when", "when", When.class );24 pblic static final InvocationMode THEN = new InvocationMode( "then", "then", Then.class );25 public static final InvocationMode AND = new InvocationMode( "and", "and", And.class );26 public static final InvocationMode BUT = new InvocationMode( "but", "but", But.class );27 public static final InvocationMode STEP = new InvocationMode( "step", "step", Step.class );28 public static final InvocationMode UNKNOWN = new InvocationMode( "unknown", "unknown", null );29 private final String name;30 private final String alias;31 private final Class<?> clazz;32 private InvocationMode( String nae, String alias, lass<?> clazz ) {33 = name;34 this.alias = alias;35 this.clazz = clazz;36 nameToInvocationMode.put( name, this );37 if( clazz != null ) {38 classToInvocationMode.put( clazz, this );39 }40 if( !alias.equals( name ) ) {41 aliasToInvocationMode.put( alias, this );42 }43 nameToInvocatiModeWithAliase.put( name, his );44 nameToInvoctioModeWithAliases.put( alias, hi );45 }46 public String getName {47 return name;48 }49Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf()50Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants()51Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values()52Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf()53Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants()54Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values()55Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf()56Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants()57Java | Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants() vs Enum.values() vs Enum.valuesOf() vs Enum.getEnumConstants()
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import;8import java.util.ArrayList;9import java.util.Collection;10import java.util.Collections;11import java.util.List;12import java.util.Map;13import java.util.Set;14import org.slf4j.Logger;15import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;16public class InvocationMode {17 private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( InvocationMode.class );18 private static final Map<String, InvocationMode> nameToInvocationMode = Maps.newHashMap();19 private static final Map<Class<?>, InvocationMode> classToInvocationMode = Maps.newHashMap();20 private static final Map<String, InvocationMode> aliasToInvocationMode = Maps.newHashMap();21 private static final Map<String, InvocationMode> nameToInvocationModeWithAliases = Maps.newHashMap();22 public static final InvocationMode GIVEN = new InvocationMode( "given", "given", Given.class );23 public static final InvocationMode WHEN = new InvocationMode( "when", "when", When.class );24 public static final InvocationMode THEN = new InvocationMode( "then", "then", Then.class );25 public static final InvocationMode AND = new InvocationMode( "and", "and", And.class );26 public static final InvocationMode BUT = new InvocationMode( "but", "but", But.class );27 public static final InvocationMode STEP = new InvocationMode( "step", "step", Step.class );28 public static final InvocationMode UNKNOWN = new InvocationMode( "unknown", "unknown", null );29 private final String name;30 private final String alias;31 private final Class<?> clazz;32 private InvocationMode( String name, String alias, Class<?> clazz ) {33 = name;34 this.alias = alias;35 this.clazz = clazz;36 nameToInvocationMode.put( name, this );37 if( clazz != null ) {38 classToInvocationMode.put( clazz, this );39 }40 if( !alias.equals( name ) ) {41 aliasToInvocationMode.put( alias, this );42 }43 nameToInvocationModeWithAliases.put( name, this );44 nameToInvocationModeWithAliases.put( alias, this );45 }46 public String getName() {47 return name;48 }
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import$;3public class InvocationModeExample{4public static void main(String args[]){5InvocationMode mode = InvocationMode$.MODULE$.create("test");6System.out.println(mode);7}8}9import;10public class InvocationModeExample{11public static void main(String args[]){12InvocationMode mode = InvocationMode.create("test");13System.out.println(mode);14}15}
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